Composition of Tigress (16 Collections)
Fresh chrysanthemum still smells
2024-05-09 03:53:01
Junior two

Composition of Tigress (1)

Zhao Yunxuan, Class 3, Yinghua Primary School, Mother Tiger Mother, scolded me again this evening. What's going on here? It turned out that when my mother was drying my hair after taking a bath, I moved my slippers with my feet to put them in order. I didn't expect my arm to fall on my mother's body. My mother couldn't support me and rushed forward. She angrily scolded me, "You are grown up now, and I can't support you anymore. What if we fall down together? What if we hit the wall and break our head? You should think about the consequences before doing anything, so you can be a smart man!" Then look at my mother's face, The eyebrows were frowned tightly and the eyes were wide open. They were staring at me seriously! Mother is really a tigress! Teacher's comments: You can highlight the characteristics of the characters through the description of a specific incident. The description of language, demeanor and action is more detailed.

Composition of Tigress (2)

A small man with a fat face, he danced with joy and became angry. Ha ha, this is my mother.

Mom sometimes looks like a child. For example, if she is ill, she will become very delicate: let me take her medicine, massage her, and talk with her... Anyway, I can't leave her. It seems that I am a mother and she is the child!

Sometimes, my mother is like a big tiger. Once, my mother checked my homework and found that one question was due to my careless mistakes. I ordered it just in time and then checked it for my mother. When she looked at it, her eyebrows suddenly frowned. She looked up at me and threw the book on the desk with a loud bang. She shouted, "The same question is wrong twice! Write it thirty times! You don't have a long memory!" It was like a big tiger trying to eat people.

In fact, my mother is more like my good friend: when we are going to bed at night, we all have to whisper for a while. Whether it's the happy or sad things that happened to me at school, or my mother complaining, "Alas, I'm busy all day, how can I still be so fat!" are the topics we talk about. The mother at this time is neither a "child" nor a "big tiger", but a super good friend who shares happiness and troubles with me!

No matter where and when my mother plays a role, she is my favorite good mother!

Composition of Tigress (3)

"Ah! Help! Help the boys in the classroom. I can't stand it." Ah, my poor deskmate "Cai Mu", you are really unlucky today. Shh, don't blame me for not reminding you. Don't take the sword out of your face to help you, because Cai Muhan, who calls himself "Great Xia of Wood", is the famous female tiger Ma Mengyi.

Let me introduce you to the "tigress" first! Name: Ma Mengyi, age: 10 years old, hobby: singing, gender: female, appearance: a pair of cute small ears, a small nose, a pair of bright big eyes, plus a talkative mouth, a standard melon seed face, a head of black hair, white and white, clean and tall, a lady from a large family. You would think, how could this parent be a "tigress" with such a nice name and quiet writing? Oh, don't you believe it, don't believe it - or you can go to the playground with me to have a look.

Look! The "female tiger" is attacking Cai Muhan. Look, that attack almost toppled Cai Muhan who was unprepared. It was too late. At that time, Cai Muhan turned over and dodged the "female tiger". Then, the "female tiger" ran here again and aimed at his head. Look, beautiful, and hit the head of "Cai Muhan". Look, Most of his moves are like the big tiger in Jingyanggang. With her irascible temper, she has her own nickname "tigress".

The "female tiger" in our class is so powerful. There are many heroes of the Marsh in our class. If you want to know, please come to our class.

Composition of Tigress (4)

There is a woman in our class, which has four unique characteristics of Class 5 (1).

Characteristic NO.1: The sound in class is like a mosquito, and the sound after class is like a lion. One day in math class, the teacher asked her to answer a question, but her voice was so low that she seemed to test everyone's listening. After a while, I heard a little noise. The teacher had no choice but to ask her to sit down. When the bell rang, suddenly there was a cry: steamed buns! What are you doing! The voice rang through the sky, and only poor Peng Xiaohao admitted to her with innocent eyes. (Otherwise, she would be scolded even worse.) At this time, a smile appeared on her mouth. You can imagine that she was very happy now!

Feature No. 2: A bank note is very willing to buy a bunch of Q-coins. One day, after school, the teacher left, and she immediately shouted, "I will play fast cars to Level 100 today!"! Many people were shocked and ran away. Once, she also told me that she bought a dress (in the QQ flying car) with 100Q. And according to reliable sources, she is now helping many people to play QQ Flyer. She is really the king of Flyer in our class.

