Essays on Path (16 practical ones)
Half city snow
2024-04-30 09:36:02

Composition of Path (1)

My hometown is in the countryside, where the mountains and waters are beautiful. There is a rice field in front of my hometown. Through the rice field, there is a straight country road leading to the field. As soon as I have a holiday, I will go to the country road to play.

In spring, when I walked on the country road, when I looked around, the rape flowers in the fields were blooming like gold. When the bees saw it, they also flew to collect honey. The green wheat seedlings are like carpeting the earth. Tadpoles swam freely in the lakes on both sides of the path. The lotus leaves just spit out a little round leaves, and the little green leaves spread on the lake. It was very beautiful.

In summer, the farmers worked hard under the scorching sun. They planted rice seedlings everywhere in the fields. When tired, go to the tree lined path to rest; When he was thirsty, he went to the well beside the path to scoop water. The lotus leaves in the lake dance with the wind, and some lotus flowers only open two or three petals; Some petals spread out completely, spitting out small yellow lotus buds; Some are just flowers. My friends and I catch crickets and grasshoppers in the grass beside the road, and sometimes we secretly pick a few small lotus pods, not to mention how interesting.

In autumn, leaves fall with the wind, just like butterflies flying in the air. The fallen leaves piled together like a golden carpet, soft and comfortable. The lotus flowers and leaves in the lake withered. On the rice field, the farmer uncle was carrying a basket full of rice, his face was covered with sweat, but he was still smiling and overjoyed. I and the children in the village are flying kites on the path. "Swallows", "caterpillars", "butterflies"... they are all in a thousand different shapes. They are competing with each other in the air! When we were tired, we rolled on the ground. Leaves stuck to our bodies and hair, which made us feel a bit down and out. At this time, we would smile at each other and grab leaves from the ground and smash them at each other.

In winter, snowflakes fall one after another, and the wheat sprouts are covered with a quilt, like a gift from Grandpa Winter. We had a snowball fight and made snowmen on the path. We were very happy! As the saying goes, "Snow augurs a good year." The farmer uncle smiled at the heavy snow. They believed that the crops would grow better next year.

I like my hometown more than the country roads! It brings me endless happiness!

Composition of Path (2)

"When I walk on the country road, the singing of the shepherd boy is rippling......" Whenever I walk on the country road, I always think of this cheerful children's song.

One year, when I came to the countryside, I found that it was surrounded by green trees, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. It was no worse than the city. It was simply a simple nature. When I was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery in front of me, suddenly, the singing of a shepherd boy attracted me. I followed the sound and came to a path unconsciously. What came into my sight were colorful wild flowers, green tall trees, and clear streams. I saw that the grass here was clustered next to each other, and wild flowers were everywhere, all over the mountains and plains. Walking on the uneven Huangni Road, butterflies flew past me in pairs, and birds were circling overhead, singing gently from time to time. Not far away, a little boy, about six or seven years old, was sitting on the back of a big buffalo, singing leisurely. He would never pick the blooming flowers, catch the beautiful butterflies, or drive away the singing birds. The shepherd boy only watched, listened and sang quietly. Looking at the flowers and grass dancing with the breeze, listening to the beautiful songs of the birds, singing their favorite songs. If all these things are compared with the city, isn't the city much worse?

The reason why there are so many beautiful scenes in the countryside is that people in the countryside love every flower and tree. If people in the city love nature so much, isn't the city a beautiful place?

Composition of Path (3)

When I went to school, I would pass a special road - a beautiful path with too many deep feelings for me.

On the way to school, as long as I see the beautiful flowers on the path, I am full of hope for today. Hehe, I am in a good mood!

After school, Liu Ziyao and Tang Yuqing, together with me, carried our schoolbags and picked flowers on the grass beside the path.

