Female Composition (18 in total)
Across the world
2024-05-22 00:26:52

Female Composition (1)

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was very lazy and didn't want to spin.

Finally one day, the mother felt unbearable, so she beat her, and she began to cry. Just then, the Queen passed by the door in a carriage. Hearing the cry, she ordered the carriage to stop and went in to ask the mother why she hit her daughter. How can a mother tell her daughter how lazy she is? She replied, "I asked her not to spin any more, but she refused to listen and still spins on the spinning wheel. I'm poor, and I can't afford to buy so much flax."

The queen listened and said, "I love spinning. Let your daughter follow me into the palace. I have plenty of flax, and she can spin as much as she likes."

The mother was very happy when she heard this, and promised to come down. The queen took the girl away with her.

When they arrived at the palace, the queen led the girl upstairs and showed her three storerooms, which were full of the best linen. "Well, you can spin these flax for me," said the Queen. "When you finish spinning, you will marry my eldest son."

The girl was frightened when she heard this. Even if she spun from morning to night every day until she was 300 years old, she would never finish spinning so much flax. When the girl was left alone, she began to cry. She just sat there crying. Three days passed in a flash, and she hadn't started spinning yet. The third day, the girl did not know what to do and came to the window worried. Just then she saw three women coming: the first woman's foot board was wide and flat; The second's lower lip is very long, drooping to his chin; The third one has a very big thumb. The three women stopped under the window, asked the girl why she was worried, and she told them her troubles.

"As long as you don't mind our disgrace," they said to the girl, "please let us attend your wedding, say we are your cousins, and let us share the wedding banquet with you, we will help you finish spinning these linen."

"I'd love to," the girl replied.

After saying that, the girl let these three strange looking women into the room. As soon as they came in and sat down, they began spinning. Every time after the king, the girl hid the three spinning girls for fear that the queen would find out, and let the queen see the spun yarn. The queen looked at her and praised her profusely.

When all the flax in the warehouse was finished spinning, the three textile girls said goodbye to the girl and said to her before leaving: "You must not forget your promise to us, it is related to your own happiness."

The girl led the queen to see the three empty warehouses and the yarn piled like a hill, so the queen arranged the wedding.

"I have three cousins," said the girl. "They treat me very well. I don't want to be indifferent to them when I am happy and happy. Please allow me to invite them to the wedding and let them sit with us at the wedding banquet."

The Queen and the Prince readily agreed. On the wedding day, three spinning girls came. They are dressed in a strange way, which makes people laugh. The bride immediately greeted her and said, "Welcome, dear cousins."

"Why are your cousins so ugly?" asked the prince. Then he turned to the woman with big feet and asked, "Why is your foot so big?"

"On the spinning wheel," she replied.

The groom walked up to the second woman and asked, "Why are your lips drooping?"

"Lick the twine," she replied.

Then he asked the third woman, "How could your thumb be so wide?"

"Twist the twine," she replied.

When the prince heard the three men's answer, he was shocked and said, "My beautiful bride will never touch the spinning wheel again."

In this way, girls no longer need to do the boring job of spinning.

Female Composition (2)

"My deskmate, I'm sorry, I used to bully you every day, but now I'm separated, and I can't do it any more..." The following is a sample composition of my deskmate, compiled by me. Welcome to read it for reference, and I hope it will help you.

My deskmate composition model 1

I used to be a student of Class 4, Grade 6, Experimental Primary School of Baiquan County. I have a back table. Her name is Xiao Lu. She wears a ponytail and has neat bangs. She has big eyes. She is quiet and never talks much. And I am a lively girl, also counting ponytails, also have a pair of big eyes, we are as tall as each other. We are all short, about 140.

I always make trouble, and I always ask her for help after making trouble. She always gives me advice.

In PE class, we always like to stay under a quiet tree and chat together.

In my impression, she is a diligent and thrifty girl. She always carries two clips with paint falling off. This clip has accompanied her for many years. Her clothes are only those two pieces. Because of her slow growth, she will continue to wear them this year and next year, and she will have to wear them for another year. She seldom adds new clothes.

In a twinkling of an eye, we have forged a profound friendship for six years. When it came to the exam, everyone was writing a student record. On the parting message, I didn't know what to write, but I felt uncomfortable.

It was not until after the exam that I realized how painful it was to leave. I often dreamed of her at night. I don't know when I can see her again. I want to tell her that I don't think you have a chance, and I can only stay in my dream and cry. I often cry when I listen to the song "Hurry That Year". Yes, the hurrying time has passed.

A few weeks ago, I entered junior high school, and since then I have been a junior high school student. But when I saw her at school at noon, I called out Lv Xinyue. She turned back. I took her aside and held her in my arms. Tears welled up in her eyes and a whimpering sound came from her mouth. I controlled myself not to cry, but I couldn't hold back my tears. She coaxed me and said: Why do you still cry like a child? Don't cry. I didn't speak, just dried my tears and said many things to her.

