The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (20 masterpieces)
Drunken by Red Rim
2023-11-03 08:24:11
reaction to a book or an article

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (1)

The fire in 1860 was a great shame to our Chinese people. The hateful invaders burned, killed, looted and acted wildly in our territory. At the thought of this plot in the movie, the anger flared up.

Before its destruction, the Old Summer Palace was a royal garden with magnificent buildings and the most precious historical relics. However, it was looted by the Eight Power Allied Forces. What's worse, in order to destroy the evidence, these invaders set fire to the whole Yuanmingyuan, turning the originally magnificent imperial garden into a ruin.

Why did the Eight Power Allied Forces dare to be so unbridled? It can be seen how corrupt the Qing government was at that time! Confronted with the cruel invaders, they were helpless and ran for their lives. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If you work hard, you will be strong. If China had a prosperous economy, advanced science and technology, and advanced weapons, would foreign invaders still dare to act wildly? Therefore, we should study hard now to make our motherland stronger.

If you want to become more powerful and useful in the future, you have to work harder, both in learning and in life.

I remember when I was in the third grade, I only got 86 points in a math exam. When I came home, I was extremely depressed, but I still calmed down and analyzed the reasons. It turned out that I was too careless in this unit. I didn't learn it well and I made careless mistakes again. At this time, I decided to learn the next unit well. As a result, my exam results in the next unit went straight up and I got full marks steadily. I also understood that only hard work can help me learn well.

Take a fall and gain wisdom. Now we have to work hard and study hard. If we are young, our country will be wise. If we are young, our country will be strong. We should study hard now, and use the knowledge we have learned to make our country stronger in the future!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (2)

This text makes me feel extremely angry!

Yuanmingyuan is a world-famous royal garden. It is composed of Yuanmingyuan, Wanchun Garden and Changchun Garden, so it is also called Yuanmingsan Garden! In the Old Summer Palace, there are not only national buildings, but also Western landscapes. Here you can enjoy Chinese and foreign scenic spots. The Yuanmingyuan is not only magnificent in architecture, but also contains the most precious historical relics, ranging from bronze ritual vessels in the pre Qin era to famous calligraphy and paintings and various rare treasures in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, Yuanmingyuan was the largest museum and art museum in the world at that time. However, in 1860, the Old Summer Palace was looted by the British and French Allied Forces and set on fire. The fire burned for three days and three nights, and smoke clouds covered the whole Beijing city. In this way, the treasure of Chinese garden art and the essence of architectural art turned into ashes.

These hateful bandits have been behaving recklessly in Chinese territory, leaving only a few stumps in the Old Summer Palace. At the thought of this, my heart was filled with anger. So we should not forget the national humiliation and revitalize China!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (3)

A few days ago, we learned a text called "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace". After learning it, it gave me a deep feeling, mainly about:

Around the 19th century, we built a royal garden, which is very grand and spectacular. There are many flowers, plants and historical relics in it. It is a world-famous garden and very beautiful. But later, the British and French allied forces took a fancy to our wealth, seized the treasures of the Old Summer Palace, and burned it, which brought immeasurable losses to our country.

I hate those British and French allied forces. They are cruel and greedy, and their country is so rich that they also come to rob our property. The sentence "all plunder" in the text reflects their greed, and they not only robbed our things, but also burned the Old Summer Palace. How cruel it is! I think these Anglo French coalition forces are too bad. But this is not only the fault of the British French coalition, but also the fault of China.

If China did not spend a lot of money on the banquet for the queen mother's birthday, we could give it to the army and let them go to attack those Anglo French allied forces. Because we did not stop them, they were so bold and advanced. If we stop them, we won't lose so much. Therefore, our corruption is also the fault of the weak and incompetent Chinese government. They don't use their money in the right place, leading to our failure.

What the British French Allied Forces burned was not only the essence of a garden, but also the dignity of our Chinese nation, which they regarded as a cowardly nation.

