New Chinese Composition (16 Collections)
Yesterday was all right
2023-08-01 05:09:32

New Chinese Composition (1)

Time is like flowing water. In a twinkling of an eye, one year has passed. For me, the word "Chinese" is not giving up, is separation, and is expectation. In the six years of primary school, my favorite subject was Chinese. I was always attracted by the magic Chinese characters. Each character has different pronunciation, different writing methods, and different meanings. Different characters sometimes have the same interpretation. Although it is complicated and difficult to remember, it is really interesting.

In terms of words and sentences, I have mastered them well before. Both in the accumulation of words, sentences and paragraphs, as well as in the transformation and analysis of sentence patterns, they are excellent, but they are slightly inferior in the interpretation of words and understanding of paragraphs.

In terms of composition, the narration, description and the use of words and sentences are all very good, but the details are slightly lacking. In terms of reading, I have read many famous books in primary school, especially in senior grades, and I have my own understanding and understanding of a small part of them. In addition to famous books, I have also read some novels, wisdom stories or books about science, history, common sense, etc. It can be said that the amount of reading is relatively large.

In general, my Chinese learning is good and my basic skills are relatively solid. I have the following plans and plans for learning Chinese in my new life:

1. The words in the homework examination should not only be neat, but also beautiful, and try not to make mistakes.

2. Without using a dictionary, be able to contact the context and write the word meaning correctly.

3. Sentence analysis should be more thoughtful and in-depth.

4. Strengthen the understanding of a paragraph.

5. The composition should learn to describe in detail, and add your own thoughts to make the article more profound and full.

6. Read 1-3 books a month.

7. Listen carefully in class and take notes.

8. Before doing homework, first review what you have learned today, then close the books and notes, finish the homework independently, and then open the books to check, check, and fill in what you cannot.

I hope that with the previous foundation and my own plan, I can create another peak in the middle school Chinese learning!

I should know whether to learn Chinese or to read, write and remember more!

New Chinese Composition (2)

[Abstract] Judging from the recent college entrance examination Chinese papers, compositions are basically presented in the form of new materials. New material composition is difficult to some extent, mainly because students need to strengthen training in topic review and conception, so that they can successfully grasp the core ideas of the given materials, and then find the intention that meets the material requirements to complete writing.

[Key words] High school Chinese; New material composition; Examine the topic and make a decision; Teaching strategy; analysis

In the high school Chinese examination, composition occupies a large proportion in the whole paper. From the composition proposition in the college entrance examination paper, it can be seen that the composition topics are basically presented in the form of new materials. Teachers need to take effective measures to help students better complete the examination and determination of composition.

1、 Comprehensively improve reading ability

In the process of high school Chinese composition training, teachers need to attach great importance to the cultivation of students' reading ability, so that students can quickly grasp the core idea of the article when reading various composition materials, and create good conditions for completing the task of examining topics and creating ideas. For example, the composition material for the college entrance examination in Beijing Volume 2012 mainly describes the situation of a railway worker's work. Students first need to quickly read the event described in the material, and then quickly grasp this ideological content to make a decision and write. We can start from the following aspects: first, find a breakthrough from the staff's silent dedication to an ordinary post; Second, find a breakthrough from the perspective of the mentality of the staff. After improving their reading ability, students can quickly combine the central idea of the materials to do a good job of examining and thinking.

2、 Grasp the essence of refining as a whole

The course of Chinese is closely related to life practice. Students need to fully grasp the overall content of the materials in the process of writing, and at the same time, it is linked with their own life, which can reduce the occurrence of empty words and lies in the composition. For example, a composition material that appeared earlier: The Seven Step Poem written by Cao Zhi in ancient China was widely read and appreciated, while Guo Moruo in modern times combined this material background to write the Anti Seven Step Poem, that is, to write from different perspectives. Through this case, students need to grasp the content of the material as a whole in the process of reading materials in the future, and then gradually conceive the framework content of the composition according to the content of the material and their own living conditions, which can well complete the writing requirements through the essence of the material.

