Composition on Rites (16 in general)
Also elegant
2023-11-26 01:54:47
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Composition on Rites (1)

The Chinese nation has been a state of etiquette since ancient times. Cheng Menlixue, the gift of teachers and students; Retreat and treat others politely; Kong Rong let pears, the gift of dining... This "gift" is inherited from ancient times, and we have never lost it.

I remember my fourth grade teacher Lin, who taught us math. At that time, I was not good at mathematics, so I hated Mr. Lin. It was an ordinary math class. The boring equations kept beating in front of my eyes. My eyelids seemed to be weighted with heavy weights, which made me sleepy. Only the teacher's voice was left in the class, and the air was almost suffocating.

A sharp mobile phone bell pierced the quiet air, and my drowsiness was also thrown out of the clouds. The teacher was silent, but there was a commotion in the class. "Whose mobile phone rang. Finally, the students with sharp eyes found that the screen of the teacher's mobile phone was suffused with white light. "Hey, is it the teacher's phone?!" The discussion stopped immediately, and everyone stared at Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin glanced at his mobile phone, but he didn't mean to answer the phone at all. He just picked up the phone and asked us, "Boys and girls, can the teacher take a few minutes to answer the phone?" The whole class was stunned - no one expected the teacher would ask our opinions! There was silence, only the sound of the mobile phone bell urging the teacher to answer the phone. "Of course!" The teacher answered the phone after we got back to God and agreed

Probably afraid of taking up too much of our time, Mr. Lin only said a few words and put down the phone. However, the teacher didn't start the class immediately, but got up and said to us: "It was my negligence that the mobile phone wasn't muted. Let me say sorry to everyone first!" We were still shocked. Teacher Lin said, "If I take your time to answer the phone without your permission, I will be rude to others."

Teacher Lin teaches us by example and words, so that we can know propriety. That time, I found that Mr. Lin, whom I hated, was also rude - those who had the virtue of "courtesy" were the most beautiful people in my heart; That time, we also buried the seeds of "courtesy" in our young hearts!

Rite is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and the basic accomplishment of the Chinese people. It is a gift to send someone away and gently close the door; When guests come to visit, it is also a gift to let go of things and accompany them; Even a handshake, a greeting and a smile are all gifts! "Rites" permeate every bit of our lives. The Chinese culture for thousands of years has never lost "rites"!

Then, as a member of the Chinese nation, let's pass on the "ceremony" together!

Composition on Rites (2)

When doing nothing, I like to shuttle at every intersection, ignoring the endless jingling of bicycles and the boasting of vendors, and thinking only about my own affairs.

From a distance, I saw a man in rags in front of me. No, his clothes are full of patches, but he is well dressed. There are many people begging along the street these days, which is normal. However, it was strange that there was a bowl in front of the beggar. Gradually, he seemed to be an old man in his 60s.

The weather beaten face showed a little unyielding.

"Thank you, hawthorn, yes, promise me, the money is here." I bought a string of candied haws, leaned against the wall, and licked the sugar powder.

The sight shifted to the old man again. I saw a young man coming to the old man with a trouser pocket in his hand. Walking to the old man, he disdainfully took out one yuan from his pants pocket and threw it at his feet. I am close to the old man. In the sun, I can see the coins flashing the young people's eyelashes.

"Oh, it hurts. I bit my tongue." I whispered.

"Hey! Old man, give you money, you don't want it!" My eyes were attracted again. oh The old man didn't want the coin, but the young man was too proud. The old man said, "Young man, put the money away. I don't come to beg along the street, but just sit here in the sun." "Cut! Don't save face, are you sure it's embarrassing to pick up the money?" The young man put his hands across his chest and squinted at the old man. The old man looked at the coin under his feet and looked straight ahead. He slowly said, "I admit I'm poor, but I'm not old. I can make money by myself, and I don't need your charity!" The young man snorted and left.

