Parrot composition 300 (15 high-quality articles)
Ordinary life
2023-09-24 03:06:54

Parrot Composition 300 (1)

Downstairs, I saw a parrot in a cage. The cage was hung on a tree. Although the tree was very tall, the parrot could be clearly seen through the cage.

The parrot is very beautiful: its big eyes seem to be able to see through my mind at a glance; The sharp mouth is brownish black. The small golden head, green clothes and brown paws make a lively and lovely parrot.

Because of its large size and its long cry, I named it Bawang. Just now a sparrow flew over and was scared away by the parrot's cry, as if to say, "Go away, this is my territory, or you will have some fruit!"

The parrot seemed to know that I came to watch it specially, and arranged its feathers like a king. At first, it looked up at me, and in less than 10 seconds, it stopped looking at me. It began to perform in the cage, grabbing the cage, jumping a few times, flying under the "pole" in the middle of the cage, and flexibly passing through it, although it was only a few seconds, But very good.

I like this interesting parrot. I will come to see it next time.

Parrot Composition 300 (2)

My family has two peony parrots. They live happily every day.

The hair on the peony parrot is very bright, the color of its head changes from orange to grass yellow, its upper body is emerald green, and its lower body is light green, just like a beautiful picture painted by an artist; Its crooked beak is bright red, as if it had just applied lipstick; Its eye rims are pure white, like wearing a pair of wide rimmed glasses, and its eyes are black and shiny like two black grapes. All kinds of colors look very beautiful on the parrot, like a blooming peony flower. No wonder we should call it "peony parrot"!

When they first arrived at their new home, they looked around, jumped up and down in the cage, looked around curiously, and sometimes "chirped" twice. After they got familiar with the terrain, they began to climb: holding the iron railing in their mouth, twisting their two small claws to quickly grasp the railing, and soon climbed to the top of the cage, stood on the swing, and swung leisurely.

The favorite food of parrots is rice. When their mother pours food for them, they rush to fly to the small box with grain, lower their head and peck some grain in their mouth, then slowly walk to the side and eat it with relish for fear of being robbed by others. The most interesting thing is that parrots will vomit the hull far after eating the grain, How clever a "little cute" she will not pollute her new home!

The little parrot has brought infinite fun to my life. I like you!

Parrot Composition 300 (3)

My family has a naughty and lovely parrot named Huanhuan.

The parrot wears a yellow and green coat, a red hat on its head, and a sharp, lipstick like mouth under its black jewel like eyes. It wears a pair of yellow "high-heeled shoes" and is extremely beautiful without heavy makeup.

My family also has a puppy. The puppy often teases parrots. They are a pair of good friends. Once, the dog teased the parrot again. The parrot was dressing up and ignored the dog. The dog barked at it twice. As a result, the parrot replied, "How do you like it?", which made everyone laugh.

Another time, seeing that the parrot had not eaten "breakfast", I mixed it with food myself, but it did not eat, so angry that I put all the food on its head. After I helped him get rid of the food, he said, "You're not needed." This sentence made me even more angry.

This little parrot is really naughty and cute. I like it so much!

Parrot Composition 300 (4)

There is a parrot in my family. I named it Huanhuan, because it flies around in its cage every day, jumping up and down, very happy.

It has green feathers, only its belly is white, and a pair of bright eyes are always looking at me, as if it is asking me for food! It also has a sharp mouth like a hook, and two small red claws.

I like it very much. When I just bought the parrot, I went to see it every day, amused it, and listened to its cheerful cry. Huanhuan is very naughty. She starts singing at dawn every morning, which makes me unable to sleep late, so that I have to get up early, which is higher than my mother's voice. The little parrot is so powerful that it has changed my bad habit of sleeping late.

This is my lovely and naughty parrot. I really like it.

Parrot Composition 300 (5)

Our family has added two new members - two cute parrots. The body of the parrot is mostly yellow, the belly is light green, and the wings have spotted black hair, so it is called "cloud spot" parrot. Its dark jewel like eyes are small, twinkling, its nose is long on its hooked mouth, and its mouth is bent downward.