Feature No. 3: Remember him (her) in school and scold him (her) at home. She remembers his/her name whenever she sees someone who doesn't like him/her. At home, several classmates who hate him/her scold him/her together. Therefore, there are countless people who hate her.

Feature No.4: Who said bad things and treated people with horrible eyes. As long as someone says something unpleasant or disagrees with her, she will stare at you with two horrible eyes for more than 20 seconds, which makes people feel cold sweat and leave her hurriedly.

This is Zhou Luyao, the female tiger in our class

Composition of Tigress (5)

My mother has a round face, white skin, long hair, big eyes and a pair of glasses. She has two deep dimples when she smiles. She is our "tigress"! Because mother is a tiger. Although she is very gentle, when I do something wrong, the "tigress" will be angry.

Once, when I was doing Mathematical Olympiad at home, I ran into a problem that I couldn't do, so I secretly looked at the answer. I think this method is very good. It can not only finish the homework quickly, but also correct the problem. So I read the answers to each question. After finishing my homework, I said to my mother, "Mom, my homework is finished." When my mother saw that I finished my homework so quickly, her eyes narrowed into a line with laughter: "So fast, let me see." My mother looked at me and slowly began to face, and said to me, "Can you tell me how to do the topic?" But I hesitated to answer. After a moment of silence, the "tigress" shocked the world... "tigress" sternly said: "peeping at the answer is tantamount to stealing something, we can't get it without work. What we want to get through our own efforts is our own." I lowered my head with shame.

Is my "female tiger" very fierce? But I know that my mother loves me, and I firmly remember all that she has paid for me.

Composition of Tigress (6)

The tigress in our class is ferocious! It's the most ferocious. Her name is Li Chuchu. Although she is like a tigress, her appearance is perfect. I will also tell you secretly: "In my heart, she is not only a tiger, but also a violent woman!"

Her face was as fat as a round ball, and her eyes were squeezed into a thin seam, her nose was also shaped into a ditch, and her two nostrils were big. oh I forgot to tell you. She still wears glasses. Do you think she is far sighted or near sighted? Tell you that she is actually hyperopia, you should not guess it! Her teeth are as sharp as a tigress! Her figure is also similar to that of a tigress. She is chubby. Even if she looks like a tigress, she is also a little cute. With her quick movements and quick skills, she is simply a perfect tigress.

Once, I left school with her. When I came downstairs, I wanted to go home, she came up to me from the right and said fiercely, "Can you race with me, boy?" I didn't want to race with her. However, in this helpless situation, I had to agree. At the beginning, I ran straight from the beginning to the end. She also took all her strength and tried her best to ride forward. Finally, I won. However, now her ability to ride a bicycle is getting better and better.

She always keeps the power of the tigress.

Composition of Tigress (7)

Speaking of the "female tiger" in our class, everyone in the class knows it! Look! It looks like a witch's face: under a pair of sharp eyes, there is a long and sharp nose, which is like a witch alive. That voice is even more chilling. Anyone who is not careful to be yelled by her will be shocked to break his eardrum.

Speaking of her "heroic deeds", there are many more. I will choose a classic story to share with you!

That's because there is a word "wen" in her name, so when students say words with "wen", they have to carefully "select" them before they dare to say them out, or they are accidentally misunderstood by her and you are scolding her, then you have to suffer. Once during the break, I heard an ungrateful classmate saying, "I know that there is a file of" chicken rice text "chicken rice is delicious, and I heard that" chicken rice text "...... Before he finished speaking, we saw the" female tiger "stiffened up his face, and those two radar like ears had sensed something, and began to angrily walk to the classmate, waving the" female tiger "'s paw, We only saw a flash and saw that the student's face had become a big colorful face. I noticed that since then, except for the word "Chinese", our classmate has not said any other words with the word "Wen", probably because of the consequences of the "storm".

Boys and girls, when you see here, you will know that the "female tiger" in our class is a worthy one! Oh, God, don't let her see my article, or I will become Monkey King.

Composition of Tigress (8)

My mother is very beautiful. A head of bright black hair, a pair of bushy eyebrows, a pair of watery eyes, a straight 'nose with a cherry mouth... Stop! You must not be fascinated by my mother's appearance. She is a tigress who can't be provoked at home.

