89 Essays of Happy Mood Quotations
Home and everything
2023-05-14 02:14:10

1. You are so kind that I don't want you to go back to other people.

2. The funniest thing is that you can't see it when you are invisible.

3. If one day we are not together, we should also be together.

4. How many beauties withered, how many lovesickness broken, leaving only blood stained ink and crying graves.

5. I will wait until your wolf is not at home, or you will be afraid to see me.

6. Always born in an unexpected year. Look back to the other side. Even though the scene is long.

7. Those who said they would never part before have already scattered in the horizon.

8. One flower, one world, one leaf, one pursuit. One song, one sigh, one life.

9. I allow you to enter my world, but the premise is that you are not allowed to leave again.

10. Your smile makes me unforgettable, and I have been deeply attracted by your wonderful demeanor!

11. The earthly relationship has always been like water, and there are few tears. How can we end our love life? Don't be sentimental. Love hurts you.

12. Turning around, a wisp of cold fragrance is far away, the snow is deep, and the smile is shallow. Would you like to ferry me in the next life?

13. Why are you dressed so beautifully, always waving in front of me, deliberately making me make mistakes?

14. I don't want to have an afterlife, otherwise I won't have the courage to make a mistake on you in this life.

15. Is it true that people always want to be so stupid, afraid of facing the cruel reality but can't escape the drowning of sadness.

16. There is a kind of forbearance, which is actually a kind of power, and there is a kind of silence, which is actually a shocking confession.

17. The most infatuated thing is that even if you are hurt by others, you still have a red heart waiting.

18. There is a lingering feeling in the light cloud, which will never be forgotten. You are as sweet as honey in this life, and it embraces honey like sugar every day.

19. You smiled and said nothing to me. And I think, for this, I have been waiting for a long time.

20. I know that feelings cannot be compared, but I am still used to complaining about what he lacks with what he has.

21. The feeling, the injury and numbness were broken. But I miss you more and more, and I begin to fall.

22. Accidental encounter is not fate, but fate is everything that cannot be accepted but attracts each other deeply after meeting at a certain moment.

23. As long as I can see you often, I will feel happy; As long as I snuggle up to your petite body, I won't be lonely.

24. All my existence, all my possessions, all my hopes, and all my love are always running towards you in deep secrets.

25. When the vast land is broken with one sword, where can the prosperity and music fall. Leaning against the clouds, a thousand pots cover loneliness, even if others laugh at me in vain.

26. You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you are not with me.

27. A fragrant memory, a beautiful mood, a beautiful story, the days with you, and the romantic feelings.

28. Maple leaves are red, and it is the season of Dorothy. I wish you with maple leaf enthusiasm, and I hope it will bring you infinite warmth.

29. Memory is like water poured into the palm. Whether you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers.

30. Without me by your side, you should wear warm clothes in cold weather, eat enough when you are hungry, and have good dreams when you sleep. I have nothing to ask for when I am alone in my dream!

31. Only after reading you can we understand beauty and love. I know beauty, so I am intoxicated with you; I know love, so it's hard to make it again!

32. Who is the passer-by in life, who is the wheel of life, the dust of previous life, the wind of this life, and the spirit of endless sorrow.

33. Do not enchant me with gentle calls, do not make me move with Tingting's beautiful shadow, and do not torture me with affectionate eyes.

34. Send you a wisp of fragrance, a bouquet of fragrance, a piece of green leaf and a place of spring. Everything is my wish.

35. Your beauty attracts me. Your laughter is as sweet as the dew after the rain. I am awake because I know that I really love you.

36. I like you. I like you so much that I don't even know why. In my eyes, you are the only person I can see!

37. Love does not need to be vigorous or sentimental. As long as you are around, the coldest day is still warm like spring! Just because of you!

38. The sunshine is so beautiful that it can't compare with the comfort of friends; The sky is very beautiful, not as beautiful as the embellishment of friendship; The stars are beautiful, not as precious as greetings.

