600 word composition of the story of Me and You (19 collections)
2023-09-07 02:12:32
Junior two

The composition of my story with 600 words (1)

Someone said: "A book is a leaf that knows the future; a book is a play that makes life like a play; a book is a glass of water that gathers into a sea." I love reading, and I prefer to taste the life in books. Now I will tell you the story of my reading.

My father bought two books for me in the summer vacation. The title of the book was Dad in Pocket. I couldn't wait to pick up the book and read it with interest.

One night when I was reading the book in bed, my father suddenly appeared in front of me and said, "Look, what time is it? Still reading? Go to sleep quickly!" I looked up at the clock, and the pointer had already pointed to 12 o'clock. I knew I was wrong, stuck out my tongue, put the book beside the pillow, closed my eyes and pretended to sleep until my father's footsteps gradually went away, I got up again secretly, turned on the desk lamp and picked up the book, thinking, "Ha ha, the alarm is off, continue reading."

As soon as I got the book "Dad in my pocket", I forgot to eat and sleep. As the saying goes, reading is the only way to stop writing. Every time I read a book, I would make some comments on the book, marking out all kinds of good words and wonderful sentences in the text, so as to accumulate points for my language skills.

Another time, when I was in class, I secretly looked at the book "Dad in the Pocket" and was fascinated. I didn't hear the teacher calling my name, and I didn't hear the students calling me, so the teacher came over, I saw me reading extracurricular books and said to me: "Ziming, you can't read extracurricular books in class in the future, which will affect your learning of new knowledge in class, remember!" Because I was fascinated by reading books, which led to all people calling me, I didn't know and couldn't hear, and reading during class also affected my learning of new knowledge, It seems that reading sometimes requires time.

I like books because they can take me to another world full of joys, sorrows and sorrows. I feel endless fun from books. Books give me knowledge and strength.

The composition of my story with 600 words (2)

Gorky said: "Books are the ladder of human progress". So we should read more books.

When we were in the fourth grade, Mr. Chen gave each of us a reading record card to record our daily reading, so I read at least one hour of books every day. I won the second place in my first study as a little star. I was overjoyed. Teacher Chen awarded three of us (Wang Ruojin, me and Fan Jialin) a beautiful little book each. Although it is just a very common small book, it is of great significance to me. It was books that helped me. I didn't read books for so long because I wanted this honor, but because books "dragged" me into their world and forced me to continue reading.

On the second day after the card was issued, I took my favorite book and read it with interest. I was just seeing the most wonderful place when my father suddenly walked up and said, "It's time to eat". I said, "It's only five o'clock before dinner?" Dad said, "Look up at your watch. What time is it?". I looked at my watch and said in surprise, "It's already over six o'clock!"! I reluctantly put the book back on the table and went to eat.

After dinner, I picked up the book happily and continued to read. I always saw my father urging me to go to bed.

Books are the source of our knowledge growth. Shakespeare said: "Books are the nutrition of the world", so we should read more, read good books, and we should read>eat. If we can't do that, we must read=eat. Anyway, reading is one of the important things in life. A book is your best friend and teacher in your life, and it is also a key to open the door of wisdom. Books are your forever bosom friends!

The composition of my story with 600 words (3)

There is a famous saying: "A book is a calm and reliable friend." A good book is a friend who will never abandon himself. When you go there, it will follow you. A book is your friend, so there is a wonderful story.

Once, when I went to the bookstore to buy books and stood in front of the rows of bookshelves, I felt very small. I could not help rubbing my hands and looking at the dazzling titles - Naughty Horse Jumping, Laughing Cat Diary, Happy Planet, Green Fairy Tales, Composition Complete... Oh, what a vast world it is. Great, I found that my favorite book, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the teacher said that it was an interesting and historical book. I looked at the price and thought while walking: This is too expensive, 15 yuan, too expensive, buy or not? I went to the salesperson, took the book to her, whispered: "Auntie, this book." My hand could not help but pinch the money in my pocket... buy! Books are valuable, but the knowledge learned is priceless.

