500 words composition for a trivial matter (16 in total)
If the youth is as green as before
2024-05-29 02:56:11
primary school

500 words for a simple composition (1)

There are many inspirations in the world: ants carry corn kernels, bees collect honey hard, small fish guard the territory And I have gained a lot of enlightenment.

At the beginning of August, osmanthus blooms. This open, so that the streets are immersed in the fragrance of osmanthus. Children like picking osmanthus, so do I.

The mid August is the most prosperous time for osmanthus. With the fragrance of osmanthus, I came to a osmanthus tree. The fragrance made me feel like entering a fairy tale world. All are golden osmanthus trees, golden branches and leaves. What happened in front of us was a magnificent palace and a crystal palace. Pink petals were falling from the sky.

Unexpectedly, I opened my eyes and saw a shabby osmanthus tree. Although the green leaves set off a little bit of artistic conception against the lovely yellow flowers, it is totally out of place: without the posture of plum trees and the spirit of kapok, it is nothing like other trees. I left disappointed.

It has been ten days since I left. At the end of August, there were osmanthus flowers near the place where I went to practice. This time, the faint fragrance attracted me again. It is those small yellow flowers that come into our eyes.

I took a closer look at it. Many flowers have withered, and there is not much fresh. You may say, "It's normal for flowers to bloom and fall."

But I don't think so.

Unconsciously, I picked the withered flowers and went home to observe carefully: although the petals were withered, they still sent out bursts of fragrance. I was shocked: I mistook osmanthus!

It has lofty spirit. Even if it withers, it will try to send out a burst of fragrance and serve people wholeheartedly. I was moved to put them carefully into the cup, and made a cup of "fragrant" osmanthus water, so that I could quietly taste the aroma of osmanthus with lofty spirit.

500 words for a simple composition (2)

Grandpa loves tea, and he always does. When he was young, he knew the taste of tea well, and when he was old, he even drank tea into a poem - unexpectedly, he changed his backyard into a tea field, from picking, drying, stir frying the buds to boiling the faint green sweetness. I naturally go to "bother" every now and then. How can I miss good tea?

One day, my grandfather had a whim to teach me the tea recipe he had studied all his life and said that he would "pass it on from generation to generation".

He took out a pot of tea and a small glass pot and taught me how to cook tea.

I was very excited when I made tea for the first time, and looked at the glass pot with good eyes. The glass pot is transparent. At a glance, it can pierce the tea that is boiling up and down in the pot. I can't help murmuring: "Grandpa, you see, the tea is so sweet in such a high temperature and such a whirlwind. If I were the tea, I couldn't stand it!" Grandpa is an old urchin. He often fights wits and braves with me and plays word games, I thought my grandpa would laugh at my childishness, but I didn't expect my grandpa would stop smiling and become serious.

He said, "The sweetness of tea comes after the high temperature. A good pot of tea has gone through more than that... I just told you that you don't understand."

At that time, I was puzzled and pestered my grandfather to explain to me, but he just shook his head and kept silent, so I was depressed for a long time.

After many years, my grandpa died and things changed. I left the little glass pot and grandpa's tea set. I can already see the deep meaning of Grandpa's words: Yes, success is like the sweetness of tea. We often only see the shining stars when he stands high, but we ignore how much he has paid to stand high and become the brightest star.

I missed my grandfather more and more. I picked up the glass pot, made a cup of tea, and took a sip slowly. It was sweet with a hint of bitterness

500 words for a simple composition (3)

An Unforgettable Thing 500 Words Composition (1)

An Unforgettable Thing 500 Words Composition (2)

A little thing touched my soul 500 words composition

This little thing happened to me. Every time I think of it, I feel depressed, guilty and sad. That day, my mother and I took a bus to visit Grandma. After getting on the bus, there was just one seat left on the bus, so I took it for granted to sit down. My mother was standing beside me. I also wanted to make way for my mother, but when I thought of the long journey, I gave up the idea of making way. I deliberately turned my head away to prevent my mother from seeing my face.

