Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (18 recommended)
losers are always in the wrong
2023-08-01 08:43:29
fourth grade

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (1)

If we talk about happiness, it is the summer vacation this year. During this holiday, many interesting things happened. I will tell you about them.

At the beginning of the summer vacation, my cousin quarreled to play with me. I promised, and we went to play basketball. Although my brother was young, his level was not inferior to mine. I got the ball first, but my brother caught up with me. I flashed from left to right to withstand his attack. But just when I relaxed my vigilance, my cousin grabbed the ball. He made a hard shot, and the ball scored. I immediately grabbed the ball. But when I shot, I used too much force. Instead of scoring, the ball hit the basket and hit myself.

Alas, this game not only failed miserably, but also made a fool of myself. It was really unlucky. However, my cousin didn't laugh at me, and he came to comfort me. I don't complain anymore.

At the beginning of the second half, I was ready to make another big effort. This time, my cousin grabbed the ball, but I stepped over and grabbed it. Then came the most important pitch. I took a slight aim, and I threw it out. It was miraculously scored because it crossed the half court! In the next match, my cousin and I played very hard, and we were even. At this time, it was the most critical time. I used all my skills and finally got the ball. With the encouragement of the first goal, I really scored in one fell swoop.

This is just a small thing in my summer vacation. I still have many happy things. If I have time, I will tell you one by one.

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (2)

I am looking forward to the Spring Festival finally coming!

The 27th of December is the beginning of the Spring Festival. 27、 The family made an appointment to celebrate the New Year at Grandma's house. Grandma cooked a table of good food and smelled the unique taste ten miles away. As soon as I entered the house, my saliva flowed down uncontrollably. When I saw my grandmother working for the family, I changed my routine and rolled my sleeves to help her decorate the family dinner. Plate after plate of delicious food came to the table from my hands. Of course, I also secretly tasted those delicious food with my "two pairs and a half". In fact, I just couldn't help the smell of the dish. I wanted to satisfy my craving. I not only helped my grandmother, but also satisfied myself. How about killing two birds with one stone! After the dishes were arranged, the whole family sat together and toasted with each other warmly, wishing everyone a happy new year.

New Year's Eve is my favorite and happiest day! New Year's Eve is my "fortune day". My grandmother, grandmother, father and mother are all generous. The big red envelopes are full of the blessings and expectations of the elders. On New Year's Eve, we will set off firecrackers and watch the New Year. At nearly twelve o'clock, fireworks were set off in front of our house. At twelve o'clock, firecrackers went off all over the sky. In the sound of firecrackers, we ate the dumplings with relish, then accompanied grandma and mother to the temple to pray for good luck, happiness and health in the new year!

The Spring Festival has passed in the blink of an eye, as if it was yesterday, and I have entered the new semester with reluctance.

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (3)

A summer afternoon. Mom and Dad are at work. I have done my homework. But the weather was not good, and it began to rain. well! No more outdoor activities. What am I doing.

I turn on the TV. TV is boring. I feel "Ji" has fallen into a deep valley. I was dejected and wandered around the room. Suddenly, I saw an egg, and "hello" was more like an "eggshell". Just do it. I have prepared paper, scissors, glue, eggs and other things. I picked up an egg and shook it from side to side. Unexpectedly, the egg slipped from my hand to the ground. Just listen to "Pa". Eggs break. "Well, today's bad luck is over," I complained. "Poor egg!" I picked up the shell on the ground. "Ha! Be a tumbler". I had an idea. This time, I'm still alive. The edges of the eggshells with uneven local cuts are together, and the two eggs function together. Point inside the half shell filled with sand, and then cover the other half of the shell. Wrap transparent tape for several circles. I put eggs on the ground. "The tumbler succeeded" I cried happily. I draw the appearance logo of the chicken on the eggshell. "Very cute!" I couldn't help saying. "Yes, is today my mother's birthday? I will give my mother's masterpiece!" I picked it up and added the shell word "happiness" sign. All right, then use color packaging.