They live in a pink cage. They have beautiful names. The male bird is called "Feifei", and the female bird is called "Duoduo". They are very friendly. If Feifei jumps to the bottom bar, the flowers will follow. Sometimes they feed each other with their mouths.

One day, I saw one after another standing beside Feifei. I knocked on the cage, and Feifei was a little afraid. When he flew down, he brought down the flowers, too. One after another cried, as if to say, "I stand on the top well, why did you pull me down?" Then the flowers flew up again. I think: these two parrots are really fun! Mother said: "The parrot is now more than two months old. When it is four or five months old, it can lay eggs and hatch birds." I hope that day will come soon!

Parrot Composition 300 (6)

Today, I finally realized my wish to have my own pets - two lively and lovely yellow peach parrots. I don't need to mention how much I like them.

With my careful care day by day, parrots have grown up and become my best playmates. One day, when I was feeding the parrots, I found a parrot standing there motionless as if it were sleeping. I touched it gently, but it still didn't move. I thought: Why is this parrot so lazy? It likes sleeping all day. First observe it for a few days, and maybe it will return to normal after a few days. After a few days, I found that he still liked sleeping as usual. I began to feel uneasy and thought: Is this parrot sick? Do you want to take him to the pet hospital?

In this way, I hesitated for a few days. One day I came home from school and found that the sleeping parrot was dipping its head into the water to take a bath. I was so happy that I thought it should recover and take a bath. However, when I finished my homework and came out, I found that its head was still stuck in the water. I felt a clatter in my heart and thought: No, the parrot will not drown. So I quickly opened the cage. I didn't think the parrot was really killed. Its feathers are wet, and its whole body is stiff. It doesn't have the usual lively and lovely appearance at all.

I blame myself very much for my negligence in killing a parrot. Through this matter, I made a secret decision: I can't do anything carelessly, because my little negligence may cause serious consequences!

Parrot Composition 300 (7)

My family has a cute parrot with lively songs, and I gave it an interesting name called "Little P".

Paul is small and exquisite. The feathers on his head are black and yellow, just like wearing a beautiful scarf; The feathers on the back are black and white, and the patterns extend downward in circles, just like a swallow tail suit worn by a gentleman; The belly feathers are light green, soft and comfortable to the touch, just like wearing a shirt. There is a sharp little mouth under a pair of bright and flexible eyes.

My little P has a special temperament. As long as you feed late or criticize him, he will bounce around in the cage, making the house full of feathers. I remember one time, I came back late from school and was busy with my homework, so I forgot to feed it. This is really amazing. Paul kept chirping in the cage, as if to say to me, "My little master, I'm hungry!" As soon as I slapped my head, I remembered that I didn't give it anything to eat! When I put the food in, Paul made a "upside down golden hook" and gave my hand a sharp peck, which made me cry out in pain. When I reached out to hit it, it immediately flew to the corner of the cage, tilted its head, looked at me pitifully, as if to say: "Don't hit me, little master, I dare not." The funny look made me laugh.

This is my little P, which brings me endless fun!

Parrot Composition 300 (8)

After watching the bird art show, we came to the side of the stage to have a close look at the parrots in the show. Knowing that they would eat ham sausage, we took it out to feed it. At first, I didn't dare. Later, I saw that their feet were locked on the pole by a chain, and I was sure they wouldn't bite. So I fed them with the help of the staff.

I took one end of the sausage and pointed the meat of the other end at the parrot's mouth so that it could peck at the meat, but it bit the sausage and refused to let go. It pulled the sausage away from me as if to say, "Give it to me, give it to me!" I had to release my hand. The younger brother also went to feed. There were two birds on the pole. He fed one of them, and the other bird was not convinced. "Why don't you give it to me?" he came to grab it. Fortunately, the bird was clever enough to hide on the side of the pole and not let it take it away. So my mother took a piece of ham sausage and gave it to him, so that some of them could eat. Watching them standing with one paw and grasping the ham sausage with the other, I was very happy and I was also very happy.

I think these parrots are so cute. I really want to have such a smart bird.

Parrot Composition 300 (9)

Today, I came to the flower and bird market. There are so many birds here, including pearl birds, thrush birds, myna, parrots... I was dazzled by the sight, but I think the most beautiful one is the parrot.

