Writing about Ma (19 required)
You said I always think too much
2024-05-05 01:18:49
Junior 1

Writing about Ma (1)

Chapter One

Horses have been our good friends since ancient times. It's OK to carry people and things. But what will the horse be like in the future?

The future horse looks very strange. Gold wings grow on both sides of the horse, not only the neck but also the back, which makes it very comfortable for people to ride without saddle. The eyes of a horse are double layered, but it is not what we call "double eyelids". It is an additional circle in the horse's eyes, so that the horse can see far. The four legs of the horse are covered with fur, so the horse will not be injured and will not be afraid of the cold when flying into the sky. There is also a Chinese knot on the tail.

The horses of the future are also very beautiful. They have a long mane and strong muscles that show the strength of the horse. The ponytail is like the hair of a woman. When riding on the wind, it floats like a puff of smoke. The color of the horse varies from horse to horse: the most common one is the jujube red horse, and the most valuable one is the chi color horse. The horse's fur will show the seven colors of the rainbow in the light. The sweat is as red as blood. The horse's physique is like a lion. Standing in the wind makes people tremble.

The horse of the future can also pull us to school. Install a carriage behind the horse, and we can call it "carriage". We can also install a remote control on the horse's back, hold the remote control board in our hand, and we can control the direction of the horse running. We can also put a time regulator on the horse. After we adjust the time and speed, we will start running. The fastest horse running is 1500 meters in a minute! Who can keep the cold from blowing? You will yawn when you get off the bus! At that time, the bus yard will certainly become a public parking lot, and cars will not appear again. Because cars not only spread oil and pollute the environment, but also cause accidents! But the carriage will not spread oil, pollute the environment, or cause accidents. This is the horse of the future. It has become my inseparable good friend. We play together! Grow up together!

Chapter 2

Horses can't jump like kangaroos; Not gliding like a bird; Don't climb trees like bears; It will not twist like a snake. It has no sharp teeth, no sharp claws, no clear vision, no vigorous wings, and no hard scales.

Everyone has a perfect animal in his heart, that is, his favorite animal. In my eyes, the horse is not perfect but beautiful.

I personally think that there is no perfect thing in the world, including human beings. Everything is flawed. As the saying goes, "People have their moods and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs." This sentence is enough to prove that everything in the world is not perfect, including those animals that I thought were perfect - horses.

Horses can't jump like kangaroos; Not gliding like a bird; Don't climb trees like bears; It will not twist like a snake. It has no sharp teeth, no sharp claws, no clear vision, no vigorous wings, and no hard scales. But without these premises, the wild horse still became the king of the grassland. Since horses do not tear each other for food, they are united and friendly and never have civil war. They are good because they are noble, and they are kind because they are willing to help others. Feifei, a white horse, has read it. Feifei is loyal, has a clear sense of love and hate, and will never yield to the enemy. There are only 50 wild horses left in our country. I hope you can take more care not to hurt them, because they never want to hurt other animals, unless they are angry first - but at most, that is to drive out the invaders or trample them. Few animals are trampled to death by horses. Horses will also sacrifice themselves for the herd, which is just one of its noble virtues. When the herd is tired of being chased by meat eaters, an old horse in the herd will stop and become food for predators, sacrificing itself, extending the time for the horses to escape. In the herd, horses of different levels will receive different care. The ponies are most closely protected, often in the center of the herd, followed by mares. Male and female horses with light hands and strong feet will protect ponies. But the most unlucky, the most receptive and caring old horse stands on the outermost layer, and is responsible for sacrificing himself at any time to protect other horses; The male leader will lead the team in front of the leader, and the female leader will check the enemy situation after the interruption. If there is a strong enemy, he will hiss and run faster. At the same time, an old horse will stay behind to trap the predator. Buy time for the horses to escape.

Ma is strong willed and will not give up his goal due to a small accident. The Little Horse King must be rarely seen. Although it is only an animated film, it describes a true story. After being captured by humans, the pony king always insisted that he could go home. In the end, the pony Wang Guozhen returned to the embrace of the prairie, returned to his hometown, and brought back a beautiful, gentle little mare. Although during this period, the pony king went through a lot of hardships and once refused to shrink even in the face of death, and saved hundreds of horses. But too strong will is harmful to the horse itself. Some horses want to eat grass there; Some horses are going to the brook to drink water. In this way, a group of horses that had been united and strong suddenly became a plate of hair sand, which was difficult to attack and defend. As long as the hunters arrive, no matter how smart and capable the horse is, it can not save the tragedy of death. Ma Tongren stroked his master's face when he was sad; When the master is happy, share the joy, go to the battlefield and visit the country with the master. The war horse is used to hearing the sound of tearing and roaring in the battlefield, and the sound of swords and soldiers hitting. It feels honored when it dies in the battlefield; Sacrifice yourself to be eaten by predators, and it feels heroic. Horses have their own ideas. Because of this, they sometimes play big, naughty, stubborn and disobedient in front of their masters. Most female horses do this. Because of this, horses in the herd can "express their opinions" and "show their talents". The male horse is most likely to be taken in by the female horse, so the head should be changed frequently. Otherwise, no one will allow the "Yong King" to rule the country. In an environment like the desert, where water is extremely scarce, the first level will drive out a section of ponies that have reached a certain age and let them die by themselves, but this is also a last resort. When there are too many horses and there is not enough water to drink, everyone will die of thirst, and the expelled ponies will join with the ponies expelled from other groups and reorganize into a new group.

The horse is not the most perfect animal, but there is no more perfect animal in the world (I personally think). The spirit of the horse has been influencing human beings until today. Unity and friendliness, care and love, firm will, selflessness, loyalty, clear love and hatred, fine and kind, etc. Good spirit makes human civilization go to a higher level. Isn't it a beautiful animal?

Writing about Ma (2)

Ma, what I admire most is his loyalty to his master and his spirit of not fearing hardship. Xiao Bian has collected essays describing horses. Welcome to read them.

Composition describing horses [1]

I think everyone has seen horses? Horse is one of our most loyal friends. Horses are herbivores. As early as 4000 years ago, horses were tamed by humans and became the main driving force for agricultural production, transportation, military and other flows. Modern science and technology have improved. Tractors, cars, trains, planes, tanks and other machinery have replaced horses. Now horses are only used in equestrian sports and our entertainment flow. However, there are many underdeveloped countries and regions where horses are still the main force.

There are many kinds of horses. There are mainly Baise horses, Mongolian horses, Oroqen horses, Jinjiang horses, Ningqiang horses and Chakou post horses in China. Different breeds of horses have different physiques. The weight of heavy horse can reach 1200kg and the height is 200cm, while the weight of small horse is only 200kg and the height is 95cm. I read in a magazine that there is a kind of pony, whose height is only 60cm, which is about the size of our dog.

Most of the horses' faces are straight and slender, their ears are much shorter than those of donkeys, and their two eyes are large, almost to the sides of their faces. Therefore, horses usually only use one eye when looking at things near them, and they are very absent-minded when looking at things far away. Horses have large nostrils and can breathe a lot of air when running. Horses have strong chewing power and can easily cut and chew hay. People usually judge the spring, autumn and health of horses according to their teeth. The horse has long and powerful limbs, strong leg bones and hard hooves, and can gallop on the hard ground. Horses sleep eight or nine times a day, but the total sleep time is only about six hours. Most horses sleep in a standing position. Sometimes horses also lie down or lie down to sleep. Because horses played an important role in the production and life of mankind in the past, there are many idioms and proverbs about horses, such as: one horse leads, thousands of horses, the sky is flying, the work of a dog and a horse is hard, the horse is the first to follow, familiar with the ways of life, walking around, "people are good at being bullied, horses are good at being ridden", "running horses on the boat - no way out" and so on. In a word, although horses are not so important in our life circle now, we can never forget the horse's "contribution" to our mankind. It is still our most loyal friend.

Composition describing horses [2]

I am a horse, so I will accept the fate of a horse. But I don't want to, I - freedom.

The setting sun kissed the green mountain, followed by a sound of opening the door, my master came, she was a kind girl. Her long hair covered half of her cheek. She brought a pile of grass. I leaned down and chewed slowly, licking the sweet water. All this seems very calm and peaceful, but happy time is always short. The next day, when I opened my eyes, what I saw was not my quiet hut, but a dark room.

The door suddenly opened. This is not the mountain I want, nor the grassland I want, but the horse training ground. I know my master will not abandon me, but I was wrong. I am already a horse at the training ground. I was driven into the cage by the butcher with the whip. I watched one horse after another lose their freedom and become a racing horse. no They want freedom.

