Beginning and ending of composition (17 in general)
Yichuan Tobacco
2023-08-01 02:38:55
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Beginning and ending of composition (1)

First: Time flies, time is the reference definition that people give to time. At this time, the tree has grown into a towering tree, the youth has grown into middle age, and the parents are old! The umbrella our parents gave us to support our life is worn out. It should be our return feeding season now. Let's hold the sunset umbrella for our parents.

Some people always say that when you are old and have nothing, you will chew the memory to live. Then in life, not all the memories are beautiful and worth remembering. Maybe when I take you back to the past, I will find that all the encounters and possessions are so insignificant. When I was young, my father used his big hand to hold our small hand and teach us to walk step by step. However, who would accompany them with his big hand and his small hand when he was old? Holding our parents' hands is like our father holding our hands when we were young. Through the four seasons, our shadow grows so long

People are sometimes less fragile than a grass. Grass can withstand wind and rain, and can withstand the trampling of the world. People's hearts are like a piece of paper that can be broken by blowing bombs. It is fragile, and has no tenacity!

Ending: Time is endless, life is limited. Let's have what we can have and cherish what we can cherish in our limited life. Don't let the fleeting years brush your shoulders and live up to the only life. When we lament the loss, we should also look back on what we have!

Beginning and ending of composition (2)

(At the beginning) Looking back, the most happy moment for me recently was last Saturday. Last Saturday was my brother's wedding day. Because there was no car for my father to use, I was picked up by my father after the third class in the morning.

My brother's home is in Xingtang. On the way, we passed many villages, such as Fengli Village, Ganxi Village, Hu'an Village... about 10 villages. There is a hard road to go to my brother's house. This road only allows one car to pass or three motorcycles to pass. If two cars come from opposite directions, one must give way.

At noon, I went out for a walk after lunch. When I came to the mountain not far from my brother's house, I saw a well at a glance. It was not toward our usual well, but it was only more than 2 meters high. I was just drowned when I went down. This well was left behind before, so there are very strange characters and a dragon head beside the well, but it is not obvious. Then there is an endless field. There are: winter melon, cabbage, radish... It is an eye opener. A little more than 20 miles away is the intersection of the mountains (their mountains are connected). When I got there, I was breathless. When I got there, I could see the whole village. I heard that there is a village on the mountain

(At the end) There are endless strange things in my brother's village. It is said that some of the wedding feast food: fish, shrimp, crabs... they caught them themselves. I really hope that one day I can catch fish, shrimp, crabs... and enjoy the fruits of my labor!

Beginning and ending of composition (3)

(At the beginning) "Look, there is mud all over your body. Do you want me to do more things?" Grandma taught us a lesson while cleaning our clothes and shoes. Just now, my cousin and I were playing with mud, so we made our clothes and shoes dirty, so Grandma wanted to help us clean our clothes and shoes; But we didn't want Grandma to be so busy! But we want to go out for a walk around, exercise and relax.

Originally, we wanted to walk around, but we found a very interesting game - mud, because there is still some water in the mud, which can be made into many toys to play. First, we use branches to dig the mud aside; Then put some mud on the palm of your hand; Then slowly knead the mud into exquisite toys. For example, dogs, ponies, lambs, cats, rabbits -- the last toys are made like a real boutique! Finally, we also took some mud toys and threw them into the water, and the water bloomed one after another; Mud toys have become our bullets. There are targets we want to shoot, so we hit them there. So our whole body is very dirty!

But we are very happy, ha, ha, ha! Today's games are special and fun, which may be very boring in the minds of adults, but for us children, no matter what games are fun, because playing is our children's nature! Ha, ha, ha!

Beginning and ending of composition (4)

(At the beginning) Through the cracks of time, I saw myself crying alone in the curl of fine dust. The scorched sky is endless, leaving me only infinite desolation.

The ignorant young self squatted in front of me, leaving me a lonely figure, and the tears from the corners of my eyes fell down silently.

Cry? I cried? I smiled bitterly at the feeling I hadn't experienced for a long time. By the way, I used to be a crybaby. I thought that crying could bring friendship. As long as I cried, someone would comfort me. However, I was wrong, completely wrong.

I moved slowly towards the tearful "I".

Why cry so sad? Is there only me in this big world?

There is no choking sound, no tears, but only the old sky and the empty land.

Misty dust and smoke, mist condensation, friendship broken, heart broken.

Everyone is like this. One by one, they walk past me, leaving only a dark world and a lonely me. Fragments of heart fall to the bottom with the water.

The wind blows, but the dust and smoke can't drift away with the wind, just let it cover my eyes.

A beam of light shines in and takes me away from the past. The thin figure gradually fades away and finally collapses into a mist and condenses in the dust.

Along the light, I walked alone. Along the river of memory, I saw hope.

(End) No matter how hard the dust and smoke of the past are, at least now the friendship I have gained has been reunited and dispelled the withered edge. I am here, looking at them waving on the other side, raising my mouth and rushing towards them.

At least, I still have dreams, don't I?

Beginning and ending of composition (5)

(Beginning) The next morning, we returned to Hohhot by bus. In Hohhot, the guide first led us to the Inner Mongolia General Office Museum - the first house in Monan.