In the evening, when my mother saw my hand-made glass. I can't keep my mouth shut. I also ate honey. What a happy day, a happy summer vacation!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (4)

On February 16, our family went to Jiujiang to play.

At Hukou, my father drove to Shizhong Mountain. As my father walked up to Shizhong Mountain, he said to me, "You can see the water of Poyang Lake and the water of the Yangtze River flowing together later." Then, my father introduced the origin of Shizhong Mountain: because the stones splashed by water on Shizhong Mountain have bell sounds, because it has something to do with the ancient Su Dongpo. It is called Shizhong Mountain. Walking into Shizhong Mountain, I saw a pavilion with words on both sides of the pavilion: "The river and the lake are two colors, and the stone bell has a thousand years of history." Drinking in the pavilion can clearly see that the water of the Yangtze River is clear and the water of Poyang Lake is muddy.

The water of Poyang Lake is still, just like a mirror, which clearly reflects the blue sky and white clouds. The water of Poyang Lake is soft and the breeze is blowing gently, like a piece of silk fluttering in the wind.

Who is the living Yangtze River. Wave after wave rises with the wind, as if angry. The water of the Yangtze River is green, like a flawless emerald, shining with beautiful luster.

My father told me: "A stream flows to a small river. A small river flows to a big river. A big river flows to a lake. A lake flows to a river. It will flow to the sea." I love water, the vast and deep sea, the surging Yangtze River, the surging Yellow River, the beautiful and gentle Poyang Lake, the wavy Ganjiang River, the lively and cheerful streams, but I prefer the prosperous motherland!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (5)

Before the summer vacation, my mother said she would take me to Rizhao to play, and finally looked forward to this day. I got up early in the morning and got ready to go to the station with my mother. In the car, our aunt told us jokes and played CDs. We were very happy and wished we could fly there as early as possible. When the car got on the expressway, the traffic was blocked and the car broke down. I was so happy that it cooled down for half a time. The driver's uncle was busy for most of the day before he repaired the car. In the afternoon, we finally arrived in Rizhao. It's really a good thing.

The next day we came to Rizhao No. 4 Bathing Beach. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw the blue, endless sea, and the waves were row by row, higher and higher, like a hungry tiger. Seeing such a scene, I was very afraid. I wanted to go down, but now I am too scared to go down. Suddenly I heard someone say: It's a pity not to go to sea here. So I made up my mind to go to sea. The sea water is very mild. A spray makes me drink the sea water. It's really salty. I thought of a funny way: I put the circle into the sea, and I sat on it and let the spray push me. After a while, I was pushed down by the waves. On the bank, I used a lot of sand to bury it, with only the head and feet leaking out. It was really fun.

What a summer holiday!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (6)

This day is June 1 International Children's Day, a festival shared by children all over the world.

In the morning, we came to the school in festive attire. As soon as we arrived at the school gate, I heard the drum and bugle team playing the Young Pioneers' team song. How bright, how magnificent, how inspiring, how inspiring. Entering the school gate, I saw that the playground was already full of students, who were talking and laughing about what the program would be like that day. Some say it must be wonderful, some say it must be more beautiful than last year, and some say it may be more funny and beneficial this year.

I moved my stool to the playground and waited for the start of the celebration. At the moment when I waited, I suddenly remembered those children in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, whether they could sit in the classroom and study like us and spend the six days happily. Of course not on Children's Day, because NATO led by the United States bombed their motherland for nearly two months, making them homeless and refugees, and countless innocent children were killed and injured. Therefore, I hope that NATO will stop bombing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as soon as possible, return the Yugoslav people a peace, return the Yugoslav children a happy festival, and let those children and children who are under fire spend this perfect time like us. The century needs peace, and our children need peace even more.