3、 Select the best angle accurately

In the process of writing, students need to do a good job in choosing writing angles, which is also the key for students to complete material composition. After students read the composition materials, they need to fully grasp the core ideas in the materials in terms of choosing angles, and then establish an optimal writing angle in combination with their own writing priorities, which can prevent students from deviating from the topic in writing, and can also help students to obtain higher composition scores. For example, when students deal with the complementary materials between "Qianlima" and "Old scalper" in the composition materials, they can not only limit to the things proposed in the materials, that is, horses, but can effectively transfer to people through "horses" to find this good writing angle to complete the composition's theme. In the process of explaining the content of the composition, teachers need to guide students to consciously cultivate their own writing ability, and be able to establish the best angle to complete the composition when examining the topic and making a decision.

4、 Special training to strengthen examination

In the process of guiding students to write, teachers need to list several very common types of materials in combination with the content of the materials, and then they can be used as the content of special training in students' daily learning, so that students can focus on the reading training of writing materials and complete the task of examining and thinking. For example, the materials present various phenomena in social life. Teachers need to enable students to extract essence to complete the task of examining and thinking through these different phenomena in training students to examine and think about topics. But what students need to pay attention to is that they need to constantly summarize the experience of topic examination and conception in the process of participating in these special trainings. If the story content appears in the materials, it is necessary to grasp the truth revealed by the whole story to complete the intention. Because the content in the material composition is very extensive and open, students will feel certain difficulties in examining the topic and making up their minds. In teaching practice, teachers need to design teaching strategies for material composition based on the actual situation of students, that is, they can adopt targeted teaching programs in composition training, so that students can successfully find solutions to this type of composition questions, and then help students better improve the efficiency of composition examination and conception.


[1] Wu Jun. On the Current Situation and Strategies of Chinese Composition Teaching in Senior High School -- Taking Aba Prefecture as an Example [J]. Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Educational Science Edition), 2015, 17 (4): 55-57

[2] Shu Fang. Ask Qu Na to be so clear, so as to have a source of fresh water -- Random talk about effective strategies for senior high school Chinese composition teaching [J]. Journal of Jishou University (Social Science Edition), 2015, 36 (S1): 271-272

New Chinese Composition (3)

One month's winter vacation has waved to us and said "goodbye", and we are ushering in a new semester. Now we are facing great pressure. The tense learning atmosphere makes us study harder.

At the beginning of the new semester, many people have confirmed their new plans for the new semester, and I am no exception.

In the last semester's exam, I didn't achieve the 'goal' that my teacher gave me. When doing some ancient poems and classical Chinese, there are some things that I can't understand, but I can barely answer correctly according to previous knowledge, and the score will be deducted a lot. So I will do more about this in the future and strengthen it. Some basic things should be memorized, and the wrong questions should not be allowed to make mistakes. I will also find some interesting and fresh topics to write essays, hoping to add some points. I will examine the topic carefully when I do it. Usually, I carefully complete the homework assigned by the teacher. Teacher, I will never forget the knowledge you taught me, and I will never let you down. I will refuel.

Grade 5: windmill

New Chinese Composition (4)

"Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and thousands of pear blossoms," shared bicycles have quietly entered our lives, bringing its power to a better life.

On the way home, thick clouds lay overhead. Pedestrians on the road looked hurried and the lights were scarce. The street was more quiet. The north wind blew again and again, and the orange flames from the street lights looked very bleak.

Every day, life comes out early and returns late like the sun, and the color of life is as insipid as boiled water. The cold wind ran across my face like a sharp bayonet, and my mood was bleak. In front, a shivering pedestrian picked up a shared bike and stuck a note on the bike, saying, "This car's chain is broken, please use another car.". Next to them are rows of neat bicycles. A warm feeling came into being, and my heart was warm. I don't know when the original frozen heart gradually melts. Harmonious bike sharing allows us to share a better life together.

