500 word composition (17 articles)
Flowing thoughts and dreams
2024-05-29 04:38:29

500 word composition (1)

There is a big family, where there are all kinds of children. There are quiet and cute, naughty, lively and cheerful, and introverted and shy... Of course, there are also "moms" who teach us knowledge and how to be human. In this big family, different interesting things happen every day, which makes the children of our big family laugh. Yes, this big family is Class 4, Grade 6, "Funny Facts Origin Station"!

"Ding Ling Ling" The bell rings after class, class is over! The students quickly ran back to the classroom. I was just going to get my clothes, but I looked at them intently. Eh, right? I obviously put my clothes on the railing. Why is it missing?

I looked around and saw a beige sweater, which was the same color as mine. The difference was that my sweater was embroidered with flowers, while this sweater had black stripes. I thought about it carefully. Only my class had PE class on the playground, and this sweater was worn by boys. The boy who took my sweater must have taken the wrong clothes because he was in a hurry.

Without saying a word, I hurried upstairs. Fortunately, I had just finished PE class, or I would have to turn the school upside down.

Shortly after I went upstairs, I saw the sweater smiling at me. It seemed to say, "You said it was funny or not. A boy put me on." I looked up and said, "Why is Chen Boxi wearing my embroidered sweater?"? I laughed out of breath and said, "Chen... Chen Boxi, you... you are wearing the wrong clothes. Look at the lower left corner of the sweater. There are some blue and white flowers embroidered there! His face is as red as a tomato. He is ashamed. He would like to find a seam to drill down. He quickly took off his sweater and gave it to me, but he himself disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, no classmates saw it, otherwise his jokes would be too big! The school brings us not only knowledge, but also happiness! Let's thrive in laughter!

Ha ha, I still want to laugh when I think about it!

500 word composition (2)

School begins! School begins! The rich and wonderful summer vacation has ended and a new semester has begun.

On the first day of school, I got up early, opened the window, and a gust of breeze blew through my nose. A golden sun came in, bright and gentle, and how comfortable! I wolfed down my breakfast and flew to school with excitement and excitement. I wish I had a pair of wings along the way, so that I could fly to school immediately and see the teachers and classmates I missed.

Finally arrived at the school, the school is really lively, students one by one talking and laughing. On the playground, some students were playing, some sat around and talked about their summer fun... Bright laughter spread all over the campus.

When I walked into the classroom, I heard the students shouting enthusiastically: Wang's Nini is coming! Wang's wife is here! " Everyone was very happy. I saw Miss Li busy signing up for the students. I handed over my Chinese and math homework to the monitor for inspection. In the summer vacation, I seriously did my Chinese and math homework. So the inspection passed smoothly. It was my turn to check my English homework. I handed it to my teacher, who carefully checked it. At this time, my heart was like a little rabbit. Because I know that I didn't finish my English homework seriously this summer, I secretly hoped that the teacher would not find my mistakes, but my wish was dashed. The teacher not only found the mistakes, but also used her red pen to correct them in the book. Unexpectedly, the teacher didn't criticize me, but said to me: "The road of learning is hard, and we must work hard on this road to achieve good results." I was very ashamed to hear that. I think this semester we must study hard to correct shortcomings and realize the teacher's wishes.

This is an unforgettable day. It made me understand that learning is my own business and I can't cheat.

500 word composition (3)

Ah! Childhood, golden childhood, is full of joy and nostalgia

On a dark night three years ago, Cousin Jiang Wei took my brother and I on the ridge of the countryside with a kerosene lamp. I looked around as I walked. It was dark all around. It was like a big black cloth was covered. I was afraid and happy. What I feared was that only three of us would walk on such a dark night; To our delight, my cousin took us to catch eels.

Just as I was walking, my cousin stopped, raised the kerosene lamp, and stared at the ridge. I was about to speak, but my cousin stopped me with his hand gesture, so I had to stop talking. When I looked through the dim light, I only saw a hole under the ridge of the field, the hole facing the sky. Look carefully, the hole is smooth and wet. I know it's an eel hole. No wonder my cousin didn't let me talk just now. Suddenly, some small bubbles appeared from the hole. "Eel"! I couldn't help blurting out and yelling. My cousin's face suddenly showed joy. He asked his brother to hold the kerosene lamp and handed me the fish basket. He put an instrument full of iron needles into the hole, poked it a few times and turned it a few times. After a while, an eel was pulled out. The eel was a foot long, and its body was yellow with some faint black lines. Although his whole body was bloodied by iron needles, he was still struggling desperately with his head swinging. My cousin caught it and threw it into the fishbasket.