The dignity of our Chinese people disappeared after the fire. The Old Summer Palace was not rebuilt, but the few remaining pillars. We should remember the national humiliation, how the Old Summer Palace was easily destroyed, and we should study hard to fight for glory for tomorrow's motherland!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (4)

In our country with a long history, there are many places of interest, among which the Old Summer Palace cannot be ignored. However, in 1901, the British and French allied forces broke into the Old Summer Palace and looted all the rare treasures inside, and this "miracle" was destroyed heartily.

They robbed and moved the land. If they could not move it, they destroyed it. When they came out, their pockets were full of gold and silver. In this way, the Old Summer Palace was destroyed by these "evil wolves".

But these "evil wolves" were not satisfied. In order to destroy the criminal evidence, they set fire to the Old Summer Palace. The fire burned for three days and three nights, and the sky was filled with smoke.

I am deeply saddened that these abominable British French allied forces not only destroyed China's historical relics, but also destroyed the exquisite architectural techniques. Here I am extremely sorry that the essence of art in the Old Summer Palace has been reduced to ashes.

The destruction of Yuanmingyuan was due to the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, which allowed the invaders to carve up our property. Now, under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, our economy is developing rapidly, China is becoming stronger and stronger, and has become one of the world powers. The former "Sick Man of East Asia" has become today's "Oriental Dragon"!

I am sincerely proud of the strength of our country today, and I am more determined to contribute my own strength to our country. I must study hard and become a pillar of national construction!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (5)

After I read this article, I felt that the Old Summer Palace was so beautiful, as if I were in the scene. But such a beautiful garden was destroyed by several robbers. Those robbers are British French coalition troops, they are really bad. I hate them so much for robbing what can be robbed, burning what cannot be robbed, and destroying criminal evidence. The Old Summer Palace is a large park with many scenic spots, which is called the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens in the world history. In the Old Summer Palace, there are many historical relics. These relics are from the pre Qin era to the Qing Dynasty. All the most precious cultural relics are put inside for people to visit. Some of the items were made by the workers after centuries of hard work. After such a long time, they were snatched away by the British and French allied forces and burned down the Old Summer Palace, completely destroyed. How many laboring people's hard work has brought such a beautiful park. The British and French allied forces burned the Yuanmingyuan, which is tantamount to burning the hearts of the laboring people. The Old Summer Palace is for visitors, not for destruction. The Old Summer Palace has been permeated with the essence of scenic spots. But I am so sad to see today's Yuanmingyuan. This is the disaster caused by the British and French allied forces. The great treasure of the world, the Old Summer Palace, has now become a ruin. British and French troops, what you have done will always be remembered in our Chinese hearts. Although it has been many years now, we still do not disgrace the national humiliation. At that time, Yuanmingyuan was destroyed because the Chinese people were not strong at that time. In the future, we will gradually carry forward China and let others not bully us!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (6)

When I saw the film "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", my heart only had two words: hatred and regret.

Mingyuan Garden is located on a plain in the north of Haidian Town, northwest suburb of Beijing. It was originally a royal palace in the Qing Dynasty. It was built in the 48th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty and was basically completed in the 9th year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. Since then, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Xianfeng have been repaired and expanded for more than 150 years. Although its name is Yuanmingyuan, it is actually composed of many small gardens in the east, west and south, such as Yuanmingyuan, Changchun Garden and Wanchun Garden. There are many rare treasures and other famous paintings and calligraphy in the park, so it is also a famous museum, art museum and royal garden at home and abroad.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long. It is precisely because of these precious historical relics that the ambition of the invaders has been hooked up. Therefore, Britain and France united to attack the Old Summer Palace. On October 6, 1860, these hateful bandits rushed into Beijing. They had advanced guns. Although we had many people at that time, our equipment was backward, so we had to fall under the enemy's gun. Later, they broke into the Old Summer Palace, leaving no treasure behind. Small items such as jewelry and pearls were taken away, and heavy things such as large vases were destroyed. However, these bandits did not stop. On October 18th and 19th, 3500 invaders were ordered to set fire in the park. The fire burned for three days until the crystallization of our people's blood and sweat was turned into ashes.

