Composition of White Birch (8 selected articles)
grasp all, lose all
2024-04-28 05:46:31

Composition of White Birch (1)

When I was very young, I was curious about the birch forest. Many stories in my memory are related to the birch forest. In my childhood, from the magical Astro Boy to the beautiful Snow White - the background of the story always depends on the birch forest!

The birch forest is not far from my house. Walk out of my yard, cross the narrow alley eastward, and pass three tall firewood stacks to make a road northward. In fact, it's not a big road now, it should be only two or three meters wide!

The birch forest in autumn is the most beautiful. When the autumn wind sweeps gently, the leaves fall all over the sky, just like flying butterflies and dancing elves in the sky. They fell on the ground and paved the golden avenues where we played hide and seek.

Walk in the jungle, look up, straight white trunk, golden leaves, quietly listening to the birch forest

The grass in the birch forest is green, and the wild flowers in the birch forest are red. We play hide and seek, we throw mud dolls, we tell the stories we heard the first day, we look at the sky in a daze... The kind birch tree opens its eyes and watches over us.

Composition of White Birch (2)

Peel the old birch.

The tree shows no vitality

The perimeter has a radius of five centimeters.

The separation of front zero point one on the branch.

Still left the footprints of forest hunters.

And the looming growth rings above.

And cut scars.

Carrying the soul of Shakespeare.

Just wait

Wait for the green leaves to regenerate.

Composition of White Birch (3)

Birch and Woodpecker

In a beautiful big forest, there is a tall and strong birch and a kind woodpecker.

One sunny morning, the woodpecker came to the birch tree, found a worm on the birch tree, flew over and caught it in his mouth. The birch tree said angrily, "Go! Go! Don't damage my skin, it hurts!" "The bug has climbed on your skin, and I want to help you eliminate the bug. Am I hurting you? I will pay attention next time." The woodpecker said hurriedly.

The next day, the woodpecker came again. This time, he carefully went to catch the insects on the tree. The birch tree was angry and said, "I see through you, just to destroy my skin!" The woodpecker had to fly away disappointed. From then on, he never came again.

There are more and more insects on the birch tree, and the whole body is weak. The bee saw it and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you, birch tree? Why don't you even have the strength to talk?" "I don't know!" The birch tree spoke very quietly. The bee found many insects on the birch tree and immediately went to look for the woodpecker.

The woodpecker flew in and enthusiastically helped the birch to cure the disease.

The bee learned the story and said to the birch tree, "Without the woodpecker, you would wither, so you should thank the woodpecker." The birch tree blushed, lowered its head, and hurriedly apologized to the woodpecker. Since then, they have become the best friends.

birch forest

When I was very young, I was curious about the birch forest. Many stories in my memory are related to the birch forest. In my childhood, from the magical Astro Boy to the beautiful Snow White - the background of the story always depends on the birch forest!

The birch forest is not far from my house. Walk out of my yard, cross the narrow alley eastward, and pass three tall firewood stacks to make a road northward. In fact, it's not a big road now, it should be only two or three meters wide!

The birch forest in autumn is the most beautiful. When the autumn wind sweeps gently, the leaves fall all over the sky, just like flying butterflies and dancing elves in the sky. They fell on the ground and paved the golden avenues where we played hide and seek.

Walk in the jungle, look up, straight white trunk, golden leaves, quietly listening to the birch forest

The grass in the birch forest is green, and the wild flowers in the birch forest are red. We play hide and seek, we throw mud dolls, we tell the stories we heard the first day, we look at the sky in a daze... The kind birch tree opens its eyes and watches over us.

silver birch

My name is Birch, and I am called "Beauty in the Tree". I am a deciduous tree, which is distributed in the Great Xing'an Mountains, the Small Xing'an Mountains, the Changbai Mountains and the high mountains of North China in Northeast China.

The trunk of the birch is tall and straight, and there are many linear holes in the bark, which looks like countless eyes looking around from afar. Because of the beautiful tree shape, I usually plant it in the courtyard, the lawn of the park, the pond, the lakeside, and the road. If it is planted in pieces, it can form a beautiful scenic forest. In summer, the birch trees are green and luxuriant. In autumn, the leaves of the birch forest turn from green to yellow, and the golden trunk and golden leaves complement each other.

birch bark

Peel the old birch.

The tree shows no vitality

The perimeter has a radius of five centimeters.

The separation of front zero point one on the branch.

Still left the footprints of forest hunters.

And the looming growth rings above.

And cut scars.

Carrying the soul of Shakespeare.

Just wait

Wait for the green leaves to regenerate.

Composition of White Birch (4)

"Why did you bite me?"

"You have a moth on your skin."

"It's just a little bug. What's so remarkable, it won't affect my beauty in the slightest!"

"It will become more."

"It's not worth using so much strength. It hurts!"

"OK, I'll pay attention next time." The woodpecker flew away.

The next day, the woodpecker landed on the birch tree again. "Bang, Bang" ate several borers under the bark, and the birch tree was angry.

