Visit Taiping Lake (9 popular articles)
Cloud Sailing Sea
2024-01-11 07:23:00
fourth grade

Visit Taiping Lake (1)

Taiping Lake is known as "natural oxygen bar" for its pleasant scenery. Last summer vacation, my family drove to Taiping Lake in Huangshan City to enjoy the beauty of the world.

Entering the ticket hall, the hall is large, as big as several basketball courts. The hall is crowded with tourists from all over the world.

On the Taiping Lake dock, dozens of boats and pleasure boats docked at the shore. We sat on the "Green Water" and heard only one whistle, breaking the tranquility of the lake. Sitting in the cabin, I pushed open a clean window and heard the blue waves beating against the ship's side, making rhythmic sounds, as if playing a moving movement. Come to the deck and look down at the water. The lake is clear to the bottom. Small fish swim in groups in the water. Looking back, a straight white line on the mirror like lake seemed to be drawn by a brush; The birds chased and frolicked with each other on the bubbles of air waves. The surrounding mountains are continuous, the mountains are green, the sky is blue and profound, plus layers of misty clouds, it is really "fog locks the mountain".

When we arrived at Monkey Island, there were tall and straight trees on both sides of the road. The dense leaves were like green umbrellas. Follow the path to a single wooden bridge. Under the bridge, red, green and yellow lotus flowers dot the green lotus leaves. After crossing the single tree bridge, we walked about two or three hundred meters to a rockery. There is a wide and large hole in the rockery. Four or five horses can go in side by side, about a hundred meters. This is the monkeys' home.

After getting off the Monkey Island, we got on the boat again, and then came to Longyao Stronghold after about five or six miles of water. This is the place where the ancients made pottery, which made me appreciate the wisdom and hard work of the ancients. The tour soon ended, but the scenery of Taiping Lake was like a picture scroll in my mind.

I love Taiping Lake, and I love the great rivers and mountains of our country.

Visit Taiping Lake (2)

the natural beauty of lakes

A group of more than ten people went to Jiuhua Mountain and Taiping Lake with the travel group's car, and arrived at Taiping Lake in more than five hours. What a Taiping Lake, with a radius of more than 40 kilometers, rippling blue waves and surrounded by green mountains. Boating on the lake, you can see the ripples and scales of the lake under the sun from a distance, such as a treasure plate splashing over, bits of broken gold... When you look closely, it is as rich as shade, like a huge green satin, bright and dazzling. The mountains on both sides of the lake are covered with green mountains, which are in harmony with the lake light. It really turns people's hearts green and green.

In the evening, I stayed by the Taiping Lake and sat in front of the window to see a mountain, a water, a boat, and a pavilion in the lake corner, and quietly experienced the artistic conception of "duckweed breaks into the mountain", "water complements the lake with mercury as waves", "no one crosses the wild water, and the lone boat crosses the sun", "ancient terraces, pavilions, and flying swallows and flying birds to catch the red flowers". I can't help but feel "I don't know what year it was". After dinner, it began to rain, and walked to the lake with a flower umbrella. At this time, the lake had become a scene of "hundreds of lakes and thousands of trees raining". The rain curtain was the thin smoke on the lake, quiet and misty; Taiping Lake is like a beautiful girl, constantly dressing up to let you see her beauty.

At night, "Jielu is in the human world, but there is no noise of horses and cars". The clear bird singing and the sweet rain sound accompany me to sleep, which is extremely sweet.

mountain scenery

In Cuichen, a group of people headed for Jiuhua Mountain. As soon as they came out of the courtyard, they saw a broad and broad sky with clear and bright clouds. The mountain became more green because of the rain at night, and everything on the earth was clear, refreshing and pleasant. In the drive, I saw the mountains ahead were surrounded by clouds, the peaks were looming, and a wisp of light cloud was curling up with the kitchen smoke of the farmhouse, like a white ribbon. Next to it was a huge cloud cluster. The top layer of the cloud cluster held up a magnificent castle, which was extremely beautiful. The clouds around the cloud cluster were hundred miles long, colorful, elegant and natural. Surrounding the clouds is the blue sky, pure and bright, which makes me envy people who have this blue sky. I once watched a science fiction film in the United States, which depicts that future human beings are forced to live in a huge sky cover due to air pollution. Children born there can only imagine what the blue sky and white clouds look like from books. How terrible and sad is this? I hope that mankind will never have the day of this disaster, and that mankind will always have blue sky and white clouds. So, what can each of us human beings do to protect the environment and protect our homes?

