What I want to rely on most is you 600 (5 recommended)
2023-12-07 02:57:46

What I want to rely on most is you 600 (1)

At dusk, the wind blows the branches high, blocking the beam of light from the sun from time to time. The swing outside the window was swinging, and a leaf fell from the tree. It fell into Grandpa's room

I walked into the garden and gently opened the door. As soon as I entered the door, I was greeted by a series of loud snores. I smiled helplessly. It was autumn now. My grandfather still liked sleeping so much. I went into the room, covered the quilt for my grandfather, and then sat on the rocking chair near the window. There is a swing not far from the window. It is the place where I played when I was a child. I look at my grandfather and he can't help smiling. When I was a child, my grandfather took care of me carefully.

The swing in the small garden is my paradise. I can play there for an afternoon and sit on the swing. I want to fly high. When I swing, the sun is dazzling and it is a bright ball. When I swing back, the smell of cooking at home wafts over. My heart leaped with joy. I jumped off the swing, ran into the house, jumped directly into the kitchen, and almost knocked down my grandfather who washed vegetables. After wandering in the garden for a while, I ran to the garden again, holding the windmill, and ran for several laps. But several cauliflower plants planted by my grandfather were trampled to death by me one after another. It was autumn now, and the leaves on the trees had begun to fall. I felt several threads of cool wind, Then he went into the house to play. After a while, Grandpa came out carefully with the food and told me not to eat until he had finished his meal; I stood patiently at the dinner table, but finally picked up a piece of meat and ate. Grandpa came out with his meal. Seeing me like this, he smiled and shook his head.

After dinner, I lay down on the rocking chair. The wind outside the window blew in. I watched the fireflies flying outside the window looking for food, and gradually fell asleep. When I woke up, I found that I was in a warm little bed, and Grandpa was smiling at me outside the door, then poured a cup of warm water and handed it to me

Grandpa sat up and was about to get out of bed when I went to the door, poured a glass of water, smiled and handed it to Grandpa

Grandpa, I rely on you most.

What I want to rely on most is you 600 (2)

Whether in school or in society, many people have written compositions, which can improve our language organization ability. So, how to write a composition? The following is the person I want to rely on most is your 600 word composition, which is for your reference. I hope it can help friends in need.

The birds are plump, so they want to fly high and no longer rely on big birds; The fruit ripens, making people want to leave the branch and no longer rely on the big tree; And I, no matter where I am, whether I grow up or not, want to rely on most, Always you, my dear mother.

You always say that I have grown up and should not rely on my parents for everything. When I hear this, I always disdain to say, "Who says to rely on you for a lifetime?" But I feel uncomfortable and have an inexplicable loss.

When I was a child, when you sent me to the kindergarten, I always dragged you in tears and refused to let you go, but you coaxed me to say, "Baby, don't cry! Mom is waiting for you outside." But when I went out to look, you had already left. So next time, I won't let go. You have no choice but to promise me that when I go out, you have become a fixed landscape outside.

When I was in primary school, you didn't take care of me like you did when I was a child. You just let me study all day long. At that time, I was like a bird in a cage, eager to fly in the blue sky. Until that day, you asked me to do my homework, but I had to watch TV. No matter how hard you urged me, I didn't move. The first time you hit me, your once warm hand left a deep red mark on my face. "Call you capricious!" A beating and a crying finally made me restrain my anger. From childhood to adulthood, this is the only time that I remember.

When I was in junior high school, you sent me to school. After settling down, you told me again and again, nagged me again and again, and then left three times in one step. But the next day, you came again, and the black circles appeared in your eyes. You said you couldn't trust me. When I was running for the class cadre, I became a science representative, but you said, "Don't be proud of being a science representative. You should study hard and not be partial to the science! When you are in junior high school, you can't play like you did when you were a child!" So I worked hard at school to get a good score.

No matter where the birds will go, whether the fruits will fall or not, under the blue sky and white clouds, on the road of life, I most want to rely on you - mother.

What I want to rely on most is you 600 (3)

I remember that on a clear night when the moon was full, Grandma, you always followed my tiny arm and walked along the path of moonlight and starlight to the pool. "Look, does the moon in the small pool look like your favorite mooncake?" You said to me with a smile, like a child with childlike innocence. "No, no! Grandma's big face!" I smiled and hid in the thick hair. Feel the incomparable fullness and warmth. "Yes, yes, like a big face!" You laughed and squeezed your cheek unconsciously. I also rubbed your cheek. When you poke out your head, you can see that the moon has dyed your whole body white. Conceived. You are the person I want to rely on most.