Today, we also came to this grassland to look for flowers. We first tread a path gently on the grass, and then go looking for flowers. As I walked, I found a purple and lovely flower on the grass. I ran to it and put it close to my nose to smell: "Ah! It's so fragrant!" My voice attracted Tang Yuqing and Liu Ziyao. They said in unison, "What's wrong, Sister?" "Oh, this? It's so fragrant!" "Oh, really?" They also put their noses close to smell, "Wow! Fragrant, too fragrant! " They also sighed. So I picked this flower, put it in front of my nose, and tried to smell it. Then, we successively found such flowers on the grassland and named them "Jinglian". Although the name of the flower is a bit strange, it also has its unique meaning: this flower can purify the air, and its shape is like a lotus, so it is called "Jinglian". We also found all kinds of beautiful flowers on this grassland and named them one after another.

Today is so happy, the flowers are so lovely, and the path is so beautiful!

Composition of Path (4)

My childhood was spent in a small mountain village near the mountain and by the river. Next to my home, there was a simple road that accompanied me through my childhood. I remember when I was three years old, I walked up and down the path. I didn't know how many falls I had and how much I suffered. In my childhood heart, the path was so annoying.

In the blink of an eye, this simple road was paved with asphalt, and there were more pedestrians on the road. I began to like this path. Walking on this asphalt road, I saw my uncles and aunts talking and laughing as they walked along the road. I stood on the road, looking at the distance, and thought: this asphalt road is like a green dragon that leads to the distance.

In a twinkling of an eye, the asphalt road was turned into a cement road by the villagers, and there were more cars on the road, especially in autumn, when large trucks were transporting oranges and autumn harvest rice on this road.

In the spring, the trees beside the road grew new leaves, making the path more beautiful. On that foggy night, I turned on the street lamp to guide the villagers in the fog. In summer, the fruit trees beside the road opened bright flowers, making the path fragrant. When I went to school in the morning, I walked on the road, and bursts of cool wind accompanied by the fragrance of flowers flew past me. I quickly shouted, how delicious! At this time, I was more longing for the joy of harvest, which rippled in everyone's heart. People smiled and ushered in the golden autumn

The harvest season finally came, and a large truck stopped in front of my house. My uncles and aunts shouted, "The oranges are harvested, the oranges are harvested, 45 cents a kilogram. At this time, my father discussed with an uncle, and immediately invited employees to cut oranges in the orange garden... Look at the trucks of bright red oranges transported to all parts of the country from this road. They are really red, and Shimen is also red.

In the cold winter, the road became a silver belt. It was very easy to walk on the road. Sometimes the road was slippery. Once, my parents and I went to the street to play. When we went up the slope, because the road was slippery, I fell on all fours, but my parents laughed happily.

Ah! The path in front of my house is a path that will never be forgotten in my mind. He accompanied me through a happy childhood and also accompanied me to grow up happily.

I love the path of my hometown.

Composition of Path (5)

Spring is the best season of the year. Spring is the season when everything recovers; Our most brilliant professional teachers - a group of hardworking gardeners - will certainly not give up the best season in the world - spring. Students are the whole of our career, so it is our bounden duty to provide students with the best service. Now it is only two months away from the middle school entrance examination. From the headmaster's office to the third grade group, we have planned and purposefully conducted home visits to the third grade students. Give them encouragement, give them confidence, guide them to study effectively, and create better academic results! Spring is the season of sowing hope. We should plant our hope in spring.

In spring, we walk on the rural road of hope: although the road ahead is dark and strange, we have hope in our hearts; Although the night air is a little cold, our hearts are warm; Although we use our feet to measure the distance, we are happy; Although we feel a little tired, we are happy.

In spring, we walk on the rural road of hope: when we see the surprised eyes and firm learning beliefs of students, we know that our efforts are worth it; When we received warm greetings from parents, we knew that our efforts were worth it; When we finished our home visit, our parents showed us the way to another student's home in the same village, and at the end of the visit, we knew that our efforts were worthwhile.

Spring is the best season of the year. Spring is the season when everything recovers. Spring is the season of sowing hope. In spring, we walk on the country road, which is a road full of hope!

Composition of Path (6)

Time flies like an arrow. In a twinkling of an eye, I have grown from an innocent child to a fifth grade student. Great changes have taken place in my hometown, not just me.