I finally bought it. I was walking on the road. Alas, I fell down, and the book fell out of my hand to pull. There was a car. I didn't even think about it, so I ran over and took the book away with one hand. It was really safe, but my clothes were all dirty. However, my book was not damaged. It didn't damage my good mood, and my heart was still happy.

When I got home, my mother saw me like this and asked me in a hurry: "How did I get this? Go back to my room and change clothes at once?" I didn't know what my mother said at all. Instead, I said, "Great, I finally got it!"

I went back to the room, changed my dirty clothes, sat on the chair, carried my precious book in my arms, and read it in a low voice like my mother holding the newborn baby.

The story of this book still remains in my heart. Ah, books are like a boat, bringing me into the vast sea of books.

The composition of my story with 600 words (4)

Book is the ladder of human progress; Book is the root of all wisdom; Book is that everyone has made friends with books, everyone has dealt with books, and everyone has stories with books. I am no exception. There are thousands of such books, but several of them are still fresh in my memory.

——I fought side by side with books and my mother

Books are my friends and have become my comrades in arms. My mother told me to go to bed and get up early every day, but I didn't listen. Because I like the colorful cover of the animal world; I like the beautiful words in the composition; I also like the thrilling plot of Sherlock Holmes' detective case. Books make me infatuated. Therefore, I often forget to sleep when I read. My mother found out and tried to prevent me from reading late. So, I and the book "fought side by side" with my mother. I opened the encyclopedia of knowledge and found learning quotes. I told my mother that Shakespeare said that books are the best nutrition for human beings. Others have said that "books are the spiritual food of human beings." And the learning process of various celebrities shows that books are helpful to human beings. Mother has nothing to say, but she still won't let me watch it.

——Where's my book?

One day, I went home in high spirits, ready to taste my spiritual feast, but I could not find it even after rummaging. On second thought, my mother must have done it. I was so angry that I was going to ask my mother for my book back, but I thought again that my mother would definitely not give it to me. What should I do? When I was in a hurry, I would wait for my mother to fall asleep and hide the books I had not read, and then sneak back after reading them.

Book is a light in the darkness; Book is a ray of sunshine in the cold; Books are the source of our strength. Entering the world of books and the sea of books, you can travel as much as you like. As one writer said, books are like a small boat that will never sink. He will take you to many wonderful harbors and to a farther and more dangerous voyage

The composition of my story with 600 words (5)

Books are the ladder of human progress. I especially like reading books. I remember that such a thing happened in the library.

On Sunday, my mother and I went to the library to read, very happy. I thought, "I can learn a lot from books this time.". As soon as I entered the library, I was attracted by all kinds of books. I said to myself, "There are so many books here that I can read enough." There are children's areas and adults' areas. I chose a book in the children's area called The Adventures of Puppets. First, I found a place to sit down, opened the book and began to read with interest. I put the book on my lap, opened it carefully with my hands, looked at it and said, "It's wonderful, it's great.". I thought to myself: this book is so well written, I will buy this book home and continue to read it. Suddenly, I found a word I didn't know, so I found a dictionary. "I found it!" My mother was shocked. I said, "It's all right. I'm just too excited." When I got home, I missed this book very much. I really wanted to be next Sunday. I began to change money. The book cost 23 yuan, but I only had 5 yuan. What should I do? Yes, I can work for my mother. When I get home, I finish my school homework first and start doing housework. I sweep the floor first. With 3 yuan and money, I mop the floor again. There are 2 yuan and 10 yuan. Here is another 10 yuan for washing dishes. What can I do? I can sell waste products. After I find them, I can get 3.5 yuan. Finally, I waited until Sunday, with money in my hands. I came to the library happily. When the book was bought, I held the book happily and went home. When I got home, I didn't do anything but read the book Pinocchio. From noon to 3pm, I finally finished reading the book.

I bought this book with my own labor, so I should take good care of it. In order to improve the book corner that time, I was very unhappy, but I still took out this book.

The composition of my story with 600 words (6)

I like reading books. I like the words in the books that move like clouds and water. I like the truth that the sky is high and the land is wide in the books. I like the simple and plain contents in the books. I prefer tears moved by the characters and plots in the books. Shakespeare once said that books are the nourishment of the world. This sentence is really right. Whenever I pick up a good book to read, I feel like a hungry wolf, greedily absorbing the knowledge in the book.

