A Rainy Day (Selected 16)
Happiness is far away
2023-12-14 08:34:19

One rainy day (1)

One day, it began to rain on the way after school. It was raining cats and dogs.

Just then, a group of children came out of the school. A boy ran out of the school with his head in his arms. His clothes were wet. A little girl with an umbrella saw it. She immediately ran to the boy and handed it to him. She said, "Where are you going, classmate? I will send you there." They shared an umbrella and went home happily!

One rainy day (2)

Another rainy day, the boy wrote to the girl as usual. "It's another rainy day, isn't it? I didn't break my promise. I did what I promised that day, but why did you stay in the hospital bed all the time? Why didn't my parents let me come to see you? I haven't seen you since I fainted on the road, and I almost forgot your appearance..." When he wrote this, he lay on his desk and sobbed, "Why don't you wake up? Why don't you wake up? Did I do something wrong?" At this time, a figure passed the window and said to the boy firmly; "No, he must wake up, because you have completed your agreement." The boy looked up, and there was no one around. However, this sense of existence has been entwined with the boy, which makes her more convinced that the voice is made by the girl. The next day, the hospital informed the boy to go to the hospital. The boy was very nervous, afraid that the girl would not be able to see the boy for the last time. However, the reality is always cruel. The girl died because she lost too much blood. Three days before his death, the boy called the nurse to the bedside and said, "I think my time is running out, and I want to call my friend, the phone number is xxxxxxxxxxxx." However, the boy did not wait until that moment... The girl found out what happened before the incident in her cry: when they went out to play that day, a large truck that was out of control came roaring over, and the girl did not respond, The boy pushed the girl out and said vaguely, "Live well!" She didn't remember anything else... The dean said that the girl was carried by a boy covered in blood that day. After that, the girl survived the rescue, while the boy died of excessive blood loss. Hearing this, the girl couldn't help but rush out of the hospital and burst into tears. The boy loomed in the sky. "Honey, why is the rain so cold today?"

One rainy day (3)

The small raindrops beat the glass desperately, time and time again, and no one retreated. Each time, its life ended. I sat on the chair, quietly watching the raindrops unwilling to be outdone, and from time to time opened the window with my hands to pick up the rain.

Huihui's mother called me again. When I learned everything, my mother had already gone downstairs to wash clothes. I went back to my room and opened the book. I didn't know what to do.

I really had nothing to do, so I started playing computer games. Every time I played the same game, I felt very bored. When I went downstairs, I went straight to the grass and learned a cat's cry. A cat ran over. I shouted "white stone" and drew him with grass. Then I played with him. It rained heavily, but the kitten ran around in the rain and came back after several runs, The room was wet. My mother asked me to go up again, and my clothes were washed. I walked up silently.

When I got upstairs, my mother said happily, "Let's play a game called hide and seek." We first played stone, scissors and cloth. I lost, so I had to hide first. My mother found, and the exciting game started. I put the bear in the quilt first, and then hid the shoes under the bed. People hid in the cabinet again. 2930, and it started. I held my breath and looked out. My mother was opening the quilt. What about people? Why not? I was cheated. At that time, I was covering my mouth and laughing secretly. I watched my mother go out. But at that moment, my mother appeared in front of me, and I was shocked. I hid so well. How could I find out? I was not reconciled, so I started again. I played many times, and everyone won. When the rain stopped, there were rainbows in the sky. I came out and looked at the sky. It was so beautiful. I picked up a coupon and ran downstairs to eat in a restaurant. It was cheaper to have a coupon.

It feels good when it rains. You can have fun and eat in restaurants.

One rainy day (4)

It's another rainy day.

The raindrop baby slipped out of the house.

And slid down the clouds.

Mother can't find them.

They giggled.

Laughing mother can't find them.

The grass hid under the flower leaves.

Eh? Why did the laughter stop.

Did mother call them home.

One rainy day (5)

Always expect rain, not why. I only like the refreshing feeling. The rain drips gently on my body, along with the slightly wet clothes, flowing into my body and heart. It's cool and refreshing. But I don't know why, at this time - this poetic time - there is always a very sad feeling. Maybe that kind of sorrow is only buried in the bottom of my heart. There is only a thin layer of paper on it. When it is poured by the rain, the paper is broken. Sorrow flows out of the body like lava. It burns in every corner. At this time, his body trembled uncontrollably. It is not because of cold, but because the heart is burned, too painful, too painful. But we must hold back. In this so-called bright world, darkness is not allowed. Of course, including the burning heart.

