Composition of Love Flower (9 in total)
The peak man
2024-05-27 08:50:09

Composition of Love Flower (1)

Tall, not black or white, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, this is my lovely sister.

My sister and I have a hobby - planting flowers.

I remember last time I sent my sister some flowers. My sister couldn't wait to say, "Sweetie, let's go and plant them!" I nodded. So we flew to the field like happy rabbits. My sister was digging into the soil with a shovel. Suddenly, we almost jumped up with a bang. It turned out that the soil was as hard as stone, and the shovel could not penetrate it. My sister was so worried that she almost got angry. When we were helpless, my mother came to "rescue" in time. My mother picked up a bottle of water, poured some into the soil, and then shoveled the soil with a shovel. The soil became loose and soft, which was suitable for planting flowers. My sister immediately opened her eyes and smiled, and her mood turned from cloudy to sunny. Then she concentrated on planting, not even knowing that the toad jumped from her side. When the flowers were finally planted, my sister smiled happily as she watched them swing in the wind, just like a group of fairies dancing with light dance steps.

After a while, my sister came to my house as a guest. Before she left, she told her grandmother to take good care of her flowers. He also called every now and then to ask about Hua. She told me which flowers had bloomed and which flowers had seeds. My sister said to me that she hoped the flowers would grow healthily and happily, let them live in nature forever, and let everyone feel their beauty.

I am really proud of having such a flower loving and beautiful sister!

Composition of Love Flower (2)

Unconsciously, with a "wow", it began to rain. Who would have thought that the sun was scorching one second before, but it was raining cats and dogs the next? Light feet walked to the window, only to see the ripples caused by water drops falling on the ground. Suddenly, two flowers attracted my eyes. A slightly red flower gently leans to the right, covering a lot of shorter flowers. The covered flowers are like new ones, pink and tender. This scene made my heart turn upside down for a while, just like this, silently staring at

One drop, two drops, three drops... "Pa" I suddenly came to my senses, and when I came back, a flower fell on the ground, leaving only the branches swaying in the wind. After a while, the wind stopped, and only the drizzle was gently floating, so we kept the many pink flowers. People began to walk beside the flowers. Suddenly, a person ran past quickly, leaving only a flattened flower. I seem to see pink flower sad tears, sad for safflower. Looking at it, I couldn't help shedding tears. Two lines of tears hung on my cheeks without hesitation. I seem to see her again - my mother.

Her short black hair is mixed with several strands of silver hair. Her love makes me feel guilty. I can feel her deep love for everything she does. This is my mother.

When I woke up, my throat felt dry and astringent, and my stomach was distended, which was even more painful. My mother came to ask me to eat. I got up hard and cooked at the table. The food in front of me seems to have no color, like gray. For me, the taste is the same - tasteless. Shortly after breakfast, my stomach pains gradually made me unable to persist. I rushed to the toilet, coughed a few times, and vomited. The whole toilet smelled and I felt sick. My mother came in with hot water and asked me to rinse my mouth. There was no disgust on my face. Suddenly, my heart tightened and I could not say anything. I finally calmed down, so I lay down in bed and slept.

When I woke up again, I heard the sound of spoons. It was my mother who was making lotus root starch. She lowered her head and carefully stirred the lotus root starch. Yes, people like me who just vomited really have to eat light food. When my mother saw me wake up, she said happily, "Come on, have a taste," and I ate it obediently. Suddenly, the lotus root starch melted in my mouth, and there was sweet sugar water left down my throat, with a slippery feeling. Smile: "It's delicious." Mother also smiled and said: "Still eat?" I shook my head: "No, my stomach is not comfortable." Mother nodded: "Yes. Eat when you are hungry. " Time went by slowly. My stomach was still bad after school. I threw up a few times in the toilet, but only a little. I had to sleep in such a beautiful afternoon. "Alas!" sighed and began to meditate in bed.

I remember every week when I came home, I saw a lot of food on the table. My mother left it to me instead of eating. I knew that she had to go far to buy it. It was still expensive. Why didn't I repay her? Tears dripping, crystal clear. I was moved. Yes, I can only repay my achievements, but how can I repay the underperforming?