The guide told us that the first mansion in Monan is the residence of General Suiyuan, with 132 houses covering an area of 16355 square meters. It was built in December of the 13th year of Yongzheng Emperor's reign... It also introduced us to the first rank of military officers and the second rank of military officers, which gave me a full understanding of the history of military officers in Inner Mongolia.

In the afternoon, we came to the Dazhao Temple in Inner Mongolia to visit the "Mahavira Hall" built 300 years ago. When entering the hall, the first thing I saw was a Buddha statue. Although the walls of the hall were full of dust, I could still clearly see the vivid murals, which showed the wisdom and artistic level of the Mongolian people. When I looked up, I saw the magnificent ceiling. The whole palace was so magnificent and beautiful that I could not forget.

In the next time, we came to Wang Zhaojun's Mausoleum. The scenic spot is full of tourists. With the guide's explanation, I learned about the legendary life of Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beautiful women in ancient times.

(End) As I walked, I saw many tourists in front of a hill. It was strange how a hill could attract so much attention? "This is Wang Zhaojun's tomb!" After listening to the guide's introduction, I suddenly realized that Zhaojun's tomb was so grand. It is said that on the day of the funeral, everyone who came there presented a piece of soil to see Zhaojun off, which formed such a spectacular scene.

Beginning and ending of composition (6)

(At the beginning) Childhood is like a colorful box full of candy, joy and laughter. In retrospect, everything is like a crystal clear pearl connected in one phase, like a beautiful dazzling necklace, shining in my memory.

I loved eating steamed buns since childhood, especially those made by my mother, because steamed buns added a pearl to my memory.

It was a summer afternoon. My mother was making bread with steamed buns, which I like to eat. I saw sweat on my mother's face. I suddenly wondered: Since it is so tiring to rub noodles with hands, can I use foot noodles? I was thinking that when the phone rang, my mother ran to answer it. Seeing that it was a good opportunity, I took off my sandals and jumped into the basin. The basin is like a marsh, and I sink deeper and deeper. At this time, my mother also came back from the living room, and when she saw my appearance, she was stunned. However, the reaction came to me immediately, and then, I suddenly mentioned to my mother: "How can you be so naughty?" I asked my mother strangely: "I see you are tired of kneading noodles before you came up with this good method. How easy it is to use foot treads! How can it be naughty?" My mother giggled at the sound of this: "You are smart, smart, smart, but the method is too bad! How can I make steamed buns? " I still don't understand. I didn't know how bad my creativity was until my mother carefully told me why I couldn't use the treadmill.

(End) Everyone's childhood is colorful. Now think how naive I was!

Beginning and ending of composition (7)

(At the beginning) There are too many things worth remembering in our six-year primary school career. However, one thing is unforgettable today.

Since ancient times, gang wars have always been unavoidable. In our class, there is also a gang struggle, that is, the struggle between the "Five People Gang" and the "Anti Five People Gang". In fact, these two gangs have no mortal enemies, but there are too many contradictions. The "Gang of Five" is composed of five girls. At first, the slogan of "Anti Gang of Five" was put forward by She Guyu, who can be regarded as the "ancestor" of "Anti Gang of Five". Later, I joined this gang to help She Guyu "recruit talents". Over time, I replaced She Guyu and became the new leader of the "Anti Five Gang". Our organization not only has a large population, clear division of labor and strict discipline. There are "Li Gang", "She Gang" and "Qian Gang". The Li Gang never attacks directly, but gives advice. She Gang is responsible for pestering them so as to give Qian Gang enough time to attack.

Although there are many of us, they always act at the most inappropriate time and the most inappropriate occasion, so they lose in a mess. One day during a music class, Yan Haichao was caught by the music teacher because he had ten impulses and had the Empress Dowager Jiang in the front row. She Guyu followed the Five People Gang after school, but was scolded by the teacher.

(End) Now, after the teacher's "political lesson", we have "returned home". However, the war will continue because there are still a group of brothers who "rise to the challenge" and stick to their beliefs.

Beginning and ending of composition (8)

(At the beginning) In childhood, there are joys and sorrows, laughter and tears. Now let me talk about my childhood!

I remember once, my mother wronged me, and I felt really wronged.

"Click click click", I heard footsteps in the corridor. When I opened the door, my mother held a large bag of bread in her hand. It seems that this is my mother's breakfast for tomorrow. I looked closely, ah! They are all my favorite food. I really want to taste them now. But on second thought, what will you eat tomorrow if you eat today? No, I'd better bear it.

The next day, as soon as I woke up, I heard my mother yelling, "Li Yueqi, come out!" I opened my eyes and walked out with only a pair of slippers on. Then my mother shouted, "Where's the bread? Did you eat it?" I said softly, "I don't know where the bread is? I didn't eat it.". I said, "It's really not me."

My father came back from work, and my mother was still scolding me. Dad asked, "What kind of bread doesn't have bread? This morning I saw a pile of garbage on the table and threw it away." "What?" My mother and I suddenly understood. My mother apologized to me and I forgave her.

(Ending) This is the deepest grievance in my childhood memory.