When the night quieted down, the wind also stopped breathing. The only thing that did not become rain was still dripping. Listen to the rain outside the window. It is a very light voice, but the heart is burned by "lava", and the pain flows all over the body, until the soul. I gently touch the wound of my heart and gently bandage it. I'm afraid the wound will open again due to carelessness. In the dark, I caress my injured heart. Who will pity me?

When the sun hangs in the sky again, a new day, a new vitality. I felt a little pain in my heart, but it was much lighter, perhaps because of the sun. Warm and comfortable. Bright, warm, no fatigue, no complaints. The tired heart slowly fell asleep, quiet and natural!

Perhaps the heart that belongs to itself wakes up again, and it is already another rainy day, a rainy day of its own, a quiet rainy day, a rainy day of release without hypocrisy!

One rainy day (6)

"It rained all night, and my love overflowed like rain." Jay Chou's Qilixiang appeared on the radio

I put down the pen in my hand, walked quietly to the bookcase, took out the book that had been precipitated with a thick layer of gray, and also precipitated our memories.

It was a novel, "Down". You and I, once agreed to finish it together. Although our writing style is somewhat different, we can also finish it.

I remember I wrote it for a while. You read it and thought it was good. I smiled and asked you if you were interested. You said try it, and we started "cooperation". At that time, we were only 14 years old, and a dream was firmly held in our hands.

However, you left later and went to the outside city. The day before you left, we were still discussing how to develop the plot of the story. When you left, I received a letter saying, "Sorry," Fall "must continue, and I will come back to see you".

Before I received the letter, I was still confused because of your delay. When I asked the teacher why, the teacher said that you had transferred to another school.

It was raining that day. I rushed to the outside of the classroom and let it rain. The feeling was very comfortable and seemed to wash away my sadness. My classmates stood in the classroom and looked at me and advised me that I ignored them and still accepted the baptism of rain.

"Sadness accompanies you" Suddenly, a lyric flashed in my mind. Yes, sadness accompanies me.

Later, you didn't send me a letter again.

That night, I opened the MP3 you left me. The song in the song list was your favorite Qili Xiang. After the song, a familiar voice came into my ears. "When you heard this song, I had already left. Don't be sad, just like the song. Farewell will not be too sad. I will come back, and don't forget our agreement.

"This song was ordered by a person with the end number of 137 on his mobile phone. He hoped that his former friend would be happy and would also like to say sorry because he didn't go back to see him." A quote from the announcer brought me back to reality from memory. "Is that you?"

"It rained all night, my love overflowed like rain." The music kept raining outside.

Hey, another rainy day has passed.

The next rainy day, will you come back to see me.

One rainy day (7)

Another rainy day, the boy wrote to the girl as usual. "It's another rainy day, isn't it? I didn't break my promise. I did what I promised that day, but why did you stay in the hospital bed all the time? Why didn't my parents let me come to see you? I haven't seen you since I fainted on the road, and I almost forgot your appearance..." When he wrote this, he lay on his desk and sobbed, "Why don't you wake up? Why don't you wake up? Did I do something wrong?" At this time, a figure passed the window and said to the boy firmly; "No, he must wake up, because you have completed your agreement." The boy looked up, and there was no one around. However, this sense of existence has been entwined with the boy, which makes him more convinced that the voice is made by the girl. The next day, the hospital informed the boy to go to the hospital. The boy was very nervous, afraid that the girl would not be able to see the boy for the last time. However, the reality is always cruel. The girl died because she lost too much blood. Three days before she died, the girl called the nurse to the bedside and said, "I think my time is running out. I want to call my friend over. The phone number is xxxxxxxxxxxx." However, the girl did not wait until that moment... The boy found out what happened before the accident in his cry: when they went out to play that day, a large truck that was out of control came roaring over, and the boy did not respond, The girl pushed the boy out and said vaguely, "Live well!" He didn't remember the others... The dean said that the girl was carried by a boy covered in blood that day. After that, the boy survived the rescue, while the girl died of excessive blood loss. Hearing this, the boy couldn't help but rush out of the hospital and burst into tears. The girl's figure loomed in the sky. "Honey, why is the rain so cold today?"