One weekend morning, my mother was working in the hospital, and I slept late at home. After getting up, I didn't finish my mother's task, so I played games with my father. When my mother came back, she looked at my room, and there was a big fire on her head, and her eyes were wide open: "Look at you. When you get up in the morning, the room is not tidied up, and you can play games when you get up!" "I will change it next time, won't you?" I replied while burying my head and playing games. Mother was even more angry: "You want to have another time." I thought to myself: Why is it so difficult to talk to you? Seeing that I didn't answer, my mother then asked, "Did you write the draft composition I asked you to write. I begged for mercy and pulled my mother to act like a coquette.

And every time I practice the piano, sometimes I just go out to the toilet, and my mother starts yelling: "You don't want to practice the piano, just tell me, don't waste time here!" "I really can't help it anymore." I'm extremely humbled. But my mother didn't like this. Her eyes were still burning, staring at me, as if to say, if you do this again next time, I will see how I can deal with you.

Mom is so terrible!

Composition of Tigress (9)

There is a fierce tigress in our family. When I make a mistake, she will serve me with a feather duster.

Once I watched TV and didn't go to bed until eight o'clock. The next day, my eyes couldn't open. Just then, our female tiger broke through the door lock of my first defense line, took the secret weapon "feather duster", and shouted "Get up..." with the "Hedong Lion Roar" of 100 decibels. My ears were deafened, but I still felt light, I couldn't get up. As a result, the "female tiger" took up the secret weapon "feather duster" and attacked me. As a result, I was beaten "bleeding in the seven orifices", so I had to surrender and get up in a daze.

This is not the toughest. What's more?

This is my deepest impression. When I came home from school, I clamoured to eat red bayberry, but there was no red bayberry in winter. The "Mother Tiger" asked me to eat some biscuits. But I really wanted to eat red bayberry, so I had to buy it. Otherwise, I would not do my homework. This irritated her. In anger, she gave me eighteen blows, which made me "face up to the sky" I'm not a person who will give up easily. "The tigress" took the feather duster and wanted to hit me. I dodged and dodged cleverly. Unexpectedly, the "tigress" carried her stick on the glass behind me. The glass broke and "the tigress" became furious. She kept chasing me. I thought of locking up and locked myself in the room. "The tigress" While looking for the key, I shouted, "You still haven't come out? You will be miserable later." After hearing this, I rushed out of the room immediately. Unexpectedly, my mother was waiting outside my room, and I was caught by my mother. The result is predictable.

Although the "tigress" in my family is fierce, she also has a gentle side. However, I am still afraid of her.

Composition of Tigress (10)

Hi! How do you do! I am Huang Rui, who is called "the tigress". This is not a false name! Come and have a look!

Tigers can roar! My "Tiger Roar Kung Fu" is also very powerful. Once, a boy did not obey discipline in class. As soon as class was over, I yelled at him and said I would tell the teacher. He was so scared that he "knelt down" to me and begged me to let him go... How about it? Am I good? ha-ha!

The tiger's claws are sharp, and my hands are also very powerful! It can make people feel very painful and leave a deep impression. (But I don't need it easily.) Once, a boy hit me for no reason, and I was very, very angry, with anger in my eyes... In this way, he left five marks on his hand! Hum! (I want you to provoke me!)

When a tiger walks in the forest, all animals are afraid of it. It's all because of his tiger style. When it comes to "tiger style", I really have a move. Once, several boys stepped on my desk and chair without apologizing, which ignited my anger again. I looked at them "ferociously", but did not expect a fist to fall on my face. I did not move, and continued to stare at them, looking at them with fear on the surface, emptiness in the heart, and heads drooping. Then I jumped up and stepped on their table like "flowing clouds", Finally, they landed on the ground beautifully and looked silly! Admire it! Hee hee!

Tigers are carnivores, but I am not happy without meat! Once, Grandma bought a pigeon and came back to cook. As soon as it was served, I ate the pigeon and even the bones were clean. Grandma and my parents were shocked! I have eaten this pigeon for less than 5 minutes! (Sorry!)


Don't offend me, I'm Huang Rui, who is called "Tiger Mother"!

Composition of Tigress (11)

Friends are an indispensable part of our life. Without friends, I don't know how much happiness will be lost in this world.

