600 words of honesty in composition (5 popular articles)
Old look of empty city
2023-12-07 06:49:03
primary school

600 words of honesty in composition (1)

Choose 600 words of honest composition (1)

The 600 word integrity composition is a virtue passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors. If we want to grow and become talents, we should strive to be trustworthy and keep our promises. I have suffered from dishonesty. During the summer vacation, my mother and I agreed that we could not watch TV or play computer from Sunday to Thursday after school began. If we broke our promise, we would cancel all activities. I did well the previous week, but by the second week, my heart was itching. On Wednesday, when my mother was watching her favorite TV play, I pretended to sit in front of the TV and drink milk. At first, the milk in the cup was still gradually disappearing, but slowly, I threw the milk out of the window. Ten minutes passed, 20 minutes passed, and half an hour passed... I sat in front of the TV for more than an hour. My mother deliberately didn't remind me and let me go. After finishing the homework, it was more than 10 o'clock in the evening. I am exhausted. I should take a bath and go to bed. After taking a bath, my mother called me to her face and calmly asked me: "Do you still remember our agreement in the summer vacation? If you do, you should know how to do it. Do you think you can watch TV during school? Do you have time? You should abide by the agreement, keep your word, and be a trustworthy person. Since you can't do it, you should not promise at that time. Haven't you read the book "Walking with the United States"? Isn't it written in the book that people should be honest? You should be as trustworthy as Zhuo Shu. He has made an appointment with Zhuge Ke to come here even though he has to travel across mountains and rivers, and live in the open air. You can see how trustworthy he is! The same is true of the "honest father who pays debts for his son". Although he lives a frugal life, he still insists on paying debts. His deeds just verified this sentence: integrity is like a green fruit. If you bite it, it is sour and astringent, but it has endless aftertaste. If you discard it, you will regret it for life! Confucius also said: 'People have no faith, and I don't know what to do.' You can't even be honest and trustworthy. What else can you do? Integrity is a mirror, once broken, your life will appear cracks! Mom said this not to criticize you and prevent you from watching TV, but to understand the truth that people should be honest and trustworthy. It is a virtue to keep your word! However, in order to let you remember this lesson, this week's event will be canceled. "I nodded thoughtfully. Yes, honesty is also a bridge to success. Those who are dishonest will never reach the other end of the bridge. I willingly accepted the punishment because I want to keep my promise and keep my promise. This is a beautiful person. Honesty is like a torch, which can illuminate the future; honesty is like a speedboat, which can sail to success; Honesty is like a ladder, which can ascend the throne of life! The world without honesty is a desolate and desolate world. This is an intangible wealth, which is a heavy and priceless treasure. Taking integrity as the foundation, our life will be more stable; With integrity on the road, our life journey will be more colorful! I want to understand honesty, be honest, and have honesty! I want to let integrity drive me to success!

Choose 600 words of honest composition (2)