We found the second hole again. Next to the hole, there was an eel lying upright. I thought to myself: How did this eel die? We can't eat dead eels. I was about to kick it off when my cousin stopped me and said, "Don't be busy, see if it's pretending to be dead?" Pretend to be dead? Eel will play dead? Brother held the lamp, and we were all curious to look closer. Cousin gently pulled with the eel hook and did not move. Then he poked it with a sharp needle. Look, the straight body twisted. "Ha! Live! Live!" We laughed happily. Of course, this eel has also become our trophy.

I can't remember catching several eels that night, but the feeling of joy, excitement and novelty is deep in my heart. (Suiling Education

500 word composition (4)

One day, my mother and I went to the Jiafu Supermarket to buy pork. After buying pork, I went to the park next to the supermarket to play a fishing game. The game was very fun. Those fish were made of plastic, and there were magnets on the mouth of the fish, and there were also magnets on the hook, so I caught the bait with a little fishing. There is a tortoise that is very funny. I am in a daze, and it took the bait itself.

In the supermarket, my mother bought me a bottle of drink. After a few mouthfuls, I went home with my mother. When we passed the railway station, I took a few more gulps, and my drink was finished. At this time, I saw a little brother. He was wearing dirty clothes. He was holding an empty bottle and a large green plastic bag. I think he must be picking up empty bottles. Just as a bus arrived, the little brother waited for the passengers on the train to give him an empty bottle. He held the empty bottle high in his hand and said to the people on the bus, "Uncle, can you give me an empty bottle?" The uncle on the bus said to him, "There is no empty bottle, go somewhere else." The little brother went to another window to ask for the bottle in disappointment. I asked my mother, "Can I give the empty bottle to the little brother?" My mother said, "OK, you can go now." I ran and shouted, "little brother, little brother." He looked around and didn't hear my cry. I shouted again, "Little brother, give you the bottle." He looked back and saw that it was me. I still had the bottle in my hand. He said happily, "Thank you, little sister." Then he turned around and walked away. I think he walked home all the way with a smile. I ran back to my mother and said, "I finally gave the bottle to him. I am very happy that I have done a good deed."

Then my mother and I went home. On the way, I saw some waste paper shells and empty plastic bags. I thought to myself, next time I see my little brother, I will pick them up and give them to him.

500 word composition (5)

On Sunday evening, the sky suddenly darkened and the dark clouds came down. I was watching TV with relish at my grandmother's house when my mother hurriedly called me: "Go, Guoguo, it will rain soon, if we leave late, we will have to stay here overnight!" I listened, grabbed an umbrella and rushed downstairs with my mother.

Just a few steps later, the lightning seemed like snakes, as if it was going to bite the sky open. Then, the deafening thunder roared and the rain poured down. Mom quickly opened the umbrella and covered it with me. The wind bent the tree, and the rain in front was like a layer of fog. My mother and I walked hard in the rain against the strong wind. I feel extremely cold.

As I walked, I felt something was wrong: Eh? The rain is so heavy and the wind is so fierce. Why am I not wet at all? I looked up and saw that my mother had given me most of the umbrella, but half of her body was already wet: the right cuff was dripping water, the clothes were close to her body, and the water in her hair flowed from the face to the tip of her chin, and then from the tip of her chin to the ground. I even felt my mother shivering with cold... A warm current poured out of my heart, I quietly pushed the umbrella to my mother, and let the umbrella cover her whole body. My mother seemed to feel something, and gently pushed the umbrella to me. I looked up at my mother and found that her mother was also looking at me. We both looked at each other and smiled. Then my mother put out a hand and put her arm around my shoulder. I also held my mother's waist tightly. We both sang a song "We cover a small umbrella together, although it is raining more and more..." I suddenly felt that it was not so cold, and the rain was not so heavy, The wind is not so strong anymore... Although this is a trivial matter for many people, it is a trivial matter that is not noticeable at all, but it remains in my heart forever

500 word composition (6)

Today, we will have barbecue for dinner. I asked my father, "Is there anything I can do for you. Dad cut the chicken heart in half, put it in a small basin, and handed it to me. Tell me to wash the blood clot from the chicken heart.