I moved to another strange city. Can't find the moonlight like a brush. Even if there are, there are no people who rely on each other and "bask in the moon".

As I entered junior high school, I came back to visit you less and less. Every time I see you, I will rush to you, bury my face in your hair, and snuggle up to you. Or the fullness and warmth of childhood!

Finally, there is a summer night, we can walk with you again on the road we walked in childhood. The full moon still resounds with the cicadas. Surprisingly, there are more fireflies flickering under the moon with the old moon on their backs, which can't help but feel ups and downs. I propose to sit down and have a look. Look for a haystack to hold you, and the hands that have been mercilessly scratched by the years depend on you. Unexpectedly burying your face in the snow white moonlight - no! It was so white. Rely on your hair, lament the relentless years. Tears can not help rolling down, down the hair, drop in your heart. But I still feel the fullness and warmth of childhood! I sobbed and shouted: "Grandma is not old!" "No, Grandma is not old. Grandma is always here waiting for you, waiting for your dependence!"

After countless moonlit nights, I didn't expect that it was your hair that haunted me: you were the one who wanted to rely most!

What I want to rely on most is you 600 (4)

Since I began to remember things, you have been carrying me on your back to the square and the park. Everyone who sees you will be surprised and say, "Oh, you don't need to carry it, let it go." But you straighten your back and say with a smile, "It's OK, my back moves." When you carry me, I always lean my head on your warm back and hum the children's songs you taught me, Your body is not straight, but I never saw you bend down.

When you reached the age of kindergarten, you no longer carried me behind your back. On the first day of being sent to kindergarten, I cried for you inside. You couldn't bear to look, and silently turned around to cry. I was crying inside and you were crying outside. Two tearful people were staring across the wall. When school was over, I could always see you standing on tiptoe and stretching your neck hard in the crowd. You carried my bag, and we walked along the path with the afterglow. My shadow leaned against your shadow, The setting sun drew our shadow very long.

As I grew up, I thought I didn't need you any more. It was the first time that I felt your voice was so loud and your ears were so bad. I remember that time when I came home late, you scolded me. I tried to explain that you used your loud voice to contradict me again and again. I locked myself in the room in anger and let you shout no matter how late at night, I was so hungry that I couldn't sleep. I slipped into the kitchen to find food. When I saw you stay in the pot for lunch, I understood that what I wanted to rely on most was you.

When did the years quietly leave traces on your face, obvious wrinkles like deep gullies engraved on my heart, green hair quietly turned white, I grew up, you became old, and now you are just like me, holding my arm, leaning on my shoulder, I bowed my head, you looked up, you smiled so brightly, like a chrysanthemum floating in the wind, I seem to have returned to the familiar sunset.

Grandma, what I want to rely on most is you, or you, or you!

What I want to rely on most is you 600 (5)

Dream, start, end. Looking back at the years when you accompanied me, the dots were like stars, casting brilliant light. The road is long, who can predict the future? In the most sad and helpless time, I want to rely on you most.

We have been together for 12 years. I have never seen you, nor do I know how far you are from my age, but I know that you are beside me, never left. Sometimes, you are very strict; Sometimes, you are very gentle.

Remember the last time. The school carried out recreational activities, and I was always strong, but I was not selected by the teacher. At that time, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine. There were anger, sadness and loneliness... I could not face everyone's shock and ridicule. Tears, like dew on the remnant flowers, fall gently into the water, like a broken bead curtain. You said to me: "If you have the courage to think you are powerful, why don't you have the courage to be strong? Take back your tears! Learn to be strong! Real honor belongs only to those who have the ability to get it!" Your voice was full of sternness, but it was another kind of comfort. It warms my lonely heart, which seems to come from the inner voice. At that time, I wanted to rely on you most. Relying on you, I have the courage to face everything.

In my memory, you taught me to stop tears more than once. You gave me dependence and let me defeat myself. Sometimes, you are far away from me; Sometimes, you seem to be in my heart. I can't thank you, because I don't know who you are. Your trace is so elusive that it seems like a phantom in my mind, like a star in the cloud, which is ethereal and uncertain. However, in the most sad time, I still want to rely on you.