Three days later, I was sent to the train. I didn't know where I was going, but my premonition told me that I was about to lose my freedom. At night, when I looked at the grassland outside the window, my eyes shed sentimental tears. I was slowly disappointed. Slowly, I fell asleep. I don't know when I was awakened. I dreamed that I was sent to the slaughterhouse. No, I want to be free! For my freedom, for my companions, for my grassland!

I used all my strength to break through the door of the train and ran to the grassland. The horse running in the moonlight is me. I have been running

Composition describing horses [3]

Ma, what I admire most is his loyalty to his master and his spirit of not fearing hardship. When my grandfather lived, a family in the village had such a good horse.

One day, the owner of the horse rode it to the wild. This place is dark and scary around. From time to time, a strange and frightening sound will be made. The grass on the ground shakes with the wind. It seems dangerous here. The horse seemed to be aware of something. Its head swung back and forth, its mouth made a "whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop. The owner did not know why the horse was like this, so he kept moving forward.

After walking for a while, suddenly I didn't know what it was. It held its head high and quickly put its head forward and bit the owner's neck. Then the owner fell off his horse and died immediately. Oh, it was a poisonous snake that killed the owner. The snake disappeared immediately.

The horse saw its owner fall off, so it somehow put the owner on the horse's back, and then carried the owner back to the village step by step. The villagers saw the horse carrying the owner back, so they paid the owner down. At the sight of the owner's death, the villagers thought that the horse had killed the owner, as if everyone had killed the horse.

When my grandfather knew about it, he hurried to the scene and said that his owner was not bitten by a horse, but a poisonous snake. The villagers said, "But his hands and feet have marks of horse bites?" My grandfather said, "After his owner was bitten by a snake, he fell down, and the horse bit his hands and feet to carry his owner up." So people did not kill the horse. My grandfather saved his life.

Horse, this quality shocks me, ah! I like horses.

Writing about Ma (3)

I have loved horses since I was young. I like galloping horses. There is a painting of horses at home. The horses in this painting are lifelike and amazing.

The horse in the painting is tall and straight, fearless in the face of danger. Its tall body, long mane and flowing tail show a magnificent and powerful horse.

It held its head high and its feet lifted in the air. Let us feel the spirit of advancing bravely.

It has a long neck, raises a cool head, and has a pair of bright eyes flashing with two spiritual eyes. A pair of small ears stand high on the forehead, as if listening to the movement around at any time, and it is very smart. There are rows of neat brown hairs above the neck, and a bunch of white tails are trailing behind the plump body. As long as you flick it gently, it looks like a silver lightning. It's beautiful.

Every time I see it, I always think of a story: there was a horse whose owner went up the mountain to cut firewood and took the horse home. Once, when Chai accidentally rolled down the mountain, the horse immediately grabbed his master in his mouth and ran down the mountain to the safest place. It was the horse that saved its owner. The horse is faithful, and the horse is man's best friend.

Ah, the painting of this horse shows the spirit of advancing bravely. I like the painting of this horse very much.

Writing about Ma (4)

I am a horse, so I will accept the fate of a horse. But I don't want to, I - freedom.

The setting sun kissed the green mountain. With the sound of the door opening, my master came. She was a kind girl. Her long hair covered half of her cheek. She brought a pile of grass. I leaned down and chewed slowly, licking the sweet water. All this seems very calm and peaceful, but happy time is always short. The next day, when I opened my eyes, what I saw was not my comfortable hut, but a dark room.

The door suddenly opened. This is not the mountain I want, nor the grassland I want, but the horse training ground. I know my master will not abandon me, but I was wrong. I am already a horse at the training ground. I was driven into the cage by the butcher with the whip. I watched one horse after another lose their freedom and become a racing horse. no They want freedom.

Three days later, I was sent to the train. I didn't know where I was going, but my premonition told me that I was about to lose my freedom. At night, when I looked at the grassland outside the window, my eyes shed sentimental tears. I was slowly disappointed. Gradually, I fell asleep. I don't know when I was awakened. I dreamed that I was sent to the slaughterhouse. No, I want to be free! For my freedom, for my companions, for my grassland!

I used all my strength to break through the door of the train and ran to the grassland. The horse running in the moonlight is me. I have been running

Writing about Ma (5)

Tall body, strong limbs, smooth fur, high head, and tireless journey for thousands of miles... let us quickly think of horses.

Last summer vacation, my mother and I went to the Inner Mongolia prairie to play together. The next day I got there, I rode the horse I had always wanted to get close to.

When I came to the racetrack, a group of strong horses appeared in front of me. I chose a brown one. He held his head high, his big eyes were bright, his mouth was closed, and his sideburns stood upright. Every step he took, he thought carefully before landing, as if to say, "Look! I don't look like the king of horses!"

I rode on it. At first, it was very disobedient. Later, the horse owner patted his back, and he just behaved well. As we walked forward, he bowed his head and ate grass after a few steps.

It's strange that when it eats grass, it always closes its eyes, chews and chews constantly, and its tail also swings. I was impatient, but it kept eating, as if to say: "This grass is delicious, I have enough to eat."

It is said that an untrained horse is very dangerous to ride. It will never stop falling. If it is angry, it will "shout"!

It looks more lovely when resting. Its front foot is bent, which is like the letter "S".

There are many treasures on the horse. The tail can be used as the string of the erhu, the horse's hooves can be used as medicine, and the head is more auspicious, because it is "horse brain", and the homonym is precious "agate"!

I like horses because they are our good friends!

Writing about Ma (6)

Horse is the horse genus of the horse family of the odd hoofed order, the general name of the domestic horse and the wild horse.

Today I mainly introduce Jiama to you.

Fossil evidence shows that equines originated in North America at the earliest. The earliest Mazu fossils are found in the Eocene strata of the Mississippi River Basin, and are called Eocene horses. Domestic horses were domesticated by humans about 4500 years ago, with a wide variety.

Domestic horses can be divided into three types: horse drawn, with thick limbs and body height of about 2 meters; Pony, height less than 144 cm; Light horse, small and rare. Its body colors include black, chestnut, brown, cream, white, etc. Its sensory organs are developed. The eyes are large, the position is high, and the neck is long, so the vision is wider than that of people. When you lower your head to eat grass, you can also detect possible threats. Taste and hearing may be sharper than human beings, but they seem unable to distinguish colors. Its nervous system is highly developed, so you can find your way home. Because of visual memory, it will recoil when it encounters the place or thing that frightened it earlier. The life span of horses is generally 20 years, and the longest life span can reach more than 30 years.

Horses are good friends of mankind. Through my introduction, do you know something about horses?

Writing about Ma (7)

August 16, which I look forward to, has arrived, because today is the first day for me to go to Malaysia and Singapore. My mother, my aunt, my brother and my brother got up early and went to the airport to check in. After checking in, we went to the boarding platform and had a rest for more than half an hour before boarding. My heart was immediately moved and excited. I got on the plane happily!

I had a long sleep on the plane. After four hours, I finally arrived in Malaysia.

When we get to Malaysia, we will go to the famous Strait of Malacca! We went to sea by boat from the coast of Malacca Strait. The speed of the boat was like a rocket, which shocked me! And the wind was even stronger than the typhoon. We all wore swimsuits and the "extremely cold" boat drove to the designated place to let us go into the sea one by one and play in the water. Of course, we had to wear a life jacket. We took the banana boat again, and the speedboat in front pulled us to throw us as fast as possible, and then our banana boat rolled over. Everyone laughed, and we also took the motorboat, which was really exciting!

Then came to Singapore, we went to see Sentosa and saw the water and wood show. The water and wood show was spectacular and beautiful. We also went to the famous Global Aquarium in Singapore, where I took several beautiful photos as a souvenir.

How time flies! It's time for us to return in a twinkling of an eye. I learned a lot from this trip. I know the geography, culture, language, etc. of Malaysia and Singapore.

Looking forward to the next trip.

Writing about Ma (8)

This article "The Beautiful Paragraph of Describing Horses" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

1. The horse could have galloped, jumped, roared on the boundless field, and freely hunted for food on the boundless grassland without being controlled by its master and bound by the reins. But it would rather not be brave, restrain its own fierceness, obey the master's manipulation, and aspire to do its best to meet the master's requirements. It has always thought for itself, It will unreservedly serve human beings with all its strength, and even pay its precious life. As long as the master needs it, it will go through fire and water for the master without turning back; On the battlefield, Ma marched forward bravely and cooperated with his master to kill the enemy bravely. When the master faced danger, he tried his best to protect him until he died on the battlefield. This was like a brave and loyal soldier. But when the war ended, who would miss Ma, a loyal friend who fought bravely for them and sacrificed his life for the main.

