Eye Description in Primary School Composition (5 in total)
Blue sea and sky
2024-05-09 04:39:48

Eye Description in Primary School Composition (1)

If someone asks me who you love most and what you like most in your life, I will tell him proudly that I love my mother most and love her eyes most

Mom, she is not tall. She has shoulder length hair and a pair of clear and beautiful big eyes shining under her thick curved eyebrows. In my heart, my mother is always young, beautiful, kind-hearted

Mother's eyes are the most beautiful and clear

Mother's. Her eyes are full of diligence. She treats life thoughtfully and meticulously, and earns the happiness of the whole family with her diligence. She treats working mothers conscientiously and meticulously, and earns the satisfaction of her colleagues with her diligence

My mother's eyes were full of kindness. In the catastrophic flood of 98 years, my mother took me to the donation center to donate 1000 yuan. During the special period of fighting against SARS, my mother and her colleagues sent the donated items to the medical staff in the front line of fighting against SARS for five consecutive days

Mother's eyes are full of wisdom. Mother always has wonderful stories to tell, answers my countless why, and answers all my difficult questions

My mother's eyes are full of sincerity. My mother never avoids her own shortcomings and often makes self-criticism. She often communicates with me heart to heart, praises my advantages and points out my shortcomings

My mother's eyes were full of encouragement. When I didn't practice and study hard, my mother didn't scold me. She just helped me analyze the reasons and told me that the wealth of knowledge lies in the constant accumulation of knowledge in ordinary days, and I should be persistent in everything I do

My mother's eyes are full of childlike innocence. I often see my mother and I playing chess and running and playing ball on holidays. In order to win or lose, we often fight red in the face

My mother's eyes are like spring rain, nourishing my happy and healthy growth; Mother's eyes are like bright lights, guiding me never to get lost in the journey of life; My mother's eyes are like the sun, scattering all over my life. Looking at my mother's eyes, I gradually grow up day by day

Mother's eyes are the most beautiful and clear

V (4) Chen Mengyuan

Eye Description in Primary School Composition (2)

This is a pair of crystal clear eyes. It is like a pool of autumn water, nourishing my young heart; Like the warm sunshine, melting the ice in my heart. This is Miss Zhao's eye in my fourth grade primary school.

Time flies, taking away countless past events and ignoring many memories, but these eyes are always printed in my mind

I didn't forget that tears blurred my eyes when the final papers were handed out. In the face of the strange eyes cast by my classmates, I really want to drill a hole in the ground. The famous good student failed the exam - 58 points. What rank, what three good students dare not think. I really tasted the taste of failure, and my heart was so heavy.

"What are you afraid of this setback?" Your kind voice sounded in your ear. I looked up and saw your soft eyes, full of encouragement and trust, as if to say: "It doesn't matter if you fail, as long as you find out the reason, I believe you will succeed." I finally cheered up. You smiled, narrowing your eyes.

I didn't forget that I had a high fever in class that day. After you know it, you immediately sent me to the hospital and gave me a prescription. He helped me to your room to rest and watched me swallow the medicine. From your concerned eyes, I felt the warmth of a mother.

I fell asleep in a daze. Dimly, I seem to see my mother beside me, touching my forehead with her hands. How warm the hand is and how kind the eyes are, I gently cried: "Mom, don't leave me..." "I'm beside you, you have a good rest, and soon it will be fine..." Whose voice is that? It's so familiar and kind. I slowly opened my eyes. You are covering my quilt. Those eyes are full of love. Looking at your motherly eyes, I unconsciously rolled down two lines of tears.

I will never forget that I was on duty that day. It was four o'clock in the afternoon after school, and the TV play Monkey King Troubled in Heaven was about to be broadcast. If you sweep the floor and go back, it will be too late to see it. I couldn't resist the temptation of "Monkey King" and went home without sweeping.

The next morning, I was called into the office by you. You looked at me, and your eyes were so cold, like a sharp sword penetrating my heart. It seemed to say: "How can a good student not love labor, and how can he not obey discipline?" I whispered: "Mr. Zhao, I was wrong." I saw you smiling and nodding, as if to say: "If you know something wrong, you can correct it, or you are a good student." Ah! Teacher, I will never forget your motherly care, nor your earnest teachings. Your eyes with wisdom, enthusiasm and love will always remain in my memory.

