Qingming Festival Script
No object saves traffic
2023-02-17 21:39:48
Complete sentences

1. Tomb Sweeping Day is near, I wish you all the best!

2. The dead flower sacrifice, beautiful you, me and him.

3. The rain drizzles and the green hills are filled with longing.

4. Advocate civilized sacrifice and spread new funeral customs.

5. Get rid of the bad habit of burning paper and build a beautiful home together.

6. Fireworks pollute the environment, and flowers are environmentally friendly and fragrant.

7. Father left us forever!

8. Do not burn paper when you go to the grave on the Tomb Sweeping Day. Plant flowers and trees to sacrifice your ancestors.

9. In the Tomb Sweeping Festival, I send my sorrows and tell the sky with one flower.

10. Your relatives will always be with you. But you can't see him.

11. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. May the living cherish happiness and the dead rest in peace forever.

12. Children are birds, parents are birds' nests. When the nest is broken, the bird returns late.

13. The sound of cuckoo is bleak and the sound of frog is bleak. During the Qingming Festival, the rain is crying.

14. "Death" is his own, and "after death" always belongs to the living.

15. The mother of relatives, friends and confidants is also my mother, and their grief is equal to my grief!

16. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish you a happy and healthy year while you are thinking about your ancestors.

17. Do you still remember those who used to like, those fragments of memory, laughing and sad.

18. Now, everything is getting better and better, but without you, if you are still here, how wonderful!

19. On the third Tomb Sweeping Day after his father left, he lost sleep all night before going to the grave, and his heart ached all day after going to the grave.

20. Pear flowers with rain have not dried their tears, cuckoos cry blood and apricot flowers are cold. Qingming Festival is a time of mourning, but the willows are green and the peaches are red and the birds are not happy.

21. Life, old age, illness and death are natural laws, but the sudden death of my father leaves endless grief for my relatives.

22. Mom, Mom, I miss you. My son has grown up, and his wings are already strong. He is not afraid of wind, frost, snow and rain.

23. The Tomb Sweeping Day is a time for offering sacrifices to our ancestors. We should not be extravagant and superstitious. We should inherit our wills to future generations, and our ancestors should be happy.

24. Today, please allow mountains and rivers to lose their luster, and today, please allow plants to lose their beauty. Today, three minutes of silence, a total of condolences!

25. I am afraid that I will never see you in this life, nor can I repay and serve you, but only in the next life. Father, may you rest in heaven!

26. There is no sickness or evil people in Grandma and Grandpa's Paradise. I wish you all the best there. Mao misses you very much!

27. One moon, one you, two shadows. You and I have known each other for four months. I miss you all over the world. You are so obsessed with the seven star companion moon!

28. I miss my family every holiday and think of my father's tears. My father has been away for half a year. My heart is full of sadness. I can't get out of grief. My heart is always full of pain!

29. It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. I hope everyone can find the direction of life. I hope everyone can live happily. I hope everything will pass and all good luck will come.

30. It is the Tomb Sweeping Day of another year, and you can enjoy the beautiful spring scenery. You can relax and feel refreshed, leave your worries behind, and surround yourself with happiness and happiness. You can greet the Tomb Sweeping Day with care, and travel safely during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday.

31. Every year, this day carries a lot of thoughts. Maybe the attachment that used to be has changed now. Let's mourn with the deepest words and sincere actions.

32. I came back from the Tomb Sweeping Festival to explore my old friend, but he was long asleep in heaven, missing me for thousands of miles. The people of Si have gone, leaving behind people to cherish their memory. A toast to the moon, a thousand words have already floated into the old man's paradise. Are you all right?

33. Speak up if you have a wish hidden in your heart. Speak up if you have a dream hidden in your heart. They will all come true. As for when, the devil knows. Ha ha, happy Qingming Festival.

34. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I picked up a thick wallet on the road. Daxi, open it and see that it's all paper money! Yang Tiandao: Life is so lucky! So he grabbed his wallet and crashed into the roadside!

35. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, may the breeze blow away your worries, and may the air bring you happiness. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, may you let go of your worries, pain, happiness and happiness. I wish you a happy Tomb Sweeping Day!

