Write about Qiandao Lake (12 recommended)
Heartbeat in Tokyo
2024-05-17 06:36:18

Writing about Qiandao Lake (1)

My hometown is Qiandao Lake, which is a famous tourist resort and world-famous. The scenery there is beautiful, beautiful islands, quiet lakes, and rich specialties.

Qiandao Lake has many famous islands; Snake Island, Monkey Island, Meifeng View Island... There are more than 1000 islands in total. The trees on the island grow luxuriantly. Some islands are planted with orange trees. In autumn, red oranges hang all over the branches like lanterns. In summer, the watermelons in the watermelon field are ripe. The watermelons in green clothes are like leather balls. Cut them open and taste them. The juice is sweet and delicious.

There are all kinds of snakes on the Snake Island of Qiandao Lake. They are in different shapes, which makes people feel creepy. There are many lively and clever monkeys on the Monkey Island, and there are many kinds. Some monkeys are eating bananas, some are playing for thousands of years, and some are playing... cute! Look, tourists are attracted by these monkeys and are taking pictures of them!

The most fascinating thing about Qiandao Lake is its tranquil water. The large lake is out of sight. The lake is blue, like a piece of green jade. The lake is as flat as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds and green trees. Shining in the sunshine. Occasionally, there will be several fishing boats on the lake. The fishing boats will sail across the water and wave in waves. What a beautiful scene!

There are many specialties in Qiandao Lake, the most famous of which is fish. There are many kinds of fish in Qiandao Lake, including baotou fish, silver carp

My hometown is so beautiful. I love my hometown!

Writing about Qiandao Lake (2)

I have visited many places. I like the bustling Hong Kong, the magnificent Great Wall, and the towering Yandang Mountain. But my favorite is the beautiful Qiandao Lake.

I remember that my parents went to Qiandao Lake for a holiday with several good friends during the Spring Festival in 2014. In the car, we were noisy. You can say something and I can say something. But it was busy. Before we knew it, we arrived at Qiandao Lake. We first went to the hotel to have a rest, and immediately drove to the scenic spot. When we arrived at the scenic spot, we saw rows of large ships lying on the shore, which was very spectacular. We bought the tickets and got on the ship to our first destination - Suo Island.

After a while, the ship arrived at Suoshima. As soon as we got off the boat, we saw a huge lock standing in front of us, with the words "Lock Island" written on it. Lock Island is a world of locks. There are more than 160000 locks, which are all over the island. There are happy locks, wisdom locks, zodiac locks, etc. Tourists can also padlock their wishes and write down their good wishes on them. After visiting Suo Island, we went to Yule Bridge. Yule Bridge is staggering when walking, which makes people feel scared. But our attention is not on the bridge, because our mind is already in the fish under the bridge. There are countless kinds of fish under the bridge, including red, yellow and gold. The colorful fish are really beautiful. I bought some fish food. It seems that those fish are not afraid of us at all. They scramble to eat my fish food. I really want to catch one.

Later, we went to Snake Island, Monkey Island, Bird Island Qiandao Lake is really rich in products and beautiful scenery!

Writing about Qiandao Lake (3)

During the summer vacation, my mother and I went to the famous Qiandao Lake. Qiandao Lake is an artificial lake formed for the construction of Xin'an River Hydropower Station. Because there are 1078 islands in the whole lake, it is called Thousand Island Lake.

Early in the morning, we arrived at the cruise ship dock. The wharf has been full of people, and the people in line are like a long dragon. After getting on board, I was immediately fascinated by the beautiful scenery. I saw that the lake water was clear and bottomed out. All the way, I was dazzled by the countless islands in different shapes that constantly appeared in front of me. As cruise ships passed by, the lake rippled. When I was still intoxicated with the poetic scenery, the boat had already docked. The first scenic spot we visited was Meifeng Island. This is the highest island in Qiandao Lake. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can enjoy the panoramic view of Qiandao Lake. We went up along the stone steps, all the way were green and lush trees. In a short time, we reached the top of the mountain. I can't wait to run to the observation deck. The viewing platform was crowded, so I managed to squeeze to the front. Standing on the observation platform, the lake is endless, and islands of all sizes are dotted everywhere, just like emeralds inlaid on the lake, so beautiful and exquisite. I quickly used the camera to leave the beautiful scenery in my memory. Then we came to Longshan Island. Although the island is small, it is exquisite and has a strong cultural atmosphere. Because there is a Hairui Memorial Hall on the island. Hai Rui is not only a good honest official, but also a filial son. Finally, we visited the Yule Island, ending the pleasant trip to Qiandao Lake.

