Compositions of Good People (15 recommended)
How to be a man without going through vicissitudes
2024-05-07 05:23:12

Composition of Good People (1)

Looking back on last month - July, I counted every bad thing. Just under the eyebrows but on the heart, my heart can not help but feel sad. Last month, we went back to the countryside and spent this hot and long summer vacation with Grandma. Mom and Dad drove our three sisters back. My sister, I and my brother. The countryside is no more inconvenient than the city. My father went to the market first and bought a lot of food materials for us to eat in the future. My father and mother stayed for a day and then went back to the city. When I returned home, I found my grandmother's chicken died of heat on the way. I was very sad when I learned that, and complex feelings came to my heart.

Mother is not in good health. She coughed for a long time but didn't get well. My father took my mother to see a doctor because of heatstroke. Yes, the weather is getting hotter and hotter now. The situation that can cause high temperature: more and more exhaust emissions from cars, extensive use of air conditioners, lack of attention to environmental protection, etc., will have a greenhouse effect for a long time, and now the greenhouse effect is getting more and more serious! The other day when I talked with my father, he said that he woke up from the heat and sweated a lot when he was blowing the fan until midnight. The temperature in the countryside is not as high as that in the city, so it is not too hot to blow fans at night. The air in the countryside is also good. There are many stars at night. It's beautiful to look up at the starry night sky every night. But in retrospect, the city is a city after all, where is bustling and bustling. Unlike in the countryside, more than nine people turn out their lights to sleep. But there are no stars in the city at night. After a few days, I talked to my parents again. Miss with tears instead of hot tears, when talking with a crying voice, I changed my voice in order not to let my parents hear it. Alas, bad things are coming again. The solar energy at home in the countryside is out of order and has to be repaired. We told my uncle about it, and he said he would find someone to repair it. Uncle's house is close to the countryside. It takes half an hour to get there by motorcycle. We are in the city, so it takes nearly four hours to get there when we return to the countryside. Usually, it's the Spring Festival to meet my uncle's family. Now that I'm back from summer vacation, my uncle and aunt invite us to visit them.

My sister and I were very happy and went to live with my uncle for some days. My brother didn't come and he said he didn't want to go. Because I just went to Uncle's house without slippers. My aunt and sister took us to the physical store, but we didn't like it. So they decided to buy it online. So I borrowed my sister's slippers when I took a bath in sandals in the first few days. One morning I woke up and found that the thing I was going to buckle next to my sandals was broken. Maybe I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and accidentally stepped on it. Oh, my sandals. I haven't bought them for long! My sister told me that her mobile phone had fallen off on the way back, and it had only been used for a year. She also changed the protective film for that mobile phone and wiped it several times. It looks like a new mobile phone, and the person who finds it will not return it. I told my sister to call the police. It's no use for her to tell me where it fell. My sister and I said that when her mobile phone fell off, she came back and called back, and the other party immediately hung up. My sister also bought a nice phone case for that phone, but now it's useless. The day my sister lost her mobile phone, she bought a new one because she was going to work tomorrow. My sister went to work in the summer vacation. I also want to share some of the work for my family, but I'm not old enough. My sister told me that my money for this summer vacation was wasted. I said why? My sister said she bought a new mobile phone. Yeah! A new mobile phone costs a lot of money. My sister goes to work every day and doesn't come back until half past eight. I need some time to come back, so I don't have much time to play with us. I don't have to do anything every day. I remembered to post the novel I wrote last time. When I was halfway through the call, my aunt came in and read it. As a result, she accidentally clicked the return button several times, and all the novels I had halfway through the call were gone. After a few days, I am free and ready to reissue the novel. I have worked hard to type a novel with nearly 20xx words, and I am still proud of it. Suddenly my eyes widened - the server failed, please contact the administrator. These big characters show up in front of me. Oh my god, the network of my uncle's house is very bad, so my novels may be lost again! I hastened to copy the novel that had been played for more than one hour, and let the back click. When I pasted it, I saw only a few paragraphs! My heart is broken. I made it with my mobile phone. If it is a computer, I can save a backup. But I can use my mobile phone when I am typing slowly, but my uncle's network is really bad.