36. It's the Tomb Sweeping Day again. Although I can't give you too many gifts and care, my thoughts and blessings are as sincere as this message. I wish you, my friends, and I wish you a happy Tomb Sweeping Day.

37. It's a good outing on Tomb Sweeping Day. May you take the burden of happiness and set out with happiness; Take healthy luggage and move forward on a safe road; Full of hope, embark on a colorful journey.

38. Qingming outing, travel together, warm reminder, the only text message, whether it's cloudy or sunny, rain gear, valuables, take care, safety first, remember, relax, happy!

39. Spring is full of energy to welcome the Tomb Sweeping Day, pay homage to the old people, cherish life and think about the Tomb Sweeping Day, and realize the Tomb Sweeping Day by combining life and death. Qingming Festival: First, we should remember gratitude and remember our old friends; Second, we should protect the new students and cherish each other!

40. The Qingming Festival has a new atmosphere, and you should keep in mind the words of blessing. It is safer to offer sacrifices to ancestors to prevent fire, and civilized sacrifices to sweep away, so as to turn feelings into rain and moisten people's hearts, and give you good wishes for health and happiness over the Qingming Festival!

41. There are many beautiful things during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, so you don't have to get up early to squeeze the bus; Drinking small wine, chatting, playing games and listening to songs; Rowing a boat to admire the flowers, holding hands to stroll the street; Looking at the SMS, I am happy!

42. Come for an outing in the Qingming Festival, enjoy the flowers and enjoy the scenery; Planting trees to provide shade and beautify the environment; Eating eggs in cold days, good prospects for rebirth; Flying kites during the Tomb Sweeping Day can drive away bad luck and bring good luck!

43. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. We will pay tribute to our ancestors and visit their graves; Don't stop on the road of life. Take bold steps forward. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish you happiness and good luck.

44. Tomb sweeping Day, March 3, with apricot blossoms and peach blossoms all over the mountain; Before the grain rain and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, walk around the mountains and plains; Spring wind blows, spring flowers fly, grass grows and warblers fly, making people drunk; Walk, swim, healthy and happy is really beautiful!

45. The sufferings in life are like a relay race. One stick passes another stick and never stops. In the face of these, we must have an optimistic attitude. Let me give you hope and strength. Let's support each other and walk hand in hand!

46. Busy Tuesday, full; The joy of hard work, steadfast; The pursuit of the mentality, true; Ideal call, full; May Tuesday's you be busy and happy, down-to-earth and happy, and make great strides for your dreams!

47. When the Tomb Sweeping Day arrives, kites convey my blessing: fly kites, take away worries and sorrows, and put down sadness and depression; Take back the kite, bring good luck, happiness and sweetness. I wish you every success on Tomb Sweeping Day!

48. The status of Qingming Festival has been promoted, and the vacation time has increased greatly. It can relax without work, sleep without setting an alarm clock, go hiking in leisure time, and be clear again after the festival! Wish you a happy Tomb Sweeping Day in advance!

49. Qingming makes this spring more tender. With a yearning, recall a trace of remembrance, release a mood, send a blessing, pray for a safe life, and wish you happy and happy family members who receive messages are safe.

50. Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. I have a lot of thoughts in my mind, with the nostalgia for my old friends, with the feelings for my friend Myanmar, with a feeling of missing! Release, transmit, wish, pray, wish you happiness!

51. Crawl in front of the grave as if intoxicated, and tears pour down. The feeling of heaven and earth in the heart of yearning for relatives is surging with wind and clouds and falling with rain. Add earth on the grave to mourn, burn incense and kowtow to show filial piety. Every year at this time of the year, sacrifice to the dead, only wish Yin and Yang more auspicious!

52. Cold food, no fire, no cold food, more exercise, good health, good spring scenery in Qingming Festival, good wishes for kite flying, swing full of joy, inserted willow chat for missing, outing is refreshing, eat a piece of youth league luck stick!

53. During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and orioles sing and sing happily; Cherish the memory of the sages, learn to be grateful, and cherish the existing hope; Send a miss far away, and keep it in our friendship heart; Folding willow is looking forward to meeting again. May you have peace and happiness.