The magnificent palace of Jinbi - no more. Exquisite pavilions - no more. Precious historical relics - none! Only a piece of ruins. Please don't let us forget this hateful day, October 6, 1860.

The British and French Allied Forces, these hateful bandits have committed crimes, burning, killing, looting and looting in our territory. Don't they feel humiliated!

In short, our losses are too great! Too much has been lost. Therefore, I made up my mind to study hard to save this loss for the Old Summer Palace and this humiliation for the motherland!

Grade 6 of Baohua School in Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan: Yang Zishuai

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (7)

Today, I read the article "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace". When I read about the glory of the Old Summer Palace, I was very excited.

I went on to read, when I read that "on October 6, 1860, the British and French allied forces invaded Beijing and invaded the Old Summer Palace. They took away everything that could be taken away from the park. If they could not take it, they would use carts or animals to carry it. If they could not take it away, they would destroy and destroy it at will. In this way, the treasure of Chinese garden art and the essence of architectural art would be turned into ashes.", The mind cannot be calm for a long time. Because I have a series of questions in my heart: why did the British and French allied forces destroy such a beautiful and brilliant garden treasure? Why are they so bold to seize China's treasures? Are Chinese people really asleep? Why are you indifferent to the enemy's aggression? These problems are constantly lingering in my mind. Even in my dreams at night, I am also thinking about these problems. Thinking day and night, I finally realized that our country was really backward at that time, so it was looked down upon by other countries. Isn't "Sick Man of East Asia" synonymous with the Chinese people? China was not only discriminated against by other countries, but also repeatedly invaded. Isn't the Sino Japanese "Shimonoseki Treaty" and the Sino British "Xinchou Treaty" iron witness? It is because our country is backward and unable to resist that the foreign invaders boldly burned down the imperial garden of the Old Summer Palace. Alas! It's a pity and sad.

We should learn such a lesson. We should not be weak, and weak people will be beaten. Therefore, from now on, we should study hard, arm ourselves with science and technology, and contribute to the construction of our great motherland in the future.

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (8)

Yuanmingyuan is a very famous royal garden in China. It is located in the northwest suburb of our capital Beijing. It is composed of Yuanmingyuan Garden, Wanchun Garden and Changchun Garden. The scenery inside is extremely beautiful. There are not only a large number of buildings, but also many treasures and works of art. Foreigners call this garden Summer Palace. Regard her as the treasure of the East.

However, this summer palace, such a treasure, was burned to ashes by a fire of the British and French allied forces on October 6, 1860, more than a hundred years ago. The beautiful Yuanmingyuan now leaves us only endless humiliation and sorrow, which is proved by the spread of weeds in the former site of the Yuanmingyuan.

Why are our country's royal gardens destroyed by foreign troops? I think we were too backward and weak at that time. Backwardness and weakness will be beaten and bullied.

If you want to avoid being beaten and bullied by others, I think you should become stronger. So how can we become stronger?

First, I think we should learn from those countries that are better than me, and learn from their experience of becoming a strong country. Of course, learning is learning. We should not copy the experience of others, but also learn from our own characteristics.

The second is not to be afraid of difficulties, but to dare to face any difficulties and obstacles and strive to build our country stronger.

Thirdly, our people should work hard to get fit and make themselves strong so that they can defeat foreign bandits who are trying to bully us. Moreover, only when we are strong can we build our country more vigorously.

Finally, I think it is also important to develop our economy, culture, science and technology. Only in this way can our country develop and become powerful, so foreign countries and foreigners dare not bully us, attack us or destroy our Old Summer Palace.

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (9)

Before reading this text, I had several questions. Why did the British and French Allied Forces burn down the Old Summer Palace? They are bad people. Why didn't the Qing government stop the invasion of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French forces? Why is the title of the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", rather than other names? I read the text with these questions.

