Origami composition 600 (9 anthologies)
Wind and water rise
2023-12-05 08:44:13
fourth grade

Origami composition 600 (1)

I have a dream, that is, to be a captain, standing on a tall ship, commanding the ship to ride the wind and waves on the sea. How majestic!

It is precisely with such an ideal that I have a special liking for all kinds of ships since I was young, and I especially like things related to ships when I see them. Once, my father asked me, "Why do you like boats so much?" I said happily to my father, "Because I want to be a captain when I grow up

After listening to my father's words, I couldn't wait to run to my room and take out several pieces of colored cardboard. My father picked up a piece of cardboard and folded it into a beautiful boat. I haven't looked at it clearly yet? "Dad, can you slow down?" I said to Dad anxiously.

My father took another piece of cardboard, and I quickly took another one. This time, my father slowed down, folded a step, waited for me once, and explained to me from time to time that I needed a rectangular piece of paper. First, fold it in half, then fold it in half, then fold the paper on both sides in half, then fold the paper off the top, separate it from the middle, then fold it diagonally, and then pull it again, A beautiful boat appeared from my father's hands again. When I looked at my boat, it was crooked and twisted. It was not beautiful at all. What was the matter? My method is the same as my father's! My father took my boat and looked at it again and again, telling me: "When folding paper, you must press the fold line straight and flat, or it will not look good." I suddenly realized that I decided to fold it again.

This time, I followed the way my father said, and it was much better than the last time, but I was still unwilling. I must do it better than my father, and I tried to do it again. After it was done, I drew a villain on it, and it looked more beautiful. My father always praised me for my good folding and my creativity. I was very happy.

I took the folded boat and came to the river with my father. I carefully put the boat into the river. The boat sailed along the direction of the current, and also took my dream to the distance. I seemed to see that I had stood on the ship, sailing on the sea

Origami composition 600 (2)

I went to the Chinese class. In the class, the teacher asked us to make origami. Anyone who would make some paper folding would not be able to do so.

Students all announced what they would fold, some said they would fold planes, some said they would fold paper boats... At this time, Xiaohan said he would fold bows. So the teacher asked him to teach us how to fold bows.

To fold a bow knot, first prepare a square piece of paper, then fold it in half into a rectangle, then fold it in half, open it, and press the paper into a square. Fold the two sides of the square inward, and then fold the other side. After folding, open it. A square print appears on the paper, and then fold inward to let the small square come out and press again. Take a pair of scissors to cut the trace.

I also fold planes and boats.

I will discount three kinds of planes altogether. Today, I will teach you the simplest folding method. First, prepare a piece of square paper and fold the diagonal of the square paper into a triangle. Fold the triangle down, and then fold both sides to the middle. At this time, there is a small triangle below. Fold the triangle up to fix the two sides. There is a line on the small triangle. Fold the two sides to the line, and then fold the two sides to the back. Once opened, it is finished.

The boat was folded with a rectangular piece of paper. First fold the rectangle in half, and then fold the two sides into a triangle. The two empty rectangles below, first fold the two sides of a rectangle in, and then fold the back like that, and then fold the two folded rectangles up to the other side to form a triangle. There is an opening under the triangle, and stretch the opening out. There is a line in the middle of the triangle, When the triangle is stretched, it is stretched in the direction of the line to form a square. Fold up the front and back of the square to form a triangle, then open the mouth below the triangle to form a square, and finally pull open the two sides of the square to form a small boat.

Students, what will you discount? Please tell me how you fold it!

Origami composition 600 (3)

In one corner of my house, there is a box with my paper folding articles, including elephants, pterosaurs, mantis, and tyrannosaurs... These are my masterpieces, but who knows how hard I have worked behind this to get these animals, these friends who spend time with me.

I remember when I just started folding paper, just because I was very curious about some of the other children's paper toys, I asked for one. I found that they were beautifully folded, and I wanted to know how to do it. My mother saw that I was so interested in origami, so she bought an origami book to show me, and also took several pieces of paper for me to fold. When I saw it, I couldn't help being happy. Without saying a word, I picked up a piece of paper and turned over the origami book. I also bent on folding. Before long, several lifelike animals were finished in my hands. When I saw so many lifelike animals finished in my hands, I got up again and continued to fold with ecstasy.

After more than a month, I have almost learned all the animals in the book skillfully, but I am not satisfied with this, and I went online to find some animal folding methods. At this time, I thought I knew all the origami by heart, but a fire dragon's folding method baffled me, so I couldn't help but want to give up. But I thought: it's not far away to fold this fire dragon, so it's really wrong to give up here. It's better to fold the fire dragon. Finally, after several attempts, I broke out this fire dragon. I couldn't put down my love for this fire dragon, and it was only then that I realized that I was far from truly folding everything. But I don't care about it anymore, and I keep on folding paper.

