Senior Miss's Composition (5 required)
reconcile oneself to one's situation
2024-05-15 04:31:50

Senior Miss's Composition (1)

Recently, two "big ladies" came to our class, the elder sister "Jinfeng Huangying" and the younger sister "Yinfeng Qiuyu", two pots of chrysanthemums. They bring endless fun to our class.

The first day they came, the classroom was very lively! Some students around it, looking at it curiously; Some smiled while watching, their smiling faces were more brilliant than chrysanthemums; Others are reading their names attentively... We all love them. Students never pick petals. It is thirsty, water them; They are cold. Let them bask in the sun. After our careful care, there are still a few small buds shyly raised their heads, looking around, looking at the colorful world.

The two "big ladies" have different forms. The elder sister, "Jinfeng and Huangying", is all in gold, which adorns the beautiful autumn. In the sun, the golden light shines brightly. Its petals are held together like a "golden hydrangea". Each petal is curly and drooping, like a shy girl fiddling with her clothes. Close up, we found that one by one small bud hidden in the green leaves, pure and simple. The little sister, "Silver Phoenix Autumn Rain", was all plain, with white petals mixed with green, like amber. Its "hair" is straight, like the graceful and graceful women's hair, and also like high mountains and flowing water, flying down, making people feel as if they are in the harmonious nature.

The two "big ladies" are so elegant. They are not warm. Although they are not as rich as roses, they emit streams of fragrance, refreshing. Every day when I enter the classroom, a faint fragrance wafts to me. The students brought cameras and took photos with them, revealing bright smiling faces. The students picked up a brush to draw chrysanthemums, which was lifelike and lifelike. Some students wrote couplets, poems, every word, every word, every sentence, all containing infinite feelings.

The two "big ladies" caused us to study chrysanthemums. Through group research activities, we not only learned about the knowledge of cultivating chrysanthemums, but also let me understand the quality of chrysanthemums: they are pure and simple, not comparable to others, not competing with other flowers. It is strong, just, not afraid of the cold, not afraid of the cold, blooming flowers in spring have withered, only chrysanthemums in full bloom. Two "big ladies", thank you for coming!

Senior Miss's Composition (2)

There is a student named Ye Ye in our class. In my opinion, she is a "big lady". She has a goose egg like face, white and transparent, a pair of big watery eyes, and a long ponytail, which makes her walk around and look very personalized.

"Big lady" is a bit of "style". Since rehearsing the "June 1st" sketch program "Sea Cucumber Fried Noodles", she has become the "boss" of several like-minded students! Because the program is quite brilliant, I think this "boss" is very stylish. Everywhere she often goes, there are small partners around. I really envy her popularity!

"Big Miss" is a little "Jiao Er". But I am a bit timid. I remember one time, when I was in line, I was too anxious, and I was very nervous. I accidentally bumped into the "big lady". My first reaction was that in general, everyone should not take it seriously, just forgive me.

But after I hit the "big lady", there was an angry spark in her eyes. Her nose and eyes twisted into a ball, and she shouted at me: "Why do you push me? Silly big sister!" So several of her "underlings" also helped to say: "Yes! Who let you hit our boss, silly big sister! Silly big sister!" At this time, she was like an angry "tigress", while I was like her "prey" until she hit me hard a few times and knocked me out. I was really a little angry and said to myself, "Miss," how could you do that?

Although I was a little angry at that time, I also figured it out later. Ye Ye's domineering behavior is not desirable, but she has many advantages. I guess she is called the "boss" because she is very popular with her classmates. In addition, she is also a team member who has excellent performance and is good at singing and dancing. "Boss", of course, should play a leading role. I sincerely hope that she can lead the "second" and "third" to become better.

This is Ye Ye, the "big lady" in our class who is both charming and cute, overbearing and popular. If she can correct her shortcomings in time and carry forward her advantages, then her title of "big lady" in my mind will disappear forever, but she will be a really popular and lovely "perfect girl".

Senior Miss's Composition (3)

Ha ha, is there a big lady these days? Look, how strange it is! Then listen to me slowly and listen to how angry the eldest lady is.