At the same time, can you remember another time? I went to the piano competition. You know, how much I paid for that game. I defeated both the preliminaries and the semi-finals, but I failed in the final. You also know that I can't stand the shock. At that moment, my mind went blank. It seems that someone has hit me hard. I leave everything behind. Teacher, mother's comfort, became a terrible scolding in my ears. As I ran, the wind near my ears seemed to turn into a terrible devil. The sky was overcast and dark clouds were gathering. When the rain fell, it was no longer as cute as an elf, but became a spoon that disturbed my heart. The weather is like my mood. No one's street, only you accompany me. The rain beats on my closed heart, but it has no effect. On his face, he couldn't tell the rain from the tears. You said to me: "What's the matter of failure? Only failure can lead to success! Life is meaningful when there is failure. You must pay back. Learn to be strong, come on!" My tears still could not stop. At that time, I wanted to rely on you most. Relying on you, I have confidence to face difficulties.

In the most sad and helpless time, I want to rely on you most. Relying on your shoulder, my heart will lack a lot, but I will get more. Dream, end, and start again. Relying on you, I can see the dawn of hope. You are me. To be exact, I am the person in my heart. In the future, you will continue to accompany me, through wind and rain, across the river. In the future, when I am most sad and helpless, what I want to rely on most is you, and you will always be

What I want to rely on most is your composition of 600 words

"Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar?" When I just entered the school, the first thing I saw were strange and friendly faces. Soon, we changed from strangers to friends. We study together, live together, care for each other. We are all the same. We are all working hard for our dreams. When encountering difficulties, friends warmly lend a helping hand; When I was ill, a caring word from my friend warmed my heart. At the same time, my friends enjoy the help from the school, so what I want to rely on most is you, my new school.

In short, in the new school, I felt unprecedented happiness, joy and touch. The attention of the government, the attention of the school, the help of the teachers, the care of the students... all made me deeply fall in love with my new school - Jiexiu No. 7 Middle School. I will work hard, I will struggle, and I will persevere in pursuing my dreams and thanking them.

There was a gust of wind blowing, and the leaves fell noisily. Golden leaves spread all over the campus, they rely on the ground; Blue sky, groups of geese across the sky, they rely on the blue sky; However, I most want to rely on you - my Jiexiu No. 7 Middle School.

What I want to rely on most is your composition of 600 words

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, it has been more than a month since I came to the new school. From a strange moment ago to a familiar one now. Gradually, I just want to rely on you.

Walking in the campus, a cool autumn wind blew down the withered and yellow leaves on the branches. The fallen leaves trampling on the soles of our feet make bursts of sound from time to time, as if they are welcoming us, the "green leaves" who have just entered the new school. Although the autumn wind dyed the green leaves on the branches with golden pigments, we "green leaves" are always full of hope and dreams. Looking around, the two opposite teaching buildings stand firmly on their backbones, carrying many teachers and students' dreams.

New School, New Life

Bathed in the continuous autumn rain, I came to this new school - No. 7 Middle School to realize my dream of the last year of junior high school.

"Getting up soon..." With the wake up bell ringing, our daily life will begin. The sounds of getting up, washing face, brushing teeth and so on in the dormitory weave the most beautiful symphony in the morning. I am like a chicken just hatched from the eggshell. I am very strange to this new school. However, it is not so strange here. It is also full of warm atmosphere, just like my warm home. The care of teachers and the care of classmates, although we just met for the first time. But still give me too much temperature. A feeling of moving happiness came into being. The school provides us with a good living environment, so that I can study better. Even if there is a trace of reluctance in my heart, it can not stop my yearning for a new life, new learning, and love for a new school. What I want to rely on most now is you, my new school.

New school, new learning

"... Lou Artemisia is full of short reed buds, which is just when the puffer fish wants to go up." Listen, the sun has just stretched out, and the sound of reading has been heard in the campus.

I quickly adapted to the new teacher's teaching method. I began to study hard for my dream. More than a month has passed, and the monthly exam is coming. I sat in the exam room full of confidence and waved my pen to outline my learning achievements for more than a month. "I must do well in the exam!" I swore secretly in my heart. The exam was over, and the bright red fork on the roll came into my eyes. Miss Chen patted me on the shoulder and said, "Not this time. You have always been great in my heart. You need to work harder! You know what?" Suddenly, big tears moistened my eyes. Think about the good learning environment provided by the government and schools, which has lightened our original heavy burden. The expectations of my teachers and the trust of my parents have made me more sad and sad. Miss Chen patiently comforted me and encouraged me to move forward. Although we only had one month to get along with each other, they did not look down upon us as a group of rural children. On the contrary, the teacher gave me great help and support. I will repay them and my new school with the best results. So what I want to rely on most is you, my new school, where I will strive for my goals and dreams.