My hometown is Tangshi Village, Ningxiang County, Changsha City. With the economic development, my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Among them, the biggest change is our Tangshi Road, which is the central street of our village. Due to the large number of people and vehicles, the road surface has become potholed: on sunny days, the road surface is covered with dust, and the dust is flying when vehicles pass by, and passers-by choke on the nose when breathing; In rainy days, there is water everywhere in the pit, and pedestrians are covered with mud and water when vehicles pass by; When someone is driving, because he cannot see the road in front of him, and there is no place to park, he will also have a tragic accident.

Now, with the attention of the village committee, Tangshi Road has been rebuilt. It has become a modern pedestrian street. The flat cement pavement is very beautiful. A street lamp is installed on both sides of the street at a certain distance, and there are also neat trees and flowers, so that people can walk in the dark. A breeze can smell the fragrance of flowers. Traffic lights are also installed at the intersections of the street to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians and avoid many traffic accidents. Clean the car every once in a while to clean the street and keep the "beauty" of the street.

When night falls, people will rush to the square and dance square dance together. The grandparents stepped on the graceful dance and smiled.

Now Tangshi Road is the most prosperous and beautiful road in our village. I hope it will become more beautiful and prosperous tomorrow.

Composition of Path (7)

I live in a mountainous area, and I can't go up or down without going out. The road is steep, winding, and narrow. Villagers live scattered, and the distance between homes, especially between villages, is often long. The only way is this path. Also, life was difficult at that time. Adults were busy all day, and children were no exception. Feeding cattle and sheep, finding grass to feed pigs, even collecting firewood, carrying water and grinding noodles, all of which have to be done.

That month, we walked on this road every day, but we felt very happy. In spring, the roadside is covered with green grass. Peach blossom, apricot blossom, pear blossom, apple blossom and some unknown wild flowers compete with each other in the fields, ridges and slopes, forming a sea of flowers. Wild vegetables such as leeks, garlic and alfalfa can be easily picked; In summer, trees are green and luxuriant. When plums, cherries and peaches are ripe, they often fall all over the road; In autumn, the fruits are ripe. Apples, pears and grapes are all hung on the branches, like pearls and agates. They are bright, crystal and fragrant, which makes the bees hurry; In winter, the path is covered with thick snow, and the trees and grass beside the road are hairy. We often miss school or go home when running, skating, or snowball fights in the snow.

The school is five miles away from home. The road to school is winding and steep, and across a small river. In summer, the flood often makes children unable to cross. However, we all love rainy days, because we can be carried across the river or our little brothers and sisters. Sometimes they hold the drill hand in hand to form a railing in the water, which is supported by their brothers and sisters. Then he put on his straw hat and ran along the path barefoot. It takes less than half an hour to arrive on the five mile mountain road. It is normal to go to school or go home on Mohei Road, and no one has ever been afraid.

On holidays and festivals, or to see off relatives and friends, sometimes on a mountain road 40 or 50 miles away, with a gift of 30 or 40 kilograms, they often go out early and return late. If there is a movie or something lively in a nearby village, they have to go to see it. What's more, it's the same with carrying dung in the mountains all day. I remember that I just graduated from a village school and worked in a village school. I didn't have a house to live in. Twenty miles away from home, I arrived at school in the morning and returned home in the evening. I got up at five o'clock every day and climbed a mountain. At seven o'clock, I had been at school to give exercises to students. This way I walked for a month and never felt sleepy.

However, at that time, I was dissatisfied with this kind of path and resented my bad fate. Why should I be born in such a ghost place. What can I do here without a car? So he tried hard to prepare to escape from such a place.

The hard work pays off. After several years of "struggle", I succeeded. Although we haven't completely cut off the mountain road yet, we can also walk less, or even not, which is a little satisfying.

Since I walked into the jungle of cement and steel, I was used to the vulgar busyness of modern people, so I seldom felt the nature, and it has been several years since then. A few days ago, I suddenly remembered my dream of staying in the mountains as a child. no Perhaps the main reason was that he felt empty and bored, so he invited several friends to climb the mountain. However, it is disappointing to see that it is too far here, too high there, and the road is too difficult to walk. After careful planning, the nearest hill was finally selected, which was no more than 20xx meters high and no more than 4 miles away. However, in order to get along with the crowd, we had to make do with it.

