Composition describing the small garden (5 in general)
Ordinary life
2024-05-07 05:37:25

Composition of Describing the Small Garden (1)

My family lives in the east yard of Shuangyuan Community, Jili District, Luoyang City. There is a beautiful garden in front of the building, where there are flower beds, bamboo forests, small squares, and a variety of flowers and trees... Young people exercise in the garden in the morning, old people walk in the garden, and children play in the garden, which brings us infinite joy.

In the center of the small garden is a huge round flower bed. In April and May every year, peony blossoms in the flower bed with her sweet smile. Her leaves are like small slaps. The breeze blows and the branches and leaves sway, as if they are welcoming people.

In the southwest corner of the flower bed is a quiet bamboo forest. Tall and slender green bamboos block the hot summer sun. Walking along the winding, stone covered forest path, listening to the wind blowing bamboo leaves rustling, and the surrounding grass insects chirping cicadas, it will be a pleasant thing!

On the contrary, the northeast corner of the flower bed is a busy small square. A huge stone stands in the center of the square, engraved with four characters: Home, Paradise. A group of children are playing games there. Some of them play hide and seek, some run, some climb trees, and some skip rope.

There are also various trees planted around the garden. There are evergreen pine trees, graceful weeping willows, sweet osmanthus trees in August, and ginkgo trees with leaves like small fans

The beautiful garden is really unforgettable.

Composition of Describing the Small Garden (2)

During the National Day holiday, I went to several places to play, but what impressed me most was walking and playing with my mother in the small garden. It makes me feel relaxed and happy. It eliminates the pressure of studying and the tiredness of traveling. I really relax, appreciate the flowers and trees around me, and appreciate the beautiful scenery everywhere.

On the morning of October 2, my mother and I went to the small garden for a walk and play. As soon as we entered the door, there was a beautiful big flower bed, where red flowers, yellow flowers, blue flowers... colorful and beautiful! There is a fountain pool in the middle of the big flower bed, and several small fountains and a big fountain are ejected. If you are near the fountain pool, you will feel a clear, thin silk like mist moistening your face, very comfortable! There is a gravel road beside the big flower bed. On both sides of the gravel road are green grass, like a plush carpet. In the green grass, there is a stream. The water in the stream is very clear. You can see the small fish and shrimp at the bottom of the stream. Some children are catching fish, some are playing in the water, and adults are laughing beside them. There is also a bridge on the stream. There are many people on it. Some are watching the scenery, some are fish in the water, and some are taking photos. It's very lively. It's not easy to squeeze in!

Unconsciously, we walked for more than an hour and returned to the door. Time past quickly. I had to leave reluctantly. Although I have left the beautiful and fun garden, my mind is still there, still lingering and playing!

Composition of Describing the Small Garden (3)

When you walk into our campus and look south, you will see a small inverted "7" shaped garden. It not only purifies the air, but also brings us happiness. If you want to know what happiness it brings to everyone in our campus, let's have a look!

When you walk into the small garden, you will see the side of the "7" small garden. On the rainy days recently, the ground is covered with moss. The moss is very slippery. If you jump in the space walk there, no matter how skillful you are, moss will slip down without hesitation. There is a flower called cockscomb in the small garden. I like it best. The color of the flowers is deep red and red turns black. The reason why it is called cockscomb flower is that its shape and color are exactly the same as cockscomb flower.

Continue to the east, the vertical line of the inverted "7". Privet Kobayashi holds hands and forms a rectangle. When you look carefully, there is a watch in the middle of her and two lollipops outside. Does she have a desire to eat now? The fresh air and bursts of flower fragrance will make you forget for a moment. The fresh air is the smell of French plane trees and red leaf plums mixed together. The bursts of flower fragrance is the orchid that is emitting her charming power. The sweet taste will really stop people from moving forward. One by one, the competition for novelty and beauty attracts butterflies, bees and students, They shouted happily: Wow, come and see, this little butterfly will change color! At that moment, the garden was very lively. There were butterflies flying, bees humming and singing, and children were studying the name of a plant that looked like a sword. Only one student who loved reading shouted: "It's a sword orchid, it's a sword orchid.". The students cheered. They were all excited because they knew another plant.

Boys and girls, is there such a beautiful garden in your school? Ha, come and write about it! Let's also visit together.

Composition of Describing the Small Garden (4)

Although my home is not big, it has a small garden of my own.

This small garden is full of vitality and memories. Every animal and plant here has its own story.

You see, the male bird is busy, and he is helping the female bird build a nest! Although it looks silly, it is very capable! I remember last year, the mother bird was going to lay eggs, and it was dedicated to building a nest for the mother bird. The mother bird squats down in the nest made by the male bird to rest, nourishes her spirit, and prepares to lay eggs again.

In my memory, the pearl bird's egg is an oval, only as big as my thumb nail, or translucent. The whole egg is already very small. In such a small egg, there must be a bird's head and body. I don't know how small the newborn bird is!

The bowl shaped leaves of the jewel flower are covered with tiny hairs, which will glitter under the sun, like jewels inlaid on its fleshy leaves. There are eight new shoots beside it, which look lively.

Little green vegetables stick out in the fertile soil. Some just spread two or three leaves; Some are comparing height with other companions; Others are crowded, like whispering! Look, these vegetables are really one by one!

There are also hibernating ones in my garden. Little turtles, beautiful goldfish, lavender with flower buds, hyacinth with purple hair, orange trees and mulberry trees dug from the mountains, orchids and carrots brought from Grandma's house, and budding roses

Every day when I come home from school, I am busy scattering fish food, watering flowers and plants, teasing birds. It's nice to have a small garden! It's better to have a small garden built for me by my father and mother!

Composition of Describing the Small Garden (5)

I love my campus, but also love the small garden in the school. No matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, the small garden is particularly beautiful.

In spring, the small garden is full of vitality. The lawn in the small garden is green, and tall and strong ginkgo trees pull out new branches and grow new leaves. Birds standing on the trees chirp like a beautiful song. What a beautiful garden in spring!

In summer, the small garden is shaded by green trees, and the tall ginkgo trees are more dense. The ginkgo trees are like a huge green umbrella, providing students with a wide shade. If some students feel very hot, they can sit down and feel cool; Some students are playing games in the small garden, and some are studying hard. The small garden in summer is really lively!

In autumn, the small garden was covered with fallen leaves. Some students cleaned the small garden in order to keep it clean. Some students made bookmarks of leaves for themselves in order to remember the autumn of this year. The whole small garden became a windy world when the autumn wind blew by. How cool the small garden is in autumn!

In winter, after a heavy snow, the small garden was not lack of vitality. The students had a snowball fight in the small garden. What a happy little garden in winter!

Ah! How beautiful the small garden is!