The Best Mother's Composition (15 Practical)
Sailing around the world
2023-09-28 07:49:40

The Best Mother's Composition (1)

My mother is the best mother. She has dark hair, big eyes and a very high nose. The clothes are always very fashionable. They are tall and very slim. Wearing a skirt looks like a fairy.

My mother is an impatient person. If I am slow, she will have a volcanic eruption. Once, when my mother found my hair dirty, she said, "Jiaqi! Come and wash my hair!" What about me? I was watching TV with relish. Of course, I didn't want to wash it. Mother repeated several times, I still listen to the left ear, the right ear. "Hurry up! Will you wash it?" Mother shouted. I was so scared that my hair stood on end. I had to give up my good TV and listen to my mother's words.

One must have a patriotic heart. My mother is such a person. On that day, the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai was very severe. At 7 o'clock in the evening, I just asked my mother to turn on the TV and allow me to watch some good cartoons and other programs. My mother immediately agreed. I haven't watched TV for several days. This time, my mother agreed. I was as happy as if I had found some treasure. However, my mother dialed the news broadcast program and looked at the compatriots in Yushu with painful expression. I think: Mom is really a patriotic person! My mother is my model.

My mother also has a hobby, which is playing checkers. Once, I asked my mother to play chess with me, and my mother readily agreed. After several times, my mother always wins when she finishes 1 or 2 steps before me. I have to practice more in the future! Mom is so awesome!

This is my dear mother, the best mother in the world!

The Best Mother's Composition (2)

My mother is the best mother. She has long flowing hair, big eyes and high nose bone. The clothes and trousers have always been very fashionable. They are tall and very slim. Wearing a long skirt, you look like a fairy.

My mother is an acute person. If she is slow, she will have a volcanic eruption. Once, my mother found my hair dirty and said: Jiaqi! Come and wash your hair! But what about me? I have watched TV with relish, and I will not wash it. My mother repeated several times, but I still listened with my right ear. Hurry up! Will you wash it? Cried the mother. I was so scared that my body hair stood up. I had to give up the good TV and listen to my mother's quotes honestly.

A person must have a heart that loves his motherland. My mother is such a person. On that day, the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province was very powerful. At 7 o'clock in the night, my mother was about to turn on the TV and let me watch some variety shows such as cartoons. My mother immediately agreed. I haven't watched TV for several days. This time, my mother was willing. I was excited as if I had picked up some goods. However, my mother dialed to the variety show broadcast by the Central News Network and saw the compatriots in Litang painfully with a small expression. I think: Mother is simply a patriotic person! My mother is my model.

My mother also likes playing checkers. Once, I asked my mother to play chess with me, and she happily agreed. After several rounds of development, my mother has gone 1 or 2 steps ahead of me, and my mother has won. I need to train more later! Mother is so awesome!

My dear mother in my eyes, the best mother in the world!

The Best Mother's Composition (3)

Mother is the most important. Even if you get zero in the exam, she will love you. Although you may be a hedgehog in the eyes of others, she still loves you.

Maybe she scolds you occasionally, but she loves you very much. If you do something wrong in school, such as fighting in school, I think she will be very excited or angry. When will she be happy and beautiful? She is beautiful when she cooks, the most beautiful when she is not angry and happy, and the most beautiful when she takes me out to play. At that time, she is like a lily, and she is not listless, happy, and seldom angry. Anyway, my mother loves me the most.

Mother's heart is the most spacious, always caring for us, so we also want to thank them, no matter what, we are her darling. In my heart, my mother is the most important because she takes care of us every day and cooks for us to eat. Although she sometimes gets angry and sometimes hits people, I still like my mother.

So, I think, the greatest thing in the world is my mother, because she worked hard to give birth to me.

The Best Mother's Composition (4)

There is only a good mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. I am lucky to have a good mother.

My mother has a pair of big watery eyes, a pair of thin and long eyebrows, a nagging mouth, and a head of chestnut curly hair. It's really beautiful. People say I look like her.

My mother loves me very much. She washes my clothes and cooks for me every day. I remember one time, it was raining cats and dogs outside, and I had a high fever. My mother took me to the hospital to see a doctor for injection at once. My mother accompanied me at my hospital bed and took care of me. With her careful care, my body recovered completely in a few days.