After all, things on the Internet are not good or bad. The slippers bought by my sister on the Internet were broken before she wore them twice, and she bought them for 20 yuan! For me, if the slippers cost more than 13 yuan, I won't buy them. My sister said that she bought something that she thought was very good at the time, but it broke after she bought it and didn't wear it twice. My sister also thinks it's a little expensive. She thinks the quality is good. Ah. My aunt and uncle are very kind to my sister and me. They are going to buy a suit for us each. My sister and I are not short of clothes, but because of greed! We still want to buy them online, which adds up to more than 100. Because I was scolded by my parents. I think about it carefully. It's not easy for my aunt and uncle to earn money. We don't have clothes. Alas, I also blamed myself. We have lived in Uncle's house for some days. It seems that few good things have happened yet. At noon, my aunt received a phone call, saying that she was paid to go to the supermarket on Saturday and Sunday to help sell things. My aunt was very happy. Yes, you can get money if you have work. But at noon that day, the man called and said that he didn't need to go there and sold almost everything. Everyone's mood has also become bad. My sister bought pants online, and the quality is very good. My sister bought a pair of pants in a shop before. The quality was very poor, so she bought another pair. The new one is not bad, and the price is naturally higher than that one. Sister tried it on - it's too big, what should I do? It's troublesome to return it, but there's also a postage charge. I have to take it to change it. The place where my sister went to work was a little far away, so my aunt asked her sister to ride a motorcycle. On her way back, her bike broke down. And make the pants dirty! Think about these things. It never rains but it pours! I thought there were not too many bad things. My sister received a text message and had no phone bill, so she charged 30 yuan with WeChat. I don't know if it was a problem with the new phone. Sister input her own number (the mobile phone is lost, and the number has to be reissued.)!! Since the charge was wrong, my sister said that she clearly said her number, and when she finally clicked, it turned into another one. My sister told my aunt about this, and she said something about my sister. My sister was angry. Alas, recently, nothing bad has happened. We have lived for a long time, and we have to go back. After more than 20 days of our summer vacation, we went back to the countryside to live with Grandma for a few days, and Dad called to say that he would pick us up and return to the city.

Although there are a lot of reluctant to part, there will always be parting. A few days after returning to the city, something even bigger happened - our family's money was stolen, saying I was not young! You can go to see my "Damn Thieves", which is very detailed. Looking back on what happened in July, there were 100000 milliliters of tears. Words can't describe my heart. In the twinkling of an eye, August came. I hope that bad things will not happen again. In August, please be kind to the kind people!

Composition of Good People (2)

In our life, good people are everywhere. In my opinion, Sang Duo, the classmate of our class, is the most simple and kind-hearted person. Sangduo is in our class. She is above the average height. She sits behind me. She is lively, cheerful and generous. Her short and funny hair makes her very cute. Although she is careless after class, she has made three donations since the fifth grade. The students in our class are very enthusiastic about making donations. The first time is to help children in poor mountainous areas. Some people donated 5 yuan and others donated 10 yuan, Someone donated 1 yuan, someone donated 20 yuan, and no one donated more than 50 yuan. Then Sandra took out the money she had already prepared, looked at her, and put the money into the donation box. I saw it. The whole class saw it. She donated 100 yuan.

Teacher Ma asked: Think again, do you want to donate? Go home and ask your mother, right? Sang Duo nodded solemnly and said: Don't ask, donate!

The lovely girl donated 100 yuan for the second and third time without hesitation.

Sang Duo is a girl who studies mediocrely, but we all admire her for donating 100 yuan in love!

Kindness, in my opinion, is a ray of sunshine illuminating the hearts of oneself and others; It is the warmth of winter, offering yourself without seeking return; It is a bright candle that burns itself and illuminates others. Wherever a kind person goes, there is warmth!

Composition of Good People (3)

My grandmother is an ordinary person. Apart from the neighbors, few people know this old man. It is this ordinary person who can't be more ordinary, but has a pivotal position in my heart.

Grandma was a farmer. When she was young, she planted land, made noodles and moved bricks. He is kind and always responds to requests, so the source of people is very good. When I was young, whenever I saw Grandma, she smiled at me, took my hand, and took me to the store to buy food. No matter what I wanted, she would buy it. She loved me very much.

Grandma loved me very much when she should love me, and was very strict when she should be strict. Once, I was playful. I climbed onto a noodle making machine and felt the hole with my hands. Coincidentally, Grandma saw me and ran over to hold me down. He hit me with a stiff face and taught me what was right and what was wrong.