I'm looking forward to seeing the beautiful Qiandao Lake next time.

Writing about Qiandao Lake (4)

Qiandao Lake, located in the northwest of Zhejiang Province, is a famous tourist attraction in China. Qiandao Lake is an artificial lake. There are many islands in the lake, including Monkey Island, Wulong Island, Snake Island, Bird Island and Osmanthus Island. Each island has its own striking features. The scenery of Qiandao Lake is beautiful, no matter when and from what angle.

In the morning, the sun shines on the lake, which is sparkling and golden everywhere. In the distance, several islands loomed in the misty mist, as if in a fairyland. After a while, the fog gradually dissipated, revealing a little green island. After a while, I saw countless islands, and the scene was very beautiful.

At noon, the sun was very fierce, and the golden light shone on the leaves and treetops as if they were made of gold. The island has changed from emerald green to golden, just like magic turned into a magical and beautiful picture. The water has become warm, and the little fish can take a hot bath. They are so happy that they can spit bubbles!

At night, the neon lights on the embankment reflected on the calm lake, and the lake became colorful. The park next to the embankment is very lively and full of people. Some people are playing, some are enjoying the boundless scenery, some are dancing, and some are walking. I didn't expect that Qiandao Lake would be so lively in the morning and at night

Qiandao Lake has beautiful scenery. If you haven't seen Qiandao Lake, you must go and have a look!

Composition Description of Qiandao Lake (5)

Qiandao Lake is a lake with a thousand islands. Before, Qiandao Lake was actually a small town. Once a flood flooded the mountain half way up the mountain. Only a lot of mountain heads were exposed, forming the Thousand Island Lake.

Qiandao Lake was originally called Xin'anjiang Reservoir, and there were 1087 islands on it. It is located in Chun'an County, Zhejiang Province. The guide let us get on the boat first, and then we started our trip to Qiandao Lake. The first island we went to was like a mountain. Some people go up by cable car, others go up. We chose to walk because it would be more interesting. When we came down, we went skiing down the mountain. It was very exciting! The second island is called Snake Island. There are many snakes on it. There are pythons, black top snakes... I've also touched pythons. The third island we went to is called Hairui Island, which is an island to commemorate Hairui. Hairui is an honest and upright official, and "Hairui's dismissal from office" is a widely spread story.

Qiandao Lake is so beautiful! If you have time, come to this picturesque place to play!

Writing about Qiandao Lake (6)

Beautiful Qiandao Lake

Qiandao Lake is a special place. Because of the name of Thousand Islands, I am more curious about it. If you look at it from different angles, the scenery it presents is also different.

Sitting on the boat overlooking the water, many islands stand in the lake, some of which protrude from the water to form an island that can be visited by people; Others sleep quietly in the lake. When boating, you will encounter an island hidden under the water. You must be careful to avoid these dark islands, or you will be in trouble. These "small islands" used to be mountains, which were engulfed by water because of the need to build reservoirs. Several of these islands have formed a cave with the passage of time. If you are lucky, you may encounter one! Then you can row through its body. If you enjoy it on the island, you will also see another scene. You can occasionally see the big fish of Qiandao Lake leaping out of the water, which is a well-known food material. Or because of the water vapor, Zhang Wangyuan's island will have a hazy feeling, as if he were in a fairyland. At this time, if there is a layer of mist and a gust of wind, it is just right. I think I have become an immortal. The mist hovered around me. I stood on the island, unable to tell where the island was and where the water was.

Qiandao Lake is really a favorite place, a bit mysterious, but also a bit special!