"This candied fruit is really sweet!" This is not what I said, but what a little girl said next to me. However, she is right, but still a little sour.

Looking at the old man's back, I really realized what it means to be "thin and ambitious, poor and ambitious". Maybe the old man knows better than me. It can't help thinking that Tao Yuanming didn't expect five measures of rice, and Zhu Ziqing refused the American relief food, but the old man was more real and authentic.

Suddenly, I became "busy", because in this brilliant afternoon, I got the most precious gift, -. A man must have backbone.

Composition on Rites (3)

The Book of Rites wrote: "Rites are the order of heaven and earth." This can be seen in the importance of etiquette in interpersonal communication, human behavior, or the operation of heaven and earth.

Since we were born, we have been constantly influenced by the external ceremony. However, many of us will still lose the ceremony at some time when we are "angry" and "angry". At this time, we also lose our face, that is, image.

Of course, no one is perfect, no one can always suppress his "little devil", and may be unable to resist being rude at some time, but we should still try our best to be polite and polite.

Zhang Yixing, a popular singer and idol, has a nearly perfect image in front of everyone, and his politeness is even more praiseworthy. Whether on the stage, at the airport or in any ordinary place, he is always polite and never forgets to bow to the audience after the performance. Regardless of politeness, Zhang Yixing's appearance is indeed outstanding, but if he is always unreasonable to others, no matter how handsome his skin is, it may be more than gold and jade? On the contrary, it is because of his politeness that he has captured the love and support of many fans.

Confucius once said, "Courtesy to people is like the fold of wine." This sentence means that politeness to people is like the fold to wine, and the quality of the fold just determines the grade of wine. Etiquette sometimes determines a person's quality.

Admittedly, in today's society, people pay more and more attention to appearance, and some people even regard "handsome" as the first criterion of spouse selection. But it is undeniable that people with beautiful soul and good manners are sometimes more respected. Because they understand etiquette, know what to do and how to do so that they can make themselves and others comfortable, and they will also give people a sense of intimacy. Who is willing to face a person who may lose his manners every day? No matter how beautiful and handsome a person is, once he loses his manners, he will only look like a balloon that has just exploded, "totally unrecognizable" and extremely ugly.

Goethe said that a person's politeness is to reflect in his mirror. Therefore, the decisive factor of a person's appearance is not only the skin bag, but also the temperament emanating from his bones. The latter outstanding person can reflect the beautiful soul in the mirror of human nature.

Those who are disrespectful still have no face; The beauty of people is determined by the presence of ceremony. As the saying goes, phase comes from the heart and mirror turns from the heart. Let us all be polite angels, not rude walking corpses, but make up with ceremony and adorn beautiful faces.

Composition on Rites (4)

The ancients said, "You can't stand without learning etiquette.". That is to say, if you don't learn "courtesy", you can't stand in the society.

Therefore, learning etiquette can not only enhance personal quality, but also lubricate and improve interpersonal relationships. As it has been 5000 years, what is etiquette? In short, etiquette is a code of conduct for self-discipline and respect for others, a process and means of showing respect and understanding for others.

Civilized etiquette is not only the embodiment of personal quality and education, but also the embodiment of personal morality and social morality. It is the face of the city and the country.

The "nation of ceremonies" in the history of civilization, which stresses civilization and uses etiquette, is also an important way to carry forward national culture and display national spirit. Today, let's talk about the civilization of eating.

Eating is a major event in life, which is inseparable from health, nutrition, making friends, business and culture. When we eat, we appreciate different cultures, different customs and something worth learning.