My friend is the "tigress" in our class. The reason why she is called "tigress" is that she speaks very loudly and can also "roar the lion". She is the deputy monitor of our class, very prestigious, 80% of the students admire her very much. One morning, when it was almost morning reading, the students talked and talked together in twos and threes, and a group of students ran around the classroom corridor. The monitor had no choice but to ask the deputy monitor for help. After the two people bit each other's ears, the deputy monitor rushed out of the door and started her "Lion Roar Skill": "All students should enter the classroom immediately"! The glass in the classroom shook, which frightened me. Some students are still unconvinced. They continue to chat and talk as if nothing happened. They run around like they didn't hear the deputy monitor. Don't think our deputy monitor can't do anything! She turned and went back to the classroom. She closed the door with a bang, and the windows were shaking. It was December, and it was very cold inside the classroom, let alone outside. A few minutes later, those who were still playing regretted not entering the classroom just now. They knocked at the door desperately outside the classroom: "Please spare us, deputy monitor, we were wrong". The monitor was soft hearted at first, but when she was ready to open the door, she was stopped by the deputy monitor: "Wait a little longer, or they won't sincerely repent." It took several minutes for the deputy monitor to open the door. At this time, all the students outside the door were turning into ice lollies.

What about? The "tigress" in our class let you bow down!

Composition of Tigress (12)

Liu Na, a classmate in our class, has a yellow face! Especially when she is angry, her yellow and red face makes her look different. Liu Na is the teacher's little assistant. Whenever the teacher is absent, she becomes a "temporary teacher". One day, the teacher went to a meeting. Li Kaipeng, Wei Yingjie, Zhou Haoran, and three boys called "Delta" in our class spoke in a squeaky voice. After a while, the voice gradually grew louder, and it was obviously no longer those naughty boys. I inadvertently glanced at Ren, the chief squad leader. Bad! The small yellow face on weekdays was drawn long and became the color of fire. I plunged my head into my schoolbag and waited for the coming of the storm. Sure enough, she screamed: "You! Ah! What are you talking about? If you don't do your homework, is there little homework?" They listened and dared not move.

Another time, it was one day at noon, the teacher was not there, and we were finally liberated! He began to talk again. "Whoosh! Whoosh!" A few chalk heads flew past, and then heard a cry: "Zhou Haoran! What are you talking about?". She said, "Say it again!" Zhou Haoran didn't dare to say anything, made a face and slipped back to his seat.

Really, Liu Na is really a "female tiger". However, I really admire her from the bottom of my heart! Not because she is strict, but because she admires her serious and responsible attitude

Composition of Tigress (13)

"My deskmate is a tigress. If she has nothing to do, she will go down the mountain to catch people to eat. If she finds someone, she will not eat, because she will torture you!"

Eh, isn't this the amazing poem I wrote by splashing ink on my face with sudden inspiration in the last lesson? I slowly turned back with cold sweat. My small eyes full of fear saw a pair of big eyes with big, big and powerful nostrils under them, and I knew that I was finished. So, Driven by my body, I fled to the Boys' Holy Land (WC) at the speed of 10 billion meters and minutes. Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce the female tiger I just met.

She, Yang Zhenru, an ordinary woman, has a heart that wants to be the pirate king. Oh no, it is the heart of the female overlord. Ah, what a dream that girls admire! Ah, what a scary dream for boys! Besides, she is also a two faced person. In front of all teachers, she is like a kind, benevolent, benevolent and benevolent word. But when the teacher left, she turned into a smiling tigress in a moment, so you must not offend her at this time, otherwise, she suddenly pounced on her, DUANG。DUANG。DUANG。 (Wooden fish sound) Your life is over. Please mourn for you for three minutes (you died miserably)

Ah! No, that female tiger came to WC to chase me across the race. I'm dead. Help!

Composition of Tigress (14)

In general, the "king" in the class is a male student, but our class is different! The "kings" in our class are not men, but women. Generally, we call them "tigers"

Don't underestimate them. Even teachers have to give them three points. There are three women in the "Tigress" gang, commonly known as Zheng Qixin. Don't say "Zheng Qixin, ice cream, you can't find where you miss time!", Otherwise, you will be pinched by him!

The second number is Zhao Ying. Don't say "Zhao Ying Zhao Ying, welcome to the toilet!", It will be used to "slap the man ten times" P dead!

The third number is Huang Xinyi. If you want to die, it's "Big Sister, please ask me to move the universe". In this way, your feet will be pinched purple or kicked disabled!