After class, I heard other students argue: some people think that the Old Summer Palace should be rebuilt and the original magnificent buildings should be restored, but I think that the Old Summer Palace should not be rebuilt. Only by leaving the ruins can we warn the next generation to "not forget the national shame, remember the mission" and build a patriotism.

Some people think that the Qing government should prevent the British French coalition from being unbridled. I also think that although the Qing government is weak, it only has bows and arrows and broadswords. The British French coalition is very powerful, with guns and artillery. The Qing government and the British French coalition may only be annihilated in confrontation, but even if they hit the stone with eggs, they should also defend their country. Besides, how can I know if I can do it without trying?

Liang Qichao once said: a strong youth makes a strong country, and a wise youth makes a wise country; The country is rich when it is young. We should establish a patriotism from childhood, study hard, build the motherland, defend the motherland, and protect our homeland.

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (10)

The Old Summer Palace, such a prosperous palace, could be destroyed by the British and French allied forces. I felt extremely angry.

How splendid the Old Summer Palace was in the past: there are not only national buildings, but also Western landscapes in the Old Summer Palace. Walking around the park is like walking around the world, enjoying the scenic spots at home and abroad; Wandering among them, it seems that you are in the realm of fantasy. It can be said that it is the crystallization of the wisdom and sweat of the Chinese people, and a model of Chinese architecture and culture. Not only that, there are countless priceless treasures in the Old Summer Palace, but also extremely rare historical books and rich historical relics, which can be called one of the treasure houses of human culture.

However, all this was destroyed by the Anglo French coalition. They plundered everything in the garden that they could take away; If they can't handle it, they should use carts and animals to carry it; If they cannot be transported away, they will destroy them at will. In order to destroy the criminal evidence, more than 3000 invaders were ordered to set fire in the park. The fire burned for three days and three nights. The earth was shaking, people were crying, and the world-famous Yuanmingyuan became ashes.

This is a disgrace left by history! Such humiliation was more than once in old China? So we must not forget the national humiliation, work hard to learn, make China's tomorrow more brilliant, and make China's name stand like a giant in the east of the world!

Fourth grade: Zhang Hanyun

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (11)

Today, I read "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace" and thought that those British and French allied forces were too hateful. They took all the things that could be taken away from the Old Summer Palace. If they could not take them away, they would use carts and animals to carry them. If they could not take them away, they would destroy them at will. In this way, China's treasure of garden art and essence of architectural art turned into ashes. The reason why the British French coalition forces acted so boldly was that the original government was weak and incompetent.

Yuanmingyuan is the first royal garden in the Qing Dynasty in China. It was expanded greatly in the Qianlong era, which cost countless manpower and material resources. The huge Yuanmingyuan not only has magnificent buildings, but also has the most precious historical relics. Looking around, the Yuanmingyuan, which has been baptized by rain, looks fresh, like the humiliation of the former Yuanmingyuan, washed away by this spring rain

The world-famous ancient buildings are unparalleled. For example, the magnificent Forbidden City is magical and charming. It is a rare building near the water in the world that has simple and elegant corridors, pavilions, pavilions, and pavilions, which contrast with green clouds and lotus fragrance.

Over the past hundred years, the sound of the invaders' cannons has shattered the perfection of the moon and stained its holiness

The Yuanmingyuan, the world's treasure, has now become a ruin. British and French troops, what you have done will always be remembered in our Chinese hearts. Although many years have passed now, we still do not disgrace the country. At that time, Yuanmingyuan was destroyed because the Chinese people were not strong at that time. In the future, we will gradually carry forward China and let others not bully us!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (12)

I felt extremely angry and regretful. Its destruction is an immeasurable loss in the cultural history of the motherland, as well as in the cultural history of the world!

It is the most representative scenic spot of the motherland. It condenses the outstanding treasures and historic sites of China for five thousand years. It is the place with the most Chinese national flavor. However, on October 6, 1806, the British and French allied forces invaded Beijing and looted most of the exotic treasures. Then, they seemed not satisfied, and began to set fire in the park. The fire burned for three days and three nights, This treasure of garden art and the essence of architectural art were destroyed.