In a twinkling of an eye, I became a pupil who was about to graduate from primary school from the little fart child who ran with Grandma everywhere. Grandma is too old to run. Every time I look at our eyes, I always feel tired. I have either fruit or snacks in my hands. She always said: "? I'm old, and my body is useless! Listening to her words, I could not help feeling some sadness in my heart. What remained in my mind was the picture of her playing with me when I was a child. When people get old, they can't help feeling lonely. Because their children are not around and they have gone to work in other places, there is very little time to accompany her. Only during the Spring Festival can they be together, which is also her happiest time.

My grandmother, who is over sixty years old, has always been a person full of love and kindness. I wish her health, safety and happiness in her old age!

Composition of Good People (4)

Although I have only met this person once, I will never forget him.

One hot summer day, when I was walking in the street, I saw a little boy selling flowers. He was talking with a couple.

Suddenly, there was a cry behind a big stone. It turned out that a child fell from the big stone, and the blood from his leg dyed the grass red. The little flower selling boy put down his flower basket without hesitation and ran towards the wrestling boy.

He picked up the injured boy and ran to a clinic. While running, he said, "Don't be afraid, brother, I will take you to see the doctor." I also came back to my senses, took out a tissue to cover the boy's bleeding wound, and pressed the wound for a while before the bleeding stopped. The little flower selling boy smiled at me, but his steps still didn't stop.

The little boy who was injured was still crying. As I ran, I made the pedestrians on the street move aside. The pedestrians cooperated with us and made way one after another.

We finally came to the door of the clinic, and I still shouted, "Give way!" and rushed to the front. When the doctor saw the injured boy, he immediately sent him to the treatment room, and soon he came out. The doctor came up to us and said, "The medical fee is fifty yuan." The little flower boy took five crumpled ten yuan bills out of his pocket, put them in the doctor's hand, and left in a hurry.

I looked at the back of the little boy selling flowers, and could not move my eyes for a long time

Composition of Good People (5)

In life, there are always some people who will leave a deep impression on you, such as: "doctors who heal the wounded and save the dying, beauticians in the city, etc. But what impressed me most was an ordinary teacher, Mr. Zhan, who was very kind and amiable.

She has dark shiny short hair, a pair of bright eyes, and a beautiful and bright birthmark on his right arm.

I remember once, it was the fourth class on Thursday morning. It was a PE class. At that time, I didn't know that I had caught a cold, so I followed my classmates downstairs.

At the beginning of strenuous exercise, I coughed a little, but from leapfrog jumping, I coughed a little and my throat hurt, so I had to rest on the side. I began to blame myself and thought: How can I get sick at this important time? It was not easy to persist until class ended. I felt dizzy, swollen, and coughing. So Xu Runxuan helped me to the teacher's office. When Zhan saw this, she was very worried. She quickly took out the essential balm from the drawer, opened the bottle, poured some on my hand, and put some on my sun acupoints and stomach. He also asked with concern: "Are you better? He kept telling me to drink more boiled water. After a while, he asked me again. I nodded slightly, talked less and drank more water. I immediately felt that Mr. Zhan cared about me like his mother. My heart was very warm, and my cough was alleviated.

Although Mr. Zhan did not cure my disease as well as the doctor, the teacher's care and love warmed me like the sun, and I love my teacher - Mr. Zhan!

Composition of Good People (6)

The moral standard of family style, like food, is an indispensable part of a family. In our family, there is also family style, which is how to behave.

To be a man, we must be kind. There is a saying that "the heart of harming people is indispensable, and the heart of defending people is indispensable." My parents also taught me this way when I was young. I remember when I was young, I deliberately threw stones at a path. Although the path was narrow and remote, my father saw it and hurried to stop me, and taught me: "How can it be like this?" "How..." I felt my father was angry, but said wrongly. "You may make the cyclist fall down like this, which is tantamount to framing others!" Dad said excitedly, while I listened silently and slowly realized my mistake. Seeing that I seemed to realize the mistake, my father's voice softened and continued: "Daughter, you should remember the pain of falling last year. It hurt more than that when you fell on a bike!" I subconsciously covered my left hand. The injury was unforgettable. At this time, my father became as kind as ever and said, "Pick up those pebbles quickly." "OK!"

A lesson, let me know, I should be careful to do every detail. I'm afraid that one person's careless actions will hurt others.

Of course, we should be punctual. Although my mother didn't tell me this truth, she always told me this truth with her actions. Every time I set a travel time with others, my mother always asked me to arrive a few minutes earlier. She said that in this way, we won't let others wait for us. Once again, I said, "Better teach me to wait for the world than teach the world to wait for me." But over time, I learned from my mother and formed the good habit of being punctual.

