Believe in myself and I can write compositions (6 selected articles)
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2023-10-10 07:39:39
primary school

Believe in myself I can write composition (1)

Emerson once said: "Confidence is the first secret of success." If a person is not full of determination and belief in himself, even if he has powerful skills, he will sink into the sea and have nowhere to play. Because he has lost his determination and belief in himself, he dare not try.

Grandpa Deng Jiaxian is a good example. In all, he lived only 62 years. For 62 years, how much did he pay for the cause of nuclear bombs? Because he believed in himself, he was motivated to study. How can this not impress us.

Everyone has two choices, one is "I can do it", the other is "I can't do it". These two choices come from our hearts. Out of fear, out of fear, no one can believe himself. We are primary school students in the new century. There is nothing we can't do. At the pivotal moment, we say to ourselves, "I can do it". Then this sentence is heavier than Mount Tai and deeper than the sea! When I can do becomes a belief and takes root deeply in our hearts, a motive has already sprouted in our hearts. At this time, "I can do" is imperceptibly buried in our minds with the changes of time and characters, and it means that we have grown up!

I remember once, the school held a summer sports meeting. It's cool in April. At 10 o'clock, one of my women's long jump events kicked off. My hands trembled with nervousness. Seeing the morale of the opponents rising one by one, I can't help worrying. What should I do? Unfortunately, the first one is me. I came on with a nervous mood. I accelerated forward, and finally failed to count as a result of the wrong jump. There were three more opportunities. What should I do? Give up or?????? At this time, a famous saying came to my mind: a positive attitude includes everything that touches the heart - honor, self-esteem, compassion, justice, courage and love. I should believe in myself, even if I fail, I believe that I will not fail. "I can do it" I silently said to myself.

Three times in a row, I got the results that I didn't get in my usual training. I smiled. The original sentence "I can do it" could change my fate, change the situation and turn the world around. "I can do it" is a belief, my belief in breaking away from difficult problems!

I can do it. In a short sentence, there are thousands of philosophies in life. We are a member of the society and a brilliant chapter of the Chinese nation. We sunshine teenagers are growing!

Believe in myself and I can write composition (2)

During the holiday, I watched the busy adults working hard in the field and preparing the tuition and living expenses for us. My parents were not rich, nor were they rich, but they lived and worked for their children and families with their hardworking hands.

Watching my parents working outside, I don't feel like it. I'm 15 years old and I can share something with my family. Although I'm at school, it's time for vacation now. I can also use my own hands to prepare something for the start of school. As early as during the holiday, I heard that some of my classmates were "working" outside. It turned out that they were doing the work of students. Just after the exam, my good friend and I tried to find a suitable "job" for us, but my good friend Lan Lan had been hired, But I was not enough to be employed because my stature and age were not up to the standard. Just when I was depressed, a kind sister told me that I could try to distribute leaflets, which not only tempered my courage but also my eloquence. The kind-hearted sister gave me the phone number of the leaflet sender, and I tried to call Aunt Wang who sent the leaflet. Aunt Wang said that this life was a little tired, and asked me whether I could persist. I know that no matter what life there is, there are two sides to it. I can bear hardships. As the saying goes, it is delicious, bitter and bitter, so I can become a person of honor. I believe I can do this "job" well.

Believe in myself, I can do it. Believe that I can do what others can do. Believe that I can do well in "where there is a will, there is a way". Believe that I am the best and believe that I am the best. Then, after a period of time, a miracle will appear: we are the best and the best!

Li Mige, Junior Two, No. 1 Middle School, Shihezi General Center, Xinjiang

Believe in myself I can write composition (3)

This article "Believe in yourself, I can do it! Come on!" is organized by this website for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

believe oneself

In the morning, my mother took me to the square to jump rope.

I haven't jumped rope for a long time, and I feel I can't jump well. My mother said, "Believe in yourself, I can jump well!" So I began to jump with confidence. One, two, three. I felt very hard when I jumped. My mother cheered me on, which made me more confident. At last, I was sweating all over my head. I only jumped 50 times and had a rest for a while. The second time, I tried harder and jumped 60 times. Today, my goal was 70. It seems that I still have to work hard to jump. Finally, the third time, I reached my goal: 70. I am very happy. My good friend Jiang Yujia can dance more than 100 times. I decided to practice every day to try to surpass her.

believe oneself! I can do it! come on.

Believe in myself and I can write composition (4)

Success is inseparable from courage, and courage requires confidence.

There are always some difficulties, setbacks and even failures on the road of life.

Well, some time before the exam, my father and grandpa lived in our house in Yangguang Jincheng, and my mother and I lived in the newly rented house in Chuiliu Street, which is closer to No. 1 Middle School. Because there are only two of us at home, my mother sleeps with me every night. But now, Grandpa is back home, and Dad is coming, so I can't sleep with my mother. I have to sleep by myself. In fact, I used to sleep alone when we were a family of three. It should be OK. But somehow, when I was lying in bed alone, I couldn't sleep. It was almost ten o'clock, and I was still sleepy. I turned over on the bed, turned over, and the thief appeared in my mind for a while, and then I felt that demons and ghosts were coming. So I turned on the light, jumped out of bed, and nervously locked the door again. When I came back, I still couldn't sleep. I had no choice but to ask my father to coax me to sleep with someone. After a while, I fell asleep. Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, when I woke up, I saw that there was no one around me. It was dark, and the ticking of clocks made me feel like the footsteps of bad people. I yelled at my mother, my mother ran over and slept with me. After a night of tossing and turning, three of us didn't have a good rest.