First, I put the small basin with chicken hearts into the pool and washed it with water three times. Because the water flow was too big, I accidentally got a body of water. This is terrible. Don't let your mother see it. I looked into the room. Fortunately, my mother was doing housework in the room, but I didn't see it. Dad saw it and said, "If you put on an apron, it won't be like this. Put it on quickly. It's not too late to mend the situation.". I listened to my father's advice and put on my apron at once. Now I'm not afraid of my mother! I turned on the tap again and continued to wash... After several times of washing, some chicken hearts were washed clean, but some were not. So I picked out the washed chicken hearts one by one and put them in another clean basin. I picked up the remaining chicken hearts one by one and washed them out with my hands. In this way, after about twenty minutes, all the chicken hearts were washed clean by me!

I began to roast meat. I couldn't wait to roast chicken heart first, but my father said to roast other meat first, and roast chicken heart with the remaining broth, which is delicious! Finally began to roast chicken heart! Mother tasted a piece first and said, "It seems that it is not ripe yet." I am so worried! It was not easy to get the roast chicken heart, but we had to wait for a while. It's finally out of the pot! I was the first one to pick up a pair of chopsticks. How delicious! We ate all the chicken hearts at one go. It seems that the fruits of labor washed by myself are the most... good food in the world!

500 word composition (7)

These two days are our county teacher examination transfer certificate, of course, I also participated in the fierce competition.

The county education bureau charged 140 yuan for the exam. Of course, the exam is not compulsory, so the charge is a legitimate reason. In fact, I didn't want to register before the exam, because the chance was slim. Four out of 30 people were charged, and finally I threw the money into the salt water sea.

The first day of the exam was a written exam. The subjects were educational policies and regulations, psychology and pedagogy. When the exam papers were handed out, it was not difficult to look at them. It was a feeling that the attitude of the people who took the exam papers was not correct. The fonts were large and small, and the layout was poor. The three lines of characters were made into a piece of paper, and it was clear that there were many mistakes and omissions at a glance, I wondered whether anyone in the Education Bureau had ever read these test papers, and then the wrong words appeared. Education was written into the multiple choice questions. If the words were wrong, I would not choose them, but if they were not wrong, no one would correct them. If the wrong words were to test our level, would they overestimate us? Finally, I asked the invigilator, and she said directly, "You should understand them.", I don't know, dizzy, do I have to understand the wrong characters well, and finally I will treat them as not wrong characters, forget it, it should be like this.

The next day was the exam interview, that is, the lecture. I should have made no mistake this time. It was my turn to take the book and lesson plan. I was so happy because I had taught this semester. I should be able to cope with it freely. I picked up the script and wrote the lecture script. I knew I was wrong when I wrote half of it. I shouldn't write content in the lesson plan, because these two books are not the same, The lesson plan is the latest version, while the textbook is the oldest version, and the content does not correspond at all. God, Education Bureau, is it you playing or I am too careless, time is not enough, tension and acceleration, the final speech was very bad, lost very unhappy, very unconvinced.

I am very unhappy about this exam.

500 word composition (8)

Something often appears in my mind. As soon as I think of it, I will secretly cry. My heart is very sad and I feel that I am there too.

My grandpa went to my uncle's house that year, and when he came home, I didn't know why his feet and thumbs began to hurt. My grandpa thought it was no big deal, so he didn't go to see a doctor. A few days later, my feet were swollen, and the swelling was very harmful. My father cried. So at night, I told my father: "Dad, you take grandpa to see tomorrow, and his feet are swollen." My father said painfully: "I took grandpa to see a doctor, but the doctor said: 'My... My time is not... long. ’Grandfather's feet hurt more and more every day. I'm so sad to see him hurt like that! "

That day, when I came home from school, I saw my grandfather lying on the bed in the hall in the style of a TV actor. When I entered the house, I asked my mother: "Mom, what's wrong with Grandpa? Why do you wear this kind of clothes? I won't let Grandpa wear this kind of clothes." My mother said kindly: "Children don't understand. Don't talk nonsense. Go and do your homework.". When I walked into the hall, there were many people. I saw Grandpa with his mouth open and full of phlegm, but his feet were wearing embroidered shoes. My elder brother was sitting at my father's bedside, and my grandmother was sitting beside the door. My elder sister said to grandpa, grandpa, you must wait for your grandson to come back, and grandpa just nodded. Grandpa asked us all to go over, and he took out the gold ring and the money from his hand and said, "Go and divide it yourself!" After a while, I saw that Grandpa was still all motionless and her eyes were open. My elder sister rushed to cry, and our whole family cried around. Tomorrow we will send Grandpa to be buried.