As I thought about it, I thought of those children in remote and poor mountain areas. Because they were poor, they could not even read books or attend classes, let alone live a happy life. Compared with them, I feel very lucky and happy. I have a warm home, a beautiful school, respectable teachers, friendly classmates and neighborhood children. Why don't we study hard

Seeing the Young Pioneers' team flag flying high on the stage reminds me that the happy life of this day is hard won, and it is the lives and blood of countless revolutionary martyrs. Therefore, I will cherish the perfect life on this day, study hard, master more skills, and serve the motherland in the future to build a stronger and more beautiful country.

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (7)

The summer vacation in my eyes is happy, joyful, long, rich, and interesting... We always look forward to the summer vacation before the exam, thinking that there will be no teacher's criticism, no lots of homework, no... If the summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, hovering in the blue sky, sometimes straight into the sky, Sometimes they play with clouds; If summer vacation is the sea, I will be a fish. I will shuttle among the corals quickly and rush out of the water excitedly

I'm a little bookworm. I'm usually busy studying, and I don't have more free time to read books. When summer vacation comes, I can spare a lot of time to read books, and I can eat spiritual food again. I can spare a lot of time to read books in the library, and I can even borrow my favorite books home and swim in the sea of books.

I also love swimming. Swimming is the most physical exercise. Usually, we have to take classes and do homework, which takes up our sports time. In the summer vacation, I can swim freely in the water again. Therefore, I go swimming every day, swimming can not only exercise, but also summer.

It is because of the summer vacation that I have enough time to go to the library to learn the natural and scientific knowledge I am interested in, go swimming with my friends, and put aside the endless classes and homework that seem to never end, we can do some meaningful and happy things when we have time. It's good for the summer vacation!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (8)

In the summer vacation of this primary school, except for traveling, I spent almost all day in the sea of books. Even so, I still feel very substantial and meaningful.

During the summer vacation, I read all kinds of books. From fairy tales to popular science books, from novels to masterpieces ------. Among them, what impressed me most were Childhood, which introduced the author's life in his childhood, Uncle Tom's Cabin, which told the story of a black American slave living hard and dying under the cruel oppression of slavery, and the Old Man and the Sea, which taught us not to be weak in anything by virtue of the brave fight between the old man and the sharks, The chapters are gripping, unforgettable and beneficial. With them, of course, we will not be lonely.

When I am tired of reading, I will go out to play. Time does not allow me to visit the scenic spots and historic sites of the motherland, but it is also meaningful to go to the green mountains and rivers, mountain streams and trails in the wild to increase my knowledge, broaden my horizon, jump out of the whole day's reading and learning, relax and relax?

When you are relaxed, you can't forget to study. In addition to completing the homework assigned by the teacher, I will also write compositions, practice calligraphy, calculate Olympiad Maths, and comprehensively exercise my brain. Don't mention that doing homework is a headache. In fact, as long as you can get involved in it, you will find that it is not troublesome to finish homework, and even some fun!

This is my vacation, a full, interesting and meaningful holiday!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (9)

When will the bright moon appear? Ask the sky about the wine. " Hearing this poem, you should know what festival it is today, right? Yes, it is the Mid Autumn Festival, the annual reunion night.

On this day, our whole family could not wait to clear the table after eating. After looking for a suitable place to see the moon, we finally decided to move the table outside to enjoy the moon, and everything was ready. We put the "key items" moon cakes on the small table, ready to wait for the moon to "step on the stage".

Sister Moon led a group of dazzling "light" stars and quietly came to the middle of the "Star Avenue". I do not want to destroy the quiet and reverie starry sky, but quietly look up to the performance of the "Fairy in Purple" and stars.

After a while, I became intoxicated with it and began many reverie: the moon fairy wore the gauze given to her by her sister Cloud, and danced excitedly in the night sky. This reminds me of some fairy tales: the moon rabbit is pounding medicine on the moon; Wu Gang is cutting osmanthus trees; Chang'e is eating the pill of immortality... I also thought of some verses about the moon: "When will the moon be? Ask the sky with wine." "The moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time." "Raise your head to look at the moon, and bow your head to think of your hometown." These verses reflect how much these poets miss their hometown and how much they miss their relatives!

