Misspelling in Composition (15 practical articles)
2024-05-27 03:59:00
primary school

Misspelling in Composition (1)

Alas, whether adults or children, there will be some mistakes in this "harmful" character. Let me tell you a story. You will laugh at it. Do you miss it?

The story unfolds: a classmate named Xiaogang likes to write wrongly, which makes him the most "brave" person unintentionally.

That day, Xiaogang was happily playing football on the grass. Xiaohong came out of the classroom quickly with a roll of paper in her hand. She said to Xiaogang mysteriously, "You know? Now everyone says you are the bravest person!" Xiaogang scratched his head with his hand and began to think about entering Africa: Am I a hero by accident? Out of curiosity, Xiaogang picked up the ball and walked slowly with Xiaohong on the way back to the class. In the middle of the walk, Xiaogang finally couldn't help himself and asked happily in a loud voice, "Why do you praise me like this?" Xiaohong stopped, "sly" asked, "Do you really want to know? Xiaogang firmly said," Yes, I want to know! "" OK, that's what you said! "Xiaohong opened the roll of paper as she said, "This is what you wrote in your composition: 'Go away with your intestines'. Don't even have your intestines. Isn't this the most' brave 'person?" Xiaogang heard and looked again and again, he was shocked with a cold sweat, his face was red like a mature apple, his hands kept grabbing the back of his head, and his foot ball fell off unconsciously

Alas, this "harmful" typo, when can we leave!

Misspelling in Composition (2)

Chinese characters are Chinese fonts and part of Chinese culture. Different characters have different meanings. What if they are written incorrectly? Let's have a look at the partners of the Kingdom of Chinese Characters!

One day, I dreamt that I had entered the kingdom of Chinese characters, where Chinese characters are dynamic and can speak. I thought it was very novel, so I kept walking inside and thought: This is really great! As I walked, I saw an extremely grand and spectacular castle. Seeing many people go to the castle, I also wanted to see what the castle looked like, so I mixed into the crowd. When I came to the castle, I felt like I had reached a fairyland. Entering the hall, the hall is full of common sense about Chinese characters. I guess the king of the castle must like Chinese characters very much. As I watched, I walked and finally came to a door. However, I found that all the people in front of me had left in dismay. What the hell is going on here? When it was my turn to go in, the soldier in front of the door said, "Say a four word word describing happiness!" I thought, "It's not easy!" Without thinking, I blurted out, "Be happy

After I went in, I walked for a long time, and finally heard the voice of the king. I ran to him excitedly. The king gave me some medical supplies and let me out. After I went out, there were many Chinese characters wearing aprons beside me. I thought to myself: This is not my servant, is it? When I entered my house in the Kingdom of Chinese Characters and was admiring my room, they eagerly asked me to put on my work clothes and go out. After I came out, I actually became the savior of the kingdom of Chinese characters. When I arrived at the ward, there were many Chinese characters waiting for me. I sat at the clinic table, and "towel" said to me, "I always feel that there is something missing recently. People all over the world have no money. Am I sick? Woo -- Woo --!" I looked at it and said, "You are all right. You are just missing something. Let me add it to you!" I drew a hat for it with my pen, and all the money in the world came back. There are still many patients waiting for my treatment, but I have no time. I return to real life.

As you can see, this misspelling is very powerful. Don't misspell in the future! Otherwise, the world may be in chaos!

Misspelling in Composition (3)

In people's lives, typos are almost everywhere, and some children who have not yet grown up do not fully grasp the Chinese writing method; Some are careless people who accidentally make mistakes in pursuit of writing speed; Some were written wrongly by teachers to test students' mastery; Some intentionally misspell the store name to attract customers.

Today, we are going to learn about the fourth mistake - deliberately writing wrong store names to attract customers' attention. This seems to have affected the beginners' cognition of handwriting, as well as the change of foreigners' attitudes towards our knowledge and culture. Walking on the busy street, the wrong characters in the shop name seemed to jump into our eyes before we took two steps. What are the "clothes beauty" clothing stores, what are the "Shangguo Romance" shirt stores, what are the "Internet cafes with deep love", what are the "food in" restaurants and so on. These store names are very ingenious and interesting. But I looked at the people who passed by. They looked at the shop name as they walked. The shop name really attracted people's attention! I was going to find out. I went into the shop and asked, "Why do you choose such a wrong name?" The shopkeeper replied, "It's a new name. Customers like to come here. You see, business is booming."