Teacher, I want to tell you that you should not talk about grandpa in class in the future. Whenever you mention it, I want to cry. I hope you will not say these two words again. I want to say to grandpa: "Goodbye grandpa, I hope you can live a good life under the Jiuquan."

My grandpa died at a young age. It's a pity that I brought food to my grandma every day. When I saw her sitting alone, I didn't like it very much.

500 word composition (9)

After seeing off the warm and sunny March, we ushered in the April day with flowers and flowers. In April, Damiao Li Primary School was full of flowers and flowers. But a new thing happened in the calm campus. The stained dustbins were not only put on new clothes, but also divided into "recyclable" and "non recyclable" categories. The rubbish that used to be everywhere has disappeared. The students became more civilized and hygienic.

In the past, there were a lot of waste paper and plastic bags "dancing with the wind" in the flower beds and lawns on our campus. Because of their "embellishment", flowers and grass lost their vitality, which really spoiled the scene. Although the school stipulates that taking the initiative to pick up the garbage in the public area can add 5 points to the class. But these abominable "psoriasis" are always rarely noticed, and only a few students take the initiative to send them home. As for the dustbins on campus, they really deserve the name. Not only because it is a garbage container, but also because every time we pass by it, there will always be a stench "accompanied", let alone the stains all over it. The smell of flowers and garbage; The beautiful campus and the rubbish flying everywhere are really "matching each other". Over time, everyone became accustomed to it.

Since the launch of the "Health Star" competition, everything has changed. When some students see a piece of paper, an empty bottle, a packaging bag, a piece of fallen leaves under their feet... they will bend down to pick it up and throw it into the garbage can. The students understood the importance of protecting the environment, and each student poured his enthusiasm into the transformation of the campus environment.

The campus environment has become clean and tidy, and the students' manners have become more civilized. Everyone has a common goal in mind - to make the campus more beautiful.

I think a person who talks about civilization and health is like a beam of light. Its energy is limited. Only if everyone of us is civilized and healthy, can this light illuminate every corner of the campus. At that time, the civilized behavior of students and the clean environment on campus will no longer be new to the campus.

500 word composition (10)

The night my great grandmother left, I slept beside her. My mother suddenly got up, dressed me, and carried me away. She wouldn't let me say a word more. I was also frightened by my mother's extremely serious expression. I looked at the bed, leaving the slightly solemn figure of my father kneeling at the bed in my mind. Without enough time to say a word or look at her, a life will be taken away from my life. For the first time, death approached that thin childhood so closely.

In my impression, she is an old lady with a ravine face and white hair. She gave me a biscuit, and I called her "Madam", so that she would smile happily, with wrinkles on her face, showing the gums of only a few teeth, making strange noises, and now I am full of tears

When I was a child, as long as my wife was ill, I was the only one in the family who was excited because my aunts and aunts would always buy some "tonic" to visit her, including my favorite canned fruits and preserves. At this time, my mother always showed me a stern look to leave, and I moved reluctantly, still staring at the food on the table. When the crowd disappeared, my great grandmother called my nickname in a strange voice, and I ran to her, knowing that canned fruits and candied fruits were waiting for me. Once, I asked her, "Why don't you eat it?" She just said that it was too sweet to eat. And I still feel at ease and gobble, while she still holds me warmly and affectionately and looks at me when I eat

I don't know why I can't forget such trivial pieces of life, so profound. Maybe it was just a look up in childhood, her smile, her soft words when she comforted me, so gentle and direct.

Once on the road, I saw an old man walking across the bridge. Because of his old age, he hesitated beside the bridge on crutches. He could not resist her great grandmother's face. He went straight to join her to cross the bridge, regardless of everyone's eyes, step by step, steadfastly. At that moment, I felt that my great grandmother came back to me.