This is fate, fate let us meet again. I will cherish friendship, and I will cherish every day with her in these three years.

My deskmate composition model 2

"Tian Jia is very beautiful!"

Many people say so. Dark pupils with aura, thin lips with beautiful curves, a tall nose, a face with big palms, and charming dimples make it beautiful to smile. Her skin color is always a little pale. Maybe it's because she doesn't like basking in the sun. Her story is beautiful and mysterious, which made me intoxicated.

When I first contacted her, I always felt that she was a little sad. Her smile is beautiful, but she seldom smiles. I was assigned to sit with her, but we have no common language. In a composition she wrote later, I fell in love with her words that were not as sad as youth: "The yard is very lonely, the flowers no longer belong to beauty, and their lives are withering. The breeze brushed my face, like Grandma's gentle and rough hands, wiping away the crystal tears from my eyes..." But the teacher thought that she wrote too dark, and did not give her high marks, I like it very much.

She said that it was her small courtyard, so I argued to go to her house to have a look. She couldn't beat me and had to agree with me reluctantly. She planted a lot of flowers in her yard, but they didn't seem vibrant. As the composition said, "withered", she looked at the flowers and slowly said about her memories: "Grandma loved flowers. She planted a lot of flowers in the yard, and carefully cared for and watered every day. She always said that looking at these flowers is like looking at Jiajia, who grows healthily under the care of her grandmother... When the flowers are in full bloom, there will always be some butterflies. Such a plain and happy day, accompany me through my childhood. Grandma loves me very much. She always leaves delicious food for me. She holds my hand until I grow up in case I fall down. I didn't notice that she would also grow old. On the day of her death, I was still at school and didn't even see her last. " She stopped talking, but the long silence made me feel depressed. I turned and looked at her, her eyes were red. I just said, "You look good when you smile, and your grandma wants to see your smile in the sky."

Maybe my words encouraged her, and she gradually liked to laugh. I can always catch her smile at the moment when I turn my head. Her composition is really good. Those gorgeous and sad sentences can always shock people. Her composition, encouraged by me, went to the contest and won the second prize.

Tian Jia is my deskmate and my good friend. I bit the pencil head, and my mind outlined her beautiful appearance when the corners of her mouth turned up. Turning around, she found that she was smiling at me.

My deskmate composition model 3

Don't know when, you and I walked together; I don't know when the teacher will arrange you and me at the same table. In this way, we know each other.

You, a pair of big eyes, always like to narrow into a slit when smiling, and your mouth is always smiling upwards, with two small dimples on your face. Speaking of the word "nest" reminds me of your "bird's nest - hair", but I don't know whether "bird's nest" is a derogatory word or a commendatory word when it is used on your hair. Many students always say that you have a dark "bird's nest", and you always smile and answer: "That's a natural roll."

I have to admit that your English is the "best" of the whole grade. Every time you have an English class, you always rest assured that you will bury your head to write other assignments, occasionally look up and listen to a few words, but look bored, and then continue to work hard. When the teacher asked a question, he saw that the class was silent and did not say a word. Then you had no choice but to stand up and draw an end to this question in fluent English. Even though you work hard in every English class, you always win the top three in the English exam. composition

As you said, we do not witness friendship by "staying together every day", but by "fighting and making noise". I always disagree with you, and you always use violence to solve the problem. You drag my hand back and ask me, "dare you? Be careful of your hand." Who calls you my elder martial sister Taekwondo? I had to surrender. In this way, "violence" has become the second impression you gave me, and you have become the real "violence woman" of our class ever since.

The hot summer sun flows on her "Bird's Nest", reflecting her slightly childish smile and our friendship of "fighting".

Female Composition (3)

Superviolent female deskmate composition

In a quiet and light daily life, people always have to touch or use composition. Composition is the flow of words that people express their feelings in written form. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the super violent female deskmate composition collected by Xiao Bian. I hope it can help you.

"Are you listening? Do you want me to use the" ear pulling technique "? My little ears will suffer before I react." "Ah! Ah! How painful!" This is my violent female deskmate Yang Xue. She is thin, but strong! Every time, I am obedient.

Once, just after having a physical education class, Yang Xue shouted, "Give you five minutes and pour me a glass of water."! I resisted the pain and turned my head to look, but I didn't think it was her - Yang Xue. "Why, I don't even listen to my aunt's words. Do you want me to do something big?" She stared at me fiercely. I had to beg for mercy repeatedly. I poured the water to her obediently and watched her drink it. She finally nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, neither hot nor cold, just right."