Suddenly my mother came in. After caring about me, she went to cook. I put on my clothes and came to the kitchen. It was my mother's busy figure. I seemed to see her indifference after she frothed in cooking. I couldn't hold back for a moment, and two tears were flowing on my face. Wipe away tears, go to the toilet to take care of it, and then go to eat. I ate porridge, but I still felt that it was smooth and smooth, and even steamed bread had a sweet taste. When I saw my mother's loving eyes, my heart was blocked and I couldn't breathe for a while. I can't afford the love she gave me. Her love is higher than the sky! This makes me so ashamed.

"The last night." In bed, I silently read. In the evening, my eyes were filled with tears when my hands gently stroked my forehead. It's Mom's hand! How can I believe that there are thin cocoons on her hands, not slippery, but also rough. After she left, my tears finally burst into my eyes. This is my mother, with a pair of hands with thin cocoons. I wiped away my tears, but they seemed unstoppable. I stopped fighting, which is my guilt. But my mother's love is dozens of times better than this!

Lying in front of the window, the safflower was still trampled, and passers-by did not hesitate to step on it. However, I saw the pink flower slightly deviated, trying to cover up the red flower. When I opened the window, my face was filled with water. I couldn't tell whether it was my tears or rain

Composition of Love Flower (3)

The boy's smile

"Really? It's just a dream! How could he come back? Don't be crazy! He hasn't seen him for three months, does he still remember me......"

In school... all day long, Sakura recalled her dream this morning. She could not forget the smile in her dream. Whenever she thought of it, she would feel vaguely sad. School is over

Sakura is walking alone on the road. Suddenly, a strange black dog seemed to target Sakura and refused to let Sakura pass. Sakura was afraid and stepped backward. The dog also walked towards Sakura step by step. Suddenly! The dog jumped to Sakura. "Ah --" Sakura cried out in fear. Suddenly a mysterious man (very handsome) stood in front of Sakura and waved his slender sword. A blue light flashed from the sword. The dog dodged nimbly. The blue light hit the ground, and a big crack opened on the ground. The man flew away with Sakura when the dog dodged.

Sakura sees the star mark on the man's arm. Sakura asked the man, "Are you Zo?" The man was stunned for a moment and said, "Sorry, you've mistaken me. I'm not. My name is Joe." Then Joe took off his mask and said, "I'm Zo's twin brother."

"Well, it seems!" "..." Joe was speechless. Of course twins are alike. Sakura suddenly recalled that she had to go home quickly! "Well, Joe, I'll go first!" Sakura ran a step or two and stopped. She wanted to ask where Joe lived? But as soon as he turned around, he was gone.

"I'm back!" "You're back! Why is it so late today?" Sakura's mother said. "Oh, oh, I met something on the way." "Oh!" Sakura's mother thought for a moment, "Oh, there are guests at home today! You will be surprised!" "Guests?" Then Joe came down from upstairs. "Yo!" "Ah! Joe, Joe! Joe! Why are you here!" Sakura shouted. "Don't be so surprised!" said Joe. "Surprised!" Sakura remembered that when Joe met for the first time, he flew! "Ah, ah, ah! You, you, you! Can, can fly..." Before Sakura finished speaking, Joe covered Sakura's mouth as if there was a secret, "Ah! Ah! We went upstairs first! Ha, ha!" He ran up with Sakura!

Joe took Sakura to Sakura's room! Joe sighed, and saw Sakura saying nothing: "What's the matter? Sakura!" "You are Zo, aren't you?" Sakura whispered. "Ah! Ah! Didn't I say that? I, I'm Joe! Ha ha, ha ha! (Joe is in a cold sweat)" "Then how do you know that my room is here! How do you know that my name is Sakura, and I've never heard that Zuo has a twin brother! You must be Zuo!" said Joe (knotty), "I, because... ah! Because I came here just now! Besides, didn't your mother just call you Sakura? Ha ha... (guilty) "" Well, I've never heard of Zuo's twin brother! How can I explain it? ". "By the way, I must tell you something..." "What? (Suddenly reminds me of Qiao Huifei) Ah! You, you can fly!" Sakura nearly fainted!

"That's what happened. I came to see you this time to take you away!"

"Go? Where?" "... Carve a look at the Holy World!" "Carve a look at the Holy World?" "Well, that's the seventh black hole space!" "Don't tease me! How can you! Go to the black hole!" "I'm serious!" cried Qiao.

