Double Sky (15 Collections)
Looking at the sunset alone
2024-01-04 06:38:44
junior middle school

Double Sky (1)

Civilization is a sign of social progress and an essential quality for each of us. Today, I saw a cartoon called "Two Heavens" and couldn't help thinking deeply.

In the cartoon, at the "entrance" of the city, a group of people prepare to go in. When they leave, they leave a pile of garbage, which forms a sharp contrast with the beauty of the city. The security guard at the "entrance" showed a helpless expression. They are eager to enter the city and become "civilized people", but their behavior is far from modern civilization. They do not pay attention to social morality, which makes the inside and outside of the "entrance" become "double heaven".

This reminds me of one thing: one day, my mother and I went for a walk in the park. While enjoying the scenery in the newly built pavilion, someone nearby spat a few spits. When I went there the next day, I found that the place where I spit was black, and the ground around was clean and tidy, which seemed very uncoordinated. The slogan of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is: Be Civilized and Create a New Style. We should not let this sentence become a slogan, but start from ourselves, speak civilized words and do civilized things.

I can't forget the double angels at the entrance of the city. I suggest that we should be civilized, establish new trends, and be a person who abides by social morality!

Double Sky (2)

Three realms of money surge, two heaven of compassion

——Essays of Haining (5)

In ancient and modern times, people who want to become great undertakings and ask questions must pass through three different realms: "The west wind withered the green trees last night. Going up the tall buildings alone, you can see the ends of the world", which is also the first realm. "The clothes are getting wider and wider, and I will not regret it at the end, and I will make people haggard for the sake of Iraq." This is also the second state. "I found him thousands of times in the crowd, but when I look back, the man was there, and the lights were dim", this third state is also.

I think everyone is familiar with the above paragraph. It comes from Wang Guowei's "Human Words". The "Three Realms" theory has had a profound impact in the academic field. From his "Three Realms" theory, we can see his academic style. Wang Guowei, with the word Jing'an, is a salt official in Haining, Zhejiang Province. He is a famous academic master in modern China. He has a thorough knowledge of both Chinese and Western learning. The "double certificate" is the beginning of his academic theory. He has made great achievements in literature, aesthetics, history, philosophy, ancient characters, archaeology and other aspects. This time, I went to Haining Yanguan to watch the tide. Unexpectedly, I went to his hometown and was lucky to visit the former residence of the former master of Tsinghua Garden.

Yanguan Town is not big. Several streets are not very wide. Main roads like Renmin Road are narrow enough. Others seem to be roadways. Because I arrived at the Yanguan early, there was still some time before the tide came. First, I went to the Yanguan Custom Park, and then I visited the master's former residence. There are two ways to get to Wang Guowei's old house, and one lane is the last one. There are very few people who come here to pay their respects. Since I arrived at Wang Guowei's former residence, it took me about half an hour to see a passenger driving over. At that time, I thought of my husband's self sinking in Kunming Lake. Did I think of today's fate? Although several steles have been erected in front of the former residence, one of which was set up by the State Council, compared with those watching the tide, there are many unspeakable feelings in front of the door, and I think only Mr. Jing'an can feel the most real feelings when he is in Tsinghua Park or in his old house.

As one of the pioneers of modern learning, Wang Guowei was a pioneer in introducing foreign academic ideas (at that time, some people said that he had a style of leaving behind the old. Although he did do Puyi's "Southern Study Walk" at the end of the Qing Dynasty, it might be biased to make such a complete conclusion). He was a practitioner of western philosophy and aesthetics to interpret Chinese classical culture, He has made many pioneering contributions to academic research. He is erudite and knowledgeable, with deep skills and wide scope of scholarship, and his influence on academia is rare in modern times. He has written many books in his life, which still have extremely important academic significance and ideological value. In fact, throughout his life, Wang Guowei's uniqueness lies in his sharp vision of analyzing problems and rigorous academic style. His Taoli disciples and private disciples are all over several generations of scholars. Such a great master of traditional Chinese culture sank into Kunming Lake in his prime, leaving an unsolvable mystery to future generations. ⑤

