300 word composition "Worry" (20 practical articles)
Ordinary and valuable
2023-08-25 05:26:19

300 word composition "Worry" (1)

Everyone has his own troubles, and I am no exception. Now, I will tell you about my troubles.

My mother has signed up many interest groups for me in the Children's Palace. Others often have one to one-and-a-half days off a week, while I only have half a day off. Because I learn Olympic math on Saturday morning, English in the afternoon, and composition on Sunday afternoon. In addition, it is a review period, so I spent the morning on review. Now it is a half day break, I feel that I have a heavy burden. I have to study or study all day, and my mind is full of reading. When I asked my mother, "Mom, I've been studying for 2 hours! Can you take a break?" After listening to this, my mother immediately started political education: "Son! You are a junior high school student the year after tomorrow! You can't think about playing anymore!" After listening to these words, I began to do exercises again discouraged. I know, Mom, it's for my good, but it can't be like this! Every time I go to study in an interest group, I always feel that the study bag in my hand seems to weigh a thousand kilograms, which is my trouble.

Here, Mom, I want to say to you: "Mom, don't report to the interest group any more, the burden on my shoulder is already heavy enough!"

300 word composition "Worry" (2)

I have a very troublesome thing, that is - smelly feet.

Whenever I come home from school and take off my white sneakers, my feet give off a bad smell, which makes the room full of bad smell. My father is most afraid of the smell of my feet. One day, when I came home from school, my father was cleaning the fish tank. When I took off my shoes, the smell of my feet spread everywhere. My father almost vomited when he smelled the smell of my feet. He shouted, "Wow! It's so smelly. Pick up your socks and go to the bathroom to wash your feet!"

Such "smelly" feet accompany me all day long. One day my mother bought a pair of "deodorant insoles" for me to put in my shoes. In those days, my feet stopped smelling. I was very happy and thought: I don't need to be bothered anymore. But the good times didn't last long. After a few days, my feet began to smell again. As soon as I came home every day, my father wrinkled his plum head and shouted, "It stinks. Wash your feet quickly."

Because my feet are smelly, I often dare not take off my shoes when I go to other people's houses for fear that they will say my feet are smelly.

Alas! What shall I do? I'm really upset.

300 word composition "Worry" (3)

In daily life, most people have their own troubles. I believe no one likes troubles, because troubles can only bring more pain.

Everyone has different worries, such as some office workers who are under too much pressure and even commit suicide by jumping off a building; Some students are sometimes beaten by their mothers and run away from home; Migratory birds also have troubles, and are trying to escape from the hands of evil hunters; Mosquitoes want to suck people's blood, but they are afraid that they will beat down soldiers; The fish wants to build a home, but it is also afraid of fishermen catching them with nets. I also have troubles. Every day I go to school with a backpack heavier than a whale. People in this world are so poor that they have to be bothered every second.

For me, troubles are like bacteria, always infectious, like demons. They poison us and are more like good brothers. They will not show mercy because you are a child. They will disturb you whenever they have a chance.

How should we solve our troubles? We can eat and drink, sleep, and forget for a while. Worry is like a virus, attacking you constantly, and it can't disappear.

300 word composition "Worry" (4)

During the holidays, students should pay attention to safety and complete their homework carefully. In addition, when school starts, they should bring a parental notice, "Oh my god, this is always the case every time, and the lines have not changed. I suddenly remembered the lyrics of "A Holiday": "The students are absent-minded/wandering/counting the time". Then I looked at the hands of watches and wall clocks, which seemed to freeze. It was really urgent.

"Well, that's it. It's a holiday!" "Oh!" Ha, it's the end! Grasping his schoolbag, he flew out of the campus like an arrow, regardless of his holiday homework and final test results, at this moment he was forgotten. The bike was flailing fast, and the driver was venting his ecstasy. Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind. Apart from bold and unrestrained play, what does a holiday mean?

Go home as fast as possible, throw your schoolbag and sit on the sofa, then you will become free and lose the calm of the past, as if you have become another me. Suddenly, my mother came out of nowhere. Seeing her opening her mouth to speak, I took the lead: "Write a holiday plan first." "How do you know?" My mother was confused. "This is what you must say every year. I'm almost familiar with it by heart. Look, the holiday homework schedule, work and rest schedule have been written." My mother examined it and put it on my desk with great care.

More and more heavy homework, teachers and parents' expectations have brought a mountain of exercises, and the happiness of the holiday can only be found in dreams. It is said that such a holiday is full but somewhat empty, relaxed and busy.