Three or nine days later, when I was waiting hard at the station, shared bicycles came into my sight. I rushed to the school, took out my card, scanned it, and rode on my bike, as if I had a glimmer of hope, and arrived at the school ahead of schedule. Convenient bike sharing lets us share a better life together.

On the street, the traffic in the past has been replaced by bicycles, the engine sound in the past has been replaced by the cheerful singing of birds, and the haze in the past has been replaced by the beautiful water and blue sky. The concept of caring for the environment has been branded in people's hearts, which is the achievement of bike sharing. Environmentally friendly bike sharing allows us to share a better life together.

A ray of warm sunshine shines on me, and the orange light also illuminates the boundless sky. Bursts of ringing bells were heard, and the trails of the employees left traces of shared bicycles. These officially shared bicycles shuttled among flowers and trees. The sound of bicycle chain collision was like a symphony, playing a harmonious and beautiful chapter.

Sharing bicycles creates a harmonious, convenient and environmentally friendly life for us. Sharing bicycles makes the blue sky more cloudy, the forest more trees, and life more novel and beautiful. Sharing bicycles can change the concept of life in a subtle way. Let's share the blue sky and the beautiful life together!

New Chinese Composition (5)

I have a harmonious family, and every day there are many interesting stories. It is these interesting stories that make me truly feel how beautiful my life is.

Today, I want to tell you one of my favorite and indispensable things in life - Latin dance.

I remember that when I was in the first grade, my mother took me to Latin dance class for the first time. As soon as I got to the door, I couldn't wait to rush into the classroom. The teacher gave me a pair of Latin dance shoes. The heels of those shoes were very high, and they were not good at walking. If I often walked, I would fall down. At the beginning, the movements taught by the teacher were very simple, which was a piece of cake for me. However, slowly, the difficulty of the movement seemed to increase several times at a time. Sometimes, I could not practice five or six times or even more than ten times. After several times of practice, my legs and hands began to soften, my stomach also felt very painful, and finally the pain made me cry. I don't want to learn if I can't persist. The teacher seems to see my mind, Teach me patiently: "You are a very smart girl, but sometimes you don't listen to the teacher carefully, and the result is that the teacher often corrects a wrong action. The next time you dance, it is still wrong. As long as you listen carefully, study hard, and practice hard in the future, the teacher believes that with your intelligence, you will soon become an excellent Latin dancer." After listening to the teacher's words of encouragement, I was immediately confident.

So I got rid of the bad habit of being half hearted and began to practice carefully according to the teacher's instructions. If I could not practice once, I would practice ten times until I could practice. At that time, I simply became a small dance fan and would dance whenever I had nothing to do. With my hard work, I learned to dance a lot of Latin dance. I won the second place in the Children's Latin Dance Competition in the Northeast Division held in Yingkou. Through learning Latin dance, I know that every success in life requires efforts, and no one can casually succeed! I like Latin dance, it brings me a lot of fun! It makes my life full of happy sunshine.

New Chinese Composition (6)

Have you heard of the Huihang Ancient Road? It is one of the ten famous ancient roads in China, and it is also a road that many donkey friends must conquer to exercise their will. During the spring break, I and four other students followed my father and mother to conquer the Huizhou Hangzhou Ancient Road. On April 30, with bright sunshine and cloudless skies, our party set out cheerfully by the bus from Hangzhou to Jixi, Anhui.

It took about three hours to arrive at Jixi, and we took a taxi to Yuchuan. The entrance of the famous Huizhou Hangzhou Ancient Road is located in Yuchuan, a small mountain village. It was about 12 o'clock at noon when we arrived at Yuchuan. We were a little hungry and rushed into a farmer's house. We tasted the authentic Huizhou local food and recovered our strength at once. Finally, I set out. I walked through the fields of wheat, rape, potatoes and various vegetables. The sky seemed bluer and higher, and my feet seemed to be windy. I ran at the front of the team all the way, and soon I reached the first pass in Jiangnan.