Beginning and ending of composition (9)

1. What is life? Different people have different views. Some people say that life is like wine. Childhood is like a cocktail, which is colorful and sweet; Youth is like cold beer, which is dark, cool and bitter at the same time; Middle age is like strong liquor, pure and colorless. The pungent taste makes your viscera burn; Old age is like wine, which will last for a long time and make you feel the sweetness in the fragrance.

2. Life is a blooming flower. It blooms beautifully, stretches, and is colorful; Life is a beautiful poem, fresh and smooth, with a long meaning; Life is beautiful music, with harmonious rhythm and melodious melody; Life is a flowing river, flowing and rolling forward.

3. Things in the world are often divided into two. Although failure is the result that everyone is unwilling to get, it can sometimes stimulate our perseverance; Although poverty is a life that everyone is unwilling to live, it can sometimes become the driving force for people to struggle; Although pain is an emotion that everyone does not want to experience, it can sometimes create a strong character; Therefore, we need to use a dialectical point of view.

4. Books are like a ladder, which can lead people to the palace of culture; Books are like a key, which will help us open the window of wisdom in our hearts; Books are like a small boat, which will carry us to the ocean of knowledge.

5. Book is the key to open the door of wisdom; Books are ladders that help people reach the peak of their dreams; Books are good medicine, which can cure ignorance; Books are milk, feeding people's growth; A book is your best friend, spending a good time with you.

Beginning and ending of composition (10)

The Spring Festival is finally coming, and I'm really happy. Because every Spring Festival, our family becomes lively. It should be Grandma's family. So our relatives and friends all come to our house to play. However, because of this, I am happy and upset. I am happy because many people come to our house to play, and there are many children, Let's play together. What about troubles? Because after they left, they didn't help to clean the garbage on the ground, so they left. We had to clean it by ourselves.

The Spring Festival is coming, and we can finally set off firecrackers. When I passed the small garden, I found that some students have started to set off firecrackers now, which makes the small garden crackle. Everyone has to cover their ears, otherwise it will frighten you. I thought to myself, "Why did they set off firecrackers so early? Why are there firecrackers now.

I will have a very happy Spring Festival this time. I also remember that last time, adults watched the gala party with all their strength. They watched it at noon in the morning and at noon and at night, endlessly. "Aren't they tired of watching it?" I thought to myself. I think the Spring Festival plan is like this: do your homework in the morning, finish what you should do every day, then you can play computer, watch TV, go out for cycling, and set off firecrackers. Then we set off fireworks in the evening. We took out our benches and sat at the door to watch the fireworks. If we didn't want to see them, we could watch the gala.

I am looking forward to the Spring Festival coming soon, so that I can enjoy setting off firecrackers.

Beginning and ending of composition (11)

1. Love is the drizzle in spring, which enables lonely people to enjoy the spiritual nourishment; Love is a tear flowing in the spring on a summer night, so that people who can't sleep in the heat can enjoy the poetic tranquility; Love is a glass of ice water sprinkled on the top of the head, so that people who are dizzy with high heat can think calmly; Love is a piece of milk sugar in the mouth, so that those who drink Huanglian for a long time can taste the sweetness of life.

2. Love is a lamp, illuminating the distance ahead in darkness; Love is a poem, warm and yearning heart in cold

3. Enthusiasm is a huge force, which bursts out from the heart and inspires us to display infinite wisdom and vitality; Enthusiasm is a strong pillar. No matter what difficulties we face, it can always give birth to our optimistic fighting spirit and tenacious perseverance... Without enthusiasm, the sky of life will not have color.

4. Beautiful, beautiful but grassland; It is as wide as the blue sky; Deep, deep but the sea. My friend, your mind is as beautiful as the grassland, as broad as the blue sky, and as deep as the sea

5. Sincerity is a good wine. The older the wine is, the more mellow it will be; Sincerity is fireworks, which is more beautiful when it blooms on high places; Sincerity is a flower, which can be sent to others with lingering fragrance.

6. If you lose money, you only lose a small part; If you lose your health, you only lose half of it; If you lose your integrity, you will be almost penniless

7. A lonely heart needs the nourishment of love; A cold heart needs the warmth of friendship; A desperate heart needs strength to comfort; A pale heart needs sincere help; How much a door full of vigilance needs the key of sincerity to open!

8. Only when we are willing to open the window of our heart can we see the treasure of our heart; Only when we are willing to open the window in our heart can we see the clear and bright scenery outside; Only if we are willing to open the window in our heart, the flowers and lights in the world will float into the window one by one; Only if we are willing to open the window in our heart can we boldly go out of the door and step by step to the bright place.

9. Tolerance lubricates the relationship between each other, eliminates the estrangement between each other, clears up mutual scruples, and improves mutual understanding.

Beginning and ending of composition (12)

Whether in school or in society, people always have to contact with composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is the beginning and end of the composition of the past, which I hope can help everyone.

1、 Start:

1. Childhood is colorful, warm and lovely. Childhood is so beautiful, and so is the fun of childhood?

2. "Childhood dreams, colorful dreams; childhood songs, happy songs; childhood footprints in strings; childhood stories in piles." Can this song remind you of the beautiful childhood life? In those colorful years, many things happened, not as bright as the stars. My childhood is beautiful, and there are many things worth remembering

3. Childhood is an ocean of joy. In the seaside of memories, there are countless shells, some are gray, which remind a sad past; Brilliant, reminiscent of childhood fun. I was looking for the most beautiful shells on the coast of memory. Ah, I found

4. Everyone has many interesting things in his childhood, and I am no exception. Let me tell you an interesting thing in my childhood.