The first is the difference between Chinese and foreigners. The Chinese love to be lively. After all kinds of delicious food are presented, they drink a few small cups of wine, blush and have a thick neck, making a lot of noise. Especially in the hotel, we often see diners calling on their mobile phones, holding the noisy door and pointing their fingers. To tell the truth, it seems really uncomfortable. Foreigners eat quietly, and seldom see people who shout loudly or go in and out with their mobile phones, especially those who eat in McDonald's, KFC and other fast food restaurants. I found a rule: Chinese people eat McDonald's, and after eating, there are a large stall on the table with food, meal paper and other things. Wipe your mouth and walk away. Foreigners, however, always put messy things in boxes, get up, take the trash can, clean the table and leave. Many times, this is true. A small link reflects the huge difference in national quality.

Chinese people have some bad things when they eat, of course, there are also good things. Besides, we have many customs for eating. When eating, the elders should sit in the middle. If you eat, you will be fined three cups of wine and so on. In a word, we Chinese eat very lively.

If each of us can start from the small things, start from ourselves. There is no doubt that the spirit of our 1.3 billion people will certainly be renewed. People will live in a friendly, tolerant, caring and warm social atmosphere!

Civilized etiquette emphasizes "respect first". If you want others to respect you, you must respect people first. Those bad habits are for instant gratification, but they lose their own personality and dignity. If you don't respect yourself, will others respect you?

Composition on Rites (5)

Do you all know the four rites in the eight rites and four rites? Some people will say they know, while others will say they don't. But it doesn't matter whether I know or not. Let me tell you: "Entrance ceremony, growth ceremony, youth ceremony, adult ceremony." Today, I will tell you about my growth ceremony.

If you want to know, just keep looking!

May 6, 20XX, is a day worth celebrating when I grow up.

On this day, the campus was bustling with people. When I arrived at school, I began to discuss the activities related to the initiation ceremony. At this time, the teacher walked into the classroom, and although he was silent, the joyful look on everyone's face was full of excitement. The teacher said, "Take your wish card and thanksgiving letter to queue up! Let's go to school activities first, and then go back to the classroom to celebrate."

One by one, the students like birds out of the cage, ran downstairs happily and arranged neatly in the position of Class 9.

At this time, Mr. Wang of the brigade department stepped onto the stage. All of a sudden, the crowd was boiling. First, the headmaster went up to speak, and then exchanged thanksgiving letters and growth letters with parents. Many students and parents cried when they saw the contents of the letter. Those are tears of love!

The next link is to fly the wish balloon, which is the most wonderful and my favorite link. The fifth grade brothers passed the balloons for us, and I stuck the wish card on it. With the teacher's order, I released my wish balloon and watched it slowly drift away, as if to tell my wish to the sun father-in-law, asking him to help me realize it together.

Back in the classroom, we watched wonderful programs, ate delicious cakes, and went downstairs to take group photos. Each link was so unforgettable to me and worth remembering forever.

Today is really a happy day.

Composition on Rites (6)

Our teacher's surname is Li, and we affectionately call him Lao Li. Lao Li often gives us some "gifts". At first, people thought he was just a "small favor". But as time goes by, no one is willing to accept the "gifts" he gives.

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In the classroom, students are all worried. It was six o'clock in the evening, and it was high time to finish school, but Lao Li was still in high spirits. He "clung" to the paper and analyzed each question. Look, he is holding a long and thin pointer in his left hand, waving it up and down while he is lecturing, and his eyes are constantly sweeping over the paper towards us. No one is allowed to "dream" - deserting.

It was getting dark, and my heart had already flown home, rushed to the dinner table, and jumped on the TV... The students were also like me, "dare to be angry but dare not speak", and the classroom gradually became restless. Lao Li "snapped" the paper together, straightened up, looked around, saw that no one spoke again, and began again: "Next, arrange the homework for tonight..." Lao Li is finally going to close the class! Just as everyone was happily packing up and ready to go out, he suddenly asked: "Xiao Zhang, you can sum up how many homework items are there tonight?" Xiao Zhang slowly stood up, his mouth opened, hesitated: "About three items..." "About '?" Lao Li frowned and turned, "Are the three homework items a little less? I'll give you one more item - copy the ancient poems twice, and you can use it as a gift! " Ouch, Lao Li, please don't give me any more!