Who knows, I was surprised when I left. What happened to me? It was almost the same as them. Although it took a long time to pretend to be a tough guy, he returned tired and sleepy, and recovered slowly after a few days. Calm down and think about it. In fact, the truth is very simple, that is, lack of exercise. The reason is very simple, but it is too difficult to implement! There are many people who know the secret, but few of them are benefited from it. They are accustomed to being sent to the hospital when they are bedridden, and seldom pay attention to health.

In fact, people are lazy. They can sit, but they don't stand; If you can be at ease, you won't work hard. It's natural. The pursuit of a happy life is everyone's wish and the connotation of happiness, which is nothing more than ease of work, less work and more gains, high consumption, and aristocratic food and clothing. But is this good for health? Because of ease and inertia, I am afraid to walk a few steps away; Because of the high consumption, I was drunk and fed all day long, and even became drunk and dazzled. The night was going to end, and I still wanted to stay in the "Farewell Palace", relying on red and green, but I could not get up after lunch was cooked. So wait, where is the time to exercise? In addition, the eating and drinking, the living habits themselves are chronic suicide. From this point of view, isn't the pursuit of happiness and the process of enjoying happiness actually a kind of destruction?

Of course, there are also many people who are transcendental, just like Nan Huaijin, a contemporary prodigy who insists on simple food and drink despite being rich in luxury, and is used to your tireless work. Wang Tianyi, an old painter who painted the nave of Tiananmen Tower, once said that he would have no problem working for another 20 years. He gets up at 6:30 every day, plays Taijiquan, works at 8:00, and has lunch at 12:00... In the next ten years, he has made great achievements and fulfilled his vows. There are also Zhuangzi, Zhang Sanfeng and others who travel around the world and live in caves despite thousands of bells. They are all old and healthy, and almost never get sick.

However, they often invite criticism instead. Why not accept what others send? Yes, things belong to others, cars belong to others, and meat and wine belong to others; But whose is health? I'm afraid it's not cost-effective to lose your health in order to take advantage of it? Also, they came to the world just for the sake of others. Why should they ask others for it? Their demeanor cannot be emulated by ordinary people. However, we don't need to be obsessed with a little comfort and lose our health.

When I think of this, I suddenly feel that my hometown is very lovely. The winding mountain roads are like beautiful melodies, which are playing the role of sharpening. But this road has become a good memory, and it has been replaced by a wide road.

Composition of Path (8)

When spring comes, the path of my hometown is covered with grass, and countless red or white wild flowers are blooming. The path of my hometown carries too many memories of my childhood. I love the path of my hometown.

When I was young, I liked to squat on the side of the road in my hometown. I liked to look carefully at the grass growing on the side of the road. These grasses are so tenacious. They grow year by year and meet me again every year in warm spring. There are many fairies on the path of home, such as busy ants crawling east and west, butterflies attracted by the fragrance of flowers from time to time, and buzzing bees... The path of home is very busy.

The path of my hometown has an unusual scene in the four seasons. Spring is busy, and summer is a little cold. But when the harvest comes, the path of my hometown is full of people coming and going. People carried rice along the path of their hometown, and some naughty rice swung out of the burden and scattered on the side of the path.

When winter comes, the rice swayed out will sleep under the white ice and snow, and wait until the next spring. These green seedlings have been drilled out, but most of them are not tall because of the lack of a lot of water needed for rice along the path.

Look! At this moment, there are many rice seedlings growing along the path of my hometown. These rice seedlings are green and tender. Although they are shorter than me now, they grow fast. When I come to see it in a few days, I will be taller than the shorter one.

I often like to walk along the path of my hometown, which is full of beautiful scenery. I shuttled among them, looking carefully at the flowers and plants beside the road. Many people are looking for beautiful scenery in life, but they do not know that beautiful scenery is at the foot of the outside. Even if it is a path we usually ignore, as long as you go to find it carefully, there are many beautiful aspects here.

By the side of the road in my hometown, I picked a wild flower and pinned it to my ears. I like the path of my hometown.

Composition of Path (9)

There are many kinds of roads, roads, railways... but my favorite is the gravel road that runs through two rows of bricks and is only 20 meters long.

That path has been here for more than ten years. How many people have you sent to the small forest? Only you are still the same. How many wind and rain have hit your body, and you are still working hard with your body bowed.

