Composition describing physical education students (4 recommended)
Never give up
2024-05-12 05:39:49
Grade 3

Composition describing physical education students (1)

As the saying goes, "No pain, no gain", every challenge has a different feeling.

One Friday morning, the teacher announced that the rope skipping contest would be held next Wednesday. Hearing the news, the students couldn't wait to register with the two sports monitor before class was over. My heart was also pounding with excitement: "Do you want to participate in the competition? Come on, then I will waste my precious time after class to practice. If not, I want to win some honors for the class." My heart was confused by this problem, but I finally decided to participate in the competition.

The day of the game is drawing near, and my heart is getting more nervous day by day. Finally, it was the day of the game. On the field, when I saw the competition of the first grade children was so fierce, my heart suddenly shrank and kept pounding. Jin Fangying, my classmate who participated in the competition with me, saw my anxiety and comforted me, saying, "Don't be nervous, trust yourself!" My nervous heart slowly relaxed.

Finally, it was our turn. With the PE teacher's whistle, we began to jump hard. I nervously watched the dancing rope skipping. At this time, the rope skipping was like a snake with open teeth and claws, dancing wildly on my head and rubbing at my feet... I broke down twice in a row. When I was about to give up disappointedly, I thought of my teachers and classmates again. At this time, they must be looking at me, and their eyes must be full of expectations. Yes, I can't let them down, so I will work hard!

The game is finally over. My heart is calm and nervous, because I don't know whether I have won honor for the class. I can only look forward to it all the time

Composition describing physical education students (2)

I remember that in the second quarter of that morning, we had a unique tug of war.

Just after class, Miss Sun asked the students to stand in line in front of the classroom to get ready. Time passed quickly, and the time to inspire people finally came. All the warriors ready to participate in the competition are eager to try.

... A large thick rope is pressed on two white lines in the field, and a bright red scarf is tied in the middle of the rope. Whoever can pull the red cloth in the rope through the white line at his own end will win.

"Du --" The whistle sounded, and the team members of both sides clamped the rope like crabs.

"Duh --" The whistle sounded again, and the field became a battlefield. We both refused to give in to each other and tried our best to pull back. Look, the tall student leans back and looks like a ripe red apple. Look at the cheerleading teams, jumping and shouting, "Come on, class three, class three! Come on, class three, class three!" The red cloth moved to us, moved to us, and moved to each other. Finally, the red cloth moved to us, yeah! We won!

Change the field and fight again. I don't know what happened this time. The red cloth moved to the other side all the time. We couldn't make any effort. We lost. But we didn't lose heart because we only got a draw. Who knows, the third game is the same as the second. We walked down the field dejectedly like a deflated ball.

Our class is small and big. It's good to win once. The teacher said that we have created a miracle. Although we didn't win the championship this time, we don't regret it at all. Because we did our best. I think no matter what I do, as long as I try my best, I will have no regrets!

Composition describing physical education students (3)

The autumn wind is bleak and the leaves are fluttering. The annual autumn sports meet finally kicked off in the expectation of the students.

In the morning, we arrived at the school early, and the autumn wind hit me, making me feel chilly. I added another layer of thick clothes for myself, and it was time to review. We walked to the playground at a neat pace. After a circle around the playground, we finally stopped. We stood in the center of the playground with the review teams of all grades. Why didn't the principal finish speaking, It was freezing to death. Finally, the speech of the headmaster was over. We rushed back to our respective classes together and put on our coats. I warmed up a lot.

Next is the fierce track and field competition! Every athlete is energetic and ready to participate in the competition in the best condition. The gun sounded with a bang. The 800 meter long distance race has begun. The athletes did not change their faces in the process of the competition. They chased each other, and the winner was hard to decide. They did not know who would win or lose until the last moment of the sprint. Some athletes fell down in the course of the competition, did not lose heart, stood up and continued to move forward; Some lose, don't be discouraged, fight, and try again next time! Throughout the game, the audience cheered for the athletes and shouted at the top of their lungs. After some athletes finished the long-distance run, everyone ran to hold him, handed water, treated him, and asked for warmth... just like taking care of their relatives. This is great care. The whole playground is full of lively atmosphere.

