What a composition (19 compilations)
With the bright moon
2024-05-15 06:36:12

What a composition (1)

I always feel that my life is not perfect and happy enough. However, I saw a movie clip in class today, and I suddenly felt that I was really "in bliss".

The film clip tells about a seven year old rural girl, Xiaohua, who lives in a harsh living condition and a cruel family background. She lost her parents when she was young, and has always been taken care of by her elderly grandmother. Later, Grandma died due to serious illness. Later, Xiaohua was taken as a servant by her relatives in the far away place and kept working at home. Beat her every day. Xiaohua can't stand it and escapes. She fainted because she was hungry and tired. She was saved by a kind grandfather. She told her story to her grandfather and begged him to keep her. Xiaohua knelt down to her grandpa, with a ray of light in her sad and desperate tears. Grandfather is already in tears

Watching this clip, my heart was deeply shocked. In contrast, I don't worry about food and clothing. I can go to school every day to learn knowledge happily, and there are many high-tech products... Have you ever thought that when we are happy to eat "McDonald's", the children in poor mountainous areas are drinking millet porridge with few grains of rice! How happy our life is! We must cherish today's happy life, redouble our efforts to study, grow up to become pillars, and improve the lives of people in poor mountain areas.

What a composition (2)

How happy our life is now! Now we have a good life; There are flat roads and delicious food, but during the war, the children lived in the environment of war.

How advanced our technology is now. As long as you want to see a distant family member, you can use your mobile phone to directly video with them. You can also watch TV when you have nothing to do at ordinary times. The transportation depends on electric vehicles and cars. During the war, children who want to see their relatives in the distance can only walk and may also encounter ghosts. They have nothing to do but help their families, and they don't even have a radio.

We can now live in such a beautiful environment. There are shiny asphalt roads outside, and there are also colorful flowers and tall tall trees around to beautify the environment. Each of them is energetic, and every day there are sprinkler trucks. They work hard to sprinkle water on the earth to make the ground cleaner, just like changing a new dress every day, The front is full of uneven soil slopes, and the trees will be damaged by the bullets of the war, all of them look listless. Children smell smoke every day.

We now have enough clothes and food. We can wear comfortable clothes every day and eat delicious food every meal. The children in the past didn't even have clothes. They had to go to the street to pick up food every day. Maybe they can't even pick up food. They can only starve to death. They are so bitter!

How happy our life is now, so we must cherish the present time and never let it go to waste!

What a composition (3)

In the evening, when the sun sets in the west, the clouds in the sky reflect golden light. Just after the rain, the air is fresh and the weather is sunny.

Our family took a badminton racket and walked to the park at a relaxed pace. The air seemed to emit a fragrance, refreshing. Close your eyes and feel the faint breeze blowing your face, which makes you feel fresh and refreshing. You unknowingly cross the road and come to the park. The leaves of some trees in the picture park have turned yellow. When the wind blows, they float down, like bright butterflies dancing. On the ground, two golden carpets were also thrown on both sides of the path, as if they were welcoming us.

After walking through the woods, it was suddenly clear that many people were playing here. Dad said with a long sigh, let's play badminton here. My mother and I agreed, so I immediately took out my badminton racket and began to exercise. My father served first. He held his breath and calmly threw the ball into the air. With a swing of his racket, a beautiful white arc was drawn in the air. My hand quickly ran to the position where I caught the ball, jumped, and passed it back perfectly. My father and I used "18 kinds of martial arts" to show our respective abilities and fought for 20 rounds, but in the end, I was exhausted and lost.

In my heart, I didn't admit defeat. My father encouraged me to say, Come on, you can defeat me. After listening to this, I took a deep breath, rearranged my posture, and carefully reviewed the shortcomings just now. I thought it was because I ran too frequently and wasted too much energy. This time, I learned a lesson and tried not to run. After more than ten rounds, I was really breathless. Suddenly, my father served me sideways, and I realized that I had to run now. I ran to the bull's-eye. Ha, I was impartial and hit the bull's-eye. My father didn't expect me to catch the ball. He was caught off guard and didn't catch the ball. My father was breathless, but his face was full of pride: "Yes, I made great progress." I touched my head and smiled happily. I thought to myself that thanks to my father's encouragement, I could make progress. My gratitude to my father came into being.