5. One day, when I just got up to play basketball, my father stopped me and said, "Liu Peng, there are no eggs at home, so go and buy 10 eggs." I took the money from my father and walked to the food market with the basket.

6. Childhood is colorful, like beautiful seashore shells; Childhood is carefree, just like a wave doll playing all day; Childhood is pure and sweet, just like the clear spring in the mountain stream. Speaking of childhood, I can't help thinking of an interesting thing.

7. My childhood is full of happiness, fun and education. My childhood is a shining star, always shining in my future.

8. Happy 'childhood is like a rainbow after the rain. Many interesting things I have done are like bright stars twinkling in the sky of my childhood. Occasionally, when they are mentioned by themselves or others, they cause a burst of laughter. Let me tell you something very interesting when I was young.

9. I have a happy childhood. Interesting things in childhood are like pearls in the sea and stars in the sky, which are countless.

10. What a wonderful childhood full of childishness and joy, and how nostalgic it is for those interesting past events!

11. Each of us has an unforgettable and memorable colorful childhood. It may bring you happy and hearty laughter; It may leave you with tears of shame and regret; It may save the wonderful and moving moments for you... In short, every bit of innocence in childhood is precious to us.

12. Childhood life is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearning. Every interesting thing that happened in childhood often brings me into beautiful memories. Let me tell you about it

13. Childhood is an era that makes people recall nothing, and I am a child in this era full of childish interest. Everyone has a happy and happy childhood, and I am no exception.

14. Interesting childhood stories, as the saying goes:

2、 End:

1. When I think of the past, I think of my mother's meticulous care. Those fleeting years diluted by the years are gone forever. Now I see my mother's straight back quietly bending, and her dark hair is a lot white, ah! Mother, memories in the past remind me of me who contradicted you all day long.

2. However, now that I have grown up, I am always grateful when I think of the school I went to and the first teacher who taught me to read. The small house may have grown old in the wind and rain. Now, is there a group of children who, like me, also have a teacher who is sacred in their hearts, leading them forward and accompanying them to grow healthily?

3. Although it has been a long time since this funny story of childhood happened, and although I am still young and ignorant there, it has always spurred me forward and never retreated.

4. Although this matter has passed for a long time, and although I am still young and ignorant there, it has always spurred me on, making me go forward bravely and never retreat.

5. This is my colorful childhood. It is the first step of my life, the first footprint of growth and progress, and the first station of my future journey. Childhood is my happiest time.

6. I couldn't help laughing when I thought of this funny story of my childhood. How innocent I was in my childhood! As I grow older, I also gradually understand that different things need different methods to achieve good results; Otherwise, the consequences are often counterproductive or even unmanageable.

7. Ha ha! Funny! My childhood is like this. There are a lot of silly and interesting things, such as bathing snow dolls and shaving eyebrows... It is just so many interesting things. Foolish things make up a colorful childhood, a happy childhood, and a nostalgic childhood. Although this golden time is slowly passing away from me, I am not so stupid anymore. I believe that the funny stories of my childhood will definitely become the most beautiful memories in my life

3、 Excellent model:

Time is like a handful of sand. When you hold it tightly, it will flow out from the gap between your fingers; But when you hold it gently, you can recall everything in the past in detail.

Previously, I always thought that the sixth grade was sacred. People in the sixth grade were smart and knowledgeable, experienced more than people of other ages, and were our brothers and sisters. At that time, I always dreamed of becoming a sixth grade student. Being a sixth grade student was a distant dream for me. Later, I saw the graduation ceremony of Grade 6 and suddenly realized that Grade 6 was the last year of my primary school life. I began to fear that I would never see my classmates and teachers after graduation. I hope that time will pass slowly and stay here forever. Unfortunately, the phrase "time never forgives" is just right for us. In a twinkling of an eye, we were in Class 67, and I grew up unconsciously.

I remember that when I first came to this school to report, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine - everything was sweet and sour. I was sad and missed my former classmates and teachers. I was very sad to think that my former classmates didn't know when they would meet. However, I was excited and nervous. I looked forward to new classes, new classmates and new teachers... Seven o'clock is a different class, which is another starting point of my primary school career.

Beautiful and gentle, but strict, this is my first impression of Teacher Shi. I still remember the scene of meeting Mr. Shi for the first time. The first time I saw Teacher Shi was in the library on the third floor. That day, my father took me to the school to report, and I saw the corridor from a distance; A teacher in a black dress was talking with a large group of parents. Teacher Shi is wearing a pair of eyes, a long hair is scalded, slightly curled, and a black dress is swinging with the wind. What a beautiful teacher.

Soon, I made two bosom friends in my class. Xu Weiwei and Wang Yingye. I forgot how I got to know them, but so far we have got along very well. Xu Weiwei, a very boyish girl, looks like a heroine among women. I have only seen her wear a skirt once, and it is also a rest day, when she is training at school. I seldom see her cry, and every time she cries, it will not exceed a minute. Like me, she always likes to wear a ponytail, and I can see her mood from her braids. When happy, the braid will swing high; Unhappy, the braid will droop behind your head. Wang Yingye, you can tell from her name that she is a very beautiful girl. If we elect the class flower, it must be her. She is very quiet, not very lively and timid. Like to head up, like a princess.