You see, this parrot has a tuft of fluffy hair on its head, like a crown and a hat, and its white yellow neck is like an elegant and beautiful lady wearing a scarf. The round eyes stared at the front like two big walnuts, looking like there was prey in front. She wore a yellow coat, white feathers on her belly, and two sharp claws. She was as straight as a man with a straight head and chest, and no longer looked like a beautiful and elegant lady.

The most interesting thing about parrots is, of course, parroting. I said to it: "Hello." Unexpectedly, it replied to me: "Hello." It is really too smart. I think parrots learn to talk from us not because it is fun, but because of their instinct.

These parrots are colorful and can never be tired of seeing them! I think these parrots can be compared with Phoenix.

Parrot Composition 300 (10)

There are three parrots in my family who are loved by everyone. Two of them are green and one is white.

Two green ones are like peacocks about to open, and one white parrot is as white as snow. Let's talk about the little green parrot! It is green all over, like a peacock. Its head is yellow and black, like a nautilus layer by layer. Its eyes are small, dark and bright. They look gentle and lovely. Its nostrils are in the middle of two eyes, small as sesame seeds. Its beak is sharp, long and sharp, like a hook. The little parrot's neck is very beautiful, like a girl with makeup dancing. There is a bunch of blue feathers under the two eyes.

There are some black spots beside the blue feather. It can really be called "the king of birds". Its wings are like tiger skin, so it is called: tiger skin parrot! Also, I heard that it is still a flying master! The parrot's paws are very special. The front two paws and the back one paw are used to grasp the branches. The parrot's tail is blue, thin and long, which can help it keep balance. What a lovely parrot!

Parrot Composition 300 (11)

My grandmother raised a sky blue tiger skin. When I am bored, I like to play with it.

The bird looks as dull as I am, but sometimes it seems lively and smart, which makes me laugh from time to time. Its head feathers are like light blue scarves, embroidered with lake blue patterns. The feathers on the wings are more beautiful. The blue feathers on that day also have a variety of patterns. Some are like billows, some are like leaves of camphor trees linked together, and some are like colorful fireworks, which are very popular. The feathers on the tail of the budgerigar are also eye-catching, with beautiful spots. Is there anyone who doesn't like this budgerigar?

Once, I said to the budgerigar, "Little tiger skin, you don't have a name yet, so I'll call you Xiao Lan, OK?" It chirped, as if to say, "This name is really nice, I like it!" I laughed happily. Grandma's budgerigar is cute and naughty. Do you like it?

Parrot Composition 300 (12)

Wearing a red tassel hat and a small green robe, I learned how to speak. My mouth is really cute. Do you know who it is? Yes, it is a parrot.

Its shape is very beautiful. The head is red, as if wearing a red hat! A colorful feather, a red, a green, a yellow, beautiful! A pair of small and exquisite claws. When the parrot flies to the tree, it must use these claws, because they can make the parrot stand firmly, like on the flat ground.

Our parrot is very cute. As soon as I get home every day, my little angel will fly in to help me wipe the sweat on my head with his wings, and then fly to get something delicious. When I put down my bag, he will help me pick up a raisin with his little paws and send it into my mouth.

What surprised me more was that my parrot gave birth to a small parrot. There were only one or two small hairs on the head of the parrot, but the big round eyes stared like copper bells, looking at me, looking at the beautiful world!

Although the parrot is small, it has already learned to be naughty! A little doll and a pencil are all its good toys. It plays tirelessly from night to morning and from morning to night.

How lovely, playful and naughty my parrots are! In my heart, parrots will always be my good friends!

Parrot Composition 300 (13)

Shuai Ruyan

My family has a parrot named "Little Cute". It has a silver gray sharp mouth. There is also a dress in three colors, red, blue and green. "Little cute" looks cute, but it can also cause trouble.

One day, when I came home from school and was doing my art homework, I accidentally drew crayons on the floor! I thought to myself: I must be scolded by my mother again! As expected, it was not unexpected. Mom was happy when she came to my room from the kitchen, but when she came to my room, she immediately switched to a serious state. She shouted at me, "You little bastard!"