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Two days ago, the discipline of our class was not very good and was criticized by the principal in charge of discipline at the meeting. Lao Li can't stand it. His eyes turn and he has a good idea——

That morning, the crisp bell for class had already rung, and the classroom was still bustling, like a pot of boiling water bubbling "Gudu, Gudu". As soon as Lao Li hurried to open the door, he was silenced by the noise. A few seconds later, he strode to the platform, his eyes burning with anger, and said: "Those who haven't calmed down just now, please come to the platform to talk." Look at me, everyone, I look at you, they are all irrelevant.

Half a minute later, no one took the initiative to admit their mistakes, which made Lao Li even more angry. He walked several steps to the back of the classroom and called several students' names, "please" them to the platform. When they stood still, Lao Li took out his mobile phone, pointed at them, "clicked", and a group photo was born. Then, Lao Li turned around and said, "Later, I will send this picture to parents to show your parents what their children are doing at school..." This is a big deal. We dare not disturb parents! Since then, the discipline of our class has never been criticized.

Hey hey, Lao Li, don't be arrogant. One day, we will let you never give gifts again!

Composition on Rites (7)

Rite is an indispensable thing for people to communicate with others in their daily life. People's quality is often based on whether they treat others politely, so it can be seen how important etiquette is to a person's success or failure. However, no one can guarantee that they are impeccable in this respect, so we have no reason to give up the pursuit of etiquette.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying of propriety in China, but at that time, the feudal ideology was still very strong, and propriety was covered with a layer of class color. In ancient times, etiquette emphasized the difference of status, such as social status, age, gender, and different status determined different etiquette standards, which is not advisable. In modern society, people are all equal, regardless of high or low. Therefore, etiquette has a unified standard.

Etiquette requires us to think more about others, especially the weak. For example, give up your seat with the elderly on the bus, take care of your elderly parents, and so on. This kind of etiquette helps to build a harmonious and stable society, which is of great benefit to both oneself and others. Another kind of etiquette is a rule that should be observed when interacting with people at ordinary times. At this time, etiquette can help us improve our image, leave a good impression on others, and naturally have great benefits for our future work and life.

However, etiquette is not affectation, either opening and shutting up all day or a lot of polite words. The words are very beautiful, but people may feel sick and nauseated after listening to them. For example, there is no need to pay attention to your relatives and friends. For etiquette, natural things are the best. Courtesy should be a habit, just like breathing. Courtesy is reflected in a person's long-term behavior. It is not that people will think you are a polite person after one or two hours of playing.

In addition, the way to treat different people is different. It is appropriate to treat strangers with one "you" to show respect, but it is somewhat unnatural to treat your family with "you" all day long. It is the real etiquette to treat different people in a proper way.

From this point of view, etiquette is not an easy thing, but it is an extremely important thing.

Composition on Rites (8)

Sitting at the window, looking at the falling leaves outside, I can't help thinking of that picture.

It's also early winter in the picture. On the street of Paris, an old beggar reached out his trembling hand to touch the puppy in his arms and gave the puppy his only sleeping bag.

You know, a sleeping bag is hard won for a beggar, not to mention when winter is coming, so it is more precious. People came and went on the road, but they did not give sympathetic eyes, and no one was willing to lend a helping hand. People turned a blind eye to them.

Only he and his dog depend on each other. In the eyes of the dog, even if he wanders on the street, he is not alone as long as he is with the owner. He is his only dependence. The old man held the dog in his arms and looked at it tenderly. Now the dog is his most real partner.

When a gust of wind blew, the leaves floated and fell on the old man's shoulder, as if they wanted to stay on the old man. The old man held the dog tightly, and tears poured out. The dog gently licked the owner's frozen cheek, as if trying to comfort him. At this moment, their companionship with each other is the most important thing for them.

How sad and touching this picture is!