Soon, I was integrated into this big family, and every day was full of laughter. I hope this day will never end.

Once, I happened to pass a junior high school, and couldn't help looking at it. The wide playground and tall teaching building... Junior high school, I really look forward to you, but I'm afraid of you

Beginning and ending of composition (13)

I believe everyone has dealt with composition, especially the composition of writing people, which can not be ignored. The composition of writing people is mainly about narrating and describing characters. The content of narrating is specific, vivid and vivid, which conforms to the thinking characteristics of junior high school students, which is mainly about thinking in images. How can I write a good composition? The following is the beginning and end of the personal composition collected by the editor. Welcome to read and collect.

How to write the beginning?

(1) "Straight to the point", straight to the point. At the beginning of the article, the person or thing to be described is put out directly, called "straight to the point", so that people can know who and what you want to write at a glance. The advantage of "coming to the point" is that it can catch the reader's attention at a moment, and make the reader pay attention to the events that directly express the central idea in the article.

(2) Explain the situation and introduce the background. To help readers better understand the main content and central idea of the article, it is necessary to explain some situations and backgrounds first, and then write about the main characters or events.

(3) Ask questions to attract attention. At the beginning, a very interesting question was raised to attract readers to read further. The answer to the question is the central idea of the article through the narration of examples.

In addition to the above three methods, there are also ways to start: flashback, set suspense for people, and attract people to win; The beginning of the scene description is to set off the atmosphere; The beginning of character description is to impress the readers; Another is to explain the "four elements" of the article at a glance; And use or quote the beginning of poems, legends, etc. to attract readers.

In a word, a good beginning has the common advantage of making readers better accept and understand the central idea of the article, which is bright, vivid and attractive.

How to write a good ending?

A good article is valuable at the end. The end should not only make the finishing point, point out the center of the article, but also be implicit. Only by being implicit can we leave readers with rich 'imagination', and only by being implicit can we have implicit meanings and implicit meanings. How can I write the end of the article implicitly?

(1) Don't write too "straight" or "revealing" at the end of the article. For example, the end of Tall Back is: "I really stayed in the hospital. In those days when I was in hospital, there was always a tall, fuzzy figure standing in front of me; there was always a really loud voice ringing in my ears. Until now, I still miss this uncle who had not met before and did not know his name and address.", The writing is appropriate but not revealing, which is thought-provoking: why does the tall figure of the tricycle worker always appear in front of the author? What noble qualities does he have that people will never forget? If you add some explanations, it shows that the uncle is eager to help others without paying. It's no big deal. However, those who have read it will feel that the taste is weak when they have said everything.

(2) Leave a blank at the end of the article. For example, "The Tall Gleditsia sinensis" ends like this: "Gleditsia sinensis, how much happiness and expectation you have given us. Thinking about it, my heart seems to be a seed taking root and sprouting..." What kind of seed is it? The article didn't say. When the reader ponders over the answer to the question from the acacia tree, "In rainy days, you should bathe yourself to protect everyone from the rain; in summer, you should bask yourself in the sun to shade everyone; in winter, you should burn yourself to warm everyone" - what takes root and sprouts in the author's heart is a seed of communist thought: if you live, you should do everything possible to make others live better like the acacia tree. Isn't this more thought-provoking than saying it directly?

(3) You can also write an accident at the end. The Little Hero Comes in Rain describes that people in Luhua Village thought that Yulai was killed by the devil when they heard the gunshot on the riverbank. When the reader also believed in this plot and was immersed in grief, the article suddenly turned: "From the reeds, a small head appeared on the water. The rain still shook the water on his head like a duckling..." "The rain did not die!" This unexpected end naturally aroused the reader's interest in reviewing the whole plot, so that he was interested in the superb swimming skills of the rain The quality of courage and tact is impressive.

(4) Some articles also use symbolic endings. In the text "In the Rain", for such a story that is enough to show the beauty of people's hearts, according to the usual writing method, the ideological meaning of the expression must be revealed at the end, but the author only used a symbolic sentence: "That is full of a basket of big apples, and then returned to the girl's truck, shining bright light." Compared with direct discussion, This symbolic description is even more profound: will an apple thrown in the muddy water shine "shiny light"? So, what does flashing "shiny light" mean? It's really far from words and meaning. It's thought-provoking!

From this point of view, if you want to write the end of an article well, you must use the above methods, so that the end can be written vividly, specifically and meaningfully.

How to conceive and write this composition?

The idea before writing is a way of thinking and writing. I suggest that children can conceive in this way:

Summarizing characteristics: at the beginning of the article, first summarize the characteristics of the local people, and then describe the examples specifically. If it is in the exam, the characteristics summarized here must meet the requirements of the question.

Specific examples: Here is the key paragraph of the article, which needs to be described specifically. A specific example can be used to show the characteristics of the characters. For the examples here, we should carefully select materials around a certain characteristic of the characters, and pay attention to the characteristics of the characters summarized at the beginning, and select those novel and interesting materials. When narrating specific examples, we should pay attention to the complete description of the event, clarify the context of the event, and grasp the interesting details of life to describe the characters. Be able to describe the characteristics of the characters from their language, demeanor, action, psychological activities, etc. After reading the story, people can understand the good ideas and qualities of the characters at a glance.