Once, in my dream, I shouted to the sky with my classmates: "It's a holiday!" What does "It's a holiday" mean? It represents a moment of joy and countless burdens. We may all be poor children!

300 word composition "Worry" (5)

Everyone in the world has his own troubles, and I am no exception.

"Dudu -" "Baba -" "Dongdong -" "Buzz -"...... Oh! My god? What a noise! Every day, there are many miscellaneous noises, such as the piercing sound of car horns, the knocking sound of falling objects, the crashing sound of iron objects... Because of these noises, many people's hearing is damaged!

I am now in a tense study and need a quiet learning environment in the evening. If I am in a noise environment of more than 40 decibels for a long time, I cannot concentrate, which will affect my performance.

The vicious stimulation of these noises seriously affects our sleep quality, and will lead to neurasthenia symptoms such as dizziness, dreaminess, insomnia, memory decline, and inattention, and digestive tract symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and abdominal distention. Nutritionists found that noise can also increase the consumption of essential nutrients in the human body, affecting health; More seriously, it may even endanger human life!

My trouble is that there is too much noise in the world. I want to be quiet, OK?

300 word composition "Worry" (6)

Everyone has troubles, a few or two, and many. I also have a worry, which can be big or small, but it can disturb my sleep and food.

This trouble is funny. My parents asked me to learn musical instruments. What should I learn? At first, I found it difficult to learn the violin. Later, I learned it and found it simple. But I didn't know that I was only learning the first level, and there was more difficult waiting for me. When I heard it, I even felt funny and thought: What? I'm just a student! I'm so pathetic. But on second thought: OK, challenge yourself!

The second level is easy to learn, but the first level to the third level frightens me to death. Every day, I complain, "This is too difficult!" If I can't hear my complaints one day, it means that my nerves are out of order.

Every day I arranged the time to play the piano, but when it came to time, I was lazy again and didn't want to play. I thought: Since I didn't have the heart to play, I would definitely not play it. Forget it! Sometimes, when my parents were at home, they asked me to play it anyway. Usually, I obeyed them obediently. But one day when I was in a bad mood, they had to drag me to play it. Although it was very unpleasant, they kept applauding, as if I played better than the master violinist.

Alas, I don't know when this trouble will be solved.

300 word composition "Worry" (7)

It is said that teenagers have no worries and are carefree. But in fact, my troubles are no less than others!

My biggest trouble is doing homework. One Monday, the teacher left a lot of homework: writing words, reciting texts, Chinese exercise books, math exercise books, and a composition. I kept writing at 8:00 that day. Don't you think it's annoying? I wish I could do a little homework every day, go out to play, exercise, watch TV at home, do some housework

Because of the epidemic this year, the whole people are "off foot". Some people say that children are happy this time and don't have to go to school. Alas! At home, we still have to take online classes, do our homework, stay at home and isolate ourselves! It's boring! But if you don't want to add chaos to the country at this time, you will make contributions to the country! It's also very gratifying. Please comfort yourself!

Once, I didn't know it was a bad belly? The stomachache is killing me. When I went to the hospital for examination, it was acute appendicitis. The doctor said that I could only operate and operate at once. I stayed in the hospital for a whole week. I couldn't study or play, so I was very upset! Playing games every day, I am going to vomit.

After experiencing these things, I think a lot, but I still do what we should do, that is, learn, learn with a positive attitude, and there will be no more troubles!

300 word composition "Worry" (8)

In the eyes of the students, the holiday is a time to relax, so you all like the holiday very much. But I am different from you. As soon as I get home, my mother urges me to do my homework. All day long, there are no kids playing with these homework at home. Today, I will tell you about my frustration during the holiday.

"Zhang Ziqin, do your homework quickly" As long as you go home, you will hear the words urging you to do your homework swirling around your ears. Only when you leave the house, the words leave your ears. Every time I return home from vacation, my mother always asks me how much work I left behind, When do you finish it and then ask me how many times do you finish this homework? As long as you are at home, my mother tells you all about homework. As long as you are about learning, you don't say which day you will take me out for a walk. Don't talk about going out for fun. Even there is little or no going out, What would you do if you replaced me with you?

If it were me, I would still stay at home because I know my mother did it for my own good, but I don't need to be forced to keep me from leaving the house. Here I say to my mother: "Mom, please forgive me when I admit defeat and do my homework!"

I hope that in the future holidays, my mother can let me go out to have fun. You can tell me to do my homework less.

