Autonomy (17 articles)
2023-11-29 05:36:14

Autonomy (1)

Dear Shanghai University Online Leaders

I am the correspondent of Shaanxi University Students Online, and also the liaison of China University Students Online. I have worked in the News Center of Xi'an University of Science and Technology for more than a year, and was also rated as the "Top Ten Online Correspondents of Shaanxi University Students" in 2011-2012. I am currently the head of the editorial department of the network news agency, and the Publicity Department of the University Party Committee directly under it. China University Students Online (hereinafter referred to as "CUHK") and Shaanxi University Students Online (hereinafter referred to as "Shaanxi University") were established in the development of Shanghai University Students Online (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai University"). When we mention CUHK and Shaanxi University, we will go back to the root of the website, and we will review the two major functional communities established on the website in January 2007, namely "Yi Ban" And "online tutors". Therefore, I want to apply for internship in Shangdong University, learn more about website construction by virtue of my own work ability, work attitude and work experience, do a good job in communication and cooperation among Shaanxi University, Zhongda University and Shangdong University, and promote the development of website construction.

My work in Shaanxi University and Zhongda University is mainly responsible for the maintenance and update of the layout and the review. I can operate Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Iebook and other software. My writing style is very good. I won many awards and wrote many articles and poems. In addition, I have always been diligent, patient, responsible, and united in my work at the school, especially my ability to think creatively. I have many innovative ideas and have shown many in my work at the network news agency.

As a junior, I hope to have the opportunity to enter your company for the 2012 summer internship. I hope to apply what I have learned in school online in Shanghai college students, and learn new knowledge and skills, so as to improve myself and contribute to the healthy development of website education culture.

Applicant: xxx


Autonomy (2)

Dear leaders

I am a student of the Department of Power Engineering of XX Industrial Vocational and Technical College, majoring in the operation and maintenance of power plant equipment of Grade 10. After three years of professional learning in school, the theoretical learning of various skills has reached the standard. I am well aware that learning theoretical knowledge must be combined with concrete practice, especially for majors like ours. What we do is not just talk on paper, but must have the practical ability to operate steadily. Now we are approaching the internship period. Through my own search and the introduction of relatives and friends, I have found your company and several units. After various considerations, I plan to continue my study in your company.

First of all, as a native of Guizhou, I certainly should spare no effort in the construction of Guizhou. Since childhood, I have been looking forward to the day when I grow up, I can make some achievements. Now I want to realize my dream by learning knowledge well. Although his strength is so weak, he still hopes to contribute to the development of Guizhou. After the reform and opening up, Guizhou has made greater progress, and is still lagging behind the developed eastern regions. As a contemporary youth in Guizhou, it is certainly incumbent on the development of Guizhou. Secondly, there are my compatriots in Guizhou, where we share the same mentality and common living habits. I think I will be familiar with it here, which is a good learning environment for my study. More importantly, your company has a great attraction to me. Your company's work is consistent with my specialty. Your company's 2 × 300MW units have been successfully completed and put into production, ending the history of no fire power plants in Tongren. Up to now, two units (the article is transferred from the practical document channel 201209) have completed a cumulative power generation of 1.4 billion kilowatt hours, It has greatly alleviated the tension of electricity use in Tongren area in eastern Guizhou, provided a strong power supply guarantee for regional economic construction, and improved the power supply quality of the power grid. As the only power supply support point and intersection power plant at the end of Guizhou Eastern Power Grid, your company has reserved 4 × 600MW expansion site at the existing plant site. All this has a great temptation for me.

Of course, I also know that although I have obtained the qualification certification of the school, I still have some shortcomings in many aspects and know little about some cutting-edge technologies. There is a lot of pressure to enter your company, but I always believe that there is no difficulty in the world. If you are willing to study hard, you will be able to understand. The leaders of Wanwang Guichang can accept my application, so that I can enter your company for further study.



Applicant: xuexila


Autonomy (3)

Since the third grade, our school has added a new course, that is, independent class. There are a lot of contents in the independent class, including words and expressions, interesting mathematics, and embroidery... Because my reading and writing skills need to be strengthened, I chose literature and art.

After a year of independent learning, I think I have improved my reading and writing, especially reading. I remember when I first read, my understanding of reading was not deep enough. Every time I hurried through it, I was busy doing the following questions. As a result, I didn't answer the questions and made many mistakes. But since I took this independent course, I have learned that reading is to read more, read its meaning, read its feelings, feelings, and understand it before I can begin to answer questions. It also fostered my desire to read all kinds of books.