When I was in primary school, my parents always told me that learning is the most important thing during school, and extracurricular books are read after school. But I like reading very much. I use all my spare time to read. I remember one afternoon, I secretly took a copy of "Red Shoes" and pressed it under the book. I opened the book and read a few pages while my mother was not there. I was immediately attracted by the story and burst into laughter. When my mother heard the sound, she walked quickly. When I heard the footsteps, I thought: "Not good, my mother will find out.". So I quickly put the book away, fortunately, my mother didn't find it.

When I lay in bed at night, I kept thinking about the book: Where is the little mouse going with the red shoes? Can they really find another shoe? The more I think about it, the more fascinated I become. I can't wait to have a look. What will happen next? So I got up, put on a coat, crept to the living room, found the book, saw the door of Mom and Dad's room closed, picked up the book, returned to the bedroom, turned on the light, and read in whispers. When I was fascinated by reading, I just heard "bang bang". The door was opened. It was my mother. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. I turned off the light, threw the book into the bed, covered it with quilt, and lay there quietly to sleep. "If you don't sleep well, what are you whispering about there?" Mom asked, "Nothing... nothing", I pretended to be nothing. Mother looked around and found nothing suspicious, so she came to the door. As soon as my mother left, I turned on the light again, picked up the book and read it with great interest

This is my story with the book. In the future, I will take books as my companion and light up my life with reading!

The composition of my story with 600 words (7)

····················Although the story between me and my classmates happened last semester, I was very moved, so I feel very unforgettable and still remember it. There was an art class that day, and the teacher asked us to make greeting cards, so we had to bring cardboard before class. But I didn't have any card paper at home, so I only brought a few tattered cards to serve as greeting cards occasionally. But I just couldn't make a greeting card. At that time, Gao Jianqun and I were best friends. Gao Jianqun saw that I only had a little paper jam with me. He scratched his head and asked with concern, "Is this enough?" I was silent and my eyes were a little red. When she saw me like this, she rushed to the seat and took the largest yellow card paper, then "flew" back to my seat, handed the card paper to me, and said, "Is that OK?" "Thank you, I will return it to you", I said excitedly. She pretended to be unhappy. Instead of saying "OK", she asked me, "Are we the best friends?" She asked. "Yes, yes!" I replied hurriedly for fear of offending her. If you get angry, you won't give me a paper jam "If you are a friend, you don't have to pay back," she said firmly. At that time, I was very excited. I really wanted to cry because I didn't like to get help from others or even friends. I thought that there were two words in the card. Although it was easy to write these two words, it was difficult to really get them. These two words were "friendship". After this incident, I learned the "importance of friendship" between friends. Gao Jianqun taught me what true friendship is. After entering junior high school, Gao Jianqun and I have never met again. I miss the friendship with Gao Jianqun very much. Although I don't study together, I believe that my friendship with Gao Jianqun will never change. I miss the past very much, but time is gone forever. I will meet the challenges in the future with a happy mood.

The composition of my story with 600 words (8)

In life, work and study, everyone inevitably has to come into contact with the composition bar. The composition requires a complete text structure, and must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is a 600 word story composition about me and words collected by my editor. Welcome to read it. I hope you will enjoy it.

The ancients said: "There is a beauty like jade in the book, and there is a golden house in the book". As said in this sentence, the knowledge in the book is infinite. As long as we make efforts to explore and study, we will certainly find Yan Ruyu and the golden house in the book.

I have been reading since I was in the first grade of primary school. Little Copernicus has brought me into the infinite magical nature and made me feel the infinite mystery of nature; Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea leads me to the boundless ocean to explore the infinite and magical underwater world... Reading is a process of accumulating knowledge and enjoying happiness.