After crossing the bridge, she gave me a smile, which seemed to be the spotlight from heaven. I saw her again and felt her real existence in my life.

This is an excellent article about great grandmother. The description of the full text is exquisite and vivid. The author can show her great grandmother's love for "me" from many aspects, and can use simple language to describe the food she gave to "me", which makes the article clear, organized and sincere.

500 word composition (11)

That day, I stood by the Songhua River for a long time, looking at the rushing river, and my heart suddenly returned to the surging Yellow River in August.

"The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and flows to the sea without returning", which is the lament of the ancients for the Yellow River; "The Yellow River is the cradle of the Chinese nation", which is the praise of today's people for the Yellow River. On that day, August 20, 20xx, I finally came to the most spectacular place of our mother river, the second largest waterfall in China - Hukou Waterfall.

It was here that the riverbed of the Yellow River dropped from hundreds of meters wide to tens of meters wide. With the huge drop on the riverbed, the magnificent and shocking Hukou Waterfall opened. The surging river water gathered in such a "pot" and poured out from top to bottom. The muddy yellow river water "flew down three thousand feet", splashing in the air and billowing white waves. Within a second, thousands of cubic meters of water fell on the downstream river, rushing, white flowing flowers, yellow river water rolled on the riverbed, and disappeared with the waves. Next to the waterfall with a drop of tens of meters, the sun shines brightly, forming a beautiful rainbow of seven colors on the waterfall. Standing beside the Yellow River, the visual shock of the surging Yellow River and the auditory shock of the roaring Yellow River made me unable to calm down. The magnificent, beautiful, magnificent and great Yellow River hit my heart and shocked me beyond compare.

At this moment, the spray of spray blows against my face, I seem to smell the breath of loess, where our Chinese civilization originated; I seem to have seen the splendid history of five thousand years of Chinese civilization, from which our Chinese nation has grown; I seem to hear the roar of the Yellow River --- "China's rise, still look at the present!"

It is late at night, the Yellow River is still roaring, and the huge waves in Hukou are beating, forming a continuous deafening sound. They roll forward and never stop. The Yellow River's waves are also running eastward day and night, never stop.

At this moment, my heart is surging. The Yellow River has shocked me greatly. I feel its roar and momentum have taken root in my heart and will always remember it. The Yellow River is the witness of the history of our Chinese nation. It has gone through the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Tang and Song Dynasties, and the dark period of Japanese invasion. As our mother, the Yellow River, with its earth shaking roar, tells all Chinese people that they should work hard, be indomitable, struggle more than ever, and have a firm belief that the nation will rise and revitalize China!

500 word composition (12)

Today something interesting happened again. Let me tell you slowly.

Today Monday, the second class is physical education. I thought the teacher would be busy rehearsing for the chorus. But no, things are not as bad as expected.

I pretended to be cool before I started. I put my hands on the ground and did push ups. After doing a few, I couldn't do any more. Standing up, Wang Chenyu in the back said: Yes, why didn't I see you so powerful before? I smiled proudly, then went to the rear and waited for arrangements. In this lesson, Zhang Mingyu led us to train for the rope skipping relay race. Zhang Mingyu holds a roster in his hand, and his meticulous appearance is admirable. Zhang Mingyu began to read the list. Xiao Dongtian strode to Zhang Mingyu's side and said, "Where am I standing?"?

He seemed to understand something and said, "You should stand behind Long Yuanyi!"! I thought to myself: I am worthy of being an iron man who cooperates with me. I have to thank him this time! I'm still not sure. I said: Really? He raised his mouth slightly and nodded.

Then I stood behind her with confidence. The game started, and everyone's relay was so exciting. It's her turn, and I'm nervous.

She rounded the flagpole at the other end and ran back. Then she came closer and closer to me. She hands over the rope, I carefully took the rope in her hands, and ran out quickly. I ran with both hands and waved the rope she had just held. I thought. The power that comes from nowhere in my heart makes me faster. I can hardly believe myself. I ran to the end and quickly passed the rope to the next team member. Finally, after running, I pulled up again in front of the horizontal bar. One two three could not move. I put my hands on my knees and gasped. After a while, I climbed onto the parallel bars and looked at her silently. She looked nervous for a while, and then smiled again, which was really sweet. I looked at her dignified and beautiful appearance and sighed. I think of Tang Lizhu again. He has the same mentality as me. However, his psychology has not been shown yet.