The way to Grandma's house was very bad. The car was high and low. Mother's footsteps kept changing and she could not stand steadily. Suddenly, a little sister sitting beside her said to her mother: "Auntie, sit down! I'll stand for a while." Her mother said: "Thank you, you are still young, you should sit down, and I'll stand up." The little sister said: "You sit down for a while, and I will get off soon. It's OK to stand up for a while." Mother was probably tired of standing, so she sat down.

The car is moving forward, and my heart is still in that short dialogue. The car suddenly stopped. The little sister first smiled at her mother and said, "Auntie, I should get off." Her mother said, "Be careful when there are many cars on the road."

The younger sister said, "Thank you, I see." The car started moving again, but I fell silent.

My mother and I were depressed when we came to grandma's house. I am not as good as a stranger. Others can care about my mother, but I treat my mother so selfishly. I feel so small. My heart was touched, and I felt guilty and sad. Loving my mother is something I will try to do in the future.

An Unforgettable Thing 500 Words Composition (3)

Little brother, big truth

Wang Ying, Class 3, Grade 5

It has been a long time since I remembered this event, but it rings an alarm bell in my mind every day, and I can't forget it for a long time. Although this event is small, it has great significance.

It was a hot summer day. My mother and I went to the pedestrian street to buy a skirt for me. Just as we walked to the door of the store, we saw something like an electric fan. When I walked over to see it, the "electric fan" suddenly gave me a heat wave, and sweat immediately flowed down my forehead. When my mother saw it, she went to the store to buy an ice cream for me, and I devoured it, I threw the ice-cream stick into the pulling case, but it was thrown sideways and beside the dustbin. I glanced at it and went after my mother.

I heard a voice from behind: "Big sister, big sister." Looking back, I saw a little brother with a tiger's head. He saw me turning back, pointing to the ice cream stick with his tender little hand and saying: "Big sister is not good, the teacher said not to litter." I said: "I didn't litter? But I didn't shoot correctly and fell on the ground." The little brother said, "If everyone falls on the ground like you, and nobody cares, will our home become a garbage garden?" I glared at him, turned and left.

I ran to my mother, who was staring at the little brother. He picked up the ice cream stick and threw it into the dustbin before running to play. My mother turned to me with a long face and said, "You learn from others, and you stare at them

Young children all know that it is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. Make haste to apologize. " My face was red with shame. When I came to my little brother's eyes, he looked at me doubtfully. I said: "Sorry, little brother, I shouldn't throw the garbage on the ground, let alone stare at you, sorry." The little brother smiled innocently and said: "It doesn't matter, the teacher said that the child who can correct mistakes in time is also a good child." I saw that he was not angry, smiled and said: "What's your name?" He said: "My name is Guoguo." I said: "That's a nice name. ”At this time, my mother asked me to go home, so we separated.

Although this matter is small, he gave me a great education. Don't stop doing good things because they are small, and don't stop doing evil things because they are small. Since then, all my garbage has found its place.

An Unforgettable Thing 500 Words Composition (4)

An Unforgettable Little Thing 500 Words Composition (5)

An unforgettable little thing An unforgettable little thing Wang Kepei, Class 4 (1), Chengguan Primary School, Linze County, Gansu Province, always remembers that unforgettable lesson when I touch the scar on my left hand. On the morning of the summer vacation in the senior class, my parents had to go to work. Before going out, they told me: "Don't touch the scissors, knives and other dangerous goods at home, and stay at home." I promised, but thought: I won't. As soon as they left, I pretended to walk around. Thinking that they had gone far, I took out scissors, paper and pencils to cut patterns. First, I drew a figure on the paper, took out the scissors, and prepared to cut it. I slowly cut for a while, and felt that nothing was wrong. I quickly cut it, and hummed a song while cutting. I shook my head and felt very proud. Suddenly, there was a cramp in my hand. Ah! I cut a deep and long cut in my hand, and the blood ran straight out. I was so scared that I cried. My cry startled my neighbor Grandma Zhang, who knocked on my door. At the sight of me, she blamed me and my parents, and then she called my father. When my parents came back, they saw my hands and blood stains on my clothes and sofa, which frightened them. No matter what happens, I was sent to the hospital for dressing, which made me cry all the time. What an unforgettable lesson! Since then, I have kept in mind my parents' advice and never dared to play with dangerous things again. (Instructor: Song Xuechun)

