Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (8 selected)
Men on Mars
2024-05-15 05:27:10

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (1)

Beauty of the Four Seasons Autumn Grade 5 Composition

In real life or work and study, everyone has written a composition, and must know all kinds of compositions very well. Writing a composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is the composition of Grade 5 of Autumn, the beauty of the four seasons, which I compiled for you. Welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

The hot summer of autumn leaves has passed, and the autumn girl is busy putting on golden and red autumn clothes for the trees. The autumn leaves compose 500 words. Unconsciously, the ginkgo in front of the house is also coated with a layer of glittering gold. Under the blowing of Brother Qiufeng, every leaf is swaying, "rustling, rustling" sounds as if singing a happy song. I can't help putting down my book and walking towards a piece of gold... Look! The ginkgo tree has turned green and yellow. I picked up a piece of ginkgo leaf and looked at it carefully: the dark yellow veins were connected with the thin petioles, as if some fairy in the sky had dropped a handful of folding fans on the earth, and immediately the fan became a yellow leaf full of trees.

I put my nose up and really smelled the delicate fragrance of the "fan". Suddenly, the maple trees beside the road attracted me. Look! The red maple tree, whose red and fiery leaves are like flaming torches, is full of branches, which are stacked one after another. A gust of wind blew, the leaf seemed to wave to you, it was welcoming your arrival. From time to time, several dark red maple leaves whirled and fell off the branches, some like red butterflies, some like birds flying, and some like dancers, spinning in the air and slowly falling into the arms of Mother Earth. It reminds me of a poem, "Falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers." Wow! The pine tree, still in dark green clothes, looks stronger than other trees. The needle shaped leaves arrogantly protect themselves, making the strong Qiufeng brother dare not approach.

Ah! How beautiful the autumn leaves are!

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (2)

·One Saturday in autumn, our family went to Siji Flower City to see the house. We first went to Zhengjia Square and waited for the building bus. In a short time, we got on the tour bus to Siji Flower City. The scenery along the way was wonderful! At first, there are rows of tall and straight trees, like soldiers protecting the tree kingdom. Then there were beautiful flowers, like the children of colorful fairies. Behind the flowers is a tall mountain, like a majestic king. The Kanlou car drove to a small lake. The water of the lake flowed quietly, and the small fish swam happily in the lake. In front of my eyes, I seemed to see the little lake girl dancing happily with the little fish. Eh? There is a building as beautiful as a castle in the distance. When you get closer, you can see that it is a small villa in Four Seasons Flower City. Standing on the balcony of the villa, you really feel like "looking up at the moon and looking down at the lake". The autumn here is beautiful! Miss Qiu lives here! How I wish I could live here with Miss Qiu and feel the coolness, beauty and particularity of autumn!

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (3)

·One Saturday in autumn, our family went to Siji Flower City to see the house. We first went to Zhengjia Square and waited for the building bus. In a short time, we got on the tour bus to Siji Flower City. The scenery along the way was wonderful! At first, there are rows of tall and straight trees, like soldiers protecting the tree kingdom. Then there were beautiful 'flowers', like the children of colorful fairy. Behind the flowers is a tall mountain, like a majestic king. The Kanlou car drove to a small lake. The water of the lake flowed quietly, and the small fish swam happily in the lake. Before my eyes, I seemed to see the little lake girl dancing happily with the little fish. Eh? There is a building as beautiful as a castle in the distance. When you get closer, you can see that it is a small villa in Four Seasons Flower City. Standing on the balcony of the villa, you really feel like "looking up at the moon and looking down at the lake". The autumn here is beautiful! Miss Qiu lives here! How I wish I could live here with Miss Qiu and feel the coolness, beauty and particularity of autumn!

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (4)

Spring said: "I am the most beautiful in the four seasons. Everything is revived, green, flowers are in full bloom, and red is everywhere, so I am the most beautiful."

"That's not sure!" Summer said, "There are many flowers under the withered grass left last year, which is a stain. As long as there is a stain, how can it be the most beautiful?"

"Don't you have any stains?" Spring was unhappy. "How many brilliant flowers were destroyed in your hands! Aren't these flowers stains?"

Summer became angry and said, "Although some flowers have disappeared, some fruits have come out. How can we say they are stains?"

This is the word of autumn: "Although you bear fruit, it is not mature. Only in our autumn will the fruit become bright red and sweet, so our autumn is the most beautiful!"

Winter said: "The most beautiful thing is our winter! After a white snow......"

"If it hadn't snowed..."


The beauty of autumn is mature - it is not as shy as spring, as exposed as summer, as introverted as winter, and the beauty of autumn is rational - it is not as charming as spring, as hot as summer, and as implicit as winter.

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (5)

A faint wind slipped in through the open window. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, smelling the smell of rain in early autumn - some shallow sadness hidden in the cool.

