Visit Huangguoshu Waterfall
Happy Family
2023-10-31 01:50:34
Junior 1

Sitting on the bus, I woke up to find that I was close to the destination of this trip - Huangguoshu Waterfall, and suddenly got energetic. From a distance, I could vaguely hear the sound of the water, and a spectacular scene appeared in my heart. I was very excited because I could finally come to the foot of the famous waterfall, and experience the extraordinary charm of "flying down three thousand feet, I suspect the Milky Way falls nine days". When the car stopped, we saw the majestic waterfalls rushing down from the top like yellow dragons. In the fierce collision, they scattered into thousands of water like rain. The dense water droplets soon attached to our clothes, looking crystal clear.
The small drops of water that keep falling and splashing seem to be in harmony with an ancient and natural rhythm, like a magnificent drum sound, shaking away our secular spirit. Faced with such beautiful scenery, I can't wait to approach Huangguoshu Waterfall, as if to further understand the uncanny workmanship of nature. A closer look shows that a layer of water vapor is wrapped around and above the waterfall. Under the bright sun, refraction is constantly taking place, which is hazy and dreamy. It is quite magical that it is far away from us and close to us. A rainbow of five colors runs through the whole waterfall, and the huge waterfall is like a layer of Buddha light, which can not help but be shocked by it, Have an impulse to worship.
Then look at the water, there are some blisters. They are all children of the waterfall. One day, they will go east, one day, they will go west. They will become bigger and brighter. Finally, they will fly into the air and play in the arms of the waterfall. Waves sprang up among the stones, crowded and chased in front of the elephant, like a golden carp, shining in the sun, and soon disappeared in our sight, and went behind the mountain. It's amazing that there is a cave behind the huge water curtain! When filming Journey to the West, it was here that the Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave was shot.
Standing in the cave, you can see the curtain of water from the inside. The rushing water waves do not reveal any gaps, completely isolating the inside and outside of the cave. There is a feeling of paradise. Smell with your nose, full of landscape aura, making you relaxed and happy. On the right side of the waterfall, there are several peach trees, which bear many peaches. Under the washing of water mist, they are crystal clear, bright and gorgeous like gems. A gentle breeze stroked the water vapor and contacted the skin, as if it was gently massaging. It was soft and very comfortable. This is another beautiful side of the magnificent Huangguoshu Waterfall.
We walked farther and farther, unknowingly returned to the car, looking back at the distance, Huangguoshu Waterfall was still flying and running tirelessly. It makes people sigh, excite and have endless aftertaste.