Wang Guowei, in the eyes of modern people, it is necessary to introduce several works to you. The first is the well-known Human Ci Hua, which is Wang Guowei's comment on ancient Chinese literature from a new perspective after he accepted the baptism of western aesthetic ideas. It has always been valued by the academic community and has become a relatively plain (compared with other comments that are obscure and difficult to understand) classic comment collection loved by ordinary literature lovers. The second is his Comment on a Dream of Red Mansions. Although there are many modern comments on the classical masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansions, most of them cannot escape from the limited vision. The perspective of comment is basically limited to the stereotyped thinking of "feudalism". Wang's first introduction of western aesthetic ideas into this field of comment can be said that he is a transitional person of modern and contemporary comments on a Dream of Red Mansions, With his position as a link between the past and the future, and his inheritance of Schopenhauer's "compassion", his comments created a new pattern in the history of comments on the Dream of Red Mansions. The third book is his New Certificate of Ancient History, which was his photocopy when I bought it. I don't know whether there is a new version now. This book has a strong academic flavor, but it seems that you will learn the true academic style of this academic master from it. Others, such as his poetry collection, "Song and Yuan Opera Texts", "Yin and Zhou System Theory", "Drifting Sand Falling on Bamboo Slips", can also be read.

Although Wang Guowei's life journey lasted for only 50 years (1827-1927), he left precious spiritual wealth for future generations. This is the honor of the academic community and the pride of the people in his hometown Haining.

When I came to Haining, I saw things and thought about people in his hometown. What words can I use to accurately express my feelings? Seeing high walled courtyards, quiet towns, and far away from the bustle and bustle of Kyoto, I think that only when Wang Guowei returns to his hometown once a year can he really concentrate on understanding his philosophy of life. When he faces the Qiantang River not far from his home, watching the ebb and flow of the tide, the natural wonders are a good reflection in his "Three Realms" theory, I think. He was in an era of dynastic change, and had to overcome many difficulties that ordinary people (especially modern people) could not understand. He had no choice and no way to retreat. His sinking into Kunming Lake was a good result.

"After this change, we will be humiliated again", ⑥ Although we cannot know the truth of Wang Guowei's "humiliation", we can feel the great pain in the hearts of a generation of academic masters. This pain connects Kunming Lake and Qiantang River, Tsinghua Park and Haining, heaven and earth, paper and material objects, reason and emotion, academic and political The multiple "double proofs" of the death of his eldest son and the loss of his best friend marked the end of his "compassionate" life.

When I heard the crazy sound of fighting like horses in the distance from the Qiantang River, and then, from far to near, saw the formation of thousands of troops rushing towards me, I knew that this was more than a natural spectacle, more than the magnificent momentum of the river waves crashing on the shore, more than a thousand miles of waves rolling! Sitting by the river, standing at the head of the tide, and the autumn wind crossing, isn't life as threatening as this raging wave, and going away in a hurry?

People say that when they come to Haining to see the tide, they see three things: the "meeting tide" at T-shaped dam, the "first line tide" at salt officials, and the "turning tide" at old salt warehouses. "Meeting tide" two huge waves sumo, heaven and earth shatter; "One line tide" white practice across the river, Taoshan spray snow; The "tide of turning back" dragon looses its lock and roars back; And the midnight tide is the shadow of the moon and silver waves, and 100000 strange troops. One tide, three views and four views are soul stirring. ⑦ Wang Guowei "went to the riverbank alone and looked at the sea tide road", "Bai Lian gradually broadened, and people were haggard for Iraq", "suddenly looked back, the river tide roared", and finally turned into a ghost, repeatedly singing his sad drama of "thick earth and high sky" in the human world!

I think that he created his own tragedy, which is also the tragedy of the times. What can express my feelings at this moment? Or return to the opening words of this chapter: three realms of money surge, two heaven of compassion.