As I watched the scenery all the way, I didn't realize that I had reached the Jiuhua Mountains. This place is different from other places; However, ninety-nine peaks are towering, straight, with strange postures and meanings. The mountains are green, green and ethereal. The highest peak at 1342 meters above the sea, Dawang Peak, is steep and majestic, while Lian Peak is beautiful and beautiful, with many beautiful scenes... When you enter the mountain, you can hear the sound of Chunchun Spring, but you can see ancient trees towering above the sky, but smell the fragrance of flowers. Is it possible that this mountain, this water, and this grass and trees are born of immortality, and have a kind of divine wind and charm? Not to mention the legend about the cultivation of the Tibetan Bodhisattva to become an immortal, let alone the immortal bones without human body, just this wonderful fairyland makes people drunk first! Seeing those faithful men and women kneel down to pray, one cannot help but be moved by this persistent belief.

On the way down the mountain, you can see the terraces and tea gardens at the foot of the mountain. In the sunshine, they are colorful, covered with gold and silver. What an idyllic scenery! What a beautiful land!

Beautiful, Taiping Lake! Wonderful, Jiuhua Mountain! Your lakes and mountains are unforgettable to me!

Visit Taiping Lake (3)

One night, my father announced that he would take my family to the Taiping Lake Scenic Area in southern Anhui. I was so happy to hear that! The next morning, our family set out for Taiping Lake Scenic Area.

At noon, we arrived at the cruise ship dock in the scenic area, took a speedboat to the first island - "Bagua Island". There are many buildings with Bagua maps on the island, as well as several fortune tellers. I am not interested in this. After a few cursory glances, I set out for the next island.

The next island is "Monkey Island". As the name suggests, it is an island with monkeys! Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter. Go to see what happened. Oh, there was an interesting "Monkey Games" on the island! There were four monkeys of different sizes sitting in the center of a big stage. The host told the audience that one big monkey represented the Chinese team, one smaller monkey represented the Japanese team, and the remaining two were cheerleaders. This formed two teams, which could play basketball games. As soon as the whistle sounded, the game began. "Chinese Monkey" shot first and hit a good shot, which won warm applause from the audience and cheerleaders. It's time for "Japanese Monkey" to come on stage. He threw the ball into the basket in fear and missed. The host said that you should be inferior to the Chinese team. "Japanese Monkey" lowered his head in dismay, and everyone had already laughed. After watching the performance, everyone took a picture with the lovely monkey on the horse, and then we reluctantly left the island.

Then we went to the last island - "Longyao Village". Once on the island, I saw many pottery pots of different sizes and shapes. It turns out that this island used to be a workshop for making various pottery pots. When I came to a production center, I saw that many people were working on their pottery pots with mud on their hands and feet, but they were very happy.

It was getting late, and we ended our trip to Taiping Lake. We had fun and beautiful scenery in our hearts.

Visit Taiping Lake (4)

On July 15 and 16 of the holiday, my father and I went to Huangshan for a visit. What scenic spots are there? The most famous ones are Huangshan Mountain and Taiping Lake, and I wrote about Taiping Lake. "Oh, oh, oh! Great! I'm going to get on the boat soon, so excited!" I shouted, and my father pulled me, but he was also very excited. We went to the boat and found a seat. Our boat was called "Green Water No.1", and "Green Water No.1" started. The first island we played was called "Bagua Island", which was named after the maze built on the island. Founded in 1997, it was reconstructed and expanded in 2003. The island is verdant all year round with beautiful scenery. Bagua Island is built according to the mountain, with all the long bamboo veneer. The thirteen red tile gatehouses in the palace communicate with each other, with numerous and complicated mechanisms. I am in the midst of the complex and interesting. The island also has facilities such as Lucky Bell, Eight Trigrams Wheel and Tai Chi Diagram. "What's the next scenic spot, Dad?" "Guess what." "I don't know." "Look! Here we are." On the island, "Longyao Stronghold" was written on the big stone gate Listen to the guide's aunt: "Longyao Village is located in the north bank of the central lake area of Taiping Lake, Citian Machong Group, Xinhua Township, covering an area of 40 mu. The village's Longyao Village was built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and was built with blue brick arches. It is 40 meters long, 1.8 meters high, and 1.5 meters wide. There are manual workshops in it. Five turntables are made inside and potters are available. It is a scenic spot integrating ceramic culture, primitive style, and natural landscape. Surrounded by water on three sides, the kiln is surrounded by green mountains and forests. The dragon kiln lies on the slope. The pottery is fragrant and ancient. The lovers pine in the door and the three sisters pine gently shake green, which further sets off the primitive simplicity of the pottery wheel, pottery workshop and dragon kiln in the village. Visitors can make pottery and watch pottery exhibits in the pottery workshop. "Dad, the next scenic spot is Monkey Island!" Dad nodded. "You should take the camera, don't let the monkey" rob "." I smiled and said to my father. When I got to Monkey Island, I held my bag tightly and was afraid of being robbed. "Welcome, welcome!" The monkey trainer shouted the command while commanding the monkeys to stand in two rows, waving colored flags to welcome tourists. "There is a performance over there." The guide directed us to the performance field. On the way, I saw monkeys in small groups playing. I saw a little monkey holding its mother tightly, staring at tourists. The old monkey put one hand around the little monkey and looked around, waiting for people to give them gifts. My nervous mood when I went to the island is now gradually relaxed. Suddenly, a little monkey ran to me, grabbed the mineral water bottle beside my bag and ran away. The monkey ran to the tree, opened his mouth, and bit my mineral water bottle. How could my mineral water bottle stand the gnawing and crash out. We played rafting in Xiangxi again and ate the first prize cake. Huangshan is so funny! Everyone must go for a swim!