2. In the 21st century, horses are no longer in people's favor. Instead, they are fast vehicles such as cars and planes. Horses have played a smaller and smaller role in real life, but they have not obliterated their loyalty to human service. They are waiting silently. If human needs them one day, they will have the most strength to contribute to mankind, When human beings do not need it, it will wait silently, never ask for credit to the world, never boast of its great contribution to human beings, just pay, never ask for the harvest, until it is gray at the temples and the end of life.

3. Horse, this heroic and aggressive animal, symbolizes the spirit of power and fearlessness, but it has been conquered by human beings and has paid silently. When the master needs it, it is generous to go, excited and inspired for the master's success, but does not ask for return. When the master is dissatisfied, it peeps at people's faces, and all its actions are the will of the master.

4. The horse is not the most perfect animal, but there is no more perfect animal in the world (I personally think). The spirit of the horse has always influenced human beings until today. Unity and friendliness, care and love, firm will, selflessness, loyalty, clear love and hatred, fine and kind, etc. Good spirit makes human civilization go to a higher level. Isn't it a beautiful animal?

5. The shape of the horse is long and beautiful, but the walking posture of the horse is more beautiful. If you look from the back, the walking posture is like a fashion model performing on a T-shaped stage. In particular, the sound of footsteps knocking on the concrete floor is even more fascinating. You can listen to this beautiful music: "Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.".

6. Ma has always been respected and loved by people. Painters paint it, literati write it, great men ride it, horse trainers train it, and sculptors carve it. There are countless masterpieces, stories and legends related to horses: Xu Beihong painted horses, Jiufang Gao Xiangma, Wang Hai trained horses, Six Horses in Zhaoling, Eight Horses Painting, etc.

7. The horse is 25cm tall and 15cm long, and its body is black and bright. The horse raised its head and tail, and raised its rear hooves. It is running on the clouds. I'm sure this horse must be a thousand li horse! The horse looked straight ahead, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, to reach the destination.

8. The horse is a large mammal with strong limbs and great ability to run. In addition, its sensory organs are developed, its eyes are high, its vision is wide, its memory and judgment are strong, and its sense of direction is extremely accurate, ranking first among the six animals. It gives people the impression of simplicity, honesty, simplicity, and close relationships with people in all aspects, so it has many good reputations: Wu Zhui, Red Rabbit, Bajun, Jiuyi, Tianma, BMW, sweat blood horse, white dragon horse, Qianlima, etc. All these good names show people's love for it!

9. Horses became the best choice of ancient means of transportation because of their speed. The sweat and blood horse is the legendary good horse. It is produced in Dawan. Sweat flows from the shoulder and is blood colored. It can travel thousands of miles in a day. "No one knows that it is lychee when riding a concubine in the world of mortals to smile", "life is like a white horse passing by" and other sentences vividly show the situation of the galloping horse. Up to now, people still applaud for its speed: the speed of horses in various horse racing festivals and races makes people crazy, and the agility and elegance of horses in the Olympic Games are stunning.

10. In ancient times, horse was also a meritorious person who made great contributions to the cause, and the "success of horse arrival" came from this. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses can be regarded as a proof that the first emperor of Qin unified the six countries, and the horse is half of them. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty waged wars for years, and the six steeds made outstanding achievements. When Genghis Khan's cavalry swept across the two continents of Europe and Asia, it made people more deeply realize that no animal has such a profound impact on human history as horses. It can be said that the cavalry force composed of people and horses is the most powerful military force, and horses and people have created history together in the thousands of years of swordsmanship.

11. How honest horses are in people's lives. He was pushed around, did all the work and suffered all the hardships. He was beaten, but he didn't complain.

12. Horses are so brave on the battlefield. They have never retreated in the vast battlefield. Running, hissing and bristling, he is a real hero, a real warrior. It gallops freely in the vast area!

13. There are too many differences between natural wild horses and human domesticated horses, but we only need to know that nature is often beautiful: imprisonment is often sad. These two things are different after all. For the tamed Malay, freedom is always just an illusion; As for the natural wild horse, it is probably a beautiful realm to be able to pursue itself freely under the blue sky.

14. I like horses because they have firm and indomitable qualities. They have the dedication to pay for nothing, and are willing to ride. They have the character of daring to love and hate. It is loyal to its master, loyal to its friends, and has the spirit of daring to abandon the past and forge ahead.

15. Grandfather's horse is a strong male horse, with a reddish brown coat, two ears like leaves, and big black eyes. Strangely, its eyes and nose are far away, but its nose and mouth are close together. The eyes were also far apart, and there was a white line between them. Its head has a bunch of reddish brown hair, which is very comfortable to feel. The tail is also covered with hair. It looks tall and handsome! Although its hooves are thin, they are very powerful. If people are kicked by it carelessly, they can't hurt!

16. The horses living on the grassland can also be satisfied materially through their own labor, and their spirit has already been reflected in their unremitting labor. They are heroic, open, have the courage to do everything, and also have a strong and unyielding character, which is enough to create a free and brilliant life for them.

17. What a beautiful horse! It has a long neck and a cool head. It has a pair of bright eyes on its head, always shining with two spiritual eyes. A pair of small triangular ears stand high on the forehead, as if listening to the movement around at any time, which makes it very smart. Above the neck is a row of trimmed neat brown hair. When walking, the brown hair shakes, making it more powerful. Behind the fat body, there is a bunch of white tail. As long as you gently shake it, it looks like a silver lightning shining in front of your eyes, and it is smart. 18. This black galloping horse is made of ceramic. It feels very smooth. Put your fingers on it, like sitting on a slide, and it slides to the end. The horse is calling and hissing with its mouth open. It is exultant among the white clouds, and everything in the world is at a glance.

19. This grey horse is very tall, and its back is just above my head. With the help of the horse shepherd, I rode on this grey horse. The horse waiter said, hold the handrail with his right hand, tighten the reins with his left hand, pull left and turn left, pull right and turn right, pull left and right, and then stop moving, kick the horse's belly and the horse will run.

20. At this time, the horses gradually disappeared in the field of vision. Looking far away at this group of live horses, their just vigorous demeanor was dancing in the heart, and their magnificent hiss seemed to ring in my ears again, shaking my heart. I think that this is the real horses with great spirit. They are natural, primitive, completely free from artificial carving, and real horses. They don't have to obey the drive of human beings, and don't have to please human beings. They can do what they like to do and enjoy themselves on the grassland, because the grassland is their real home.

Writing about Ma (9)

Article 1: 500 words of future Ma's composition

Jia Qiran, Class 2, Grade 5

Horse, this familiar animal, but what kind of animal will the horse be in the future? Today, I use my own time-space machine to travel through time and space to the future. As soon as I came to a place called "Shenma Street", I was attracted by the things in front of me. There were a lot of people in the street, each holding his beloved horse. At this time, I heard bursts of crying. I looked for the reputation and found it was a jujube red pony. Walking around the street, I felt very sorry for it, so I took it home, "Little Red Horse, why don't you go home?" I asked tentatively. The little red horse whimpered, "I was carried away when I was born, and then I couldn't find my mother." I felt very sorry for him, played with him, sang with him, and was very happy! A few days later, an aunt came to my door riding a flying horse with pink body and light yellow wings. After asking, I knew that the little red horse that I had been living with day and night belonged to my aunt. Since the loss of the little red horse, my aunt was worried about it. She often didn't want to eat or drink.

Later, my aunt asked me if I wanted to be a Pegasus? Of course I will! So my aunt clapped her hands, and a small flying horse with white body and light blue wings flew from a distance. After I flew to the sky, I saw a horse that could run on the water and downstream. Surprised, I asked my aunt. Aunt explained: "That horse, like my little Pegasus, was endowed with fish genes." At this time, I suddenly remembered that little red horse, needless to say, was endowed with genes!

The future world is really wonderful. There are not only flying horses, swimming horses and talking horses! This is really a worthwhile trip for me

Article 2: 500 words of future Ma's composition

The horse is our best partner. It is not only loyal to people, but also works hard. Especially in the age when there were no cars, trains, ships, and planes, people, whether they were dignitaries or civilians, had to rely on the horse as a means of transportation. But what will the horse be like in the future? Let's go through the time tunnel to have a look!

This is China in the early thirtieth century, and also the time when horses were most popular. I followed the flow of people to the busy street, and saw the students all talking and laughing to go to school in the carriage; The blind people sit on the back of the guide horse and walk leisurely towards the destination; Some pet lovers walked fashionable pet horses in the park on the street, and also put on beautiful clothes for horse babies; Firefighters are also busy training "fire horses".