After Haining returned, Hangzhou Guohua Grass was written in Hangzhou residence

October 7, 2006

Double Sky (3)

As usual, I took out my textbook, spread it on the table and sat on the stool. Why hasn't the teacher come yet? My body leans slightly.

It was like the announcement of the class representative of the announcer that my body completely collapsed from the table. "When I opened the textbook to read, the teacher didn't come to class when he was ill!" With a few words, my passion for listening to the class had dissipated. So I grabbed my textbook and recited a series of words without feeling

Sickness is normal, I think the teacher's illness will be caused by us? Every day at school, teachers have to worry about hundreds of students. Why should we complain that learning is a hard job? The teacher just wants us to have better character and better grades, that's all.

After school, we flew away from the campus, eager to return. If you live in a different place, can you go home?

When I got home, I knew it was a happy day, and my grandparents had gone to dinner. There is my brother at home, watching the excitement condensed in the TV.

When they came back, their faces were still full of joy. A table of delicious dishes and delicious food after a long absence were all relieved when we had dinner together. It's a pity that I have to go to class the next day

Don't give up or leave. Why should we complain about all this? Think about our teachers. Things are much more complicated than our studies, but they are for us. What are we learning for?

This is a long-term problem

Double Sky (4)

Early Saturday morning, my mother picked me up from my dream. My mother said to me mysteriously that her company organized a trip to Qingdao today, and she also picked me up "by the way". I immediately jumped out of bed in high spirits. After washing and gargling, he wolfed down his dinner and set out.

Rizhao is not far from Qingdao. It's less than three hours away.

We went to Qingdao Polar Ocean World first. Where we saw the wonderful dolphin performance, we were amazed by the clever and clever dolphins; The docile beluga and funny sea lions made the tourists laugh. We also watched elegant jellyfish, colorful clown fish, proud lobsters, slow sea turtles

After that, we went to the trestle. There, we took a group photo with groups of seagulls, and then went to the Food Street to feast our appetite.

I wish time would stop and let me have enough fun, but before I know it, the day is over. When I got home, I remembered the good times in the daytime, and I fell into a sweet dream.

The next day, I got out of bed reluctantly under my mother's several bombings. When I looked at my watch, it was more than 9 o'clock, and it would be 9 o'clock at 9 o'clock. I seldom slept late. I ate my mother's breakfast carefully. It was over 10 o'clock and I had to do my homework.

I quickly took out a small notebook for homework, ah! How useful! Reading notes, diaries, mental arithmetic cards, math problems... I was so worried that I was scratching my head. Hurry up! When I finish all these homework, it's already over 10 o'clock at night. Just getting into bed and getting ready to sleep, I suddenly patted my head: Chinese hand copying has not been done yet! Wang Yue's voice seemed to ring in my ears, "I didn't hand in the handwritten newspaper! Li Mingxi.

On Saturdays, I played enthusiastically and forgot myself, while on Sundays, I was in a hurry and in a mess. My mother concluded: "Li Mingxi's Saturday and Sunday are really two days of ice and fire!"

Double Sky (5)

Heaven is divided into sorrow and happiness, heaven and hell, changing in an instant.

In late autumn, wipe the bamboo mat and let it dry.

Strong heart, instant collapse.

If you walk a lot at night, you will encounter ghosts.

This is the last time. It's all over.

After repeated tempering, it becomes steel and turns into soft fingers.

Grade 6: Wang Yi

Double Sky (6)

It was a happy and sad day, a day where gains and losses coexist.