Another time, she wanted to use my new pen, and I categorically rejected her, so she used the "ear pulling technique" again, the other hand clenched his fist and flew past my face. Fortunately, I was quick to react and escaped from the "violent woman". In fact, I couldn't bear it. I used the "flying leg" to kick her back, "ha ha, I kicked, yeah!" She was so angry that her teeth itched, "How dare you do it! How dare you!" Then she used the "Tathagata Palm," and I used the "Golden Steel Fist" hidden for a long time to deal with her, and finally beat her hand back. Who would have thought that when I wasn't paying attention, she grabbed my ear again and said proudly, "How can I stop you? Today, I'm going to let you lose." It really hurt. It felt like my ear was about to be pulled off. I repeatedly begged for mercy: "Aunt, can't I be wrong?" I had to offer my pen and hands again obediently

This kind of thing happens almost every day. As the saying goes, "Honest people talk but don't do anything." But my deskmate likes to do something. God, I don't want to be the deskmate of violent girl Yang Xue anymore.

Female Composition (4)

I am a girl, but I am not as tender as an ordinary girl. I am generally as careless as a boy, and I will leave as I say. So, the students gave me the most fashionable nickname - "Woman Man". Today, I am a thorough woman man again.

Today, it was my turn to be on duty. When the bedtime light went out, I was urging all dormitories to calm down. Suddenly, I heard Mr. Chen shouting outside, "Who is the girl on duty? Come out quickly." I ran to the other student on duty. It turned out that she was a girl in the same class. On the way back to the dormitory, she fell off the slope and sprained her leg. She could not move directly.

Teacher Chen asked us to help her to the dormitory first and wait for her parents to come. However, as soon as we wanted to help her to the dormitory, she cried out in pain. As soon as I saw it, I did something that even I thought was incredible. I even picked her up in the air, holding her forward like a prince holding a princess. The companion saw it at the back, and after half a while, he followed it. "It's really a woman man," he said in praise

On the way, the girl said shyly, "Yes... I want to... go to the toilet." After hearing that, I carried her to the toilet without hesitation. On the way, someone stuck out his head curiously, followed by a series of exclamations. I also feel that I am very powerful. I didn't expect that I could pick up a girl of about the same weight.

It seems that there are many things that can not be done, only unexpected, women are so unexpected.

Female Composition (5)

Yes, I am a woman -- Wang Zihan is also a three group flower. People in our school say that I am a woman man because I am usually rude and like playing games with boys, such as basketball, Three Kingdoms, wrestling, horse vaulting, ghost catching and many other small games.

The "dwarf" Liu Xiaoqing in our class, the flower Zhou Ruoyang in the second class, and the flower Liu Zhiya in the first class all said that I was a girl's appearance. Of course, the boy's heart must be beautiful! My hair is waist length, my big eyes are bright, my little cherry mouth is pink and tender, and I can say that there is nothing wrong with a strong woman. It's my pet phrase! I always call myself a female man plus a goddess, beautiful plus wisdom, rude plus cute. The boys in our class pretended to throw up. I said: You don't call yourself a man god and a man, handsome and smart, strong and brave. The girl also felt like vomiting.

I remember one time, I alone put down Xu Shuai, Li Chaofan and Wang Enbo in our class. Since that time, they said: Goddess spare my life. Ha ha ha ha ha, I laughed and said: I'm really hopeless. A bunch of losers. Boys say they are a disgrace to boys. Even the weak girls in our class looked down upon. I heard the laughter, they ran over and said: I dare not! I will forgive them.

This is me, a woman man.

Female Composition (6)

The class bell rang in my ears, followed by a "shaking earth and shaking mountains" step, and the floor shook with each step.

Just listening to the footsteps, we know that Yang Jingting is a legendary figure in our class, a heroine among women. Yang Jingting, what a beautiful name, gentle and graceful. But the real version of Yang Jingting is just like "Crazy Rabbit".

Although she is so "stout", in terms of her oral skills, she is really the best. Anyone who dares to compete in front of her is playing with a big axe in front of Lu Ban's door and a big knife in front of Guan Gong. I still remember that at the last debate, Yang Jingting's mouth was like a magic weapon! The data came at us like a hail of bullets. The hand could not help flying from side to side, just like the invisible enemy in front of us, it seemed to fight. The later the debate, the smarter and sharper the mouth will be. The mind will pour out whatever comes to mind, without any taboo. Our four debaters were frightened by the soaring momentum and gave up the competition. Yang Jingting's overwhelming momentum is just like an indomitable woman! Who knows, his heart is so delicate.

That day, the teacher was really angry! Just because we violated the discipline in the invigilation, we didn't finish the test paper. As a result, the teacher caught Zou Shunping and asked her to confess the "criminals". As a result, everyone was exposed and there was no chance to travel in the reading room.