Visit Taiping Lake (5)

One night, my father announced that he would take my family to the Taiping Lake Scenic Area in southern Anhui. I was so happy to hear that! The next morning, our family set out for Taiping Lake Scenic Area.

At noon, we arrived at the cruise ship dock in the scenic area, took a speedboat to the first island - "Bagua Island". There are many buildings with Bagua maps on the island, as well as several fortune tellers. I am not interested in this. After a few cursory glances, I set out for the next island.

The next island is "Monkey Island". As the name suggests, it is an island with monkeys! Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter. Go to see what happened. Oh, there was an interesting "Monkey Games" on the island! There were four monkeys of different sizes sitting in the center of a big stage. The host told the audience that one big monkey represented the Chinese team, one smaller monkey represented the Japanese team, and the remaining two were cheerleaders. This formed two teams, which could play basketball games. As soon as the whistle sounded, the game began. "Chinese Monkey" shot first and hit a good shot, which won warm applause from the audience and cheerleaders. It's time for "Japanese Monkey" to come on stage. He threw the ball into the basket in fear and missed. The host said that you should be inferior to the Chinese team. "Japanese Monkey" lowered his head in dismay, and everyone had already laughed. After watching the performance, everyone took a picture with the lovely monkey on the horse, and then we reluctantly left the island.

Then we went to the last island - "Longyao Village". Once on the island, I saw many pottery pots of different sizes and shapes. It turns out that this island used to be a workshop for making various pottery pots. When I came to a production center, I saw that many people were working on their pottery pots with mud on their hands and feet, but they were very happy.

It was getting late. We ended our trip to Taiping Lake. We had fun and beautiful scenery.

Visit Taiping Lake (6)

The trip to Taiping Lake lasted more than five hours. What a Taiping Lake, with a radius of more than 40 kilometers, rippling blue waves and surrounded by green mountains. Boating on the lake, you can see the ripples and scales of the lake under the sun from a distance, such as a treasure plate splashing over, bits of broken gold... When you look closely, it is as rich as shade, like a huge green satin, bright and dazzling. The mountains on both sides of the lake are covered with green mountains, which are in harmony with the lake light. It really turns people's hearts green and green.

In the evening, stay by the Taiping Lake and sit in front of the window to see a mountain, a water, a boat and a pavilion in the lake corner, and quietly appreciate the kind of "duckweed breaks into places and sees the shadow of the mountain"; "The mercury in the water auxiliary lake is the wave"; "No one crosses the wild water, and the lone boat crosses the sun"; The artistic conception of "ancient terraces and pavilions, flying swallows and striking red heroes" can not help but send out the feeling of "I don't know what year it was". After dinner, it began to rain, and walked to the lake with a flower umbrella. At this time, the lake had become a scene of "hundreds of lakes and thousands of trees raining". The rain curtain was the thin smoke on the lake, quiet and misty; Taiping Lake is like a beautiful girl, constantly dressing up to let you see her beauty.