On that day, our school held a grand sports meeting. At the sports meeting, I participated in rope skipping and 200 meter race. The morning is a rope skipping contest. At the very beginning, I entered the best state. Holding the rope tightly, I quickly jumped up and down, and the rope in my hand also flew up and down with it. Like lightning, I drew beautiful arcs, and passed through my feet in circles. The movement was light, agile, and free. The rhythm of the rope turning and the rhythm of the footsteps were perfectly integrated, So the dance is very coordinated, very coherent, almost at one go, pleasing to the eye. Of course, there were no mistakes. But later, I gradually slowed down and seemed to relax a bit. The class teacher found out the situation at once. He immediately took the class with him and shouted, "Come on, Wang Ran!" "Come on, Wang Ran!" Hearing their cheers, I suddenly braced up, braced up and jumped up

One minute later, I jumped 197, which is the most among all the players. I won the rope skipping championship in the fourth grade group. This is also my first time to win the championship at the school sports meeting, let alone how happy I am. You know, there are so many experts in the rope skipping group, such as a player in Class 401 who can jump more than 200 every minute, which is the most popular one to win the championship this time. There was also a contestant from Class 405 who jumped at least 190 times a minute at ordinary times. Unexpectedly, this time they all played out of order, especially the one from Class 401 who made three mistakes. So when I stand on the high podium of the champion, I am very happy.

However, the result of the 200 meter race in the afternoon was like a basin of ice water pouring into my warm heart - I was the worst one.

In the 200 meter race, I was on track four. There are 8 players in my group. When the teacher said, "Prepare to run", the other seven runners immediately ran like arrows from the bow, and I was a little confused, but I stood there without moving. When they saw that they had run a certain distance, they reacted and started to run. In order to catch up with them, I strode hard behind and ran desperately. I was sweating and panting after running. After only one lap, I felt a little weak and my feet became heavier and heavier. No matter how my classmates cheered me on, I could hardly speak of speed. The result was conceivable

Looking at the contestants who ran to the finish line first in front of me, and looking at myself who fell at the back, my tears poured out like a flood breaking the dike. The students immediately gathered around me to comfort me and enlighten me: "Wang Ran, don't be sad, and try to achieve good results next time." The head teacher also kindly walked up to me and said to me, "Wang Ran, no matter what you do, there will be success and failure. If you succeed, don't be complacent. Keep improving and go to the next level; If you fail, don't lose heart, let alone be pessimistic. We should sum up experience and lessons and catch up. "

This day is really a double heaven.

Double Sky (7)

At 12 o'clock this afternoon, our school held the "Flea Book Market" activity of the annual campus reading festival.

I came to the corridor on the second floor, which was already crowded. I came to a stall, and it took me a lot of effort to get into it. At first glance, there are all my favorite books on the bookstall. I saw a copy of Andersen's Fairy Tales and bought it.

When I got home, I opened the book Andersen's Fairy Tales and found that there were both words and pictures in it. It was really wonderful. When I saw the article "The Little Match Girl", I was attracted by the protagonist.

It was a New Year's Eve when the north wind was howling. The goose feather like snow fell from the cloudy sky. At this time, a beautiful little match girl appeared in the street. However, good luck didn't come to the poor little girl. No one had bought one of her matches all day. She dared not go home for fear that her father would hit her. Sitting in the corner, she began to warm herself with matches. In the firelight, she saw the stove, roast goose, Christmas tree, and finally, she saw the grandmother who loved her most. Unconsciously, she followed her grandmother to heaven. In such a cold snowy day, she died quietly.

As I read, my nose became sour and bitter tears rolled down. I think that if this poor little girl can come to our new society, she will not wander on the cold streets like that at that time

In the face of all this, I have mixed feelings. In the era of the little match girl, most families were very difficult. Many people could not eat, wear new clothes, and wear shoes with several patches. Children can't go to school and can't get the care of their families. If parents don't care, they will be like little girls, selling matches on the street, or herding cattle and sheep in rich families to lighten the burden of the family. And me? At home, they don't eat chicken legs cooked in a "little sun" school, but give them to others. live on the labour of others. Throw away old shoes and buy new ones. Now every family is rich. Our family bought a car, took a bus to school, after school, or took a bus

Comparing my life with that of a little girl is really a "dual heaven of different societies"!

Double Sky (8)

When the laughter of childhood becomes the sigh of growing up, the mask does not change, but only our own.