I remember once, my sisters and I held a knowledge quiz contest. Sister Xiaolan was the questioner, and Sister Xiaohong and I were the responders. "First question," Sister Xiaolan reported the question. We listened attentively, "What is the name of the king's family in the Qing Dynasty?" "Ai Xin Jue Luo." As soon as the question was reported, I answered. "Correct!" Sister Lan said, "Go ahead, what are the five internal organs of people?" "Heart? Liver? Spleen? Lung? Kidney." I answered successfully again. The sisters were a little surprised, especially the Xiaohong group. They stared at me. "The last question," Xiaolan reported again, "What are the eight countries that the allied forces of the eight countries attacked China?" "Britain? Russia..." Xiaohong stuttered. I found the right moment and said: "Britain, Russia, Japan, France, Germany, the United States, Italy, Australia." "Congratulations, you won the championship." Xiaolan applauded me, But Little Red Sister's mouth became an "O" shape. I ran to her and patted her on the shoulder. She said like a grown-up, "Alas, I read less!" Little Red Sister said to me, "What's the big deal? I will read more books from tomorrow, which is definitely more than your knowledge. If we compare again next time, I won't believe I can't win you."

Reading can improve our writing ability, help to improve our moral cultivation, and can also get a lot of truth, so we should cherish and make use of good time to make reading a beautiful melody of life. Read more famous books, take notes frequently, observe colorful life, enrich rich experiences, and have endless fun in language.

The composition of my story with 600 words (9)

Whether you are in school or in society, you must have been exposed to composition. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a 600 word composition of the story between me and Spider, compiled by Xiao Bian for your reference only. Welcome to read it.

The wind was blowing slightly, and the morning in the countryside was somewhat cool. I couldn't help shivering when I just went out. I felt very excited and sleepy.

At this time, a spider came into my eyes. It was lying motionless in the middle of its refined dewy web, as if waiting for something. I crept closer to find out.

This is a gray spider, the size of gum, and the hair on its mouth is shaking up and down.

Encouraged by curiosity, I decided to tease the spider, so I caught an ant and put it on the web. The spider seemed to sense a little vibration. The textile expert flicked the spider web to determine the size and location of the prey, and then jumped at the little ant like a hungry wolf. The little ant was no match for him. In a flash, he injected venom into the ant's body and ate the little ant.

I was shocked by the speed of this spider. Stunned, is the spider too hungry? Or is it that fast? With doubt, I put more flies and ants online. Every time, spiders' speed of hunting is so fast that they never procrastinate and make quick decisions.

When I was entranced, the adults called me to eat, but I didn't want to stop observing, so I hurried to have some porridge and ran out immediately.

At this time, the spider has rubbed the empty skin of a fly into a ball the size of a soya bean, and put it aside, but it is comfortable lying in the center of the web. I put some food on it, and the spider still rushed at it in a flash. This time, instead of eating it, it pulled out one long, sticky spider silk after another, winding the food round and round, It didn't stop until the little flies were still.

I told my mother about the discovery, and she joined the observation team. While observing, she said that spiders are really smart, brave and hardworking.

Through this observation, I have a better understanding of the habits of spiders: it seems that ordinary spider silk is so magical, but there are signal silk, as well as prey storage silk, and so on; Understand why spiders always stay in the middle of the web; And the hunting speed that makes me dumbfounded; The ability of spiders has exceeded my expectations, and it is also an eye opener.

There are many mysterious and mysterious things in nature. Let's explore them together.

The composition of my story with 600 words (10)

Entering the gate of the school, there was a distant sound of reading. The breeze was blowing. The sun had just risen, and the face was red, smiling and shining in a given corner of the campus. The flowers are smiling, the birds are singing, the butterflies are flying, and the bees are gathering honey again, as if to welcome the arrival of a new day.

Looking around, rows of trees are as neat as rows of soldiers. Teaching buildings appear in front of us; In front of the teaching building, rows of tall and straight false areca trees appeared.

In this campus, we are laughing and laughing, working on the bench, listening to the students broadcast the philosophy of life to us. The learning method also makes us understand that there are many things in life that need to help others, and we should also know how to be grateful, repay and pay. As the saying goes, "If you don't pay, you won't get back." And we should cherish time now, there are many more.

In a corner of the campus, you can smell a harmonious atmosphere wherever you go. The fragrance of flowers, fresh air. You can see wonderful ball games and neat teams on the playground. On the stage, we can see that the students are showing their advantages, giving full play to their talents and bravely challenging. On the stage, we saw their wonderful performances. We applauded him and shared their joy of success. There is a belief behind success. As long as you believe, you will become the best. Do you know why I am so sure? Because faith is the cornerstone of success.