My mother is very strict with me. She requires me to be polite, love learning and be hygienic. He often said to me, "The best education is self-education, and the best management is self-management."

My mother is the most beautiful and the best mother in the world. Here I want to say to my mother: "Mom has worked hard. I love you very much! You are my best friend."

The Best Mother's Composition (5)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I want to tell you a secret: my mother is the best mother in the world.

My mother is tall and thin. Her long black hair is mixed with some silver hair. She also wears a pair of glasses. My mother often wears a smile on her face. She is the most beautiful mother in the world.

My mother never hit me and seldom scolded me. Whenever I make mistakes or encounter problems, she will patiently reason with me. When I failed to get full marks in the exam, she would not regard the marks as particularly important, but would calmly persuade me not to lose heart and accompany me to find out the reasons for my mistakes.

My mother taught me to arrange my study and life since I was young. I never go to cram school and seldom do homework. I like reading popular science books, so my mother bought a lot of them for me to arrange my own reading. She also taught me honesty, trustworthiness and tolerance, and often told me about saving, environmental protection and getting along with classmates.

My mother loves me very much, and I also love my mother very much. She gave me a free and happy childhood.

Second year: Xu Xiangyu

The Best Mother's Composition (6)

Mother is always the first in my heart, because every time I fall down on a bicycle, she will help me up and encourage me not to give up; When I feel bored and have nothing to do, she will tell me jokes to amuse me.

In my heart, my mother is like a kind angel, helping us wash clothes, watch homework, wash dishes, and clean the house every day... In my eyes, my mother is a busy but happy person, because she is busy teaching and scolding students every day at school, but after returning home, there will be father, I, brother, and sister to accompany her, so she is very happy, but also very busy.

I think Mom is the most beautiful when she cooks lunch and dinner, because she will wear the clothes for cooking, pick up the spatula, and tell me the sequence of cooking while cooking; She is also very beautiful when painting. The wind blows on her hair like a rose swaying from side to side by the breeze. When she is ready to paint, she will pick up the brush and paint gracefully until the painting is finished.

Although my mother is angry like a lion, I still love her very much. In this life, I want to tell her the most: "Thank you for taking care of us so much. When we grow up, we will take care of you!"

The Best Mother's Composition (7)

Everyone has his or her own best teacher in his or her heart. He or she may be a real teacher or an object... But I think my best teacher is my mother.

My mother is 35 years old, but she seems to be only in her twenties. She only went to junior high school, but in my opinion, her mother is the most knowledgeable.

I remember when I was in the first grade, the most common homework was calligraphy. At the beginning of learning to write, I wrote very ugly. When my mother saw me, she didn't scold me, but taught me how to write. She conscientiously taught me to write every stroke. The more I learned, the more serious I became. After practice, my mother said that I wrote very well. My confidence has multiplied. The next day, after I finished writing at school, I handed it to the teacher for correction. The teacher also said that my writing was excellent. Since then, I think my mother must have practiced calligraphy when she was young.

My mother is my teacher in life. That time, my mother taught me a lesson at dinner. I didn't know how to eat that day. I was very hungry. As soon as I got to the table, I wolfed down my food. When my mother saw it, she said, "When you eat, you must chew it carefully and swallow it slowly, because..." My mother said, I swallowed it and coughed. My mother quickly handed me water to help me get along. I asked: "Mom, how do you know so much?" Mom just smiled.

Later, I learned that my mother knew so much because she had been checking the Internet, asking others for advice, and taught me when she came back. It turns out that she has been studying, and she has been working so hard!

My mother may not be the smartest, but she must get up earlier than you, sleep later than you, and

The Best Mother's Composition (8)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure. When he is thrown into his mother's arms, happiness cannot be enjoyed..." Listening to this song, I think of my mother. My mother is an art teacher in primary school. She has big eyes, wears a pair of glasses and looks a bit serious.

My mother is very hard. In addition to going to work, playing piano with me, helping me with my homework, she also buys vegetables, cooks, and washes clothes every day... 365 days a year. I have never heard her complain. My mother was very strict with me in my study. Once my homework was scrawled, my mother asked me to tear it up and rewrite it. At that time, I thought my mother was really bad. In life, my mother cared about me very much. She would get up several times every night to cover my quilt. Some delicious food was always left for me. On one occasion, I had diarrhea, and my mother took me to hang water. It was more than one o'clock at noon when the water was hung up. My mother hurried to take me home, handed me over to my grandmother's care, and then rushed to work before lunch. Another time, I got cold and vomited at night. When I didn't have time to get the basin, my mother directly picked up my vomit with her hands

Mother is the best mother in the world, and the mother who loves me most! "Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the Three Chunhui." I must study hard to repay my mother.