Some actions of parents can always affect children. Excellent quality should be cultivated from it.

This is my family style, from which I have developed many qualities. This family style is worth spreading!

Composition of Good People (7)

Kindness and sincerity are the virtues of being a person. They are one of the standards that we pursue as students and measure our moral standards. Today, the teacher showed a movie "Warm Spring" in class. Xiaohua, the hero of the play, is an orphan and collapses at the gate of Shaoyao Village due to hunger and fatigue. The village head asked who wanted to recognize the child. Everyone pushed back and forth and refused to accept it. Only a kind grandfather took Xiaohua home.

Grandpa likes Xiaohua very much, and Xiaohua also loves Grandpa very much. They go down to the ground together, cut firewood, cook and live happily. But Xiaohua's uncles and aunts hated her very much and even tried every way to cheat her away, but Xiaohua never hated them. Once, Xiaohua smothered her aunt and uncle with the hot cake she made and the rice sent by her neighbor. She smiled and said, "Aunt and uncle, this is the cake I made for you." They were moved by her sincerity. Unexpectedly, my uncle talked to Xiaohua. Xiaohua immediately put down his work and ran to Grandpa's field to tell him the good news. Grandpa looked at her bloody hands and was moved to cry... Later, Grandpa cut willows for Xiaohua to go to school, and Xiaohua lived up to everyone's expectations. After several years of study, she finally became the first college student in the village.

Seeing this, I couldn't help shedding tears. I thought to myself: It's not easy for a person not to remember his hatred. He should have more love, more understanding, more tolerance, more pursuit of truth, good and beauty, and more study hard. Xiaohua is such a kind person. This really corresponds to the old saying: "No hardship, no success"? Yes, Xiaohua has gone through countless hardships to achieve today's success. So learn from Xiaohua and be a kind person!

Composition of Good People (8)

In this wonderful world, there are good and evil people. The good will be rewarded, and the evil will always be rewarded. In fact, "at the beginning of human life, human nature is basically good". Human nature is not bad at birth, but it was changed by some people, some things or an environment, and chose to go the wrong way.

"The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness". This is Roman. Roland said a word. Kindness is a traditional virtue of human beings. Only when a person is truly kind, God will bring him a better life. On the contrary, God will bring punishment and due retribution to evil people. In fact, some bad people become vicious only because of wealth and money. Is money and wealth so important? They even spare their lives and precious time in life for money. If they achieve these excellent qualities and virtues, such as kindness, honesty, bravery and firmness, they will gain a lot of wealth and moral gains. I believe some people will ask: "What does these virtues have to do with money? Even if there is no big house, no money and no life of splendor and wealth, but with spiritual wealth and simple, happy and beautiful life, sometimes simple life is better and happier.

If you want to be a kind person, you must be sincere, not a hypocrite wearing a thick mask. The story of Poor and Rich in Green's Fairy Tales should be no stranger to us: God disguised himself as a poor man and asked his family to stay overnight. The conceited rich refused him, and the kind and kind poor quickly welcomed him into the house. God promised them to realize the three wishes of the poor couple. Kindness made them live a good life. The rich couple became penniless because of greed. This is the gap between human kindness and greed. Good people will always have a happy life and repay. Kindness is always so precious!

The quality of kindness is so valuable. If kindness could blow through every country, every city, every family and every corner like a breeze! Make everyone and every life on the earth become kind. Let the flowers of kindness bloom in every country; Let the wind of kindness sweep every corner; Let good people live in every place! Have a kind heart, harvest good quality, and be a kind person!

Composition of Good People (9)

In this colorful world, there are not many people I admire. I will neither pursue those famous stars nor worship those billionaires. What I admire deeply is a kind-hearted person, who is my mother.

My mother is over 40 years old. She works day and night with my father, and her hair has turned gray at the root. All the adults in the neighborhood were not at home. Only one child was at home. The child was too young to understand. My mother had to take him to my home. A few days later, my mother took care of him more thoroughly than I did. When cooking delicious food, my mother always gives him half of the more, but I seldom do. One day, I couldn't help but say to my mother, "Why take care of him like the god of wealth? It's unfair!" My mother had seen my mind for a long time, and she whispered to me, "Don't wake him up, you are his big brother, of course, you should let him everywhere." I was very angry.