Composition Description of Qiandao Lake (7)

Travels to Qiandao Lake

Qiandao Lake is the backyard of the Yangtze River Delta and the lake with the largest number of islands in the world.

Last time I went to Qiandao Lake, I just thought there were many islands in it, which was very strange. This time, it was different. Looking at the clear water and blue sky and the evergreen flowers and trees, I couldn't help thinking that "one water field protection will bring green and two mountains to send green".

What impressed me most when I went to Qiandao Lake this time was to ride a multi person bicycle around the island. On that day, my friend and I were clamoring to ride a multi person bicycle, which had four wheels, two steering wheels and a sunshade. Mom and Dad, but we let us go. At first, we sat in the back, and two adults turned the steering wheel. We just did our best. Later, they were tired of playing, so we hit it off and jumped to the front. When we returned to the driver, we sent the adults to the opposite side and then back. In this way, we could not help but pull one of them up to sit, followed by the second and third. We first set the steering wheel straight and rode hard, Seeing two triangle signs of "No Parking" on both sides of the road, we couldn't help slowing down the "car step" and moving carefully to the left and right. When we passed, we were relieved, but the more difficult test was still ahead - too fast a turn! This kind of car is not as smart as an ordinary bicycle, nor as powerful as a car. It passes with one foot of the accelerator. Sometimes I have to get off and push it when I make a sharp turn. At this time, I try my best to rush to the right. Just as I was about to hit the wall, I turned the steering wheel to the left and stepped on it harder. Finally, it turned. My friends and I returned the car with breathless breath.

Later, we went to the Children's Paradise again. This was the first time I went to such a "pediatrics" place in Grade 6, but it was also a "review of childhood"!

After a few days, we reluctantly said goodbye to Qiandao Lake!

Writing about Qiandao Lake (8)

Qiandao Lake

The sea breeze is blowing slowly and the sun is shining gently. Standing on the green grass, I look at the lake in the distance and the cruise ships coming and going. How like a big living picture.

I flew to the dock at the speed of light. I wanted to get a ticket and jump into the boat. After some twists and turns, I finally boarded the snow-white No. 09 cruise ship.

The ship slowly drove out of the dock, just like a cradle, gently rocking on the sea. It slowly, just like the scenery nearby is retreating, just like a time machine.

The sky is blue, and there is not a cloud in the blue, just like Mother Cloud weaves a piece of pure blue cloth, but she can't bear to wear it.

The water is clear, and there is no impurity in it. Even a leaf is reluctant to fall, for fear of polluting the water dyed by the mother of the lake.

At this time, an island gently came into my eyes. It was so small, as if it was only as small as my palm. After a while, I arrived at Meifeng Island, but it disappointed me. It had nothing but a cable car route and some steps. It was in a low mood, but Brother Sun seemed to laugh at me, drying me more hotly. In a twinkling of an eye, I was sweating, as if I had been fished out of water.

The boa constrictor in Yule Island, the fun fish water ballet, and Hairui in Longshan did not disappoint me. Some of them were terrible, some obedient, and some majestic. They made me feel satisfied after a day.

Writing about Qiandao Lake (9)

An unforgettable trip to Qiandao Lake

One evening, my mother told me that a three-day trip to Qiandao Lake would be held in the company. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high. The next morning, I got up early, woke up my mother, and waited at the gate for the arrival of the factory car. After several hours' long journey, we finally arrived at the dream Qiandao Lake. After getting off the bus, it was already night. Although it is at night, the night of Qiandao Lake is particularly charming. On the square, the night of Qiandao Lake is very beautiful.