These hateful bandits, like hungry wolves, have devoured our cultural treasure house. These shameless people dare to come to our motherland to do whatever they want. Although our people have driven them out of our territory, the losses they have brought to us are irreparable.

Although many people are now building the Old Summer Palace carefully, we will never see its former glory again.

When I think of this, I suddenly think of the golden bull's head and golden horse's head of the 12 zodiac signs fountain in the Old Summer Palace auctioned in Hong Kong last year. Isn't that the best proof? It proves the evil of the invaders and the corruption and incompetence of the court. Why don't they resist those invaders? Why give them money? Why sell your country?

The corrupt Qing government not only unified the treaties that humiliated the country, but also agreed to compensate the invaders. The incompetent government, wake up! What are you thinking?

Now the Old Summer Palace has lost its former glory. I feel extremely angry and lifelong regret.

Hope to recover its glory.

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (13)

After learning The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace, my heart was greatly touched.
Yuanmingyuan is a great project that can be counted in history, even a miracle. There are all kinds of beautiful sceneries in the Yuanmingyuan, which dazzle people.
However, the resplendent Yuanmingyuan Garden aroused the ambition of western bandits. They found many reasons to ask the Qing government to approve them to "do business" in China's territory. Is their ambition satisfied just to search for some treasures? No, not really. The ambition of these western bandits is like a bottomless pit. How can they fill it? Sure enough, they invaded Beijing and drove away the emperor. They also destroyed the Yuanmingyuan Garden, but they didn't want to leave. They just set a torch in the garden and burned the Yuanmingyuan Garden to death.
These hateful bandits destroyed the largest and most beautiful park in the East, the Old Summer Palace, but we had no choice. The British and French allied forces were too hateful. Our miracles and our jewelry were in ruins in this way.

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (14)

Today, I read the article "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace" with excitement.

The article "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace" mainly describes the glorious landscape of the Old Summer Palace and its destruction, exposes the barbaric crimes of imperialism, and expresses the author's love for the motherland's culture and hatred for the invaders.

After reading the article, I learned that Yuanmingyuan is the general name of Yuanming Garden, Wanchun Garden and Changchun Garden. It was built in 17XX and took 150 years to complete. The Qing Dynasty devoted all its resources to building 145 large-scale buildings with innumerable artistic treasures, books and cultural relics. Among these buildings, in addition to the Chinese style courtyard, there are also Western style buildings in Changchun Park, such as Haiyan Hall, Yuanying Temple, and so on, known as the "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens". In 19XX, the Eight Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing and burned, killed and looted. Empress Dowager Cixi fled to Xi'an with Emperor Guangxu. Eight Banner soldiers, bandits and local ruffians took advantage of the fire and looted nearly a hundred buildings that remained in the garden and were basically restored in succession, so that the old and famous buildings and trees were completely destroyed. Later, the relics of the Old Summer Palace were plundered by bureaucrats, warlords, profiteers, and even the government authorities. The dignitaries of the Beiyang government, including some who were responsible for the protection of the Yuanmingyuan site, relied on their power to transport stone carvings, Taihu Lake stones, etc. from the Yuanmingyuan to repair their garden houses. The invaders not only robbed the precious historical relics, but I really feel sorry for this wonderful, colorful and beautiful garden like a fairyland on earth! In order not to repeat this humiliating history, we should study hard, work hard, learn all kinds of skills, and act as a backup force for developing and launching more rockets after Shenzhou V to make our country stronger!

Our country brooks no aggression, and our people will no longer be insulted!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (15)

After reading the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", I felt extremely sad and indignant.