When a gust of wind blew, elm, peach and pear trees on both sides made bursts of "gurgling" sounds, as if Miss Qiu gently brushed the top of the tree with her hands, leaving only bursts of residual sound, or as if countless pairs of small hands warmly applauded the path after telling the story. It's a pity that I didn't hear the wonderful story.

The autumn wind is stronger and stronger, and the weather is cooler and cooler. The trees tailored a dark yellow dress for the path. One after another withered and yellow leaves fell from the branches, as if two butterflies were flying together. "Pa" landed on the already heavy clothes on the path. Looking to the end of the path, the path that had already had a very ancient charm added a sense of antiquity. "Creak". I don't know which naughty child stepped on the yellow clothes on the path and made a clear sound. The child "giggled" twice and ran away, leaving only the lingering sound and the antique path.

Every time I step on this path, I will be attracted by its temperament. The autumn path, with its steadiness, can make people fall into meditation at once; His ancient rhyme can make people feel as if they are in the antique of The Analects of Confucius; His dignity can make people feel that time has suddenly solidified, leaving only the ancient bridge and himself.

The path of autumn is forever printed in my mind.

Composition of Path (10)

"Walking on the country road, the old cow returning at dusk is my companion..." Whenever I walk on the road of my hometown, I will recall this song that I have heard for many times since I was a child.

Walking on the country road, there is a wide field in front of you. There are no tall buildings or amusement facilities. Next to us was waist high wheat. In the distant bushes, there were many kinds of birds. Butterflies were flying around in the flowers, accompanied by the buzzing of many bees' wings, which made us play around. We chased and played with butterflies in the flowers, but they could not be caught. We sat on the ground and smiled at each other.

The partner points to the white clouds in the sky. The weather in the east is changing rapidly. The light, shadow and sea of clouds are changing colors every minute. The sun hides behind the clouds and plays hide and seek with us. The sun that has not yet emerged looks like a child lying in bed.

In the evening, the sun is still intoxicated, and the light sunlight smears on the earth. The blue sky matches the sunset, and the colorful clouds set off a beautiful sunset. Walking slowly along the stream to the home, holding the cattle rope in his hand, he watched the cattle walk step by step, as if they were moving every minute for ever.

My uncle put his hoe on his shoulder, went up the hill, and began to climb over the field. When you smell it carefully, there is a faint smell of grass. Walking on the shady path, there are dense trees to shade the sun. Even if there is hot sun, it is no longer stuffy, and there is only dazzling sunshine. When you look back, you can see the red fruit among the branches and leaves. When you pick it, there must be fruit juice. It seems to be natural glue, which is sticky on your hands. A few steps later, I saw green watermelons growing big in the ground. Then I walked forward, and there was a small bridge made of wood. I walked forward step by step, but I felt my feet were getting harder and harder, as if they were filled with lead.

In the field, there is a piccolo fluttering with the wind, vaguely blowing. The crisp sound of the piccolo can arouse people's joy and blow away their troubles. A shepherd boy was riding on the back of a cattle and blowing a flute, which reminded me of an ancient poem, "A shepherd boy rides a cattle and his singing is heard in the forest." Everyone's face was full of smiles, all thoughts were flying in the evening wind, and how much loneliness and melancholy were scattered with the wind and forgotten on the country road.

The summer wind lifted the fallen leaves and crushed the setting sun. The memories of those unexpected encounters were also stirred by the wind, and rippled away in my heart. The warm memories were only left on the country roads.

Composition of Path (11)

In the warm glow of the setting sun, hardworking and simple people step on the hard way and unload their heavy plows and rakes. The setting sun gives them the aura of holiness, circles the fatigue of years and the heaviness of life, and gives them relaxation. The setting sun gives her everything to the world and to the earth. Only then can there be myriad rays of sunshine, beautiful landscapes, peaceful mountain villages and industrious and simple people.

I rode the old cow quietly in the sunset. It was really "the shepherd boy returns to cross the ox's back, and the piccolo plays without any sound."