Honest Choice: I sat uneasily in my seat, waiting for the papers to be handed out, looking out of the window at the sky, it was gray. I didn't do well in the exam this time, and it's useless to regret it, just waiting. The test paper was handed out, and the striking red numbers made me suddenly a little overwhelmed. In an instant, my heart seemed to stop, and it was over. I failed the test. On the way home, I thought of my parents at home. When I thought of their expressions when they knew the results, I felt uncomfortable. What to do, lie, and decide in my heart. When I got home, I put down my schoolbag, went to the table and sat down. "Mom and Dad, I had an exam today." I said, my heart beating all the time, and my father's eyes lit up and said, "Oh, really? How many points!" Looking at the expectant eyes of my parents, I hesitated for a moment, and said decisively, "95 points!" "Really! It's good, and I will work hard like this next time!" Mother's eyes filled with pride and relief. I smiled and lowered my head. Silently returned to the room. The kitchen is in my room, and you can clearly see my mother cooking in the kitchen. Mother cut the potato chips in a leisurely manner, and even potato chips were placed neatly in the plate, waiting for the frying pan. When I saw my mother's skilled figure in the kitchen, I felt uncomfortable. It turned out that my mother had cooked food for me for 15 years. At that moment, I cried. I took out a 55 point paper from my schoolbag and looked at my name on it. Tears fell down like pearls. My father gave me my name and his hope for me. I found that I was wrong, deeply wrong. "Mom and Dad, I lied." I came to the living room with no fear on my face, only regret. "What's the matter?" My father looked at me in amazement, and I said decisively: "I only got 55 points in this exam, and I made up 95 points." Mother came out of the kitchen and looked at me in disbelief. "I was wrong, I'm sorry." My parents were silent. After a while, my mother said, "It doesn't matter if we don't do well in the exam, but lying is wrong, and it will hurt my parents. Let's summarize the reasons and try to do well in the exam next time." My father didn't say anything, but I saw the understanding and encouragement in his eyes. At that moment, the sky outside seemed to clear up. The test paper in hand is no longer heavy, so I am confident to meet the next challenge. At that moment, I chose honesty, and at that moment, I chose growth. I know that my parents' encouragement, expectation and support accompany me. I firmly believe that the choice at that moment was correct, because I chose honesty.

Choose 600 words of honest composition (3)

The experience of Choosing Honesty impressed me deeply. That day, the teacher came into the classroom with a large stack of test papers. The students understand that it is time to hand out the test papers. The classroom was silent at once. After a while, my test paper was handed out, and I was very happy. I got the first place in the class with a score of 100 points, and my classmates were impressed with me. On the way home, green trees became overcast, birds chirped, the sky was so blue, and everything in the world was so beautiful for me. When I got home, I immediately told my mother the good news. My mother was overjoyed. She looked at the examination paper and suddenly frowned. She said, "Tingting, this special special character you have written the dragon character. Go to the teacher in the afternoon to help you change it." I felt as if I had suddenly fallen into the eighth tier of hell. At this time, I heard a person say: "Don't go to the teacher, so you can't get the first place in the class!" But another voice immediately retorted: "Be honest. Honesty is more important than scores and rankings. You must choose honesty!" Yes, honesty, money can't buy it. If you fail in the exam, you can make up for it next time. In the afternoon, I went to see my teacher, who helped me circle the dragon character and said to me, "Here, this point, let's give it to you as an honest gift." That day, I finally defeated myself and chose honesty under various temptations to get real happiness!

Choose 600 words of honest composition (4)

Choosing Honesty Teng Xian, my mother will go out for a while and come back at noon. After you get up, recite your endorsement quickly. The mid-term exam is coming! Hurry up! " My mother went out early in the morning. My sleepy eyes made me say weakly, "Oh, I know, I won't watch TV." Finally, I lost my voice. "Bang!" Mom went out. Lying in bed lazily, I thought: What are you doing today? Watch tv? Surfing the Internet? read a book? yes! I said that the mid-term exam must be over 97 points! But I can't read all the time! I also need a little rest... I feel energetic when I think about it. I jumped up and began to dress quickly. I was washing my face in less than two minutes. After wiping one or two times, I began to catch up with my homework. "Tick, tick, tick --" Time also caught up with me, and I finished the last homework at a lightning speed. I chose a book - Chinese. Carelessly scanned again and again. Warmness crept into the book, and asked the table! Two hours have passed! The chess master battle program has begun! But I said not to watch TV! Why do you regret it? But isn't Mom just not there? Once in a blue moon! But... it's not impossible not to look at it. It's just a battle between masters! It's not about acting yourself, it's just about having fun! But this is something that the devil doesn't know and God doesn't know! No one knows. At the same time, I have picked up the remote control. I threw away the remote control in a hurry. People's greed is infinite, so I picked up the remote control, left and right, no one! I gently pressed "open", and the program appeared. I switched to the chess program, just in time for the second game. I watched it with interest. "I got it", "Who?" I immediately turned off the TV. Like a thief, I was startled. "Nobody? -" I turned on the TV again, watched it nervously, and looked at the door from time to time. After watching it for an hour, I can't stand it. Turn off the TV and watch the extra-curricular books. "This is much safer than watching TV." I said to myself. After this experience of "watching TV", I deeply realized the feeling of guilty conscience. I dare not do this all day long, so choose honesty!