The tug of war competition of teachers was also very wonderful. I saw that teachers made full use of their strength one by one. The red marks were in the teacher's drag, one left, one right. It was hard to tell who won and who lost.

The competition lasted until the afternoon, and the enthusiasm of teachers and students did not decline. Until the last shot, with the joint efforts of all teachers and students, the Games successfully completed all competitions and successfully ended.

The game is over. Although we didn't win the first place, we won the civilized pacesetter. However, the most important thing is to participate!

Composition describing physical education students (4)

Primary School Students' Composition 1 Describing Sports Competition

As the saying goes, "No pain, no gain", every challenge has a different feeling.

One Friday morning, the teacher announced that the rope skipping contest would be held next Wednesday. Hearing the news, the students couldn't wait to register with the two sports monitor before class was over. My heart was also pounding with excitement: "Do you want to participate in the competition? Come on, then I will waste my precious time after class to practice. If not, I want to win some honors for the class." My heart was confused by this problem, but I finally decided to participate in the competition.

The day of the game is drawing near, and my heart is getting more nervous day by day. Finally, it was the day of the game. On the field, when I saw the competition of the first grade children was so fierce, my heart suddenly shrank and kept pounding. Jin Fangying, my classmate who participated in the competition with me, saw my anxiety and comforted me, saying, "Don't be nervous, trust yourself!" My nervous heart slowly relaxed.

Finally, it was our turn. With the PE teacher's whistle, we began to jump hard. I nervously watched the dancing rope skipping. At this time, the rope skipping was like a snake with open teeth and claws, dancing wildly on my head and rubbing at my feet... I broke down twice in a row. When I was about to give up disappointedly, I thought of my teachers and classmates again. At this time, they must be looking at me, and their eyes must be full of expectations. Yes, I can't let them down, so I will work hard!

The game is finally over. My heart is calm and nervous, because I don't know whether I have won honor for the class. I can only look forward to it all the time

Primary School Students' Composition 2 about Sports Competition

In the golden autumn season, we finally welcomed the annual autumn sports meeting with excitement. On that day, there was one of the most exciting competitions in the sports meeting, the women's 500 meter preliminary.

The athletes posed and lined up in turn to meet the challenge like soldiers waiting for the general's order. "Take your positions and get ready - bang! With the starter's shot, the audience seethed! Some students were impatient and eager to know the victory or defeat of the athletes, but they stood on the bench; some students cheered and cheered for their classmates.

At the beginning, Liu Mingxin rushed to the second place at an amazing speed. When she ran, she felt tired and frowned. At this time, she was already the sixth place. Running hard, I saw that she seemed unable to run, so I cheered for her. Other students cheered for their good partners. Liu Mingxin saw that I cheered for her so much, and shouted, "I must rush to the front, she cheered for herself, and her mouth still shouted; '123, 123, I said to myself, as long as you work hard, you can run to the front. Liu Mingxin seemed to hear what I said, and suddenly ran back to the second place at an amazing speed, I shouted; "Good!

The students cheered for her and applauded for her strong perseverance. The game is over, but it tells me that as long as we persevere and refuse to be outdone, we will succeed!

Primary School Students' Composition 3 about Sports Competition

I remember that in the second quarter of that morning, we had a unique tug of war.

Just after class, Miss Sun asked the students to stand in line in front of the classroom to get ready. Time passed quickly, and the time to inspire people finally came. All the warriors ready to participate in the competition are eager to try.

... A large thick rope is pressed on two white lines in the field, and a bright red scarf is tied in the middle of the rope. Whoever can pull the red cloth in the rope through the white line at his own end will win.

"Du --" The whistle sounded, and the team members of both sides clamped the rope like crabs.