It seems that typos are not only a cultural problem, but also a great social hazard. In the eyes of the shopkeeper, this may be just a business method, but it is just a trivial method, which is disapproved by others, but it is like a disaster in our eyes. Let me give you an example. "Shishizai" is a beautiful and ancient word in China. It is used to describe a person who is down-to-earth, steady and down-to-earth. Instead, it was changed to "food is here", which means food is here. This is an insult to the Chinese characters that have been handed down for more than 5000 years. I believe that Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world, a language with a long history and culture... But these annoying shop owners use this beautiful, ancient, like people's pillars to serve their own interests, How can this be worthy of our China? I would rather not pay tens of thousands of dollars for a wrong store name in exchange for countless benefits. We can't disregard the dignity of the country for money! Money is an external thing. We should consider the public and the country more seriously.

I hope that there will be no wrong characters in the world and people's lives, which will add a perfect touch to the Chinese character civilization. Let everyone respect China!

Misspelling in Composition (4)

The world famous Chinese characters are regarded by many foreigners as "Rubik's cube characters", which have infinite charm. Today, more and more foreigners come to learn, and Chinese characters are increasingly promoted. However, some people in our society not only do not master it, but also use it indiscriminately, which makes many wrong characters and non-standard characters appear on the streets and lanes.

Why did the Young Pioneers take to the streets to carry out activities to find wrong and non-standard characters? The reason is that these wrong characters and non-standard characters bring a lot of trouble to social life and production, and even cause irreparable losses. For example, when a factory in Xinjian printed a trademark, it printed "Urumqi" into "Bird Lumuqi", and the trademark fee of several hundred thousand yuan was due to a typo‘ Don't you think it's a pity that you have failed? When we middle school students practice, they often make typographical mistakes. For example, some people write "hang" instead of "raise". Some people write addresses carelessly when sending letters, for example, write "civilian run" instead of "civilian run" in Fuzhou, which makes it difficult for the post office to recognize and delay some important things. We teenagers are learning knowledge. If we don't pay attention to the pronunciation, shape and meaning of words, and don't pay attention to the elimination of wrong words when we learn, then when we enter the society, it will cause various harm to the society. If the precious cultural heritage of Chinese characters is destroyed in the hands of our generation, how can we face our ancestors and explain to future generations? Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate typographical and non-standard characters.

Young Pioneers in Beijing took to the streets and found the number of typos surprising. This is the case in the streets of the capital, and it is even more conceivable in other places. It can be seen that too many people in society do not pay attention to the correct use of our own words. Every one of us should write Chinese characters correctly. Only in this way can the typos on the streets disappear, so that everyone can see neat and standard Chinese characters.

As the saying goes, mistakes are not terrible. The key is how to be willing to deal with them. The education department and the publishing house have provided us with many reference books. When we are confused in writing and reading, we should make full use of reference books. Every Chinese should write Chinese characters correctly. It is also a basic skill that we teenagers must master.

Everything is afraid of the word "serious". I think. Let's all get serious. Start from yourself and try to cultivate the good habit of not writing wrong characters. If you write Chinese characters correctly and strive for the purity of the motherland's language, there will be no place to hide the wrong characters.

Misspelling in Composition (5)

If you write a wrong character, you may make a huge joke. This joke will make the person who wrote the wrong character embarrassed. Let me give you some typical examples!

First, his mother is 36 years old today. Wow! I don't know who is so powerful. If his mother is 36 today, 37 tomorrow, 38 the day after tomorrow, and 39 the day after tomorrow... 63 days later, we will not be 100 years old. We have lived for 90 years, but his mother only lived for 90 days, which is only three months! That's still a baby! It's so outrageous!

The second sentence came on the stage: this is the mother of Ogata, who has made great efforts for her family. I have a question, is his mother's tail very big? I think this sentence can be described in squirrels, not in humans.

The third sentence came in response: My right hand grasped the bottle handle, my right hand grasped the bottle body, and my hot hand flowed out of the bottle. My God? I doubt how small this student's hand is, and his little hand becomes hot after soaking in hot water, which is really a miracle.

The last sentence: Li Qing's first article "This is Me" in Volume I of Grade 5 Switch: My sentence is called Li Bed, and I am 11 years old this year. At the beginning of the first article "My Autobiography" in Volume II of Grade 5: My name is Li Bai, and I am 12 years old this year. Hehe: This student wrote himself into a bed, hehe! Did Li Bai return to his youth? The poet has passed away. Unexpectedly, he has turned 12 again! ha-ha!