Choose 600 words of honest composition (5)

Choosing honesty Honesty is valuable and priceless. These two words mean that honesty is priceless and money can't buy it. A person must be honest to become a person of noble character; If a person is dishonest, the small one will go astray, and the big one will be reviled and infamous for thousands of years. So say: Make friends carefully, be honest! Here is a story about my choice of honesty. I remember that it was the first semester of the third grade. A few days before the school held the "Second Computing Contest", the teacher was selecting students to participate in the competition on behalf of our class. Therefore, the teacher wrote several questions on the blackboard to test us, and said, "These questions are carefully done by students, because I want to select people to participate in the computing contest from two aspects of question making and usual performance." I was very happy, Usually my math is one of the best, and the question on the blackboard for me is Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake. I looked at the question roughly, and then divided three by five, the answer to the question appeared in my exercise book. Looking up, others are still writing! I can't help thinking: I will be selected by the teacher. How many students will envy me then! After a while, the teacher began to lecture. I listened very carefully, but it never occurred to me that I had made three mistakes. My heart began to tremble, but it backfired. The teacher said, "Please raise your hand if you have done wrong." I was so scared that I didn't want to raise my hand but dared not raise it. My heart was also very contradictory, and my mind was like two villains arguing. One said: "Never raise your hand, or you may be criticized by the teacher and lose the opportunity to participate in the competition." Another villain said: "Be honest. It's wrong to cheat the teacher. Even if you can participate in the competition in this way, your conscience will not pass." Then he said, "It's no big deal to cheat once. Besides, is this also an emergency? After two minutes of" ideological struggle ", I resolutely raised my hand. The teacher called me to the podium and asked me how many mistakes I had made. I answered in a low voice: "Three." "What, three, six questions in total, you are half wrong, what's wrong with you? I wanted you to participate in the competition, so you don't go." The teacher was furious, and left a mark on my face after saying that. My tears ran down my face, but I didn't regret it, because I knew that the teacher hated the iron, and I also had a clear conscience. Later, I didn't know whether the teacher was soft hearted or because I was "brave" that day, I was qualified to participate in the calculation contest. Friends, choose honesty! Be an open and aboveboard gentleman with noble moral character. Only in this way can you live with a clear conscience and be happy!

Choose 600 words of honest composition (6)

Choosing honesty In life, you have to face many choices. Making a good choice will affect your life. I face many choices like stars. I gently pick up the shining star of honesty to share with you. One day in the summer vacation, I went to learn English. I got on the crowded bus, found a seat and sat down. After a few minutes, I began to wonder why the ticket seller's aunt didn't ask me for the fare for so long? I thought for a moment. Maybe there were too many people getting on the bus just now. The ticket lady didn't notice me. Hehe, it's just right. You can save some money to buy ice cream. However, I killed my idea before long. Isn't that a lie? "Pickle!" An angel and a devil appeared. The angel said, "Yunmeng, to be a good student, give the money to the ticket clerk's aunt." The devil said, "So what? The ticket clerk's aunt didn't see it herself." The angel said, "Yunmeng, although it is a small thing, you can see a person's character."...... The devil said, "Let's not talk more, let Yunmeng choose! Choose me or him? ”I thought, and I already had the answer. "Let me go, let me go!" Who is calling? At first glance, isn't that Liang ×× in our class? What's he doing? Listen to the person next to him, it was Liang ×× who got on the bus without paying, but was caught by the ticket seller's aunt, who wanted to call his parents. I smiled, it seems that my choice is correct. I want to be a good man. I choose the city. I gave the money to the ticket seller's aunt, who praised me as a good child and glanced at Liang from time to time. My face is red and my ears are red. I once thought about not giving money to the ticket seller's aunt. This is the choice I made, this is the right choice I made. The beautiful honest star witnessed my growth and my life. PS: Hehe~~~I always think it's strange. It seems a bit wordy~~Please give me more advice