On the distant horizon, the sun is about to set, and the sunset in the west is waving a gorgeous scarf. The grass all over the place was gilded with golden yellow. When the evening wind blows, the dog tail grass shakes a lyric song at dusk. Rows of wooden houses appeared, as exquisite as fairy tales, and as beautiful as dreams.

Look, the sun has turned its dazzling light into a big golden disc, jumping happily and disappearing behind the West Mountain. Suddenly, a big and ugly dog appeared in the sky. It was running in front of it, and there seemed to be a big lion chasing behind it. After a while, the big dog stopped, and the lion also stopped, so they fought. Within five minutes, the king of beasts, the lion, disappeared. Then came a sheep, who ate delicious grass on the ground while walking. A plane flew by and drew a white Milky Way on the grass in the sky. Without noticing anything, the lamb continued to eat the fresh grass.

I put my hoe on my shoulder, and the beautiful singing of the shepherd boy rippled in my ears. At this time, the sound of the song wafts the fragrance of rice and wheat and the smell of soil. When hearing the song, it seems that you have tasted the new rice of the farmers and the homemade wine Baogu. I listened intently. The singing sounds rise, the moving melody turns into a gorgeous sunset, the happy notes turn into birds, fly to the distance, and then fly back to perch in my heart nest. Listen? The faint sound of the flute is really "the tobacco is boundless in Chu Zeqiu, and the shepherd boy plays the flute to call back the cattle".

It looks like a blooming white orchid, smiling on the face, overflowing with satisfaction and joy, and the beautiful radian of the mouth. Humming a little folk song, let my thoughts fly in the evening wind. How many lonely melancholy, all with the evening wind drift away, with the sunset, forgotten in the countryside

Composition of Path (12)

Everyone has a dream, a sweet dream, a happy dream. Those dreams are full of our desire for the future, our vision for the future. Those dreams are dreams.

When I was young, I lived in my grandmother's house, a small village in Zhanmao. The road to my grandmother's house was small and pitted, and I often stumbled over stones when I walked there. Once, when I was young and running, I accidentally fell down. This fall was not easy. My delicate skin was broken, and my face was bloody with stones. I cried out in pain. Grandma's house is quite remote. There is only a small road connecting with the outside world. There is no bus, and even a taxi is unwilling to go in. Every time I go to the street to see my mother, she always holds me in one hand, carrying heavy things in the other hand, and walks a long way, listening to her mother's heavy breathing, I had a wish in my heart: if this road could be as wide and flat as the road outside, how wonderful! In less than two years, the village road has been built. The original potholed path has become a wide and flat cement road. Every other section of the road, there is a fitness park. There are several small flower beds on both sides with some common flowers and plants. There are some fitness equipment and some plastic chairs for people to enjoy the cool. On summer nights, adults sit on chairs to enjoy the cool and chat, while I play on swings and climb poles with my friends. It is also convenient to go to Grandma's house every time. My father's car can always take us to our door. Ah, my dream has come true!

There is a ditch across from Grandma's house. On rainy days, the stream flows in a clear way. But on a sunny day, the pig, chicken and duck feces from the opposite grandmother's house were discharged into the ditch, giving off a foul smell, especially in the southerly wind, which could be smelled from afar, and was disgusting. Then, I had a dream: If only Grandma didn't raise livestock! When I returned to my husband's home last summer vacation, I saw that the original good cement roads had been cut open, and some workers were installing pipes and repairing roads. I was surprised: "Grandma, how did the good road get in such a mess?" Grandma smiled happily and told me: "Now we are advocating five water treatment, and the town pays to install sewage pipes and build roads for every family. Now we don't have to smell bad anymore!" "Great!" I can't help cheering up. When I went back after the National Day holiday, I found that the ditch was poured with cement and buried under the road together with the sewage pipe. The road in front of Grandma's door was wider!

In recent years, my hometown has developed so fast that the path in front of my grandmother's house has become wider and better, and my dreams have been realized one by one. So I have a new dream. I hope my grandmother's family can get on the bus. I believe that my dream will become a reality soon, because we are on the way of chasing dreams.