One rainy day (8)

This morning, Iwoke up with a start: my clock was alarming. Unwillingly opened my eyes, I found it was 6:30 already.Nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. What a cold day! How comfortable it would be if i could stay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the sound of rain. But, Idid have to go to work.

This morning, I was awakened: my alarm clock rang. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and found it was 6:30. But the room was gloomy because it was raining outside. What cold weather! How comfortable it would be if I could stay in bed all day and read my favorite books in the rain! But I have to go to work.

Though it was a rush hour, on the way, there were fewer people than usual. Many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down by a blast of wind. Fortunately, I was dressed in a raincoat. Several yards away, a policeman was guiding the traffic in the rain. I was filled with deep esteem for his seriousness.I kept thinking of today's plan for a short while and,then,I was in my office. A busy day is beginning ……

Although this is the rush hour, there are fewer people on the road than usual. Many people struggle to hold umbrellas because there are always bursts of wind blowing. Fortunately, I wore a raincoat. Just a few yards away, a policeman was clearing the traffic in the rain. I have full respect for his seriousness. I continued to think about today's plan, and then I went to my office. A busy day has begun

One rainy day (9)

The rain falls from the sky unconsciously. It's another rainy day!

As I walked along the path of the park, I smelled a damp smell.

Raindrops fall on my collar, ah! It's cool. At that moment, I felt that this small raindrop moistened me, the whole park and the whole earth. The drizzle is so crystal clear. Just when I felt its crystal like body, it disappeared - slipped from my palm onto the grass, I felt a little sorry.

As the raindrops fall more and more frequently, I feel that the size of the raindrops is also increasing, which also speeds up my steps home.

The sky was foggy all morning. Although rain moistens all living things in nature, it also causes people's dissatisfaction. "I was going out for a picnic with my colleagues today, but this weather has disrupted all our plans!" An aunt said angrily with a bag covering her head. "Hey! Mom, the traffic jam is so serious that I will be late for school again." The little girl complained anxiously. It seems that rainy days also bring people a lot of inconvenience!

At noon, after school, I walked out of the school with my good friends. "Ningning, Grandpa is here!" At the same time, a warm coat was put on me. It's raining harder now. It's raining on Grandpa. "Hurry up, hurry up, don't get caught in the rain, kid!" Grandfather said as he dragged me to the car. On the bus, Grandpa was almost wet. I quickly handed my clothes to grandpa: "Wipe them quickly, grandpa.".

We went home, but soon the rain stopped

One rainy day (10)

Bamboo shook his hand and said, "What are you doing?" "Why don't you pull me out?" "I'm afraid...", It was Bamboo's heartbroken voice. "You are the most cowardly person I have ever seen, and I look down on you all my life." Bamboo ran to the classroom. Guan Er opened his mouth as if to say something, and finally closed his mouth.

After running back to the classroom, bamboo saw that the table was still surrounded by women. Bamboo was patient and shouted, "Get out of here!" Those women then made their way. From the "dragon" in front of the podium to the back of the classroom, bamboo vaguely saw the table collapsed on the ground and the textbooks soaked in water. Bamboo clenched his fist, "Yo, you're going to get angry. You can't stand it for a long time." When Bamboo waved his fist to fight, he was caught by one hand in the air. It was Guan Er. "Let go of me" Bamboo shouted angrily to Guan Er. "Don't let go" Bamboo waved his fist straight to Guan Er's cheek, Guan Er covered his face with one hand, and the other hand still firmly grasped the bamboo, Bamboo was also stunned. "Ye Zhu, you are crazy. You dare to fight Guan Fei, and I will not repair you properly." Guan Er's diehard fan shouted, "Pa" a loud voice suddenly quieted the whole classroom. A bright red palm print appeared on bamboo's face. Bamboo pushed Guan Er away and ran out of the classroom. Guan Er chased him out. "Guan Fei, Guan Fei..." Behind him came a sound of detainment.

"Bamboo, where are you?" He was born shy. His shy personality forced him to shout in such a big school. The students in a building were talking in the corridor. Seeing the sky gradually rising from the sun to the sunset, Guan Er still could not find it. Finally, he had to send some teachers to look for it, The teacher came to ask Guan Er to go back to class. Guan Er refused, and the teacher didn't say anything. The whole school knew that Guan Er had finished his junior high school courses, and even his senior high school courses. Guan Er continued to search, and finally found the bamboo lying on the grass in the school. Guan Er's mouth finally had a little radian.