Standing at the pass, the green mountains in front of me are full of rhododendron, bright red, pink, light purple. On the grass beside the road, there are yellow, blue, white and dark red flowers, just like a huge carpet. Between green mountains, a line of blue sky is inlaid in it. Occasionally, a few long white clouds come, and a gentle breeze blows, making people feel like immortals. Suddenly, garbage appeared in the grass in front of me - two mineral water bottles.

Such a beautiful place, there are also uncivilized tourists! I began to pay attention to the roadside environment. Sure enough, every now and then I would find some garbage, including food packaging bags, napkins, empty boxes, plastic bags, cans, and so on. The beautiful scenery has been destroyed by these rubbish, I am very angry! Tourists should not leave rubbish while enjoying the beautiful scenery! I took out the garbage bag from my bag, carefully picked up the garbage into the garbage bag, and thought: beautiful scenery needs civilized behavior of every tourist!

A better life needs our civilized action! The West Lake is picturesque, and Hangzhou is my home; One small step of civilization, one big step of life; If you go out for tourism, please take away the garbage; Get on the bus and see the old man. Let him sit down; Don't imitate danger, and prevent disease everywhere; Be civilized and live a better life!

New Chinese Composition (7)

"As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world", "At the beginning of human life, human nature is good". Yes, the world needs love. Everyone should be kind and help every helpless person. In this way, the world will really become a beautiful world.

Recently, I read a story called "Tomato Sun". I was deeply moved and filled with emotion! In the story, there is a blind girl about 5 years old who touched an aunt who was decadent and had broken her leg with her own words. The girl's name is Mingming. If she is not a blind child, she is a beautiful girl. One day, "I" (that is, the aunt in the article) came to Mingming's fruit stall on crutches and heard her father asking Mingming to know tomatoes by touching them. The girl stroked the tomatoes and giggled, happy to "see" them. "I" was infected by the smile and said, "It's a nice day today, and the sun is coming out." Mingming kept asking, "What is the sun like?" Dad put Mingming's hand on the "tomato" again, "Son, the sun is like a tomato, round".

Mingming felt the "tomato" and seemed to realize it. Surprised, he shouted, "The sun is like a tomato, let me call it the tomato sun!" Soon, some kind-hearted people donated corneas to Mingming, and they were going. Before leaving, Mingming said to her aunt: "Auntie, my mother said that it was a kind person who gave me corneas to help me recover my eyesight. When I grow up, I will give you my legs, OK.

People can't be without confidence and love, love shows your gentle and kind quality; Confidence makes you fight high and bravely move towards the future. Teachers have love and impart knowledge to us without reservation; Only when workers have love can they help us build our homes; The driver has love, so that the car can safely shuttle through the streets; If doctors have love, they will snatch patients back again and again... Yes, society needs love, and only a society surrounded by love can be harmonious and beautiful.

That night, I had a dream that my aunt could leave the crutch after the dawn. They ran and laughed under the blue sky hand in hand. A rainbow appeared in the distance, which was so beautiful

New Chinese Composition (8)

Read the following materials and write according to the requirements. (60 points)

"Own hand, skillful hand and vulgar hand" are the three terms of Go. This hand refers to the regular playing method that conforms to the chess theory; A skillful hand is an unexpected and subtle execution; Vulgarity refers to what seems reasonable but is usually damaged from the overall perspective. For beginners, you should start from your own hand. Only when you have a solid kung fu can you improve your chess ability. Some beginners are keen on the pursuit of skillful skills, while ignoring the more commonly used skills. This skill is the foundation, and the best skill is creation. Generally speaking, only when you have a deep understanding of your own skills can you have a good one; Otherwise, it is inevitable to become a layman, and the level is not easy to improve.

The above materials are enlightening to us. Please write an article combining the materials to reflect your perception and thinking.

Requirements: select the right angle, determine the purpose, clarify the style, and prepare the title by yourself; Do not imitate or plagiarize; Do not disclose personal information; Not less than 800 words.