Looking at the photos, I couldn't help thinking. What else can we think of besides worrying about the old man and his dog?

Now many old people live alone after losing their spouses. Even if they have many children, they are busy with their own livelihood, making money, entertaining, and going out, often neglecting the elderly at home.

In fact, the elderly care about nothing more than money. What they want most is nothing more than companionship, which is the happiness of their children and grandchildren.

I remember a song called "Go home and have a look". Yes, I really hope that people in life can find time to go home and have a look, even if they just talk with the old people, and use their company as a gift to resupply those eager old people.

Composition on Rites (9)

The night was the day of the "Ten Year Old Growth Ceremony" held by the school. Tonight, all the students in Grade 4 will break through the barrier together with the students in other classes and sleep in tents (one tent for the same sex).

Lying in the tent in the open air, I opened my eyes with my classmates in other classes and didn't dare to sleep. Mosquitoes fly near the extinguished lamp, making a buzzing sound like chanting sutras.

In order to kill the boring sleepless time, I held hands with her, whispered some "hidden" words in each other's ears, and carefully lowered our voice for fear that the "neighbors" would hear. After a break, we were about to continue our "chattering" when a "male neighbor" came up and shouted impatiently, "Can you stop making noise? I am" dead "by the side!" The two of us looked at each other and smiled. Zheng Tian, a classmate, casually asked, "Did you hear all of them?" "Yes, I heard them clearly!" Upon hearing the reply, the two girls were ashen and petrified. Ernv was extremely worried, worried, afraid that the big mouth would spread the conversation between us, then we would be "ruined".

This, together with the noise and bites from mosquitoes, made it more difficult for us to sleep. Through the gauze on the top of the tent, the beautiful starry sky came into view. Twinkling stars scattered in the dark night sky, and the outline of the sun in the sky was indistinct. This picture of the night made people intoxicated and sleepy.

I don't know when I finally fell asleep. Recalling the moonlight that night, it was also very soft.

Composition on Rites (10)

Today, the teacher said to us that the school will give us a ten year old gift on Friday. We don't know what the ten year old gift is for. The teacher said that the ten year old gift is to celebrate a big birthday for the fourth grade students. We suddenly became happy. Someone asked, does the teacher have a cake? Some teachers said that we were happier. I thought there would be cakes, fun and food on Friday

When the bell rang, everyone began to discuss what to do on Friday. The teacher said that everyone should not think about eating, but also perform. What would everyone want to perform after class? Tell me about the next class. Today is only Monday, and it will be four days before I turn ten. I really want to change the time to Friday to watch the performance, eat delicious food, and cake. The day before the ten year old ceremony was Thursday. The math teacher said that the exam would be tomorrow. My god, if there were many questions that I could not answer in the first exam, I would not be happy in the afternoon. Terrible things still happened. I was not sure about some questions. I was not happy at all in the afternoon. But everything changed when I saw the video made by the teacher and the parents' wishes, There are also many parents who wish us good health and progress in our study. I am very moved, but in the end. It was even more fun. The performance was also very wonderful. There were football players, piano players, and all kinds of fun people. The headmaster also came to give us blessings. Finally, everyone blew candles, ate cakes and snacks together. This day was the happiest day!

Composition on Rites (11)

Today, we are 10 years old. We are no longer weak children, but small adults at home. Today, the school held a growth ceremony for all our fourth grade students.

First of all, we walked through the growth door in a neat line, put our wish cards in the wish box, and sat in our own positions, waiting for the coming of the growth gift.

At the beginning of the ceremony, respected President Zhang sent a message to all our students. Parents and student representatives also sent sincere wishes. Then enjoy the performance of each class.