On the way home, we talked and laughed. Our hearts were filled with happiness and happiness. It was just the happiness of the whole family, mutual help and mutual love. This kind of beauty cannot be explained in a thousand words. It blooms in our hearts and moistens our hearts. This kind of love, how a word of love?

What a composition (4)

Hehe, our life now is really happy. But do you know how people used to live?

Let's talk about food first. Now we have hamburgers, cakes and various snacks. But people didn't have these before. They eat a WoWoTou is a meal, drink not boiled water. Even the emperor doesn't have our hamburgers and chicken legs. How happy we are!

And transportation. We now have planes, trains, cars, ships and other means of transportation. We drive to school, and soon we will be ten miles away. And travel. It's also very fast by plane. It's only a few hours away. However, the ancients had to walk 20 miles or more to go to school. Let's think about it. If we were the same, we wouldn't even think about it. Travel, hehe, unless you are the emperor, you can walk around the city in a big sedan chair. It will take several days to get there if you are far away. We should cherish the happy life now!

Oh, yes, and learning. At that time, there were not as many subjects for you to learn as we do now. At that time, there were only three or four classes, such as Chinese, mathematics and physical education. You could not choose whether you liked them or not. That was all. Now nine years of compulsory education, but at that time, many children would not be able to go to school because their families were too poor to write their own names. There is also the classroom environment. We now have radiators, air conditioners, televisions, big blackboards, iron desks and so on. The former school was different. The seat was just a cushion, and the best one might be a small wooden chair. In winter, there was no heating. Sitting inside was like sitting in a refrigerator. In summer, sitting inside is like sitting in a furnace. At that time, there was no big blackboard. The appointed teacher said that if he heard it, he would not make up lessons even if he could not hear it. How difficult it was.

Now life is so good, we should really cherish our happy life!

What a composition (5)

Finally, I looked forward to the weekend. My father and mother put aside their busy work, and I put aside my study for the time being. The whole family went to Grandma's house to experience the pleasant scenery. On the way, I opened the window and breathed the fresh air heartily. The parasol trees on the roadside are quietly changing into new clothes that belong to this season. What a beautiful scenery!

When we got to Grandma's house, we sat under the umbrella, drank tea, talked and enjoyed the scenery together. When my grandparents heard that my composition won the first prize at the provincial level, they gave me a thumbs up. I was happy and proud.

After a while, Grandma got up to carry the fruit, and I volunteered to help. I carried a basin of watermelon out of the kitchen excitedly and bumped into the door. "Ah!" I cried out, only to feel the pain pouring in. Hearing my cry, everyone rushed over. Mom checked my forehead and said without hesitation, "Get up a bag and go to the hospital!" Dad was already looking for the car keys. Grandma gently rubbed the bag on my head while blaming herself. Grandfather smiled and said, "It's OK. It's OK to put some sesame oil on it. Man, I can't stand such a little pain. If you are like me when I was young, hahaha..." "Oh?" Grandfather's words aroused my curiosity, "How was your childhood?" Grandfather smiled: "When I was a child, I didn't know why. I had a big sore on my head. It was so painful that I had to endure the fear of being blamed by my elders. Like you, if you touch your head, you will go to the hospital." Grandfather said, unconsciously touching his head. Hearing this, I was embarrassed to shout again and leaned against my mother. "Why not treat it in time?" I asked. "It's not so expensive! I didn't care at first, but later I got some herbal medicine. There was no doctor in the village, which caused a serious problem. In order to cure it, I spent several buckets of rice money at home." "How can it be several buckets of rice money?" I broke the casserole and asked to the end. "As the saying goes, depending on the mountain, our village has no land, and the grain is bought from firewood from the mountain. It cost you several buckets of rice, and your grandmother has been in love for a long time." "Oh, no wonder the book says: no disease, no disaster is happiness!" I nodded knowingly.