Although the composition is not good, it is also slightly better than before. In the past, I didn't know where to start writing composition, but since I took the literature and art class, I know how to write a good composition. It is not only necessary to accumulate rich and beautiful words, but also to pay attention to observation and cultivate interest in writing. It is said that interest is the best teacher for learning.

I hope this course can continue. I believe that students will gain more knowledge in independent interest learning.

Autonomy (4)

Last night, my parents wanted to take me to Yonghui Supermarket for shopping, and I jumped up with joy, because this time I can choose my own goods and pay for them, which is a real independent shopping. Before leaving, my father told me: "This shopping limit is 200 yuan. When choosing goods, we should choose practical ones, compare prices, and make plans." After that, we went on our way.

I came to the supermarket excitedly. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the grain area on the left. There were all kinds of beans and rows of rice and flour in the grain area. When I was carefully comparing the prices and deciding which item to buy, I was surprised to see several birds pecking at the rice pile at the corner of the wall. I was busy to go forward to find out, but the birds flew away from a small hole in the corner. I think these birds are really happy. They have food to eat every day. After this episode, we went to the daily necessities area, where we sold all the necessities of life. But at this time, I found my mother was missing. I was very worried. My father and I looked around and found my mother, who was choosing shampoo. Thinking that the shampoo my mother bought would take up my money, I more or less reluctantly loaded the shampoo into the shopping cart. When I came to the fruit area, colorful fruits appeared in front of me, including yellow pineapple, brown kiwi fruit, and red pitaya fruit. I have one left and one right. They are very delicious. But finally, by comparing the taste and price, I bought pineapple. After my careful planning and careful calculation, I finally bought everything, and we went to the cashier to pay the bill. I held the 200 yuan that my father gave me in my hand. My nervous palms were sweaty. I was afraid of exceeding the budget. When I heard the cashier's aunt say a total of 180 yuan, my heart fell. With the change and invoice we got back, we were happy to go home with our things.

Through this shopping, I understand the essence of shopping, understand the importance of planning, and feel proud of completing a shopping independently. I can help my parents when I grow up.

Autonomy (5)

In this vast sea of people, everyone's experience will be different. In this vast universe, we are always so insignificant. When will we become strong? Life is always so forced, but we can't get rid of it, because this is to abandon this meeting, that is, we will be alone. Who will be able to experience such loneliness? The best thing is to do now. Learn to be independent. Maybe tomorrow's world will be more beautiful. Independence does not mean that we have lost this society. It's about being strong when you choose. Maybe only when we are strong, we will become more mature and stable! Believe that all these will come. Learn to be independent and believe that tomorrow will be better! Time changes, our maturity. Maybe we will become the same excellent for you and ourselves. I believe that the future of tomorrow will be combined with our dreams. Be independent and learn to think independently. Learn to distinguish. I believe we will all become mature!


I believe that time keeps moving and we are constantly changing. Maturity and growth every day. It's all about us. And the more you grow up, the more lonely you are. Similarly, you will not have those childish things before. Because we have grown up and become mature. Some things can be accepted by oneself, with independent thoughts! Ideas. Maybe some things are not shared with parents. I have my own space. Maybe this is our adolescence! Growing up in independence, growing up in independence. What a meaningful thing it will be! 1 Try to do everything well for the sake of my original heart and my dream. I believe tomorrow will be more beautiful. Independent thinking, independent space. Let yourself become an adult. Maybe the so-called maturity should be like this. The pace of maturity has begun. Then run bravely. Maybe the road ahead is hard, but I still choose to try. Because we have an independent heart, in order to run, in order to fight. Know everything boldly. Believe that this society has never abandoned us!


I believe that this world is not what we want to accept and withdraw from. From the moment we were born, our destiny will change accordingly! All of this will be what we face. Because you cannot give up, you can only choose to accept. I believe that this is the way to face all this. Any escape will be hopeless. Because we choose to grow, we have to face it. The world always backfires, and we can't say anything. Then accept it with an open mind and face it calmly. Maybe tomorrow will be better! Independence will be important for the rest of your life! I believe we will be more mature, for the sake of the original intention, I believe it will be better!

We, independent and independent, believe that we will become more mature and stable!

Autonomy (6)

Since last semester, every Monday afternoon, there has been a class for students to show their style, that is, everyone's favorite independent class. I chose literature and art as my independent course. In this class, we actively participated in a strong atmosphere of independent learning and stimulated our curiosity, which not only made the teacher have a deep impression on each student in our class, but also made us become the real masters of this class and walk freely in the palace of literature and art.

