100 maxims of happiness and love
Companion is better than a thousand words
2023-04-12 11:00:31
A complete set of maxims

1. Love but not love, love but not love.

2. You are everything when you are here, and everything is you when you are not here!

3. It turns out that all love has its own flowering time.

4. It is better to wait for heaven in hell than to continue dreaming in memory.

5. I'm afraid I can't find you when I have the ability.

6. The dream is gone, the heart is broken, leaving just to prepare for leaving.

7. I would like to embed my heart in your heart, so that our love will never change.

8. If you don't want me, please leave me and stay, just continue to make me sad.

9. The love I give you is shorter than one day, but the love I owe you is longer than my life.

10. It's hard to take someone away from the bottom of my heart.

11. When the world goes from gorgeous to desolate, please don't worry, I am still your disciple.

12. When the whole world betrays you, I will stand in front of you and betray the whole world.

13. Will you suddenly think of someone or something, and then smile foolishly.

14. Women's love is lasting and growing, even when waiting.

15. When everything is in the past, I realize that everything today is spent in a strange place.

16. We used to ask each other for help, but now we are embarrassed to meet each other.

17. Love or not is not just a simple word, I want action.

18. Let's forget the past and return to our respective worlds, and never meet again!

19. Just ask to meet you in my most beautiful years and give you all the sunshine.

20. If you treat my feelings as a game, I can't afford to play, let alone lose.

21. I didn't cry. I'm just numb. Don't pretend to like me. I can't afford to lose.

22. Don't blame yourself for being totally irrational in love. No one in love is sober.

23. What you fear most is the person you always think is important, but the most important person is not you.

24. When I loved you, I didn't realize it; When I hate you, I know how much I love you!

25. Love is to let the other person live in your heart, and understanding is to live with the other person in your heart.

26. Flipping through our photos, we miss each other faintly. Last winter, we smiled sweetly.

27. The grievances that can be said are not grievances; The lover who can take away is not a lover.

28. God created man to make him lonely, and created woman to make him more lonely.

29. It is not that we have nothing to say, but that we have changed. It is no longer that you can say what you want to say.

30. It's hard to get used to missing and waiting for you, but I have never been used to seeing you.

31. You are really annoying. I can't find any reason to forget you even though I am so bored.

32. Sometimes, we don't walk out of the pain, but learn to live with the pain.

33. The temperature of love is like bath water. The hotter the better, the better. It's better to feel comfortable.

34. If I could get a flower every time I think of you, I would walk in the flowers forever.

35. This life has been lost, and mountains and rivers are empty and melancholy, but I will wait for you eventually.

36. I always want to be with you, hold you gently in my arms, and enjoy the warmth of two people together quietly.

37. The most extravagant thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then share the fragrance of flowers.

38. It turns out that the moon is also so lonely, so it keeps the lost soul and cold loneliness.

39. Missing you is sweet and heartache, is willing to wait, and only wishes we could be together all the time!

40. Don't ask my missing! My yearning is just like the spring water flowing eastward, which cannot be stopped and cut continuously.

41. The more a husband is loved by his wife, the more mature he is, and the more spoiled his wife is, the more immature she is.

42. If I had known you a hundred years ago, I would be an old man now. I wish I were an old man.

43. Missing this vulgar word will be like a shadow in the sun. I will run away from him, and I will run away from him all my life.

44. I hope you are happy more than anyone else, but I still feel distressed when I think your happiness has nothing to do with me.

45. Watching the person you like talking and laughing with other people of the opposite sex, several people can understand the pain.

46. To like a person is to be happy together; To love someone is to want to be together even if you are unhappy.

47. When you are depressed, I am your pistachio. When you are sad, I would like to be your worry free tree!

48. I have a little secret in my heart. Do you want to know? Let the wind tell you quietly that I like you, really like you.

49. I fell in love with you not because you gave me what I needed, but because you gave me a feeling I never had before.

50. If you love, life is lovely everywhere. If you hate, life is hateful everywhere. If you are grateful, you can be grateful everywhere.

51. What do you think is good for you? Let me so can't let go? I don't know where you are, but no one can replace you.

52. Funny thing is, as time goes by, nothing seems to have changed, but when you look back, everything has changed.

53. We can never predict the future. When we were young, we were too frank, and when we grew up, we were too frank.

54. I stand beside you and fan the angel's wings. When the moonlight becomes your eyes, my heart has rippled.

55. Sincerity is always valuable. The truth is always the most beautiful. Sincerity is worth paying. True love needs no regrets. After pain and crying.

56. One star in the sky, one person on the earth. The star in front of your window is my shadow, which accompanies you to the dawn every night.