He always depends on me, for example, to touch her and have a word with her. I have no choice but to watch him do nothing because his mouth is on his face.

500 word composition (13)

"Jingle, jingle..." Everyone took their seats, made preparations before class, and began to read the text aloud.

"This is the fifth lesson. Why hasn't the teacher come yet?", "Is the teacher off duty (it was afternoon at that time)?", "This is a self-study class?"...... There are many discussions in the classroom about the teacher's absence. Some people are bold enough to run to the office without authorization, while others are chatting with their deskmates; Some are reading secretly. "The teacher is not here!" Xiaoz hurried back to the classroom and shouted. "Haye!" The classroom burst into flames, walking, running, chatting... Everyone was in charge of each other, making a loud noise, and some people even stopped their ears - the next class was envious!

Not long after that, the law guard walked to the platform step by step, and everyone stopped playing as if they were choking, and went back to their seats quietly, waiting to die.

"Points will be deducted. Stop making noise!" the guard shouted and returned to his seat. I can't believe it. How did the noise become silent? It has changed too much.

"Wow, look at the opposite mountain!" "It's on fire and smoking." "God, Baiyun Mountain (I don't know if it's really called this name) is on fire!" "Really!" There are too many things in this class. Why is the opposite mountain on fire? It was the first time that we saw a mountain fire when we were in school for a few years. We stuck to the window or went to the corridor to look. Some "experts" didn't listen to things outside the window, but just sat in chairs and read.

Finally, the pleasant bell for class ended, and everyone poured out of the classroom, still playing with music, as if it was the same as "class". Later, some curious students ran to ask the teacher. The teacher suddenly changed classes in other classes, which led to the duplication of courses in the two classes. So they went to other classes.

This lesson impressed everyone deeply, and I'm afraid I will never forget it.

500 word composition (14)

"Jingle, jingle..." Everyone took their seats, made preparations before class, and began to read the text aloud.

"This is the fifth lesson. Why hasn't the teacher come yet?", "Is the teacher off duty (it was afternoon at that time)?", "This is a self-study class?"...... There are many discussions in the classroom about the teacher's absence. Some people are bold enough to run to the office without authorization, while others are chatting with their deskmates; Some are reading secretly. "The teacher is not here!" Xiaoz hurried back to the classroom and shouted. "Haye!" The classroom burst into flames, walking, running, chatting... Everyone in charge made a loud noise, and some people even stopped their ears - the next class was envious!

Not long after that, the law guard walked to the platform step by step, and everyone stopped playing as if they were choking, and went back to their seats quietly, waiting to die.

"Points will be deducted. Stop making noise!" the guard shouted and returned to his seat. I can't believe it. How did the noise become silent? It has changed too much.

"Wow, look at the opposite mountain!" "It's on fire and smoking." "God, Baiyun Mountain (I don't know if it's really called this name) is on fire!" "Really!" There are too many things in this class. Why is the opposite mountain on fire? It was the first time that we saw a mountain fire when we were in school for a few years. We stuck to the window or went to the corridor to look. Some "experts" didn't listen to things outside the window, but just sat in chairs and read.

Finally, the pleasant bell for class ended, and everyone poured out of the classroom, still playing with music, as if it was the same as "class". Later, some curious students ran to ask the teacher. The teacher suddenly changed classes in other classes, which led to the duplication of courses in the two classes. So they went to other classes.

This lesson impressed everyone deeply, and I'm afraid I will never forget it.

500 word composition (15)

Xiaoming, a bookworm in our class, likes reading and buying books very much. That day, he took a hundred yuan to buy books in the bookstore at the school gate after class. Xiaoming is very careful. He takes out the money from time to time to prevent losing it.

But something happened. At noon, Xiao Ming found that the money in his schoolbag was missing. He hurriedly searched the schoolbag, but failed to find it. He still didn't give up. He turned the schoolbag inside and out, but still couldn't find the piece of Grandpa Mao. Xiaoming was very anxious and had to report to the teacher.

When the teacher knew it, he quickly let us look for it in all directions. The whole class immediately rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, never letting go of any corner. The lost book was found, and the missing pen came out. But this picture of Grandpa Mao is missing.