"That's the old calendar!" Grandma relaxed when she saw that I was no longer crying out for pain. "Now we farmers also have medical insurance to see a doctor." Seeing my face puzzled, Grandma brought two medical record cards from upstairs and opened the conversation box: "The government has set up a new type of rural cooperative medical care for us. This green one was set up in June of the previous year, and the government bears 10% to 20% of the medical expenses for seeing a doctor. This blue book was run in January last year. The government can afford 40% to 60% of the medical expenses. What a great blessing for the common people! " "Yes, this is a real thing for the people!" Grandpa, who usually likes reading newspapers with reading glasses, said with a clear head. Hearing this, I learned from the advertisement on TV, shook my fist and said, "My heart is so secure!" That made everyone laugh.

"Well, not long ago, two of us over 60 years old had a free physical examination." Grandma volunteered. My mum, who had been silent all the time, asked anxiously, "How's the situation?" Grandma smiled and said, "Everything is fine. The doctor said that I have high blood fat, and I should eat more vegetables and less meat. I was confused after hearing that. When you were young, I didn't see Luoxing all the year round. Now I can eat it if I can!" "You have to listen to the doctor!" I said solemnly. "Yes, yes!" Grandma nodded repeatedly.

I heard my grandmother tell my mother that the two old people can get pensions every month. They have a sense of security for the elderly, a sense of medical care for the elderly, and filial children. They are urban people living in rural areas!

"How happy our life is..." I don't know which teahouse is singing. There is a faint fragrance of osmanthus in the air. I take a deep breath and it is actually sweet!

What a composition (6)

Our life, how happy, our study, how happy.

The morning wind blows the five-star red flag, and the rosy clouds dye the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. Every child goes to school, whether in the city or in the countryside. Yes! Everyone gets happiness. What is happiness? Let's find happiness together! The brave Haiyan passed through the white clouds, and we entered the school happily. Today we follow the teachers to learn science and skills, and tomorrow we will fly to the motherland, industrial and mining countryside like birds.

Happy festival, red flag fluttering, we lined up, head held forward. Workers' uncles and farmers' aunts, when they saw us, all smiled and said that we would build our motherland in the future, all of them were heroes and models! How happy! Surely we should all have experienced these things! Almost every young mother will say to her child: "Don't cry, my mother will buy you sugar, listen to my mother, go to kindergarten, my mother will buy you a car, and be obedient."

How happy our life is! Let's enjoy the love of Mom and Dad!

What a composition (7)

When spring comes, everything comes back to life. The trees scrambled to put on their spring clothes. The pink peach blossom blooms all over the branches, which looks like a sunrise from afar. Uphill, against the green grass, all kinds of flowers compete for beauty.

The thawing river is tinkling in winter, like the sound of a piano in spring. The tender grass on both sides of the river seemed to want to see the appearance of spring, and could not wait to poke out its head. Looking around, everywhere is light green.

There are two girls flying kites. How high the kite flies! Like a swallow flying in the air. The little girl ran with the kite string in her hand and had a lot of fun. A little girl beside her was also smiling happily.

How beautiful spring is!

Li Yinze, Instructor Chen Hui, Class 2 (6), Zhenhai District Central School, Ningbo City

What a composition (8)

I once heard a story: there was a king who complained every day that he had everything but happiness. He sent a big sleeper to help him find happiness. After the minister set out, no matter where he went, he did not find a truly happy person. One day, he met a farmer who claimed that "every day is unhappy". The minister asked, "Why are you so happy when you are so poor? Where did you get your happiness?" The farmer replied, "I was depressed because I was poor without shoes until one day I saw a man without feet in the street... From then on, I knew how happy I was every day. I was happy every day, but I didn't feel it." The minister suddenly realized that he went back immediately and reported to the king. The king was deeply inspired and never complained again.