When I was young, I didn't like playing mask games. I always thought how terrible it would be if there was another expression under the mask! I can't see through the mask, so I prefer not to play.

Day by day, we grow up slowly. When we consider whether we are not happy and mature, we suddenly realize that we have not changed, but we have a mask on our face, and we don't know how thick the mask is and when we put it on!

Some people say that people in many parts of the world wear masks and live unreally. Masks make us keep a stiff smile and posture, saying warm greetings, so that we can quickly integrate into the crowd. But if everyone is unwilling to give his heart, what can he get in the end?

Don't say that wearing a mask is for fear of injury, so we collect the truth and only let the hypocrisy appear. You will be hurt to prove that you still have feelings and can feel the pulse of youth beating! Just imagine, if a person can't even be sad, what's the meaning of his pale life? How can we learn to be good without being injured? Others repeatedly remind us to "be careful of slippery roads". It's better to fall down once. We stand up again after falling down, remember the pain just now, and walk the road ahead with confidence in the future.

The first ray of sunshine after taking off the mask may hurt your eyes, but it can also let you see the vibrant world under the sun; The rain may slightly wet your clothes, but it can also nourish your dusty heart; The wind may disturb your long hair, but it can also make you feel its ethereal shape

One takes off and the other wears a double sky. The removal or wearing of masks is ultimately up to you. In this moment, you may have chosen two different paths of life for yourself. Whether you want to open your mind or suppress your personality often depends on the moment you make a choice!

One pick and one wear, double heaven!

Double Sky (9)

This is a cartoon, which shows an entrance to a certain place with a ticket collector standing in front of it. There is a beautiful place, which is totally different from what people have just passed

At first, I was very confused about this cartoon. Looking at the viewer, I suddenly understood

Those people in the comics are in such a hurry, carrying large bags and small bags, and making such great efforts, is not it to visit the beautiful scenery in the front? Yes, it is. Maybe they all like beautiful things? Yes, but why do you keep walking after all the garbage? Is it beautiful?

This reminds me of another cartoon: half of the earth is green and fresh grassland, while the other side is desert

Doesn't that mean the same thing?

People have a dual nature. They like beauty but don't know how to protect it. They don't know that beautiful things are being eroded by them. In the long run, when the environment is no longer suitable, they complain instead of seeking change. They will eventually be abandoned by the environment, which is equivalent to cutting off their own pursuit. What is the truth?

This is the double heaven in people's hearts. What they like is beautiful purity and indirect destruction


Double Sky (10)

Civilization is a sign of social progress and an essential quality for each of us. Today, I saw a cartoon called "Two Heavens" and couldn't help thinking deeply.

In the cartoon, at the "entrance" of the city, a group of people prepare to go in. When they leave, they leave a pile of garbage, which forms a sharp contrast with the beauty of the city. The security guard at the "entrance" showed a helpless expression. They are eager to enter the city and become "civilized people", but their behavior is far from modern civilization. They do not pay attention to social morality, which makes the inside and outside of the "entrance" become "double heaven". This reminds me of one thing: one day, my mother and I went for a walk in the park. While enjoying the scenery in the newly built pavilion, someone nearby spat a few spits. When I went there the next day, I found that the place where I spit was black, and the ground around was clean and tidy, which seemed very uncoordinated. The slogan of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is: Be Civilized and Create a New Style. We should not let this sentence become a slogan, but start from ourselves, speak civilized words and do civilized things.

I can't forget the double angels at the entrance of the city. I suggest that we should be civilized, establish new trends, and be a person who abides by social morality!

Double Sky (11)

Happy Childhood Double Sky Composition

In the daily study, work or life, we always have to contact with composition. Composition is a kind of language flow, with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is Xiao Biandun's happy childhood composition. Welcome to read and treasure it.

In the evening, when the lights are on, the soft lights make the home very warm. My mother is busy in the kitchen. I sit at the table with a book in my hand and am fascinated by it.