Choose 600 words of honest composition (7)

Choosing Honesty In people's life, we often have to make countless choices. Making a decisive and meaningful choice will determine people's success and destiny in life. In my real life, I have made such a right choice once. Once, my parents were not at home, and I was the only one at home. I watched TV in the living room, thirsty, I was getting ready to pour water. Because the TV play was so good, I walked back while watching TV, and carelessly dropped the vase on the ground. I looked at the pieces that fell on the ground, and I was as anxious as ants on a hot pot - Tuan Tuan. I thought: My grandfather went to travel abroad to buy this for my mother as a souvenir, and my mother would treat it as a treasure. If she knew, I broke the vase because I was greedy for watching TV. That's not good... At this time, my mother came back. She saw the debris falling on the ground from a distance and ran to me, saying, "What's the matter?" "I, oh... it was the mouse that just ran about and broke the vase." My mother said to me suspiciously, "No, we never have a mouse." My face turned red, Said, "It's me, accidentally..." I thought my mother would scold me, but it was not. On the contrary, my mother came up to me and said, with a smile on her face, "My mother is not angry, but very happy, because you dare

600 words of honesty in composition (2)

Remember last Tuesday, I came home. I really want to try my own cooking. Before my mother came home, I prepared dinner in a very good way. I first cooked and then began to stir fry. Soon, a delicious smell floated into my nose. "It should be familiar," I said to myself. Turn off the gas, take the plates and prepare to serve the dishes! Our pot is a little heavy. I picked up the pot with both hands and poured it into the plate. yes! The food landed perfectly and lay on the plate. I picked up the plate with my hands and walked excitedly to the restaurant. As soon as the plate is tilted, the dishes on the plate move disorderly and roll to my hand. "Ah!" I was scalded by the food, and I could not help but loosen my hands. My hands were scalded, and the plate was broken. My mother hasn't returned yet. I quickly swept the dishes and vegetables into the garbage can and tied up the garbage bag and threw it out. I'm relieved. Mother can't know about the broken plate. When I came back from throwing garbage, my mother just went home.

Seeing my mother, I immediately put my swollen hand behind my body, and my expression was unnatural. My heart is tangled with whether to tell my mother or continue to hide. My mother noticed my little movements and asked with concern: "What's the matter?" I looked at my mother and stammered: "Mom, I'm sorry, I broke a plate when I was serving vegetables." My mother said: "It doesn't matter. It's good to admit that you have made a mistake. It's nothing to break a plate. It's safe to break it!"

At this time, I realized that it was good for me to choose honesty and trustworthiness! It's better to speak out loud than to suffer in your heart. What I lost was a plate, but what I gained was quality. So I smiled, and my mother laughed with me.

600 words of honesty in composition (3)

That time, it was a math test. Because I didn't review at night, I got a big "B minus". On the way home, I felt the trees turned yellow, peach blossoms wilted, and even the happy singing of birds became melancholy. Thinking of Dad's red eyes, lion like roar and raised hands, I was afraid. "Alas, what should I do? Dad's slap is not for fun. If I slap, my nervous system may lose its function. In a word, this slap is definitely not easy to get." At this moment, my heart is like 15 buckets pumping water - seven up and eight down. Ah! I'm so scared! Gooseflesh is coming up. I am really a wife too afraid!

