Good Morning 2023
Fairy Tale Fish Playing Figs
2023-05-23 18:40:46
Complete sentences

1. When you are in a circle, the world is big, but if you go forward bravely, the world is small. Most unhappy people tend to underestimate what they have and overestimate what others have. People are always like this. They are too demanding of people close to them and too tolerant of strangers.

2. People will always encounter setbacks, ebbs, and moments of incomprehension. This is the most critical moment in life. At such moments, we need to wait patiently and confidently, believing that life will not abandon you, and destiny will not abandon you. If you can't stand loneliness, you can't see prosperity.

3. Look carefully at the people around you. There are always some people who are firmly moving forward. They become shining beings and always feel that they exist in the world like gods, but I don't know how hard they have worked to get such a life they want.

4. Not for the yearning of traveling thousands of miles, just for the aimless wandering; It is not a place of interest with a large number of people, but a street view with a sense of contentment. Or walk or stop, the principle is to see the mood. No complicated luggage, no too many reasons. We just need a backpack and a brave heart that can walk when we say go.

5. Our hearts are small when we are young. A little frustration and suffering are all great. When you grow up, your heart becomes bigger. Even if more setbacks and hardships are put into it, you can still leave coldly and forget calmly. So be patient. One day our hearts will grow bigger than our sorrows.

6. Some darkness can only be traversed by oneself; Some pain can only be experienced by oneself; Some lonely, can only taste. However, through the darkness, we can certainly feel the temperature of the sun; Out of the pain, we will reach the height of growth; Farewell to loneliness, and we will certainly gain the depth of the soul.

7. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. Love is not boastful, arrogant or shy. Don't seek your own benefits. Don't get angry easily. Don't count the evils of people. Do not like injustice. Only like the truth. Be tolerant in everything. Believe in everything. Hope for everything. Be patient in all things. Love never fails.

8. If you feel uncomfortable, look out the window. The world is big, the scenery is beautiful, there are many opportunities, and life is short. Don't curl up in a small shadow! Always ask yourself what you have rather than what you don't have. If your life is at a low point, then go boldly! Because you are always on the up!

9. The retreat before all difficulties is nothing but cowardice in the heart. The true courage comes from the persistence in the heart. The road of life is a journey full of challenges, constantly striving, even if injured, even crying, even bleeding, never sad, there will always be a torch in the heart, emitting optimistic and open-minded flame.

10. From now on, you should face life with a smile. Don't complain that life has given you too much hardship, that there are too many twists and turns in life, and that there is injustice in life. When you walk through the bustle and bustle of the world, and read all the things in the world, you will suddenly understand that life will not be too complete, no matter how hard it is, you should smile!

11. Easy contentment is happiness, happiness is not complicated. In the process of life, there are always misfortunes and sorrows, such as sunsets and flower failures. The more you care about something, the more painful it will be. If you let it go, it will fade away. However, we always understand after the fact that it is difficult to understand life, and even more difficult to live.

12. People, when they were young, hoped that they would grow up quickly. When they grew up, they found that they had lost their childhood; When you are single, you envy the sweetness of your lover. When you are in love, you cannot help but miss the freedom of being single. Most of the time, many things are beautiful when they are not received. After we get them, we understand that what we get is also lost.

13. The reason why others give up on you is that you have given up on yourself first. Believe that as long as you don't give up on yourself, no one will give up on you or that no one can give up on you. Believing in oneself is the source of strength for a person to overcome everything. Those who do not believe in themselves have no reason to succeed because they have stepped into the grave of failure.

14. Not everyone can come to this world. Since they are here, they should not be cowards and live a good life, regardless of the wind and rain. If you have nothing, it is enough to let go of everything and have a light mood. If you have feelings, love and relatives, you should cherish everything. Running and being busy is a kind of happiness.

15. No matter what you do, you should be prepared to endure hardships. Go some way before you know how hard it is; After climbing some mountains, we know the difficulty; After crossing some rivers, we know how to trek; After crossing some barriers, we know how to surpass; Experience comes only after some things; Read some books before you know wealth; It takes a lifetime to know happiness.