54. On Tomb Sweeping Day, we should express our sorrow, gratitude and cherish. Parents, friends, accompany my life all the way forward! Scatter sunshine, drop rain and dew, always be happy, rain or shine! I wish you a healthy and beautiful life!

55. Sweep away the crystal tears for you, and let your sadness drift away with the wind; Help you heal your injured heart and let your pain gradually become shallow; Send you a caring blessing to make your happiness more obvious. May you have no worries on Tomb Sweeping Day!

56. Qingming busy, SMS busy, greeting busy, blessing busy. Busy footstep, busy tomb sweeping, busy flower offering. Cemetery busy, explanation busy, children busy, notes busy. Goodbye busy, go home busy, Qingming Festival really busy. Wish your family a happy holiday!

57. After the severe winter, the spring breeze is green in the south of the Yangtze River. During the Qingming Festival, willows and willows sprout, peach blossoms bloom, grass is green, and the atmosphere is clean. Jieqi's image of pure and bright reflects the world from winter to spring. I wish my friends a clean and healthy life.

58. White clouds are floating in the sky. I pray to the sky. Do you know my relatives who are far away in heaven? I miss your arms all the time. I hope you will not worry, happy life, happy laughter, and bless the health of the living to old age!

59. Qingming falls into darkness. In the dream at this time of year, it is scattered into broken glass bottles on the distant square. In the terror of nowhere to stay, waiting for the next Tomb Sweeping Day, waiting for the devout grief and melancholy of kneeling down.

60. On Tomb Sweeping Day and the Spring Festival, I hope you can carry a safe bag and follow the happy navigation; Take healthy clothes and move towards happiness; The heart is full of joy, and the hands hold hope; Embark on a colorful journey.

61. At Qingming Festival, I began to focus on this festival related to life: Qingming Festival is not only a beautiful ceremony in spring, but also a season inspired by life, because it is full of sacrifice and gratitude for life!

62. The willows are green, the breeze is warm, but the drizzle is blurred. Maybe it's because of this festival. Let's go back to the past. Let's think a lot again. I hope we can get better soon. Don't do this again.

63. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the blue smoke curls and the spring rain drizzles; Yang Liu shakes and drags, the spring breeze blows gently, and my heart misses; A glass of sake, a touch of sadness, reminiscing about the past; A message, send me care, wish you happiness and health!

64. The sky is clear, the earth is clear, and the heaven and earth are clear; The mountain is clear, the water is clear, and the landscape is clear; The heart is clear, the eyes are clear, and the heart is clear. In the Tomb Sweeping Festival, I would like to give you my best regards. May you have a clear mind, a clear peace and a clear prospect.

65. Qingming Festival is coming. Drizzle is smiling at you under the banner of blessing. Grass is greeting you with satisfaction. Let go of the sadness and confusion of the past, and look forward to optimism. May you have peace all the year round, everything go smoothly, and Qingming Festival be happy.

66. Clear and bright wish you: clear ears, clear mountains, clear spirit, clear eyes, clear sounds, clear aspirations, clear wind, clear jade, clear spring, clear water, clear mind, clear stone, clear pool, clear mirrors, bright pearls, clear attitude, clear clouds, clear charm, bright future!

67. Cook wine during the Tomb Sweeping Festival and raise a glass to your friends: a toast to family harmony, good luck and wealth; Second, respect the business and make a lot of money; Sanjing has a good life and no worries every day. It's Tomb Sweeping Festival again. I wish you a wonderful holiday and a relaxed life!

68. Worries are limited, happiness is infinite; The harvest is limited, and the pursuit is infinite; Achievements are limited, ideals are infinite; Time is limited, blessing is infinite; I hope you can grasp the limited life and gain infinite happiness!

69. Throw away troubles and make happiness jump; Forget your worries and make fun; Hide the sadness and let the joy move; Throw away sadness and let happiness dazzle. May you forget your sadness and embrace a wonderful future on Tomb Sweeping Day!

70. The sky should recite the Flying Mantra, the Water Avoidance Mantra, the Tight Hoop Mantra, and the Qingming Festival will send you the Happy Mantra: troubles will disappear as soon as you hear them, sadness will scare away as soon as you hear them, depression can only hide and go, and finally only happy every day!

71. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. We say that we miss our loved ones and shed all our tears. Memory is no longer the burden of life. We experience the love and warmth in the world, put together broken hearts, and lift the sails of life with a smile!

72. The dusty past becomes clear on this day, and the tide of memory slowly surges in. The feeling of missing is hard to express. Remember everything that has passed away, and cherish the beauty that you have. Qingming Festival is coming. I wish you good health, happiness and longevity.

73. When the Qingming Book Company arrived, the kite conveyed my blessing: fly the kite, let it take away the worry and sadness, and fly the sadness and depression; Take back the kite, bring good luck, happiness and sweetness. Ching Ming Festival, I wish you every success in the future!

74. In the Qingming Festival, spring is bright and beautiful. You should remember to remember the fire prevention when you visit the tomb to express your grief; Red flowers and green willows go for an outing. Please prepare your clothes to protect yourself from the cold. May my warm blessing accompany you. I wish you health forever on Tomb Sweeping Day.

75. It rains in Qingming Festival, the most beautiful April day in the world; Spring grass, new green buds, peach blossom, good luck; The true feelings of friends are always there. Everyone loves healthy people; The red sun is happy, so enjoy the sunshine! Happy Tomb Sweeping Day!

76. The small and long holiday of Tomb Sweeping Day should be the highest! Filial piety and respect for teachers are handed down from generation to generation. I recite a song about offering sacrifices to ancestors as if they were there during the Tomb Sweeping Day of mankind. Look at the reputation of filial piety in several dynasties, salute one filial piety and greet the daughter of a great family. You live in the Blissful World with a clear heart and clear eyes!

77. Qingming Festival, the Spring Festival, is the fourth to sixth day of April every year. The spring is beautiful, and the grass and trees are green. In the good season of spring outing, relatives and friends go out for a walk, walk around, and start a new day, a new year!

78. Flowers weep, swallows fly low, and the sound of rain breaks during the Qingming Festival; Wanderers return, smoke heaps, ancestor worship Mo Yan sad; Remembering the past and telling the past, I would like to drink a cup of thin wine; The living drunk, the dead sleep, wish to pay paper ash; Respecting the sages, thinking of sending it from afar, this love looks like it follows.

79. Send you the spring wind and blow away your troubles; Send you spring flowers to decorate your face; Send you the spring rain to moisten your heart; Send you the whole spring, wish you a sunny life, and wish you a happy mood during the Qingming Festival!

80. The bursts of spring wind have greened the willows, and the continuous spring light is shining on the earth, and the drizzle of spring rain is moistening everything. Greetings warm your heart, and the Tomb Sweeping Day is coming again. Infinite care is with you, and I wish you all the best, and I wish you a happy Tomb Sweeping Day!

81. Come for an outing in the Tomb Sweeping Festival, feel happy and laugh, plant trees to shade, beautify the environment, and be united. The joys and sorrows have passed, and happiness and happiness come to accompany you. Fly kites in the Tomb Sweeping Festival, drive away troubles, and bring good luck.

82. Paper money is flying around, and people should kneel down to pay homage to their relatives. It is necessary to respect tradition and be polite in poetry and calligraphy etiquette. The ancestors have gone and gone well, and the descendants of Fuyin are on the right path. The father is strict and the mother is kind to the children and grandchildren, and the rich and noble always live well. I wish you a safe life!

83. Grandma, I miss you so much. Everyone misses you so much. How are you doing over there? Although my grandson is facing some difficulties, you can rest assured that I will cheer on, because I am the grandson you raised yourself. We will always be together.

84. Clear away the troubles in your life and make your mood clear; Clear away your inner annoyance and make your heart like a mirror; Eliminate your laziness in work and make you smart and capable. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. May you know my concern and my blessing!

85. Plant a grain of millet in spring and harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn. Take advantage of the beginning of spring to plant a seed of happiness in your heart. I hope to send happy shoots around you, grow desirable flowers, and bear auspicious fruits. I hope you will be happy at the beginning of spring!