"You hurt me even more!"

"The moth has penetrated your skin."

"I think you are jealous, and you deliberately damaged my beautiful skin."

"Sorry!" The woodpecker flew away.

On the third day, the woodpecker flew to the birch tree again. "Bang, Bang, Bang" ate some borers deep in the trunk, and the birch tree was angry.

"You cruel guy, are you finished? It's killing me!"

"The moth has gone deep into the body."

"I see through what bugs are. You have ulterior motives and want to make a nest for yourself on me."

"......" The woodpecker shook his head, sighed and flew away, never coming back.

Until a few days later, the tall and beautiful birch was about to wither, so it had to look for woodpeckers.

"I can grant your request, but you can't complain any more."

The birch tree is grateful.

So woodpeckers began to cure birches. With its hooked tongue, it carefully catches the borers one by one, helping the birch slowly recover.

White birches have been healthy since woodpeckers cured them. But there are thousands of woodpeckers in the world, and the birch does not know that woodpecker. So it tried to sprout and spit out branches, ready to repay thousands of woodpeckers in the world.

Now it has become a big tree with luxuriant flowers and green trees. When it rains, it is like a soldier sheltering small animals from the wind and rain. The rain falls on the leaves and makes a "rustling" sound. After rain, a rainbow hangs in the sky. The blazing sun came out, and animals and people came to its shade for summer. At night, the birch tree bloomed, and the small white flowers bloomed, giving off a faint fragrance. A gust of wind blew, and its flowers were swaying. With the warm sunrise gently shining on the birch flowers, they slowly closed.

The birch has finally found the meaning of life, that is, to put oneself in the shoes of others, worry about others' worries, and enjoy others' happiness!

Composition of White Birch (5)

Every birch tree has large and small "eyes". In fact, those "eyes" are the pores that birch trees use to breathe. The bark of white birch is very thin and can be used as paper. Local Kazakh herdsmen often use it to burn fires. In addition, herdsmen often drink birch juice from trees in small barrels. Because birch juice is nutritious, it can also cure cough. The most peculiar thing about white birch is its bark. The sunny side is smooth, while the other side is lumpy. When local people get lost, they can tell the direction by looking at the birch.

I like birch because it symbolizes courage. White birch trees stood upright like soldiers!

Composition of White Birch (6)

White Birch Composition 400 Words 1

My hometown is Mudanjiang, which is a beautiful place with more than 300 blue skies all year round; As a child, I grew up in a forest farm called Wangou near Jingbo Lake, and formed feelings with the forest.

I remember an afternoon in the summer when I was 11 years old; I ran into the mountain forest not far from home, just after the rain, the sky was like sapphire; Colorful wild flowers bloom in the mountains; A lot of black agaric grow round on damp and rotten wood; I picked it heartily for a while and then filled my pockets with clothes, looking into the distance.

One or several birches stand in the jungle; Like an angel in white; Some smiling faces were so big that I went to the birch forest and tore off some bark whiter than white paper, covered it with black fungus, and ran home. This was the best memory of my childhood; Never forget.

I have passed many beautiful places over the years; But it is not as deep as this memory. From late summer to late autumn this year, I walked into the birch forest around Mudanjiang with the outdoors several times; The mood becomes beautiful with the beauty of the birch, leaving some records for later years to share.

On September 7, I took my dog to the birch forest in Daimagou; Where the air is fresh, the leaves on the wet ground are still scattered green, and dogs are running happily in the birch forest; I leaned against the birch tree to enjoy the comfort and tranquility. In front of me, all the lateral branches of the birch tree were stretched upward and tightly folded into a bunch. I could imagine how they would have such icy skin and how the leaves would turn from verdant to golden; Why is the trunk so straight and straight.

I wonder if people in the forest are so happy because of the beauty of the birch.

White Birch Composition 400 Words 2

During the summer vacation, I came to the prairie where I had long yearned for, and went to see the birch forest I had always dreamed of. The prairie is much more beautiful than I imagined. There are cattle and sheep everywhere, colorful flowers everywhere, and yurts of different shapes. Seeing this beautiful scene, I immediately fell in love with this beautiful prairie.

The locals said that the most beautiful place here is the birch forest. We rode on the road to the birch forest. After about two hours, we finally arrived at the long-awaited birch forest. I rode on horseback and looked around. It was really a beautiful birch forest. Each big tree in the sky was like a guard, guarding the beautiful prairie. I couldn't wait to jump off my horse and run into the forest. I spread my arms around a big white and sturdy tree and looked up. I saw the sun passing through the dense branches, like countless ribbons twinkling together, as if all green life was beating happily.

I lay in the woods, bathed in warm sunshine, breathing fresh air. A breeze blew, and the leaves rustled, like a lullaby sung by the mother tree to the birds. The grass on the ground is like grass. They shake their heads and look curiously at the world around them.