In this class, it aroused my enthusiasm for literature and art, and made my thinking more active. Of course, the happiest thing is to have an opponent who is close to his own level. At first, I was praised by the teacher in this class. After a period of learning. I found a competitor, my classmate Chen Ruihan, whose ideas are broader than mine. I can write more beautiful sentences than I can. Since then, I have had a lot of fun. In class, we are rivals, and each time we have to win or lose. After class, we are still friends, talking and laughing, talking about interesting things every day. We rushed forward in this way.

The teacher made a daily reading plan for us, which is our agreement on growing up reading. When I grow up and read every day, after a period of time, I have a good habit of loving reading, and I will share the interesting stories I find in the books with my classmates and mother.

The independent class brings me not only endless fun but also sweet harvest. I remember one time, our class held a contest to read pictures and write words. So, based on the knowledge I learned in the independent class, I conceived the article and put the accumulated beautiful words "please" on the writing scroll. When the teacher announced the list of winners, I was really excited when I read: "Liu Geyu, first prize". You know, when I was in the second grade, I was still a person who was afraid of writing.

Autonomous classes can not only let us increase our knowledge, but also make our brains enlightened and become more intelligent. I like it!

Autonomy (7)

You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students. Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

I’d rather have the university assign a roommate to share a room with me. As far as I’m concerned, this is part of the university experience. Students should meet new people and be open to new experiences. I like leaving this up to chance.

Actually, even though the university will choose, it’s not totally a matter of chance. We all filled out information sheets. The school knows what we’re majoring in, what our interests are, and our study habits and our goals. I think they’re probably very good at matching roommates using this information. They’ve had a lot of practice. Besides, if a mistake is made, I can change my room assignment next semester.

If I did want to choose my own roommate, I’d first pick some candidates from the list supplied by the university. Then I’d write to them and they’d write back. Through our letters, we’d find out if we shared common interests, such as sports or movies. More importantly, we’d find out if we like doing the same things in our free time. Because my investigation, I’d probably get someone compatible with me. It’s a lot of work to go through, though. Besides, the process of finding similar interests isn’t all that different from what the university does.

Trying to predict whom I’m going to get along with is not a science. I might choose someone who sounds just like me and still find that the two of us just don’t get along as roommates. Besides, I think it would be boring to room with somebody who’s just the same as me. I’d rather be with someone who has different interests and likes to do different things. Maybe I’d even get a roommate from another culture. After all, one of the reasons I’m going to the university is to be exposed to a lot of new experiences. So, I’d rather have the university choose my roommate for me.

Autonomy (8)

On October 20, the self-management day of Xuejun Primary School began. On this day, we can manage ourselves and do what we like.
At noon, after I had a good meal, I saw a large group of people crowded at the door of the computer room, which was very popular. Someone made an appointment to read, run and chat on the playground. I also found racing events, libraries, pottery. Everything was very quiet.
Today, I feel happy. Because I can finally go to the place I like and do what I like. I went to the library to read books, which increased my knowledge.

Autonomy (9)

Because of the red warning of Beijing's smog, primary and secondary school students in Beijing study independently at home for four days. Therefore, every day is flooded by work.

The day of self-study at home is not happy. On the contrary, it is boring and troublesome. Without the company of classmates, I study alone all day. My eyes are sore and my heart is tired. When encountering a problem that I can't answer, I would like to discuss it with my classmates and casually call out the name of a classmate, but there is no reply. Suddenly found that he was a person.

In the days of self-study at home, to be honest, it is to study in another place. There is no break between classes, no lunch break, writing papers, writing ancient Chinese, reading books from morning till night... There is no break time, I'm afraid that this variety of homework will not be finished on the day of school.

In the days of independent study at home, I kept doing my homework. I had a phone call or a parent to ask about the situation. It was OK to ask a question, but I did it carelessly. Once I said a lot, I felt upset and wanted to complain immediately.

On the day of self-study at home, you can eat casually at noon and fill your stomach. Because there is still a mountain like homework waiting for me.

On the days when I study independently at home, I occasionally look out of the window. It is the gray haze. People's mood is often determined by the weather. How can people be in a good mood due to the bad haze and a lot of homework?

On the day of self-study at home, in the quiet room, there was a small figure who was busy doing her homework. Her face was full of anxious and irritable expressions. His eyes hurt badly, so he simply took them off, rubbed them, did eye exercises, and then wrote.

