Write 10 sentences of common sayings and proverbs
Light Ink Green Shirt
2023-02-02 10:33:42
English Proverbs

1. The dew is shining, and the next day will be sunny.

2. Time flies like an arrow.

3. If you are unceasing, you will be disturbed.

4. Death is easy to forget, but aging is hard to feel.

5. Open your mouth when food comes, and stretch out your clothes.

6. Dig others' walls and fill their own gaps.

7. The farther you leave your hometown, the more you miss your hometown.

8. Fish will die immediately if they are greedy for bait.

9. Rice water is mostly syrup, and wheat water is mostly arsenic.

10. Fish live by water, and seedlings grow by fat. Oil foot light is on, fat foot seedling is strong.