300 word composition "Worry" (9)

In the twinkling of an eye, I have become a third grade student in primary school. Now I have a big problem that time is not enough. I have to do a lot of homework every day. School homework, homework assigned by my mother, no break time, no playmates, so I have to do those unfinished homework at home every day. Every time I take an exam, I have to get a high score, otherwise I will be scolded. The most unbearable thing is that my mother often scolds me for some big things. In addition to going to school, I also learned English, piano, table tennis. As the grade increases, my homework increases, and my spare time becomes less, And I don't want to let what I have learned fall by the wayside, which really bothers me.

In fact, everyone's growth is intertwined with happiness and annoyance, and I am no exception. My happiest time is to finish my homework early every day. Once I finish my homework, I will not hesitate to pick up an extracurricular book that attracts me and can travel in the "sea of books". Will forget all troubles.

In the process of growing up, I have cried and laughed, and I can't tell how much happiness and trouble I have. From today on, I will be sure that I will remember the troubles of growing up, cherish the happiness on the way to growing up, and worry and happiness will always accompany my growth.

300 word composition "Worry" (10)

Just graduated from primary school, you came to a new environment, new learning, new teachers, new classmates, everything is strange to you!

In junior high school, it sounds very simple. This is not! Some pupils think that junior high school is very good, but wrong! Junior high school is not a primary school. Junior high school is a big course, and there are two more main subjects, one of which must be graded as an assistant subject. It sounds tired!

Can there be any previous parents? Not only did he not understand his children's tiredness in learning, but he also bought many extracurricular writings and signed up for many remedial classes. How can we live? There is no spare time at all.

If I am right, there are many junior high school students who need to agree with me!

In other words, after all, we are all in junior high school, not kindergarten. It was so easy in primary school at that time. When we grow up, we should make good use of time and study hard, so that we can have a better 'life' in the future.

But it's all around junior high school students' troubles, you know? How tired are junior high school students? If you think about six major subjects and two required surgical examinations, can you tell us how tired our junior high school students are? Sleep at 12 o'clock every night and get up at 5 o'clock to study overtime. There are only four or five hours of sleep every day. Tell us how tired we are.

But neither teachers nor parents understand our tiredness!

300 word composition "Worry" (11)

Like a person looking at the sky in a daze, thinking about something strange, always feel that this is romantic.

Like a person walking in the rain, human hair dancing in the breeze, always feel that this is happiness.

Somehow, when I cry, I always choose to cry silently, letting tears wet my face. I always think this is depression.

Youth always likes to wink at me not far away. When I speed up my pace and run to it, it disappears. Every time, I recover a loss.

On New Year's Eve, I leaned on the railing on the balcony, watched the colorful fireworks, listened to the cheerful firecracker symphony. There was such a weird idea in the hazy room! I feel that these fireworks are like my incarnation, in the 'moment of explosion', people are eye-catching; After burning, the gunpowder cartridge case fell down lonely. No one knew his pain and grievance at this time.

In the fifth grade of primary school, on a nightmare day, no one would like to say a word to me more. Every time I fail in Cox, I face the taunts of my classmates. My heart is cold.

Flower season and rainy season are full of troubles, but this time the loss does not help me. I grew up in these troubles, and I survived with clenched teeth.

When I suddenly looked back, I found that it was an ocean belonging to me. There was a boat that recorded the blows of wind and waves on it, but on the other side of the boat, it also recorded his heroic deeds of defeating wind and waves again and again!

Yes, I have to admit that the flowering season and rainy season are full of bitterness, but as long as you have a determination to win, you will be able to park the wonderful blueprint of life!

300 word composition "Worry" (12)

British Steven once said: "Everything in youth is a test." I think this sentence is very good. Everyone has had adolescence, and when they go through these adolescence, everyone will have their own 'troubles.

The most common troubles of teenagers in adolescence are: 1. I am not very willing to talk with my parents. If I have something on my mind, I would rather talk with my good friends than with my parents; 2。 More and more dislike parents' discipline; 3。 Looking forward to having an independent space and a small world with "security"; 4。 Some people have a hot temper

There are two troubles in my youth: one. I'm not very willing to chat with my parents. I always feel that the distance between my parents and me is getting farther and farther. Sometimes, I don't really want to communicate with my parents. I prefer to talk to my good friends rather than tell them my troubles. I want a space of my own. I feel that I will always be the bottom in my parents' minds. Nothing I can do can escape from their hands, so I have no secrets. They always compare me with those students who have good academic performance, so that I will always be the bottom man

Adolescence is a period of rapid changes in the physical and psychological development of adolescents, a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, and a critical period for the gradual formation of the outlook on life and the world. The reason is that we should properly adjust our mood, so that we can have a good feeling every day, so that we can feel comfortable and satisfied in adolescence

300 word composition "Worry" (13)

Everyone has troubles. But have you ever thought that when you overcome troubles, you grow up?