57. If you want to be loved by others, you must first make yourself worthy of love, not one day, one week, but forever.

58. I always thought that I was not sorry for anyone, but now I know that I am the most sorry for myself.

59. I decided to leave you because you made me despair. Although I was sad, the long pain is better than the short pain. Please take care.

60. Where were you when I was sad? The feeling of heartache paralyzed me, making it hard for me to breathe, but I dare not tell you.

61. Maturity means that you should get used to everyone's ups and downs; We should also look down on everyone.

62. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

63. The sunset is full of flowers. The joyful world is always: you+me=joyous. I+you=happy.

64. If I didn't love you, how could I still be awake at night? Every thought is about you. I miss you so much.

65. I can't tell you how much I like you, but I know in my heart that I would rather quarrel with you than love others.

66. If you don't flirt with a woman, she says you are not a man; If you molest her, she says you are not a gentleman.

67. Since we have met, how can we bear to part? May we be together all the year round, and keep our hearts together all the time.

68. Some people say that there is no secret behind true love. Those who say this do not understand love or secrets.

69. The memory is that the water poured into the palm will flow clean drop by drop from your fingers no matter you spread it or hold it tightly.

70. Do you know the taste of missing someone? It's like drinking a large glass of iced water, and then it takes a long time to shed tears.

71. Women make your life as happy as heaven and as painful as hell. It makes people feel pain and feel like immortality.

72. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

73. I finally found that there is rich love in the world, and I can't live up to it. So I want to say to you, I love you, please listen.

74. I like to be watched silently by you, and also watch you silently; I long to be deeply loved by you, and also deeply love you.

75. There is only so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but you asked me how to smile at others after you left me.

76. I can't feel the warmth of the sun on the eve of the day without you; Without you at night, my shadow is only half of what it used to be.

77. Forgive my greed. I always want to keep everyone around me who is good to me. Finally, I found that some people can't keep them no matter what.

78. I looked at the full moon as if I were gazing at you: dear, in the bright moon mirror, I saw a you who was also gazing at me.

79. Acquaintance lies in predestination, and knowing each other lies in intention. Cherishing each other is more important than friendship. I am willing to accompany you through the days when we know each other and cherish each other.

80. There is a job that has no salary, no rest, no retirement, and no layoff. It is my favorite job, and that is to love you.

81. A day without you is like a book without pages. Precious things are always rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.

82. In fact, you shouldn't be so kind to me from the beginning. It's really uncomfortable to leave alone after giving me so much hope.

83. Have you ever wanted to find someone to talk with you on the phone, so you searched the address book for a long time, and then silently gave up this idea.

84. Happy moments, half in dreams, half with you; Painful moments, half in parting, half silently looking at you.

85. My yearning is the continuous breeze. All the year round, in spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as your curtains are gently fluttering, I will call you softly.

86. Falling flower drifts lonely, looking for a companion who can accompany her all her life. The flowing water flows quietly, waiting for the confidant who can meet him.

87. If fate arranges us to be together, I will cherish you; If fate had ordered us to separate, I would cherish myself. I love you!

88. I don't like beautiful but illusory rainbows; I like you, you are so real, you are like a jumping brook, clear and bright, see the bottom at a glance.

89. I can't promise to love you until the end of time, but I can promise to love you until I swallow my last breath. I will let you touch this true love.

90. We said that we would wait for a person. In fact, it was not the person who waited, it was just a mood. The person who was unwilling to be there suddenly said he would leave.

91. My love fell into your sea, splashing a blue moonlight. My heart slowly ripples with the waves in the moon water. The ripples rise for you.

92. The moment I met you, the world collapsed. I heard your voice murmuring as if it were around my ears. Since then, I have been sinking and there is no way back.

93. I don't need to hide anyone. I still love you. It's just that I don't have the obsession to be together. Maybe after a while, I just miss you.

94. Listen to me quietly. I think of you. In the cold winter night, the sound of wind and the shadow of candle depend on each other, and the sound of waves still tells the love of that year. I want to use your name to keep warm.

95. Missing you is a sad beauty and sweet loss. In my heart, there is a warmth that nothing can replace. My head is full of your beautiful image.

96. I know that I can't accompany you. I know that all I can do is miss you far away. Are you happy? Are you happy? I bless you silently.

97. I am very happy to spend every minute with you. I hope to make you happy every time. It's sweet to think of your name. I look forward to seeing you again!

98. I once thought of loving you for a lifetime... But some people say that two good people can't live together. I finally believe it!

99. I want you to feel a warm love on this cold night. I hold you in my arms. My hands are cold, but my heart is warm. I will use my heart to warm everything for you.

100. Love you is so inexplicable, just so relentless! I know that I may not be the only one in your life, but you are the love of my life!