New Chinese Composition (9)

Article 1:

In the past three decades of reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly, and its economic construction has changed with each passing day. Our motherland has undergone tremendous changes. People's material life has been constantly improved, and their spiritual life has become more colorful. The motherland has changed, and the hometown has changed.

My hometown, Mudanjiang, is a small town in the border of the motherland. It is like a shining pearl inlaid on the phoenix crown. The Mudanjiang River is beautiful, with outstanding people and rapid development. Especially in recent years, it has gained a great reputation. Life can not be separated from food, clothing, housing and transportation. People are most concerned about "living". Mudanjiang has witnessed the biggest changes in housing. There are many modern residential areas, high-end residential buildings and luxury villas everywhere. People are busy buying new houses for new houses. My family recently moved to a new house. The original house is too small. It has changed to a set of more than 100 square meters. All the household appliances are updated, high-end furniture, luxury decoration, and the three members of the family enjoy the happiness of life.

There is a saying in China that "if you want to be rich, build roads first", which shows the importance of transportation. The traffic changes in Mudanjiang are even more significant. The roads in the city are wide, flat, crisscross, buses extend in all directions, taxis flow in all directions, and private cars can be seen everywhere. People don't have to worry about travel anymore. The high-speed railway is about to open, and air traffic will facilitate the whole country.

Everything has changed! Not only the material life has been greatly improved, but also the spiritual life has become more colorful. The city park is free of charge, the leisure square is full of singing and dancing, the cultural and sports life is renovated, the luxury cinema is in line with the national standard, and the television has been updated for many years.

Yes, my hometown has changed! Mudanjiang has changed! The motherland has changed! Our generation intervened in the peaceful and prosperous times and enjoyed the happiness and well-being brought to us by the prosperity of our motherland. We cherish everything today, I thank today's happiness, hometown I love you! Motherland I love you!

Part II:

The 21st century is an era of rapid changes. Many things and things have changed. Come and see the changes in my hometown Ningbo.

In the past, there were not so many private cars on the road. Now there are not only more cars on the road, but also more and more high-grade cars: Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz... and mobile phones, which are indispensable for people to contact. In the past, if anyone had a mobile phone, he would be rich. Now, almost everyone has a mobile phone, which shows that people have become rich.

Moreover, more and more shopping malls have appeared, pushing people's material life to a peak.

Now we have not only made material progress, but also other aspects, such as education. In the past, it was a sensational thing that a family could produce a college student, which showed that education was backward at that time. Of course, it is quite different now. Everyone can enjoy the nine-year compulsory education provided by the government, which is the improvement of the cultural level of our people, and it is also one of the changes.

Finally, let's talk about the details. Now the greening of the city is getting better and better. There are many shady sidewalks and it is very comfortable to walk on the sidewalk.

Another thing that has to be mentioned is the bicycle lane beside Dongqian Lake, which allows tourists to enjoy the scenery over and over again. Of course, there was no bicycle lane before, and from these details we can also see the changes in our hometown.

In this new era, my hometown, no, the whole country has undergone tremendous changes.

New Chinese Composition (10)

[Key words] High school Chinese; New material composition; Examine the topic and make a decision; Teaching strategy; analysis

In the high school Chinese examination, composition occupies a large proportion in the whole paper. From the composition proposition in the college entrance examination paper, it can be seen that the composition topics are basically presented in the form of new materials. Teachers need to take effective measures to help students better complete the examination and determination of composition.

1、 Comprehensively improve reading ability

In the process of high school Chinese composition training, teachers need to attach great importance to the cultivation of students' reading ability, so that students can quickly grasp the core idea of the article when reading various composition materials, and create good conditions for completing the task of examining topics and creating ideas. For example, the composition material for the college entrance examination in the 20xx Beijing volume mainly describes the situation of a railway worker's work. Students first need to quickly read the events described in the material, and then quickly grasp the ideological content to make up their minds and write. We can start from the following aspects: first, find a breakthrough from the staff's silent dedication to an ordinary post; Second, find a breakthrough from the perspective of the mentality of the staff. After improving their reading ability, students can quickly combine the central idea of the materials to do a good job of examining and thinking.