The next night, when I got into bed, I quietly said to myself: "Don't think about anything, silently say 'one sheep, two sheep...'" Soon, I fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up again, and the darkness around me made my hair stand on end. I couldn't help but want to blurt out "Mom", but on second thought, I can't do that. Mom and Dad are sleeping soundly and can't disturb them any more. In fact, there is nothing in the room. I want to be strong, independent and believe in myself. "I can, I can, I can sleep by myself!

”When you have confidence, you will have courage. You will no longer be afraid and continue to sleep steadily. Later, I also had an interesting dream. In the dream, I became the representative of biology class, and was organizing students to memorize biological knowledge with relish

Believe in yourself, no matter what, as long as you have firm confidence and work hard, there is no goal that can not be achieved!

Believe in myself I can write composition (5)

I was only 5 years old that year, but I had a big wish in my heart that I would visit all the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. One day, my father suddenly proposed: "Let's go to climb Mount Tai once, so that Dandan can have a long experience."

"Yep!" I cheered loudly and jumped three feet high. I could finally climb Mount Tai. I heard from my teacher that Mount Tai was very beautiful and very high. This time I can experience it for myself. I am excited beyond words.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally looked forward to the day of climbing Mount Tai. Sitting in the car, I felt nervous: Mount Tai is so high, can I climb it? Thinking, I showed an uneasy look. I just heard a crash outside the window, ah! It's raining! Mother seemed to guess my mind and patted me on the shoulder: Dan Dan believes in himself, you can do it. Hearing this, my heart gradually relaxed. Yes, I can.

Finally began to climb, I looked up from the bottom of the mountain, ah! I was almost disappointed. Mount Tai was so high that after climbing for a while, I was already desperate. My mother told me that not even a quarter of Mount Tai was here. I was very tired. My body was sweaty and my legs were as heavy as lead. I sat down on the ground and cried loudly. You know, I would stop climbing.

"Dandan, get up quickly. There is nothing difficult in the world. As long as you are willing to climb, there is nothing that can defeat us. You must be able to." The father who walked in front also came back to take my hand and walked with me.

The aunt on the side laughed when she saw it: "Little girl, just like you, you still want to climb Mount Tai. Go climb your slide!"

That's too much! I still want to climb up. My aunt's ridicule gives me full motivation. I lifted my hand and immediately got up and rushed forward.

The rain is getting smaller and the sky is finally clear! I also climbed to the top of the mountain. I stepped on a stone and looked at the blue sky. The sun was applauding for me and the white clouds were rippling for me.

Believe in yourself, I can do it!

Believe in myself and I can write composition (6)

I can overcome difficult problems

In a math class, the teacher asked us to challenge a difficult problem. Before long, many students finished. I was worried, but I couldn't think of it after racking my brains. What shall I do? I was so worried that I scratched my ears and cheeks. I am often praised by my teacher. How can I not solve this problem today? No, I can do it this time! I slowly recalled the teacher's method and calculated patiently. Finally, I was suddenly enlightened and finally found the solution. When the teacher asked which students did right, I also proudly raised my right hand!

I can do housework

It rained heavily last night. When my mother opened the balcony door in the morning, she found that there was a lot of water on the balcony. Mother immediately gave an order: "Dear daughter, go to get a mop to clean the water on the balcony." What? This kind of work should be done by me, a young man who "doesn't touch the sun with his fingers"! However, mother's orders can not be disobeyed. Reluctantly, I took out a mop from the bathroom and went to the balcony to work.

I bent over and carefully dragged the water from the "floor drain" on the left to the right of the balcony. The mop soon got wet, and I ran to the sanitary towel to wring the mop dry. After wring it dry, I continued to drag. I don't know how many times I ran back and forth like this. The water on the balcony was finally eliminated by me. I also cleaned every corner of the balcony with a mop. Looking at the clean and bright balcony and breathing the fresh air after the rain, I confidently said to my mother, "Mom, I'll leave it to me to drag the balcony in the future! You see, I can do it!"

I can manage the class

One day when I read class early, the class was so noisy that my throat became hoarse. The students still couldn't be quiet, and they were still making noises by themselves. If it goes on like this, the class will be disciplined. That's too bad! Hum! I have to use my trump card: they are not afraid of me, they are always afraid of teachers! Write their names on the blackboard and "clean up" them when the teacher comes!

The students who had just made a noise suddenly became silent. ha-ha! This method really works. These guys are all "paper tigers", afraid of teachers! After that, I took everyone to read the text together. When the teacher came into the classroom, he heard us reading aloud and praised us happily.

Believe in yourself, I can do it!