In fact, the beautiful life is around us. When we walk every evening, we can see the rosy clouds all over the sky, smell the fragrance of grass, and listen to the beautiful birds... Isn't that what constitutes our happy life and happy moments?

Every day, we breathe fresh air when we run in the morning, talk and laugh with our classmates after class, drink some sweet water when we are thirsty, and sprinkle grain of hope on the windowsill for birds to eat... These seemingly ordinary things are not our good life? Although there are some unpleasant things in life, it is also a mediator of life.

Don't think how far away we are from the good life, in fact, they are in our life; Don't feel unhappy. In fact, we always remember that we are happy.

Friends, please be happy, put a bright smile on your face, and let's enjoy a better life together!

What a composition (9)

Careful observation, life is full of beauty; Like a rose, it emits an attractive fragrance; Like a picture, let your mood play; Just like a cup of coffee, tasting it carefully, it has a fragrant taste; Like

The beauty of campus

Standing on the balcony in front of the teaching building, looking up, flowers are in full bloom. Beside the high flag platform, the flower bed inlaid with the words "erudite and inquisitive" is particularly dazzling, which makes people sigh deeply after watching. There are two large green lawns in front of the flower bed. Those grass are green, which makes me have endless reverie: Aren't we just like these grass? We are full of vitality. No matter how hard we experience, we are still the same. We have strong perseverance, never retreat, and always move towards success and goals.

The beauty of family

Parents use their love to support a clear sky for us. They always greet us when we go home every weekend. Isn't such a happy family beautiful? Obviously, this is beauty. There are three people in our family. We will be very happy if we live a happy life. Sometimes they argue because of watching TV, sometimes they are very angry. In fact, this is also beauty. If they are not the closest and favorite people, they will not argue because of small things!

The beauty of teachers

The teachers irrigate us with hard sweat, and they contribute their knowledge. Teachers are hardworking gardeners, pruning our growing trees; A teacher is a candle, burning himself to illuminate others; Teachers are tree growers, they planted knowledge sprouts one by one; The teacher is... The teacher cares and cultivates us, which is also beauty.

A greeting, a greeting, a touch, a kind of enjoyment...... Are full of beauty. As long as we understand carefully, life is full of beauty everywhere. Life is so long, life is so beautiful, why don't we slowly appreciate the beauty of life through this long life?

What a composition (10)

As the night wind blew, I huddled in my big coat, trying to isolate myself from the cold. Walking on the still busy road in the heart of the city, in the distance is the highest city in Hangzhou, the famous capital of Kaiyuan. It seems that there is no power to stop its brilliance, and it emits compelling light in the dark night. Who doesn't yearn for the extravagant life when New Year's famous capital rises into the sky, and people enjoy the entertainment and entertainment?

Nearby, at a dark corner, two beggars lay on the ground, unable to see their faces clearly, but only heard groans: "Please, give me some money, please......" The long hands reached at the foot of the passers-by, while shaking the bowl, making a sad sound of metal collision. It seems that beggars are always ignored. They hold a black bowl in their black hands and shrink into a black ball. They crawled at the feet of people, while the arrogant crowd looked up. Beggars lack money to live, warm quilts to withstand the cold night, and hot water to wash away dirt and dirt. Compared with them, my life is so beautiful. I have clothes to warm my body and food to fill my stomach. I don't have to worry about the hardships of life, let alone ask strangers for money.

I took a breath, looked up at the sky, and saw the stars shining in the night, just like my happiness shining.

White is the theme color of this building, but this purity is full of strong smell of disinfectant water. White sheets, white bedding, white cabinets, and the patient's pale face.

Oh, this is awesome white!

Walking through one ward, I saw some people hanging and tying their legs, some people plugging in oxygen tubes, some people lying on the bed unable to move, and some people lost their blood because of the disease. Surrounded by the disease, they groaned because of pain and shed tears because of suffering. Compared with them, how wonderful my life should be! I am not plagued by disease. I don't have to take the pills that are difficult to swallow every day. I don't have to endure the cruel acupuncture and surgery. I don't have to lie on the hospital bed and look out the window.