Although my time for origami is getting less and less, and my paper folding products need to be cleaned up every once in a while, I also understand that there is no best, only better, as long as you concentrate, you can get things done!

Origami composition 600 (4)

Whenever I see the handmade small flower umbrella, smiling at me, I will remember the scene of the handmade origami umbrella. Because that little umbrella let me learn to persist and understand the truth that "persistence will win".

I like origami very much. I always make strange things. Well, yesterday, I began to fold paper again. Guess what I did this time? If you don't know, let me tell you! In fact, what I folded was a small umbrella.

That day, I accidentally found a book about origami in the bookcase. I looked through it curiously and was immediately attracted by the colorful patterns. I think, if only I could make such a beautiful little umbrella!

So, I did what I said. I prepared cardboard, small scissors, white glue, and small wooden sticks. Then I started to do it. According to the production method in the book, first, fold the corners diagonally three times, unfold them, fold them inward along the diagonal line, erect one side, stretch it from the middle, press it down, fold it from the middle line on both sides, unfold it, and go in along the crease, The same is true for the other three sides, alas! This baffled me. "Alas, it seems that this time we should fail again". I sighed. But I am not discouraged and determined to remake this paper flower.

In the following time, I also successfully completed the upper body of the umbrella. The next step is to do the lower body. I wrapped the cardboard on the stick and stuck it on. As a result, the paper jam was on the top and at the bottom, "Alas! It seems that this little umbrella cannot be made successfully". Just as I was about to give up, I remembered a sentence: "Be persistent and never give up halfway". It filled me with confidence, so I started making it again. After a while, I finally made an extremely beautiful little umbrella. I looked at the little umbrella and cheered, "Yeah, I succeeded"! My mother looked at my work and praised, "This umbrella is really beautiful.". My heart is sweet.

In the process of origami, I learned to persist. It told me: "We should persevere in doing things, and not give up halfway".

Origami composition 600 (5)

On Saturday, when the sun was shining in the sky, the flowers smiled at me, "Well, today's homework is done, I should finish the practical homework assigned by the teacher - origami." I said to myself.

"By the way, I am the best at origami when I was young, but I don't know if I can do it now."

I picked up a piece of paper and began to fold a frog. But at the end, I couldn't help admiring myself: I lost the frog's head and couldn't turn it over! I had to pick up the Book of Origami I used when I was a child again, and began to read it. I followed the steps step by step. Although I was clumsy, the steps were good. After 30 minutes, I folded a frog. I was full of interest, and compared with the textbook, I folded out the white rabbit, pink paper crane

Looking at the vivid animals, my brain is wide open. Why not make a good idea and design a beautiful work!

I found a paper box, tore off the white cardboard, and painted blue sky and white clouds on it, and painted grass and pond on the narrow side. Then cut a few lotus leaves with green card paper, and paste them into the pond with glue. Some three-dimensional grass is also pasted on the grass!

I also made a big tree in the corner of the box with brown card paper. There is a hole in the tree stem, which is the home of rabbits. There are several small rabbits leisurely eating grass on the lawn, and there are several small frogs on the lotus leaf in the pond.

Stand up the cardboard, poke holes in the top, put white rope on it, tie a knot with half of the string outside the box, and put a thousand paper cranes on the end inside the box. In this way, a three-dimensional "animal world" will become.

There are many pink paper cranes flying in the sky. By the pond on the ground, little rabbits are playing hide and seek on the lawn. The frog in the pond is singing and playing a chorus. My mother poked her head out of the hole and shouted, "Eat, children!" What a harmonious and warm animal world! I'm dumbfounded

My practical work won the teacher's praise, and was uploaded in the class group, attracting praise!

I like origami, and I enjoy it more! My class's weekly weekend practice homework is the students' favorite!

Origami Composition 600 (6)

This is a fresh lily with green branches and pink petals slightly curved at the end. The yellow thin stamens tremble slightly with the breath of the viewer. The flower looks like a shy little girl. Ha ha, this lily, praised by my classmates, is exactly what I, a little origami expert, folded by hand.

Speaking of origami, I have loved it since childhood. When I was four or five years old, I used to fold things with waste paper from my home. When I go to my father's shop, I often discount the waste bills in the shop. But at that time, I folded them randomly, and they were all unknown things. Until one time, an aunt saw me folding paper and told me to fold frogs. She taught me that the folded frog could jump when pressed lightly with her finger, which was very interesting. From then on, I fell in love with origami even more. In primary school, I learned more skills in origami with manual lessons. Sometimes I go to Baidu to search, follow the method on Baidu step by step, and learn many new patterns, butterflies, baskets, birds, pigs, horses

I really like origami, so many interesting things happen. I remember that in the process of origami, I folded a basket. I want to stick the basket and the handle together, so I go to get the solid glue. Unexpectedly, it's too sticky. It sticks the index finger and thumb together. I was worried and thought: It's over. If it can't be separated, how can I eat? I called my mother in a hurry, and her mother jokingly said, "Your hands can't be separated." As a result, my mother said that I was worried, and rubbed hard, and the two fingers separated. Ha ha, a false alarm!