I wanted to go out to play when I was studying at home, but the various assignments and bad weather turned my dream of the planned journey into a bubble.

In the days of self-study at home, I prayed for the coming of blue sky every moment. God, please change our blue sky, let Beijing no longer have haze, let us clean for a while!

Autonomy (10)

The essence of learning is self-renewal. Real learning is voluntary, active and full of desire, and all forced learning will lead to complaints, rebellions, inefficiencies and other weariness. So how to let children learn voluntarily, independently and efficiently? The book "Autonomous Learning" let me find the answer.

First of all, we should turn learning into a child's inner desire. To guide children to love learning, we should set the possibility of achieving goals according to the children's' inner needs. The following questions should be considered when setting the possibility: Does the child have the ability to do it? Can children achieve their goals if they work hard? Is it in line with children's inner needs and nature? Does the child enter an atmosphere and accept the encouragement of the environment? Whether to let children have a sense of achievement satisfaction and further success, etc.

Secondly, educators should learn to really "inspire". Children should be able to correctly understand themselves, evaluate themselves and adjust themselves. Know your potential correctly and evaluate yourself correctly, including evaluating your potential through self-evaluation, mutual evaluation and assessment, to see whether your self-confidence is strong or weak. Correct adjustment of oneself depends mainly on whether self behavior is adjusted and controlled.

Finally, let children quickly achieve small goals step by step, and then achieve big goals. It is like a cicada's larva coming out of the ground from the ground, climbing up to the high place step by step, then taking off its shell bit by bit, becoming a cicada, and finally flying freely into the sky. When children have a passion for learning, they need to find ways. This requires refining the big goals into practical, specific, and many small goals within their own capabilities. If there are only big goals but no small goals, the big goals will become an invisible devil, forming a huge "learning pressure". If the pressure is too great, the motivation and interest will disappear. Learning is a long-term, gradual and orderly development process. The key is to constantly provide children with opportunities to create success, and under the guidance of a high requirement and high goal, achieve small success step by step, and finally achieve big success.

Autonomy (11)

Put wings on your dreams and let your habits become sunshine. If dreams are boats, then life is sails; If dreams are the earth, then achievements are blooming flowers; If dreams are blue sky, then habits are floating clouds—— The dream always has something in each of us, which is what the earth contains. It may serve as an emissary to protect the good nature of each of us, or it may contain our inborn shortcomings. It is always carrying, blindly carrying, as gravel in the waves of life mischievously shuttle. Dream is a desire, thought is an action, and dream is the crystallization of dream and thought.

Dream is the driving force of everyone's life. Never asked for, but unknown dedication. But habit is an inborn desire. Some people want it to become excellent. But habits are formed from childhood, just as the saying goes: A country is easy to change, and its nature is hard to change. A person's habits can't be changed if he wants to. It should go through deep washing and purification. Be determined not to act. It is like a well. Once sewage invades, the whole well will not be clean again, nor will it be as clean as before. Dreams and habits have a causal relationship, which can be operated and played in life. It is possible to replace their relationship with equality. But the most appropriate is not inseparable, just as dreams can create habits, making them like flowers and butterflies. Flying together, we can help each other. It blooms in the garden of life. What we need to dream of is not knowing the fleeting years of the past. The hourglass of time is always turning. When it stops, we even forget our original intention. My dreams intersected like a merry go round, but when I was twelve years old, they stopped. Perhaps it is because of the death of loved ones, but more is the feeling of wandering between the lines of life and death. Sometimes life and death are just a second apart, inadvertently. I changed my habits and realized my dream - doctor. When I saw the doctor in the ICU ward saved a person's pride, and the gravity of his patient's death in his own hands. Doctors are a sacred profession, which is respected and respected. Everyone should strive for his own ideal from now on. When the habit has wings, it will eventually land at the airport of dreams. When habits and dreams fly together, they will create the most beautiful chapter of life!

Autonomy (12)

Every time after school, we always see some children walk up to their parents and take their schoolbags off their shoulders and give them to their parents. The parents didn't say anything to take the schoolbags. I thought to myself: these children would obviously endorse their own bags but let their parents carry them. In fact, it is the children who have formed the habit of relying on adults for everything, and will not be independent.

Independence is a skill, so we should develop the good habit of independence, not relying on parents.