Composition of Path (13)

I walked on the path of my hometown, smelling the smell of mud. This was the first time I walked on the muddy path in my life

On the road, while walking, my mother introduced some crops along the road, such as golden ears of wheat, green peas, and green rapeseed As I walked, I saw a phenomenon -- the ears of wheat fell down. I asked my mother: How could the ears of wheat fall down for no reason? My mother smiled and said, "This shows that these ears of wheat are about to mature, and the center of gravity is at the top, so when the wind blows, the ears of wheat fall down

After a while, my father held a broad bean he didn't know when to pick, and said he could eat it without burning it. I was very curious, so I took one and tasted it. But before I chewed it a few times, there was an unknown taste in my mouth that irritated my tongue. I didn't have to think about it. Alas, it was all because of curiosity! But my father said that when they were young, they thought raw broad beans were delicious, which really puzzled me

Unconsciously, we have come to the depth of the path. Although the path is rough, I feel the real pastoral scenery

Composition of Path (14)

There is a tree lined path on the right side of the school gate. The first thing that came into view was a rough wall. Many creepers sticking out of the soil stuck to the wall and struggled to climb up. After a severe winter, the stems of the Parthenocissus tricuspidata have turned yellow, but they still stubbornly cling to the wall. In those inconspicuous places, some small buds sprang out of the stems, as if they were going to embrace the earth and touch the spring. The small buds looked especially dazzling under the sunshine. Several peach trees poked out from the left side of the wall and kept looking at the Parthenocissus, as if to say, "Are you as beautiful as I am?" Under the sunshine and against the green leaves, the peach blossom became more beautiful. Sometimes, when the car stops under a peach tree and peach blossoms fall on it, it becomes a beautiful float. Then, all the way down, there are banyan trees. From a distance, they look like a row of neat guards. They stand still on sunny or rainy days. Whenever I walk along the path, I always feel that there is something on my head. It is the branches and leaves of the banyan tree, which are thick and thick, just like the hands extended by the guards to protect me from the wind and rain. In the rainy season, there are many crystal clear pearls on the leaves of the banyan tree, as well as on the thin tip of the branches. They are sparkling and beautiful in place. The root of the banyan tree is like a dragon's claw, holding the ground tightly. It looks more robust against the rain. On a sunny day, the banyan tree sleeps in the song of the birds. The sun shines on the earth, passes through the gaps of the dense branches and leaves, and finally scatters on the ground. This tree lined path has been with me for four years. Whether I am sad or sad, I will forget when I walk on the path. Maybe in two years, I will transfer, but this path and I will always be friends, because it has been deeply impressed in my mind.

Composition of Path (15)



There is a path in Wujianzhi Village, Class 7 (12), Chengguan Middle School, Yicheng City, Hubei Province. The path extends endlessly. On both sides are some unknown flowers and grass and green fields. Standing on the path, my endless tears and yearning are condensed.

In the past, my grandfather often took me to play on the path, helped me pick wild flowers, pinched weeds, and played games with me. The path was full of laughter.

I remember once, my grandfather took me to play hide and seek in the field beside the path.

Nothing had happened, but the accident happened. I laughed, but I didn't notice a big stone at my feet and fell down. The nose and corners of the mouth bleed. Grandpa quickly picked me up and rushed to the village clinic.

When I stopped crying, I found that Grandpa's forehead was covered with sweat, his shirt was soaked, and there were still tears in his eyes

"Grandpa cried, Grandpa cried!" When I was a child, I didn't understand anything. I clapped my hands happily, "Grandpa cried!"

When I was a little older, I seldom saw my grandpa. You can also contribute your compositions. I miss my time with grandpa very much.

New Year, my parents and I went back home. I saw my grandpa, but he was lying on the bed with a hanging needle.

I am sad to see grandpa like this.

"Organic, grandpa can't play with you anymore." grandpa smiled hard, and his expression showed how painful grandpa was.

After more than two months, there was bad news that Grandpa died because his condition worsened.

When I heard the news, I cried for a long time

Now, I come to this path again, recalling the happy time with my grandfather before, how happy and joyful

Composition of Path (16)

I have to pass this path every day when I come home from school. For me, this path is familiar to me. Every time I pass this path, I feel happy because it means that I am not far from home.

This road has become my bridge to my home, carrying my yearning for home. The country road is my soul mate.