Mengniu (7 in total)
The sunset is beautiful
2024-03-08 09:00:30
Grade 6

Mengniu (1)

February 14, 2009

My aunt gave birth to a little boy, that is to say, I have another little cousin. He is my little cousin Yili's brother. This little cousin's name is "Guan Junye". Because her name is Yili, my mother gave him a nickname, "Mengniu". Ha ha, funny. Their father and mother must be the general agent of dairy industry, because "Yili" "Mengniu" two big milk companies are their children. Can they not make money and get rich in the future?

Xiaomengniu has just reached the full moon. Like his sister Yili, he is white and plump. He has not many black hair. Everyone says that his hair looks like grandpa. He also has a pair of delicate eyes, sensitive ears, lovely nose and ruddy mouth. It's really beautiful. Because Mengniu is BB, everyone dotes on him, protects him, loves him and lets him go. His responsibility is to "eat, sleep and grow up." Although Mengniu is small, his appetite is amazing. What do you believe? Take a look:

Once, when Xiaomengniu was hungry, he kept crying. His aunt gave him milk on the left side, and he stopped crying. But he was still hungry after drinking the milk on the left side. Her aunt had to give him milk on the right side, and he was still hungry after drinking the milk. She had to suck milk powder for him, and finally drank the bottle of milk before he was full. No wonder he was as strong as a cow only a few days after he was born.

My little Mengniu is cute and fun. Would you like to make friends with him? Go to my home to see him sometime!

Mengniu (2)

Have you ever drunk milk? Of course! Have you ever drunk Mengniu milk? Of course! So, have you ever seen how milk is made? Have you ever drunk fresh milk just out of the oven? Haha, that's not necessarily true? This time we went to visit Mengniu Factory to see how the milk was produced.

When I first entered Mengniu factory, I saw a row of neatly patterned cattle. There are red ones, yellow ones, and purple ones... peonies, roses, and lilies of the valley are all in different colors and shapes. Here, we can also simulate workers milking. We don't need to spray disinfectant water on the nipples, and then wipe them with a rag. Then we connect a tube on each nipple and transport it to a bucket. It will take a few seconds to see how ordinary workers can do it in 49 seconds. Are you all right?

We were asked to wear anti bacteria clothes and shoe covers, and then, like milk, we were transported to visit in a tube. Then we saw many machines. A set of stainless steel machines, a piece of stainless steel pipes, very spectacular, here is the sea of machines, but also the sea of boxed milk! Barrels of unpasteurized milk entered the pipe one after another, and then came out of the machine into a small box of Mengniu boxed milk. I was very excited and thought, "How much can I pay for so much milk?"

First, the milk is sterilized by the machine at high temperature, and then it is packed into small boxes by the machine. The transportation pipeline arranges it into a line, just like a neat line of soldiers. Finally, it is packed into a large box of milk, wow! The last machine is the most powerful. It can sort four boxes of milk at the same time, pack them into containers, and then transport them to all parts of the country. I thought: "How does it know that all the boxes are placed smoothly? Does it have a pair of eyes? The most skilled workers can't pack as quickly and neatly as it does!

There are many fairy tales and dreams in Mengniu factory, which are very interesting. There is a picture of the Alps on the wall. On the fence not far away, there is an old man milking a cow. The golden hut is filled with toys, which is really a beautiful picture. I feel very warm. The whole factory also feels very human.

When we were ready to leave the factory, the aunts of Mengniu Factory warmly invited us to drink the freshly baked milk and the freshly processed milk ice cream. I was very happy and ate them all at one go. The milk is so sweet and pure. I think it is the best milk I have ever drunk!

It is our workers who create milk with sweat, healthy Chinese! It is we Chinese who have created such a modern factory. I am very proud!

Mengniu (3)

After a long ride, I finally arrived at Mengniu Industrial Park.

A guide sister received us in the visiting hall. Let's wait a moment. We sat in the supermarket on the right side of the hall and ate milk bricks. The milk brick is sweet and ice, and the milk taste is strong. It tastes very good.

At this time, we gathered, and I ran to my sister guide, who began to lead us into the production workshop and introduce the milk production line.

First, we saw countless pipelines. These pipes are like a highway for milk. The milk is unobstructed inside and sent to the huge storage tank ahead by these pipes. Each storage tank here can hold four tons of milk, and there are 16 neat lines lying there.

Then we came to the filling workshop. The filling machine in the filling workshop can fill a lot of milk in a second! Here, I also saw the aerial trolley, which runs on the track and can deliver the required raw materials to a production line.

Further ahead is the packing workshop. I saw twenty-four small cartons of milk lining up to enter the machine, and another machine entrance was filled with wrapping paper. At this time, the machine will lift 24 boxes of milk, put wrapping paper on the bottom, put down the milk, and then put a cover on the top of the wrapping paper to the milk, and a case of milk will be packed. Then, boxes of milk are conveyed to the robot arm. When the robot arm senses that there are 13 boxes of milk, it will arrange these milk into a cube, and then send them to the smart car.