Those who can only eat instant noodles every time, those who need a person to carry their family, those who seem happy but can only face empty houses after returning home... My life is really beautiful.

The warm summer wind blew. In the middle of the night, my mother quietly opened the door, pulled the curtains disordered by the wind for me, closed the window, covered the kicked quilt for me, and then quietly closed the door.

I smiled half asleep, half awake, I am happy, because I have full love.

What a composition (11)

A new day will come when the sun rises in the east. People will breathe fresh air and call out how beautiful life is.

In the early morning, there was a lot of noise. People who bought vegetables, went to work, went to school, and even flowers were in full bloom. There are lawns in the park. The lawns are cut neatly and beautifully, shining green. Buses come and go on the street. On campus, students worked hard to read. At this time, people began to work. The city became much quieter. In some places, only flowers and plants were playing. In the countryside, farmers plough and harvest to form a vivid harvest picture.

In the east, what a magnificent place. It is like building a plateau flat where red flags are planted all over the place. There are rivers of silk and cotton winding, oceans of molten iron and steel flowers billowing, mountains of sluice dikes lying across, and forests of derrick rigs towering above

In the south, what a magnificent place, like a soldier's post standing at the ends of the sea. What a wonder is the mountain peak, the towering sentry post, the distinctive campfire, and the bright bayonet

In the north, it is so beautiful, like colorful flowers for scientific research. The round ones are satellites, the long ones are rockets, and the odd ones are flowers and fruits

In the west, how gorgeous it is, like a bumper harvest and good news strewn over the green fields and wasteland, the golden one is the sea of rice, the silver one is the cotton man with peach blossoms, the yellow one is the rape shop with golden colors, and the red one is the fruit forest with fragrance and glow

Ah! How beautiful life is! Tall buildings have sprung up, and trees have the hope of survival. Let's unite and work hard, and life will become better!

What a composition (12)

When you see this topic, you may think: How can you want to be free now that you can play on weekends? However, my holiday was overwhelmed by the homework assigned by my mother.

Every weekend, I have to go to cram school. There are Chinese, math, English, calligraphy and painting, and I can't breathe all day long. But my mother doesn't let me go. Practice, exercise papers, etc. all fly to me like icicles.

I remember one Sunday night, I was rushing to finish my homework. At that time, the bell thought that I had rung 11 times. My mother's voice was like a lullaby. "Go to bed quickly, Cheng Kai, and go to school tomorrow!" But my mother did not know that there was still homework as high as a mountain waiting for me! I stopped my pen, looked at the sky, and begged, "How I want to be free!" After begging, I went back to my desk and wrote the endless homework.

Another Saturday, I had just returned home from cram school, and I was lying in bed reading a book with relish. At that time, my mother came in, saw me reading a book, and asked me: "Are you reading Synchronized Composition or Words and Sentences?" When she saw the title of the book, she shouted: "How can you read this book again?" Mother said, and walked away. I had to obey the order and read the composition.

Mom, I beg you to give me some freedom and let me have a good time. I will have fun even if it is just a short time.

Grade 5, Chigang Primary School, Haojiang District, Shantou, Guangdong: Li Chengkai

What a composition (13)

How great a teacher is

How great is Deng Xuezhao, Class 6, Grade 2 Primary School, Sanya City, Hainan Province.

Teacher is a sacred profession.

Where there are teachers, there are pillars of the motherland.

A teacher is a lamp, lighting himself to illuminate others;

Teachers are hardworking gardeners who are not afraid to work hard to cultivate the flowers of the motherland;

The teacher is our "mother", selflessly care for us, let us thrive.

We can't make the teacher angry.

We can't make the teacher sad.

We can't let the teacher worry.

Not to disappoint teachers' expectations.

Therefore, we have to study hard and repay our teachers.

How great the teacher is.

How amiable the teacher is.