"How should I feed so many horses?" I was wondering, but soon found that there was a horse feeding farm in the shape of a gas station every other section of the road. The keepers are busy in neat clothes. Some washed horses, some fed horses, and some cleaned their feces... So it seems that these horses are well paid! "It's true that horses are a means of transportation, and they are not like cars, trains, ships, planes and other means of transportation. They emit harmful substances, pollute the air, and make people more close to nature." When I was thinking about it, a fresh wind blew over my head. "Eh, it's not windy?" I was wondering, but I found a man riding a horse unexpectedly fell from the sky. He smiled and said to me, "You are from the 21st century, right? No wonder you are so curious about everything! Let me tell you something, in order to make the horse arrive at the destination faster and safer, scientists put the eagle's gene value on the horse, so that the horse can fly. Since then, traffic jams and car accidents will no longer occur. Not only that, the patrol horse on the sea has also transplanted the gene of fish. With gills, they can swim in the water, ensuring that they can find dangerous situations at the first time. " After saying that, he gently touched the horse's ear, and in an instant, the horse took him away.

Today's trip really opened my eyes and benefited me a lot! In this way, we can't live a better life without horses in the future!

Article 3: 500 words of future Ma's composition

The ancient people of 20xx came to 3088 years ago by taking the space shuttle of the moon running number. Although I (Ma) 3088, who saw the transportation of 3088 years ago, can't jump like a kangaroo, climb a tree like a bear, and have no clear vision. But I will fly like a bird.

At this time, people no longer take cars because cars are not environmentally friendly. What about me? It is environmentally friendly and fast, so people ride on us. I am totally different from the ancient horse. I am five meters long and two meters high. What's more, I have a pair of wings that can carry people to fly in the sky, and I will never be unreliable like the moon running number. The reason why I can fly is that scientists injected me with the DNA of birds and fish. My wings will not only change color with people's mood! Don't think I'm a loser. I once saved a life!

This horse is so powerful that it can go up to heaven and down to earth, run like a car on the ground, and does not need gasoline. This will reduce the volume of gasoline sales. In the sky, he can run at the speed of kilometers per second, which can exceed the speed of the plane. This horse can survive without eating grass or drinking water. But he can't live in an environment without air. To be exact, the snow horse eats and drinks air. This horse can make the owner who rides on it feel neither cold in the Arctic nor hot in the desert. And this horse will never go extinct. Dear friends. Do you want to own such a horse?

One day, when I was walking on the road with nothing to do, I suddenly screamed. I turned around. It turned out that it was a child riding a horse playing in the sky. He accidentally fell off the horse's back and cried out in fright. I saw him and rushed over at a lightning speed. I firmly caught the child and slowly fell down, leaving the child busy on the ground, When people reacted, I had disappeared into the morning fog.

People applauded me with the warmest applause for my agility.

Grade 5 of Shenhu Central Primary School: Chen Zhihuang

Article 4: 500 Words of Future Horse Composition

The future horse has golden hair, the eagle's intelligent eyes, the tiger's robust body, and the leopard's agile skills. The horse of the future can take me to travel around the world.

I rode a horse and flew to the universe to see why black holes are so magical? The unknown secret is waiting for scientists to dig. The horse took me to fly to ancient Egypt to see if the pyramid was made of gold. Why do people admire it? The horse carried me into the air, ah!

The world has formed a magnificent rooster. Among them, a piece of green paint came into my eyes, and I said excitedly: Ah! This is not Mongolia that I have always dreamed of. Horse, go to Mongolia! The horse nodded and came to Mongolia. Once we arrived in Mongolia, Mongolian friends warmly treated us. In Mongolia, I drink delicious fresh goat milk, eat grilled mutton and roast whole sheep. As for the horses, they are racing against the sweaty BMW. The two horses are scrambling to catch up with each other and are unwilling to lag behind. The most popular, we reluctantly left.

We came to the Kunes Grassland in Xinjiang again, which is really as beautiful as the author said. How I wish it could rain. Let me see the rain whip, the deep thunder, and the irreplaceable great horses running. All of a sudden, a strong wind blew and a heavy rain fell. The lone eagle was shot down, the fields were hit with smoke and dust, and the herdsmen were kidnapped&everything was according to the author's writing. A large number of horses flew to me, and the horses brought me into the horses, which made me experience the crazy and tense atmosphere.

I haven't played enough, and my stomach can't help making a fighting sound. Suddenly, the horse turned into a gourmet room. There are so many foods that people are dazzled: yellow city walls made of biscuits, carpets made of chocolate, roofs made of cakes, swimming pools made of spring water&my mouth watering for three thousand feet. I didn't care about three or seven or twenty one, so I ate voraciously, and sometimes I would belch one or two times. Ah! I hope this is not fantasy, but reality. As long as you study hard, all this is not a dream!

Grade 5: Shi Liying

Writing about Ma (10)

Explicit composition I describing horses

One morning, the "playground" in the big forest was in full swing. What is this? So it's the running competition of animals being held! The participants in this competition are horses that run with two ears windy, cats that can't jump up and down, rabbits with long ears, dogs that bark "bark", and ducks that walk and sway.

While everyone was talking, the voice of the announcer hippo suddenly sounded on the radio: "The race is about to start, please get there right away." This said that the animals who were still talking suddenly became silent. The animal athletes slowly returned to the track and set up their starting positions. Then came the voice of the referee: "Ready - run!" The starting gun was the order. The contestants rushed out like arrows.

At the beginning, Ma was far ahead, but "the latecomers took the lead", and the rabbits robbed him of his "throne". People in front are competing fiercely, and those behind are not willing to be outdone. The cat, who was the last but one, suddenly kicked on the ground and flew to the dog's head. No matter how the dog's body shakes, the cat always stands on the dog's head, standing still on the dog's head.

Another leap! This jump can be said to be a leap that does not matter. One leap will kill the cat! This time, it jumped from the dog's head to the horse's bottom. The horse's butt is so bumpy that the cat can only lead the horse's tail when it is already there.

Reluctantly climbed up, but the horse seemed to sense something and fell down. The cat took the opportunity to fly to the front of the rabbit, ranking first temporarily. But due to lack of stamina, he went behind the horse again.

At this time, the horse made a sudden effort and overtook the rabbit. The ducks and dogs behind also took the opportunity to surpass the cats.

The rabbit was upset when he was overtaken, and his anger broke out. But on second thought, it's definitely not good to play hardball. So, she used the cat's method, and indeed exceeded the horse. Finally, the rabbit won the championship, the horse ranked second, and the dog narrowly won the third.

The five of them took a picture together and said, "We will work harder next time!"

Since then, every time they met everyone, they would say: "After this competition

Explanatory composition 2 about horses

I like horses because I am a horse. I often like to read articles about horses. Horses are herbivores. In ancient times, horses made great contributions to transportation. Strangely, horses always like to sleep standing up, and they don't feel tired. Why? Because horses have fewer nerves, they can't feel tired. There is another advantage for horses to sleep standing. If they find danger, they can run away immediately. The horse is also a very loyal animal. When the owner encounters danger, he will not shrink back. He will protect his owner and fight bravely. What a great spirit!

I like collecting stamps. There are moving stamps in the album. My favorite is Xu Beihong's Running Horse. There are ten stamps in this set. Each stamp has a picture of a horse with different looks. Some of the ten horses rise in the air, some bow their heads and contemplate, and some hiss loudly... I really admire Xu Beihong, the great painter, for his horse painting techniques. In a few strokes, he painted horses with different postures, which is really lifelike. Looking at this set of stamps, I can't help but have a forward force.

I love horses, but also the spirit of horses. I hope I can become a courageous horse.

Explicit Writing 3 about Horse

Horses can't jump like kangaroos; Not gliding like a bird; Don't climb trees like bears; It will not twist like a snake. It has no sharp teeth, no sharp claws, no clear vision, no vigorous wings, and no hard scales.

Everyone has a perfect animal in his heart, that is, his favorite animal. In my eyes, the horse is not perfect but beautiful.

In my opinion, there is no perfect thing in the world, including human beings. Everything is flawed. As the saying goes, "people have emotions and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs." This sentence is enough to prove that everything in the world is not perfect, including those animals that I thought were perfect - horses.

Horses can't jump like kangaroos; Not gliding like a bird; Don't climb trees like bears; It will not twist like a snake. It has no sharp teeth, no sharp claws, no clear vision, no vigorous wings, and no hard scales. But without these conditions, the wild horse still became the king of the grassland. Because horses don't fight each other for food, they are united and friendly and never have civil war. They are beautiful because they are noble, and they are kind because they are willing to help others. Feifei, a white horse, has read it. Feifei is loyal, has a clear sense of love and hate, and does not yield to the enemy. There are only 50 wild horses left in our country. I hope you can take more care not to hurt them, because they never want to hurt other animals, unless they are angry first - but at most, that is to drive out the invaders or trample them. Few animals are trampled to death by horses. The horse will also sacrifice itself for the group, which is one of its noble virtues. When the horses are tired of being chased by meat eaters, an old horse in the herd will stop and become the food of predators, sacrificing itself, extending the time for the horses to escape. In the herd, horses of different levels will receive different care. The ponies are most closely protected, often in the middle of the herd, followed by mares. Young and strong male and female horses will protect ponies. And the most unlucky, the most vulnerable and the least caring old horse stands on the outermost layer and takes the job of sacrificing himself at any time to protect other horses; The male leader will lead the team at the front, and the female leader will check the enemy's situation from behind. If there is a strong enemy, he will hiss and run faster. At the same time, an old horse will also stay as a bait to trap the predator. Buy time for the horses to escape.