I still remember the day when it rained cats and dogs. Unfortunately, I had neither an umbrella nor money. How can I go home. If we wait until the rain stops, will it be night at the earliest? Borrow an umbrella from someone else? no way. The rain came too suddenly. Many people are also clay bodhisattvas crossing the river - they are hard to protect themselves! Some people may say why I don't borrow money, to be honest. I am introverted. Borrowing money is really my trouble for me.

I walked up and down, frowning, and making small calculations. In the end, I made a final decision. Borrow money! But I don't know anyone else. How can others trust me??

Although I made up my mind, the tension in my heart did not ease much. Finally, my 'God of Luck' appeared, and an uncle came. I had the courage to borrow money from him, but he agreed and refused to let me return it. I was flattered that this matter was so simple??

Looking at his back, I thought: I have grown up, I am no longer a child.

There are many troubles in life, and people have also proved that they grew up in troubles. isn't it?

300 word composition "Worry" (14)

The exam is coming. As soon as I get home, I can hear my mother's nagging voice. After a while, I will say: "Finish your school homework, and then write the homework I gave you? I'm exhausted if you're not tired. "Not only that, you should carry it when you sleep, but also when you get up in the morning

On the day of the final exam, in the morning, the Chinese teacher asked us to copy all the new words from the first lesson to the last lesson and the text we had to memorize. Before the exam, my mother urged me to do well in the exam. She asked me to check carefully. I must do well in the exam. But what if I failed in the exam? As soon as I got to the exam, I was very nervous. I still remembered my mother's words all the time. Finally, I finished the exam with a worried heart. Finally, I let go of my nervousness and went home happily. When I got home, my mother asked me if the exam paper was difficult, and I said it was not difficult.

After several days, the teacher will hand out the test papers. I really don't know how I did in the exam. I'm afraid my mother will go home and scold me if I didn't do well in the exam. When the teacher sent it to me, I was afraid. When the teacher said that Ren Guorui was 96, I finally put my heart down. I could do all the wrong questions on the test paper, and I would be scolded again when I came home. My mother picked me up again, which was my annoyance. When can I get rid of my carelessness

Sunshine is always after the wind and rain, although there are many troubles in the growth, but got a lot of happiness!

300 word composition "Worry" (15)

Do you know what my troubles are? Even if you want three days and three nights, you can't remember. To tell you the truth, it's a piece of red checked paper. Why does a piece of red checked paper become a worry in my heart? Because it was sent by the teacher, but I lost it. And I'm afraid that I will use red checked paper in class. At that time, I'm afraid I will be criticized. Although, the heart has trouble. But there is also luck. Because until the final exam, there was no red grid paper. What's the use of this red checked paper? The stone in my heart has not been removed.

I have another worry, that is, writing. Every time I write, my handwriting is ugly. "Why can't I write well?" I asked myself. If you were not badly written by your teacher at school, you would be scolded by your grandmother at home. However, this semester has improved and there is not so much criticism. However, at home, I was often scolded by my grandmother and mother. If the pen is not held in the right position, even the mathematical characters are not written well. For example, yesterday, my mother and grandma scolded me for my poor handwriting and almost scolded me all night. However, when I came home today, Grandma praised my words again.

300 word composition "Worry" (16)

I have a little brother. His name is Zhang Yiyan. Although he is very naughty, he has a spirit of breaking through the casserole.

My brother is in the second grade. Once, the teacher taught him how to calculate abdication subtraction. My younger brother learned how to learn, but he wrote all the abdication subtraction wrong in the exam.

When I got home, my mother looked at his pitiful score and asked, "May (my brother's nickname), don't you know how to subtract? Why are you still so poor in the exam?"

"Mom, why do ten people have to lend to one person, and hundred people have to lend to ten people? Can't they not?" asked the younger brother.

"Must borrow, not borrow!" Mother was a little angry.

The younger brother went to ask his father again, and the father said, "Why do children ask so many questions? The most important thing is to do the right questions!"

My younger brother walked into my room again with his mouth pursed, carefully testing me. (You know, I will be furious if anyone bothers me with my homework.)

Before I asked, "What do you want from me?", my brother told me the truth of the matter.

I thought for a while and asked my brother, "Did you miss it when you were doing carry addition?"