After coming back, I don't know whether Zou Shunping's heart is fragile or she is really guilty. Her eyes are red, covered with a layer of sadness and a layer of self blame! Yang Jingting also restrained her usual smile and just patted her on the shoulder. Before long, Yang Jingting could not help but speak out all her words and asked loudly, "Are you wrong?"

Zou Shunping was only silent for a long time.

"You are not wrong. Everything is our fault. Are you the only one who speaks? Why do you need to? Why punish yourself like this?" Yang Jingting's words are like a breeze blowing Zou Shunping's wet heart.

Later, Yang Jingting lowered her voice again: "You can say that you are absolutely right. If you don't say that, won't you cry again because you cheated the teacher?"

Yang Jingting comforted her "sister" like a little sister. After seeing Zou Shunping's change, she silently put on her schoolbag and left school in a hurry.

Yang Jingting Ah, Yang Jingting, I didn't expect you to have a soft heart behind your rugged.

Female Composition (7)

I met her at the opening ceremony. The weather on that day was just like the nursery rhyme we adapted; The sun shines in the sky, the fire smiles at me, and the bird says hot, hot. The sun is baking me. I sat in the classroom looking at the microwave oven day, and my mood could not help but get upset. Then the teacher came in with a girl. I noticed her at a glance. She has many braids on her head, which are like wind chimes. She was wearing a milky white dress, just like a lotus flower. Throw my anger out of the sky. The first impression she gave me was that she was very strong, like a Mongolian man. Then the teacher arranged her to be my deskmate. We have become inseparable friends because of our common interests.

Every autumn, our class will set off an upsurge of rope skipping. But I, a blind idiot, always kept a distance. But this year, there was a table mate who loved to skip rope and was also an expert in rope skipping. I've had eight generations of bloody mildew.

Just after lunch, she took me to the playground to jump rope. Seeing the bad situation, I set off to return to the classroom. She grabbed me and said‘ What are you running for! When everyone comes, just play for a while. Maybe it was because I was really stupid in body blind. I couldn't jump soon, and the people who jumped rope laughed. At that time, I wished I could find a crack in the ground, when I was ashamed of myself. She pointed at them and scolded them‘ You have suffered a lot, or we can compete. ' Those people consciously shut up. She came up to me and comforted me softly‘ It doesn't matter. People are not perfect. Everyone has shortcomings! I looked at her in surprise and did not expect that she also had a gentle side. Now she is no longer a powerful Mongolian man in my heart, but a gentle woman.

Although there is a gap between heaven and earth between me and her now, I will never forget her in my life.

Female Composition (8)

There was a girl who obviously had short and neat hair from a schoolgirl, but she was said to be a woman man. She wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, but couldn't smile. It was really hard to cry!

She! He has the same hair as the public, wears a pair of big glasses, looks dull, silly, has a short nose, looks fat, wears a simple white watch on his hands, and wears a blue and white school uniform. He looks ordinary and has no characteristics, which can be said to be invisible in a crowd.

They also gave her the nickname "Panda", which is called "Panda" in English, because she always has a pair of panda eyes, which can't be eliminated.

She was very fierce. I remember one time, a boy played with the curtains, and the curtains shook from side to side, like a lady in an evening dress dancing.

At this time, she was carrying a black backpack and casually walked to the classroom. "Ouch!" When she fixed her eyes, it turned out that the curtain dancer was dancing. She not only danced on her face, but also danced her glasses off. When the boy saw it, it turned out to be a woman in our class, with a cold sweat on her forehead, and he just thought: Don't mess with her! Don't mess with it! He apologized quickly. Unfortunately, the woman was so angry that she could hear him. She shouted: "Who! Who! Who is it? Hit the curtain on my face!" She looked at me with golden eyes and said, "OK! It's you!" She swung her schoolbag from her shoulder to the table with a thump. She ran after the boy with a long ruler, As he ran, he shouted, "Don't run, stop." In anger, he picked up the boy's schoolbag and threw it out of the window.

That woman man is me. I wanted to be a tender girl, but life turned me into a woman man mercilessly.

Female Composition (9)

Adolescence is a stage that everyone has to go through. I want to grow up healthily in adolescence--- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I moved into the community and started a new life. At first, there was a series of maladjustments. At night, the songs were flying everywhere. I heard that I was a little irritable. I was used to being lonely.

Later, I got used to it slowly. I began to communicate and exercise slowly. I exercise every day.

However, brother, like you, I have a fragile and extremely vulnerable heart.

In ordinary exchanges, I am always stabbed unintentionally, and I feel lonely, but I still smile strongly. Some people say that every time I see you smile so strongly, I know you are crying in your heart.

People say: adolescence will have a feeling of loneliness, brother, is that right?