Gradually, an idea came into my mind! Change score? No, it's too good. Don't tell him the score? This line. Imitate Dad's signature? That's OK. Ha ha, Dad would never think that I told a big lie, but am I sorry to help me review and pay attention to my life? I meditated again.

"Tell your father, or you'll be sorry for him." "Don't listen to that fool. If you tell him, you will be beaten by your father to death!" "Tell!" "Don't tell!" At this moment, an angel and a devil appeared in my mind, and they tried to persuade me with their own ideas. My brain has been occupied by them, tell? Don't tell? I gritted my teeth and shouted, "I'll tell you!" Everyone in the street was frightened by me. They thought I was a psychopath and shouted on the road!

That time, my father did not blame me, but said quietly: "Son, you have been honest."

At that time, I finally achieved the unreachable quality, that is, the honesty that everyone praises.

600 words of honesty in composition (4)

In the morning, it was sunny, sunny, and the air was very fresh. I wanted to have a good sleep this weekend. As soon as I lay down, there was a noise outside the window. I couldn't sleep, so I had to go downstairs to see what was going on.

My father commanded a group of people to put new furniture one by one like a policeman. I saw nothing strange and interesting, so I sat on the sofa and watched TV. Suddenly an antique vase came into my sight. I walked over, looked left and right, and found that the color of the vase was composed of blue and white, with various patterns. I just wanted to touch the vase, but I was shocked by my father's voice. I thought my father was coming, but it was a false alarm, but the vase was broken! Fortunately, my father didn't find it, otherwise I would have to be scolded because it is my father's favorite vase, and my family can't touch it. I quickly put the fragments of the vase under the table temporarily and thought: "It's cake! It's cake! What should I do if my father finds it! Tell the truth to my father or tell a lie? If I tell the truth, my father will scold me. If I lie, I will be a bad boy..." In an emergency, I decided to lie to my father first, and then tell him when my father was angry. After my father's interrogation, I was not found by my father and escaped a disaster. But I felt a little sorry for my father's anxiety.

Finally, I decided to make up for my mistakes. At the risk of being scratched, I first put together the fragments of the vase, and then glued them with transparent glue. Then I held the vase in my arms and apologized to my father. I thought my father would scold me, but no, my father said earnestly: "Be honest. If everyone is like you, the world will be full of lies. Since you make up for your mistakes, I will not pursue them." I felt ashamed to listen to my father.

This is my choice, this is my right choice. Such a beautiful honest star witnessed my growth and my life.

600 words of honesty in composition (5)

It was quiet around and everyone looked at me. I felt my throat dry and my face burning.

The aunt was probably tired, so she stared at the child with white eyes, with an expression of unspeakable contempt and disgust.

Now if I say yes, I see it. Then, the aunt can continue to raise eyebrows and scold, and the child will be caught like a chicken by his father, scolded and even beaten violently. I opened my mouth and closed it again.

I saw it, but it was not "steal" as my aunt said, but "pick up" When the aunt took out the money, she accidentally brought out the fifty yuan note, and the little boy squatted at her feet. As soon as the aunt looked down, she saw a dirty and smelly child with a brand new green note in his hand, and cried out.

But can I say? All around are neighbors who come to buy vegetables. As I said, where should my aunt put her face? How can I tell my mother when I go home? So I was silent.

Aunt was impatient and urged, "You should speak quickly!"

That child is only six or seven years old! He has two runny noses. He could not understand his aunt's rapid fire local dialect, so he could only "wow".

It was nearly noon, and the peddlers scattered in twos and threes, but the good guys were still around. I hate them a little - if they leave, won't the matter be solved?

My aunt urged me again. Suddenly, the child called me "Sister"! The "sister" with a foreign accent touched my heartstrings. Auntie is sorry, "I saw it, but instead of stealing it, she is going to pick it up for you -"

If that time I chose the crime of "stealing", I would leave a shadow on the life of the little boy in the future: I'm afraid it would also make me uneasy all my life.