What I want to rely on most is your composition of 600 words

"When the wind blows and the flowers are settled, time steps on the light footsteps, rolling up the beauty of the past and growing leisurely. In the last chapter of the night, the sweet fragrance disappears." Guo Jingming's careful meditation that night has become the way that my father and I look up at the stars tonight, looking at the distant road together

"Daughter, you know, when I was old, I had nothing but you. You are the pillar of my life. Look at the future, will you still like this and hurt me?" Yes! The fine water flows and the wind blows. How many beautiful years and young people have come out. When I was in my 60s, I suddenly remembered. I know the voice in Dad's heart, the cry of preparing for the rain. Yes, I am the one you want to rely on most.

Young and beautiful, you can count the days. When I was 18 years old, you had almost entered the gate of 50. But still I want to rely on you most. The youth of 18 years old conceals a caprice, and you, with rare white hair, end this war that should have. Imagine the war caused by willfulness. The moment when the glass cup is broken, maybe it is the end of the moment, your vacant eyes let out the voice of heartbreak. Still say, you are tired. You bend over and pick up the broken glass. You accidentally cut your hand. Blood flows out. But how can you feel that blood flows into my heart, drop by drop, and the second hand moves. I sit unprepared and open my mouth slightly to show surprise. Mom still used the familiar method to help with the bandage. The white cloth covered not only the blood, but also the young and beautiful willfulness. You know, at that time, I still want to rely on you most

Counting the days of fatigue in the year of 60 years old, when I was 28 years old and mature, you have entered the door of 60 years old. But you still want to rely on me most. You spent half of your life getting tired of the 60 year old. Maybe at that time, I walked into the palace of marriage, put on white gauze, and dragged it on the ground, with a sense of elegance and beauty. Listen to the bell, your tears can't help falling. The emotional you infected all the relatives present. Gradually, you shed tears, which is a blessing and a reluctance. On the red carpet, you held my hand tightly and walked silently. You could not hide your crying. I can feel my palms sweating. I held the flowers and walked towards him step by step. Your tear fell on the back of my hand that I held tightly with him. When we swore, your reassuring smile was my greatest dependence. But in the later days, you may be really old and tired. At that time, what you most want to rely on is me... The fine water flows, the wind blows, how many beautiful years, how many young and beautiful.

What I want to rely on most is your composition of 600 words

Whether in life or in study, we will have people we want to rely on. The poverty of thought needs watering, the paleness of soul needs enriching

The fragrance of maternal love. It is as plain as a pot of tea. The fragrance of the product overflows all over the place, making people have endless aftertaste. It's as common as a song, but it sounds like falling rocks.

Standing at the crossroads of youth, looking back at the footprints of growth, every step I take in the process of growth is accompanied by you - Mom!

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Whenever I hear this song, I can't help thinking of you - my number. You have given me so much love that I can't say enough.

I remember that I ate my stomach badly and had diarrhea several times the other day because of my gluttony. You saw me go to the bathroom several times, and then asked me anxiously: "Nell, what's wrong with you?" I said: "My stomach hurts." You were busy asking: "Does it hurt badly?" I said: "It hurts a little." You said: "I will buy you medicine, and you will rest at home." You hurried out of the house to buy medicine. After a while, you will take the medicine home and take it for me. After that, it will be much better.

In the dead of night, my stomach hurt again. When you heard my cry, you immediately got up, poured some hot water, heated the towel and gave me hot compress. After several times of hot compress, I fell asleep unconsciously. But you waited for me to go to bed after I fell asleep. Get up in the middle of the night and go to the toilet. You also get up and accompany me

In the morning, when I wake up from sleep. But I saw your eyes were full of blood, and my illness was much better. At this time, my eyes are also wet, so this is the great maternal love! Meng Jiao, the poet, said it well: Who can say that the heart of every inch of grass will be rewarded by the Three Chunhui.

The flower repays the nature that fosters it with its full fragrance, while I repay your nurturing kindness with my progress in learning!

My life. Because of you, so colorful! Because of you, so beautiful! Because of you, so happy! Everything is because of you, my good mother! I love you forever