I always feel lonely, I always feel inferior. I always feel that I am superior to others. I always feel that my life is short of friends. I always wake up in the middle of the night, and I always envy.

However, please feel inferior as time goes by! I want to be a flower, strong and brave to live, not afraid of ridicule, not afraid of wind and rain!

People say that girls in adolescence have never been in love, so they are inevitably young. Brother, is that right?

Maybe I am a little young and like him a little. But because of this, I can draw a clear line with him, which is to protect him, but also to protect themselves, every day to see his smile, there is no longer any demand. It is because of this that I feel that I am not worthy of him, and I will work harder and study hard. I think that if we are destined to meet again in the future, I must love openly.

However, please keep secret love in my heart as time goes by! Love, is not that so, not selfish to take, but silently pay?

In adolescence, female man, live strong!

In today's life, I am rising step by step.

Female Composition (10)

In May 1996, I gave birth to a healthy and beautiful daughter. My daughter's arrival makes me grateful for life. She is a beautiful fairy and my most successful work. I care for my daughter's growth with all my heart. I don't want to give it to other relatives. I am very satisfied and happy with my daughter.

During the summer vacation in August 2006, her 10-year-old daughter loved dancing. She practiced dancing tirelessly with the dance teacher. The teacher praised her for her good congenital condition. What's more, she never complained or tired. Those days, I was dizzy by the busy and trivial work, and the rest time was reduced again and again. Occasionally, when I came home, I found my daughter was very spiritless and tasteless. My daughter has always had a big appetite. How could she be listless at the table for several days? A week later, my daughter suddenly vomited. The doctor misdiagnosed her as gastritis, used medicine for gastritis, and used glucose infusion. Three days later, my daughter fell into a coma, and changed the hospital overnight. At 2:00 in the morning, she was diagnosed as type 1 diabetic ketoacidosis. At 8:30, the doctor gave me a "critical notice".

This is already the best hospital in northern Jiangsu. I am considering transferring to another hospital, but my daughter is in a coma. I dare not act rashly. I called my daughter's name: "Tingzi Tingzi." I didn't believe it. I asked her to wake up. In a trance, her daughter opened her eyes and called "Mom", pulled out the catheter that made her feel uncomfortable in the coma, and then closed her eyes again. All of a sudden, I was filled with hope. I called the doctor, who reinserted the catheter and transferred my daughter from pediatrics to endocrinology. The time for the daughter to wake up gradually lengthened. At first, it was one minute, then it was two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes. Gradually, the daughter was able to drink water and eat. This was the fourth day after the coma. The daughter woke up for an hour and drank several mouthfuls of rice soup. I wanted to jump up happily, holding my daughter and thanking the doctor for saving my life.

I went to the bookstore to buy several books such as Diabetes Must Know, Madame Curie, and the Story of Xie Kunshan. I learned diabetes nursing knowledge, insulin, and diabetes diet with my daughter. Look at Madame Curie and Xie Kunshan (a painter in Taiwan), who are strong and unyielding in the face of life's hardships and become heroes that attract the attention of the world. I read with emotion, and my daughter in the hospital bed listened with enthusiasm. We were determined to learn like heroes and face the difficulties of life bravely. First of all, we should master the knowledge of diabetes care and defeat diabetes. When my daughter was able to sit up, she came to study math and Chinese books. At this time, half a month after the summer vacation, I asked my daughter whether she would suspend school after leaving hospital. The daughter said, "Mom, time is precious. I can't delay any more. I will go back to school in a few days, and don't suspend school. Don't worry, I will catch up."

I was very distressed about my daughter's injection four times a day. I learned about the insulin pump from the book, so I asked the doctor to talk about whether to use the pump. The doctor said that her daughter was very sensible and could use the pump, and recommended Medtronic pump. I don't know about the brand. I thought that Medtronic pump must be the best insulin pump. Later, I felt that the DELTA pump was better. Before leaving the hospital, my daughter installed Medtronic 508 and left the hospital after the blood sugar was controlled stably. After using the pump, we both devoted ourselves to the study of using the pump to control blood sugar. The book "Insulin Pump for Diabetes" became our reference book, and we found the nutritional content of various diets. The daughter is growing up. It is calculated that she needs to consume 1800 kcal of calories every day, which is divided into three meals: 250 grams of milk for breakfast, 80 grams of steamed bread (raw weight), an egg, a plate of vegetables or fruits; Add 15g carbohydrate after 2-3 hours, such as several biscuits; Lunch: 80g rice (raw weight), 80g lean meat, fish, 500g various vegetables; Add 15g carbohydrate 3 hours after lunch; Dinner is similar to lunch. You can add 50-100 grams of porridge to the main food, such as cornmeal porridge, rice porridge, lean meat salty porridge, etc. The blood sugar was measured 4-7 times a day, and the blood sugar was well controlled. The saccharification rate was 6.5 three months after discharge. My daughter and I believe that the future saccharification rate will be 6-6.5, which is our control goal.