Smart cars are smart! It can sense whether there is a car in front of it to avoid rear end collision. It also knows where to put the milk on its back.

When we walked out of Mengniu Industrial Park, we still thought about what our guide sister said: one of those robots can support 13 workers, but only a few workers are operating in such a large workshop. I deeply feel that people are really smart!

Mengniu (4)

On October 18, Hangzhou Children's Channel held a new program of Mengniu Future at the Youth Museum.
Several TV hosts were invited to join the event, including Tianyue, Mango, Maomao, Orange, Yiyi, etc. But it was lively. Everyone wanted to do a show with the host. A dozen families also performed many wonderful programs.
There are also three programs that let us practice. The activity held by Hangzhou Children's Channel not only enriched our extracurricular life, but also gave more students the opportunity to participate.
The event was held successfully!

Mengniu (5)

My aunt gave birth to a little boy, that is to say, I have another little cousin. He is my little cousin Yili's brother. The name of this little cousin is "Guan Junye". Because the name of the little cousin is Yili, my mother gave him a nickname, "Mengniu". Ha ha, it's funny. Their parents must be the general agent of dairy industry, because "Yili" and "Mengniu" The two milk companies are their children. Can they not make money or get rich in the future?

Xiaomengniu has just reached the full moon. Like his sister Yili, he is white and plump. He has not many black hair. Everyone says that his hair looks like grandpa. He also has a pair of delicate eyes, sensitive ears, lovely nose and ruddy mouth. It's really beautiful. Because Mengniu is BB, everyone dotes on him, protects him, loves him and lets him go. His responsibility is to "eat, sleep and grow up." Although Mengniu is small, his appetite is amazing. What do you believe? Take a look:

Once, when Xiaomengniu was hungry, he kept crying. His aunt gave him milk on the left side, and he stopped crying. But he was still hungry after drinking the milk on the left side. Her aunt had to give him milk on the right side, and he was still hungry after drinking the milk. She had to suck milk powder for him, and finally drank the bottle of milk before he was full. No wonder he was as strong as a cow only a few days after he was born.

My little Mengniu is cute and fun. Would you like to make friends with him? Go to my home to see him sometime!

Mengniu (6)

In the evening, the sky was drizzling. My parents and I went shopping at Century Lianhua. Along the way, I happily reported what I wanted. Of course, "Mengniu Yogurt" is indispensable.

Near, near, even closer, I ran forward a few steps, and "Century Lianhua" appeared in front of me. As soon as I entered the gate, I went straight to the milk counter to find "Mengniu Yogurt". When I held it "joyfully", I accidentally found a few small words, "protein ≥ 1.0g, fat ≥ 1.0g per 100ml". I looked at the net content again, and it was "250ml". A total of 250 ml, every 100 ml contains nutrients. I thought desperately. That is to say, the whole yogurt contains protein ≥ 250 ÷ 100 × 1.0=2.5g, and fat ≥ 250 ÷ 100 × 1.0=2.5g. What percentage of the whole box of yogurt is protein? 2.5/250=1%. What about fat? 2.5/250=1%. The two nutrients are the same.

I am really happy that I have "discovered a new continent". When I told my parents what I thought, I saw their faces were very pleased. I guess I'm proud of myself!

Mengniu (7)

The black and white milk lives on the Milkstar, and it is alive and well. But because they don't care about environmental sanitation, they make the originally beautiful Milkstar no longer so perfect. When Milkstar became a dump, the cows were still living happily. Don't think that all cows are dirty, but they all love beauty. They only find food to stay and spend time grooming themselves, and then throw the garbage on the planet, so there is such a dirty garbage dump, but there are many beautiful cows running up and down.

There is a colorful cow here. If you call him Mengniu, he will be very happy. He will also say: "I know there is a star called Earth, where there is a lot of milk. One is called Mengniu Future Star, and children love to drink it, They live in a muddle, but Mengniu has a better memory. Mengniu loves the sky very much. When the sky is bright, there will be various halos; When it is dark, stars of various shapes will appear, which is very beautiful. Mengniu looked at it and was quietly excited. When his heart was beating, the sky of Milkstar was changeable. It was always wandering, and the day and night were uncertain, depending on where it floated.

Mengniu likes to watch the stars at night. The stars of different shapes are hung on the top of Mengniu's head. Some are far away, while others are very close. Mengniu runs to the garbage heap, stands on tiptoe, and reaches for them as soon as he reaches out. Mengniu always likes to touch the stars, which is hot, If it is still cold, you should touch it, or even pick one off. The stars collected by Mengniu are as small as nails and as large as Mengniu.

Mengniu lives in the corner of the dump. There are several stars shining around him. Mengniu blinks slowly and is about to fall asleep At that moment, a tiny star flew from a distance. It was a meteor. Mengniu stared at it and wanted to get it because it was green. So he waited nervously. Seeing that he was about to wipe Milkstar, Mengniu jumped up and flew, and the small meteor just hit him in his arms. Mengniu likes it very much. He has never seen such beautiful stars. They are oval, green, pointed and fragrant. They are a little like milk!