tidal bore watching
Moonlight brook
2023-08-23 19:19:26
fourth grade

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, there was a rumbling sound from the distance, which seemed to be rolling like a dull thunder. Suddenly, people were full of voices. Someone told us that the tide was coming, and we looked east on tiptoe. The river is still calm, and no change can be seen. After a while, the noise became louder and louder. A white line appeared at the place where water and sky meet in the east, and the crowd was boiling again.
The white line quickly moved towards us, gradually lengthened and thickened, crossed the river, and closer, white waves billowed, forming a wall of water more than two feet high.
The tide is getting closer and closer, like thousands of white war horses running forward together, the sound is like a landslide, as if the earth is shaking.