39. One person rides a bicycle and scatters the handlebar. He meets the traffic police at a fork in the road. The traffic policeman shouted to him: Good hands. The man replied happily: Comrades have worked hard!

40. Not every effort will yield, but every effort must yield, which is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

41. I really want to be with you, watch the sunrise and sunset with you, watch the stars in the sky with you, and collect romantic breath with you!

42. I always think that water is the story of mountains, the sea is the story of sails, and the sky is the story of clouds. You are my story, but I don't know if I am your story!

43. One person rides a bicycle and scatters the handlebar. He meets the traffic police at the fork in the road. The traffic policeman shouted to him: Good hands. The man happily replied: Comrades have worked hard!

44. I stand in the way when the mountain comes down; When the tiger comes, I block it; When money comes, you can enjoy it; Beauty comes, you enjoy it; Love is coming, let's go together!

45. My heart should let you hear, and my love should let you see. I'm not afraid to admit how tired I am of you. When I miss you, I hope you can receive my sincere message.

46. The moment when the chrysalis broke out of the cocoon was the pain of tearing off a layer of skin. Many butterflies died of pain at the moment when they broke out of the cocoon.

47. Your happiness, I will build, your confusion, I will make up, your greed, I will meet, your capriciousness, I will compromise, love you, it is none other than me.

48. I know that love is a responsibility, so I never dare to say it easily. But since you appeared in my life, I have the courage to shoulder this responsibility!

49. I know that I cannot accompany you. I know that all I can do is miss you far away. Are you happy? Are you happy? I bless you silently.

50. Who burned the smoke and scattered the vertical and horizontal ties. Listen to the string break, break the three thousand entanglement. Falling flowers annihilate, annihilating the wind ripple. If the flower is piteous, it falls at whose fingertips.

51. Your heart is my cape and horizon. I can't go farther. We go to the ends of the earth in this life, not half the earth, but the world.

52. You know the beauty of flowers only after smelling the freshness of jasmine, you know the meaning of splendor only after seeing Rainbow Flying Racks, and you know the invincibility of missing only after missing.

53. Love is in me, love is in you, and love is in the palm of your hand; There is heaven and earth on the earth. Loving you for thousands of years is bragging; I love you all my life.

54. If you don't speak, I will bear with you and fill my heart with your silence. I will wait quietly, like the night sleepless in the starlight, and bow my head patiently.

55. It will be a happy day to receive blessings in the morning, and a happy year to receive blessings in spring; Now it is morning and spring again. I send my best wishes to you, happy every second.

56. I kept your photos, your handwriting, your voice and our secret language. Just to piece together a living you after leaving.

57. Let's cherish you and me, let's love each other for a long time, wear a beautiful ring, let's be together forever, add your name to my surname, and love me for a lifetime.

58. One minute can break a person's heart, one hour can like a person, one day can love a person, but it takes a lifetime to forget a person.

59. I love your eyes most, hiding my deep feelings and your tenderness; I love your lips, knowing my passion and your infatuation; The person who loves you most, give you my life and your life.

60. If your heart is cold, I am spring; If your heart is bitter, I am sweet; If you are sad, I am happy. Maybe I'm not everything to you, but I'm not the burden of your life.

61. May my blessing be like a high and low wind chime, which will bring you tinkling happiness, and then send you a bunch of wind, which will whisper my blessing to you all the time.

62. I made an ugly scarecrow. It's useless. So I have to hang up your photos. The crows not only dare not steal any more, but also send back the ones they stole before! thank you!

63. I am so lonely without you. I don't know how sweet it is to eat alone; One person speaks, no one interrupts; Sleep alone; No warmth; dear! I miss you!

64. I hope to lock the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, and you are beside me! I wish I hadn't left, I wish I hadn't thought about it, I wish I could light the stars all over the sky and go to the end of time with you!

65. Love needs sincerity; Communication is needed when arguing; Calm down when angry; Happiness needs to be shared; Falling in love with you is a feeling; Kissing you is a kind of happiness. I love you!