"You little bastard!" the parrot followed. Then I cried; "'Little cute', no swearing“

"'Little cute', no swearing!" The parrot imitated.

"Little cute" always makes my mother and I laugh and cry. Sometimes, "Little Cute" is very cute, but sometimes it often causes trouble for my mother and me. Although "Little Cute" is a little naughty, I still love him. The most important thing I want to say to "Little Cute" is that "Little Cute" I love you!

[A pair of parrots]

Zhang Siqi

Today, grandpa bought a pair of beautiful pearl parrots from the flower and bird market.

They are one male and one female, one green and one blue, one big and one small, very beautiful. They have green, blue and yellow feathers, brown feet, bright red beaks, and white spots dotted on their wings, like pearls, which is why they are named Pearl Parrot.

At first, they were a little afraid of people. Every time I look at them by the cage, they lean against the other side of the cage in a panic. After a few days, they became familiar with me, and even grabbed my hand to peck.

On that day, grandpa bought a set of birdcages from the Internet and prepared to change their homes. After he installed the cages, grandpa filled them with some corn kernels. Then they let them out, and then, attracted by the delicious food, they went into it again. It really fulfills the old saying that "people die for money, birds die for food."!

At first, maybe they were not used to their new home. They flew around in a panic in the cage, but after a while, they settled down, drinking water and eating corn kernels, looking comfortable.

I like these two parrots very much. If you want to see them, come to me!

Parrot Composition 300 (14)

I thought, how nice it is to have a parrot! It can accompany me through the winter vacation, and I told my mother this idea. My mother agreed to my request. I was happy to bring the parrot home.

Every morning, when I get up, I will go to see the parrots living in a cage made of bamboo. I looked at its green and yellow feathers, its eyes like two small black shiny gemstones, its mouth bent like a small hook, and then listened to it singing for me ceaselessly.

The parrot stayed at my house for three days, then suddenly it stopped singing and ate very little. I wonder if my parrot is ill? I asked my mother to take me to ask the big mother who sells birds. The big mother told me: "The parrot may be too lonely, resulting in less food." My mother bought me a matching parrot.

When I got up the next day, I found two parrots singing and dancing in the bamboo cage, and my mood became very happy.

Parrot Composition 300 (15)

Wu Siyuan

This afternoon, my father took me to the flower and bird market to see parrots.

Parrots are very cute! The feather on the head is like an olive scarf, the feather on the back is like a light green shirt, and the feather around the neck is like an orange scarf. It's very beautiful! It is small and exquisite, with a hook like mouth under a pair of bright and flexible eyes.

Parrots sing clearly and like to play some interesting games. Look, these two parrots are pecking at each other. The blue parrot pecked hard and then pecked the green parrot down. The parrots over there were handstands in the competition. One or two parrots could not hold on to it and flew down to admit defeat. They looked up at other players. They were a little unwilling. This parrot is climbing rocks. It does not use both hands and feet to climb, but uses both mouth and feet. Sometimes when its feet can't move, it uses its mouth to help.

Although they are alive and happy in the cage every day, in fact, I think they are not happy at all. They yearn for blue sky, nature and freedom. Parrots don't like being caged for people to enjoy. They prefer to fly in the blue sky.

If I buy a parrot, I must let it free again, so that it can sing freely and happily in nature!

[Cute budgerigar with tiger skin]

Tong Jianqiao

My family has two lovely budgerigars, one male, called "Jojo", the other female, called "Tiantian". It is named because some feathers are like tiger skin.

The two parrots look exactly the same, except that Jojo's belly has lost all its hair, and the sweet hair is intact. The feather of parrot has three colors, and the head is light yellow feather, which is fan shaped. The feathers on the wings and back are a little black and a little yellow, which are drop shaped. The hair on the belly is emerald green, very beautiful. Its eyes are like two small black agates, shining brightly. Because they eat millet every day, their mouths are the same color as millet.

The two parrots have different personalities. Jojo is naughty and active, while Tiantian is quiet and cute.