The Best Mother's Composition (9)

I have the best mother in the world, and I love to see her bright smile! She is full of energy and high spirits all day long, as if it had nothing to do with her when the sky falls. My mother also loves me with a smile, which represents innocence and carefree.

I have the best mother in the world, and I love to eat every kind of food she cooks! She is like my own chef with a wide range of styles, colors, smells and flavors. My mother also loves me to follow me around, because it represents my thoughtfulness and gentleness.

I have the best mother in the world. I like the security in her arms best! It is so warm and steadfast that it seems to be like a harbor where ships are moored. Whenever I am wronged or bullied, as long as Mommy holds me, all my troubles will disappear.

I have the best mother in the world. I like her gentleness and patience best! Every word, no hurry, no delay, she is like an encyclopedia, also like a walking dictionary. Whenever I have a problem, she always goes out of her way to explain it again and again. She will not compare me with others, because in her eyes, I am the best child.

I have the best mother in the world, so I will study hard and listen to my mother, so my mother will be very happy and the happiest mother in the world!

The Best Mother's Composition (10)

In children's mind, father is often a symbol of strength and strength. As the protector of children, fathers should give their children a safe home, and the greatest sense of security of children comes from seeing their parents love each other, especially their parents love their mothers. On the one hand, the father's love for his mother will make the child form a sense of security, which will help him to establish his own intimate relationship more smoothly when he grows up, such as love and marriage. Gerty, mentioned at the beginning of the article, has built a sense of trust because of his father's love for his mother. This trust is related to the warmth and love between people, which is indispensable and vital to the cultivation of a child's future self-confidence, sense of security and trust in others. On the other hand, the father has demonstrated love to his children with his actions. Children can learn what love is and how to love from their parents when they are young.

If the father often quarrels with the mother, it will cause fear and emotional instability of the child. In the long run, problematic behaviors and psychological imbalances are likely to occur, such as hyperactivity, inattention, fighting, irritability, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia, school phobia, and so on. In fact, this is a projection of children's concern about the separation of parents. Children subconsciously hope that parents are busy dealing with children's problems, so they have no time to consider their adult problems.

If a child often sees his mother crying sadly, he will try to comfort her with his limited understanding. When her mother says to him, "Oh, baby, you make me feel better, you still love her most", the child will take it as his responsibility to make her happy and assume the role of father in the family.

However, children do not have such mature knowledge and psychological endurance, so there are various psychological problems.

Perception is more important than pursuit

My friend, whom I haven't seen for a long time, suddenly called to invite me to dinner. I was puzzled to ask her why? She smiled and said, "Do you have to have a reason to get together? If so, I will tell you one, that is, we have replaced several pieces of old furniture, and I feel a sense of happiness, OK?"

Such a reason is impossible to refuse. During the conversation, she and I talked about a funny article I saw, which was mainly to analyze how much monthly income a family needs to be happy today. From the perspective of the author of this article, it should be about 8000. At that moment, I raised my seat and laughed. Someone said that if we follow this standard, let's not talk about happiness. Even pain is not good enough.

My friend is a shop assistant, and her wife is a taxi driver. The couple has a child in primary school. A family of three lives in one room and one living room in an early community. I didn't ask about my monthly income. It is estimated that there is still some distance from the standard of happiness. But this does not hinder their family's happiness. They will be happy for seemingly small things.

On the way home after saying goodbye to my friends, I suddenly felt that I might have been trapped in a misguided attitude for a long time, thinking that happiness needs to be pursued, and what happiness needs more than pursuit may be just a perception. Just like a friend's happiness today, it is so simple, but extremely true!

The Tragedy of the Lamb

In the eyes of the sheep, there is a confused and apprehensive look. The eyes of the lamb are very beautiful, like a child under one year old, who is surprised at everything. As soon as the sheep grew up, that kind of confused and apprehensive eyes began to become more obvious day by day.

This is because as long as it is a sheep, it will always see how its own kind is killed many times in the process of growing up.