In the distance, there are rolling mountains. One mountain is green, one mountain is green, one mountain is thick, and one mountain is thin. It really looks like a beautiful landscape painting.

Prairie, I love you! Birch Forest, I love you!

White Birch Composition 400 Words 3

During the summer vacation, we came to Inner Mongolia, which really impressed me.

In the morning, we drove to let me remember a desirable place - Birch Forest, while the mountain fog was still there, full of urgency and excitement. To the birch forest in the Great Khingan Mountains.

When I first entered the forest, I felt as if I was immersed in a fairyland. The mountain fog is a translucent milky white, which covers a wooden road made of original boards and finally disappears in the deep forest; Cute fungus plants grow in clusters on dead trees; The green and flowing grass, like a boundless and soft carpet, accompanies the forest.

With the creaking of wood, the morning fragrance of flowers, wood and the breeze pushed us into the deep forest. One by one, the white birch trees that can't be seen at a glance stand gracefully in the Great Khingan Mountains like one girl after another. The white and clean tree trunks are like eyes. They are tall and straight, beautiful, like fairies, and like soldiers guarding the national gate.

At this time, it is midsummer. The tender leaves in the shape of water drops are green, and the woods are connected together. It is really a blue and thousands of miles! I think that when autumn girls come like the wind, the golden color all over the mountains must be so beautiful!

This is, the sun has been through the mist, and the golden beam is like a fantasy. Through leaves, it is dotted on the black soil, and there is another kind of fragrant sunshine in the air. I can't help but pay attention to it from time to time.

Reluctantly, full of joy and fragrant flowers and trees, we drove away from the birch forest in the Great Khingan Mountains to the next stop - Sihe.

Composition of White Birch (7)

Just like the white birch tree near the classroom window, at first, it grew thin but not luxuriant. Although it was often laughed at and grew too thin, it still grew healthily and diligently, no matter how other trees laughed at it, in order to let those flying birds have a foothold.

In the daytime, several white birch trees outside the window have empty branches and light leaves. Dozens of birds are resting on the branches. The trees seem to like these birds very much and let them run around his branches wantonly as if they were just scratching him. A gentle wind blows, scaring the birds. The trees seem to be afraid of something, Sighing, he said, "Oh, how old! How old! I was awakened by the wind! I'm afraid that I will step into the fire pit of life in a few years, but you should not be afraid. You should be brave, face the wind, and occupy my branches with the wind. Yes, life has an end, but our courage has no end."

When night falls, the street lights slowly light up. The white birch tree near the window is like a demon. No one is allowed to get close to its body. Only those in the classroom know that its look is not so cold, but people in the dark can't see his look. His look is iron like and strong, and he always stands upright, His face is full of righteousness. He has been silently accompanying us. He looked at our fingertips that used to hold the pen and trembled slightly. The cool autumn wind has also turned into the cold winter wind, which is coming to us like a tide. He gently told us that we will meet many things on the road of growth, but don't be afraid. Only through wind and rain can we grow into towering trees, There is no need to be afraid of others' ridicule, as long as you live your own life well.

The white birch outside the window has always encouraged me to grow into a tall and upright tree, and to firmly root myself, but I often ignore his warning and spend time playing. When I suddenly look back, I have quietly stepped over half the course of life, and I have also carried over the strokes of time. Until now, I suddenly wake up and make up my mind, From this moment on, work hard and live up to his expectations!

Composition of White Birch (8)

There is a very tall and beautiful birch tree standing in the most eye-catching place. It often attracts the eyes of many tourists. But it is strange that no bird has ever perched, laid eggs and lived on its branches. The birch tree thought to itself: How can I give these birds a shelter with such a beautiful body! How unworthy! Therefore, it always sees a bird on it, and it will drive them away from it

One day an ugly woodpecker flew to its branch

"Can I rest on your branches? I'm exhausted!" said the ugly woodpecker with a pleading voice

"No, no, no, there is no place for you here. I am so beautiful, you stay on my branch, and in such sharp contrast, no tourists will come to see me. How bad it is!" The birch tree said proudly, looking at the woodpecker with a scornful look, and said, "The world is so big, you can't find another tree!"

The woodpecker had to fly away with fatigue

A few days later, the woodpecker flew to the tree again

"Hey, friend, let me stay for a few days! Maybe I can eat all your roundworms!" The woodpecker hopes to buy the help of white birch

"Hum, how can I have worms on my body? I can't have worms with such clean skin!" said the white birch with a dissatisfied face

The woodpecker had to shake its head and fly away

A few days later, the birch tree found itself itching. The woodpecker flew up to it again and said, "If you take me in, I promise you will not itch so much anymore." But the arrogant tree still refused to yield. The woodpecker had known that the birch tree would wither if it continued to use up like this. But it shook its head helplessly and flew away

In the days to come, the white birch has a very bad life. It used to be beautiful and smooth, and its skin has been badly bitten by the roundworm. Finally, the white birch was bitten to death by the roundworm??