As I watched the scenery all the way, I didn't realize that I had reached the Jiuhua Mountains. This place is different from other places; However, ninety-nine peaks are towering, straight, with strange postures and meanings. The mountains are green, green and ethereal. The highest peak at 1342 meters above the sea, Dawang Peak, is steep and majestic, while Lian Peak is beautiful and beautiful, with many beautiful scenes... When you enter the mountain, you can hear the sound of Chunchun Spring, but you can see ancient trees towering above the sky, but smell the fragrance of flowers. Is it possible that this mountain, this water, and this grass and trees are born of immortality, and have a kind of divine wind and charm? Not to mention the legend about the cultivation of the Tibetan Bodhisattva to become an immortal, let alone the immortal bones without human body, this beautiful fairyland makes people drunk first! Seeing those faithful men and women kneel down to pray, one cannot help but be moved by this persistent belief.

On the way down the mountain, you can see the terraces and tea gardens at the foot of the mountain. In the sunshine, they are colorful, covered with gold and silver. What an idyllic scenery! What a beautiful land!

Beautiful, Taiping Lake! Wonderful, Jiuhua Mountain! Your lakes and mountains are unforgettable to me!

And there is a scenery in my heart. Although it is very ordinary, it is more beautiful than countless beautiful and intoxicating scenery in my mind. That's the sea

I think so, because one hot summer vacation, my mother took our family to see the sea. After a long drive and boat trip, we finally arrived at our destination - Shangchuan Island. Standing at the door of the hotel, I vaguely heard the sound of the rolling waves, as if I had seen the beautiful and moving scenery. I handed my backpack to my father, and immediately ran to the place where the sound of the waves came from. When I got there, I stepped on the soft sand, listened to the sound of the waves, and the sea wind blew head-on. But I am very tired. So when I got my breath back, I stood still in surprise.

The blue and vast sea and the boundless blue sky formed a line, just like God sewed them together with a needle and thread, but no trace of the line can be seen. It's really seamless! And what I see here is happy and harmonious. The whole family happily plays like innocent children. No one is sad; Here you can put all your troubles and unhappiness out of the clouds and enjoy the beautiful and moving scenery; Here, the sound of the rolling waves will ring in your ears.

And the waves seem to enter your body with the air, wetting your dry heart again and again. When I changed my clothes and went swimming in the sea, I was tired from studying, and my tired body suddenly became extremely comfortable. In the evening, when you take a walk at the seaside, the sea breeze blows gently, which is very comfortable. I looked up at the sky and saw many fireworks, making the perfect scenery more perfect. In the morning, get up and walk to the seaside to see the sunrise. The sun seemed to have just taken a shower from the sea. But we have limited time, so we have to go back. On the way back, I have been recalling the scenery, and the beautiful scene constantly reappears before my eyes.

Visit Taiping Lake (7)

Early this morning, we came to Taiping Lake Dock because there were so many people on holiday. Fortunately, Dad booked the boat in advance, and we arrived early again. We didn't have to queue up to get on the boat directly.

Our destination for this trip is three islands on the Taiping Lake. The first island is mainly to see a temple, which is also newly built, so it's not very interesting. The second island is called Longyao Village. There is a Peacock Valley on it. There are many peacocks in the Peacock Valley, which is very beautiful. Beside Peacock Valley, there is a kiln for burning pottery. It is very long. It extends from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and can burn more than 1000 pieces of pottery at a time. In the yard where pottery was made, there were two wheelbarrows. Looking at these antique carts, I couldn't help running over and pushing them.

The third island is called Monkey Island. As the name suggests, it is an island with many monkeys. The monkeys on the island are very naughty and cute. Some are playing on the swings, some are eating food, and some are running around as if looking for something. There is a special place for monkeys to feed at the top. One person can feed the monkeys carrots for ten yuan. During the feeding process, I found that there were grades among monkeys. Only the Monkey King could eat, or other monkeys could eat unless the Monkey King stopped eating.

The three islands of Taiping Lake left a deep impression on me. I hope to take my grandma again next time.

Visit Taiping Lake (8)

On July 15 and 16 of the holiday, my father and I went to Huangshan for a visit. What scenic spots are there? The most famous ones are Huangshan Mountain and Taiping Lake, and I wrote about Taiping Lake.

"Oh, oh, oh! Great! I'm going to get on the boat soon, so excited!" I shouted, and my father pulled me, but he was also very excited. We went to the boat and found a seat. Our boat was called "Green Water No.1", and "Green Water No.1" started. The first island we played was called "Bagua Island", which was named after the maze built on the island. Founded in 1997, it was reconstructed and expanded in XX. The island is verdant all year round with beautiful scenery. Bagua Island is built according to the mountain, with all the long bamboo veneer. The thirteen red tile gatehouses in the palace communicate with each other, with numerous and complicated mechanisms. I am in the midst of the complex and interesting. The island also has facilities such as Lucky Bell, Eight Trigrams Wheel and Tai Chi Diagram.