2、 Grasp the essence of refining as a whole

The course of Chinese is closely related to life practice. Students need to fully grasp the overall content of the materials in the process of writing, and at the same time, it is linked with their own life, which can reduce the occurrence of empty words and lies in the composition. For example, a composition material that appeared earlier: The Seven Step Poem written by Cao Zhi in ancient China was widely read and appreciated, while Guo Moruo in modern times combined this material background to write the Anti Seven Step Poem, that is, to write from different perspectives. Through this case, students need to grasp the content of the material as a whole in the process of reading materials in the future, and then gradually conceive the framework content of the composition according to the content of the material and their own living conditions, which can well complete the writing requirements through the essence of the material.

3、 Select the best angle accurately

In the process of writing, students need to do a good job in choosing writing angles, which is also the key for students to complete material composition. After students read the composition materials, they need to fully grasp the core ideas in the materials in terms of choosing angles, and then establish an optimal writing angle in combination with their own writing priorities, which can prevent students from deviating from the topic in writing, and can also help students to obtain higher composition scores. For example, when students deal with the complementary materials between "Qianlima" and "Old scalper" in the composition materials, they can not only limit to the things proposed in the materials, that is, horses, but can effectively transfer to people through "horses", and find this good writing angle to complete the examination and determination of the composition. In the process of explaining the content of the composition, teachers need to guide students to consciously cultivate their own writing ability, and be able to establish the best angle to complete the composition when examining the topic and making a decision.

4、 Special training to strengthen examination

In the process of guiding students to write, teachers need to list several very common types of materials in combination with the content of the materials, and then they can be used as the content of special training in students' daily learning, so that students can focus on the reading training of writing materials and complete the task of examining and thinking. For example, the materials present various phenomena in social life. Teachers need to enable students to extract essence to complete the task of examining and thinking through these different phenomena in training students to examine and think about topics. But what students need to pay attention to is that they need to constantly summarize the experience of topic examination and conception in the process of participating in these special trainings. If the story content appears in the materials, it is necessary to grasp the truth revealed by the whole story to complete the intention. Because the content in the material composition is very extensive and open, students will feel certain difficulties in examining the topic and making up their minds. In teaching practice, teachers need to design teaching strategies for material composition based on the actual situation of students, that is, they can adopt targeted teaching programs in composition training, so that students can successfully find solutions to this type of composition questions, and then help students better improve the efficiency of composition examination and conception.


[1] Wu Jun. On the Current Situation and Strategies of Chinese Composition Teaching in Senior High School -- Taking Aba Prefecture as an Example [J]. Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Education Science Edition), 20xx, 17 (4): 55-57

[2] Shu Fang. Ask Qu Na to be so clear, so as to have a source of fresh water -- Random talk about effective strategies for senior high school Chinese composition teaching [J]. Journal of Jishou University (Social Science Edition), 20xx, 36 (S1): 271-272

New Chinese Composition (11)

Someone once asked Einstein, the famous scientist, "What's the difference between you and ordinary people, It is because of the spirit of exploration that he can stand out from the crowd. It can be seen that exploration is the key to success.

Newton, who had the spirit of exploration since childhood, made a small windmill when he was in junior high school. With the help of wind, flour can be ground. One day, he took the windmill to school and showed it to his classmates. An older classmate asked him, "Why can the windmill rotate?" He could not answer. In the laughter of others, his small windmill was smashed to pieces, and he was very sad. But he didn't give up. The insult of others prompted him to encourage himself: "Whatever you do, you should think more about why." After that, he began to ponder the relationship between windmills and wind, his structure, and made experiments one by one. He also replaced the sharp windmill with mouse fear of freezing, and the water wheel with water instead of power. Finally, he succeeded! Newton's success was inseparable from the help of exploration and lost the foundation of exploration.