Joe took out a necklace and said, "Here, take it, don't take it off!"! Later, Joe took a necklace out of his pocket and muttered something.

Suddenly, a light shot from the foot and surrounded Qiao and Sakura.

"Ah --"

Composition of Love Flower (4)

I like roses. I like the noble and indomitable momentum of roses. Its beautiful and noble figure makes me deeply engrave in my heart. Some people say that roses are beautiful but proud. Some people say that roses are very beautiful and simple. Some people say that roses are not very beautiful and smell pungent. But I don't think so. Roses are very beautiful, neither proud nor simple. Roses are tenacious, and I like roses.

On my balcony, there is a basin of noble and tenacious roses. The stems of roses are full of thorns. The stems of roses are full of thorns. It's like not letting others touch his noble "body". The stems of this kind of flower are very unique. Although other flowers also have them, the stems of roses are very stylish, and the roses seem to be protecting themselves.

The most beautiful part of a flower is its petals. Each flower is proud of its beautiful petals. Everyone knows that the petals of roses are red, but the petals of roses are very red. There is a color called rose red. Why does the painter call it rose red instead of other names? Because this kind of red is only available for rose petals, and other flowers do not have it. The rose is surrounded by layers of petals to protect its noble "body".

With beautiful flowers, there must be green leaves to set off. The leaves of a rose bloom with the rose. When a rose grows, there will be one or two leaves. When the rose withers, those leaves will also wither. Those leaves are like the bodyguards of the rose, "inseparable" from the rose. The leaves of the rose are small, green, and red on the edge. Although only a few leaves are set off, they all show the momentum of roses.

The tenacity of roses can be seen from their growing process. The pot of roses on my balcony will take a long time to blossom. I don't mean Rose Lazy. The pot of roses has been through several spring, summer, autumn and winter, especially in winter. Although the roses are not evergreen, in winter, other plants are frozen to death, leaving roses to persist, whether it is cold or hot, whether it is the wind blowing, roses have been persisting, And it has opened several flowers. The spirit of roses is worth learning

Rose is a noble and indomitable flower. I like the "firmness" of rose and its "perseverance" spirit.

Composition of Love Flower (5)

Since I began to remember things, I know that my father is a flower loving and special attention to flowers. If something goes wrong with the flowers, my father must be in a gloomy mood for several days.

Because there is a father who is crazy about flowers, my balcony has become a small garden. There are all kinds of flowers: Chlorophyte, orchid, sunflower, Clivia, Shuidiguanyin... My father always giggles when he sees all kinds of flowers crowding my small balcony. Not only will he giggle, but every morning before and after work, he will recite a few words to his flowers, such as "Babies should be obedient", "More sunlight should be absorbed to make yourself grow healthier", "I'm back, how are you today?"... I often get jealous when I see my father treats his flowers better than me. Occasionally, I would ask: "Dad, did I pick it up? Why are you better at flowers than I am?" Whenever my father always grinned and said, "Same good! Same good! You are all my children!" Fortunately, this garden is not big, otherwise, I'm afraid that my father, who likes spending as much as life, can't even go to work to take care of his flowers.

Later, my father opened a new garden, that is, his office. As a result, the people in his office gradually worked in the flower world, and I heard that many people have become my father's disciples and started to raise flowers.

One day, for some unknown reason, a Clivia flower withered. My father knew that, but he didn't want to eat or drink. He walked around the Clivia with a book of flower cultivation all day, looking for the reason. Later, after a long time of searching for information and pondering, my father finally found the reason. It turned out that too much fertilizer was applied to flowers, and excessive nutrition led to the withering of flowers. Alas, Dad is so kind to do bad things! But from then on, my father grew flowers more attentively. He knows exactly what flowers need to be fertilized, watered, shaded and drought tolerant. It is said that they have become experts in flower cultivation among their colleagues.

Now, my father still loves flowers. Because my father has been studying all kinds of flower cultivation knowledge hard and tirelessly on the road of flower cultivation, my father has finally mastered all kinds of flower cultivation methods, which is worthy of our efforts! Hey hey, I secretly nicknamed my father "Doctor Hua".

Now, with the subtle influence of Dr. Hua, I, a little boy, have gradually begun to love flowers. Thanks to my flower loving father!