I sat there quietly, eating mooncakes one mouthful at a time. "The moon is bright in my hometown, and people are my relatives." At this moment, I think the moon tonight is so round and beautiful! I think the moon in my hometown is the roundest, most beautiful and brightest!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (10)

On the Mid Autumn Festival, the bright moon in the sky symbolizes reunion, and the world is filled with joy, festivity and peace.

My family was sitting on the balcony. Several stars were blinking mischievously in the dark blue night sky. A bright moon is hanging in the air. The moonlight shines through the glass and onto the balcony, so soft. Looking at the round moon, I remembered an old legend: Chang'e lived in the lonely Guanghan Palace since she stole the medicine, while Wu Gang was punished and cut down the 'sweet scented osmanthus tree' that never stops cutting... I seemed to see Chang'e dancing in the Guanghan Palace, and the Jade Rabbit pounding the medicine

At this time, my mother's voice came from the kitchen: "Eat the moon cake!" The moon cake made by my mother finally came out. I turned over the card of "Bingpi Sister" for fear of hot "Bingpi Sister" and "Mung Bean Sister". Ice skin mooncakes are really sweet. Eating them, I think of my uncle who works in other places. How I wish my uncle could enjoy the moon and eat them with me! Tears came down from the corner of my eyes. The original sweet moon cake was no longer delicious. It had become a salty moon cake.

"Dingdang......" With the clear sound of dice, my mother gave an order, and my family's pancake contest began! We all stared at the bowl intently, for fear that no one would see the first prize winner. His younger brother walked up and down with great strides, shook the dice up and down, and said mysteriously, "Buddha bless me, and Monkey King save me!" Who knows, Buddha did not bless him, and let him "go abroad". Everyone laughed until one o'clock in the morning.

This is the Mid Autumn Festival, a symbol of reunion, joy, festivity and peace! May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (11)

Today is a beautiful sunny day, so my mood is great, don't believe it? Let me tell you something!

Interesting things should start in the afternoon. Toward one o'clock in the afternoon, my classmate Liang Xiaozhe came to play with me. As soon as he entered the room, he said to me, "Tan Yongxin, I remember you still owe me a birthday dinner." Is that right? Yes, I'll treat you today! I ran into the house and made a menu for him, but I wrote that I felt my hands were sore and said, "Forget it, I said, can you choose?"? Oh, come on. Drinks: boiled water, drinks: "Happy Birthday", "Home and Everything", "I'll eat cake" Sorry, the cake was eaten by Lao Xia. Let's have a good time! ok, Start work at once. I find all kinds of fruits I have at home and start to make them for him

When he finished, he looked at the disheveled fruit on the plate and said, "Tan Yongxin, Tan Yongxin, you are really killing people. Give me a cake and I eat this crap. Can I go home?"

There are more interesting ones! At that time, I was drinking water. At that time, Liang Zhe told me a joke. There was not a drop of water left in my mouth, and even my mouth spat on Liang Zhe's feet, which scared Liang Zhe out of sequelae.

Then we saw a ghost movie, "The Pen Immortal vs the Zhen Zi". There was a segment in it that startled me, but Liang Zhe was so frightened that he flew up, and my stomach hurt when I laughed.

Ah! Happy day!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (12)

Our neighbor is an old grandmother, who is 90 years old this year, but she is very healthy and strong. Her son goes out to work and seldom comes back. All year round, she comes out and goes in alone. It is not difficult for the old woman to wash raw clothes. The difficulty is that there is no one. After all, she is old and inconvenient. She can't go out to buy what she should buy, and can't do it in time. My mother is a kind-hearted person. When I was young, my mother often said to me, "When I come back from school to finish my homework, I should help my grandma more."