The next morning, after breakfast, I hurried to ask the guide: "When will you go out to play?" The guide's aunt said kindly: "Don't worry, don't worry, start at once." On the bus, the guide briefly introduced Qiandao Lake to us. "Qiandao Lake Scenic Area covers a total area of 982 square kilometers, including 573 square kilometers of lake area. It is named after 1078 islands scattered in the lake..." Next, we went to Chuiyun Tongtian River. We took a boat and drove along the river to the cave. The stalactites in the cave were low, and visitors needed to yield from time to time. The river is clear and the air is fresh. Colorful lights reflect the scenery on both banks, making people feel like they are in a fairyland. There will be water dripping down from time to time. The guide said, "This is the happy water, and it will be happy if dropped." I drip more, so I will be happy! Suddenly, the boat was put up in the sky, and my whole heart was hanging up. It was really exciting! No wonder Yang Hong, the poet of the Ming Dynasty, praised the cloud hanging and the Milky Way: "It's hot in summer, but it's like spring when you travel east. Although the source is a school, only the cloud hanging is innocent." Let me feel the power of nature!

The happy three days passed quickly, but I still feel reluctant to part with Qiandao Lake. If I have the chance next time, I will definitely come again!

Composition Description of Qiandao Lake (10)

Qiandao Lake in the Rain

In July, when the lotus bloomed, I took a bus to Qiandao Lake, a quiet, beautiful and world-famous lake in Chun'an County. The Qiandao Lake is surrounded by mountains, and the climate is suitable. Each small island has its own unique style, which makes people linger. And Qiandao Lake has another beautiful scenery that is not easy to see, that is, Qiandao Lake in the rain. This time I came to it.

What kind of style is it?

It was noon when I came to Qiandao Lake. When I walked into the restaurant, I suddenly saw that the sky outside the window was darkening, the lake was undulating, and the mountains in the distance were like Chinese paintings that were never sketched with ink lines, and merged with the distant sky. It's going to rain today! I was lucky to witness the beautiful scenery of Qiandao Lake in the rain on the first day.

After a while, dark clouds poured into the sky, pressing black in the sky. Then, a loud thunder and a blue lightning cut through the sky. The big raindrops fell head over head and fell into the lake, forming waves and mixing with the lake water. This is the scene of "big pearls falling into the jade plate"!

At this time, Yunwu also came to participate in the "lively dance". They quietly covered the hills and islands in the distance, making it seem that the small Thousand Island Lake is like the vast sea billowing ceaselessly, playing a small joke with us.

It's raining harder. The water of the lake began to rise, overflowing the willows on the lakeside, crossing the iron railings in front of the steps, climbing up some low-lying islands, and trying to turn into the swimming pool. The water of the lake rolled violently like a fierce beast.

Some time passed, the rain slowly stopped, and the water also receded. Clouds and mist stroll halfway up the mountain, giving the mountain a hazy beauty. Gradually, the sun peeped out from behind the dark clouds, and the sunshine after the heavy rain was pleasant. When the last bit of dark clouds floated away, the bright and warm sunlight scattered all over my face through the reflection of the glass, and I increasingly felt that the trip was really worthwhile! At this time, the bridge after rain - rainbow was built on the clear sky.

Composition Description of Qiandao Lake (11)

I have seen the West Lake as smooth as a mirror, climbed the Huangshan Mountain with strange pines and rocks, and visited the turbulent Yellow River, but I have never seen the legendary Qiandao Lake.

Qiandao Lake is located in Chun'an County, Hangzhou City. It is the lake with the largest number of islands in the world, named after 1078 islands in the lake.

Our family first came to the dock, boarded the yacht, stood at the bow and looked at it. I can vaguely see several islands looming in the clouds.

Tourists who have been to Qiandao Lake know that "if you don't visit Meifeng to view the island, you don't know the true face of Qiandao". We also came to Meifeng Island, which is the highest island in Qiandao Lake. If you want to see the islands, you must take the cable car first. At the beginning, I was very afraid. I firmly grasped the guardrail for fear of falling down. But gradually, I became less nervous. Looking down from the Meifeng observation platform, you can see more than 300 islands of different shapes. The big islands are like mountains, and the small islands are like boats, all of which are full of vitality.

Then we came to Shedao. There are highly poisonous five legged snakes, cobras, green bamboo snakes, and even larger pythons that surprised me. If cowardly people come here, they will have nightmares when they go back.