"Wrong characters" are known to everyone, everyone has them, and we need to avoid them as much as possible, otherwise they may become a "spectacle".

Misspelling in Composition (6)

In class today, the teacher gave each student a composition book at random, but it was not his own. The students immediately began to "chatter" below, and the classroom suddenly burst into flames. The teacher asked everyone to be quiet when he was busy, and wrote a few big words on the blackboard - "catch" wrong words. When the students saw this, they all raised their hands. Some asked, "How can I catch this wrong character?" Some said, "It's not a small fish or shrimp. How can I catch it?" The teacher answered everyone's questions one by one.

I looked back at the book in my hand. It was the book of Ge Weiqi, who always bullied me. I could not help thinking that I would never stop without carefully "catching" him for a few wrong words. Thinking of this, I opened his notebook and "caught" him. After a careful search, I finally "caught" him with three wrong characters. The first is the teacher's word "teacher". He wrote the head, and I drew a small circle at the beginning, and the worker next to me wrote the correct word "teacher". The second word is the most ridiculous. Ge Weiqi wrote the word "foot" next to the word "stone" of "touch". I pointed to the wrong character and approached Lu Yue. I followed the Japanese voice in the movie and said in a strange voice: "Your -- Ge Weiqi's -- made a big mistake and should be punished heavily! Heavy punishment!" To make Lu Yue "giggle", I also said in that voice: "Yes, yes, should be punished heavily!" The third word was "drum", He wrote "four incongruities", which made me think for a long time before I realized that he wrote the word "drum".

While "catching" the wrong characters, everyone said: "" Catching "the wrong characters is not only fun, but also reminds us to pay attention to writing in the future and let the teacher" catch "our wrong characters less".

Misspelling in Composition (7)

We can't read, read newspapers, write articles and send WeChat without Chinese characters. Chinese characters are the most attractive symbols and business cards in China. They are also the carrier of our mother tongue to express our feelings, and an important tool for all our activities. However, in daily life, due to people's carelessness or deliberate misinterpretation, typos are constantly emerging in advertisements, books, television, and the Internet. Some people are sad, some are disappointed, some are confused, and some are strongly dissatisfied.

If you go shopping, as long as you have a little heart, you will find that typos are everywhere. Look! The word "acne", "youth of war pox", was originally "fight", but was tampered with by commodity acne cream; "Observing the beauty and color" has been changed to "tea beauty and color"; Pang Da Pai, written as "Pang Da Pai"; "Hongyun Furniture Store" was written as "Hongyun Furniture Store"; "Bitten egg" is written as "Bitten Dan". There are numerous similar situations.

When my father and I watched TV, we often looked for typos on the subtitles together. Some of Liu Yuxi's poems "Tao is not clear, but there is clear" have become "Tao is ruthless but there is love"; Some people regard "shyness" as "shyness"; Some people put "precarious" into "and dangerous", which is ironic.

Nowadays, people like to use SMS, WeChat and QQ to send greetings and express good wishes. I also found many typos in these blessing messages. For example, "Merry Christmas to you!" was changed to "Happy eggs left!" Whenever I saw these wrong words, I would be dumbfounded.

In public, businesses may use wrong characters to advertise and write signboards, which may have a good intention to attract attention and arouse people's curiosity, but they do not know that this is disrespect or even blasphemy for Chinese characters; What's more, these typos may provide wrong information to foreigners and children who are just beginning to learn Chinese characters. Whether intentionally or because of ignorance or carelessness, you should correct the wrong characters in a timely manner.

Chinese characters, the most beautiful characters in the world, have irreplaceable meanings in every stroke, and its side capital shows unique charm. The cursive script is bold, the running script is splashed with ink, and the regular script is meticulous... Chinese characters are our most sincere friends, thinking what you want, saying what you want to say; It is it that sets up the bridge of our friendship and arouses the resonance of our hearts. Let's take action, eliminate wrong characters, stay away from wrong characters, and be the guardian god of beautiful Chinese characters!

Misspelling in Composition (8)

Today, the teacher assigned a task to us to go to the street to find the wrong words and strive to be a "woodpecker." In the afternoon, my mother took me to Nanhua University on Hongxiang Road, where I looked left and right, afraid that any "bug" would slip away.