An Unforgettable Little Thing 500 Words Composition (6)

An Unforgettable Little Thing In my mind, I have experienced many things, but many of them have gradually forgotten with the passage of time. But there is one thing I can never forget. I remember that it was a Sunday. I went to Li Jiaying's house to attend her birthday party. Xu Zilong, Shi Qianying, Li Zhixin, Pan Junhao, Chen Guang, Jiang Qinting, Miao Xiaomei and of course I came to her birthday party. When we came, we all sent some gifts to Li Jiaying. I also sent a piece of beef jerky and some jelly. At this time, Li Jiaying said, "Shi Qianying decides which channel to watch." Li Jiaying gave Shi Qianying the remote control after saying that. Shi Qianying immediately switched her TV to Zhejiang Satellite TV, because at that time "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" was playing, and we all liked watching it. After watching TV for about ten minutes, Li Jiaying said that she could eat the cake. Li Jiaying took out the cake. This is a heart-shaped cake. On the right side of it, there are 12 flowers. On the side, there is a piece of white chocolate every 2cm. After eating the cake, we all scrambled to eat snacks. After eating snacks, we went downstairs to play again. Li Jiaying rode a bike. Everyone wanted to ride a good bike, but they were refused. At this time, Li Jiaying said to me: "Huang Xiaojing, come ride!" I thought I wouldn't, so I said: "I don't know yet." Unexpectedly, everyone responded so quickly, and said to me: You are too exaggerated, you have three no, first, skateboard can't; Second, skating can't; Third, bicycles can't. " After listening, I lowered my head shyly. Through this incident, I understand that people without special skills will be known sooner or later.

An Unforgettable Little Thing 500 Words Composition (7)

General comment on "An Unforgettable Little Thing": It can be seen that the author still has a fresh memory of the small matter of changing examination papers, otherwise there would not be such a vivid composition. From the writing point of view, this composition has written its own true feelings, both the confession of things and its own reflection. The childish language and childlike psychological description show the colorful side of student life. Commenter: Zhu Yuxin (Senior teacher of primary school in my mind, there have been many things, some happy, some sad, some afraid, and some helpless... However, they have gradually faded away with the passage of time. Only one unforgettable little thing impressed me deeply. (Briefly describe the past experience to highlight the "unforgettable" theme. )I remember that (there was) an exam, I only got 81 points, while Zhang Liqin got 99 points. I was so scared that my heart was in turmoil. My mouth whispered, "Oh! When I go home, my parents will definitely 'fire' 'saliva bombs' at me again! I don't want my face to' suffer 'such' bad luck '! Oh... ah... what should I do?" Suddenly, I saw a bright light: I would like to change an examination paper with Zhang Lizhen? She's 99 points! If you change your name, everything will be fine! (There is a reason for this, spread out the following.) So I started my "top secret operation", (. I) carefully took Zhang Lizhen's test paper to his desk, and then changed his name quietly with a ballpoint pen. I look around: hee hee, no one found my "top secret action"! Great! I hummed happily, as if I had put down a huge stone in my heart. I blinked, crossed my head, and thought proudly: Ha ha ha! That's OK! hey! It's so good not to get "saliva bomb" at home - so good! After school, I was in a happy mood and went home skipping. Along the way, I always thought of my parents' praise: "Yong Xin! You are so great!" "Yong Xin! Keep up the good work!" I was secretly happy from time to time, laughing... (The above two paragraphs described the naughty and naive children, which is really impressive.) At this time, I suddenly thought of Zhang Liqin's confused eyes, It seems to be saying with a worried face: "Eh? Where's my test paper? I'm 99 points! Why did I become 81 points at a glance? Hey! Zhou Yongxin, you are my deskmate, and you know best that at this time, I) the red scarf on my chest is not red anymore. It looks like a serious teacher, with a stiff face and a little angry, and says to me: "Zhou Yongxin, you are a young pioneer. Didn't you say, 'Be an honest and good child'? This is no good. You are depriving others of their achievements. That is others' achievements, not yours! You have to return the test paper to Zhang Liqin! " My face "brushed" to the red, hot: yes! I will not be an honest child! Besides, the 99 points belong to Zhang Liqin. How can I "deprive" him? (The psychological description in this paragraph is more delicate and vivid, but the thought becomes somewhat abrupt. There should be a transition before it. Pay attention to each paragraph in the future exercises