Echo beginning: This is the end of the article, or summary, or rhetorical question, or summary, or lyric, further clarify the characteristics of the characters, so as to echo the beginning, summarize the full text, and reveal the role of the center. Such an ending can give a complete impression.

The following points should be paid attention to when using this method to practice writing quickly:

1. First, we should determine the center of the article, that is, the characteristics of the ideological quality of the characters.

2. Then carefully select materials around the center. Pay attention to selecting materials that can represent the center.

3. When describing specific examples, we should pay attention to the complete description of the process of things, that is, the context of each thing should be explained clearly.

4. We should grasp the characteristics of the characters to describe them in detail. For example, the characteristics of the characters' speech, movement, and appearance changes should be carefully described.

5. Be careful to describe the characters with your own thoughts and feelings.

6. Be able to capture the interesting details of life to describe the characters. Try to make the characters described vivid and lifelike.

How to make an outline?

Beginning: First, we will briefly introduce the characteristics or spiritual qualities of mother.

Middle: Show the good quality of mother through one thing.

Conclusion: Praise the good quality of mother.

Beginning and ending of composition (14)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone has been exposed to composition. Composition is a speech activity with high comprehensiveness and creativity. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the beginning and end of the excellent composition carefully arranged by the small editor. How to write the end of the composition is for reference only. Let's have a look.

A beautiful movement should have a good ending, or a lingering sound, or shock people. The end of the argumentation can play the role of summarizing the full text, taking care of the whole article, deepening the theme, and can comprehensively use argumentation, lyricism and other means to make the article meaningful, thought-provoking, and memorable, also known as "leopard tail". Such endings usually include the following:

1. Finishing touch

Summarize with concise or philosophic sentences to reveal the center and point out the meaning; Or the discussion can be concluded to highlight the main idea.

At the end of the full score composition "Taste at a Distance" in the 20xx college entrance examination - therefore, when you are racking your brains for an event or a problem, you might as well put it far away to taste. At this time, you will suddenly find that distance is not important, and intimacy is not a hindrance, a hindrance, and the thing that has been put far away has a different origin!

At the end of the excellent composition "Believe in yourself, also believe in others" in the college entrance examination of 20xx - "No one is perfect, no one can boast that he is perfect, representing the eternal truth; But at the same time, no one is useless, so we should believe in ourselves and others. Believe in yourself when you have a plan in mind, and trust others when you are confused and disappointed. Let the two cooperate and complement each other, and we will have a wonderful life.

At the end of the excellent composition "Tasting Broadness in Tiny" written by a candidate for the college entrance examination in 20xx, the subtle elements of calligraphy, painting, and music constitute the magnificent five thousand year broad culture of China. This kind of broadness is not what we can cover by listing the subtle elements one by one. We need to take a cultural journey, taste the wonderful culture from branch to leaf, accept the baptism and edification of Chinese culture, and enrich, refine and sublimate our personality! At the end of these compositions, the theme is pointed out in very concise or philosophic language, highlighting the center of the article, enhancing the strength of argument, and also increasing the integrity of the argument structure.

2. Sublimation

For example, the author of The Way of Civil and Military Affairs:

To sum up, being busy can make us feel the fullness of life, but our busy should be relaxed, so as to ensure the quality of life, everyone can be busy with efficiency and achievements, thus bringing about the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. (The author extends the effect of relaxation and relaxation from individuals to the country and people, enriching and deepening the meaning of the text, and naturally sublimating the theme.)

3. Anaphoric

The end refers to the topic, or the beginning, echoes back and forth, and the blood runs through. Anaphora can be divided into two types according to specific expressions. 1. Refer to the title. At the end of the full score composition "Don't judge by likes and dislikes" in the 20xx college entrance examination - don't judge by likes and dislikes. Maybe you will find that Setaria also has beautiful flowers! The ending point, the text topic reference, forms a symmetrical beauty in structure, gives people a clear and profound impression, closely follows the topic, points out the argument, and has a powerful tie. 2. Reference beginning. At the beginning of "Roots", a masterpiece of the college entrance examination in 20xx, "towering ancient trees originate from strong roots, and tall and straight green pines depend on unyielding roots, so what is the root of our existence? I think it should be integrity." At the end of this article, no matter who you are, what you do, no matter where you are, keep your roots, keep the roots of the Chinese people, Keep our only possession - integrity. The article is in harmony with each other, which is smooth and integrated. For another example, Bian Zhilin's poem "Broken Chapters" was quoted at the beginning of the 20xx college entrance examination masterpiece "Others' Scenery Your Dream". At the end of the article, remember that only when you decorate others' scenery, others will decorate your dream; If you want others to decorate your dreams, you should learn to decorate others' scenery. Because the world is harmonious and win-win. The end here echoes the beginning, and the structure is rigorous.