66. Flowering flowers and flowing water. One kind of lovesickness, two idle worries. There is no way to eliminate this situation. I just frown, but my heart is on. Honey, what are you busy with? Your baby misses you!

67. Do you know how to write it? Take it apart and you will find Erhe people. My world can only accommodate you, and only when you are around can I support a sky. If you leave, my sky will collapse.

68. Your beautiful figure is always in front of my eyes; Your wonderful voice is always in my ear; Your fairy eyes flicker in my heart Yes, I miss you all the time.

69. I hope we can walk hand in hand through the future, whether it is flowers paving the way, or thorns everywhere, whether it is sunny, or the wind is fierce and rainy, spring, summer, autumn and winter, never leave.

70. I hope that my hands can carry you across the secular world. At the end of the century when it was difficult for people to believe their promises, I asked myself: Can I still be a romantic knight?

71. I can't promise you anything, but I will do it: if one day you feel hungry, then you will see that I have died of hunger in your arms with a smile.

72. It's a pain to love you but not be able to stay with you forever; Waiting for you, but not knowing the end, this is a kind of impatience; I hope I can have you now and be with you in this life!

73. Boys should not be bothered by the dark days, because behind the darkness is the World Cup that only happens in four years! Girls should not worry, because annoying boys are going to watch the World Cup!

74. The white cloud never promises its stay to the sky, nor does the scenery tell its eternity to the eyes. I don't have much promise and sweet words, just because true love doesn't need too much words!

75. With you, I have a friendship; With you, I have more happiness; With you, I have an extra concern; With you, I have more feelings; Because I love you!

76. The heart of a lover is always made of glass! String your thoughts into wind chimes to spread your heart's voice, fold your blessings into paper cranes, release the news of love, and turn love into spring breeze to hug you tightly.

77. Knowing each other is a kind of destiny. The intersection of our hearts makes us have endless romantic feelings; Keeping together is a commitment. In the reincarnation, we will always remember this beautiful love story!

78. Let me always look at your eyes, with a beating flame! Your gentle eyes melt me and make me lost in your love. I don't want to identify the direction, just want to indulge in it.

79. Love you for ten thousand years, exaggeration! Love you five thousand years, no hope! Love you for a thousand years, ridiculous! Love you for a hundred years, too long! I have loved you for 70 years. As long as I am healthy, I am strong!

80. I have always loved you, and your face always appears before my eyes! But I'm too poor to expect, now I'm rich! You can say loudly: Boss, cut the pig's head in half!

81. The stupidest person in the world is the one who loves someone so much that he doesn't know what to do. That person is me. I will always think of you and do anything for you. What do you think about the future?

82. Nah, to be honest, are you secretly missing me? Are you really thinking of me secretly? If you really want me, tell me! I won't let you miss me. Everyone is reasonable. I miss you too!

83. Your invisible eyes make me feel uncertain. Without your shining eyes, I would wither; Without your smile on me, I will fall. Dear, you are my everlasting attachment.

84. How can I bear to watch you leave? We spent many warm and happy time together, but today we are going to break up! Looking at your sad eyes, I shouted: Wait a minute, I won't sell this dog!

85. When I open the curtains, the sun will still come in. Like you, I put away my love, you will still penetrate into my heart. Love is like crystal. If you give me sunshine, I will give you colorful gifts in return.

86. Everything is the past. Only you have the same position in my heart. Although I don't know what to call you, a lover or a friend, I know that I can't do without you! I love you!

87. What kind of result will you and I have? 1、 Love me; 2、 Grow old together; 3、 Everlasting; 4、 Every Valentine's Day is spent together; 5、 All the answers above are correct. Please confirm by SMS.

88. Some people will always remember. Even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

89. I heard that many people like you funny. They say you are cute and want you! But it's a pity that you already have an owner. I have no choice but to go to other pet stores to see if there are any pigs like you!