We also went to Monkey Island. The golden monkeys here are really cute and naughty. Some of them are mimicking human actions, throwing food back, as if to say: "I don't eat this!", and some are performing for people. Look! A golden monkey climbed up a tall tree and then fell down vertically. We all thought it was going to fall to death, but we didn't expect it to fall to the ground steadily.

Finally, we took a family photo with the little monkey! A little monkey jumped on his father's shoulder and seemed to want to take a picture together. But just before taking a picture, the little monkey was very naughty. If Dad hadn't forced it down. Otherwise, haha, it will never be good!

Qiandao Lake is really beautiful!

Composition Description of Qiandao Lake (12)

Qiandao Lake's Beautiful Water Composition (I)

How did the name "Thousand Island Lake" come from? That is because of the beautiful water and 1018 islands, which earned the title of "Thousand Island Lake". "Thousand Island Lake" is famous for its beautiful waters and mountains. In my eyes, the mountains of Qiandao Lake are unique, and the water of Qiandao Lake is even more unique!

In the morning, the sun came out from the mountains with ten thousand feet of light and rose slowly. As the sun rises, the lake becomes taller and brighter. The breeze is blowing on the water, and the sun is shining on the lake. At this time, the lake looks like the body of a swimming goldfish, which makes people want to throw. At this time, there are many swimmers swimming or learning to swim by the lake, and there are countless people enjoying the beautiful scenery. It's like putting colorful lace on the originally beautiful lake. Seen from above, it looks like a big wreath! The arrival of people enlivens the quiet lake. At this time, the lake water is like the smiling face of an innocent child. It is so brilliant, so innocent, and so infectious that people can't help laughing with it.

It was noon before I knew it. At noon, people went home for lunch, and the lake became the world of fish. Some of the fish play hide and seek together; Some three in groups of five are chatting; Some hid behind the mountain to rest because they couldn't stand the direct sunlight. Looking around, it looks like a colorful flower in full bloom. It has decorated the "dazzling" lake. Make the lake more shining and eye-catching.

In the evening, the earth is shrouded in darkness. At this time, more people came to swim, including innocent and lovely children, fashionable young people, middle-aged people with successful careers, and old people with white hair but strong bodies. From a distance, it looks like clusters of strange and beautiful flowers. There is a fountain show after swimming!

The water of Qiandao Lake is cleaner than that of other places! I hope it can continue like this. Class 52, Nanshan School, Qiandao Lake Town

During the summer vacation in Qiandao Lake, I returned to my father's hometown - Qiandao Lake. There is a brook at the gate of Grandma's house. The water in the brook flows noisily, singing a clear and transparent song. The green water grass sways with the current, and there are some stone spots at the bottom of the water

Flow quietly! That lovely water, you are a song of childhood, a dream that will never be forgotten in our hearts!

The Beautiful Water Composition of Qiandao Lake (II)

I went to Qiandao Lake for a two-day holiday, chose a lake view room, and got up in the morning, the first thing I saw was Qiandao Lake. Although it is a lake, it can be as endless as the sea. The lake is densely covered with many islands. It is said that there are 1047 islands there, many of which are even undeveloped.

Some yachts are swaying on the lake, worrying about going to the island without boats! A question startled me, two thousand yuan six people, five thousand five hundred yuan eleven people! My father and I looked at these figures and wondered: Isn't it a six star hotel? Is it necessary to cheat my father? Even the ticket is so expensive! We had to roll our eyes at the salesperson and return to the room with a feeling of loss. I always feel that the water in the pool is sweet when swimming. Maybe that water is also part of the lake water. The water in the pool is baked like a hot spring by the sun, and I don't want to go ashore when I get out of the water. It's like soaking in a super invincible bathtub, but there are too many people, and people will always kick me.

In the bathtub in the room, my father and I had a dispute over water. I advocated using less water, but my father said, "There is too much water in Qiandao Lake!" I thought: Our bath water is actually lake water? Will there be dead fish! It didn't take me long to get up, put on my clothes and water came out. Looking at the mineral water bottle beside the table, I knew that Nongfu Mountain Spring is also organic mineral water from Qiandao Lake. It seems that life here cannot live without the lake water.