Ma is determined and will not give up his goal because of a small accident. The Little Horse King must be rarely seen. Although it is only an animation, it describes a true story. After being captured by humans, the pony king always insisted that he could go home. In the end, the pony Wang Guozhen returned to the embrace of the prairie, returned to his hometown, and brought back a beautiful, gentle little mare. Although during this period, the pony king went through countless hardships and once did not even flinch in the face of death, and saved hundreds of horses. But too strong will is harmful to the horse itself. Some horses want to eat grass there; Some horses are going to the brook to drink water. As a result, a previously united and powerful herd of horses suddenly turned into a fragmented, difficult to attack and defend. As long as the hunters arrive, no matter how smart and capable the horse is, it can not save the tragedy of death. Ma Tong is human. When the master is sad, he uses his face to touch the master's face; When the master is happy, share the joy, go to the battlefield and visit the mountains and rivers with the master. The war horse is used to hearing the sound of tearing and roaring on the battlefield, and the sound of weapons hitting. It feels honored when it dies on the battlefield; Sacrifice yourself to be eaten by predators, and it feels heroic. Horses have their own ideas. Because of this, they sometimes play big, naughty, stubborn and disobedient in front of their masters. Most female horses do this. Because of this, horses in the herd can "express their own opinions" and "play their specialty". The male horse is most likely to be fascinated by the female horse, so the leader should be changed frequently, otherwise, "Yong Wang" will rule the country, and no one will agree. In the extreme water shortage environment like the desert, the leader will drive a part of ponies that have reached a certain age out of the herd and let them die by themselves, but this is also a last resort. When there are too many horses and there is not enough water to drink, everyone will die of thirst, and the driven ponies will join the ponies driven out from other groups and reorganize into a new group.

The horse is not the most perfect animal, but there is no more perfect animal in the world (I personally think). The spirit of the horse has always influenced human beings until today. Unity and friendliness, care and love, firm will, selflessness, loyalty, clear love and hatred, fine and kind, etc. Good spirit makes human civilization go to a higher level. Isn't it a beautiful animal?

Explicit composition 4 about horses

For me, the horse represents many profound meanings and realms, and it is not easy to own.

The shape of the horse weaves the magnificent, mysterious and clear beauty of life at the same time. Moreover, his appearance is based on the background.

Every time I think of any horse, a leaping horse, there is no other feeling that can replace the intense ecstasy.

I don't stick to having a steed that I can touch, so there will be only one horse. This is not enough. With the real horse, the reality is lost, not free, but disappointed.

In fact, the horse, the wilderness, the youth in the rainy season, the falling flowers in the dream, the mother's back, and the long road with thousands of rivers and mountains are all good. Nothing is unnatural, nothing is unacceptable. Between reality and reality, there are butterflies.

Often, I don't want to hold the pen anymore. Many times, I really don't want to write anymore. However, life plays tricks on people. It deceives people into living in the story. It lures people into enthusiastic devotion with various plots. People are caught in the story first, and then the scarecrow who guards the dream field is deceived and told again and again.

The scarecrow is not Don Quixote, but he prefers riding horses.

The dreamy knight in this dress will die of laughter when he goes on the road like that.

I want to give a horse to everyone in the world in a big way. Of course, it is the kind of horse raised in my heart, dreams and fantasies.

I have many good horses and am the owner of a plateau ranch.

As for myself, that horse belongs to me all my life.

Often, riding it and galloping along the deserted sea, the horse's coat color, even in the starrless and moonless night, can also send out a kind of quiet and condensed flash, which is a god horse.

I have a black horse whose name is Yuan.

Explicit composition 5 about horses

Since ancient times, human beings have used horses as tools for carrying goods and have become loyal friends of human beings. Its contribution can be compared with that of dogs. With the great changes of the times, people use horses less and less, and they are replaced by developed means of transportation that are completely inhumane. At most, it is only used in competitions. Will horses be eliminated by humans?

What is more heinous is those ungrateful people who kill horses wantonly in order to feed their mouths or make money. Some people, while raising horses, also treat them as slaves, and let them enjoy everything they can in this life. Never know the heartache, and forget the contribution of horsepower. So that the horse's mouth was deformed by the iron grip, its hooves were pierced by iron nails, and its abdomen was scratched with deep scars by spurs. Finally, it ended up in bondage, ending its glorious and sad life. However, cruel human beings are totally indifferent. They only know how to make money, make money, and make money again. But poor horse, why don't you compete with human beings to regain the happiness that should belong to you? Is it the long-term repression that makes your wildness disappear, or is it because of your loyalty that you don't want to offend the inhuman master?

Poor horse, if you don't take back your happiness and freedom from the inhuman human, I'm afraid your family will be exterminated by human beings one day soon. Can you bear such a shameful horse? I am proud of your heroic demeanor in the ancient battlefield, and I weep for the humiliation you are now suffering.

Writing about Ma (11)

Composition describing horses [1]

I think everyone has seen horses? Horse is one of our most loyal friends. Horses are herbivores. As early as 4000 years ago, horses were tamed by humans and became the main driving force for agricultural production, transportation, military and other activities. The level of modern science and technology has improved. Machines such as tractors, cars, trains, planes, and armored vehicles have replaced horses. Now horses are only used in sports equestrian sports and our entertainment activities. However, there are many underdeveloped countries and regions where horses are still the main force.

There are many kinds of horses. There are mainly Baise horses, Mongolian horses, Oroqen horses, Jinjiang horses, Ningqiang horses and Chakou post horses in China. Different breeds of horses have different physiques. The weight of heavy horse can reach 1200kg and the height is 200cm, while the weight of small horse is only 200kg and the height is 95cm. I read in a magazine that there is a kind of pony, whose height is only 60cm, which is about the size of our dog.

Most of the horses' faces are straight and slender, their ears are much shorter than those of donkeys, and their two eyes are large, almost reaching the two sides of their faces. Therefore, horses usually only use one eye when looking at things near, but they are very vague when looking at things far away. Horses have large nostrils and can breathe a lot of air when running. Horses' teeth are very chewy and can easily cut and chew hay. People usually judge the age and health of horses according to their teeth. The horse has long and powerful limbs, strong leg bones and hard hooves, and can gallop on the hard ground. Horses sleep eight or nine times a day, but the total sleep time is only about six hours. Most horses sleep in a standing position. Sometimes horses also lie down or lie down to sleep. Because horses played an important role in the production and life of mankind in the past, there are many idioms and proverbs about horses, such as: one horse is the first, thousands of horses are flying in the sky, horses work hard, the horse is the first to follow, the old horse knows how to walk, "people are good at being bullied, horses are good at being ridden", "horses running on the boat - no way out", and so on. In a word, although horses are not so important in our life circle now, we can never forget their "contributions" to our human beings, and they are still our most loyal friends.

Composition describing horses [2]

I am a horse, so I will accept the fate of a horse. But I don't want to, I - freedom.

The setting sun kissed the green mountain. With the sound of the door opening, my master came. She was a kind girl. Her long hair covered half of her cheek. She brought a pile of grass. I leaned down and chewed slowly, licking the sweet water. All this seems very calm and peaceful, but happy time is always short. The next day, when I opened my eyes, what I saw was not my comfortable hut, but a dark room.

The door suddenly opened. This is not the mountain I want, nor the grassland I want, but the horse training ground. I know my master will not abandon me, but I was wrong. I am already a horse at the training ground. I was driven into the cage by the butcher with the whip. I watched one horse after another lose their freedom and become a racing horse. no They want freedom.

Three days later, I was sent to the train. I didn't know where I was going, but my premonition told me that I was about to lose my freedom. At night, when I looked at the grassland outside the window, my eyes shed sentimental tears. I was slowly disappointed. Gradually, I fell asleep. I don't know when I was awakened. I dreamed that I was sent to the slaughterhouse. No, I want to be free! For my freedom, for my companions, for my grassland!

I used all my strength to break through the door of the train and ran to the grassland. The horse running in the moonlight is me. I have been running

Composition describing horses [3]

Ma, what I admire most is his loyalty to his master and his spirit of not fearing hardship. When my grandfather lived, a family in the village had such a good horse.

