92 Selected sentences of technical importance
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2023-02-02 09:26:18
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1. Science itself has great beauty. A scientist engaged in research is not only a technician, but also a child. In the natural scenery, he seems to be fascinated by fairy tales-- Madame Curie

2. The human spirit must be above technology.

3. Repeated inference and endless correction can make unquestionable progress in science.

4. Technology makes a huge population possible; Today, the huge population makes technology indispensable.

5. Any embryonic form of science has its dual image: ugly people in the embryo and beautiful people in the bud. (Hugo)

6. Science has no fewer enemies than friends - (Turkey)

7. Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those lucky enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first serve mankind with their knowledge----- Marx

8. Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.

9. Conduct is a very complex result, not only the result of consciousness, but also the result of knowledge, strength, habits, skills, adaptation, health and the most important social experience-- Makarenko

10. Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries----- Pavlov

11. The Three Gorges Water Conservancy Project has adopted the most advanced technology in the world.

12. If learning is only about imitation, then we will have neither science nor technology-- Gorky

13. The history of science, in a sense, is the history of illusion and failure, the history of great fools working with clumsiness and inefficiency. (Temple male Yin Yan)

14. The science and technology system itself is a modern social organization, which must be driven by a modern spiritual principle. Only by increasing the investment of funds and personnel, it cannot obtain the expected scientific and technological output-- He Jiadong

15. The progress of science is very slow, and it takes crawling to get from one point to another- (Tennyson)

16. Without skilled personnel, technology is dead. With skilled personnel, technology can and will be able to create miracles. (xxx)

17. What we call highly skilled, capable, skilled, skilled, taciturn, practical and hardworking-- This is the most attractive thing for children-- Makarenko

18. Climbing the scientific peak is like climbing Mount Everest. To overcome numerous difficulties and obstacles, cowards and sluggards cannot enjoy the joy and happiness of victory----- Chen Jingrun

19. Science will not abandon people who love it sincerely (Dimilia Schiff)

20. If good judgment cannot control science, then science is crazy

21. With science and technology, productivity cannot be improved.

22. The development of high-tech is indeed a double-edged sword-- Sun Mingzhe

23. Science is for those who are diligent and eager to learn, and poetry is for those who are knowledgeable.

24. Science is unworthy of being a science except for its own nationality, which cannot or will not affect it.

25. The whole development of human beings depends on the development of science. The development of human beings will be hindered by anyone except the development of science.

26. Science and technology are the primary productive forces

27. The more high-tech we have around us, the more we need people's emotions-- Nisbitt

28. I would like to use my life as a ministry to engage in scientific research and give tribute to the motherland and people who gave birth to me and cultivated me----- Pavlov

29. Short vision limits us and makes us distrust the laws of gravity, chemistry, plants and other sciences.

30. The history of science, in a sense, is the history of illusion and failure, the history of great fools working with clumsiness and inefficiency.

31. People who can form habits freely can do more things in their life. Habits are technical, so they can be formed freely-- (Japan) Sanmuqing

32. The term technology describes what has not worked.

33. Labor productivity is developing with the continuous progress of science and technology - (Marx)

34. The greatest progress of science is brought about by a new and bold imagination.

35. China's space technology has reached the world's advanced level.

36. Human wisdom holds three keys, one to open numbers, one to open letters, and one to open notes. Knowledge, thought and fantasy are among them--- Hugo

37. This terrible fact has become particularly obvious: technology has transcended humanity.

38. Science can never get something without work. There is no other way to get it except through sweat. Enthusiasm and fantasy can not substitute for labor, and there is no "easy science" in the world.

39. The whole development of human beings depends on the development of science. The development of human beings will be hindered by the development of science. (Faucht)

40. Science and art belong to the whole world. In front of them, national barriers have disappeared.

41. It takes longer to form habits than to learn skills-- Patricia Springer

42. Science and technology are the primary productive forces-- xxx

43. The progress of science is very slow, and it takes crawling to get from one point to another.

44. Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking and rethinking. This is the way I became a scientist--- Einstein

45. It is often the case that those who open up new roads for science and technology are not famous figures in the scientific community, but unknown figures, ordinary figures, practitioners and work innovators in the scientific community-- (Soviet Union) xxx

46. Those who just watch others' faces and act and bind themselves cannot make rapid progress, especially in the era of rapid changes in science and technology, and will fall behind-- (Japan) Tsuichiro Honda

47. Science needs imagination, and innovation is the key to invention----- Edison

48. Science does not ask about the present and the past, but is an observation of all possible things. Although prediction is gradual, it is a recognition of what is about to happen.