Our class program is "Mother in Candlelight". Wang Ning was still playing with the children in the kindergarten. She pestered her mother and played with her mother in the kindergarten. Then, Zhang Shujian acted as a primary school student, telling how he cared about and took care of his mother. Then, Wang Xuancheng performed a moving scene of a college student who came back from studying abroad and wanted his son's eager mother to pick him up in the snow. Finally, we held candles in our class and formed a love circle, surrounding the mother and son in the middle, At this time, the music of "Mother in Candlelight" sounded.

At the end of the performance, the teacher took all our students to swear, served cakes, made wishes and blew candles.

At this moment, I have grown up. I can't be afraid anymore. I must be brave.

Composition on Rites (12)

My father told me to be courteous when I was young. I have never understood what "comity" means and what to do to be "comity". Only yesterday did I realize that comity is a virtue that can make people feel warm in the cold.

Yesterday, I got on the bus to San Hongqi as usual. I sat in the last row to observe everyone's behavior; Second, you can get off quickly.

This bus has a row of seats for pregnant women, the elderly and the disabled, but many people are occupied for convenience. Even if there are elderly people getting on the bus, they will not see it.

However, among these people, the behavior of an uncle in his thirties attracted my attention. He is wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. He should be an employee of a company.

As we approached the "Beautiful Coastal Garden", a wrinkled old man got on the bus with a basket of vegetables, but there was no room for him.

I thought no one would give up his seat on his own initiative, but when everyone was blind, an uncle stood up, put his briefcase on the seat, and then walked to the grandpa, holding the grandpa to the seat, while saying, "grandpa, please sit in my seat!" However, when he came to the seat with the briefcase, The old man refused to sit down. He said, "Young people work hard. You can sit down and I can stand up." "The old man's legs are inconvenient. You'd better sit down and I can stand up." The uncle made a gesture of "please" as he said. But grandpa refused to sit down.

After a while, under the enthusiastic persuasion of his uncle, the old man put down the basket and boasted: "Now the young people are really sensible..." This sentence made me, as well as those who occupy positions, blush.

Although it was just a slight act, the image of the uncle rose in my heart. He made me understand that comity can not only bring convenience to inconvenient people, but also bring happiness to people around.

Courtesy is indeed a virtue that can make people feel warm in the cold!

Composition on Rites (13)

In ancient times, children who had just entered private schools had to participate in the "opening ceremony" ceremony. That is to say, on the first day of school, children get up early and come to the school. The enlightenment teacher will teach the most basic and simple principles of life, and teach some basic skills of reading and writing. Then they can formally enter the school after visiting the statue of Confucius. This ceremony is commonly known as "Breaking the Mongolia". In ancient times, the "opening ceremony" was a very grand ceremony, which was of great significance to every scholar, so it was called one of the four major ceremonies of life. This summer vacation, I was lucky to come to Hengdian Film and Television City to participate in a summer camp. Here, I also experienced a grand "opening ceremony".

The first step is to get dressed. "Dress" not only means to cover up shame, but also reflects people's mental outlook. This is the learning of childhood, which begins with dress; First dress, then reason. The second step is to enlighten people with cinnabar. The enlightenment teacher used cinnabar to put a red mole on the middle point of the child's forehead, which is also called "Open the Sky Eye". The third step is to visit the statue of Confucius. After the mole counting, he stood in front of the bronze statue of Confucius and bowed three times. The fourth and final step is to paint red with enlightenment. Under the guidance of the enlightenment teacher, each student learns to write the character "human" in calligraphy. When the character "human" is left and right, the two strokes of painting support each other. The lack of any one is no good. People need to support each other like the character "human".

This "opening ceremony" is of great significance to me. It has not only made me understand the breadth and depth of Chinese traditional culture, but also made me understand the significance of learning and being a person, and strengthened my confidence in future study: I must study hard and learn to be a person, so that I can become a useful person of the country in the future!

Composition on Rites (14)

Time, like a taxi, divides our life journey into several sections - primary school, middle school, university... and I have already finished my journey, and I want to start a new starting point again.