Eh! This shop is so strange. Is it right to decorate the whole thing with beauty? "Decoration" should be "ten". The correct writing should be "perfect"! I immediately asked my mother, who smiled and said to me; "That's someone else's idea, should it be possible?" I interrupted him immediately. She retorted: "Even creativity can't use wrong characters!" My mother saw my serious face and said to me, or you can go in and ask yourself, so I decided to go straight in. Make sure the boss corrects the typos. But as soon as I got to the store, I hesitated. After a period of ideological struggle, I finally got up the courage to walk to the store. When I came to the counter, I said politely, "Auntie! The signboard of your store is wrong, would you please correct it

All the trinkets are girls' favorite, so I deliberately wrote "all the trinkets are beautiful" to tell customers that the trinkets I sell here are complete and beautiful, which I use to attract customers After listening to my aunt's explanation, I was a little embarrassed, but I still got up the courage to say to her: "Even so, you should put quotation marks on the decorations, so that people won't misunderstand" Hmm! I know this mistake. I will put quotation marks on the signboard next time I modify it. Thank you, little friend! "

Then I saw that "the best of both worlds" was written as "the best of both worlds" by a bakery who sold hand grabbed cakes. Later, along the way, I also saw the advertisement at the entrance of the drugstore that said "It is urgent to delay" was written as "cough is urgent".

When I go home, I will think of these "small episodes", which is really not a taste in my heart. I think that I often write wrong characters, and this homework assigned by my teacher today reminds me that I must write standard characters in the future, and try to make as few mistakes as possible.

Misspelling in Composition (9)

In our study and life, we often encounter some "pests". These "pests" will not only affect our achievements, but also sometimes bring trouble to our lives. These "pests" are our common mistakes!

As for the harm of typos, let's look at the following examples!

A few years ago, the Palace Museum in Beijing lost several treasures, so they called the police. The police were very helpful, and they caught the thief a few days later. The Palace Museum was extremely grateful, and quickly sent a banner to the police, which said: "Shake the motherland and be strong, defend the Kyoto Tai'an." Just after the news was released, netizens left and exploded, and they all commented online, This is what the uneducated people do. They mistook the word "defend" for "shake"! What a shame!

Let's get together again to enjoy a misleading "pest" style!

If one day you ride your beloved "little electric donkey" to do business, and just want to stop, suddenly look up and see a dazzling banner that says, "There are options for parking vehicles, remember to park in remote places!" What should you do? People have told you to stop at "remote places". I dare tell you that if you stop, congratulations will be gone! At this time, when you feel vaguely that there is something wrong with this banner, haha, you can only tell that "remember" should be "do not", a word difference, a thousand miles!

If a child who has just learned a few words goes to play in the mountain with his family, after a while, the child asks his family for a lighter and sets a fire on the mountain. Don't blame the child. You should know that the big banner at the entrance of the forest clearly reads: "Everyone is responsible for setting fire in the forest!" As for which word is "pest", I don't think I need to explain it!

There are many examples like this, so I won't give more! But I always remind myself, study hard, can't let these "pests" invade my life!

Misspelling in Composition (10)

Chinese is a kind of beauty that touches every bit of life, a kind of transformation after thinking, experience after hesitation, admiration after erudition, and experience after remodeling. This is what Lu Xun said. In a word, but in today's society, it may not be all right, because the error rate in the screen greatly exceeds your imagination! "I have been engaged in Chinese all my life, but now I can neither understand nor understand Chinese," said a professor of Sun Yat sen University.

Yes, with the development of society, a serious "virus" has entered our country. This virus is called typography. On the street, in the newspaper, in the film, in the advertisement... typos can be seen everywhere.

When you stroll with your friends in the street, a few wrong words suddenly appear in front of you. What will your mood be like?

The small blackboard of the grocery store reads: "White wine, beer wine, all kinds of wine."; At the door of the fruit store, there is a sign of "Ma Xiangjiao, Green Ping Fruit..."; "Dingche Factory" is printed on the wall of the parking lot. When you see these notices, you may laugh heartily or have some association. But what will happen when there is no immunity for children in the outside world?

In film and television, advertising is essential, but there are many "invisible bombs" hidden in them! For example, the advertisement of mosquito repellent incense says "Silent without mosquitoes"; The beauty shop's "I shape, I shape"; The "joy of riding" of motorcycles is endless.

Our generation has received orthodox Chinese education and grown up with multiple choice questions to identify wrong characters, but now it is increasingly difficult to understand the world. When chatting online, typos are everywhere, and the use of typos in advertising language has even become fashionable: "You are so good, I like you so much."

On the one hand, these "new new languages" also fully demonstrate China's rich language and culture, so that everyone can see at a glance, save time and effort, why not? But on the other hand, the negative impact is really great! Not only is it wrong for disciples, but also some idioms will be forgotten over time!