Finally, his parents came back and they wanted to give his mother some money. Mother said nothing, and said: "I take care of children, not for money, this is what I should do, helping others is the source of happiness." Hearing this, I was deeply educated, as if I had grown up all of a sudden. Another time, I accompanied my mother to go shopping. I stepped on something and picked it up. Oh my God, it was a wallet full of cash. My mother's first reaction was to ask passers-by who lost it. Finally, we didn't have any clue. Finally, we called the police and thought, "Call the police and you can have a rest.". But my mother dragged me to go with her. My mother was really worried. It lasted for three or four days, and finally found the owner. The owner was so excited that she had to reward her mother, but she didn't want to reward her. She hurried to pull me away from the crowd······

Look, this is my mother, a kind-hearted mother!

Composition of Good People (10)

On Friday, Miao Miao, a Han girl, came to her neighbor's house, Grandma Wang, who is over 80 years old and Miao. Her children go out to work, and she lives alone in the mountain village. Grandma Wang is poor economically, so she has no money to ask a nanny to help. Miao Miao often helps Grandma Wang do housework after school.

Miaomiao came to Grandma Wang's house again. She saw a lot of dirty clothes in the corner of the house. So she helped Grandma wash clothes. When she saw that the sheets were dirty, she went to the river, soaked some water on the sheets, and then began to wash them. Before long, Miaomiao's head was covered with glistening sweat. She wiped some sweat and began to wash again. After finishing the washing, put the clothes on the clothes cooling pole. At this time, Grandma Wang came out. She put her face on Miao Miao's head and said gratefully, "You are really closer than my daughter, although you are not my family, better than my family!"

After listening to her grandmother, Miao Miao said shyly, "This is what I should do. If you have anything to tell me, I will do it well." Grandma Wang listened to Miao Miao's words, tears filled her eyes, and then they hugged each other.

Composition of Good People (11)

In the ocean of my memory, there are many kind-hearted people who have helped me, but one of these kind-hearted people makes me remember deeply. This person is Pupu Tong's grandfather who is watching the gate of the school. He has dark but not completely black hair, a pair of eyes radiate kind eyes, and her wrinkled face appears in my brain from time to time.

"There will be a sandstorm in Beijing this afternoon, please don't stay outside for a long time"! The TV broadcast reminds every citizen in Beijing, while listening to it, I muttered to myself, "There is a sandstorm in the afternoon, my mother may come to pick me up. I hope so. I want to return to my warm home early, and I don't want to wait in the classroom with longing any more!"! As time went by, it was time for me to go to school. So I carried my schoolbag and walked on the way to school. I walked into the school step by step. At this time, I thought: I don't want to go to school at 7 p.m. Go home again with the same steps! I want to go home at the same time as my classmates!

"Ringing bell..." This is also the 17th music sound. It's time to finish school. All the students happily walked to the gate and rushed to their relatives' arms, but I stared around with two big eyes. At this time, I sighed in the dark and walked to the classroom with the same steps in the morning. The classroom was no longer loud, but quiet. At this time, A hoarse voice said: "Little student, there will be a sandstorm soon, come here!" I looked back, and it was the old man of the gatekeeper. I was glad to hear that, and I was very moved at that time! A stream of tears poured out, and the tears sent streams of warmth to my body, making me feel a warmth I had never felt before. Then, Grandpa kindly brought me a cup of hot boiled water. I said "thank you!" and drank it. The water was so sweet, just like my mother poured it for me. After drinking it, I began to write my homework. In the process, my grandpa waved his broom in the hall of the school alone. The cold hall was filled with gold like enthusiasm, and a drop of sweat fell on the ground. The whole school was clean. At this time, I thought: My grandpa is so old, and he should enjoy his old age! But he is dedicated in school. How great! Just as I was thinking, Grandpa came back, and he asked me to have dinner with him. At the same time, the wind blew up, but I didn't feel it at all, because I was moved by Grandpa's kind heart. Finally, I returned home with gratitude.

I want to give sincere care to people in need like grandpa!

Composition of Good People (12)

I met such an aunt in my first grade.