What a dreamy and sacred word middle school is! It is a fountain of knowledge. Some people work hard and some people are lazy, so the knowledge they acquire is naturally different. We took off our childish clothes and entered this unpredictable fountain of knowledge with curiosity, excitement and carelessness. Here we can run heartily and get knowledge from it.

At school, we will soon attend the long-awaited ceremony of entering the Pan. Having participated in the ceremony of entering the Pan, it proves that we have been in No. 77 Middle School for three years in junior high school! This is a ceremony, a sacred ceremony, and a respectable ceremony.

All the media have arrived, the stage has been set up, parents have sat down, and the ceremony of entering Pan is about to begin, which represents an important period for us to enter middle school students, and also represents that we will become middle school students and declare the world! Why did the school take so much trouble to hold the ceremony of entering the Pan for us? So that we can study harder, don't give up halfway, and do something with perseverance. study hard and make progress every day. When I watched the martial arts performance, I saw that the seniors worked hard from their hearts, and even though they were sweating, they still did their best to finish the performance. What is this called? This is serious. This is called dedication. They are not careless. They take everything seriously and will be recognized and respected by everyone.

At the end of the ceremony, each class took turns to take photos on the stage. I was in the first row and I was very happy because I am a middle school student from today on!

Composition on Rites (15)

Ah! A year has passed unconsciously! Everyone has grown up one year, and Yin Hu has come to 2010! Look, is this the present that Yinhu gave us - frost! That would be great!

In the morning, when everyone woke up, they saw a thin layer of frost. Some frost hid on the roof, which seemed to be covered with a thin layer of jade chips, like a white velvet blanket.

Once entering the campus, the green pines in the campus are also frozen with thick white frost; The branches of the deciduous trees are covered with white frost, just like a tree carved with white jade; I seem to be in a fairy tale world.

The ordinary campus, after being dressed like frost, seems to be made of silver, so bright and brilliant; After class, everyone seemed to be stuck in a hornet's nest and rushed out. Some people took the frozen white frost on the leaves and put it on the palm of their hands. It was cold. Some leaves looked like a drop of water stopped in front of the leaves. Some people took the frozen white frost to see the world, a white world.

The frost on the branches is thicker and thicker, like an ice stick, which makes the campus gorgeous and colorful. Sometimes, the frost on the branches drips from time to time! The little drops of water, like a bright pearl, scattered on the frosted ground, splashed a lot of water.

After school at noon, even large areas of yellow lawn were covered with a thin layer of "jade chips", and the silent grass was also dressed in dazzling colors. A layer of bright "jade chips" were shining with silver light, and people had to pay attention to the eye-catching "jade chips".

I don't know whether the sun will come out to see the harmonious and natural scenery; Oh, my God!

Composition on Rites (16)

Now, all over the country are carrying out the activity of "Civilized Etiquette Accompanies Me". It can improve the quality of the whole people, and everyone should do it well. Because it not only represents personal politeness, but also represents the style and features of a city, even a country.

In my opinion, students nowadays forget about civilized manners and always indulge in video games. In the game, they play the role of unkind killers and speak uncivilized language. These make them ignore the civilized etiquette in their life. Some students like playing basketball. They watch NBA stars play rudely and become rude themselves. They learn from stars to do indecent actions. Today's students like to imitate some dirty words they are curious about, such as "I push your lungs". This sentence has been widely spread in schools for a short time. What's more, they like to insult people they don't like. For example, in the CBA finals, Guangdong played August 1, and Guangdong children naturally supported the Guangdong team, which was natural. But they will not be civilized spectators. Instead of supporting the Guangdong team, they make up jingles to insult the Bayi team, such as: "Bayi Bayi, Brazil's black dress." Speaking of this, you may not know the meaning of the word "black dress". It refers to the beggar, which is obviously insulting.

To fundamentally cure this "disease", we should mobilize their interest in learning, not let them think about those games, but learn to carry out some useful activities.