Misspelling in Composition (11)

In our life, we can see typos everywhere. Wrong characters have brought us many misunderstandings and troubles, and even caused economic losses. So, how to avoid typos?

First of all, we should identify the wrong characters and "find out" the wrong characters in life. For example, sometimes in street promotions, some sellers will write "Kuzi" for "pants" and "Dong" for "joy", which makes people unable to understand and make jokes.

I read a true story: a noodle factory in Urumqi bought 10 tons of plastic bags from Japan, but because the staff did not carefully inspect the plastic bags, when they were transported across the sea, careful customs officers found that the words "Urumqi" and "Urumqi" were written as "birds", which made 180000 yuan go to waste. I have learned a similar lesson. I remember one time when I wrote "down" into "long" in an exam. At that time, I didn't check it out. I thought what I wrote was right, and I was secretly glad that I had reviewed before the exam, otherwise I might not be able to write it. After the paper was handed out, the teacher put a big red cross on my question and wrote the correct words next to the question. I was very surprised. How could I write it wrong? And this is the wrong one, and the score of the whole question is lost. It seems that this typo is really harmful! As a student, we should make up our minds to eliminate wrong words.

How to avoid typos?

I often use the method of "divide and sum" to remember Chinese characters and avoid typos. For example, the word "wing" can be divided into "feather", "field" and "total"; The golden order -- jingle, king order -- is a name, small and exquisite, really cute; Small earth -- dust, small big -- sharp, fish and sheep -- fresh, wrong is wrong

This way of memorizing characters is really effective. It not only avoids typos, but also makes me have a strong interest in learning Chinese and Chinese characters. Of course, there are many ways to avoid typos. We should use various methods to reduce typos and learn our Chinese characters and Chinese well.

Misspelling in Composition (12)

Our motherland, China, has invented Chinese characters, which is the pride of our Chinese nation. As primary school students, we should learn Chinese characters well. However, on the street and in the shops, we often see some typos. In order not to let everyone stop making these mistakes, our family of four held a "shopping mall typography" activity.

Participants: my brother, my mother and father

Time: December 22, December 23

Venue: Wanda Plaza

First of all, we came to a comb shop, but as soon as we entered the shop, my mother forgot all about her business and happily selected all kinds of combs. Dad looked up and saw a striking wooden sign that said, "I am good at curing the root causes.". My father walked forward and asked the clerk, "Why is it engraved with 'I am good at governance'?" The clerk gave my father a book, turned over a few pages, and handed it to my father: "The 'I am good at governance' was copied from here, and you can read it yourself."

It's so thick. It's a dozen pages, and you can find it word by word. When do you want to find it! So I helped my father find it. Suddenly, four beautiful small characters came into my eyes - I am good at managing trees. Dad pointed to the words, smiled and said, "This is how we can get in touch with the comb shop!" Dad and I told the clerk about this "great discovery". The clerk thanked us repeatedly, and Dad and I looked at each other with a smile.

When I walked out of the comb shop, the sun was sticking out its red tongue. It was a bit hot, so I asked my father to buy me a drink. I looked at the name of the product, what it was, the pear went away, the peach death event... It was the homonym used by the merchant to promote the product, and the taste was not very good. I asked my father to buy me a cup of coke.

On the way, I saw "core values" hanging on the left caption. I looked carefully and found that "democracy" was printed as "Ming Zhu". I couldn't help laughing.

Irregular use of words will not only cause confusion, but also may make people laugh. We should standardize the use of words. Standardize the use of words, starting from you and me, starting from the side.

Misspelling in Composition (13)

I hummed a song and walked leisurely in the International Trade Street, where most advertisements were posted. And look left and right while walking.

What am I looking forward to? Ha ha, guess! In fact, I'm here to find fault. Quickspot? Yes, I'm here to find the wrong words on the street!

Maybe you think I'm full, but it's not a glorious task that Mr. Cheng doesn't know how to give everyone! I walked aimlessly, watching the small advertisements along the road. What a surprise! One by one, people seeking notices, dog seeking notices, cat seeking notices, house buying notices, are really various and colorful! I was dazzled and shocked.

Look, look. The "contact" couplet on the notice was written as "link". The "jacket" of "wearing a small jacket" on the dog search notice was printed as "fake gram". The "Jiangbin Community" on the house sale notice was written as "Jiangbing Community". The streets and alleys were covered with small advertisements, and there were ten or two wrong characters! Go to see if there are any typos on the signboard!