People kill sheep, just as they kill chickens and ducks, and do not avoid their peers. People usually do not kill pigs near the pigsty for fear of scaring other pigs. If the pig sees the bloody situation of people killing pigs, the pig may be tired of eating, drinking and sleeping for several days. As soon as people approached the pigsty, it hid in a corner and glared at people with its small eyes.

Thoughtful people should not slaughter their cattle. Because of that, cattle tend to raise their heads and moo around the slaughterhouse. They dig the ground with their hooves and dig it with their horns, and they all want to get mad. At that time, their eyes will show hostility and anger towards people?

But people often kill sheep in front of the flock. Often, when people want to kill sheep, they go to the sheep, select a fat one, drag it out of the sheep, pull its legs, turn it over, and kill it with a knife. Then, they often peel, open, bone and meat in situ?

Sheep have seen people kill sheep more often, so they have experience with people's expressions and actions before they kill sheep. Therefore, as soon as the person who wants to kill the sheep approaches the sheep, they involuntarily crowd together and try to hide behind other sheep? The sheep gradually began to worry about - which day will it kill me?

It is generally unnecessary to bind sheep when killing them. When the sheep did not see other sheep killed, they would not resist themselves. What's more, it has no sharp teeth and claws, so it is useless to resist.

When sheep are killed, it saves people's trouble.

At that time, there was an extremely fatalistic look in the eyes of the sheep, as if they were silently saying to themselves -- since God arranged this fate for me, what can I do?

At this time, the eyes of the sheep seemed to have a religious meaning?

If people have four different lives, then I would like to choose horse as the second life; The third life choice is cattle; The fourth life is to choose a dog, but it must be a military dog, a hunting dog, a sled dog or a shepherd dog, and never be a pet dog. If God decides that I am a sheep, I would rather give up my life altogether.


When I was young, I heard a joke and kept it in mind, but I never understood the mystery of it.

There was a fool who walked slowly in the rain with his head down. Passers by hurriedly ran past him with all kinds of rain gear or paraphernalia on their heads, shouting: Hey, fool, hurry up! It's raining! The fool answered slowly: Isn't it raining ahead

Because of my dull nature, I have never understood whether the fool in the story is a fool.

Once, three successful people and I wandered to the same desert island by chance, and asked them this joke: Do you think this fool is really stupid

These three people have just baked their clothes and feel a little more comfortable. In addition, I have just sent a piece of delicious goat meat to each of them. Thanks to their patience, they have given me some advice - I am afraid that if it is not on a desert island, I cannot buy a piece of goat meat with such advice.

The first person is the chairman of a large enterprise. He said solemnly: From what I see, this fool is not a fool. Why don't fools run quickly? Because he is a lazy person, lazy people always use stupidity as an excuse.

The second man is an excellent professional manager. He represents the perfect combination of social knowledge and wealth. After a little reflection, he said in a speculative tone: I think that a fool has never learned the binary equation. Only illiterate people can understand such simple binary equations of time and rainfall. I think he is not a fool, but illiterate.

I didn't know the identity of the third person. Those two people were very respectful to him. They were special people. After listening to the first two people's answers, he shook his head gently and said solemnly, "The fool has put forward our common aspiration. It's raining ahead, and we have nowhere to escape.". A fool is not a fool. He is a prophet.

Of course, I benefited a lot from the answers of these three people. But because I always bow down when I talk to them, I can't help feeling that there is a condescending arrogance in their answers. It seems that it is really raining, and I do not have rain gear. In this way, I feel very dissatisfied. It seems that my question has not been satisfactorily answered. Just at this time, three more people were also exiled to this desert island. They were grass root people. When they saw a fire, they didn't hide anything. They took off their clothes and came to bake. They didn't wait for my invitation to eat the rest of the goat meat. When they are settled, I will ask them the same question.

The three agreed that this was really a fool.

One of them said, "If you are not a fool, you should at least take something as a rain gear and put it on your head."

Another said, "If he doesn't hurry to the front, how can he know if it's raining?"

The third man said, "It's raining. He doesn't want to go home to collect his clothes quickly, but he still walks slowly in the rain.".

The answers of these three people made our discussion lively, and some people also came to a conclusion: if there is a place to shelter from the rain in front, it is better to run quickly to shelter from the rain, but if there is a wilderness in front, it is better to run slowly like a fool if you can only run wet again.