4. Quotation

Ending with famous sayings, colloquial sayings, epigrams, lyrics and poems is powerful and lingering. At the end of the excellent composition "Unreliable, Dependable" written by a candidate for the college entrance examination in 20xx - finally, "all feelings are good in nature, and we should only avoid their abuse and misuse". Descartes also tells us that when we recognize things, we should be cautious based on reason, supplemented by emotion, and strive to make emotional closeness play a positive role in the process of cognition. Descartes' famous words are quoted at the end, which is not only a summary of the previous article, but also a further demonstration of the argument. It not only closely corresponds to the beginning, but also automatically produces the central argument of the full text, giving a clear and profound impression. Ending with famous words, epigrams, and common sayings is not only an improvement of the article as a whole, but also makes the article more philosophical and thought-provoking.

5. Parallelism

This kind of ending can refer to the preceding text in content, but it is not a simple repetition, but has the function of deepening the theme. It also has a warm and moving meaning, and the sentences are full of rhythm and rhythm, which can make the reviewers exclaim with admiration. For example, the busy figure has added bricks to the modernization construction;

Busy figure, once let the world cry for you;

Busy figure, also to care for you to talk about the call of love!

(The author purposely formed three parallel sentences into separate lines, which strengthened the intention of the end and left a deep impression on the reviewers.)

The above three ending forms are often compatible with each other, making the ending forms more abundant. Obviously, to write a good ending, the author must have a strong sense of integrity of the full text context, a strong sense of deepening the center and sublimating the theme, and use words and sentences to express full passion, so that the ending contains shock.

6. Ask questions

The end of the question is thought-provoking. At the end of Milu and Kongming, a masterpiece of the college entrance examination in 20xx, why does the cultural accumulation of thousands of years make us more utilitarian and short-sighted? Why do we bathe in civilization in modern society, but grow narrow-minded in our hearts? Milu and Kongming, why are we so unfair? Should we also reexamine how to deal with forgetting and remembering? At the end of "Life is also an Answer Sheet", a candidate's masterpiece for the college entrance examination - on the big test sheet of life, the questions seem simple and the answers seem colorful, but it is far from easy to imagine if you really want to hand in a satisfactory answer. How would you respond? At the end of the 20xx year college entrance examination masterpiece "An indefatigable life" - in a busy life, there is not much happiness and pain. If you are calm, the road will be smooth. Although "Go Smart" has long been withdrawn from the popular song ranking list, why not go smart once in life? The above excellent works all adopt the way of asking questions at the end of the article, which not only causes people to think deeply, but also produces a strong appeal, achieving a good ending effect.

7. Lyric

Lyricism at the end can express the author's feelings, express his views and attitudes, arouse readers' resonance and enhance the appeal of the article. The end of the 20xx college entrance examination masterpiece "Forever 'Su Wu"——

Zhuang Zai, the forever Su Wu! Weizai, that shocking forget! What a wonderful memory! Xiong Zai, that piece of song forgotten and remembered for thousands of years! Ah, our forever Su Wu!

The expression of admiration and admiration for Su Wu with "Zhuang Zai", "Wei Zai", "Qi Zai" and "Xiong Zai" is infectious.

The end of "Ordinary Achieves Greatness", a masterpiece of college entrance examination in 20xx——

The earth is speechless. The pines, flowers, grass and waves are waving to us. We should always remember that ordinary can also achieve great.

The end of "What Should Be Forgotten and What Should Be Remembered", a masterpiece of college entrance examination in 20xx——

Let's forget what we should forget and remember what we should remember! This is the sacred mission entrusted to us by the times.

The end of "Chrysanthemum, Liquor", a candidate's excellent composition for college entrance examination in 20xx——

Forget pain and hatred, forget everything that is not worth remembering. Remember happy and warm feelings, and remember all the cornerstones and motivations that help you succeed. Polish your eyes, pick a indifferent but fragrant chrysanthemum, drink a strong but mellow wine, and carry a passion and gratitude, you will find that life is so wonderful

8. Comparison

The contrastive ending can highlight the theme of the article in sharp contrast.

The end of the 20xx college entrance examination masterpiece Tug of War with Eternity——

On the balance of life, some people choose personal gains and losses, but others choose the unimpeded release of personality, the prosperity and peace of the country, and the integrity of the nation. It is often these people behind who hold up the balance of life, grasp the eternal rope, and explore the eternal answer in the tug of war between life and eternity.

9. Repetitive

The same sentence appears repeatedly, singing three sighs in one voice, which is soul stirring.

The end of the 20xx college entrance examination masterpiece "Walking Together"——

Forgetting and remembering go together, bringing experience and experience from life; Forgetting and remembering together will bring you beautiful gains and contributions in life; Forgetting and remembering go together, and we feel happy and happy along the way!

10. Postscript

The form of postscript at the end expresses feelings through vivid metaphors, which is not only elegant, but also implicit and philosophical.

Such as the postscript of "The Fish, the Eagle and the Man"——

Fish, after all, can not do without the water that gives it the source of life.

The eagle, after all, cannot leave the sky that gives it the source of hope.

I can never escape from the happiness net woven with love by my parents, relatives and friends

There are many ways to end, such as: figurative ending, beautiful language, meaningful and implicit meaning; Reversal ending, the ending suddenly reverses, which is unexpected and reasonable

Beginning and ending of composition (15)

I am a tall locust tree. I grow up in the campus with green trees and full of laughter.

