The beginning of model composition (collection of 5 articles)
I have looked back
2024-01-06 06:13:44

Beginning of Model Composition (1)

I've got rhinitis. I was always afraid of going to the doctor. When I thought of the long sharp needle, I felt goose bumps all over! Fortunately, my mother said that she would take me to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy a book after seeing the doctor, which was a blessing in disguise. "Anyway, I can hold it all at once!" I comforted myself while taking a deep breath.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor waved his pen and said, "Go for a skin test!" I entered the injection room wilting like eggplant. "Children, pull up the sleeves, and ten skin tests are needed!" Looking at the serious face of the doctor wearing glasses, he turned to the nurse's desk to see, God! Ten syringes were placed neatly in the sterilized plate. I was sure that the doctor was not joking with me. I could not help but turn pale, and my feet became soft. A cold "tingling" ran up to my head. My feet seemed to stick to the ground, and I would never walk near the nurse again

Just getting tangled, a little boy came in. He suddenly saw the long row of syringes on the table. His little face was very nervous. He drew back his body, pulled my coat corner, and asked timidly: "Brother, does the injection hurt?" The mother behind the boy was trying to wink at me, and I understood, I forced out a smile (portrayed my extremely unnatural appearance vividly), touched the little guy's head and said, "It won't hurt very much!" Looking at his wrinkled nose, I gently touched his forehead and said, "You see, my brother doesn't cry, you should be brave when you inject, little man!" "Well, my brother is brave!" Listening to the crisp childlike voice, My face turned red for a moment.

After a while, the nurse asked me to go over for a skin test, but I couldn't help shivering, pretending to be calm and moving as slowly as possible, then the nurse wiped my arm with iodine, my heart kept twitching, and my tears were eager to show the world its crystal clear playful pattern. Trembling, the little boy murmured: "Mom, I'm so afraid, I clenched my teeth, and my clenched fists were full of sweat, but from beginning to end I just grinned at the little boy... At the moment of being an example, I felt my chest was high and straight, my back was even more straight, and I really grew up!

After I finished ten injections with a smile, the little boy clapped his hands and said excitedly to his mother: "Mom, the injection must not hurt, my brother was still smiling at me just now! I also want to be Altman!" I smiled when I watched him take the initiative to pull up the sleeve to let the doctor do a skin test!

Beginning of Model Composition (2)

Everyone will have their own role models, such as doctors who heal the wounded, writers at all times and in all over the world, and even unknown sanitation workers. They can all be our role models, but my role model is my father.

My father has a pair of intense eyes, a stern and kind face and a capable hair, which makes people feel that he is a serious person when they see him.

I remember once, when the alarm clock rang at seven o'clock, I opened my hazy eyes in my sleep. As soon as I walked down the stairs, I saw a person sitting in front of the computer "da", "da" and "da" typing. Who? So early? I usually get up early on weekends, but why does anyone get up earlier than me today? Take a closer look, ah! It was my father. At half past seven, he had already begun to work busily. He was particularly serious in front of the screen. I couldn't bear to break the quiet atmosphere, so I quietly approached him and wondered what he was writing. Go over and look: "The first draft of the meeting", a few big red characters come into sight. I was very strange. I muttered to myself, "What meeting is this? So important?" Maybe my voice was heard by my father. He said, "This is the draft of our group meeting. I will finish it soon."

Time passed by minute by second. After finishing my homework, I stretched my back and walked to see if my father had finished his manuscript. Unexpectedly, three hours later, my father's script has not been finished. My father stretched his waist and rubbed his eyes sometimes. He looked very tired. I poured a glass of water for him. After taking the water, Dad took a big drink, and then he began to immerse himself in typing again. Dad wrote and revised, and then wrote again and again. This way, he would write all day. Until the evening, he stretched out, took a long breath, and suddenly lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

One day later, my father said happily to me that the meeting was very smooth and received affirmation and praise from many people.

Not only that, Dad takes everything very seriously, no matter whether it is important or not, even some small things, he will do them seriously and never deal with them carelessly. For example, on one occasion, my father helped me write an English self introduction to the early morning; Once he sorted out the meeting notes for two or three hours

If I were the one who did these things, they might not be as good as I wanted them to be. I usually deal with unimportant things carelessly, and seldom take them so seriously.

My father's various examples, his excellent quality of doing everything carefully, are inspiring me to become a better person.

This is my role model - my father.

Beginning of Model Composition (3)

"If you use copper as a mirror, you can correct your clothes. If you use people as a mirror, you can see your gains and losses."

What is an example? An example is a ship. Let's raise the sails of hope and lead us to the other shore of victory; An example is a lamp, which guides our way forward and illuminates the road of life.

When she was born, her parents were both over 40 years old. They regarded her as a treasure and loved her very much. But something unexpected happened. When she was three years old, her mother was paralyzed in bed.