After telling a joke like this, it really began to rain, and people immediately became agitated, stood up and fled in all directions. I shouted to them to stop behind: Hey, this is a desert island. There is no place to shelter from the rain. Didn't you agree to take it easy

Someone said to me in a hurry: Hey, it's raining. We must do something to show that we know

Until now, I still feel that that is the best answer I have got.

Sympathy for millionaires

Guide to boutique story network: The poor have their worries, while the rich have their worries. The amount of money is not a condition for a happy life. Material embellishment does not determine whether we are noble or humble. Nobility often comes from people's heart.

In the advertisements of all manufacturers in this country, I found that everything is produced for millions of people, but nothing is produced for millionaires. Children, teenagers, young people, gentlemen, ladies, craftsmen, staff, and even nobles and kings are all supplied. But millionaires' patronage is obviously not welcome, because their number is too small. The poor have their garage, which is a prosperous market in Cuohu Gougou, where they can buy a pair of boots for a penny. And you can't find a market that can wholesale boots worth 50 pounds a pair, high-end hats worth 4 dollars a pair, gold thread fabrics worn when riding a bicycle, and a bottle of Cleopatra Queen Red Wine worth four pearls.

Therefore, the unfortunate millionaire has to bear the responsibility for huge wealth, but his enjoyment is not higher than that of ordinary rich people. Seriously, in many aspects, his enjoyment is not higher than that of many poor people, or even lower than that of the poor. Because the commander of a military band was dressed prettier than him, the horse trainer's horse boy often rode a more elegant horse; First class carriages have always been shared with the servants who serve young ladies and girls to go for a ride at night; When we went to Brighton for Sunday, everyone took the Pullman train. A person who can afford to buy a peacock brain sandwich has no choice but to supply ham or beef! A person earns 25 pounds a year. Once his income doubles, his comfort level can be increased countless times. A person earns 50 pounds a year. Once the income increases

If you double it, you can get at least four times more comfortable. Maybe double your income means double your comfort when you earn up to 250 pounds a year. If he exceeds this number, the proportion between the growth of comfort level and the growth of income will be smaller and smaller. Finally, he becomes a victim of wealth. He is tired of everything that money can buy, even sick. When you say that everyone likes money, you think he will be happy if he has 100000 pounds more. Just like because children love candy, you think that the guys in the candy store are willing to work overtime for two hours every day. But what does a millionaire want that million pounds for? Does he need a fleet of yachts? To fill Hyde Park with so many carriages on the riding track? Want an army of servants? Want a whole city house? Or a whole continent as a forest for his hunting? How many theaters can he go to see in one night? How many clothes can a person wear at the same time? How many more meals can he digest than his cook? He wants to take care of more money and read more letters of loan. Is this also a pleasure

The poor can dream of nothing, and can sit down and figure out how he would suffer if one day an unknown relative left him a fortune, so that he temporarily forgot his poverty, because such windfall is not absolutely impossible. Millionaires, however, don't have to dream of such dreams. Is it also a pleasure?

The last speaker is always the most powerful

It is said that in the Jianghu, the Wulin Assembly was often held to elect the Wulin Alliance Leader through a martial arts contest. In general, the first to enter the arena will always suffer, and few of them can persist until the end. It is often the last to jump onto the challenge arena that is the ultimate winner. Because, even if you knock your opponent off the stage, your moves, routines, strengths and weaknesses will also be exposed to the players who have not yet come to the stage while you win a temporary victory. The last one who comes to the stage will not go to the stage and dare to challenge if he has no comparable strength, He must have studied your strategies and tactics. He has found your Achilles' heel and is sure to win. He "evades the real and defeats the weak" and attacks the enemy unprepared. If you are negligent, you will be knocked down by him. The victory belongs to him in the end.

In ancient China, the emperor wanted to do something. In the early dynasty, he said, "I want to expand the territory and consolidate the country and people. What's your opinion?" Minister A said it should be like this, and Minister B said it should be like this. So the ministers in the court divided into two groups, each holding his own opinion, arguing endlessly, and failed to reach a consensus, Finally, the emperor said, "I have thought about it. I should do this.". The ministers said, "Well," and shouted, "The emperor is sage!" They use the wisdom of everyone for their own use. Therefore, the emperor is the wisest in the world.