The daughter went to school the next day after leaving the hospital. To the surprise of her classmates and teachers, her daughter, who had lost 20 days of classes, not only did not lag behind her class, but also ranked among the top three in the class. In addition, her daughter was united with her classmates, lively and cheerful. Everyone loved to make friends with her. Even the teacher said, "It's not easy. It's an excellent child." I asked my daughter, "Do you think it's not easy for you?" She shook her head and said, "No, it's not easy. I feel very relaxed and happy." My daughter and I encouraged and supported each other. My daughter has many advantages that make me feel inferior to her. Having been ill for nearly two years, my daughter has always been strong and sunny in the face of diabetes. Whenever an unknown person asks her what she has on her waist? (When dancing or in life) Her daughter always tells her frankly: "This is an insulin pump, which is used to control blood sugar." When she went to school, she took a blood glucose meter with her. When it was low, she would supplement sugar in time. When it was high, she would calculate the additional amount and deal with high blood sugar in time. She loves learning and sports. Her intelligence, strength, optimism and sunshine affect her relatives and friends around her, changing their fear and ignorance of diabetes.

This year, my daughter is 12 years old. She got a total score of 200 points in the exam for primary school to junior high school. Her daughter got 192 points in the exam, and the exam was very casual and not nervous. After the summer vacation, she started school as a middle school student. There are sugar girls at home. There is no sadness, helplessness and despair, but more efforts, self-improvement and happiness. The daughter said, "I am very happy with my mother. After I got sick, I know better to thank my mother for her upbringing, and thank DM for making me cherish life and a better life. I am determined to make my mother happy and be a strong person in life." This is my daughter, my pride, With her, I am satisfied in this life.

Female Composition (11)

My deskmate is a female classmate. She wears a pair of glasses, long eyelashes and a small mouth like a cherry.

She has a nice name - Van Gaffe. You must feel strange about this name. How can anyone call it? I tell you, this name actually has meaning. "Fan" is her father's surname; "Plus" means plus; "Fei" is her mother's surname. The meaning of the whole name is: be as smart and capable as your parents.

Her academic performance is not good, every time she asks me to copy her homework. I think, I am a class cadre, it is prohibited students to copy homework. Therefore, every time I will resolutely 'say no'!

Poor study is her shortcoming, but she also has advantages. She likes to tell jokes to her classmates. Every time after class, our classmates don't run outside and listen to her jokes with relish! So all the teachers call our class "Happy Class". The credit is not hers.

She also appeared in the sports meeting!

I remember last time she won the first place in the 100 meters race, the third place in the 400 meters race, the first place in the 800 meters race, and the third place in the high jump.

Last spring outing, a female classmate in our class wanted to vomit. She immediately gave her last carsickness medicine to the female classmate, but she finally vomited.

That's how she is!

Female Composition (12)

Once, in class, a violent woman at the same table used her "iron tongs" to strangle my arm, and I cried out in pain. I was just going to tell the teacher that her iron clamp magic skill has become the ultimate must kill skill. I had to say: "Uncle Zhang, please forgive me!" But her gender is female or not male. I should call her "Aunt Zhang". But she gave me a clear slap again. I was almost killed by her with a dog's head. My face was very soft, but she almost broke it. If I don't listen to her, she will give me a big meal of pliers to eat, and I am almost killed by her. My legs are colorful. You may not know what this is, but I know that I was almost torn apart by her.

Finally, I begged her not to hit me, and she finally let me go. But the "Qingzi" on my leg won't let me go. I go to school every day thinking about what to do on this day, whether to be sent to hell or go to heaven. I will be prepared for my life in peace.

When I got home, I told my mother. Mother said: "If people don't offend me, I will not offend. If people offend me, I will. Your deskmate is too cruel!" Mother wanted to cry after hearing this. I also wanted to resist, but I was too afraid. I was afraid that she would "torture" more severely.

I strongly urge the teacher to change his deskmate: SOS! HELP!

Can my life be saved? Please make a decision for me, Mr. He!

Female Composition (13)

Suddenly, Luo Jia felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He suddenly looked back and saw a young woman standing in front of him with a shabby face, thin cheeks and a skinny body. Then he was so surprised that he thought he was living in a dream and didn't wake up. That young woman is Guan Wenxin. Before Luo Jia could make a squeak, Wen Xin smiled and said, "Long time no see, how are you recently? "Her voice hasn't changed at all, but it's very strange to Luo Jia. Luo's face doesn't change:" I've forgotten about you, and of course I'm having a good time. "Wenxin stroked Luo's face with her already rough hand:" You lied, but you didn't forget it. I can see that you are still living in regret. In the past, you were willing to be cruel to others for your own sake, but now you are willing to hold all your unhappiness in your heart and tell others nothing. I want to talk to you!