In the south of the campus, I saw a red sun slowly falling, the sky suddenly became red, and the moon was curved, like a sickle. There are many stars in the sky, and a star river appears in the sky, which seems to be the river where the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet.

Look! This is my campus. How about it? How lovely, beautiful and harmonious my campus is. I hope you will come to visit us sometime.

The composition of my story with 600 words (11)

My school is called No. 2 Experimental Primary School. It is located next to the Yangjiaping Pedestrian Street, across the street from the pedestrian street. Our primary school is small and compact, but it is a place where more than 20__ teachers and students work and study.

As soon as I entered the school gate, the first thing I saw was the playground. The outer circle of the playground is a circle of red runways, and the red ones are surrounded by green grass blankets. A football field and a basketball court have been built on the grass blankets. The matching colors of red and green make the playground look pleasing to the eyes. It is the place where we run in PE classes. On the left side of the playground, there are several table tennis tables the size of a dining table. Beside them are several square flower pots of more than one meter, which are planted with tall and straight green trees. Under the small trees, there are a circle of flowers surrounded by bright and beautiful flowers.

From the gate to the playground, you can see three teaching buildings of our school. The teaching buildings have just been renovated. The colorful exterior walls add a lot of joy and joy to the original. The three teaching buildings are arranged in order, close to the playground. From left to right, there are Building 1, Building 2 and Building 3. Building 1 is closest to the back door, Building 1 Building 2 is our classroom building and teachers' office for all grades, and Building 3 is our place for art and music classes.

Of course, we also have an inner playground and a small playground. The small playground is a happy place for us to play between classes. The inner playground is a special place for first-year children to do exercises!

This is our school. If I had to give our school some more advice, I would like to hope that our school will be bigger, so that our school will have more space for play and more flowers and trees can be planted, because I think there are still too few flowers and trees in our school.

The composition of my story with 600 words (12)

It was another warm spring day, and it was at o'clock in the morning. The teacher asked me to pick up things from the office. Since the classroom is a long way from the office, the things I picked up are not immediately needed, so I slowed down and enjoyed the good scenery of the school alone.

When I went downstairs, the first thing I passed was the cobblestone path. Enjoying a similar feeling of "massage", the first thing I saw was a camellia bush. It was a thick purple red color, which made people unable to shift their eyes. When they approached, a few faint scents were diffused, and the petals were soft and weak, making people pitiful. The wind suddenly rose, rolled up the petals, fell on the path, picked up a piece, and continued to speed up the pace on the flowery path.

After walking down the cobblestone path, you can see a tall ginkgo tree. Its trunk is very strong after many vicissitudes of life. It needs two people to hold it. Looking up, the trees are green and the leaves are like fan tails, swaying in the wind. I know that it has been here since the establishment of the school. It has been "walking" all the way to the present, and the reverence in my heart arises spontaneously, but I think of it several months later: the autumn wind is long, the ginkgo leaves are flying, and the branches are ripe fruits

Before I knew it, I had reached the downstairs of the office. There were a lot of wild flowers growing downstairs, and they were blooming all the way. Red like fire, white like snow, pink like rosy clouds, blue and purple flowers do not show weakness, stand tall and sway their own posture. The early butterflies and bees are also buzzing around the flowers.

It was getting late, so I climbed upstairs in a hurry, took my things, turned around and went downstairs, headed for the classroom, and saw these scenes again. In fact, no matter whether others appreciate them or not, they just open silently for their dreams and the value of life. This kind of tenacity is exactly what I should learn. I should also do something for my dream of entering a higher school

Thinking of this, I quickly ran to the classroom and knocked at the door.

The composition of my story with 600 words (13)

It was getting dark when I came out from home, so I pedaled my bicycle very fast.

Every time I come out of my home, I always feel that I am far away from home. Not want to leave home, but do not want to leave home, so every time you leave even a short distance, you feel it is thousands of miles away. But when you go home, you have the opposite feeling: no matter how hard you ride, you still can't see the familiar door, not that you don't want to go home, but that you want to go home too much.