When I was a child watching a play, before the performance, I heard the rushing sound of "get a clang, get a clang". This is called stage brawl, which is to urge and remind the audience that the good play is about to start. Then, in the hot expectation of the audience, the curtain finally opened, and the runner ran in and out of the drum several times, only to hear "get, get, bang, Here we go. Sometimes, the play plays several books in one night, but the first few books are not very good, and the good ones are always at the end of the list. They say that it is called the finale. Otherwise, a good play will be performed first, and the audience will run away after watching it. No one will watch the next play, and the play that no one sees will naturally not continue.

It can be seen that the last is the most powerful, authoritative, intelligent and wonderful.

Who has the most strength at the meeting? Who is the smartest? Who has the most authority? The biggest leader, who can compare with him? In addition, some big leaders do not need to make speeches. They like to play on the spot, and they are good at blurting out ideas. If there is no speech from the small leader in front, no foreshadowing and guidance from the small leader in front, sometimes he doesn't even know what meetings to hold. How do you ask him to play? How to make a request? If you arrange him to speak at the front, how will he speak? How can he show his wisdom and intelligence? If anyone dares to do so, you must be creating difficulties. You must deliberately want to see the leader humiliate, or you must be impatient to live and want to smoke. Who speaks last is a symbol of status and power, a symbol of strength and honor, and a display of domineering like a mountain king.

The Best Mother's Composition (11)

I looked. It was raining, so I couldn't send flowers to my mother. I had to make greeting cards for my mother. I hope my mother can like my gift. My eyes are rolling. Hey! There's a way. My fingers rotate flexibly. The materials are: colored paper, scissors, black pen. I picked up the colored paper and cut it in half with scissors. I bent the scissors to the edge of the paper and cut it into two tightly glued rectangles. I cut a long straight line in the middle. Then, they put it together in a crisscross way to make a love. They are writing 38 Happy Women's Day artistic characters on it with black pen. Then, I wrote my blessing words and words to my mother with a black pen. I thought about it, as if I had entered a dream. It was very beautiful. Think so well, you can make a beautiful 38 day greeting card! I believe in my own ideas and insist! come on. I sped up my speed and did it. As expected, I quickly finished the greeting card. I used double-sided tape to get it together at the interval! Then, I made a bow tie, because my mother was too hard, and her face was wrinkled, so I wanted to make my mother the most beautiful person. Draw a smiling face on the paper to make my mother have the best mood every day, and then draw a strong body. My mother is exhausted for me. I want my mother to have a strong body, full of energy every day, and stronger every day.

As I painted, I thought of many scenes when my mother took care of me when I was young. When I had a high fever, my mother took care of me all the time. Her eyes were not closed all night. When I woke up, my mother could sleep at ease. When it rained, it rained heavily. My mother gave me most of her umbrellas for fear that I would get cold, but she became a drowned rat When I think of this, my tears are falling down. My mother has done so much for me. I must repay my mother, not offend her, and let her enjoy happiness. When I grow up, my first thing is to repay my mother and let her enjoy happiness. I thought about it. I would bury myself in making greeting cards. On Women's Day 38, I would make my mother happy and leave everything behind so that she could have the most beautiful memories in her heart.

I really hope my mother can live a long life and accompany me every moment of my life forever.

Women's Day makes mothers relaxed. We primary school students do more things, which also makes us feel that we have grown up by one year and become more sensible.

The Best Mother Composition (12)

My mother often said with a smile that she owed me everything in her previous life. She never asked for anything in return for my growth. When you were pregnant in October, you suffered a lot with a "big watermelon". For my health, you should take good care of your body. You should not catch a cold or eat indiscriminately... Once you gave birth, you experienced a near death. The blood stained the sheets red. I still didn't want to climb out of your belly obediently, but the doctor uncle cut your belly open and "caught" me out, I can't imagine how painful it must be.

When I was a child, I didn't let you worry. You patiently taught me to walk and eat... But I am still the trouble maker. One day, I ran back and forth at home. You said I was running a marathon. Suddenly I stopped, staring at a machine - the generator. Curiosity drove me to study this novel thing, and I pressed a button casually. Who knows, with a bang, a flame rose up, and my white T-shirt immediately turned black. When you see this, immediately pick me up and run to the hospital. I feel my mother's heart is like a deer jumping up and down... Fortunately, I'm not in any trouble. Only then did my mother break through tears and smile, telling me not to touch anything. Since then, I have been very alert to everything. Even if I put something in my mouth, I have to spit it out to have a look.