Where there are teachers, there are pillars of the motherland.

Instructor: Xie Wen

What a composition (14)

autumn rains

In the morning, a rustling rain woke me from my dream. I got out of bed with my clothes on, opened the window and looked out. Ho, it's raining! The autumn rain is falling with a patter, and the rows of light rain spots are like cattle hair, flower needles, and filaments, which are closely woven obliquely, and quickly sprinkle on the ground. A string of raindrops, like countless pearls, weave a huge real pig curtain, and the whole city seems to be shrouded in this misty rain.

When I rode to school, I saw people on the road holding umbrellas, like colorful mushrooms and colorful flowers. Those people riding bicycles are wearing various raincoats, red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple... They are really colorful and dazzling. A breeze blows, and raincoats dance with the wind, sometimes high, sometimes low, like a rainbow flying in the air, flickering.

Ah! What a charming picture of autumn rain!

Arrived at the school, put the car in the shed, stood outside and listened carefully. It's not just the sound of rain. Listen carefully, as well as the wind and birds. Then listen to the sound of students' reading. They are mixed together to compose a beautiful music. It's so beautiful.

What a composition (15)

Today's good luck has begun since this morning!

In the morning, I opened my eyes in a daze. In the past, my mother woke me up. At that time, I was really reluctant, but I could not escape from my mother's "magic hand" no matter what. Think about it, today's sleep is really comfortable! Today has a good start, today's day, will be very happy, very beautiful, I believe. Get up and have a look, God! Why is it so late? It seems that I want to sleep. If I feel comfortable, I must oversleep! After I got up and cleaned up, it was almost 10 o'clock. It was sad that I had to have lunch without breakfast. In fact, it was also very good. It saved money for breakfast! Now, after doing my homework for a while, I'm waiting for lunch. After a delicious lunch, it's time to watch TV for a while. Just when I was happy watching TV, my good friend called and said he would come to our house to play for a while. I'm so happy! My good friend is coming to play at home, oh yeah! "Ringing bell!" The door bell rang. It must be a good friend. Open the door and see. Sure enough! I'm glad to welcome my good friend in. My afternoon life will not be boring if my good friend comes. We play cards and chess together. It's really interesting! My good friend also taught me a lot of card games that I can't play, like driving pigs A bunch! It seems that there are many things I can't do!

Today is really my lucky day. I learned a lot and understood a lot. It's a wonderful day!

What a composition (16)

In our daily study, work and life, we have all tried to write a composition. A composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is what a wonderful composition of rural life Xiao Bian helped us organize. Welcome to share.

On the morning of spring in the countryside, when you look out of the window, you can always see many small flowers embedded in a green lawn, and you can always see several lovely birds on the branches, welcoming the sunrise every day with their beautiful songs. When I saw these, I felt how happy I was! When I am in a bad mood, I feel better when I see the green lawn. When I listen to the birds' songs quietly, I find that the birds' songs are 100 times better than our songs. Spring gave me great encouragement: although the grass was trampled on, it sprouted again in spring. People should also be as strong as grass. No matter what setbacks they encounter, they should continue to move forward and not shrink back.

In summer morning, when you wake up, you will find that the first ray of sunshine in the morning is falling on you, and the first breeze in the morning is blowing your curtains. At this moment, I wish I could stay in that beautiful moment forever, because that is when I calm down to experience the sunshine, the baptism of rain, and the comfort of breeze. At that moment, I really realized how important nature is to human beings. From that moment on, I never hated how the sun is so strong, how the rain has not stopped, and how the wind has hurt us. When I was young, I never knew that nature has feelings and temper. In fact, nature is like a friend of yours, accompanying you all the time.

Autumn morning is the most beautiful and pleasant. This season, farmers begin to harvest fruits and crops. This is my favorite picture. When I saw their hard work, I was very grateful to them. Without them, there would be no fruit. A small apple contains a thousand sweats and unbearable toil of farmers. Usually I never pay attention to the maple tree, but in autumn, I will come to the bottom of the maple tree and watch its leaves fall one by one. My heart can't help passing: the maple leaves fall more beautiful than the snow. I have never wasted fruit and food since I learned that it takes such hard work to grow an apple. And the maple leaf? The long fall also made me realize a truth: even if you have succeeded, there will be failures, but if you continue to work hard next time, you will still succeed.