On the way, it was getting darker and darker, and we had to shuttle on the main road running through the north and south of the town every day. Sometimes the street lights on both sides of the road were only lit in a row. When it was very quiet, we felt that the city was like a sleeping baby. We drove quietly across the road, not knowing whether we were afraid of waking her, or whether we had already been used to sleeping with her, or whether we were silent.

At this moment, the street lights are flashing happily, confusing my eyes. This gray city is operating like this.

When we arrived at school, the bell just rang after class. The bell changed from the boring "jingling bell" to a short tune. The sound is very crisp and the tone is very lively. Do we want to wake up our sleeping cells and tell them that there is still a dream ahead, and we have to chase it. Should we wake up?

Looking up at the sky, it is dark and there is no star.

Pushing the cart to the shed, I suddenly felt a burst of pain. Tears rolled in my eyes, but I never fell down. I am a senior three child.

When the shed arrived, there was no one, not a trace of light, but also a quiet fear. "Bang!" The sound of locking the car shook all around, and my heart was full of sadness.

Pick up the bag and walk to the classroom. At the corner, a person has been looking at me. Who? I don't know. I can't see clearly. Did she see the tears on my face? Do I look strange?

When I entered the classroom, there were not many people. The TV was still on and singing. I sat in my seat, took out my diary, and wrote down my confused thoughts. I felt like I was dreaming all the time!

The composition of my story with 600 words (14)

I am ten years old, and I have just entered fifth grade. However, I have already attended five schools.

When I was five years old, my family lived in Beijing, and I went to my first school: Atomic Energy Primary School. In the preschool class, I learned Chinese Pinyin, began to read books with Pinyin, and learned hundreds of ancient poems.

When I was six years old, my parents wanted to go abroad, so they sent me to my grandma's home in Chengdu. I started the first grade of primary school, so I had my second school: Yulin Primary School. Teacher Tu, the head teacher, is one of my favorite teachers. She never criticizes us and always encourages everyone. She even told her parents: "Adults will make mistakes, not to mention children!" In this relaxed environment, I learned a lot of Chinese characters and read several big fairy tales that my mother bought for me before going abroad.

When I was seven and a half years old, I finally came to Canada and returned to my parents. I entered English Primary School, which is my third primary school. At first, I didn't understand English at all, let alone speak. However, the teachers and students are very good to me. The teacher often borrows some comic books from me to read at home. There was also a little girl with blue eyes and blond hair who became good friends with me. With their help, I finally adapted to school life. In the third grade, my listening, speaking, reading and writing ability has been greatly improved. A short story that my teacher instructed me to write was also published on the English newspaper page in Montreal. This event has given me great confidence, and I also love learning English more and more. However, because my school is too small and the government wants to merge it with another school, I have to face another school.

When I was nine years old, I was in the fourth grade and went to my fourth English school. This year I was relaxed and made rapid progress. The happiest thing is that I can already read English novels, especially Harry Potter, which I can't put down three times. In this school, I have two more Indian friends, both of whom have beautiful big eyes.

This year I came to my fifth school, which is a public French school. The school often arranges us to participate in many interesting practical activities, such as picking apples, watching movies, skiing, and so on. Learning French while playing is concrete and vivid, which doesn't make people feel boring at all. Now I can understand the daily French conversation and read some simple French books.

In six years, I changed five schools. Although I learned a lot, I really hope not to leave my school and friends again.

The composition of my story with 600 words (15)

In the current school composition teaching, from the perspective of students' writing ability, students' writing ability is generally not up to the standard. Why? From the seventh grade of our school, there are eight classes, and only three classes have students who have reached the writing standard, while five classes have students whose writing ability is lower, which shows that there are problems in composition teaching in primary schools. Can junior high school students who have writing problems or who are taught according to the writing teaching model of primary school write good compositions?

Looking at the writing teaching of nine-year compulsory education, I personally believe that there are the following problems:

1、 Students do not have strong accumulation awareness and good accumulation habits. Students' learning only stays on learning, without necessary accumulation of reading and writing. In particular, the ability to use words is difficult to develop better without accumulation. Like a skillful daughter-in-law, when cooking, there is no "rice".