Once, the cage of the parrot was on my balcony. Suddenly, a sock hanging on the coat hanger fell into the cage. Two birds saw the sock and it was pecked out a hole by Jojo. The poor sock was bruised when it was rescued.

What two lovely parrots!

[Cute budgerigar with tiger skin]

Shi Ziran

There is a pair of tiger parrots in my family. They look very cute. One is dressed in a "tiger skin coat", and there are many bright blue feathers under the wings. The blue feathers have white patterns, long tails, a blue nose, a pair of red small claws, and a hook shaped mouth. The other one is brown, with many blue hairs under its wings, a curved mouth and a red nose.

Their appearance is also very attractive, especially I like them best, and feed them carefully. I thought: It's not good for them to stay in the cage every day, so I took them to my yard every day to let them play. Their behavior made me very strange. I threw them into the air, and they flew down and landed on my shoulders, as if they didn't want to leave me. I didn't think much about them. I stroked them gently with my hands.

I sometimes put them on the grass and let them find worms to eat. Sometimes I take them to the stream, and they will drink some sweet water. I didn't take them home until they were satisfied. After thinking for a long time, I finally came up with their names: the one with blue nose is called Qingzi, and the one with red nose is called Yuyu.

Wish Qingzi and Yuyu grow up quickly!

[Lovely parrot friend]

Hu Haohao

I have seen colorful peacocks and larks, but I never knew that parrots are so cute.

The feather on the head of the parrot is red in black, and the eyes are black and white, so bright and bright. Its mouth is sharp, like a sickle. The neck feathers are orange, like an orange scarf. The feathers on the back are black and green, just like wearing a tiger fur coat. The belly feathers are green, just like wearing a green shirt. The sharp claws clasp the branches firmly like buttons.

The parrot's call is also very rich. When it makes a whine, it means that it is very happy; When it makes a croak, it indicates that it is frightened; When it rattles, it means that it is angry.

Usually parrots like to eat millet, young leaves and small grains of fruit. Once, I was standing in front of the birdcage with relish and eating a cherry. It cried "quack quack" in the cage, as if to say, "You are so happy to eat, why don't you give me a share?" I immediately gave it a cherry. I just put it into the trough, and it ate bit by bit like a chicken pecking rice. It was very happy.

How lovely this elf is! I want to be friends with it forever!

[Beautiful parrot]

Lu Yizheng

Today, I came to the flower and bird market. There are so many birds here, including pearl birds, thrush birds, myna, parrots... I was dazzled by the sight, but I think the most beautiful one is the parrot.

You see, this parrot has a tuft of fluffy hair on its head, like a crown and a hat, and its white yellow neck is like an elegant and beautiful lady wearing a scarf. The round eyes stared at the front like two big walnuts, looking like there was prey in front. She wore a yellow coat, white feathers on her belly, and two sharp claws. She was as straight as a man with a straight head and chest, and no longer looked like a beautiful and elegant lady.

The most interesting thing about parrots is, of course, parroting. I said to it: "Hello." Unexpectedly, it replied to me: "Hello." It is really too smart. I think parrots learn to talk from us not because it is fun, but because of their instinct.

These parrots are colorful and can never be tired of seeing them! I think these parrots can be compared with Phoenix.

[Tiger Parrot]

Ren Linghao

Today, my father and I went to the flower and bird market to buy birds. There are so many kinds of birds there! But my favorite is the budgerigar.

The budgerigar's color is very bright. The feathers on the head are like black and white scarves embroidered with gray white patterns. The feather on the back is like a sky blue coat, and the feather on the belly is like a dark blue shirt. It is small and exquisite, with a mouth like a hook under a pair of black and small eyes. And the purple and long tail makes it more lovely!

The budgerigar flies very fast. Once, when I got up to see the budgerigar, it was flapping its wings quickly, just like the fallen leaves flying in the air, dancing in the air under the breeze.

Then, we took a piece of paper to test its courage. When we put the paper into the cage, it ran away. We tried several more times, and it flew here and there. It turns out that the tiger parrot is so timid!

The small and exquisite budgerigar has added a lot of vitality to my life and brought me infinite happiness. It chirps every day, just like singing for us. What an interesting bird!