One day, the owner of the horse rode it to the wild. This place is gloomy and a bit scary around. From time to time, a strange and frightening sound will be made. The grass on the ground sways with the wind. It seems dangerous here. The horse seemed to be aware of something. Its head shook, its mouth made a sound of "woo woo woo", and its four hooves swung back and forth as if it knew what the omen was. The owner did not know why the horse was like this, so he kept moving forward.

After walking for a while, suddenly I didn't know what it was. It held its head high and quickly put its head forward and bit the owner's neck. Then the owner fell off his horse and died immediately. Oh, it was a poisonous snake that killed the owner. The snake disappeared immediately.

The horse saw its owner fall off, so it somehow put the owner on the horse's back, and then carried the owner back to the village step by step. The villagers saw the horse carrying the owner back, so they paid the owner down. At the sight of the owner's death, the villagers thought that the horse had killed the owner, and everyone seemed to kill the horse.

When my grandfather knew about it, he hurried to the scene and said that his owner was not bitten by a horse, but a poisonous snake. The villagers said, "But his hands and feet have marks of horse bites?" My grandfather said, "After his owner was bitten by a snake, he fell down, and the horse bit his hands and feet to carry his owner up." So people did not kill the horse. My grandfather saved his life.

Horse, this quality shocked me, ah! I like horses.

Writing about Ma (12)

Horses have been our good friends since ancient times. It's OK to carry people and things. But what will the horse be like in the future?

The future horse looks very strange. Gold wings have grown on both sides of the horse. Not only is there brown hair on the neck, but also on the back, which makes it very comfortable for people to ride without installing saddles. The eyes of a horse are double layered, but it is not what we call "double eyelids". It is an additional circle in the horse's eyes, so that the horse can see far. The four legs of the horse are covered with fur, so the horse will not be injured and will not be afraid of cold when flying into the sky. There is also a Chinese knot on the tail.

The horse of the future is also very beautiful. They have a long mane and strong muscles that show the strength of the horse. Horsetail is like a girl's hair. When riding on the wind, it floats as if a puff of smoke had slipped past. The color of the horse varies from horse to horse: the most common one is the jujube red horse, and the most valuable one is the chi color horse. The horse's fur will show the seven colors of the rainbow under the light. The sweat is as red as blood. The horse's physique is like a lion. Standing in the wind makes people tremble.

The horse of the future can also pull us to school. Install a carriage behind the horse, and we can call it "carriage". We can also install a remote control on the horse's back, hold the remote control board in our hand, and we can control the direction of the horse running. We can also put a time regulator on the horse. After we adjust the time and speed, we will start running. The fastest horse running is 1500 meters in a minute! Who can keep the cold from blowing? You will yawn when you get off the bus! At that time, the bus yard must become a public parking lot, and cars will not appear again. Because cars not only waste oil and pollute the environment, but also cause accidents! But the carriage will not waste oil, pollute the environment, or cause accidents. This is the horse of the future. It has become my inseparable good friend. We play together! Grow up together!

Chapter 2

Horses can't jump like kangaroos; Not gliding like a bird; Don't climb trees like bears; It will not twist like a snake. It has no sharp teeth, no sharp claws, no clear vision, no vigorous wings, and no hard scales.

Everyone has a perfect animal in his heart, that is, his favorite animal. In my eyes, the horse is not perfect but beautiful.

In my opinion, there is no perfect thing in the world, including human beings. Everything is flawed. As the saying goes, "people have emotions and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs." This sentence is enough to prove that everything in the world is not perfect, including those animals that I thought were perfect - horses.

Horses can't jump like kangaroos; Not gliding like a bird; Don't climb trees like bears; It will not twist like a snake. It has no sharp teeth, no sharp claws, no clear vision, no vigorous wings, and no hard scales. But without these conditions, the wild horse still became the king of the grassland. Because horses don't fight each other for food, they are united and friendly and never have civil war. They are beautiful because they are noble, and they are kind because they are willing to help others. Feifei, a white horse, has read it. Feifei is loyal, has a clear sense of love and hate, and does not yield to the enemy. There are only 50 wild horses left in our country. I hope you can take more care not to hurt them, because they never want to hurt other animals, unless they are angry first - but at most, that is to drive out the invaders or trample them. Few animals are trampled to death by horses. The horse will also sacrifice itself for the group, which is one of its noble virtues. When the horses are tired of being chased by meat eaters, an old horse in the herd will stop and become the food of predators, sacrificing itself, extending the time for the horses to escape. In the herd, horses of different levels will receive different care. The ponies are most closely protected, often in the middle of the herd, followed by mares. Young and strong male and female horses will protect ponies. And the most unlucky, the most vulnerable and the least caring old horse stands on the outermost layer and takes the job of sacrificing himself at any time to protect other horses; The male leader will lead the team at the front, and the female leader will check the enemy's situation from behind. If there is a strong enemy, he will hiss and run faster. At the same time, an old horse will also stay as a bait to trap the predator. Buy time for the horses to escape.

Ma is determined and will not give up his goal because of a small accident. The Little Horse King must be rarely seen. Although it is only an animation, it describes a true story. After being captured by humans, the pony king always insisted that he could go home. In the end, the pony Wang Guozhen returned to the embrace of the prairie, returned to his hometown, and brought back a beautiful, gentle little mare. Although during this period, the pony king went through countless hardships and once did not even flinch in the face of death, and saved hundreds of horses. But too strong will is harmful to the horse itself. Some horses want to eat grass there; Some horses are going to the brook to drink water. As a result, a previously united and powerful herd of horses suddenly turned into a fragmented, difficult to attack and defend. As long as the hunters arrive, no matter how smart and capable the horse is, it can not save the tragedy of death. Ma Tong is human. When the master is sad, he uses his face to touch the master's face; When the master is happy, share the joy, go to the battlefield and visit the mountains and rivers with the master. The war horse is used to hearing the sound of tearing and roaring on the battlefield, and the sound of weapons hitting. It feels honored when it dies on the battlefield; Sacrifice yourself to be eaten by predators, and it feels heroic. Horses have their own ideas. Because of this, they sometimes play big, naughty, stubborn and disobedient in front of their masters. Most female horses do this. Because of this, horses in the herd can "express their own opinions" and "play their specialty". The male horse is most likely to be fascinated by the female horse, so the leader should be changed frequently, otherwise, "Yong Wang" will rule the country, and no one will agree. In the extreme water shortage environment like the desert, the leader will drive a part of ponies that have reached a certain age out of the herd and let them die by themselves, but this is also a last resort. When there are too many horses and there is not enough water to drink, everyone will die of thirst, and the driven ponies will join the ponies driven out from other groups and reorganize into a new group.

The horse is not the most perfect animal, but there is no more perfect animal in the world (I personally think). The spirit of the horse has always influenced human beings until today. Unity and friendliness, care and love, firm will, selflessness, loyalty, clear love and hatred, fine and kind, etc. Good spirit makes human civilization go to a higher level. Isn't it a beautiful animal?

Writing about Ma (13)

600 word description of horse Composition 1

Lovely horse

The summer vacation that I had hoped for as soon as possible finally came. I came to Grandma Nanfeng's hometown happily and met a new friend here - Ma. I had a great interest and love for it at the first sight. Because I searched for information about horses on the Internet and knew that horses were very docile to people and more loyal to their owners, I fell in love at first sight when I first saw this date red horse.

This horse is tall and burly, standing beside the "big guy" like a dwarf, it looks so strong and powerful, a pair of big eyes as black and bright as grapes, a long horse face, and the teeth in white clothes like soldiers lined up in a neat crescent line. Its whole body is full of flowing red mane, and its tail is as long as a little girl's cape hair. The ponytail flutters with the wind when the breeze blows, which is particularly attractive. When running, the horse's tail plays a good balance role. Running up, I only saw that its four hooves kept on the ground, flapping! The rhythmic sound is really a lullaby.

I really wanted to climb onto its back, but I was scared. With the support of the master, I finally climbed onto the horse's back, and accompanied by the master, I turned around on the road for several times. When I came down, I gently touched the head to the end, and cut a handful of grass to comfort it. It immediately half lay down and swallowed up, and soon a pile of grass was eaten completely. It seems that he has made a friend of mine: "Thank you for your grass. While lying there, his eyes are half closed, and his mouth keeps coming to him to chew the cud. His tail keeps shaking to drive away the flies and cows. I also took a group photo with the lovely maroon horse. For several days, I cut a lot of grass every day to satisfy him. I hope he can grow fast and strong. It can travel thousands of miles every day and 800 miles at night.

Horses are smarter and more capable than ordinary animals. The ancients said, "Old horses know their way". People's Liberation Army cavalry can fight on horseback? E, Can perform equestrian, farmers can use horses to pull carts

I love horses, and I love this jujube horse even more.