2、 The students did not use reference books to read effectively. It is a common phenomenon that students do not have reference books in rural primary and secondary schools. Students are vague about the words they have learned. Some of them do not understand, but are misused or habitually imitated. Once asked about the meaning of a word, many students are vague. I am not clear about the meaning of words, and I am unwilling to read reference books, such as Modern Chinese Dictionary. It is normal if it is misused, abused or cannot be used accurately and skillfully.

3、 Reading has become an idle work. In order to have a good exam, in order to get high scores, what to test, what to teach, what to learn, students never care about excellent works, do not read excellent articles. Reading is for the purpose of getting high marks. Reading has become a kind of inaction work. It can even be said that reading activities cannot be carried out correctly and students' reading ability cannot be well cultivated. The abnormal development of reading mentality is the biggest damage to students' ability.

In the current school composition teaching, from the perspective of students' writing ability, students' writing ability is generally not up to the standard. Why? From the seventh grade of our school, there are eight classes, and only three classes have students who have reached the writing standard, while five classes have students whose writing ability is lower, which shows that there are problems in composition teaching in primary schools. There are writing problems at the beginning.

The composition of my story with 600 words (16)

The bus hasn't arrived yet. I can't wait to interpret the magnificent scenery in front of me, and the happiness that comes with it has roared like a raging monster. I can't stop my joy any more. I got off the bus ahead of time, and my eyes were wide open, afraid of missing every tree and grass here. For more than 30 years since the reform and opening up, I could not have imagined such a huge change in my hometown if I had not seen it with my own eyes: the winding path in my memory is now a wide asphalt road, and the neat and uniform acacia trees on both sides of the road are luxuriant with charming fragrance, and the flower beds in the road are full of colorful flowers, which makes people relaxed and happy, like eating honey. Looking around, rows of tall buildings stand in the sky and the earth, which is so magnificent. As described in Wang Wei's poems, people swim in the paintings when they are sailing on the blue waves.

As I walked on, a bridge in front of me suddenly drew me into the deepest memory: as a child, I often played in the river with my friends, or caught fish and shrimp, or swam in the water. Now when we see it again, it has become a magnificent bridge, and the clear river water is rippling with waves, which seems to have become the best place for nearby residents to relax, drink tea and fish. Further ahead is a park, named "Taiping". I think it probably means to hope that the whole world will be peaceful, peaceful and peaceful. At dusk, I came to my alma mater, which I missed so much. It has become a key primary school in the local area. The original school buildings no longer exist. What I saw was modern teaching buildings and teaching equipment. The dark and old classroom has become a spacious and bright multi-functional classroom, and the flat plastic playground has replaced the uneven mud playground; The eight characters of studying hard and making progress day by day are hung in front of the teaching building, and the bright five-star red flag is flying high in the wind. When I walked into a classroom seat, the familiar environment suddenly appeared in front of me. It seemed that my mentor Chunchun's teaching was right beside me, and the students' faces and voices were rippling in the air, as if they were back in the classroom that once gave me wisdom and laughter.

This is my hometown. Although she has changed and become more rich and beautiful, I still love her. Wherever I go, I will say to her: I love her!

The composition of my story with 600 words (17)

A few days ago, my mother and I went shopping. My mother said that I would go shopping in the supermarket, but I would rather not go. I want to go shopping in Wenxuan Bookstore because I want to buy a book called Pinocchio. My mother obeyed me. My mother and I came to Wenxuan Bookstore. I couldn't wait to go to the bookshelf to find the Puppet Adventures I had been looking forward to for a long time. After several rounds, we finally found it. I took down the book in a hurry, went to the cashier, paid the money, and took my mother outside. My heart had flown home, hoping to see the story in this book as soon as possible. My mother said that I had to go to the supermarket area to buy some daily necessities. I reluctantly followed my mother to the supermarket and stood at the entrance of the supermarket and never wanted to go in again. My mother had no choice but to ask me to wait for her at the entrance of the supermarket. I can't wait to nod my head and open the book to read. I was deeply attracted by the stories in the book, and time passed unconsciously. My mother bought something and came to the supermarket door. I didn't even hear her calling me. My mother was angry and shouted in my ear: "Zhou Rouyue, home!" I came back to my senses.