49. Science and technology are the primary productive forces.

50. Putting forward a problem is often more important than solving a problem, because solving a problem may be just a mathematical or experimental skill. Putting forward new problems, new possibilities, and looking at old problems from a new perspective requires creative imagination, and marks the real progress of science-- Einstein

51. Science and technology are productive forces and the primary productive force----- Deng Ping

52. Labor productivity is developing with the continuous progress of science and technology.

53. Historically, the means of production were combined with certain science and technology; Similarly, the labor force in history is also the labor force that has mastered certain scientific and technological knowledge.

54. If, as you assert, technology depends to a large extent on the state of science, then the state of science depends to a greater extent on the state and needs of technology. ()

55. One of the myths of our time is that technology is communication.

56. If a person does not constantly update his knowledge and skills, he is doomed to fall behind, and do not think that this rule only applies to scholars or senior technicians-- Langeland

57. In our age, the development of students is of great significance to their future activities! No matter how well the syllabus is compiled, young men and women will inevitably encounter scientific discoveries and new technologies that they do not understand after graduation from middle school. They must understand and master unfamiliar things independently and quickly. Only people with certain quality and high level of development can better cope with this situation-- Zankov

58. Although science has no national boundaries, scholars have their own countries----- Pasteur

59. Today, science and technology have become a comprehensive, large-scale and collective undertaking-- Wang Fangding

60. New research shows that intelligence includes a large number of skills that enable ordinary people to show their talents-- John Douglas

61. Art challenges technology and technology inspires art.

62. Even the Japanese now have to go beyond the stage of imitating, importing and adopting other people's technology and learn to make real technological innovation by themselves-- Drucker

63. Science does not ask about the present and the past, but is an observation of all possible things. Although prediction is gradual, it is a recognition of what is about to happen. Leonardo da Vinci)

64. Skill is better than strength-- Todd Fuller

65. Science is the best way to make human spirit brave.

66. In the process of modernization, we should be good at absorbing the advanced technology and management experience of developed countries.

67. For children, physical labor is not only to acquire certain skills and techniques, but also to carry out moral education, and it is also a vast and amazing rich world of ideas. The world stimulates children's moral intelligence and aesthetic emotions. Without these emotions, it is impossible to know the world (including learning)-- Sukhomlinski

68. Science is unworthy of being a science except for its own nationality, which cannot or will not affect it- Planck

69. What knowledge is most valuable? The consistent answer is science ----- Spencer

70. Science and technology are the driving force behind the development of the times-- Jiangping

71. People can contact and learn many forms of intellectual and physical knowledge and skills at every stage of their lives. Their doors are open-- Langeland

72. If good judgment cannot control science, then science is a kind of madness-- Spain

73. Once society has technological needs, such needs will be more able to push science forward than ten universities-- (Germany) xxx

74. The key to promoting scientific and technological progress and innovation is talent----- Jiang Min

75. Science, when carefully considered, is nothing but correct judgment and understanding. (Stanislaw)

76. Science and technology transform life, but memory, tradition and myth limit our response.

77. Professional skills are required in all fields. Genius should always be accompanied by the kind of intelligent, uninterrupted practice that leads to a goal. Without this, even the luckiest talent will disappear without trace-- Delacroix

78. Science, when carefully considered, is nothing but correct judgment and understanding.

79. Every science was once rejected (Mogsore)

80. There is no religion that is not affected by the progress of production technology, nor that does not change with it-- xxx

81. Without skilled personnel, technology is dead. With skilled personnel, technology can and will be able to create miracles-- (Soviet Union) xxx

82. Without modern technology, there would be no modern industry-- xxx

83. A person either has good professional skills or has the ability to be omnipresent in life, both of which are ways to make money-- Ya Solzhenitsyn

84. Labor productivity is developing with the continuous progress of science and technology-- Marx

85. The fox has many tricks, and the hedgehog has a skill, but this skill is the most useful-- Erasmus

86. This is the meaning of technology. While creating the desire for immortality, it threatens to destroy the world. Technology is the greed that is divorced from nature.

87. The whole purpose of science is to consciously achieve everything that nature gives youth at no cost. (Turgenev)

88. Keep practicing day after day. Only when you exercise moderately can you maintain your enthusiasm for training and improve your sports skills-- Seneca

89. The result can only produce "craftsmanship" and "technology", but not "science", if it is only for use but not for knowledge-- philosopher

90. Without skilled personnel, technology is dead. With skilled personnel, technology can and will be able to create miracles.

91. Magic, as well as all its magic points, are actually a deep premonition of the ability of science-- (Ai Xiansen) With the help of science, people can correct the defects of nature (Mechinikov)

92. Historic production