600 word description of horse Composition 2


I have seen your figure, vigorous posture, uninhibited character, horse, silent friend of human beings time and time again.

Horse, this heroic and aggressive animal, symbolizes the spirit of power and fearlessness, but it has been conquered by human beings and has paid silently. When the master needs it, it is generous to go, excited and inspired for the master's success, but does not ask for return. When the master is dissatisfied, it peeps at people's faces, and all its actions are the will of the master.

The horse could have galloped, jumped, roared on the boundless field, and freely hunted for food on the boundless grassland without being controlled by its master and bound by the reins. But it would rather not be brave, restrain its own fierceness, obey the master's manipulation, and aspire to do its best to meet the master's requirements. It has always thought for itself, It will unreservedly serve human beings with all its strength, and even pay its precious life. As long as the master needs it, it will go through fire and water for the master without turning back; On the battlefield, Ma marched forward bravely and cooperated with his master to kill the enemy bravely. When the master was facing danger, he tried his best to protect him until he died in battle. This is like a brave and loyal soldier. But when the war is over, who will miss Ma, a loyal friend who fought bravely for them and sacrificed his life for the main. Although humans only use horses as a means of transportation to share the burden of labor for humans, they regard humans as their good friends and confidants. They never change their loyalty to humans because of the importance they attach to them.

In the 21st century, horses are no longer in people's favor. Instead, they are fast vehicles such as cars and planes. Horses have played a smaller and smaller role in real life, but they have not obliterated their loyalty to human service. They are waiting silently. If human needs them one day, they will have the most strength to contribute to mankind, When human beings do not need it, it will wait silently, never ask for credit to the world, never boast of its great contribution to human beings, just pay, never ask for the harvest, until it is gray at the temples and the end of life.

Horses are silent friends of mankind.

600 word description of horse Composition 3


Horses, with big eyes like copper bells, always look at a place in trance.

Horse, sleeping posture is different from that of people. People lie in bed, but what about horses? It is not so much sleeping as standing, because the horse sleeps standing. The ancestors of domestic horses, namely wild horses, used to be attacked by beasts when they lived in the forest or grassland, so they would sleep standing so that they could quickly escape when they heard the news. Although the domestic horses are not attacked by beasts, the habit of sleeping standing has remained, so horses always sleep standing.

Horse was a very important means of transportation in ancient times. People used to ride horses on the street because cars were not invented at that time. At that time, people had to ride horses on the streets; When moving, we need to rely on horses to carry things; When going to war, we should also fight on horseback. People in ancient times could not do without horses, and Mongolian people today could not do without horses. Look, there are horse tracks everywhere on the endless prairie. Mongolians drink mare's milk and race horses. They also specially set up a horse race day to bring out all the good horses for a showdown. From the horse, we can feel the heroic spirit of Mongolians.

Horses don't demand high food. It is not like a cat or a dog. It is spoiled. As long as it has a piece of green grass, it can solve the food problem.

Horse is famous for its diligence. You must have heard a song like this: "White Dragon Horse, with a short neck, carries three disciples of Tang Sanzang trotting on the road to learn scriptures in the west, and it is tens of thousands of miles away..." At the beginning of the song, the unknown horse was praised. It can be seen that the horse has a high position in people's hearts!

Horses, there are many good spirits encouraging people. In modern idioms, there are many about horses: the spirit of the dragon horse, the success of the horse, the whip of the horse... Is that not enough to explain the importance of horses?

Horses are industrious animals. In real life, we need people like horses. We also need to be unknown, honest and kind people like horses. In that way, the future of the motherland will become better!

Writing about Ma (14)

Once upon a time, there was a coachman who kept three horses named Regret, Worry and Faith. Every day, he takes these three horses to fetch goods. Later, he found that these three horses were becoming more and more useless. Not only did they pull less and less goods, but they also walked more and more slowly. The coachman couldn't figure out why, so he went to consult the retired master.

The master asked, "Is there a new coachman joining your cargo team recently?" The coachman was surprised and said, "Yes, that man was introduced by me! How did you know?" The master ignored the coachman's surprise and asked, "That new coachman must be an expert in cargo pulling, right?" The coachman was very impressed and said, "You are absolutely right. If I had known that he was an expert in selling goods, I wouldn't have introduced him here. "

The master nodded and said, "I know the answer. Now, I advise you to kill those two horses called Regret and Worry! Just leave the horse called Faith!"

Although the coachman didn't understand, he did as the master said. The coachman was surprised to find that the efficiency of three horses was not as high as that of one horse. When he came to the master again excitedly, the master smiled and said, "Do you want to report to me? Am I right?" The coachman just nodded and couldn't say a word for a long time.

The master then said, "In fact, we all have three horses in our hearts, that is, regret, worry and faith. That day, I saw at a glance that you gave more fodder for regret and worry than for faith, because regret and worry grow fat and strong, while faith is thin and weak. So I want you to kill the horses of regret and worry, and then feed all the fodder to Faith. Because regret is used to looking back, worry is used to looking left and right, and only faith likes to look forward. You should know that what really makes you successful is not regret or worry, but faith! "

Dear students, the above is the description of horses that we have sorted out for you. I hope it can help you in your future writing.

Writing about Ma (15)

Every time I see the galloping horse painted by Mr. Xu Beihong, my heart will boil. Horses come from fields, myths and competitions. When its vigorous posture traveled through thousands of years and rushed to us, I know that horses are silent friends of human beings.

I like the horses in my hometown who are pulling cars and galloping along the path in the fields. Their bodies are very symmetrical, their muscles are strong, their gait is beautiful, and their manes are also shining with oil. They are very docile, and their masters often use only a few simple commands to make them understand what they should do. They rarely misexecute their master's commands. They are skilled in moving forward, stopping, reversing, turning and climbing, and they are as precise as machines. They have a good temper. I think they must be deeply grateful to the host who treats them well, so they try their best to work for the host, and always keep the quality and quantity. They seldom hurt people, seldom act obstinately, and always work silently and diligently. Whether they are young or old, they always take the wind and rain and shoulder the responsibility with their own braveness as their masters. They are as simple as the loess under their feet. They pull carts, mills and plows, and they are already part of the owner's family. They are always silent. They can only hear the sound of hooves kicking hard, the ringing of their necks, and the cheerful and loud hiss when they are full or working hard.

I like the loyal white dragon horse in Journey to the West. I like the clean and unrestrained plain clothes and the legendary life experience of Little White Dragon. There are always some regrets for the kind and beautiful little white dragon: Alas, it's a pity that he has changed from the son of the Dragon King to the horse of others; Sometimes I would be grateful for him: fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva spared no efforts to kill him, but turned him into a horse and entrusted him with the mission of protecting Tang Monk's Buddhist scriptures in the west, which finally kept the loyalty of Little White Dragon alive. The lovely white dragon horse, together with the four masters and apprentices, faces difficulties and works hard. It is not the hero who rushes at the front, but the nameless devotee who always carries the heaviest and walks the most tiredly. He is always silent, neither making public nor striving for merit nor complaining. When the difficulty is insurmountable, it can stand up. When Monkey King left in anger, he kindly persuaded Bajie to find his elder martial brother. When Tang Monk was in prison, he turned into a sword wielding woman and bravely and tactfully fought with the enemy. Silent white dragon horse, you are a good assistant of Tang Monk's master and apprentice, and you are a kind messenger on the way to the west. Loyalty is in you.

I like the elegant and noble horse in the "dressage". "Costume dance" has been listed as an official event of the Olympic Games. It can be seen that human beings also need the most lovely animal friends to share with us at the most solemn and sacred Olympic Games. So the horse was chosen. It is a gentleman who rides a horse to perform. The noble temperament and noble clothes and noble actions create the ultimate demeanor. The horse who performed on the same stage also came on stage in full dress, looking very bright and luxurious. The difficult movements, graceful dance steps and silent tacit understanding gave birth to countless people's hearts. They were really a pair of "golden partners"! At that moment, what we get is not only the enjoyment of the senses, but also the shock of the soul, which originates from the extreme harmony between humans and animals.

Nowadays, we can no longer see horses everywhere in our life, but should we learn the spirit of horses in the new century and become a thousand mile horse running in the sun?

Writing about Ma (16)

The second cousin's grandparents lived at the foot of a big mountain. Because the mountain was steep and the road was steep, the transportation was inconvenient, so their family kept a horse as the main means of transportation. Its main task is to bring in or transport out the things outside the mountain, or transport the seeds and fertilizers from the mountain to the mountain, and then transport the grain harvested from the mountain home.