Eye Description in Primary School Composition (3)

Mr. Xiao is the teacher of our Olympiad Maths Peiyou class. The first time I saw him, his face was yellow, his eyes were bright, and one side of his hair was turned up, which could not be pressed down, just like a feather flipper. It is said that he has three whips. In class, he refers to the blackboard to teach students to use the lightest whip; If a classmate makes a mistake and doesn't correct it, and there is still one hidden in his cabinet, he will use it to knock on his classmate's hand and stare with his eyes. We are more afraid of his staring than his whip; He used the third most vicious whip to those students who refused to mend their ways. At the same time, the light in his eyes was fierce. It seemed that he was going to eat us, but he hid the third whip in the car. We just heard that no one had seen it! In class, we were often shocked by Mr. Xiao's eloquent words. He looked like a gentleman, as if his math score was the best in the world!

One time in class, Mr. Xiao asked me to answer a question, but I didn't answer because I was absent from school. I thought, "This is over, Mr. Xiao will teach me again.". But Mr. Xiao didn't criticize too much, but his eyes shone a light of blame, which made me lower my head and feel ashamed!

In last semester's class test, I rushed to the first row with a score of 86 points. I was extremely happy. When I was elated, Mr. Xiao looked at me with his eyes again. There was no joy in his eyes. It seemed that he was saying to me: Don't plan to eat "old cake", and one day it will be finished. The results can only show the past, but also keep working hard, not be proud!

Mr. Xiao's eyes have given me thousands of inspirations, and let me walk down the road of mathematics. Dear Mr. Xiao, maybe you will find a shadow behind you, following your shining eyes forever

Eye Description in Primary School Composition (4)

6 years old

A huge room, a piano, two people. The little boy played the piano skillfully, but his face was tired. It was the fifty sixth time for the little boy to repeat the same song. He was tired, tired, and depressed... After playing the fifty sixth time, the little boy finally couldn't bear to be tired. He turned to ask the adults around him: "Dad, I don't want to play anymore, I hate music!" The adults around him didn't answer anything, only those eyes, those quiet and deep eyes like water, The little boy quickly returned to his seat and began to be boring for the fifty seventh time... The adult still kept silent, only with those eyes, looking at the boy sternly and gently


The boy won the championship of the International Music Competition for the first time. Standing on the podium, the light hit the boy. Surrounded by waves of applause from the whole audience, the boy excitedly took the trophy. He struggled to find a figure in the crowded crowd, a figure he thought he would be proud of. However, everything around was fixed in a pair of indifferent eyes, still so disdainful and empty, and the cup in hand suddenly became dim. The boy bowed, calmly walked off the stage, entered the room, and practiced the piano again and again. The people present showed puzzled eyes. Only one pair was different. He was filled with joy and happiness

26 years old

The boy has now become a talented musician, and the adults at that time have now become a white haired old man. The boy was invited to go to Vienna for his own piano performance. At the corner outside, the boy said goodbye to his father. No greetings, no relief, no hugs, no words. The boy looked straight at his father. His eyes were still calm and firm, but the corners of his eyes were already covered with wrinkles. The son made a deep bow to his father in tears, and then left with his luggage. The father extended his trembling hands to say goodbye to his son, but he did not raise them after all. The indifferent eyes also showed light, and finally burst into crystal tears when the son disappeared in the corner

Eye Description in Primary School Composition (5)


Zhao Jiani, Haishu District Foreign Language School

Speaking of eyes, we all have them. However, some people always have resentment towards her.

These eyes can make us see all over the world, but she is a delicate little princess. When washing her hair, the water drop wanted to play with her, but she was unwilling and needed a towel to wipe it off. When the wind blew up, she fell ill again, and some small dust fell on her. She must ask you to shake it for her... She said she was not good, but she was also very important to us.

When you travel around the world, she can see flowers, grass, scenery and things. Look at the leaves swaying in the wind, see the flowers in the sun...... At that time, she brought me comfort. When you are studying and reading, she conveys knowledge to your mind, which makes you dream and think... She made you travel in the ocean of knowledge at that time; When I watch TV, I will be absorbed and enjoy watching it. She printed the scenes of the characters on TV into my heart, giving me seven emotions and six desires in life; At that time she gave me entertainment; In class, the teacher talked about it one by one, and I listened carefully, looking at the teacher and the blackboard. She made me see more and more knowledge points written by the teacher. At that time, she transmitted knowledge to me.

Sometimes our eyes are not at all pleasing to us. She is timid, such as washing her hair, and she is afraid of water when swimming. When the wind blows, she is afraid of dust. But the eyes are very important organs for us, and they play a great role! We must take good care of her.