"You're really hard to find. I almost turned the school over." Guan Er sat down next to the bamboo, but the bamboo didn't respond. Guan Er gently leaned down and heard the bamboo's shallow breathing. "I thought you were dead. You really can sleep. You can also sleep here," thought Guan Er. After looking for an afternoon, Guan Er was also tired and fell asleep next to the bamboo.

One rainy day (11)

It was drizzling in the sky, and soon the hail also came to join us. People with umbrellas went back, but I was the only one walking around the school.

I walked alone on my way home, the cold rain and cold hail seemed to be against me, and I was wet with rain and hail. In despair, an umbrella was held in front of me. I looked back and found that it was Mr. Zhang, the Chinese teacher in our class. With a slight smile on her face, she reached out, held me, leaned her umbrella towards me, and gently asked me, "You don't have an umbrella, let me send Jing home!" I nodded, and Teacher Zhang and I went straight home.

As I walked, I didn't feel cold. The hail and raindrops didn't seem to be right with me. The sky was clear and sunny. Walking on the wet ground, I slipped and fell down. I was shocked. My soul seemed to be blown away by the wind, leaving only a body without feeling. Miss Zhang quickly ran to me and helped me up. She said with concern: "Did you hurt yourself? Does it hurt? Where does it hurt?" I waved my hand: "It's OK." She was relieved. The hand that I held tightly grasped my clothes, for fear that I might have another accident. Move the original umbrella to my side again. I saw that Mr. Zhang's clothes had been wet by the rain and stuck to his body.

In this situation, I can't help thinking of the scenes that Teacher Zhang cared about us before. During the break, she was working as a PE teacher, sweating heavily. At dinner, she took on the job of life teacher and tried her best. In the evening of self-study, she worked hard as a class teacher. How hard it is during this period!

When we got home, Mr. Zhang was thoroughly wet. Raindrops and hail are still floating in the sky. But I don't feel cold anymore. Although the weather is cold, my heart is warm.

One rainy day (12)

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Gentle rain brings gentle wind, dispels yesterday's heat, and brings peace and tranquility.

The rain has a little smell of summer, but also some fragrance of soil. With some cold wind, it flies down and falls in this city.

I like rain because I hate it.

It was the last art festival in primary school, but a sudden heavy rain came down, dousing all our happiness and excitement. The festival went on as scheduled - it rained and rained. We stood in the rain, feeling extremely depressed. After all, this was the last art festival we cooperated with. I looked up at the sky, and a basin of rain fell from the leaden sky, and I shivered in the summer! I couldn't stand it anymore. I stood on the stool and shouted, "Rain, go down, go down!"

My friend came over and stood on the stool, took my hand and shouted, "Go down! Go down! Go down!" My friend looked at me and shouted with me, "We think it's OK!" As soon as the words ended, a group of girls' voices came from behind: "Very cool!" We all laughed loudly, letting the crazy rain tear our 'good mood. "I'm going to kill you, you big idiot." I looked back and found that the person who said this was usually gentle. "Yes, do you think we will be afraid when you rain twice?" She smiled at me for the first time and joined our team.

As a result, the festival was hastily completed. We are also soaked. The rain has lightened a lot. We all stood on the playground and laughed at their embarrassed faces.

I hate the rain, because it destroyed our last cooperation; But I also love the rain, because it makes me see through: we are shy and sensitive children.

First day: not cold

One rainy day (13)

That rainy day

501 Yu Jialu

The rain outside the window kept falling, clattering, clattering, like the river in memory. The rain has wet the path in front of the door many times, but I lingered in front of the window for a long time. The angry and reproachful eyes are still deeply engraved on my heart, which will never be forgotten in my cinema!

That day, my mother took me to Zhuji Book City to buy books in the rain. After delivering them, she went back. I wandered around in front of the children's reading counter. Suddenly, my eyes stopped on a book called "Chinese Children's Cultural Classics", and I was attracted by the story in the book. I want to pay for it right away, but on second thought: Mom hasn't come back yet anyway, let's have a look for a while! So I sat in a corner and read with great interest.