The Old Summer Palace is a world-famous royal garden, which is located in the northwest suburb of Beijing. It consists of the Old Summer Palace, Wanchun Garden and Changchun Garden. There are many small gardens around the Old Summer Palace. There are national buildings and western landscapes in the park. Walking around the park is like wandering around the world, enjoying the scenic spots at home and abroad. This great project took more than 150 years to build.

However, such a world-famous royal garden was looted by British and French bandits in October 1860. Finally, he set fire to the garden in a frenzy. The fire burned for three days, turning the artistic treasure of this garden and the essence of architectural art into ashes.

When I think of this, I can't help but be furious and want to kill these bandits. I hate these bandits for their lawlessness and selflessness; Hate that the Qing government was corrupt and weak, and the emperor was fatuous and incompetent, so that these greedy and barbaric invaders acted wildly and trampled on our territory.

The destruction of Yuanming Cliff brought us a painful lesson. Students, let's study hard for the future glory of our motherland!

Grade 5: Shao Jiayi

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (16)

After learning the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", I felt sorry and angry.
The Old Summer Palace is a famous royal garden. It took more than 150 years from the beginning to the completion. The Yuanmingyuan covers an area of more than 50 hectares, which concentrates the essence of Chinese and foreign scenic spots and buildings around the country, and uses countless manpower and material resources. There are also a large number of historical relics in the park. It was the largest museum and art museum at that time, and it is now unmatched.
What a pity! This extremely beautiful royal garden, the essence of architectural art, was destroyed in 1860 by the abominable British and French allied forces for the improper reason of "revenge against the Qing government". They sent more than 3000 hateful invaders, armed with torches, to rob items in the Old Summer Palace. What is intolerable is that they burned the essence of this art after looting. The abominable fire took three days and three nights to extinguish.
What does the destruction of Yuanmingyuan tell us? If you are weak, you must be beaten. If it was not for the corruption of the Qing government, if it was not for the cowardice of China at that time, how could we let the little devils take over our great country? Only when the country is rich and strong can it be free from bullying; Only when people have a strong heart can a country become rich and strong. Although our motherland has now stood tall and stepped into the ranks of powerful countries, our past humiliation history can never be forgotten. He reminds us all the time that if we are weak, we will be beaten!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (17)

In our country with a long history, there are many places of interest, among which the Old Summer Palace cannot be ignored. However, in 1901, the British and French allied forces broke into the Old Summer Palace and looted all the rare treasures inside, and this "miracle" was destroyed heartily.

They robbed the land and moved it. If they could not move it, they destroyed it. When they came out, their pockets were full of gold and silver. In this way, the Old Summer Palace was destroyed by these "evil wolves".

But these "evil wolves" were not satisfied. In order to destroy the criminal evidence, they set fire to the Old Summer Palace. The fire burned for three days and three nights, and the sky was filled with smoke.

I am deeply saddened that these abominable British French allied forces not only destroyed China's historical relics, but also destroyed the exquisite architectural techniques. Here I am extremely sorry that the essence of art in the Old Summer Palace has been reduced to ashes.

The destruction of Yuanmingyuan was due to the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, which allowed the invaders to carve up our property. Now, under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, our economy is developing rapidly, China is becoming stronger and stronger, and has become one of the world powers.

The former "Sick Man of East Asia" has become today's "Oriental Dragon"!

I am sincerely proud of the strength of our country today, and I am more determined to contribute my own strength to our country. I must study hard and become a pillar of national construction!

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (18)

As a Chinese, a Chinese with patriotic feelings, I think I have the right here to denounce those foreigners who have slaughtered and looted on this sacred land.

The 19th century was the most humiliating century in the history of the Chinese nation. In this terrible century, we have experienced too much. The United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Japan, and Austria, the imperialist empires at that time, invaded us. When these ferocious tyrants broke into the sacred territory of our Qing Dynasty without fear, our pretentious "great power of the Heavenly Kingdom" fell forever on a garden - the Old Summer Palace.