Back home, I immediately ran to the bedroom to continue looking. Mother finished the meal, put the food on the table, went to the bedroom and asked me to eat. When she saw me reading a book, she said, "Zhou Rouyue, the book needs to be read, the food needs to be eaten, and the eyes also need to be eaten. Don't forget everything just by reading." I smiled and said, "Mother, the child will obey."

After lunch, I had a rest as my mother told me, and then I continued to read. I think: books are my best friends, they bring me endless fun, but also let me learn a lot of knowledge; It also took me to many places that I had never been to and enjoyed the picturesque scenery there.

The composition of my story with 600 words (18)

My father would take me home every night, and then go to grandma's house to see my brother. I always wonder why every time I turn on the lights in my house, I hear the sound of cars rushing by. Is it accidental?

The rich and noble bamboos in the living room are ill, and a few leaves always fall. Once, I forgot to turn on the light, so I went to pick up the fallen leaves. A dazzling light came down to me. When I gradually adapted to the light, I found that this was my father's car. My father seemed to find what I found, stepped on the accelerator and flew away, leaving me upstairs looking at the momentary tail light in amazement. The leaves in his hands were like skydivers, opening the parachute and landing leisurely. In the dark, I found that there were many stars in the sky. Little stars seemed to be naughty children running around, while big stars hid behind the clouds, watching every move of little stars for fear of danger.

Since then, when I was doing my homework at home every night, I always felt at ease. It seemed that something was accompanying me, but I didn't know what it was. At this moment, I found a small wooden boat. I tried to row my oars to the other side of the river, but the bank was too wide and the river was too fast, so I had to turn around.

My mother's birthday is on the fourth day of the New Year. It's rare for my father to go home so early. Like a weak lamb, I stammered for a long time: "It seems that my father has never been at home to have dinner with us. This is probably the first time." I was careful about my words, for fear that my words might touch my father, I think people like my father who have no EQ can't understand the true meaning hidden in my words. But the next night, he came home earlier, and just entering the door, he shouted, "Today I cook!" I ran out of the room, just in time to bump into my mother who ran out of the kitchen in a hurry. The two women were surprised to see the "stranger" who rolled up his sleeves to prepare for a big fight

The sun was in the sky, the wind was sunny, the sky seemed to have been painted by the painter's paint, the river stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and the small wooden boat was finally able to ride the wind and waves to the other side.

The composition of my story with 600 words (19)

600 words of my composition with the network: my story with the network

With the change of science and technology, computer networks are also widely popular. Every household is using computer networks, but what are the advantages or disadvantages of computer networks? This problem has aroused the reaction of some primary school students and their parents. Today, I want to talk about my own views.

In my opinion, computers do a lot of harm.

I remember at that time, my family had the first computer. I will often surf the Internet, search for information, chat with my relatives in the distance by using QQ, communicate with my relatives by using QQ mailbox, and shop online, which is convenient and fast. I also often play small games to ease my study fatigue. Will not become a "bookworm".

But now, my parents have controlled my online time. Because since I became addicted to computers, I would surf the Internet for five or six hours a day, resulting in poor eyesight. And I often play games. Many games often require players to recharge their money. And some information in the games will lead us to commit crimes and neglect our studies. Now, I would like to tell you about a memorable event between me and the Internet.

On that occasion, my parents went on a trip for two days. These two days, I sat in front of the computer and played games except for eating and sleeping. At that time, I was fascinated by games. It would be difficult for me to suddenly come out of the game. This game is an upgrade or an endless upgrade, which leads me to upgrade and want to upgrade again. In this way, I can't extricate myself in the online world. I even charged 10 yuan for this game to speed up the upgrade. After my parents found my excessive behavior, they strictly limited my online time, so that I could extricate myself from the game.

This is the story of me and the Internet. You should remember that surfing the Internet can help you, but it can also destroy you. You should pay attention to the reasonable arrangement of time, and do not let the trap of the Internet catch you!