I once read a short story: Seventy seven Japanese children and thirty Chinese children participated in a summer camp for grassland exploration. Chinese children go back to the base camp to sleep when they are ill, while Japanese children go to the end when they are ill. Japanese boy Takesuke Kuraki's face turned pale with stomach pain. When others advised him to take a rest, he said: "I came to exercise, and it's a shame to become a deserter. How can I go back to the parents? I can stand it, and I will go to the end!" Japanese parents left encouragement to children with high fever, and Chinese parents pulled their son into the car. How different are the attitudes of the two parents to their children! The adults complain to the only child who cannot be independent. The child lacks the ability to take care of himself and bear hardships. But who should be hit by this board?

It is also a children's organization. Every ethnic group trains its offspring. It should pay attention to the survival status and environmental awareness, and cultivate children's ability and morality. In order to protect children from suffering, Chinese parents can only make children lose their viability by taking too much care.

Another story: a doctor's son has a strong viability. When he grew up, he recalled that when he was eight years old, his father asked him to go out and sell things. He had to pay for a meal cooked by his parents at home. When he asked his parents to do a thing or buy something, he had to pay. When he was young, he said he was puzzled. When others grew up under the care of their parents, he wanted to live on his own, He later became a successful man. It was easy to find a job and become successful. It can be said that he had no difficulty. When he wanted to find his father, It was Bo Tu who had not seen him for five years because of his anger that said: "My child, you have succeeded. I know that you understand my intention. I just want you to grow up early and have a better ability to survive. I don't want you to be spoiled when you are young. When you grow up, you don't know anything. Independence is also a skill. You can't underestimate it. I send you a famous saying from Goethe, 'To grow, you must be original“

Our children want to tell adults, for our future, please let go! Independence is a skill. To grow, you must be original!

Autonomy (13)

When I was young, I was most afraid of doing things alone. I was afraid of sleeping alone, eating alone, and being at home alone... No matter what I did, I didn't dare to do it alone. I always felt that when I did something alone, bad people would appear and take me away. I felt that a monster would come out and take me away, making me never see my family.

No matter what you do, you don't want to do it alone. Even if it is half a second, I may cry loudly, because every time I cry, my mother will immediately appear beside me to comfort me. Until the third grade, I had no one to do anything and stay at home alone. There are classmates and teachers at school and parents at home, so I won't feel afraid.

When I was in the fourth grade, I still went home with my classmates after school. When I got home, I met my mother going out to buy vegetables. When I saw her going out, I quickly took her hand and said, "Mom, don't go out. What should I do when you go out? Don't let me stay at home alone, I'm afraid!" "Baby, you are in the fourth grade, and it's time to learn to be independent. Good, my mother will come back soon after going out." My mother comforted me and walked out. "If you are afraid, you can sing or call me." Then she hurriedly closed the door and went out. I suddenly felt that a monster was coming in outside the door. I quickly ran to my room, picked up the doll Grandma had sent me and plunged into the quilt, crying and saying, "Mom, come back quickly! If you don't come back, I will be captured by the monster..."

At this time, I felt that the time had passed for a long time, and there was no sound except my own crying. I slowly poked my head out of the quilt and found that the house was quiet, and no monster came in. I tried to get out of the quilt again, walked down to the living room quietly, and no monster was seen. Oh, there are no monsters. I imagined those monsters out of thin air. I opened my schoolbag, took out my book and began to write my homework. My mother came back and found that I was doing my homework instead of crying. She hugged me happily and said, "My baby has grown up and learned to be independent."

Today, I not only do my homework at home, but also go to my grandpa's home and training school alone. I become independent and grow up!

Autonomy (14)

I am adrift in another country. One night, the drizzle was continuous, intermittent and continuous. I feel that I am wandering outside in this city, which is far away from all relatives and care. I am wandering alone, and every inch of my skin is aching. Sometimes the heart is bleeding, every bit has become lonely and lonely, leaving numerous scars. Because I really can't adapt myself to wandering alone.

On the street in the middle of the night, the vehicles and pedestrians who stayed up at night were running fast from time to time. They are all busy with their own lives. Everyone is for life. But my life belongs to me. I can't find it. It seems that only wandering is found. In this dimly lit city. I can't find the direction, always like a lost child. I'm struggling. Yes, I'm just a child. But I have to face the life. Because in this way, I can grow up, I am eager to grow up! But I'm afraid of growing up

I always feel that I have grown up. I thought I could stand alone. But when the relentless reality of their own beautiful dream. Only when my body and mind are scarred can I realize how fragile I am. I can't make myself happy. The real life let the endless sadness and loneliness completely occupy. I admit that I am nothing. But I am so eager to live independently. I don't want anyone who cares about me and supports me to feel sad for me and work hard for me. But the reality gives me too much choice. I can only live like this, and I can only hide in a corner where no one can find me alone at midnight in this bastard city, and lick the bloody wound on my body. All the pain has to be faced by oneself. Because I have no choice.