The two came to the small bridge where Luo proposed to Wenxin before. It was getting dark, and the golden lights around the Kongming Lantern lit up their faces very clearly. But there seems to be no shadow of the past in their eyes, only the present. No, I just want to live in the present, not go back to the past. Luo and Wenxin seem to have survived through many years of ups and downs.

Wenxin looked at Luo and said, "Are you surprised? Why am I still alive? " Luo Xin was absent-minded and just answered like he was coping, "Strange, what have you been doing for so many years?" Wen Xin smiled calmly, "Last time at the wedding, I was blown unconscious, and you all left the scene at last. I was unconscious for several days and nights, but fortunately, a couple saved me. They took me home and helped me bandage the wound. Later, I woke up but lost my memory. Then the couple tried to restore my memory. Then I want to come to you... "Luo put his body on his back and took a painful breath:" Don't come to me anymore, and live the life you want! "

"What I want is that you can accompany me, you... I can't leave you.", Luo is ready to go. Wen Xin stopped him and said, "Wait, if you will accept me..." Luo said loudly, "It's impossible. Annie needs my love more than you do. "Then he left firmly.

A few days later, Luo Jia attended Annie's birthday party, but Annie's seat was taken by Luo Jia. It was his turn to speak on the stage. He dragged a heavy step with tears in his eyes. He said in a hoarse voice: "Everybody, today I said to her as Annie's lover that I would spend my whole life making up for my mistakes and would never get married in this life. Because only Annie deserves my love. Although she has left, I will take care of her family, handle her family affairs and help her take care of everything. Please supervise.

It's raining outside. Tick tock, it seems to drip into people's hearts; There was no trace of people on the street, and the sludge on both sides of the road was washed away by the crystal rain without any trace.

Female Composition (14)

I also have a very personal characteristic: that is, I love to laugh. People say that girls who love to laugh are lucky. Ha ha, the longer you laugh, the healthier you are. But when I laugh, I don't look like a fair lady at all, let alone the silver bell like voice of other girls, but a standard loud, cheerful, unbridled laugh. Mom often said, "When you smile, you can't pay attention to your personal image, lady? You grin and giggle every day." "Oh, I see." Although I said yes on the surface, I could not control my smile next time, showing two big white front teeth. As for why I love to laugh so much? My classmates said that my laughing point was too low; My mother said I was boyish. I don't deny this, because I am a careless person, unlike other girls who are gentle and quiet. Why do you smile like this? I think it must have something to do with your personality

This is me, a careless, boyish "fan" woman.

Female Composition (15)

My first meeting with her was in the corridor outside the classroom. My first impression of her was that she was straightforward and generous, but not that kind of "cute girl". A neat ponytail, a uniform skirt, a pair of flat shoes, and a "man" like step make people know that she is a strong woman! Sure enough, in the later relationship, her character was just like what I said.

She is like a big sister, humorous and generous with seriousness, sometimes cheerful, sometimes rigorous in her class. I feel relaxed and happy in her class. Sometimes, when some students don't listen in class, she will remind them with humorous voice; Sometimes, she is just like a child. She is always very childish to touch here and look there; Sometimes, she is also a "fire extinguisher". When other teachers are angry, she will teach us and comfort them at the same time; Sometimes, she is like an "Altman". When students have difficulties, she will stand up and "uphold justice".

In learning, she always tries her best to teach us. Before the exam, she will review all the knowledge she has taught. Every time we review a lesson, she will first tell us how to arrange the lesson, then let us recite the materials, and finally dictate. If we don't get the ideal results, she will always be in front of the podium and analyze the reasons for us.

In daily life, she is more like an elder sister than a teacher. She also knows "Chaoren Chaoyu", such as: "What do you think of Yuanfang?" "I can't do it!" This is one of the reasons why I like her. She will see things with our eyes and communicate with us in our language. She has a childlike innocence, and sometimes she is cute!

She still has many characteristics. Do you know who she is? She is my Chinese teacher - Yu Huan.

Female Composition (16)

Now let me introduce the rules of the competition: each group draws three players as "cattle" to participate in the competition. The teacher pastes the words on the back of the "cattle", and the "cattle" put their hands on the words. The music starts. The "cattle" look at the words on their opponents' backs, but they can't take their hands away. Otherwise, it's a foul. They can only use other parts to help themselves see the words on their opponents' backs, If you see the words on your opponent's back before the end of the music, raise your hand and say it out to win. Two wins in three games.