"No." The younger brother shook his head.

"Very good! Every time, do ten people feed 100 people generously?"

"Well, yes."

"Since the ten can feed the hundred, why can't the hundred lend to the ten? It's called borrowing and repaying."

"Ah, sister, I know. You are right. I will change it now." The younger brother said happily.

Since then, my younger brother has never missed the abdication subtraction.

300 word composition "Worry" (17)

Who says only big people have troubles? We pupils also have troubles! Hey, it's time for the exam. What should I do?

"Ding Ling Ling", the bell for handing in the paper, heard the teacher say: "Hand in the paper!" I quickly handed in the paper.

On the morning of the third day, the teacher came into the classroom with the test papers, gently placed them on the desk, and looked at the 'test papers' on the desk. My heart felt heavy: Did the teacher finish the examination papers so soon? "Team leader, hand out the test paper!" My heart suddenly raised its voice. I hope that the team leader will never give me the test paper. Although I already know that it is impossible to get full marks, I still do not want to get a definite answer. As soon as I see the team leader put my test paper on the table, I suddenly closed my eyes. At that moment, I heard my heartbeat, and I tried to open my eyes, ah! A red and dazzling "88.5" score. Ah! Worry!

No matter how bad it is, it's useless to worry again. It's my fault that I didn't review and check carefully. In the future, I will review and check carefully, and I will never worry about exams again. Teacher, please believe me, next time I will get good results. Please see my performance with your parents!

300 word composition "Worry" (18)

On the night shift, I went home at eight in the morning. Can comb my hair, take me to comb my hair. I hold the hair in one hand, and comb the long and delicate hair in the other hand. I can't help it. I closed my hair and tied a single braid.

On Sunday, my mother took me to the barber's to have my hair cut. I was very happy. I even remembered the process of washing and cutting my hair. I missed everything. No, it's another week. My delicate hair has grown again. I said to my dear, "My hair has grown again. I can go to the shop you took me to have my hair cut last time. Alas, every time my hair grows fast, it doesn't grow too high." Said: "No, if you do, I will accompany you to cut your hair every month, which will also waste precious." I shook my head helplessly in other ways and went to do my homework. At this time, I was thinking: Why does hair grow fast? Why do you grow your hair?

Alas! Long hair, worry!

300 word composition "Worry" (19)

I am a girl full of troubles. No matter in life or study, there will always be troubles around me. These troubles have accompanied me for many years. I really want to solve these troubles!

I often make mistakes to make my parents angry, but I really didn't mean to. Every time I make a mistake, I always reflect on what I did wrong, but I will do it again later. So I was at a loss. I didn't know what I was doing or saying. I feel like a puppet, like being controlled by others. I am often misunderstood by my parents. They always judge something when they don't know the truth. In this family, I feel very tired.

In school, too, I don't know how to get along with my classmates. I often fear that my classmates will be angry if I say the wrong thing. I am afraid and also hate the unhappy relationship between classmates. I understand that there are inevitable contradictions between students, but I feel really uncomfortable when I see them quarreling with each other. I also want to help them get back together, but I don't know what to do. In the end, I was also involved in their "war". They said arrogantly: If you are with them, you are our "enemy". At that time, I always felt helpless.

Maybe this is the hardship in the world. I hope I can relieve this trouble and make myself a happy child.

300 word composition "Worry" (20)

When I was young, I wanted to grow up very much, thinking that when I grew up, I would not have so many restrictions and troubles. However, as we grew older, we found that we had more difficulties and worries to face. Growing pains 300 words composition

When I was about to enter the fifth grade, I heard my aunt talk about the junior high school. She said that the schoolwork in this year would be more onerous than in the past. A good grade became all the factors after the decision, which gradually made me not want to face.

Since I entered the university, I have not received a certificate of merit. In the eyes of adults, it seems that only the affirmation of this paper can prove that I am a good student. There are always endless homework every day, and sometimes I have to wait until the next morning to make up for it. Even during the summer vacation, I am not sure how to live. And my parents' endless supervision and nagging made me wonder what to do. In order to improve my grades, I also want to go to cram school on weekends like other students. Whenever I envy the children who are crazy outside, my family will always preach. So the growing days are always around learning, and my troubles never stop. But I know that this is something I have to face. Like all children, I need to rely on knowledge to improve myself, instead of always standing still. Even in the unknown future, there will be more troubles coming. I cannot escape these troubles because of difficulties and laziness. I need more confidence and courage to complete this single choice question that cannot be selected.