"A worm turns bricks, turns bricks, turns bricks, turns bricks..." Looking at it, I can't help laughing, "ha ha ----" My mother was shocked, and she turned over in surprise, "What good book? So fascinated?" I put the book in front of her - "Little soldier Zhang Ga". I tilted my head and said, "Can you tell me about that tongue twister? Gazi is so naughty and cute.

The book told me that in a small village in Baiyangdian, Zhang Gazi and his grandmother depended on each other. Once "Bai Bo" came to mop up, killed Grandma who was covering for the Eighth Route Army, and captured Xiao Gazi's friend, Old Uncle Zhong. Little Gazi is determined to avenge them, which leads to many sobering but hilarious stories. Zhang Gazi has grown from a naughty child to a smart and brave soldier of the Eighth Route Army. Little Gazi's words and deeds are all for the purpose of defending his home, which makes me very moved. I touched his friendship with Uncle Zhong, who shared life and death; Moved his sincere and deep feelings towards his grandmother; Moved his brave and selfless spirit for the motherland.

I benefited a lot from reading this book carefully. Living in a honeypot, we open our mouths to food and reach out to clothes. Every day there are dishes on the table that I like to eat. Once my appetite is different, I will not eat in anger. Mother worked hard to prepare every meal, even shelled shrimp and crab for me to eat. In learning, my mother must accompany me when I do homework. I lack the spirit of independence and courage. On that day, my mother was not at home when she had something to do. I was too lazy to use my head when I met with difficulties. I handed in the problem with an empty title. As for Kazi, he didn't have enough to eat and sleep well, and was often bullied by Japanese devils, but he lived bravely and bravely, acted as an undercover for the Eighth Route Army, and arranged many mechanisms in the enemy's territory to lure the enemy into taking bait. The experience between us is really the difference between heaven and earth! Now compare with Gazi. I'm brave and self strengthening. I'm really ashamed. I deeply feel that it is because of the heroes like Gazi that China has become so prosperous and powerful, and we have a happy life today!

From Little Soldier Zhang Ga, I realized that we should learn from the spirit of Little Soldier Zhang Ga and face everything bravely. No matter how big a problem we encounter, we should not bow down. In my future study and life, I will always take Gazi as an example, learn from his courage and intelligence, and become a useful person to the society.

Double Sky (12)

Shencheng One Day Double Sky

Jiang Meilin, Class 42

I spent the Spring Festival of 2013 at my uncle's house in Shanghai.

On the morning of the tenth day of the lunar new year yesterday, I woke up and lifted the curtains as usual. I was surprised to find that the snowflakes flying in the sky outside the window were like pieces of small feathers falling down. Then the small snowflakes became bigger and thicker, becoming dense and numerous, and the white and flawless petals flew down one after another like Tiannv scattered flowers. I felt like I was in the fairy tale world, which really delighted me. I'm afraid this is the first spring snow of the New Year!

The spring snow in the south of the Yangtze River is so graceful and graceful that it gently sprinkles on the roof, leaving their white figures against the red lanterns under the eaves. Snowflakes, like naughty children, jump on the shoulders of pedestrians, slide across the stone steps of the small bridge on the river, and finally stop at the branch of the red plum tree in the distance.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun came out slowly, shining the earth with golden light. The snow slowly melted, and the snow water fell down along the black tiles on the white wall, playing the music of spring tick by tick. I went out with me to buy biscuits. It was very warm outside. The feeling of spring brings people great pleasure. Some children are flying kites, playing badminton, taking a walk, and so on.

People say that the towering high-rise buildings are the symbol of Shanghai, but this time I was lucky to appreciate its other beauty. On this day, there are both warm spring snow and spring after the melting snow. I really love here and look forward to meeting with it next time.

Double Sky (13)

This article, "Composition Shencheng Double Sky One Day", is organized by the composition collection of primary school students for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Shencheng One Day Double Sky

Jiang Meilin, Class 42

I spent the Spring Festival in 2014 at my uncle's house in Shanghai.