The natural connection of content between the two.) I ran to school, oh! Zhang Liqin hasn't left yet. I quickly walked to Zhang Liqin, solemnly took out the 99 point test paper, and gently handed it to her: "Sorry, I took your test paper! Now I give it back to you." Zhang Liqin was stunned, then smiled, and returned the 81 point test paper to me: "Zhou Yongxin, thank you! You will get 100 points next time!" I just smiled easily: "Oh, thank you too! Zhang Liqin. " (He knows his mistakes and then changes them. He writes about his calm and relaxed heart after correcting them.) Although this is a small thing, it has taught me a profound truth: you should be honest and not take others' achievements as your own! (The ending raises the theme. The reason why this little thing is unforgettable is that the author understands the truth.)

An Unforgettable Little Thing 500 Words Composition (8)

An unforgettable little thing

An Unforgettable Thing Chen Ziwei, Class 36, Nanyang No. 15 Primary School, has one thing that I will never forget when I grow up. After that, I seem to have grown up a lot. It was last year's New Year's Eve, and students sent greeting cards to each other after class. Red and green greeting cards were sent to good friends with their own hearts. Everyone talked and laughed, and their faces were filled with joy. The classroom was full of laughter and laughter, which was extremely lively. I was also affected by the happy atmosphere. I took out a stack of cards and prepared to join the happy crowd. Suddenly, I saw a classmate

500 words for a simple composition (4)

Our monitor, that's a long story.

I still remember that very well. On that day, it was my turn to be on duty, but I was the chief on duty. It's my job to take out garbage, sprinkle water and clean the blackboard. I first went to the garbage and then sprinkled water. When I was exhausted, I found a blackboard full of words. I think I'm really useless. I'm tired after doing a little work. I can't even clean the blackboard well. I cleaned it carelessly.

At that time, our monitor came and said to me kindly: "Wang An, you are the chief on duty. You should set an example and think about our class. Every time our class gets the mobile red flag of health, it is the efforts of each of our students. If each of our students does this, our class will not get the mobile red flag of health. Without access to the mobile health red flag, there will be one less honor. One more honor is better than one less. So we should set an example. " With these words, he took the eraser and wiped the blackboard carefully. After wiping, he looked at the ground, shook his head and ran to the duty corner to take a broom and sweep the ground carefully. I felt a trace of shame when I saw that he was so attentive. As the chief on duty, I should set an example and do my work well. But now I was criticized by the monitor for not doing my job well.

Although it was a small matter, he told me a profound truth: we should set an example and think more about the collective. We should be serious about what we do.

Although this is a small matter, it reflects a person's good quality. A student like our monitor is a student with excellent quality. I remember every word he said to me very clearly. Our monitor is a good cadre who sets an example. He is our model. We should learn from him and learn from his good quality of setting an example.

500 words for a simple composition (5)

The warm spring breeze wakes up the beautiful and tidy Huizhou. The city of Huizhou is full of green trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers, attracting many tourists. Now Huizhou is making every effort to create a "National Civilized City". To this end, we have held the "1+2" project - "National Civilized City"?? Small hand in hand, create civilized city theme activities.

The humanistic characteristics of a civilized city are first reflected in every move of every citizen. The words and deeds of citizens are the name card of a city. Although most of our citizens are civilized and understand civilization, there are still a small number of people who have uncivilized behaviors. I remember one time when my watch group and I went to the Binjiang Park for a walk. While we were strolling along the path of the park happily, an uncle with untidy clothes walked to the newly planted lawn. Just as he was about to step on the lawn, an aunt in charge of the park stepped forward to stop him. He not only refused to listen to the dissuasion, but also said a lot of dirty words to the aunt, Then he threw the banana peel he had just finished on the road. I saw that the dustbin was not far away from him, but why didn't he throw it into the dustbin? So I immediately walked over and picked up the banana peel he had just left on the ground and put it in the dustbin. At this time, the caretaker aunt came to me and said kindly to me: "Little sister, you are really right, because the beautiful park must be loved by everyone. Thank you.". "Auntie, you are welcome. This is what I should do.".