Sometimes I really want to give up everything at present. Then we can choose again in a big way, maybe it will be more painful for us. But at least you don't have to worry about others. No need for others to worry and grieve for me. Indeed, they care about me so much. Love me so much. But I can only bring them too much sadness and disappointment once and again. I really don't want to do this again. Even if I wander endlessly in the future, I cannot base my freedom and happiness on the pain of those who care and love me. Maybe I can adapt to the vagrant life. Because I will soon have a strong aversion to all things that are eternal

Autonomy (15)

Since last semester, every Monday afternoon, there has been a class for students to show their style, that is, everyone's favorite independent class. I chose literature and art as my independent course. In this class, we actively participated in a strong atmosphere of independent learning and stimulated our curiosity, which not only made the teacher have a deep impression on each student in our class, but also made us become the real masters of this class and walk freely in the palace of literature and art.

In this class, it aroused my enthusiasm for literature and art, and made my thinking more active. Of course, the happiest thing is to have an opponent who is close to his own level. At first, I was praised by the teacher in this class. After a period of learning. I found a competitor, my classmate Chen Ruihan, whose ideas are broader than mine. I can write more beautiful sentences than I can. Since then, I have had a lot of fun. In class, we are rivals, and each time we have to win or lose. After class, we are still friends, talking and laughing, talking about interesting things every day. We rushed forward in this way.

The teacher made a daily reading plan for us, which is our agreement on growing up reading. When I grow up and read every day, after a period of time, I have a good habit of loving reading, and I will share the interesting stories I find in the books with my classmates and mother.

The independent class brings me not only endless fun but also sweet harvest. I remember one time, our class held a contest to read pictures and write words. So, based on the knowledge I learned in the independent class, I conceived the article and put the accumulated beautiful words "please" on the writing scroll. When the teacher announced the list of winners, I was really excited when I read: "Liu Geyu, first prize". You know, when I was in the second grade, I was still a person who was afraid of writing.

Autonomous classes can not only let us increase our knowledge, but also make our brains enlightened and become more intelligent. I like it!

Autonomy (16)

We should all be familiar with reading. Everyone now knows the use of reading, but I think of reading like this. Reading can enrich our knowledge, let us know the culture of the world, and reading is also our reading. When we encounter a good article, we may pick up a pen to tick it out and extract it.

When I was studying biology and geography before, I thought that learning these two subjects was not very useful, so I didn't listen to the teacher carefully. Who knows that these two subjects were defeated, but I didn't repent. When my mother knew that, she didn't hit me, but she told me a story about Li Bai, who was called a poet by later generations in the Tang Dynasty, His poems are elegant. He is also a romantic poet. But when he was young, he was very naughty. He didn't like learning, didn't like reading, and often played truant. One day when he played truant, he saw an old woman using stones and magic iron sticks by the river. So Li Bai said, "What does the old woman feel like with this iron stick?"?

The old woman said that I was grinding a needle with an iron rod. Li Bai said how long it would take to grind the iron rod into a needle. But the wife believed that the iron rod would be polished into a needle if I worked hard. Then it would be of great use. It seemed that Li Bai understood this truth and hurried back to the private school to listen to the old man's lecture. Finally, Li Bai became a popular poet, and his life was full of glory, What we see now is so dazzling. So, children should study hard, and their dreams can be realized when they grow up. Some want to be doctors. They need culture and technical support. Now you have a great chance to work hard for this dream.

Yes, youth is used for struggle and hard study. Reading is a ladder to realize dreams. Reading is the source of dreams. Reading is the umbrella of dreams. Youth is a dream. The accumulated feathers will let us share in the sky one day. Let's study hard.

Autonomy (17)

People will always grow up. We should gradually learn to be independent, self reliant and self strengthening. Maybe everyone has heard a sentence: "dripping your own sweat, eating your own food, depending on people and ancestors, you are not a hero!" This is what everyone will say, but how many things do you really do? Although some children are still young and need to rely on their parents, dependence is not dependence, and we cannot rely on our parents all the time. I think people with a conscience don't want to be a gnawing old family when they grow up. People will grow up, and can learn everything slowly, instead of relying on mouth to say, without paying practical action!

So, from now on, we should gradually learn to be independent, self reliant and self strengthening. We can choose to start from some small things!