Looking back on my origami history, from a novice who knows nothing about origami to a little expert now, interest played a great role in it. It seems that interest is the most important teacher. This is absolutely true!

Origami Composition 600 (7)

Today I will teach you how to make such a special small paper boat. The first material to be prepared is a square paper. Almost all other folding boats are made from square paper, and our small folding boat is no exception. It is made from square paper. Fold the two corners on the diagonal of the paper in half to get a triangle structure. Then, after opening the folded triangle structure, we will get a diagonal crease, which is just the first crease. The two corners on the other diagonal line are folded in the same way, and then opened after the folding is completed, so that the two intersecting diagonal lines are folded. Then the four corners of the paper are folded to the midpoint, and then pressed flat after folding, so that a square structure is obtained. Such a square structure is also a common structure in origami production, especially in some simple manual origami operations. In order to make some basic creases, you always need to complete this step before you can carry out the following folding. When the paper is unfolded, we get the crease diagram as shown in the figure. Since the four corners were folded towards the middle point in the previous step, we will get four new creases in this step, which form a small square structure inside the paper. Then the four corners of the paper at this time are unfolded one step forward to get four new creases for folding, thus obtaining the origami structure. Then fold the new edge formed by folding the upward quadrilateral crease inward. This folding is similar to the continuous folding in many origami making operations. Then, if we rotate the origami model at this time, we can get an M-shaped origami style from the side.

There are still some to teach next time!

Origami Composition 600 (8)

Before primary school, I didn't save money, nor did I know how to save money to buy more expensive things. Until I met Qi Xiaomeng when I was in the first grade. At first, I didn't like this "pure African" who likes to rely on homework and looks black at all, but I found that although he has many shortcomings, he also has many advantages. For example, he knows how to save money to buy his favorite books; After he bought Comic Party, he would lend it to us as soon as possible; He is also a computer expert. He will teach me the secrets of computer games... Under his influence, I also saved money with him to buy my favorite comic books.

I met Yang Jiangze in the fourth grade. He also often borrows comic books to me, many of which are "Origami Warrior G" and "Origami Warrior" containing origami Aoyi. Therefore, I became addicted to origami and became a veritable fan of origami - folding after class, folding after class, folding at once without saying anything when free!

Later, Wu Shengtao and Xu Xulong first discovered what I folded in class. They promised me not to give these "works" to the teacher, but I had to fold things for them. Unfortunately, one time when I was in Chinese class, I was found by the Chinese teacher because I invested too much in origami. In the angry and surprised eyes of the Chinese teacher, my work was sent to the art teacher and became a special exhibit in the office. Unexpectedly, these works of mine were greatly appreciated by the art teacher. As a result, my popularity has been improved in the class! My parents and friends are impressed with me! I became the best candidate to join the small production interest group. ha-ha! If my origami technology is higher, it will be the second "Zhou Xianzong"!

This is my transformation experience from "comic artist" to "origami god of war".

Origami Composition 600 (9)

Students all announced what they would fold, some said they would fold planes, some said they would fold paper boats... At this time, Xiaohan said he would fold bows. So the teacher asked him to teach us how to fold bows.

To fold a bow knot, first prepare a square piece of paper, then fold it in half into a rectangle, then fold it in half, open it, and press the paper into a square. Fold the two sides of the square inward, and then fold the other side. After folding, open it. A square print appears on the paper, and then fold inward to let the small square come out and press again. Take a pair of scissors to cut the trace.

I also fold planes and boats.

I will discount three kinds of planes altogether. Today, I will teach you the simplest folding method. First, prepare a piece of square paper and fold the diagonal of the square paper into a triangle. Fold the triangle down, and then fold both sides to the middle. At this time, there is a small triangle below. Fold the triangle up to fix the two sides. There is a line on the small triangle. Fold the two sides to the line, and then fold the two sides to the back. Once opened, it is finished.

The boat was folded with a rectangular piece of paper. First fold the rectangle in half, and then fold the two sides into a triangle. The two empty rectangles below, first fold the two sides of a rectangle in, and then fold the back like that, and then fold the two folded rectangles up to the other side to form a triangle. There is an opening under the triangle, and stretch the opening out. There is a line in the middle of the triangle, When the triangle is stretched, it is stretched in the direction of the line to form a square. Fold up the front and back of the square to form a triangle, then open the mouth below the triangle to form a square, and finally pull open the two sides of the square to form a small boat.

Students, what will you discount? Please tell me how you fold it!