We have tolerated them for too long, so I will teach them a lesson on behalf of everyone! As soon as I got close to them, I said all the words I scolded them. At that moment, I seemed to offend them. They came close to me, and I had no way to escape. I had to accept the reality. "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah" The brothers next to me did not dare to look, it was too "fascist" However, I came back triumphantly, but I was bruised and disabled. The brothers were scared to death!

Let me tell you something. If you fall into such a class, you must be careful. If you offend them, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Composition of Tigress (15)

My mother is a "tigress". As long as I don't obey, I will "snap" twice. Every time my mother slaps me in the mouth, I can feel a few "cools". I remember one day, I was lying on the sofa, holding the iPad, intoxicated with the interesting TV play. "I can't forget the past..." I sang the beautiful melody of "Three Lives and Three Lives" with my voice that was born with five tones. At this time, my mother came over and left my beloved iPad. She frowned and said, "Don't you want eyes anymore? Go to play the piano!"

"Hum! Disgusting, can't children have freedom? Adults know how to control children." I muttered.

When my mother heard what I said, she pointed at me, glared at me and said angrily, "If you have the ability, please say it again. Be careful that I slap you."

After listening to my mother's "Lion Roar Skill", I crawled to the stool like a mouse seeing a cat, and started a helpless piano journey. Mother sat beside me, staring at my hand. Playing, playing, I'm getting more and more sleepy. I hold the piano with my left hand and my head with my palm, and gradually close my eyes

"Pa!" A wave of pain spread to all parts of my face. All my five senses were paralyzed. When I opened my eyes, I saw my mother's terrible face. I was so frightened that I shook all over and immediately played the boring piano.

Recently I took part in an activity at school. Because my mother is a music teacher, she keeps improving on the programs. When rehearsing the situational musical Selling Tangyuan, my energy is always not well focused. The action is either wrong here or forgotten there. The whole program has been scheduled for several days and I can't go through it completely. The day before the performance, my mother did the last rehearsal. When it was my turn to play, I was still absent-minded singing and dancing. At this time, my mother suddenly shouted, "Chen Qiuhan, do you want to perform or not, please get out." Hearing this, I felt like I had just eaten a bowl of Sichuan peppers, and my face turned red, Tears poured out involuntarily, thinking: Mom doesn't respect my self-esteem so much and criticizes me in front of so many classmates. It's really ungrateful. I hate this "female tiger".

However, under my mother's severe criticism and strict requirements, my academic performance improved steadily. My singing won awards in the city's competitions, and my composition was praised. My piano passed Level 7. Before I knew it, I became a model for my classmates to learn and had my own "fans". Thinking of these, I can't help but understand my mother's good intentions.

There is a song called "Only mothers are good in the world". The lyrics in the song are very good, and it shows the love of mothers for children. If my mother could be more patient and gentle with me, I think I would be the happiest girl in the world.

Composition of Tigress (16)

When I came to the school to report for duty, the crowd finally found my class and ran into the classroom sweating. "Stop!" I heard a harsh voice coming into my ears. When I looked back, the teacher in front of the platform was staring at me, and I stood in the classroom innocently waiting for criticism. "Why didn't you even shout a report when you came into the classroom late?" The teacher scolded me, "Go back and come in again." I had to walk to the door of the classroom again, and shouted "report" before letting in. I sat in my seat and thought: It will be hard to live in the future! Why is there such a big difference between junior high school and primary school? The teacher's eyes were so big that they seemed to pop out of their eyes. The teacher's eyes were even more frightening when he stared up. When he spoke, he frowned, which made people frightened. When he was angry, he frowned very tightly, and his expression was serious, as if he was about to swallow someone. With these words, another student came in looking for scolding. He dug his nose and walked in. The students all made a vomiting movement. The teacher called the cheeky student to the class door. After five or six minutes, the student walked in with a smile behind the head teacher! "Alas, for the first time in my life, I saw such a cheeky person!" I sighed in a low voice. The teacher sat down and began to talk about the history of the school. A classmate at the bottom smiled softly. This smile was just heard by the teacher. The teacher yelled: "What are you laughing about? School history is a very serious matter. The smiling classmate came to my office after class to write a review!" The classmate burst into tears after hearing this. "What are you crying about? You are a man. You can cry about this!" My deskmate and my former primary school classmates talked with me about the teacher's ferocity after school. Finally, everyone suggested that it would be better not to offend the teacher in the future. The middle school teacher is too scary! It's just like a "tigress". Maybe the person who shed tears someday is me!