When those hateful invaders stepped into our "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens", and when those bandit like British and French devils entered our emperor's residence, we knew that an era was over. Watching those foreigners swaggering into places we have never entered, taking away those treasures that we have never seen that may still be wandering somewhere in the world, may have left forever, and will no longer be widely known by the public, as a Chinese, my heart cannot help but ache.

Why were we so vulnerable at that time?

If you are scratching your head over this problem, it would be unwise. We usually leave such profound questions to great historians or sociologists. In fact, as a citizen of the Qing Dynasty, it means that you have to endure the hopeless torture every day. This so-called "big country in China" is actually like a person who is addicted to drugs. Although this giant is trying to "detoxify" every day and you seem to be in a good state, he has to accept the reality that he will never recover.

We can't be like England or France at that time. Their national strength is strong, but our national strength is weak. Whenever they are defeated, they will laugh at themselves and say that this is the beginning of the rise of a new generation of dynasties. But we can't. Whenever we are defeated, many countries like jackals will come to carve up the land. Even the Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal, which are the size of peas, are eligible to come here for a share.

Yes, we have built an empire. Although it was in the distant thirteenth century, it can still witness our glory. Therefore, as a Chinese, for the sake of our country and the prosperity of our nation, we must always remember this period of history.

Because we remember this history not for revenge, nor for revenge, but for the lesson of blood and tears, and for the shame. If you fall behind, you will be beaten; if you are poor, you will be bullied. Only when the country is strong and the nation is prosperous can the tragedy of history not repeat itself.

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (19)

A few days ago, we learned a text called "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace". After learning it, it gave me a deep feeling, mainly about:

Around the 19th century, we built a royal garden, which is very grand and spectacular. There are many flowers, plants and historical relics in it. It is a world-famous garden and very beautiful. But later, the British and French allied forces took a fancy to our wealth, seized the treasures of the Old Summer Palace, and burned it, which brought immeasurable losses to our country.

I hate those British and French allied forces. They are cruel and greedy, and their country is so rich that they also come to rob our property. The sentence "all plunder" in the text reflects their greed, and they not only robbed our things, but also burned the Old Summer Palace. How cruel it is! I think these Anglo French coalition forces are too bad. But this is not only the fault of the British French coalition, but also the fault of China.

If China did not spend a lot of money on the banquet for the queen mother's birthday, we could give it to the army and let them go to attack those Anglo French allied forces. Because we did not stop them, they were so bold and advanced. If we stop them, we won't lose so much. Therefore, our corruption is also the fault of the weak and incompetent Chinese government. They don't use their money in the right place, leading to our failure.

What the British French Allied Forces burned was not only the essence of a garden, but also the dignity of our Chinese nation, which they regarded as a cowardly nation.

The dignity of our Chinese people disappeared after the fire, and the Old Summer Palace was not rebuilt. It was still a few leftover pillars. We should remember the national humiliation, how the Old Summer Palace was easily destroyed, and we should study hard to fight for glory for our motherland tomorrow!

Grade 5: asdfghjkl1992

The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace (20)

The Old Summer Palace has condensed the painstaking efforts of several generations of Chinese people. It took 150 years to build this great project. However, this project attracted the ambitions of Britain and France. In 1860, the Old Summer Palace was robbed by the British and French Allied Forces, and some things that could not be taken away were destroyed by them. In order to destroy the evidence, they also burned the Old Summer Palace. The fire lasted for three days and nights. Today, only a few stone pillars in the Western Pavilion remain in the Old Summer Palace.

Why did these bandits dare to go to China's territory to bully? Because China was too weak, too weak at that time. They watched the Old Summer Palace destroyed, taken away, burned down, but they were powerless to resist. They had to be at the mercy of others.

The Old Summer Palace has disappeared forever, but in order to prevent China from being bullied and history from reappearing, we should study hard, make greater contributions to the motherland, and make China stronger. One sentence should be kept in mind: never forget the national humiliation and revitalize China. In order for China not to be bullied, for China to become stronger, and for the motherland not to be invaded. We can create the next better "Yuanmingyuan", which will never disappear!