Although this trivial matter has passed for some time, the memory of the uncle's bad behavior is fresh. So, I sincerely hope that we can work together to create a civilized city of Huizhou! Let's work hard to promote social civilization and create a national civilized city!

500 words for a simple composition (6)

That was when our family was traveling in Kunming. My father and I are walking in the street.

There is an old man from Xinjiang selling melons on the roadside. He had a big tent on his head, which was full of yellow cantaloupes. The 'long table' under the awning is full of cut melons. The sweet smell is straight into my nostrils, which is very attractive.

Dad walked up to him and asked, "How do you sell cantaloupes?" The old man smiled to show his sparse teeth, as if he didn't understand. He didn't say the price, but plucked out a large piece of melon and handed it to Dad: "Taste it, sweet!

Dad took the melon and tasted it, but frowned. He handed me the melon. I was very surprised and took a bite. Ah! How bitter the melon is! My father looked at the old man, pulled me away, and whispered to me: "The melon seller is too confident. He didn't know that the melon he tried for customers is bitter!" No wonder no one bought his melon! I have some sympathy for the old man. But I was no longer interested in selling melons. I said to my father, "Let's go."

But Dad went to the melon stand again. The old man still smiled brightly: "Is it sweet?" Dad smiled and said in a low voice: "Teacher, melon is bitter." The old man opened his eyes.

Without saying a word, he took a knife, gouged out a piece of melon, put it into his mouth and chewed it, with a surprised look on his face. He quickly smiled and said to his father, "Thank you! Thank you! I really don't know!" We all laughed and walked on. I can't help admiring my father: Dad really means it! If I were in a hurry, I would really ignore it!

When we came back after a walk, we passed the melon stand again. The old man was looking at us, and his white beard trembled with laughter. Dad laughed and said, "Master, do you remember that?"

"Remember!" the old man said, and handed over a piece of melon. "Try it again, and see if it's still bitter?"

I took a big bite. How sweet! The sincere friendship between two strangers turned into the most beautiful flower and opened sweetly in my heart.

500 words for a simple composition (7)

The ordinary life is boring; Living a life without change is like tasting a dish without seasoning, which cannot move people's hearts. An embarrassing event can change your mood from shyness to anger, but from another perspective, it is just an ornament in life, which can make tasteless novelty.

On that day, there was a light of reflection outside the window. The dazzling light was like a lost child. Regardless of the blocking of doors and windows, he had to run in irregularly and filled the classroom. It seemed a beautiful day. After class, I chatted with my classmates, took textbooks and went to the bookcase to prepare for sorting books. The two of us monopolized the whole classroom, and the voice of conversation echoed in this space, as if time had stopped. My mood overflowed with each other's dialogue, and our laughter was accompanied by sunshine, which could not be stopped by anyone.

In the twinkling of a finger, there was an inexplicable obstacle in front of my feet. My feet, which were originally harmonious, didn't talk and quarreled with each other. My unstable center of gravity made me fall down on the bookcase. What a shame! The happy mood turned red in a twinkling. My feet hurt, but my heart had a bigger hole. I couldn't speak for a moment. I just sat there like a wooden man. Fortunately, my classmates were very kind. They helped me up and smiled twice. I am embarrassed to say to him, have you been frightened? My shoes are so excited today. Maybe it's time for an exam! What a humorous answer! Although it's a bit humiliating, my heart is also secretly happy!

500 words for a simple composition (8)

Time, it is silent, often unknowingly, it will leave without leaving a trace. People often find that there is not much time left until he is lost. It is just like this, according to the ancient saying: young people do not work hard, old people are sad.

When I got up on Monday morning, my mother said to me, "Mom and Dad went to work, and Grandma went to visit. She was alone at home. I will practice the piano today, and I will check when I come back."