The students began to become Sherlock Holmes after many discussions. After repeated deliberation, they listed the following two suspicious people: 1. Xiaoming's deskmate, the monitor. They have been sworn enemies since the first grade. One small quarrel every two days, and one big trouble every three days. The monitor is very likely to take the opportunity to retaliate against Xiaoming. 2. Xiao Ming's former friend, Xiao Zhang, was a good friend before, but Xiao Zhang was jealous of Xiao Ming's good study. He had a quarrel the other day. But they both righteously denied that the mystery was still unsolved.

Unable to help, the teacher had to report the matter on the parents' WeChat group and seek their help.

The next day, Xiaoming came to school skipping, singing a song. We were very surprised and asked, "Why are you so happy when you found your money?" He winked his eyes mischievously and said, "The parents of our class student B found that there was an extra toy in his schoolbag last night, and the parents did not give him money to buy toys yesterday. After inquiry, B finally told the truth. Then the truth came out!"

Looking at Xiaob's ashamed expression, we stopped asking. This matter is gradually forgotten by us.

500 word composition (16)

On a sunny noon, a boy squatted on the playground with a worried face, wondering what he was doing. In fact, that child is me.

You will surely ask me why I squatted there, because I didn't do well in the exam for the first time, thinking about how to explain to my parents, or sneaking home to prevent my parents from finding me. As long as I go to bed early and they don't find me back, I can escape a disaster. The next day, they must forget about my achievements.

"Ding Lingling, school is over!" When I heard this, I panicked and picked up my schoolbag slowly, but the students were so happy that they ran home like rabbits. I finally thought about it and made a bold attempt to sneak home. Soon, I went downstairs to my own house and walked into the building as if I were a thief. I pressed the elevator while watching whether my parents were back.

Wait, wait, I finally got to the door, took out the key, calmly opened the door, gently pushed the door open, try not to make a noise. As soon as I entered the door, I heard the sound of TV. It was my father watching TV. So I took off my shoes, put on my slippers and sneaked into my bedroom like a thief.

When I just entered my bedroom and saw my mother looking at her mobile phone, I was scared into a cold sweat. My hands and feet were stiff and I was scared out of my wits.

I was still found out that my mother didn't hit me and bought me a UAV. I asked with small question marks: "Mom, didn't I do well in the exam?" "No, the teacher wrote the score wrong and told me on WeChat." My mother explained. It suddenly dawned on me that I did well in the exam!

This attempt scared me to death. Later, I also thought clearly that next time I must not escape, even if I did not do well in the exam, I must be honest!

500 word composition (17)

This morning, it was sunny. Mr. Pang and Mr. Liang led the whole class of students in the composition interest class to the classroom on the third floor of the pharmaceutical company to pack wonton.

We walked to the pharmaceutical company, went to the classroom on the third floor, and quietly waited for the teacher's order. The teacher first gave us the skin and meat, then gave us a few orders, and asked us to start making wonton.

As soon as the teacher began to speak, the classroom became lively. Some were talking and wrapping while others were thinking about how to wrap it well. What about me? First, I hold the skin with my left hand, and then I hold the chopsticks with my right hand. Then, I scrape the meat into the skin with my chopsticks, and then roll the meat and chopsticks with the skin. Finally, I pull out the chopsticks, and a wonton will be wrapped. But the meat I wrapped in this wonton is too much, and it is sharp on both sides and big in the middle, like a fat moon. I took this "Moon" wonton to the teacher for evaluation. The teacher said, "Although this" Moon "wonton is very interesting, it has too much meat, which has two disadvantages: one is wasting meat, and the other is difficult to cook." After listening to the teacher's comments and suggestions on my wonton, I immediately went to revise it. This time, the wonton is still moon shaped, It's just that my body is much slimmer and looks more beautiful.

When we finished packing, we gave it to the teacher to cook, and then waited impatiently in our seats. When the wonton was cooked, before the teacher came to the door of the classroom, we could smell the fragrant wonton fragrance, and everyone could not help drooling, like little greedy cats. After the teacher divided the wonton, we ate it like we hadn't eaten for a long time. It was delicious! Eating one after another is really a memorable experience for you!

This event made me understand that Wonton Bao is the same as learning, and learning is not shameful.