On the morning of the tenth day of the lunar new year yesterday, I woke up and lifted the curtains as usual. I was surprised to find that the snowflakes flying in the sky outside the window were like pieces of small feathers falling down. Then the small snowflakes became bigger and thicker, becoming dense and numerous, and the white and flawless petals flew down one after another like Tiannv scattered flowers. I felt like I was in the fairy tale world, which really delighted me. I'm afraid this is the first spring snow of the New Year!

The spring snow in the south of the Yangtze River is so graceful and graceful that it gently sprinkles on the roof, leaving their white figures against the red lanterns under the eaves. Snowflakes, like naughty children, jump on the shoulders of pedestrians, slide across the steps of a small bridge on the river, and finally stop at the branch of the red plum tree in the distance.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun came out slowly, shining the earth with golden light. The snow slowly melted, and the snow water fell down along the black tiles on the white wall, ticking the music of spring. I went out with me to buy biscuits. It was very warm outside. The feeling of spring brings people great pleasure. Some children are flying kites, playing badminton, taking a walk, and so on.

People say that the towering high-rise buildings are the symbol of Shanghai, but this time I was lucky to appreciate its other beauty. On this day, there are both warm spring snow and spring after the melting snow. I really love here and look forward to meeting with it next time.

Double Sky (14)

Civilization is a sign of social progress and an essential quality for each of us. Today, I saw a cartoon called "Two Heavens" and couldn't help thinking deeply.

In the cartoon, at the "entrance" of the city, a group of people prepare to go in. When they leave, they leave a pile of garbage, which forms a sharp contrast with the beauty of the city. The security guard at the "entrance" showed a helpless expression. They are eager to enter the city and become "civilized people", but their behavior is far from modern civilization. They do not pay attention to social morality, which makes the inside and outside of the "entrance" become "double heaven".

This reminds me of one thing: one day, my mother and I went for a walk in the park. While enjoying the scenery in the newly built pavilion, someone nearby spat a few spits. When I went there the next day, I found that the place where I spit was black, and the ground around was clean and tidy, which seemed very uncoordinated. The slogan of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is: Be Civilized and Create a New Style. We should not let this sentence become a slogan, but start from ourselves, speak civilized words and do civilized things.

I can't forget the double angels at the entrance of the city. I suggest that we should be civilized, establish new trends, and be a person who abides by social morality!

Double Sky (15)

Those who think more about the benefits will naturally be enlightened. If you only focus on the bad side of things, you will always be in trouble. Looking up, the sky is naturally broad, and the mind will also be broad.

Soviet scientist Leonov accidentally spilled wine on the tablecloth one day while eating. No matter how hard he rubbed it afterwards, he could not remove the stains of wine. When he was worried about this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration: grape juice is difficult to wash off, isn't it the best choice to make dyes? Therefore, he invented a more stable "grape fuel" with hydrochloric acid solution as an additive.

Many things in the world are not good or bad in themselves, it's all about what you think. Many times, the reason why we feel that life is boring is because our mentality is boring. If you want to make life more interesting, you should change your attitude - from a negative attitude to a positive attitude. Only in this way can we change our lives.

Ma Lianliang, the master of Peking Opera, became hoarse in his early years, which was no less than a disaster for Peking Opera actors! However, he made full use of this voice and created a unique style of horse school, which is roundabout and has a long aftertaste.

There are always two sides to a thing. Everything is relative. Disadvantages can become advantages, disadvantages can become benefits, and defects can just become characteristics. If you are over 50 years old and no one gives up your seat when you take the bus, you can think like this: "I am not old yet, I am still young. If I were old, others would have given up my seat for me." So, your heart is happy, as if you are much younger! So it is said that all good days are lived by oneself.

If you think more about the good, you will find that things are far from as bad as you think. If you change your perspective, every day in your life will be happy. It is not the environment but the mood that determines happiness. Many things have both advantages and disadvantages. As long as you think about the advantages, happiness will always accompany you.