Seeing off my parents, I thought: It's only a short time to practice the piano. It's not too late to play for a while and then practice. I turned on the TV and looked with relish. Ouch, look at Happy Baby Go. An adult didn't even turn over a 5 minute high slope, so don't panic about anything! Watching TV plays is so moving. I cried bitterly. Watching horror movies, it's too scary and exciting... Watching it, I thought: it's time to practice the piano. Look at the watch. It's only 10 o'clock. It's still early. Draw a picture. Draw the outline first, then draw the upper edge, and then paint the color. Wow! The always vivid puppy appeared, and then I spent kittens, bears, elephants, rabbits, deer, wolves, tigers, lions and so on. It was almost possible to open a zoo. Look at the watch. It's 12 o'clock. Cook and eat. It's already one o'clock after dinner. I'm just about to read. The phone rings. A friend came to play with me, dressed up, and had a good afternoon. When he got home, he glanced at his watch carelessly. His eyes immediately froze. It's 4:30, and it's over. Mom and Dad come back at 5 o'clock. Hurry to practice the piano and open the music, huh? It's so difficult. It's better to cooperate with both hands! It's terrible.

Half an hour passed so quickly, and my mother came back. She saw me "working hard" to practice the piano. She smiled happily and praised me, saying, "I saw you practicing the piano as soon as I entered the door. You must be very well connected!" I cried to myself and said to my mother dejectedly, "Sorry, I only played today, but I didn't practice well." Mother said earnestly: "It doesn't matter, as long as we learn from this lesson and don't do it again, we should remember that time is precious. If you don't cherish it, it will pass quickly."

"Time flies like an arrow." Time is precious. After learning this lesson, I will cherish it.

500 words for a simple composition (9)

Recently, I read a book. This book can't be bought in bookstores or found in libraries, but everyone has read it and got some enlightenment from it. The name of this book is "Life".

One hot summer afternoon, I was running on my way to school because I was late! I ran quickly and accidentally knocked down the garbage can on the street. I fell on the ground, looking at the garbage all over the ground, confused. What should I do? I'm going to be late. If I pick it up, I will be late. But it seems too hard not to pick it up. What should I do?

Finally, I chose not to pick it up, but there was always a big stone hanging in my heart. In the afternoon when school was over, I passed that pile of garbage again. The garbage was still lying there quietly. I chose not to pick it up. The stone in my heart was heavier.

In the evening, I told my sister everything. She was very angry and said: "Why don't you pick up the garbage? Even if you pick up the garbage late, no one will scold you, because no one will scold morality! You must pick up the garbage for me tomorrow! " I thought about it all night and thought my sister was right. Why don't I pick up the garbage? I must pick up the garbage tomorrow!

In the morning, when I passed the garbage again, I still hesitated. When I hesitated, an aunt cleaner came up and said, "Son, are you hesitating to pick up garbage? Don't hesitate to go to school. Don't be late. I will pick up the rest.

I left, and I never saw a cleaning lady again, but I got an inspiration from her: when facing moral problems, real moral people will not hesitate to choose morality!

500 words for a simple composition (10)

Once, the bookstore bought another batch of beautiful new books. Because the price of the books was a little expensive, my mother was unwilling to buy them for me, so I had to find another way.

One of my classmates just bought that book. I wanted to exchange books with her and asked for her permission. At first, she agreed. Later, she found many reasons to explain why she didn't borrow books. In the end, I had no choice but to buy this expensive book with my pocket money.

Later, one of my classmates asked me to borrow this book. In fact, I was unwilling to accept it. I told my mother about it, Mother said: "You can't be so stingy. It's easy to open your mouth, but hard to close it. Since your classmate asked you to borrow it, you should promise it. You will know that beauty comes from the heart when you lend her this book. There are many things more valuable than stinginess, and you will be happier if you own them. Love, let you share happiness." I listened to my mother's words and lent it to her, and then lent it to several classmates, I deeply felt the joy of giving, understood the truth in my mother's words, and realized the taste that beauty comes from the heart. Looking back, I didn't lose anything, but realized the true meaning of giving.

To give is to forgive others. Everyone's life has many complaints and hatred, but everyone has come through this way. No need to complain, no need to hate, forgive all those who have hurt us, so that we can feel the peace of mind, no longer let life fall into the mire of resentment, no longer make us feel uneasy and sad all the time.