The first game was Dai Yuhong of our men's women team and Jin Shengzhe of T-Bone Bull. They walked up with confidence. After a fierce match, our women men team won. The second game was the match between Cui Jinran and Tang Mingrun, who stood in line for our women's men's team. Although Tang Mingrun had been staring at Cui Jinran with fierce eyes and wanted to beat our "cattle" with momentum, he failed in the end, and the victory finally belonged to our women's men's team.

The most exciting thing is the third game, which is the match between Shao Ruisinan of our men's women team and Du Xinye of T-Bone Bull queue. They went up with high morale. First, Shao Rui Sinan launched an attack and pushed Du Xinye away with his arm, but Du Xinye's back was firmly attached to the wall as if there was a glue. No matter how Shao Rui Sinan pushed, he would not move. Shao Rui Sinan refused to give up and stared at Du Xinye. Du Xinye could not resist. In a hurry, he blew a breath on Shao Rui Sinan's face. Shao Rui Sinan refused to be outdone and blew a breath on his face. After a while, Shao Rui Sinan pushed Du Xinye to the door. Seeing that our teammates had the upper hand, the audience of our team were very happy and cheered for Shao Rui Sinan. At this time, Shao Rui Sinan had already seen the one point one vertical hook. Shao Rui Sinan made a sudden effort. She clearly saw the word "small" and raised her hand to report to the teacher. This time, our women men team won again.

We are happy to shout for our women men's team. This is our women men's team's bullfight, winning 3-0.

Female Composition (17)

When I was young, I grew taller than my friends around me, so I came to me for help in all kinds of hard work: I picked fruits that I couldn't reach in the trees, grasshoppers that I couldn't catch in the grass, and sometimes books that boys couldn't move would have to be moved for me. Because of this, my parents always criticize me. I remember once, I was really in a big trouble, and I was shut up in the small dark room in a fit of pique.

This small black room is in the most corner of our house. There are always old stools, farm tools and other sundries in it. I have never come in. But now, the door was closed tightly, only a crack at the bottom of the door showed a ray of light, and I suddenly felt creepy. After a while, I heard a small sound coming out of the darkness, which was gentle at first, but became more and more obvious later. "Squeak... Squeak..." By the light, I seemed to see a mass of things moving at a very fast speed, and there seemed to be a tail behind me. After a while, it stopped, stood on a pile of debris, looked at me with a pair of thievish eyes, which flashed in the dark, as if to say, "Who are you? Why are you coming to my territory?", While crying, he shouted: "Dad, open the door quickly... Dad, I know I'm wrong!" However, my hard hearted dad just didn't respond to me, and the mouse, seeing my appearance, continued to stare at me with hungry wolf like eyes, and approached me step by step. It was about to touch my shoes. I was so scared that I couldn't care about anything. I kicked and kicked at the door and wished I could break the door. When the mouse heard this, it was very excited, and then made a "squeaky squeaky" sound. In my opinion, the devil's laughter was better than this.

Maybe it was my strange movement that my father finally let me out. When he saw me, he was surprised and pulled me to the mirror. I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was covered with runny nose and tears, and even my braids were scattered. I looked like a little maniac.

Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, once said: "The fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrible than the danger itself." Yes, timidity has become the biggest worry of a "woman" like me.

Female Composition (18)

Wu Leshuang is both my deskmate and the team leader of our group. Although she is a girl, she claims: I am violent, please don't cheat. Otherwise, you will be punished by my powerful moves, such as Nine Yin White Bone Claw, Foshan shadowless foot, invincible thousand hand pinching, Tiannv Scattering Flower Skill, etc. First, let's learn about these four unique skills: Nine Yin White Bone Claw features: girls' patent, invincible, can leave a blood mark, so that boys see the "scar" cowardly; The characteristics of Foshan's shadowless feet: flying sand and rolling stones, extremely mysterious; The characteristics of invincible hand pinching: various styles, easy operation; Tiannv Scattering Flowers Skill: powerful tools, unable to dodge.

What happened yesterday came to everyone's eyes: Wu Leshuang, the group leader, checked the students' homework. When it was my turn to check my homework, I was talking to others without understanding the times. I didn't take my homework for a long time, but I accidentally stepped on Wu Leshuang. Shaking with fright, I apologized to her quickly: "Lord Wu, sorry! I didn't mean to." Wu Leshuang immediately used one of the four greatest moves: Tiannv Scattering Flowers. He picked up a stack of books and hit me. I'm no match at all. I was beaten to tears and ran away.

Time came again the day before yesterday. I was looking up my math homework. I saw my homework and found that a very simple calculation problem was completely wrong. She then used her "invincible hand" to pinch my ear and said, "Come and have a look. You dare make mistakes on such a simple and clear topic. "Just kneel down and beg for mercy. I dare not make similar mistakes again.

Ah! God, does Wu Leshuang really want to step on our boys? At last, the team members reached a consensus that only by studying hard and abiding by discipline can they become outstanding.