Although it is just early autumn, the wind has lost its invincible and overwhelming momentum in midsummer. Probably because I am tired of the loneliness and want to find something lost after spring. After several days of continuous autumn rain, the trees on both sides of the road are still as lush as in midsummer, and few fallen leaves are seen scattered on the cement ground of the city.

I remember when I was a child, I had a strong aversion to rain, especially the continuous drizzle in spring and now. At that time, I still lived in the old house built by my grandfather in the suburbs. I feel that the sky is like rice paper splashed with ink by a master of ink painting, which makes people feel inexplicably depressed and depressed. The main reason is that you can only stay in the house and not go out to play at will. So I hope that the rain will soon clear up. However, the continuous autumn rain seems to be against me for several days. Sometimes it's really boring. I just sit at the gate and watch the intermittent rain gather into a number of small pools in the potholes in the yard.

The overflowing rainwater and the new rainwater converged into several small streams with a width of one finger, and then flowed down the small soil slope and out of the yard, disappearing at the end of the line of sight. Where will it flow? I began to imagine, so I felt bored.

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (6)

Autumn is a beautiful season, have you seen it? Come on, let's go into autumn together!

Come into the orchard and have a look! Why does the little sun hang on the tree? When did the little lantern run to the tree? Eh? How come there are chocolates in the basket? Is this an orchard? When I walked in, I found that the little sun was a small apple with a red face. The little lantern is a golden orange. The chocolate that looks appetizing is a small chestnut. The orchard in autumn is a wonderful place to add vitality to autumn.

A burst of fragrance came to my nostrils. My little feet were out of control. I ran to the place where the fragrance came from. It was the little flowers who were calling me to go there! I looked east and west, and then I knew I was in the garden. I thought: The world of little flowers is wonderful! A gust of wind blew, and the flowers began to wave to me! I saw little yellow flowers. They were small osmanthus! What kind of flowers are the flower fairies dancing with the wind? It turned out to be cute little chrysanthemums! The world of flowers is so beautiful!

When I walked into the mountain forest, it seemed that I had entered a fairyland. The red and yellow together made me very intoxicated. It was the maple and ginkgo trees together, like a flame, like golden osmanthus in the flower cluster. Listening to the "symphony" of fallen leaves and autumn wind, it seems that the trees are having a concert. In this beautiful "concert hall", I can't help humming a song. What a wonderful and sweet voice!

Autumn is a wonderland full of curiosity, fragrance and beauty!

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (7)

Autumn is coming. Autumn is a mature season and a harvest season. It can bring us happiness that other seasons cannot bring. In autumn, I feel a lot of happiness, such as watching chrysanthemums, climbing high, eating crabs and so on. But the most unforgettable thing for me is picking persimmons.

The annual Fired Persimmon Festival in Xixi Wetland is coming, and I'm very happy because I'm going to pick persimmons with adults and partners! Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, I finally look forward to this day. That day, I was sitting in the car, smelling the sweet scented osmanthus, enjoying the picturesque autumn scenery while humming a song, and cheerfully came to Xixi Wetland with adults to pick persimmons. After a while, we came to a persimmon forest, and saw red persimmons hanging all over the branches, like delicate little lanterns. How beautiful! How tempting! I was salivating and urged the adults to take us to pick persimmons. So, we started to move towards heaven and earth! Adults beat persimmons with bamboo poles, while children excitedly picked them up in baskets. We are full of energy. It depends on who picks the most. In a short time, a lot of persimmons were piled in our basket! Some children could not wait to put several persimmons into their stomachs without the adults' attention. "Ha ha ha!" We couldn't help laughing. They turned into greedy "little kittens"! I also ate a persimmon, so sweet! The whole picking process is full of our laughter. We had a great time in this activity, because we not only ate delicious persimmons, but also experienced the fun of labor.

Autumn is a very special season. Happiness is everywhere in autumn, as long as we find it with our heart.

Composition of Four Seasons and Autumn (8)

The beautiful autumn is coming, and the fruit trees are full of red "little lanterns". The children in the countryside jumped and shouted happily, and the fields echoed with their silvery laughter.

Everyone in the village is busy. My sister and brother go to the mountain to pick fruit. Arriving at the orchard, God! The fruit on the fruit tree is ripe, and my sister and brother happily picked three baskets.

There are as many fruits in the orchard as there are sand by the sea. In autumn, there are many sweet smells floating in the air, such as pear, apple, pineapple and sour.

There are many small animals ready for winter! There are bears, magpies

Magpie said: "I will step up to build a nest".

"I want to find a hole," said the bear.

The snake said, "I want to have a good sleep.".

In autumn, it gave yellow to the ginkgo tree, red to the maple leaf, golden yellow to the field, orange red to the fruit tree, and purple, light yellow and white to the chrysanthemum fairy.

How beautiful autumn is! I love autumn!