The second cousin's grandpa's horse is a strong male horse, with a body of reddish brown hair, two ears like leaves, and big black eyes. Strangely, its eyes and nose are far away, but its nose and mouth are close together. The eyes were also far apart, and there was a white line between them. Its head has a bunch of reddish brown hair, which is very comfortable to feel. The tail is also covered with hair. It looks tall and handsome! Although its hooves are thin, they are very powerful. If people are kicked by it carelessly, they can't hurt!

In addition, this horse eats a lot! I remember one time, the second cousin fed it half a basket of grass, but it was still hungry after eating, the second cousin had to eat all the cut grass nearly a basket of grass, and it was quiet!

I like this date red horse very much. I name it handsome. Every time I go to my second cousin's grandpa's house, I feed it myself.

Writing about Ma (17)

Today, I did a very interesting thing, that is, riding a horse. Riding a horse is a way for people to control the horse, so that the horse can be used as a means of transportation for people, so as to achieve the goal of long-distance travel, fast travel and so on. Horses are the main means of transportation for grassland people. They can't live without horses every day. Today, I was lucky to ride back.

This horse is white, and it seems to be covered with a layer of snow blanket. The horse's big nostrils are breathing heavily from time to time, and its big sapphire like eyes are shining brightly, staring at me in surprise. Its long tail hangs down like countless strands of wool, and it seems to be demonstrating to people.

I walked carefully to the horse. Although the horse was trapped, I was still scared. When I got close, I realized that the horse was a "big horse". I could not get up at all. So I found a wooden stool and finally stepped on it. I made some preparations at the hint of the horse owner. First of all, hold the reins tightly around the horse's neck, sit in the middle of the saddle, and put your feet into the iron sleeve. I thought: this horse is so big, and its weight is dozens of times that of me. If I fall down, I will be crushed to death by this "big head", but I don't say I will be crushed to death. I'd better act carefully. Thinking of this, I held the reins tightly and dared not relax for a moment. The horse began to walk on the beach. It was easy to make my center of gravity unstable. I was too stiff, but I didn't dare to move. At this time, I didn't know how nervous I was. I wanted to jump off the horse immediately. However, my intuition tells me that you are a man and cannot bow to difficulties! I mustered up the courage and slowly adjusted my body. My fear was also suppressed by me, and the frowns on my face were also stretched out. At the first turn, I didn't know how to adjust the reins, and the horse didn't mean to turn. I was so scared that I didn't know what to do, when the owner of the horse came, he shouted a few "horse whispers" and the horse turned over obediently. Ha ha, it's amazing!

At this time, I felt that it was not exciting enough, so I asked the horse owner to come up and take me for a few laps. When the horse owner got on the horse, he felt more dependent, but was immediately crushed by the reality. When the horse runs, you will feel that the horse has thrown you into the sea. You are asked to ask for help. I screamed and shouted. I don't know who to tell if I lost my center of gravity. How helpless! Hurry to slow down the master. I don't know what strange move the master used, but the horse slowed down. I took this great opportunity to immediately wiggle my hips back to the original position, and after adjusting the center of gravity, I felt much more secure, which made me feel that life is so beautiful! I was relieved that I was about to fall off the horse, and a stone in my heart finally landed. At this time, the horse also behaved a lot better, and walked with our will. After I calmed down just now, I had more courage and felt very comfortable. Horses are also very spiritual. They gradually become good friends with me and lead me to walk around the beach again and again. I feel like a prince charming in a fairy tale when riding on a horse. I really feel that riding a horse is so fun and exciting. On the beach, I left footprints full of friendship with White Horse.

Writing about Ma (18)

Everyone has a perfect animal in his heart, that is, his favorite animal. In my eyes, the horse is not perfect but beautiful.

In my opinion, there is no perfect thing in the world, including human beings. Everything is flawed. As the saying goes, "people have emotions and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs." This sentence is enough to prove that everything in the world is not perfect, including those animals that I thought were perfect - horses.

Horses can't jump like kangaroos; Not gliding like a bird; Don't climb trees like bears; It will not twist like a snake. It has no sharp teeth, no sharp claws, no clear vision, no vigorous wings, and no hard scales. But without these conditions, the wild horse still became the king of the grassland. Because horses don't fight each other for food, they are united and friendly and never have civil war. They are beautiful because they are noble, and they are kind because they are willing to help others.

The horse will also sacrifice itself for the group, which is one of its noble virtues. When the horses are tired of being chased by meat eaters, an old horse in the herd will stop and become the food of predators, sacrificing itself, extending the time for the horses to escape. In the herd, horses of different levels will receive different care. The ponies are most closely protected, often in the middle of the herd, followed by mares. Young and strong male and female horses will protect ponies. And the most unlucky, the most vulnerable and the least caring old horse stands on the outermost layer and takes the job of sacrificing himself at any time to protect other horses; The male leader will lead the team at the front, and the female leader will check the enemy's situation from behind. If there is a strong enemy, he will hiss and run faster. At the same time, an old horse will also stay as a bait to trap the predator. Buy time for the horses to escape.

Ma is determined and will not give up his goal because of a small accident. The Little Horse King must be rarely seen. Although it is only an animation, it describes a true story. After being captured by humans, the pony king always insisted that he could go home. In the end, the pony Wang Guozhen returned to the embrace of the prairie, returned to his hometown, and brought back a beautiful, gentle little mare.

The horse is not the most perfect animal, but there is no more perfect animal in the world (I personally think). The spirit of the horse has always influenced human beings until today. Unity and friendliness, care and love, firm will, selflessness, loyalty, clear love and hatred, fine and kind, etc. Good spirit makes human civilization go to a higher level. Isn't it a beautiful animal?

Writing about Ma (19)

Every time I see the galloping horse painted by Mr. Xu Beihong, my heart will boil. Horses come from fields, myths and competitions. When its vigorous posture traveled through thousands of years and rushed to us, I know that horses are silent friends of human beings.

I like the horses in my hometown who are pulling cars and galloping along the path in the fields. Their bodies are very symmetrical, their muscles are strong, their gait is beautiful, and their manes are also shining with oil. They are very docile, and their masters often use only a few simple commands to make them understand what they should do. They rarely misexecute their master's commands. They are skilled in moving forward, stopping, reversing, turning, climbing, and are as precise as machines. They have a good temper. I think they must be deeply grateful to the host who treats them well, so they try their best to work for the host, and always keep the quality and quantity. They seldom hurt people, seldom act obstinately, and always work silently and diligently. Whether they are young or old, they always take the wind and rain and shoulder the responsibility with their own braveness as their masters. They are as simple as the loess under their feet. They pull carts, mills and plows, and they are already part of the owner's family. They are always silent. They can only hear the sound of hooves kicking hard, the ringing of their necks, and the cheerful and loud hiss when they are full or working hard.

I like the loyal white dragon horse in Journey to the West. I like the clean and unrestrained plain clothes and the legendary life experience of Little White Dragon. There are always some regrets for the kind and beautiful little white dragon: Alas, it's a pity that he has changed from the son of the Dragon King to the horse of others; Sometimes I would be grateful for him: fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva spared no efforts to kill him, but turned him into a horse and entrusted him with the mission of protecting Tang Monk's Buddhist scriptures in the west, which finally kept the loyalty of Little White Dragon alive. The lovely white dragon horse, together with the four masters and apprentices, faces difficulties and works hard. It is not the hero who rushes at the front, but the nameless devotee who always carries the heaviest and walks the most tiredly. He is always silent, neither making public nor striving for merit nor complaining. When the difficulty is insurmountable, it can stand up. When Monkey King left in anger, he kindly persuaded Bajie to find his elder martial brother. When Tang Monk was in prison, he turned into a sword wielding woman and bravely and tactfully fought with the enemy. Silent white dragon horse, you are a good assistant of Tang Monk's master and apprentice, and you are a kind messenger on the way to the west. Loyalty is in you.

I like the elegant and noble horse in the "dressage". "Costume dance" has been listed as an official event of the Olympic Games. It can be seen that human beings also need the most lovely animal friends to share with us at the most solemn and sacred Olympic Games. So the horse was chosen. It is a gentleman who rides a horse to perform. The noble temperament and noble clothes and noble actions create the ultimate demeanor. The horse who performed on the same stage also came on stage in full dress, looking very bright and luxurious. The difficult movements, graceful dance steps and silent tacit understanding gave birth to countless people's hearts. They praised that these two players were really a pair of "golden partners"! At that moment, what we get is not only the enjoyment of the senses, but also the shock of the soul, which originates from the extreme harmony between humans and animals.

Nowadays, we can no longer see horses everywhere in our life, but should we in the new century, with the spirit of dragon and horse, become a steed running in the sun?

Dear students, the above is a selection of essays about horses that we have sorted out for you. I hope it can help you in your future writing.