The disturbance in physical education class

Yes! This morning, four classes are PE classes! In PE class, we played for 35 minutes. After the happy PE class, I was going back to the classroom when someone said a joke: "Shang Lan is cute like a dog." She got angry, gave us a look and ran away. When I got to the classroom, I knew the consultant asked her what was wrong, but she gave me a cold look. It makes me feel bad. When I came to school this afternoon, I was still worried. But when she came to school, she smiled and said hello to me on her own initiative. Her indifferent expression disappeared, and I made up.

Misfortune caused by rope skipping

After class this morning, Shang Lan dragged me to jump rope. When I said I would not go, I said to Shang Lan angrily, "I will ignore you all my life." Alas, my intestines are regretful. I knew I would not say it. I tried to give her eyes in class, but they were rejected. It's strange that she, who always arrives early, was late. I'm really worried about whether she told the teacher. After class, I found out that she cried for it. She can't help it.

This is the "big lady" of our class, my lovely and annoying good partner - Shang Lan!

Senior Miss's Composition (4)

The first introduction must be the famous "annoying lady". She loves to smile. Although she has short hair, a row of white teeth, and a bright smile on a melon seed face, what is lacking in beauty is that annoying mouth. If there is a new topic, the most intense and loud one must be her, and the voice of the people beside her has almost become zero decibel. I remember several times that when the lights went out at night, everyone's mouth was always out of control, and they often whispered a few words. The annoying lady's mouth seems to have a place to play. She speaks most loudly in the whole hall, which often causes unnecessary blame. This makes us feel that she is easy to bully. She is Zheng Yiping. How about that? She deserves it!

The second person to introduce to you should be the famous "Miss Violence". I believe the first person you think of is her: Jiang Minyuan. If Bing Xin or Nobel has a "best violence" award, I believe she will win! After class, I can always see the prisoner lying on the ground and her side. Because her action sounded the "red alarm" in our class, we did not dare to approach her to avoid "catching fire". About two-thirds of the students were afraid of her next move. The other one-third of the students are not afraid of her, but have reckless curiosity and deliberately provoke her. When she gets angry, it seems like a bolt from the blue. Then someone will regret it. She also has many helpers. Guys attach the most importance to the big girl Gu Tingyan and the long haired girl Xu Ximin. They are the best combination of three purely fated. They are the bane of boys and the savior of girls. I firmly believe that as long as they are there, boys can't act rashly.

The third one was supposed to be Pu Minyi, who was too quiet. She was called the "quiet lady" in our class. She was too quiet to read whenever she was free, and her performance did not rank on the list. She was in the top ten, which everyone knew. Because she learned very well, it was natural for teachers to help her everywhere. It is impossible for boys not to know this, so they dare not provoke her for fear of causing unnecessary trouble. If they call, it will be miserable. She is one of the most respected girls in our class, like a "hero among women". Everyone listened to her. It was natural to be a little abnormal. We worship Minyi's mental quality of being unhurried, attentive, and striving for perfection.

The three ladies have different styles and are the best in our class. However, everyone has his own personality and demeanor. Only when everyone is united, can they form a dazzling whole - Class 501!

Senior Miss's Composition (5)

Ye Chenfeng saw the four younger sisters coming, and a warm smile appeared on his face. The city looks like a noble lady. It's a pity that they don't want to make the city become as gentle and polite as the women of other big families every day. The most important thing is that those women should always keep their dignity and beauty and smile hypocritically. They don't want the city to be like that. It's not the original city.

Who doesn't want to live simply and happily? The Ye family will not force their children to behave like this because they are a big family. The Ye family is extremely harmonious and only hopes that the children can be happy.

Ye Qingxue's name is just like her people. Her appearance is inferior to that of Ye Qingcheng, but she will not be unwilling. Although she looks cold and cold, she is a person with a cold face and a warm heart. And only in front of Ye Qingcheng will smile. Ye Qingcheng's face, which can also be called peerless, softened slightly as he approached, and a faint smile gently rose from the corner of his mouth.

Although Ye Qingcheng walked elegantly on the surface, in fact, he wanted to go all the way to meet her second brother and third sister! The lady looks really tired. She should always keep a smile on her face. She should not take too many steps. One step at a time, when will she arrive!