"What's the next scenic spot, Dad?" "Guess what." "I don't know." "Look! Here we are." On the island, "Longyao Stronghold" was written on the big stone gate Listen to the guide's aunt: "Longyao Village is located in the north bank of the central lake area of Taiping Lake, Citian Machong Group, Xinhua Township, covering an area of 40 mu. The village's Longyao Village was built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and was built with blue brick arches. It is 40 meters long, 1.8 meters high, and 1.5 meters wide. There are manual workshops in it. Five turntables are made inside and potters are available. It is a scenic spot integrating ceramic culture, primitive style, and natural landscape. Surrounded by water on three sides, the kiln is surrounded by green mountains and forests. The dragon kiln lies on the slope. The pottery is fragrant and ancient. The lovers pine in the door and the three sisters pine gently shake green, which further sets off the primitive simplicity of the pottery wheel, pottery workshop and dragon kiln in the village. Visitors can make pottery and watch pottery exhibits in the pottery workshop.

"Dad, the next scenic spot is Monkey Island!" Dad nodded. "You should take the camera, and don't let the monkeys' rob '." I said to my father with a smile. When I got to Monkey Island, I held my bag tightly and was afraid of being robbed. "Welcome, welcome!" The monkey trainer shouted the command while commanding the monkeys to stand in two rows, waving colored flags to welcome the tourists. "There is a performance over there." The guide directed us to the performance field. On the way, I saw monkeys in small groups playing. I saw a little monkey holding its mother tightly, staring at tourists. The old monkey put one hand around the little monkey and looked around, waiting for people to give them gifts. My nervous mood when I went to the island is now gradually relaxed. Suddenly, a little monkey ran to me, grabbed the mineral water bottle beside my bag and ran away. The monkey ran to the tree, opened his mouth, and bit my mineral water bottle. How could my mineral water bottle stand the gnawing and crash out.

We played rafting in Xiangxi again and ate the first prize cake. Huangshan is so funny! Everyone must go for a swim!

Visit Taiping Lake (9)

At the weekend, I went to Taiping Lake with my father and mother. When I got off the bus at Taiping Lake, the first thing I saw was the bustling scene of crowds and heavy traffic.

Taiping Lake Scenic Area is located in the northwest of Huangshan District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, between Huangshan Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain. There are many strange stones on the bank of Taiping Lake, some like turtles, some like monkeys, and some like birds. The water in the lake is clear, quiet and soft. All of a sudden, an egret passed by, cutting through the tranquility that should have been there. Looking around, the lake was so large and wide, and there were several islands in the center of the lake far away.

We need to choose a kind of water transportation to have a water cruise, including speedboats and sightseeing boats. I chose the speedboat, got on the speedboat, and the uncle who drove the speedboat accelerated, wow! The speed flew out like a sword leaving the string. Everyone's hair was blown away by the wind. The spray splashed behind us against the speedboat and kept rolling. Our clothes were all wet by the spray from the speedboat.

We came to the first island "Monkey Mountain" and saw many monkeys. Then an uncle came and said, "Do you want to feed the monkeys?" I said, "Yes. "My uncle helped me put on a thick glove, saying that in order to prevent being accidentally scratched by a monkey, he put some peanuts in his hand. A little monkey saw the peanuts on my hand running down from the tree and quickly came to me. He grabbed his ears and scratched his cheeks. He ate a few. Suddenly, the Monkey King came, and the little monkey turned and ran away when he saw the Monkey King coming. The Monkey King is too big. My uncle told me that there are also high and low levels in the monkey's life habits. They will choose a Monkey King who can rule the whole monkey as the overlord, and it will soon eat peanuts.

Then we took a speedboat to the second island, "Fish Island". Just on the island, I saw many fish of different colors in the clear lake water. My father told me that these fish were called "koi", and suddenly remembered that I had some bread to feed the fish. I found a bread in my backpack, tore the bread into bread crumbs and threw it into the lake. Immediately, there were groups of fish to scramble for bread crumbs. Some swam to the bottom to eat, and some even jumped up to grab food. The fish scrambled to eat, and soon the bread crumbs were eaten, It's so spectacular! We finished the journey of "Fish Island" and returned to the speedboat to prepare to return for the final trip to Taiping Lake.

Sitting on the speedboat and looking back, I was once again attracted by the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, and I felt like I had more than enough. At this moment, my heart is secretly determined; When I have a chance to visit Taiping Lake again, I stand on the speedboat and look at the direction of Taiping Lake going away and shout loudly: "Taiping Lake, you wait for me“