One night, after finishing my homework, I came to the granny's house as usual. I saw that there were many clothes in the house that had not been washed, so I quietly picked up the washboard to help the granny wash clothes. After I washed them, I hung the clothes on the yard line.

When I was drying clothes, the old lady came out of the inner room, stood on the side of the stick, held my head with both hands, put her kind face close to my face, and said, "Thank you, child, you are the best child in the world. You help me and take care of me more than my own daughter. How can I thank you?" After listening to the old lady's words, I felt embarrassed, I hurriedly said, "I should do this for you, and neighbors should help each other. I will help you more in the future." After listening to my words, the old grandma also smiled happily.

Looking at her happy appearance, I also felt that it was a happy thing to help others.

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (13)

On August 2, I came to Dongyang City. Dongyang City is located in the middle of China, covering an area of 15 square kilometers. Hengdian is the most prosperous place in Dongyang City.

I visited Hengdian Studios in Hengdian. Hengdian Film and Television City is divided into five major parts: Qin Palace, Qingming Shanghetu, Ming and Qing Gongyuan, Hong Kong Street and Guangzhou Street.

We first came to the grand Qin Palace. The gate of King Qin's Palace is made of Chinese fir, which is very thick. Entering the Palace of the King of Qin, the solemn atmosphere is daunting. Hero and The Story of Finding Qin were shot in the Palace of the King of Qin. There are two dragon mouths on the city wall. From the dragon mouths, water comes out from time to time. The water falls down from the top and just falls into two pools made of marble.

Further inside is the palace of King Qin's Palace. In front of the palace is a row of hundreds of family names. I was surnamed Chen, so I quickly found the word "Chen". I saw that my mother's "Zhu" was named according to the country's name. I really thought my family name was also named according to the country's name. "Yeah, I'm also named after the country. I'm a descendant of Shun," I cried happily. I walked into the palace of King Qin's Palace. The main hall was resplendent with several golden pillars supporting it. There is a floating bridge in the hall, which can only be crossed by the Son of Heaven. In order to realize my "dream of the Son of Heaven", I went there, sat on the dragon chair, looked like the Son of Heaven, and asked my mother to take a picture of me.

I also visited the Qingming River Map, Hong Kong Street and Guangzhou Street. In this spring vacation, I came to Hengdian Film and Television City to enjoy the magnificent scenery, magnificent palaces, and two streets with distinctive customs. It was really a day of time! If you have been to the Forbidden City in Beijing, you don't need to go to the Ming and Qing Gongyuan. Because the appearance and layout of the Ming and Qing Gongyuan are exactly the same as the Forbidden City, tourists who have been to the Forbidden City don't need to go to the Ming and Qing Gongyuan.

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (14)

One day in the summer vacation, after I had to do my homework seriously, I sat down on the sofa and played. When I saw my mother washing clothes, I thought to myself: If only I could do some housework.

Later, I finally thought it out: that is to sign an agreement with my father to do housework.

In the evening, I told my father that I wanted to make an agreement, that is, to give me a period of time every day to do housework and strive to do it; Do your own things, and let me be a happy and capable elf. My father was very happy to hear that, because I had signed two agreements with my father before that, and I insisted on it quite well. So he said to me: OK. Later, when I finished my homework every day, I did some housework. Of course, I wanted to do some very tiring and heavy work, but my parents couldn't bear to let me do it. I love my parents and secretly promised that when I grow up, I must do it by myself.

In this summer vacation, I did some housework while doing my homework. The whole summer vacation was really interesting. The day before school, my father said to me: "Tomorrow is the day of school. We should study hard at school. We must do our housework and be a happy little angel at home according to the agreement.".

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (15)

In order to celebrate Children's Day, I got up at five o'clock in the morning. I quickly put on my dancing clothes and finished the washing activities. School time is coming. I come to school with excitement. When I stepped into the school gate, I found that the campus was decorated with new lights and decorations, and even the curtains were replaced.