86. For more than three months since my father died, I have been thinking of him all the time. As long as I saw the figure like my father in these days, my heart was very painful. I thought of my father. How I wish there was a soul to close the distance between me and my father!

87. There are deep feelings and rainy days. The sky is overcast with tears, and we mourn and mourn the dead. Thinking deeply and meaning deeply, the kindness of the old people will not be forgotten. Smoke curls up in the mist, and the destination of heaven is free. May friends: wipe away the tears to refresh the spirit, and grief turn into strength.

88. During the Qingming Festival, the rain is blowing and flowers are in the palm of your hand. Sacrifice to ancestors should not be forgotten. Remember the civilization tradition. In front of the grave, I remembered my tears and stained my clothes. When I came back, I was silent and pondered. The kindness of our predecessors is unforgettable, and filial piety is the most important. Cherish the happiness of being together for a long time, and live in harmony forever.

89. The curling smoke is all over the mountains and the countryside, lingering in the mountains. It seems that it is reluctant to leave the world for a long time, and it is like the soul of the dead wandering around. Looking at the filial behavior of future generations, it is willing to leave lightly. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish you to worship and kneel down and rest in Yin and Yang!

90. Qingming came quietly to us again with sorrow, and the rainy day wet the flowers for the dead. The familiar name on the tombstone made us cry. The rain and tears were linked together and flowed to our sleeping relatives.

91. The rain is lingering and the wind is crying. Despite the storm, Mom, I kneel down in front of your ghost, letting the tears flow into a river, still telling you my endless remembrance and missing. I can't bear to leave. I can't bear to leave you.

92. It's another year's Tomb Sweeping Day. Last weekend, I took my wife and children to Shimen Peak to see you. I still miss you when I come back. I know that you all love me very much and don't trust me. But now that I have grown up, please rest assured that I will take good care of this family.

93. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the mountain fog is everywhere, and tears turn into rain. Pray for the spirits of the dead to enjoy peace in the sky, and the world to live a happy life. Brush your sleeves and wipe your tears to cheer up, and be grateful for your hard work. Inherit the great development of family business and live up to the hearts of our predecessors. To make a fortune, God will see it as a grand exhibition of the grand and beautiful homeland. Happy Tomb Sweeping Day!

94. Qingming flowers, one after another, express their thoughts one after another; Qingming tears, line after line, line after line sows sadness; The clear and bright wind, one after another, bursts are memories; Qingming rain, one after another, every scene is melancholy. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. I wish all the people in the world well.

95. I feel sad inexplicably. Maybe it's because of the Tomb Sweeping Day. I warned myself not to be oppressed by this, always looking for happy factors, but I still can't resist my heart. Do not like the present, do not like the current weather, do not like the present time, let me lose my memory.

96. It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. It's been 19 years since I left my mother. In 19 years, I don't know how many tears I used to miss my mother. Sometimes I have to believe in fate, sometimes I have to believe in destiny, sometimes I have to believe in everything in front of me. This is the fact and reality!

97. It was the Tomb Sweeping Day again. This is the first time to return to my hometown. My hometown has become more and more strange. Look at the familiar scenery and sadness of my childhood. Is my hometown still my hometown without parents? Look at those white haired grandma, sad, why don't my parents live to this age?

98. The departed relatives miss the years we spent together with you. Your looks and sounds are still vaguely in front of us. At the ear, the air seems to be filled with a familiar atmosphere. Your life has indeed been far away, turned into dust, turned into my deep yearning, turned into my lifelong concern.

99. Tomb sweeping Day is a time of remembrance. Remember the beauty of the past, and forget the sad past; Qingming is the time of outing. You can find happiness everywhere and throw your troubled thoughts into the clouds; Tomb Sweeping Day is the time to insert willows. The happy willows are filled with homes, and the good fortune is endless; During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, I wish you luck and prosperity!

100. Swallows fly to the south and sometimes come back. The willows and willows have withered and become green again. Peach blossoms will bloom again when they are dead. But my dear grandpa. You have been sleeping in this cold cemetery for a long time. Granddaughter is close to you, but Yin and Yang are separated, and you cannot meet her after thousands of calls. How could it not make my granddaughter sad, painful and full of melancholy.