After struggling in her heart, Qingcheng spent 1 minute to arrive. In fact, Ye Qingcheng thought it was an hour. Seeing the second brother and the third sister, Ye Qingcheng could hardly pretend to be a lady. Fortunately, her acting skills were not covered, and she just resisted the impulse of Xiong Bao.

Such a lady's life is still one month away! She's about to collapse! Suddenly, an excellent idea suddenly came to Ye Qingcheng's mind: Mommy and Mrs. Li bet that their daughter would be a lady longer than their daughter. The eldest Miss Li is jealous of Ye Qingcheng's appearance and secretly mocks her again and again. Don't think Ye Qingcheng doesn't know it. This time, as long as she creates a small accident and makes Miss Li not a lady, Ye Qingcheng will be liberated! Go now, go back quickly, she won't have to do this!

Ye Qingcheng smiles wickedly, and an ominous premonition immediately rises in Ye Qinglan's heart. Every time the city smiles like this, someone will be unlucky again. I don't know who is the target of the whole city. It's so unlucky. After half a second of silence for the man, Ye Qinglan calmly raised her head and walked again.

Ye Chenfeng, Ye Qingxue and Ye Qinglan watched Ye Qingcheng walk past at a high speed. Even the wind could not match her speed. The three people immediately wondered: where is the city going? Three people also walked in. Anyway, they were in the same class. Please ask again later.

Ye Qingcheng came to the class. She was from Class 6, Grade 2. When she entered the classroom, she saw Li Sisi, the eldest daughter of the Li family, sitting in her seat. Ye Qingcheng walks in her direction, full of lady temperament. When Li Sisi saw that Ye Qingcheng was still so noble, he became jealous: Why is she so beautiful? I must destroy her!

Li Sisi saw Ye Qingcheng come up to her and immediately said softly, "Sister Qingcheng, what are you doing here?" Ye Qingcheng smiled with a magnificent smile and said, "I've come to ask you when to return my book. Miss Li Sisi, I don't have a sister like you. I borrowed my book and haven't returned it for half a month."

Li Sisi said nothing at once. She had torn up the book long after she borrowed it. Where can I find it?

Some students in the class cast scornful eyes on Li Sisi after hearing this. Li Sisi felt more reluctant later, but on the surface, he was still soft and weak: "I like that book very much. Could you lend it to me for a few months?"

Ye Qingcheng raised his eyebrows, approached Li Sisi, and whispered, "I'm afraid you have already torn it off, haven't you?"

Li Sisi's face showed an undisguised panic, and he said anxiously: "How... how could it be?" The more he thought about Li Sisi, the more nervous he became. In the Royal Academy, all those who did not love books were expelled from school. If Ye Qingcheng said so, she would die! Thinking about it, Li Sisi stood up and asked, "Qingcheng classmate, I really like books, can't you really borrow me?"

Ye Qingcheng said politely, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Li Sisi was about to lift his foot when he slipped and fell in front of Ye Qingcheng. The students laughed when they saw Li Sisi in such a mess. Now her ladylike attitude was completely lost. Ye Qingcheng quickly took out the prepared iPhone 5, took a picture and sent it to Mommy, with a sentence: "Mommy, bet you have won, don't thank me~~"

Li Sisi stood up, felt his face gone, and ran out of the classroom in shame. A hint of malice appeared on her face, and suddenly she thought of a vicious way to make the Ye family look bad! Li Sisi laughed, but he was not beautiful at all. Hehehehe, Ye Qingcheng, I will destroy you!

Li Sisi never thought that it was the Ye family who helped the Li family when they were down and out, so Li Sisi could have this identity. Unfortunately, her mind is full of how to make Ye Qingcheng make a fool of herself.

Ye Qingcheng watched Li Sisi run away, and finally she didn't need to continue her lady posture. She happily sat in her seat and played with her mobile phone.

When Ye Chenfeng, Ye Qingxue and Ye Qinglan came to the classroom, they saw such a scene: a gorgeous girl was looking at her mobile phone, the golden sun was shining on her, and the beautiful smile on her lips became more and more dazzling. This scene is like a beautiful scroll, too beautiful to break.