When I entered the teaching building, I came to the teacher's office and began to make up a lot of people. The teacher could not be separated, but only one by one. I waited and waited until it finally came to me. After a while, it was over and I came to the campus.

Soon, the program began. The first program was a drum band. I played small drums, some people played big drums, some people played trumpets, and some people held flags. The overall sound was deafening. At this time, everyone was staring at us.

The second program was our chorus. I quickly changed my clothes and came to the playground. 3, 2, 1 We sang along with the background music.

After the performance, we watched many interesting programs, and each class presented their own unique work.

I am very happy on Children's Day!

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (16)

Today is China's traditional festival: Spring Festival. Every night on this festival, there is Spring Festival Gala. Of course, there will be Spring Festival Gala tonight. Every Spring Festival, I sleep a little more during the day to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala at night.

It's nearly 8 o'clock, and the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin! 5、4、3、2、1! Spring Festival Gala begins! I am very happy. "What is the Spring Festival Gala?" This is the first sentence at the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala. I think the Spring Festival Gala is fun, and watching it is fun.

We played poker while watching the Spring Festival Gala. My father and brother, my mother and uncle and aunt, we had fun!

The longest performing time in the Spring Festival Gala was a 15-year-old girl named "Little Colorful Flag". She didn't sing or dance. She was just circling. The circling seemed ordinary, but she had been circling for 4 hours! If I had fainted to the ground, I would have been unconscious.

Time flies, the Spring Festival Gala is over, but this memory is deeply rooted in my mind.

The above 400 words composition for Happy Spring Festival in Grade 4 of 2017 is a fluent and clear article.

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (17)

Today, my mother and father were going to take me back to the countryside. I was too excited to sleep. The next day, I got up early, brushed my teeth and went to the countryside. When I came to the countryside, I saw green grass, red flowers and tall trees. There were many black pinecones on the trees. It seemed that I was wearing black clothes, which made me feel very happy. Grandmother's family had a fat rooster. He had a red and red comb, yellow feathers, long legs, and a sharp mouth. It was very interesting. But it is very naughty. Every day, it goes out to catch grandparents.

Today, my father and my mother went to catch it, but they didn't catch it for a long time. My father and my mother rushed here and there, covered in ashes, and the cock flew here and jumped there. It was hard to catch. Later, Dad rushed to catch the feather of the big cock, finally caught the big cock, and put it into the big cage. We are all laughing, singing and dancing. We are so happy! I wish you a happy New Year and congratulations on getting rich.

This 400 word fourth grade composition on the Spring Festival tells the story of "I" returning to the countryside to celebrate the Spring Festival. The article is fluent in language and complete in structure

Happy fourth grade composition 400 words Composition 400 words (18)

The summer vacation in my eyes is happy, joyful, long, rich and interesting... We always look forward to the summer vacation before the exam, thinking that there will be no teacher's criticism, no lot of homework, no...... If the summer vacation is the sky, I will be a bird, hovering in the blue sky, sometimes straight into the sky, sometimes playing with the clouds; If summer vacation is the sea, I will be a fish. I will shuttle among the corals quickly and rush out of the water excitedly

I'm a little bookworm. I'm usually busy studying, and I don't have more free time to read. In the summer vacation, I can spare a lot of time to read books, and I can eat spiritual food again. I can spare a lot of time to read books in the library, and I can borrow my favorite books home, and swim in the sea of books.

I also love swimming. Swimming is the most physical exercise. Usually, we have to take classes and do homework, which takes up our sports time. In the summer vacation, I can swim freely in the water again. Therefore, I go swimming every day, swimming can not only exercise, but also summer.

It is because of the summer vacation that I have enough time to go to the library to learn the natural and scientific knowledge I am interested in, go swimming with my friends, and put aside the endless classes and homework that seem never to be finished, we can do something meaningful and happy when we have time. The summer vacation is really very good!