In winter morning, it was a happy time, because at that time, I had enough energy to complete the task in the morning. Although it was cold when it came, you could feel it with your heart, but it was a kind of warmth that could not be expressed in words. It was also a happy child, but you did not pay attention to it, so it became so cold, it was not as warm as spring, It is neither as hot as summer nor as cool as autumn, because each has its own advantages.

If everyone understands everything and every season with heart, life will become more beautiful!

In fact, it is not necessarily the prosperous city that is the most beautiful place. As long as you carefully observe the rural life, you will feel that the rural life is better than the prosperous city.

What a composition (17)

I designed the desktop as an oval, with a large and wide LCD in the middle of the desktop. There is a green light in the upper right corner of the display. Once you are distracted in class, the light will turn red immediately, reminding you to pay attention to listening. If the monitor is out of power, the legs of the table will absorb the garbage dust on the ground and convert it into electrical energy. If the teacher is not here, you can input the questions you don't know into the universal computer next to the display, and a few seconds later, the detailed solution ideas will appear on the display. When you are tired, a green forest will appear on the display. After watching for 5 minutes, the fatigue will disappear.

There are many functions in the drawer! There is an automatic sensor in it. You just need to put the things in your bag in order. When it's time for class, a tray will be put out of the drawer with the tools and materials for the class on it. Moreover, the legs of the table are voice controlled, which can automatically adjust the height according to the height of the students to ensure that the students can sit comfortably.

Do you like the desk I designed?

What a composition (18)

With a "ding", I succeeded in placing an order. Last month, I saw that the Wansi nano tape that exploded on the Internet was very easy to use. Just stick it gently, and nothing can escape it. The original price was 30 yuan, but now it only costs 5 yuan. I can't wait to place an order.

In the afternoon of the third day, I received the express delivery and opened the package excitedly. I didn't want to pull out a piece of it directly. I pulled it and stuck it on the wall with good toughness. "It worked!" I said. Then I took out my phone and pasted it on the wall. Soon, the tape was like a small spring, and the phone fell to the ground with a bang. My mother came to her and asked, "What's wrong?" I smiled but didn't say anything, because I didn't want her to know that the nano tape was wrong, because I wanted to save face. Mom asked again, "Is the tape bad? If you don't want to buy it, you have to buy it. Are you holding the fake?", I don't want my mother to laugh at me! At this time, my mother came over and showed a mysterious smile, as if to say: "I won." She threw the tape into the garbage can.

Alas, as expected, there is no good good for cheap goods. I don't want to be cheap any more.

What a composition (19)

One year later, since all the disciples returned to the agreed place, all said that none of them succeeded, and when they saw the crops all over the land, they understood that if they wanted to get rid of weeds, they had to replace them with something else, and replace bad things with good ones; Replaced ugliness with beauty.

When some people quit smoking, some people like to eat sugar to curb their desire to smoke, or eat some sweet food. I have never heard of people who can quit smoking by their own will. Even if there are, there are people who are determined. However, there are several such people. Therefore, it is difficult to succeed without good conditions. People who quit smoking are also very smart. They use sugar instead of cigarettes to give up smoking.

Madame Curie's beauty has existed for a hundred years, but when she was young, she was also a small bellied person and would bump against her classmates. Sometimes a glance from her classmates would make her sad. Then she bought a lot of tolerant books, so that she would remember the word "tolerance" when encountering some collisions with others, and her anger disappeared. Madame Curie replaced the small belly with tolerance, thus becoming the goddess in people's eyes.

Philosophers have given them such a question in one year, which should be that they should be unforgettable and never forget the truth that beauty can overcome ugliness. It is really a good idea!