To give is to help others. Everyone needs help and will help others. To help others is to help yourself. Always reach out your hand to help a blind person or stranger, and you will be very happy.

I keep my mother's words firmly in mind, so that I can never use them all my life - the world is wonderful because of your efforts.

500 words for a simple composition (11)

I remember that I was only in the first grade at that time, and I was very timid. One day, when the math teacher was asking questions, all the students were very active and raised their hands. I could not help but also raised my hands. But in my heart, I was thinking: Please don't call me, teacher. I don't want to answer questions. I buried my head under the table for fear of being seen by the teacher, but unfortunately, the teacher saw it at a glance and said, "Cao Jiashang, please answer!" I slowly stood up, blushing like a tomato, "I...... I......" The students laughed and laughed. I was so ashamed that I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

After a while, the teacher said angrily, "Cao Jiashang, what's wrong with you today? I can't answer such a simple question, so I'll give you another question." Before I answered, the teacher asked another question, "How much is 35+69?" At this time, no one in the class laughed. I secretly looked at my classmates after work, and each student's eyes were only encouraging, It seems to say: "Don't be afraid, I believe you can answer it."

So I gradually calmed down and got up the courage to say that it was 104. At this time, the whole class gave warm applause, and the teacher smiled and said, "Great, sit down!" After hearing this sentence, my heart was even sweeter than honey. Later, I dared to answer questions in every class, and the teacher liked me very much.

Through this event, I understand that we should try bravely, not be afraid, and dare to take that step.

500 words for a simple composition (12)

In the summer vacation, my father said at the dinner table: "Son, let's go to the seaside tomorrow, and my father will take you to relax." "Good!" I shouted happily. At night, lying in bed, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, and I kept imagining the sea, seagulls, beaches

The next day, with a clear sky, I came to the seaside all the way to enjoy the scenery. As soon as I got off the bus, I ran to the beach. The golden beach was warm and soft, like cotton candy. I opened my arms, facing the cool sea breeze, and shouted to the sea: "The sea, I'm coming!"

Looking at the blue sea, mysterious and novel, I could not help being excited. I really wanted to go swimming in the sea at once and change my bathing suit. I rushed to the beach, and waves of sea wind pushed the sea to the shore. The waves poured into my calves like a naughty child, cool and comfortable. Suddenly, I felt some pain on my feet. I looked down and said, "Ah! How can it be you?" It was a small crab. It was holding me with big pliers. I unexpectedly "met", so we are good friends. I found a small bucket to pack it up and gave it to my mother for safekeeping. Then I went to the sea to swim and bathe in the sun. I would swim breaststroke and butterfly like a happy fish. I decided to have a swimming competition with some little boys. "Come on..." With the cheers of my friends, I was full of confidence and stroked out with both hands. I finally won the first place. I was very happy!

Time passed quickly. The sunset came quietly. I reluctantly got on the bus and prepared to go home. What a happy day! What an unforgettable trip to the seaside!

500 words for a simple composition (13)

Everything is so beautiful. With a happy mood, I walked in the community and threw the biscuit bag I had just finished on the ground. I paid no attention to this move and walked away.

Not far away, I heard a sudden "Shua Shua" sound, and I continued to walk forward. The "Shua Shua" sound was getting closer and closer to me. Looking back, a figure came into my eyes. It was an aunt cleaner. She holds a big broom in her hand, wears an orange vest style overalls, and is carefully sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground.

My eyes fell on the biscuit bag, which swirled and fell at the feet of the cleaner aunt. The aunt held the broom with one hand, bent down, picked up the garbage bag with the other hand, and gently threw it into the garbage truck. I was stunned! This series of actions, perhaps in the eyes of others, can not be more ordinary, but for me, it is a deep shock.

The cleaner's aunt's back gradually disappeared at the end of the road. I can't forget it for a long time. It was her bending down to pick it up. Teachers often say, "What you throw down is rubbish, what I pick up is virtue". The cleaner interpreted this sentence in silence. I feel more ashamed. It's easy to throw rubbish. Why is it difficult to pick up rubbish? This is not a trivial matter. Sometimes, with a little effort, you can return a pure land.