"Duh --" The whistle sounded again, and the field became a battlefield. We both refused to give in to each other and tried our best to pull back. Look, the tall student leans back and looks like a ripe red apple. Look at the cheerleading teams, jumping and shouting, "Come on, class three, class three! Come on, class three, class three!" The red cloth moved to us, moved to us, and moved to each other. Finally, the red cloth moved to us, yeah! We won!

Change the field and fight again. I don't know what happened this time. The red cloth moved to the other side all the time. We couldn't make any effort. We lost. But we didn't lose heart because we only got a draw. Who knows, the third game is the same as the second. We walked down the field dejectedly like a deflated ball.

Our class is small and big. It's good to win once. The teacher said that we have created a miracle. Although we didn't win the championship this time, we don't regret it at all. Because we did our best. I think no matter what I do, as long as I try my best, I will have no regrets!

Primary School Students' Composition 4 about Sports Competition

Sports enable people to have a healthy body. The spirit of sports is the torch, illuminating people's hearts and inspiring people to forge ahead.

I remember that it was one afternoon in the first semester of fifth grade. The second class was physical education. The students were very happy. After class, the students jumped down the stairs alive and kicking. After standing in the line, the teacher gave an order: "Today we are competing in the relay race (because we are familiar with the rules of relay race, the teacher does not need to introduce too much.) Run in vertical rows. Run! Just after the teacher's words, the students in the first row flew past like bullets. We didn't take the lead in the first round. The students were still very enthusiastic and shouted, "Come on! Come on! Hurry up! Come on! Come on! Hurry up! - They were also shouting for fuel. It can be seen that the students are very united. The teacher shouted," The second round begins! "! Each group of students is confident. They must think that our group will win. The competition officially started, and the students ran desperately to win the first place, which reflected the spirit of competition between the classes. But after all, there should be a first and a second. I want to tell you that success should not be proud, and failure should not be discouraged.

In this game, our group performed very well. Our group was in the lead for the time being. When I saw the action of Zhu Wei, the player from other groups, I told my classmates; "Don't be arrogant. The people in other groups are also very powerful.

Running, running, the students were tired, and my stomach began to hurt. Before I knew it, my stomach began to hurt, I told myself; perseverance prevails! yeah! Finally, we won!

Through this competition, I feel that sports are also a kind of happiness.

Primary School Students' Composition 5 about Sports Competition

The autumn wind is bleak and the leaves are fluttering. The annual autumn sports meet finally kicked off in the expectation of the students.

In the morning, we arrived at the school early, and the autumn wind hit me, making me feel chilly. I added another layer of thick clothes for myself, and it was time to review. We walked to the playground at a neat pace. After a circle around the playground, we finally stopped. We stood in the center of the playground with the review teams of all grades. Why didn't the principal finish speaking, It was freezing to death. Finally, the speech of the headmaster was over. We rushed back to our respective classes together and put on our coats. I warmed up a lot.

Next is the fierce track and field competition! Every athlete is energetic and ready to participate in the competition in the best condition. The gun sounded with a bang. The 800 meter long distance race has begun. The athletes did not change their faces in the process of the competition. They chased each other, and the winner was hard to decide. They did not know who would win or lose until the last moment of the sprint. Some athletes fell down in the course of the competition, did not lose heart, stood up and continued to move forward; Some lose, don't be discouraged, fight, and try again next time! Throughout the game, the audience cheered for the athletes and shouted at the top of their lungs. After some athletes finished the long-distance run, everyone ran to hold him, handed water, treated him, and asked for warmth... just like taking care of their relatives. This is great care. The whole playground is full of lively atmosphere.

The tug of war competition of teachers was also very wonderful. I saw that teachers made full use of their strength one by one. The red marks were in the teacher's drag, one left, one right. It was hard to tell who won and who lost.

The competition lasted until the afternoon, and the enthusiasm of teachers and students did not decline. Until the last shot, with the joint efforts of all teachers and students, the Games successfully completed all competitions and successfully ended.

The game is over. Although we didn't win the first place, we won the civilized pacesetter. However, the most important thing is to participate!