In spring, my branches are very beautiful and luxuriant, and are full of countless, cute, white flowers and bones. As long as you smell carefully, my flowers and bones are hiding a faint fragrance. The birds went back to the slot where he lived, and the children played games, talked, wrote homework, and enjoyed the cool under me. In short, people were very happy, and this happiness also infected me.

In summer, I am also very happy. The children are busy exercising on the playground, and the sweaty children don't forget to take a cool breath under me. Their faces are full of happy smiles. The budding flowers finally bloomed in every corner of my branches. The intoxicating fragrance filled me. This fragrance also made the teachers and students on campus intoxicated, and they could not forget it for a long time.

Autumn, I can not forget. Although the flowers withered and I was among them, the golden leaves became a plaything for children. They used them as bookmarks and put them in books. It was very beautiful. The golden leaves were also a delicacy for earthworms. The golden leaves were also nourishing all things, preparing for the next year's life and laying a deep foundation. The students also love me. They take the golden leaves home and ask their families to make a beautiful paper-cut for him. They take it to the school and paste it on the corridor for everyone to enjoy.

In winter, although I withered, I only had a bare trunk and was very lonely. But occasionally, with the companionship of my classmates and the comfort of the singing birds in the trees, I suddenly felt no longer lonely. The snow is falling, and my body is covered with white snow. When the snow stopped, the children shook me a few times, and then they played snowball fights and snowman games heartily. I feel very comforted by the joyful sound. I am very happy all the year round. In cold winter and warm spring, I continue to grow luxuriant trees and trees to shelter everyone from wind and rain.

I am a locust tree. I am optimistic and willing to make selfless contributions. Everywhere in life, there are people like me who are dedicated and willing to sacrifice myself for others. This noble virtue is very valuable.

Beginning and ending of composition (16)

Since ancient times, people have never stopped imagining the future. The ancients dreamed of becoming an eagle and soaring in the sky, but in the 19th century, humans really invented the airplane. In the 21st century, we place our infinite curiosity about the future in thousands of science fiction movies. Perhaps with the passage of time, these wild imaginations will become reality one by one.

Since I was born, it's hard to avoid thinking in my spare time: what is the future world like? What about me in the future? These questions came to my mind, so I closed my eyes and started a wonderful idea

At the age of seven

When I was seven years old, I had just started primary school. At that time, my imagination was at its most vigorous stage. My imagination of the future was particularly novel and bold.

In my imagination, the future world must be full of strange things. Maybe the beams are pasted with chocolate, and the doorposts may be made of colorful candy. In the future, I may be a student with a high horse tail. I have been promoted to the middle grade of primary school. My mind is full of various new things, and I have learned a lot of knowledge and more like-minded partners

In such a beautiful fantasy, I gradually grew up.

At the age of ten

When I entered the fourth grade, my imagination seemed to be poor. Only when I watched science fiction films could I arouse my enthusiasm.

At that time, the future in my mind was probably a mechanical world full of various scientific and technological products, robots and intelligent systems. In a world where there is little emotional entanglement, I may just be a cold-blooded robot that has lost all family and friendship. I may have a chip implanted in my brain, which controls my thoughts.

At that time, the future I imagined was not as innocent as when I was a child. Although this is a daunting world, my imagination of the future continues until now

At the age of 12

Now, I am a sixth grade pupil who is about to graduate. My imagination becomes more realistic and mature.

The future world may be beautiful. I am approaching my ideal in the future, just like a meteor hitting a star, unstoppable. Maybe the future road is full of thorns, but my heart will always be full of sunshine and hope.

Yes, the future is an unknown world. It may be cold or gorgeous. Although the future is not satisfactory, as long as you live in the present, maybe one day you will use your own power to make a new face for the future that was destined to be terrible.

Beginning and ending of composition (17)

My father is an ordinary worker. He is of medium stature and only likes to wear short hair. His dark round face is inlaid with a pair of small bright eyes. His mouth is not eloquent, but I love listening to him.

My father is very good in every aspect, so I love him very much. But sometimes I also get annoyed with him. It is because my father has a bad habit of smoking. Smoking not only makes my teeth yellow, but also my real and middle fingers yellow, and my whole body smells of smoke, which makes my mother and I hate to approach my father.

Once, when I saw my father smoking, I ran to him and angrily grabbed the cigarette in his hands and threw it away. At this time, my father said to me with a smile, "OK, OK, I won't smoke any more. I will give you all the cigarettes and I will go to your grandma's house to sit down for a while." After that, my father gave me the cigarette box in his hand and left. When my father was not at home, I quickly hid the smoke in the belly of the zip dog.

Then I went to Grandma's house. When I came to Grandma's house, I was stunned. Dad was smoking there! My God? How could Dad be like this! I had to brave my head again and said to my father, "My father asked you to stop smoking. Smoking will cause lung disease! Besides, my mother and I have smoked the smell of your smoking, which also harms the health of my mother and me. Don't you even ignore us?" After listening to my words, my father seemed to say reluctantly, "OK, I will quit." However, until now, Dad didn't quit smoking either. Dad is a man who doesn't keep his word! My mother and I can't help it.

Dear father, please give up smoking for your body and for my mother and me!

It seems that there is a big stone, which makes me breathless.