When I turned to page 23, I found that there was a beautiful bookmark inside, which was a gift of the book. Bookmarks are star shaped, light green, thin and beautiful. I think it's better to put it back in the bag first, so as not to lose it accidentally. So I opened the bag and put the bookmark in. But when I looked up, I found that I thought that the middle-aged woman was staring at my bag. The look was like a knife. She had just seen me put the bookmark in my bag. The blood froze at that moment, and my breathing became uncomfortable. I looked at her in horror. A thought suddenly popped up in my heart: Did she take me for... I was shocked by the thought, "But I'm going to buy this book!" I glanced at her, and the grievances in my heart suddenly came like a tide. What did I do wrong? I immediately took the book to the cash register, paid the money and got a receipt. I walked to the door without looking back.

"Auntie, you must have wronged me just now! Do you know that your eyes hurt me deeply like a knife!" I went out of the door and plunged into the rain

One rainy day (14)

I got up early in the morning. The cold in the morning made me shiver. After washing, I took bread in my left hand and soymilk in my right hand, and rushed to the examination room. My mother came with me.

At the beginning, when I went to register, the registration office could be said to have raised my sleeves one after another. I followed my mother and refused to leave at any time for fear of being lost. And mother has become a natural meat shield, blocking the front of the overwhelming crowd.

Finally, after signing up, because only students were allowed to enter the examination room, my mother had to stand outside the door and exhort, "Come back soon after the exam, don't let my mother worry." I calmly replied, "Hmm, I know!" Then I hurried up the stairs and didn't forget to look at my mother before walking. Because I know that I am her sweetheart. The moment I leave her, my mother will raise her heart a little.

I walked into a classroom with the crowd, but I was worried that my mother didn't know where she was now, but her expression was that I was concentrating on my questions. Six years of hard work should be shown at this moment, which was what my mother said before entering the examination room. I finished my Chinese exam as if I were running smoothly.

Looking out of the window at the silky rain, and looking at the empty playground, I thought: Mom must be very worried now, and I will finish the math paper soon. After the papers were handed out, I examined them meticulously and finished them quickly.

"Deng Deng Deng......" There was a sound coming down the stairs, and I was rushing downstairs. At the bottom, I was shocked. My mother was standing there, like a statue.

She saw me and called me by my name. I didn't have time to respond, so I threw myself into my mother's arms. I felt these rough, calloused and cold hands on my back like a thick cotton blanket covering my body, which was extremely warm.

On the way home, I held my mother's hand all the time, and she smiled: "You have applied 502 glue, which has been sticking to me all the time." I replied: "You make me feel warm!" Then I drilled again to my waist.

I was warm in the light rain that rainy day.

One rainy day (15)

Today is a rainy day and it's cold with the temperature of 5℃. There are only a few people on the street and they all wear thick down coats and boots. They walk quickly and seem to go somewhere to escape from cold.

It has been cold for a very long time and this winter is colder than ever, but I like it very much because I was born in winter. Besides, in my oppion, only the coldness makes a real winter.

Today is a rainy day, and very cold, the temperature is only 5 ℃. There are few people on the street and they all wear thick down jackets and boots. They all walked quickly as if they were going somewhere to escape the cold.

This winter has been cold for a long time, and it's always cold in winter. However, I like it very much, because I was born in winter. In addition, I personally believe that only cold can make a real winter.


This morning,i woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. unwillingly opened my eyes, i found it was 6:30 already.nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. what a cold day! how comfortable it would be if i could stay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the sound of rain. but, i did have to go to work.

Though it was a rush hour, on the way, there were fewer people than usual. many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down by a blast of wind.fortunately , i was dressed in a raincoat. several yards away, a policeman was guiding the traffic in the rain. i was filled with deep esteem for his seriousness.i kept thinking of today's plan for a short while and,then,i was in my office. a busy day is beginning ……

One rainy day (16)

Thismorning,iwokeupwithastart:myclockwasalarming.unwillinglyopenedmyeyes,ifounditwas6:30already.nevertheless,theroomwasverygloomy,foritwasrainingoutside.whatacoldday!howcomfortableitwouldbeificouldstayinbedforthewholeday,readingafavouritebookinthesoundofrain.but,ididhavetogotowork.Thoughitwasarushhour,ontheway, therewerefewerpeoplethanusual.manypeoplearduouslyheldanumbrellawhichwasalwaysblowndownbyablastofwind.fortunately,iwasdressedinaraincoat.severalyardsaway,apolicemanwasguidingthetrafficintherain.iwasfilledwithdeepesteemforhisseriousness.ikeptthinkingoftoday'splanforashortwhileand,then,iwasinmyoffice.abusydayisbeginning……

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