I found another wrong character. The kindness of the friendly hotel is written as three horizontal lines. I hurried in and talked to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper listened and accepted my opinion modestly. The meeting kept saying to me, "Thank you, thank you." I was embarrassed. yeah! I'm very happy. Keep up the good work! After that, I didn't get less praise, but I didn't get less setbacks. The following is an example of my frustration.

I found that on the menu at the door, fish, that is, braised fish in brown sauce, was written in a different character. When I walked into the store, the owner was a fierce man. I looked at him and boldly said, "Uncle, the fish character on the menu at your door is wrong!" The uncle said angrily, "No, you child, make trouble. Don't disturb my business. Go away, go away!" I repeatedly discouraged him. The uncle became more and more fierce and unreasonable. I left angry and disappointed.

I hope everyone will take action to stop street typos in the world!

Misspelling in Composition (14)

At 9:00 on Sunday morning, our group came to Shekou Old Street to investigate typographical errors.

Looking around, those words are neat and there is no wrong word at all. It seems that people's lives in the old streets have been improved and become more high-tech. But really not? We are not willing to go back like this. So all five of us stared at each other carefully

As we walked, we came to a grocery store. Li Borong looked up and immediately shouted, "Ouch! What is computer supplies?" I looked up? It's really strange! The word "computer supplies" sounds awkward! Whatever, write it down first. However, after checking the information, I learned that "computer supplies" are not mispronounced. Computer supplies generally refer to paper, ink, ink cartridges, etc.

There is still no new discovery, and everyone is a little frustrated. At this moment, I suddenly found that they wrote "three points of water" as two points of water. Ha! These people are really careless! Finally, we found a wrong character. We finally got up and continued to look for it.

All the way, I heard Xie Han yelling after me: "The water supply man wrote the wrong words! Ha ha!" We ran to see, didn't we! The "He" on the right side of the word is somehow crossed in the middle! Ha! We have found two wrong characters! continue!

When we came to a western restaurant, I looked closely. There was a sandwich on the menu at the door. After a careful look, the introduction beside it said: "Famous Three Women's Treatments". It can't be true! Such an obvious mistake!

Why are there typos? Maybe it's because people didn't pay attention when they wrote, and it's because they were careless; The other is that people deliberately use these words "makeup" to attract people to buy their own things.

After such a long circle, only three wrong characters were found. It can be seen that people today pay attention to the method and accuracy of using words. In the future, we should pay attention to the accuracy of words in our homework and life, or we will make a big joke!

Misspelling in Composition (15)

Laughter came out of the class again and again, like a wave. Laughter wave after wave will overturn the ceiling! What's going on here? "Ha ha..." Look, here we go again.

Just after class, I saw my classmates writing something. I was curious and ran to see it. When I saw him writing a novel, I read it and giggled like crazy. Others almost said I was crazy. This is what he wrote.

One day, the hero in the distance wrote a letter to his parents - Mom and Dad, I have a good life here, and Lin Dawang (mother) will take good care of me and bite (wake) me up every day

"Poof! Ha ha..." I laughed. Others asked me: "What's so funny? It's just like a psycho." "Look!" I took the novel book and a few seconds later, others laughed like they were shocked. Some touched their bellies, some held their backs, some bent over with laughter... And the student who wrote the wrong characters blushed and pulled the novel back.

Class, we still remember it! Some are still laughing. "Your teacher is ill today, studying by himself!" said the substitute teacher. I glanced at the composition, and the teacher was correcting our composition. Suddenly, the teacher's face changed from skin color to white, and then from white to red. Finally, I couldn't help laughing: "Ha ha ha!" The teacher's laughter attracted us. I really couldn't help but sneak up, and took a look on the excuse of not being able to work on the topic. Suddenly, I also bent over laughing, laughing and crying. The above is my deskmate's composition. There is a sentence like this: "When we walked out of the door and saw a pile of dog poop, I ate a pound (surprised), my mother also ate a pound, and my father also ate a pound; when we arrived at a friend's house, my friend didn't believe me, so I took him to see it, and he also ate a pound." The teacher couldn't help but stand up and said: "Who is this? Whose notebook?" My deskmate stood up, "You...... Ah, cough! There are too many typos, and the word" eat a big surprise "is written as" eat a big jin "." The teacher projected that sentence, and suddenly laughed like a thunderstorm, and came out one after another "lightning". After class, everyone said, "This is simply a collection of typos in our class!"

The next class is composition class. I found that everyone stopped fighting and stared at the composition book for fear of making a joke.