What I said to myself on my 31st birthday and my 65th birthday speech (55 selected sentences)
A lonely fish
2023-03-09 00:09:55
Complete sentences

1. May you work hard all your life, be loved all your life, have everything you want, and let go of everything you can't get. May you be treated tenderly by the world.

2. I love you every day when I am with you. Happy birthday!

3. In the song, I blew out the candle. The song of blessing remained in my memory forever, and the flickering candle light lit up my heart.

4. Don't push the time, I won't push it.

5. A person in the corner, I wish myself a happy birthday.

6. Once again, I hope I will always be a fairy!

7. I don't know what to say, so I wish myself a happy birthday! As always, I will celebrate my birthday. I hope everyone in my family is healthy, and I hope I can be smooth!

8. Don't always expect love from others. We can also love ourselves well. For a long life, don't forget to love ourselves well.

9. May the time slow down and the old friends stay together; May the person you miss say good night to you, and may you not feel lonely when you are alone.

10. At the age of, on the ferry of life, I found that my backpack was much heavier, so that the small boat that had been drifting was able to move forward bravely in the stormy waves after having its center of gravity stably!

11. Before the age of, I looked forward to my birthday with joy and couldn't wait to celebrate that I had grown up another year. Today, I am bored waiting for my birthday, full of sad feelings that I am one year older.

12. Growth happens unexpectedly, and the birthday comes as scheduled. The age at the beginning of the cross will no longer exist. The arrival of 31 indicates a beautiful and warm sun.

13. Today you are 31 years old. Please be kind to life. Cherish yourself. May your loneliness end someday.

14. Thank those who accompany me on my birthday, thank you all, my birthday is very happy.

15. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. Happy birthday to myself.

16. Dear self, please be sure to love your parents, because only in their place can you get the love that never asks for return.

17. We are not perfect people, but we should accept our imperfect self, and learn to be good to ourselves.

18. This is the case for us at the age of 18. The joy is full of a sense of helplessness, and the helplessness is mixed with a passion.

19. Ah, 31 years old, my bitter and happy years, I eulogize for you, pray for you, beat my chest for you, and cheer for you. This dreamlike time, let me finish this dream safely, and then set sail!

20. I wish myself a happy birthday! Time is passing, we are growing up! Wish my loved family and friends all the best, happy, smooth and profitable!

21. The old sunshine has quietly faded. It was full of sadness that came to my face. I tried to change it, but I couldn't take care of myself. The youth before the age of 31 began.

22. In a twinkling of an eye, I am 31 years old and have grown into a beautiful girl. My birthday is coming soon. How I yearn for it. It is also my rite of passage. I will leave the youth world and go to the vast adult blue sky.

23. There is no time to be serious about youth. When I understand it, I can only choose to be serious about aging. I am grateful to my parents, to every encounter in my life, to shed my childishness and ignorance, and to wait for the years to be quiet. At this moment, I make a wish. Happy birthday to myself.

24. I will be 31 years old tomorrow, and my birthday will be meaningless without you.

I am 25 years old and have grown up. I would like to take this birthday as an opportunity for me to think more maturely, struggle more cheerfully and make more unremitting efforts in the future.

At the age of 26, a new stage in life has been opened, which also means fighting for others again.

The rainy season at the age of 27 has gone out of childhood childishness; The 31 year old season is full of dreams; The sky at the age of 31 may be sunny or starry!

28. Today is my birthday. I would like to live well every day in the rest of my life without pleasing others or wronging myself! happy birthday to me.