Pick it up, this action stays in my mind, lingering.

I don't know where another piece of paper came from. It flew to my feet. I bent down with a smile and picked it up

Grass, dyed the earth green; Flowers, fragrance the air; Sunshine, sprinkled into my heart, the pure land in my heart, seems more charming!

500 words for a simple composition (14)

As a rule, I go to the bakery every weekend morning to buy hot milk and bread. That day, when I was carefully selecting bread, suddenly "bang -" a glass bottle broke. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were gathered there: in front of the cashier, the cashier was in a panic to apologize to an old man. The old man's hair has gone gray, and the traces of years are deeply engraved on his face, but his eyes are bright and bright. I looked closely. Isn't that my neighbor Grandpa Zhang? He is very kind and makes people feel very kind. His neighbors praise him for his good temper.

But at this time, Grandpa Zhang's eyes were full of anger. I know why. This cup was used by Grandpa Zhang and his wife before. I remember seeing him holding this cup since I can remember. He always carries it with him. And Grandpa Zhang's wife died a year ago... This cup represents their feelings, no wonder Grandpa Zhang is angry. The cashier looked worried, and the shopkeeper hurried over. They apologized together. I watched the meditation in Grandpa Zhang's eyes, which turned into helplessness, loss, and gradually turned into sadness. The light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

Grandpa Zhang sighed heavily and walked out of the store. I hurried after him and followed him. Grandpa Zhang walked into a park near the community. He sat on the bench, talking about something intermittently. His eyes were full of longing. I left quietly, feeling very bad.

500 words for a simple composition (15)

I pushed the car, ready to start - it was a steep slope, through which I could go to Ganma's house.

The cicadas on the trees were singing, as if they were cheering me up, or laughing at my stupidity.

The big slope was really big. I hesitated for a moment, then got on the bike and went forward at a slow speed. The sweat soaked my shirt, and the sweat on my forehead had seeped out. I bit my teeth, and my feet tried to suck and pedal hard. Although my legs are tired, I can't stop. Because once it stops, the car will slide down. But the thought in my heart wavered. I kneaded my sweat and thought, "Otherwise, push it down.".

After a fierce ideological struggle, I am still ready to continue riding. Finally, I rode to the top of the slope and cheered a little.

When I came back, I bent down and looked down, and the big slope that I had just conquered stood in front of me again.

I clenched my teeth, held down the brake, pedaled on the ground, and rode slowly down. With the cool wind, I rode faster and faster, and the distance in front of me was shorter and shorter. Before I knew it, I was almost at the bottom of the slope. The wind blowing in my face seemed to play with me. It was very comfortable around me.

At the end of the slope, it suddenly occurred to me that learning is also like this? As long as you work hard, you will succeed; If you relax, you will surely slide to the bottom of the slope quickly.

500 words for a simple composition (16)

Suddenly, my eyes stopped on a kind of sugar called Xiu Dou. I thought it must be delicious, so my mother bought me a bag.

My father and mother took me around the supermarket and made me dizzy. Fortunately, the supermarket was getting off work soon, otherwise, they would have to turn around at 12:00 pm!

When we finally got home, we "returned with a full load" and couldn't wait to find my carefully selected food, including spicy mutton jerky, sweet cotton candy, sour and sweet yogurt I can't even count. Among them, I like Xiudou best because I think this kind of sugar has its unique style. Now, let me talk about my feelings.

I tore the wrapping paper open first, and saw a pale yellow candy bar. I felt extremely sour after taking a bite. It made me want to spit out the sugar, but I have to stick to it. As the saying goes, "The most important thing is to stick to it!" Don't spit it out! After 50 seconds, it becomes slightly sweet. Slowly, it becomes sweet.

Isn't this our life? As long as you can resist the ridicule or scolding from others, you will have more setbacks and difficulties. At the same time, you will also have more strength. As long as you persist to the end, you will experience the taste of success.

Through this event, I learned that persistence is victory, and we should have this belief in learning and sports. People should never give up, fight to the end, and you will succeed. Believe in yourself, you will understand the meaning of "persistence". We will work together to achieve our goals!

Students, you should remember, "Only bitter, sweet"!