Composition of Love Flower (6)

The little white rabbit has planted a pot of flowers and has grown flowers. That day, she went to the brook to fetch water. A little goat passed by the little white rabbit's house. Seeing this potted flower, he really wanted to pick it off and take it home. But he remembered that his mother had said that flowers are beautiful and let everyone enjoy them. If you pick them, others will be unhappy. Then your happiness is not real happiness. After a while, the little white rabbit came back, and the little goat and the little white rabbit came together to water the flowers.

A few days later, the little goat came to the door of the little white rabbit's house again. When he saw that the flower buds had opened, he couldn't believe his eyes. When the little white rabbit saw the little goat coming, he called many friends to sing and dance together.

How happy they are!

Composition of Love Flower (7)

I still remember that when the roses were in full bloom, butterflies and bees came to see the beauty of roses. I took a bench for a moment to play, stood on tiptoe, and reached out to pick off the blooming rose. My grandfather saw this scene and was very angry. He pulled me off and gave me two slaps. Then he scolded me. My mouth was cocked so high that I shouted angrily, "What about the flower? It's just a small flower. Can you eat it? You love flowers so much, why don't you marry them? "

I cried and ran into the room. I closed the door heavily and cried loudly. After a while, my grandfather brought some sugar. I didn't turn my head and ignored him. "Tong Tong, my grandfather was too impulsive. Take these sugar!" said my grandfather. I immediately burst into tears and smiled, "Well, you should carry me to the supermarket, I want to buy a lot of food."

Like a monkey, I climbed onto my grandfather and scratched him. My silver bell like laughter rippled in the corridor.

Composition of Love Flower (8)

My grandmother likes flowers very much. On the balcony of their home, there are more than a dozen flower pots, large and small, which are full of flowers, including green and luxuriant hanging orchids, Clivia, green apples, cactus, sunflowers, etc. She plucked weeds, removed insects, watered and fertilized flowers like a child, and never neglected them. Whenever the flowers bloom, Grandma is always happy to call us like a child.

Once, when I came to my grandmother's house, I ran to the balcony happily to see the flowers. The fragrance of the flowers filled the whole balcony. The flowers of Clivia were like little trumpets. They were so beautiful that I couldn't help reaching out to touch them. At this time, Grandma ran over, glaring at me and frowning, and said eagerly, "You can only see the lovely flowers, not touch them with your hands." I smiled and said, "I know Grandma." Grandma walked up to me gently, holding my hand, Pointing at Clivia, she talked to me: "You see, the leaves of Clivia extend outward relatively, like a pair of small arch bridges, and the dark green leaves extend to both sides like waving sharp arrows..." Grandma talked more and more vigorously, as long as she talked about the flowers and plants she planted, she could not stop. Grandma smiled, her eyebrows bent, her eyes bent, her mouth opened and closed like a machine gun. Grandma always said, "Clivia is good. It's good to have backbone, like a modest gentleman." When the flowers opened, Grandma looked at the flowers and felt happy all day long! But when the flowers withered, Grandma seemed to have lost something. She frowned, sighed, and was very unhappy. Grandma also carefully buried the fallen petals into the flowerpot. Grandma is always standing on the balcony looking at the flowers she planted.

Grandma loves flowers. She treats flowers like her own children. The flowers he grows are only for people to see but not for people to touch. I think: Grandma loves flowers, and loves the quality of flowers more.

Composition of Love Flower (9)

I was admiring the flowers that day. I wished I could take one home. Thinking about it, I unconsciously reached out to pick it. As a result, I did not pick up the roses but pricked my fingers. It hurt me so much that I almost cried out. My mother bought me something to eat from a distance. When she saw my finger bleeding, she asked, "Did you touch a rose?"

I replied, "Yes, I didn't know it had thorns, or I wouldn't have picked it."

Mother said earnestly: "Even if the roses don't have thorns, you can't pick them casually."

I was a little unhappy and said: "I just wanted to pick a rose when I saw it was beautiful. My fingers were pricked, and you didn't care about my fingers, but you said me."

While taking out a tissue to help me wipe the blood on my fingers, my mother said to me: "My mother wants to tell you that love flowers does not pick flowers. If everyone, like you, picks flowers when they see how beautiful they are, there will be no flowers to enjoy in the park. Would you like to see roses all become bald?"

I replied shyly, "I won't next time. Thank you, Mom."

"Well, I can change my mistakes. I'm a good boy."