16. When you pursue your dream, the world will create many difficulties to stop you, and the reality will bind your steps, but these are not important. The important thing is whether you have the determination. Close your eyes and listen to your heart. I always believe in the meaning of hard work, because the future you will thank you for your efforts now.

17. The world is full of injustice. What we can do is not only accept, but also try to do some resistance. There are so many unfortunate people around me. In the face of misfortune, many people are as strong as I am, but they don't know how many times they have cried secretly. I wish all the unfortunate or tortured people peace, health and happiness.

18. Life is a journey in a sea of bitterness, and you can enjoy the happiness of peace and purity. In this world, there are many things that are difficult for us to predict. We can't control our fate, but we can control ourselves; We cannot predict the future, but we can grasp the present; We don't know how long our life is, but we can arrange our present life.

19. Even the most ordinary person has to fight for the existence of his world. The more you grow up, the more careful you are. If you want to live a happy life, everyone tells you not to care about others' comments. But not everyone can do this. Since you can't do it without caring about the external evaluation, please do your best to do well in your own affairs.

20. If life is a majestic castle, if life is a lush tree, if life is a flying seabird. Then, faith is the beam of the dome, the root of the deeply rooted tree, and the flapping wings. Without faith, the power of life will disappear; Without faith, the beauty of life will disappear to the west.

21. Think from another angle, and your world will become more beautiful. Be brave and don't change for anyone. If they can't accept the worst of you, they don't deserve the best of you. There are many things in life that you don't want to do but can't do without. This is responsibility; There are many things in life that you want to do but cannot do. This is fate.

22. People with strong heart have their own life theme and meaning. In the sense of life, he firmly believes that the sky and the earth are exclusive. And I believe that everyone has the right to live. He has self-respect and more respect for others. He pursues happiness and more respects others' happiness. He makes choices and more respects others' choices.

23. No one accompanies me when I am afraid, and I learned to be brave; When bored, no one asked, learned to bear; When tired, no one can rely on, and learned self-reliance. When you are sick and hurt, you should also learn to be patient, persevere, and be strong. Even when you are sad alone, you should not beg for mercy. What you moan about is cheap, and what you catch up with is cheap. This society does not believe in tears.

24. Each of us has gone through childhood, youth, middle age, and old age. Each of us can't be a beautiful girl or a romantic handsome guy. But each of us has had youth, ambition, and the dream of striving for life. We can't regret life because we are old, and we can't be depressed because we lost our youth.

25. If you can let him go, you will be a free man in the world. Take a step back in case of trouble, and give way to others; Don't be too angry, don't be too angry, there are people outside, and there are always dark everywhere. The wise man: See more and listen more. Fool: Most people think they are right. No one is a saint, and you can stretch your talents to your heart's content, make up for your shortcomings with diligence, laugh at the ups and downs of prosperity, and be happy!

26. Frustrated once, deepen the understanding of life; One mistake adds a new level of awakening to life; Unfortunately, I have a mature understanding of the world; One trial, one thorough understanding of the meaning of success. In this sense, if you want to achieve success and happiness and want to be happy and joyful, you should first understand failure, misfortune, frustration and pain.

27. Everyone in life is the protagonist. It is almost inconceivable that you can take a shortcut on the way of life by lifting your feet. Maybe, some people seem to go well at first, but they will pay the price in the end. In fact, the real shortcut is found after many detours, just like experienced people, it is easier to find the essence of things through appearances.

28. Face everything we have experienced calmly, treat gains and losses peacefully, fill our hearts with visions and dreams forever, and learn to feel the small but true satisfaction, then we can make every day full of happiness! The horizon is too far away, the life is too long, and the blooming tea fans can't resist the time flies. Memory changes, who is pale who waits, who has no regrets who is persistent.

29. Please be a kind person and give love to all people around you. You don't know when one of them will leave you and will never see you again. Please let them enjoy the beauty of love more in the journey of life. Success and ease cannot be achieved at the same time. If you choose one, you will give up the other outcome. If you don't work hard today, you will suffer tomorrow.

30. To live is not to miss yesterday, but to wait for hope. Let everyone see your strength, you can live well without him. After leaving, tell him loudly that I love you, it has nothing to do with you. Love is your right to say everything you want. Calmly remember your past, then cry. After crying, leave everything behind yesterday and never touch it.