Exploration is as vast as the universe. Only by exploring, we will not wander under the eaves of our predecessors, and we will not be trapped in the siege of our predecessors. We young people should learn excellent skills, develop an indomitable spirit of exploration, explore in learning, innovate in exploration, and show our talents in innovation! Use your hands, your heart, and your brain to explore!

Let's take Qu Yuan's advice: "There is a long way to go, and I will search up and down." Also remember Lu You's teaching: when "mountains and rivers are too heavy to doubt the way", exploration will let you "see another village".

New Chinese Composition (12)

The happy summer vacation has passed and the new semester is coming.

I came to the school full of knowledge again, came to the warm and beautiful classroom, met my classmates, and had the first class with them.

The Chinese and math teachers in our class have been replaced with new teachers, namely, the Chinese teacher and the math teacher. Ms. Bi, who is a Chinese teacher, is of medium stature and has short hair. Her eyes are always shining.

Mr. Bi has many characteristics, such as strict requirements, bright eyes and smart ears. Every time in class, Miss Bi makes our class empty. If you don't have empty books, she will let you do it alone after the class is empty. In class, every action of the students can't escape Miss Bi's eyes. No matter how small your voice is, she can hear Miss Bi when she writes on the blackboard.

This is our new Chinese teacher, a respectable and lovely teacher!

New Chinese Composition (13)

The long-awaited new house has finally been decorated, and I have a more comfortable and spacious small world.

When I walked into my room, the first thing I saw was the unique curtains. The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and many places of interest that fascinated me were strewn on the blue curtains, which my mother specially picked for me from Hangzhou!

In the southeast corner of the room, there is a corner desk that integrates a bookcase, desk and computer desk. I want to place a nest of glass pigs on the desk. Piglets surround their mother, which is very cute! This is also my private bookcase: there are "Four Masterpieces" presented by others on my birthday, "Insects" awarded by my mother, and "The Classic of Growth" that taught me many truths... This is also my learning orchard. I will plant diligence here to harvest the fruits of knowledge and the joy of success. Under the octagonal window near the desk, there is my activity park. Sometimes I "kill" with my friends here to play a game of chess. When a person is bored, he takes out the Rubik's Cube to play with and amuse himself; You can also play a happy violin music to relax your study. In the middle of the room, there is a bed of sea blue and light blue. Lying on the comfortable bed, I feel an indescribable happiness all over my body. Next to the bed is a blue and white wardrobe, where my clothes will change in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This is my new "nest", how about it? Very good!

This sample Chinese composition for the 2017 Grade 5 final exam depicts the yearning and pursuit of a better learning life, and expresses the love for the room.

New Chinese Composition (14)

I have a new friend! Its name is Qiuqiu. Ball ball? By the way, it's called Qiuqiu. It's a cute puppy. Let me introduce it to you: --- Ball belongs to a kind of long haired dog, with black and yellow fur, small eyes, slightly fat body, short limbs, really like a ball. Although it looks a little ugly, it is very cute! Most importantly, it is a gift from my aunt in my mother's factory!

Happy ball

Sometimes the ball is very happy. It will follow you wherever you go. It will lick you and hug you. If you run, he will also run with you. His two small ears are like wings, whirring. Catching you, it will be happy to turn around, make a whining sound in its mouth, jump in front of you, and make your mood happy in an instant. Is the happy ball fun?

Entangled ball

If it likes you very much, it will make you unable to get rid of it! As long as you play with it, it doesn't matter whether you are a stranger or an acquaintance. In front of you, you are wagging your tail and rubbing your clothes. If not, just lie down and let you scratch it. The most effective way is to flirt with you, tilt your head and look at you affectionately with two small eyes. You have to play with it. Lovely ball entangles people, right?