After only a few days of school, I can't go home by myself, because everything is so strange to me. Every time I leave school, I can see my aunt waiting there. Then I ran over and threw myself into her arms. It rained that day, and my aunt didn't come to pick me up at school. I can't wait for anyone. I was a little scared. Fortunately, my home was not far from the school. I walked back timidly. The innumerable thoughts were born in that way, and I always thought that if something happened to my aunt? Are you lost? But on second thought, it is impossible. I knocked at the door, but no one answered. I became more and more afraid and sat there waiting, but as the minutes passed, my aunt still didn't come back. I began to cry, crying all day long, as if everything had become the funeral of my tears. My sad voice echoed in the building cave. As I sobbed, I heard a door open upstairs, followed by footsteps. I looked up and found an aunt standing in front of me, with a faint natural fragrance on her body. She smiled friendly, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

When I told her the story intermittently, she didn't show the expression of mocking my childishness, but pulled me up from the ground: "Come on, I will accompany you to find your aunt." Although I am not familiar with this aunt, it is a neighbor after all, so I followed her downstairs. We walked in the rain with umbrellas. Because there was an adult beside us, my heart calmed down a lot. However, the eyes are still swollen, and they will drop a few tears from time to time. My aunt kept saying comforting words and telling me stories. I was in such a good mood that I thought the aunt was a good person.

Finally, when I passed the corner of a building in the yard, I saw my aunt coming with an umbrella. My aunt was very happy to see me. I threw myself into her arms and cried. The aunt smiled and left silently. When I looked up, I could not find the figure of the aunt. My aunt touched my head lovingly. She told me that she had gone to pick me up, but we just didn't see each other, so we missed it.

However, despite this, I still want to thank the aunt.

Since then, I have become stronger. Even if my aunt doesn't pick me up sometimes, I will come back by myself. The aunt's expression, the words of comfort, the bright eyes, the faint fragrance and the raised lips always appear in my heart from time to time. Whenever I think of her, I always feel that there are more good people in the world.

Composition of Good People (13)

They are ordinary but strong. Although they are simple and straightforward, they are very kind.

They use their calloused hands to create their own beautiful future.

They can be seen in every corner of the city, and they have to travel around to make a living for their families. They have a common name "migrant workers" and similar living backgrounds. In this bustling metropolis, they seem out of place.

On a rainy morning, I took a bus to the city center. From waiting for the bus to the terminal, everything happened on the way was deeply imprinted in my mind and unforgettable.

Because of the rain, they trotted to the station with umbrellas. At one corner of the station, they saw a group of migrant workers' uncles and aunts with construction tool bags on their backs, holding thermoses and boiling water bottles on their hands, without umbrellas, and wearing brown muddy boots, happily talking and laughing, waiting for the bus. In rainy days, in order to save money on buying umbrellas and try not to wet their hair, each of them wore a clean plastic bag on his head, which was used for shopping. There were white, blue, red... plastic bags of various colors, which constituted the wonders of the station. A passing child said that the things on the heads of these aunts and uncles are strange and beautiful. I also want to

The bus came with a drizzle. Most of the passengers who saw there were still seats on the bus rushed to the front of the bus because they were in a hurry. Only they stayed at the back of the queue and waited for other passengers to get on. Then they shook the mud under their feet and the rain on their clothes carefully. They took off the plastic bags on their heads and put them in the tool kit, They took out the change and got on the bus in order, afraid of affecting the appearance of the city. On the bus, for fear of hanging other passengers in their tool bags, try to reduce their own space.

The most impressive scene is a young man standing in the middle, who may feel a bit crowded, deliberately stepped on one of his uncle's shoes, the brown muddy boots, not only did not apologize, but also turned around like a winner with a bad smile, as if to say, who let you stand in the way, you deserve to be trampled. I thought it would be fun. A war of words is about to begin. The migrant workers' brother company should organize a group to "clean up" this hairy guy who makes faces. In fact, there was no such unpleasant war of words as I thought. The trampled uncle just calmly advised the young man, young man, don't bully others and look down upon others. Maybe in your opinion, my identity with my work seems inferior, but I am very principled. If someone gets in front of you next time, please don't treat them the way you treat me today, It's not good. Then they got off the bus and ran towards the construction site.

The young man seemed to be influenced by the words of the migrant worker uncle who was trampled on by him. He bowed his head in shame and blushed. Many passengers on the bus were deeply moved by the construction workers of their city.

The support from all walks of life and the hard work of migrant workers are indispensable for the building to rise from the ground. Everyone for me, I for everyone's big era, let the world full of love. Every person with noble character, kind people deserve to be respected. Regardless of one's clothes and family circumstances. How he works, these are not important, will not affect whether he can become a high-quality person, kind person.