Just learned to walk, she learned to help her mother carry things, water and medicine. Later, my mother became more and more serious, and she also suffered from diabetes, cataract, and completely lost her ability to take care of herself. In order to support the family, my father had to go out to work. She and my mother were the only ones at home. Occasionally, some relatives came to take care of them. She became her mother's hands and feet.

When she was five years old, she began to wash clothes and learn to cook. She was not as tall as the stove. A small stool was placed under her feet so that the spatula could reach the pot. After school, at six o'clock every morning, she has already got up to cook porridge, help her mother wash her face, comb her hair, and help her mother go to the toilet. After settling down her mother, she trotted all the way to school. Until high school, she would run home at noon every day to feed her mother hot food, and then run to school.

Suffering and misfortune taught her to choose to be strong, and she has spent more than ten years in this way. Her father can no longer go out to work because of overwork and old age and illness, so he has to do odd jobs nearby. In order to let her father have a rest at night, she takes care of her mother and does other housework.

With a meager income, she still needs to take medicine to see a doctor. Her family is in a dilemma. She is sensible and lives a simple, sunny and happy life.

The hardship of life has worn away the vulnerability and tempered the strength. She hopes to change the family predicament and her future through reading. She is more hardworking than other students, diligent and thoughtful, and has excellent grades. She is generous and capable, proactive and helpful.

At the beginning of the year, his mother, who had been paralyzed for 14 years, died. Soon, my father found out that he had advanced lung cancer. The busy senior high school student also took time to take care of her father. A few months later, her father also left her. She said that she had to live well to be worthy of her parents and people who cared about her.

For more than ten years, she has bravely shouldered the burden of life with her tender shoulders. Her optimism and strength, filial piety and thrift have deeply touched everyone. She said, "Love is happiness, dreams are hope." In, she was elected as the national "Virtue Youth" and the national "Most Beautiful Middle School Student Model". She is my role model - Tan Li.

The example is a kind of upward force, which brings us endless vigor and vitality, is the belief of victory, is an endless source of strength, and the power of courage is infinite! Example inspires me to grow!

Beginning of Model Composition (4)

In the sports meeting, she was brave and brave. In life, she was full of love. In learning, she was among the best. She was my example - Wang Luying.

Wang Luying is the deputy monitor of our class. She wore a pair of glasses, and there were bangs on her forehead. When she shook her head, the bangs would gently stroke in the breeze, which was very beautiful.

Two weeks ago, our teacher told us a good news: "The sports meeting is going to be held." We also need to choose athletes. Our deputy monitor Wang Luying took the initiative to undertake the task of running. Since then, she has appeared on the back playground every afternoon. That day, I was cleaning up. I looked out of the window. She was practicing running in the back playground and looked at her watch. "Ah! It's almost six o'clock now, why doesn't she go home?" I couldn't help shouting. I thought: "Usually, I'm almost finished eating at this time. Now, she hasn't even eaten, but she still insists on running around the playground. Alas, I'm lucky to have such a monitor."

Soon, the sports meeting began. "Take your places!" As soon as the gunshot sounded, she immediately ran. She was like a Mercedes Benz train, running fast on the playground. At this time, I thought of the little sweat she had paid to achieve good results on the playground that day, and her perseverance was also deeply rooted in my heart. After a while, she came to me with a certificate of merit. Teacher Wang said to her, "You ran well, keep going!" "I know, I will work hard." She answered. There was no proud look on his face. The sweat on her head let me see the results of her hard work.

This is my example - Wang Luying, whose spirit of perseverance and never giving up deeply infected me. I believe that I will stand on the same starting line with her one day!

Beginning of Model Composition (5)

My example can be regarded as a master of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She has developed morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically in an all-round way, and is the teacher's number helper. Here, I will give several examples to show why I praise her like this.

Example 1: Helping others

One day, the teacher asked me to go with her to find the team counselor for work. On our way back, suddenly, the class bell rang. A junior brother heard the class bell and ran quickly to the classroom. Maybe it was because he ran too fast, didn't pay attention to the steps at his feet, just listened to the "plop", and the little brother fell to the ground and saw the situation, She ran quickly to help the little brother up, and I said loudly to her: "Go quickly, class is about to begin, and I can't care so much." She did not listen, wiped the tears on the little brother's face with her handkerchief, and asked: "Little brother, is it still painful now?" The little brother looked at her and said: "No pain, thank you, sister!" Then she ran back to the classroom. Looking at all this, my face feels as red as the sun——

Case 2: Health experts

Every time the school is cleaned, I can see her busy figure. In addition, every time she selects the dirtiest and most tiring work, after the students leave, she will check the classroom, close the doors and windows, and finally go home with confidence.

Case 3: Protect the environment

She never litters. If she has garbage, she will throw it into the trash can as soon as possible. She usually prepares a small convenience bag to hold small pieces of paper for recycling.

This is my example, a child with good moral character. By the way, I forgot to tell you who she is and who she is? She is our monitor - Li Ziji!