A funny ball

Because it is active, if no one at home plays with it. It will play with mineral water bottles and other things as toys, and usually make the house messy. When my mother comes home, she will be angry and want to play ball games. At this time, the ball will lower its head and swing its tail to its buttocks. It's like a child doing something wrong. You can't laugh or cry with that innocent look. Is the naughty ball very smart?

The ball that expects the owner to go home

Qiuqiu is still a puppy, so he is very dependent on people. Every day, it is at the gate, and people come and go on the road. When it is confirmed that we are going home, it will run over, because its legs are very short, and it runs like a low altitude flight. So fast! At this time, the ball jumped with joy and charmingly naive, making people full of warm love! Hanhan's ball is very painful, isn't it?

This is my new friend, although a little ugly, but absolutely cute! I like to play with it. If you like it, come to my house to play! My new friend called Qiuqiu!

This is the end of the composition for the mid-term Chinese exam. We must read it carefully, hoping it can be enlightening and helpful.

Related popular search: target composition for midterm exam | feeling composition after midterm exam

New Chinese Composition (15)

I was born in Tianshui, a small city in Gansu Province. With the development of economy, it has become more and more beautiful and prosperous.

Our school is becoming more and more beautiful and modern. Walking into the school gate, I saw the flying five-star red flag. The flower bed made of red bricks is full of green grass and colorful flowers. The orange and blue teaching building standing beside the flower bed is even more fresh and clean. In the spacious and bright classroom, there are also large televisions, computers and electronic whiteboards that quietly serve our learning. In the past, these were unimaginable.

Our community is becoming more and more beautiful and clean. Standing at the gate of the community, looking around, in addition to the yellow buildings and cement roads, there are lots of green lawns. Rows of holly trees on the edge of the lawn were also trimmed neatly. I remember before, there were only a few trees in the community, and there were dusty roads with yellow sand everywhere when the wind blew. White plastic bags were everywhere. It's a world away from now!

Our city has become more and more prosperous and elegant. There are almost no squat houses. Instead, tall buildings have sprung up; Wide and straight roads crisscross, and vehicles and pedestrians flow incessantly. Night is the most beautiful time. The glow from neon lights is pure and soft. Every note from the music fountain in the center of the square is full of fantasy. The light sprinkled on the water, like a layer of silver, is really beautiful!

Nowadays, the rapid development and good changes of our motherland are beyond our ancestors' imagination. We are also very proud to see our motherland becoming stronger and more prosperous!

New Chinese Composition (16)

On a cold morning, there was a man who raised a group of sheep. These sheep were the treasure of his life and the tools he used to support his family. But there was nothing to guard against wolves around these sheep. For this reason, he could not sleep all day and night. After a few days, he even pined away. Fortunately, however, he had no fewer sheep, and after her careful care, the sheep became fatter. He was very happy, proud of his great project, and began to boast to everyone: "Look, how strong and fat my sheep are. Are your sheep as healthy as mine?"

But the good times are not long, and the happy life is broken. One night, he fell asleep early. In his dream, he dreamed that a wild wolf with green fluorescent eyes came to their door and caught a strong sheep for a meal. He was frightened out of a cold sweat, and could not help turning to look out of the window to see how the sheep were. When he saw that the sheep were still there, the stone in his heart could not help falling.

Li Ming came, and the East showed his belly. He was still afraid of his dream last night! The neighbor advised him to put a fence around the sheep, but he said: "It doesn't matter, my sheep are obedient and will not be less." The neighbor saw that he was very stubborn and unswerving, so he shook his head and walked away.

The night came quietly. He went to bed early and dreamed in bed. This time, what he dreamed was very different from his last dream: he used those fat sheep to sell them for a good price, bought a piece of first-class clothes, put them on, and returned to the village. Everyone was jealous... While he was dreaming, a wild wolf took his sheep and ate a meal every time.

The next morning, when he found that the sheep had lost, he burst into tears. His cry attracted the neighbors, who shrugged helplessly when they saw that he had lost his sheep.

Alas, stubbornness is bad, and greed is even worse.