450 word composition describing winter (collection of 3 articles)
A coquettish old man
2024-05-09 00:05:28

450 word composition describing winter (1)

Composition 1 about Winter Snow Scenery

Today is the first beautiful snow scene in Xingtai, and it is also a very happy day for me at school.

After lunch in the morning and washing the dishes, I slowly and leisurely went from the dining room to the dormitory. Out of the door of the restaurant, pieces of white things floated down from the sky gently across my cheek. I looked up and saw that it was snowing. I jumped happily. I followed the snowflakes with my hands, caught one, and carefully watched whether my hands hurt the snowflakes.

When I got up, I looked through the window to see the beautiful scenery outside. When I came out of the dormitory door, it was unexpectedly that the weak light snow in the morning caused a heavy snowfall. Everything in Yinghua Primary School was dressed in beautiful, white and innocent new clothes. Looking at the beautiful campus, I imagined that I would happily sweep snow, have a snowball fight and make snowmen in the countryside with my grandparents and brothers

Today's day is the happiest and most unforgettable day for me in school. I will never forget the happiness of this day!

Composition 2 about Winter Snow Scenery

"It's snowing! It's snowing!" I shouted. Although the winter has passed, the snowflakes haven't appeared yet. Today, I finally saw the long-awaited snowflakes!

Snowflakes are flying all over the sky, like cute and naughty elves traveling around. You see, they play on the roof slide; Playing on the swing on the leaves; Skiing on the roof, the snow is getting heavier and heavier. Slowly, the trees are dressed in white silver, and the roof is covered with white quilts. There is a white scene everywhere. Even the vegetables in the fields are wearing a funny white hat. I couldn't help but stretch out my hand to pick up the snowflakes. I found that the shapes of snowflakes were strange, some were like stars in the sky, emitting light; Some are like camellias, beautiful and moving; Some are like fireworks in the sky, gorgeous and brilliant! When I was fascinated, they became a drop of water and disappeared······

Oh, goodbye, snowflake, I love you!

Composition 3 about Winter Snow Scenery

This winter vacation, my parents and I came to the snow village in Heilongjiang Province. After getting off the bus, we saw the scenery and it really deserved its reputation. It was the hometown of snow. Layers of white snow fell from the sky. Looking far away, the mountains here were all covered with snow. Layers of tree hanging seemed to bring crystal jewelry to the forest. After staying outside for a long time, even the eyelashes were covered with ice. We took a few photos at the place where Dad went. It was getting late. We looked at the smoke curling up from the kitchen and returned to our hotel. We watched the sun slowly set down on the horizon. The moon was just rising, and there were only a few barks of dogs around. The night here was really quiet.

The next day, we listened to the cock crowing and got up on time. After breakfast, we were free to move. First, we took some photos of the yard, and then we played in every scenic spot by horse sledge. The most interesting thing was that we rode snowmobiles down the mountains. It was really fun.

Finally, we reluctantly got on the bus and left the Snow Village. We love you, Snow Village!

450 word composition describing winter (2)

Miss Qiu has gone, Grandpa Winter has come quietly, and the north wind is blowing, which tells us that the cold winter has arrived.

When the north wind blows on the treetops, the treetops tremble with cold. When it blows on the grass, the grass changes color. It blew on the flowers, and the flowers all withered, leaving only the naked cerebellum dai. Only Chimonanthus praecox and narcissus are still open without fear of cold, and they have quietly floated a faint fragrance, bringing vitality to the cold winter.

Where has the little animal gone? Little swallows, red crowned cranes and wild geese flew to the warm south as early as autumn. The ants eat food in the warm hole. Frogs and pythons -- they are sleeping in the cave!

In the morning, when I woke up, I saw white ice flowers on the window, and I cried in surprise: "Mom, look, the window is blooming." Ah! It's beautiful! It is like broad leaves, like tender grass, like plump peonies, blossoming and shining white. I know this must be Grandpa Winter's gift to the earth.

After a while, a large number of snowflakes fell down, and the flying snow was as beautiful as the jade leaves and silver flakes scattered by the Heavenly Maiden. I dressed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went downstairs to make snowmen without eating. I saw children playing in groups, some skiing, some skating, some skipping, and some snowball fights.

Ah! I like your winter. Do children like this silver winter?

450 word composition describing winter (3)

The fields in winter are a silver world. The ground is white, and thousands of trees "pear flowers" bloom.

There are countless sky trees or some small saplings around the field. They are all sentinels in the field, blocking the cold wind for the flowers and plants in the field, so that they can open beautiful flowers in spring. How worthy of us to learn this selfless spirit of dedication!

The air in winter is cold, and the fields in winter were quiet, but I don't know which naughty child broke the silence.

Look, those children in the fields are having fun. Some are having snowball fights, some are making snowmen, some are making "pagodas"... They are having fun! When I saw it, I couldn't help mixing in, singing and dancing happily with them, lying in the cradle of happiness, waving in it

Standing on a high place and looking into the distance, you can vaguely see several "little ants" and snow-white mountains. The fields have become the snow-white carpet, which makes people can't bear to step on. The spectacular scene of heavy snow makes me intoxicated.

The goose feather snow was still flying over the field, as if it was constantly exerting its magic on the earth. After several hours, the snow stopped for a while, and then looked at the field, the thickness of the ice layer had already reached three or four inches.

I love winter, but also love the winter fields!