Time flies. When I was a teenager, I didn't understand my mother's hard work and often contradicted you. Once, I went out to play with my friends for a whole day in anger. You took great efforts to find me, a little bastard. I didn't want to come back like this, and my mouth was pursed all the way. Mom, you didn't blame me, but kindly told me: "Where do you want to go in the future? Tell Mom not to go out alone. You know how worried Mom is..." After hearing your words, my eyes were wet with tears

Mom, you raise me young, I raise you old. I will be filial to you and accompany you to spend a happy old age.

The Best Mother Composition (13)

450 Words My Good Mother Composition: My Best Mother

My mother is very cute and goes to work hard every day for my mother. Once when she was ill, she still insisted on cooking for me without telling me. Continue to work the next day. When I came back, I didn't even have the strength to talk. But she still smiled at me.

My mother is very kind. One time when I was playing outside, I sprained my leg. She didn't scold me, but cared and said, "Does my son hurt? Let my mother give you a blow." When I was sleeping, she came to my room to massage me, and dropped drops of pure and loving tears. I found that I could not sleep for a long time.

My mother is very serious. Once, when I came home dejected, I said to my mother, "Mom, I got a C in the math exam this time, because I made a mistake in the last question, and I lost 28 points, otherwise it would be an a." My mother showed a serious expression and said, "Let me see how the last question was wrong." After that, she took out the test paper from her schoolbag, I said, "This question, if you look at the picture carefully, will it be wrong?" I said, "No... will." My mother said, "Son, please correct your carelessness, or what will you do later?" I said, "I was wrong." My mother stroked my head and said, "If you know your mistake, you can correct it. Next time, you should pay attention. You can't be careless again."

I love my mother. She loves me very much and cares about me. She is the best mother in my mind!

The Best Mother Composition (14)

Two of my blog posts were published on the small reporter page of the evening newspaper, one on the small reporter practice page of "Financial Intelligence" Growth, and one on the small reporter practice page of "I like Taekwondo". Mom said it was the best gift for the first day of school. I think it's right!

These two diaries are my feelings after participating in activities in the summer vacation. They are uploaded to our class blog "Jinshan Junior". Our dear teacher Dai will carefully delete and select the diaries uploaded by students. If she writes better, she will help contribute. In this way, with the help of teacher Dai, I like writing diaries, My mother also actively took me and my classmates to participate in various activities. When we came back, we had a theme to write. In this way, I loved Chinese classes and no longer feared to write diaries. Thank you, Mr. Dai! I am so happy today! I love you!

Mom said she would also like to thank Xiamen Evening News!

I think I should also thank my mother! Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I gave this evening paper to my mother, who said it was the best birthday gift she received. Ha ha, Mom, I love you!

The Best Mother's Composition (15)

My mother is the best mother. She has dark hair, big eyes and a very high nose. The clothes are always very fashionable. They are tall and very slim. Wearing a skirt looks like a fairy.

My mother is an impatient person. If I am slow, she will have a volcanic eruption. Once, my mother found my hair dirty and said: Jiaqi! Come and wash your hair! And me? I was watching TV with relish. Of course, I didn't want to wash it. Mother repeated several times, I still listen to the left ear, the right ear. Hurry up! Will you wash it? Cried his mother. I was so scared that my hair stood on end. I had to give up my good TV and listen to my mother's words.

One must have a patriotic heart. My mother is such a person. On that day, the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai was very severe. At 7 o'clock in the evening, I just asked my mother to turn on the TV and allow me to watch some good cartoons and other programs. My mother immediately agreed. I haven't watched TV for several days. This time, my mother agreed. I was as happy as if I had found some treasure. However, my mother dialed the news broadcast program and looked at the compatriots in Yushu with painful expression. I think: Mom is really a patriotic person! My mother is my model.

My mother also has a hobby, which is playing checkers. Once, I asked my mother to play chess with me, and my mother readily agreed. After several times, my mother always wins when she finishes 1 or 2 steps before me. I have to practice more in the future! Mom is so awesome!

This is my dear mother, the best mother in the world!