Be kind to others, but also respect yourself.

Good people are the happiest.

Composition of Good People (14)

"Alzheimer's disease" is not a word in my dictionary. What it brings to me is not painful and tangled feelings, but warm love. My grandfather is very young, but he is healthy and has well-developed limbs. There is nothing wrong with it, but there is a small problem in my head. At first, my parents didn't find anything unusual. But gradually, there were problems in Grandpa's language expression. Seeing that something was wrong, the parents sent grandpa to the brain hospital for examination. The result came out soon. My usually humorous grandfather really got Alzheimer's disease! Since then, trouble has followed. My grandfather, who didn't like staying at home, ran out of the door when he got the chance. He slipped into the clouds and couldn't find it. What's more, he can't remember the way home every time and can only walk up and down the busy road. For this reason, our family became lively.

Locating mobile phones and watches, with the disappearance of "rmb" flying one by one, make their debut, and become the necessities of every grandpa going out. In the future, every time you go out, you don't have to worry. Just stare at the little black dot on the map, you can easily take Grandpa home. The above statement certainly shows that your grandfather is very troublesome? My classmates asked me. No, no, that's not what I mean. Although Grandpa's mind was not clear, love was still an eternal note. The kind-hearted grandfather remembered that when he was a child, he had to go to school very hard, and sometimes he could not even pay the tuition fee of 50 cents. He doesn't know what life is like now, so he keeps giving me money. "Yixiu, don't be hungry when you go to school. Here's your money. Buy something you like to eat. Don't lose yourself!" A paper ticket floated into my hand.

"Yixiu, there is no money to tell me. Take this money and buy your own stationery." Another paper ticket flew into my hand. However, money is limited, and my grandfather can't remember the "reward" he once gave me. I always put the money my grandfather gave me back into his wallet again and again, again and again. My grandfather's wallet is always full, and the love inside is also full. At dinner, Grandpa always told us about his past. Although we have heard it countless times, my family and I are cheering and blessing my grandfather. He still calls my school "Xuetang" and our teacher "Sir". He has long forgotten that this is not his time. But what does it matter? As long as there is love, everything exists. My grandfather's memory of me stayed in the kindergarten. He always asked me to sing "Little Swallow Song" again and again, and I always pretended to know nothing, listening to my grandfather sing nursery rhymes for me. The hoarse voice, quietly flowing to my heart, from time to time aroused a blossoming "touched" water. His kindness not only touched me, but also touched everyone. My grandfather may not be as smart as others. Although he has forgotten a lot, he still remembers "love". Oh, what he got was not "Alzheimer's disease", but "senile kindness"!

Composition of Good People (15)

The general cleaning started. I helped my mother throw away the garbage. I was almost exhausted from running up and down. Although very tired, I did a good deed. Because I have too many shoes and many of them are small, there is no place to put them at home. It was a pity to throw away those shoes. They were still very new. My mother found several bags and put all the shoes in them. I asked me to put these shoes in a large green box in the community. After putting them in, I came back and asked my mother, "Mom, what will happen when these shoes are put in there?" "In a few days, a large truck will deliver the clothes there to the mountain area for those children who have no clothes to wear." "Oh." Then I thought to myself, they are so pathetic. They don't even have clothes. I am happy that I helped them. I will donate more clothes to help those children in the future.

But now we are still young, so when doing good deeds, we should first pay attention to our own safety and consider whether we can do it. For example, if you see a child falling into the water, you can't jump in to save people. You should ask the adults around to help, otherwise our lives may be endangered. Also, I saw a video about a big sister coming out of school to the door of the hospital when she came to the hospital and said, "Little girl, we haven't eaten for several days, please help us!" After listening to it, the big sister took them to dinner, but the old couple insisted on going to the nearby small restaurant, and the big sister listened to them, Unexpectedly, when they got to the door, they pushed the elder sister directly in. The elder sister was knocked unconscious, and then was sold to the mountain. She was tortured before being rescued. This event also made me feel that I must be more careful when I encounter things that cannot guarantee my own safety, or call adults to help people who really need help.

Teacher Li once said, "You can't succeed, but you can't be unkind." At the beginning, people are naturally good. Kindness is the warmest, most beautiful and most touching ray of human brilliance. I always feel that not everyone is successful in life, and not everyone can become a hero. But kindness is the original intention, and kindness is the character. Therefore, having kindness and benevolence is a natural principle and the basic principle of life.