Sound World 600 Word Composition Grade 6 (6 in total)
Old Walled Desert Eagle
2024-03-26 01:47:10
Grade 6

Sound World 600 Word Composition Grade 6 (1)

Chapter One

Tick, tick, tick "Hey, the hour and minute hands of my small alarm clock started to walk between the digital disks again. "Ding Ling, Ding Ling" Oh my god, the phone has started to make a big noise so late. I can't take Yi to settle the naughty alarm clock, and the annoying knock on the door quietly reminds me

Listen, this voice is my favorite song. It rises and falls one after another in a horizontal and regular way, clear and gentle. Listening to this song, I seemed to enter the nature: thunder, wind, rain mixed together, became a symphony; Listen to "bark, chirp, moo, quack..." The animals are coming to the concert! Suddenly, there was an earthquake. The sound of the earthquake was like the roar of heaven, which scared the animals into a mess. After a long time, the earthquake subsided. The dew babies were playing with the green leaf slide. How happy they were! After a while, the sound disappeared, and I came back from Nature. The fan shouted, "Welcome home, master!"; The rice cooker urges me to eat quickly.

The next day, on my way to school, I heard the car horn calling "Get out of the way, get out of the way". People whispered and laughed all the way. When I arrived at the school, the laughter and shrieks in the classroom rolled the teacher to the center like a tornado.

I would like to become the wind, bring people cool; I wish to become the sound of rain, moistening the earth; I would like to become the sound of dripping water, so that people in areas without water can drink cool water; I would like to turn into applause and give praise to those who have improved, so that they can go to a higher level; I would like to become

Chapter 2

Sound is the enjoyment of the beauty of the world, and the natural sound can make people intoxicated. I concentrate on listening to the natural sound, to appreciate the wonderful sounds of nature.

Boom, boom, the sound of thunder is like a drum band playing in the sky. When it rains, the beautiful sound of "tick, tick" always brings back people's beautiful memories. In this world full of perfect rhymes, I was intoxicated.

Sitting under a big tree, the trees can always sing "rustling" when the fresh wind blows. Each leaf has its own unique voice, as if a large orchestra is singing for you alone. The sound will come to your mind. You just need to close your eyes and listen carefully, and you can unconsciously drive away the worries in your heart, and no longer feel insignificant.

The sound of the cooks when cooking is even more strange. "Dong Dong..." This is the prelude to the performance of the cooks. The best cooperation between the pot and the shovel is nothing more than that. These sounds are like the ringing of the bell. When the food is cooked, the music will end.

The musician among insects - cicadas, their playing is absolutely without doubt, and the sound can be called first-class. In the scorching sun, musicians were "creaking, creaking" under the shade of trees, which made people itch and wanted to use musical instruments to play a song with insects.

Applause is the understanding, respect and encouragement that every city needs; Applause is a kind of voice that makes people feel balanced in their hearts. It is always so popular. When someone is misunderstood, give her your heartfelt applause, which is the applause of understanding; When others are satirized and bullied, give her civilized applause, which is respectful applause; When others encounter setbacks, give her the most intense and lively applause, which is encouraging applause.

Sound can purify people's hearts, and more beautiful music can remind people of beautiful times. If the world loses sound, people's hearts cannot be enriched.

Sound World 600 Word Composition Grade 6 (2)

Visit the audio world

Sound is the enjoyment of the beauty of the world, and the sound of nature is even more intoxicating. I listen to the sound of nature with my heart to appreciate this wonderful sky?? Voice of.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom? Grandpa Lei yawned. The voice was so loud that the singing bird in the tree ran away and flew to another tree to accompany the cicada. Spring is so beautiful. The brook water "ding dong dong dong dong" seems to be singing for the industrious bees. The bees "buzz" around, as if to say: "Start work. Work quickly." Many bees are pouring out the beauty of spring while starting to work. The butterfly saw that the bees were so industrious. It used to cheer for the bees and dance beautifully for them.

In the spring, everything in the forest moves. It is no longer the objects fixed in the forest before. They are alive and thoughtful. You see, the bird and the tree talk about the past with relish; The stream is playing a "lullaby" for the stone; Bees and butterflies are dancing in the flowers

The field is another scene. The green rice is not mature yet. A breeze blows, and a green wave waves up and down in the rice field, making a "rustling" sound like rain.

In a twinkling of an eye, autumn arrived, and the bees worked hard to prepare for the winter; In the orchard, ripe fruit fell down and made a sound of "dong dong". The farmer uncle laughed happily, and the geese in the sky "quacked" and flew to the far south in a neat line.

Miss Qiu came and went quickly, and Grandma Winter followed. The wind is blowing, and the snowflakes are falling slowly. "Ha ha ha", who is laughing? It was the children who were playing a snowball fight in the backyard. One was responsible for making snowballs, and the other was responsible for throwing snowballs. The snowball flew out with a whoosh, hit the other child's face, and the laughter floated far and far along the wind

The sound world is really colorful and changeable.

Sound World 600 Word Composition Grade 6 (3)

Didn't it say that the teacher took us to play a game called "Wanted" last time? This time the teacher took us to play a new game. Do you want to know? Let's go and have a look in our class! Maybe you will smile!

"Boys and girls, today let's play a game!" Teacher Xiong, the head teacher, said. "Yeah!" The whole class cheered. In this way, after Mr. Xiong explained the rules of the game to us, the game began. We all closed our eyes, and then the teacher made a sound. "Bang" A heavy door closing sound exploded in my ear. In my mind, a girl who hurried out to work forgot to bring important documents. She was in a bad mood and closed the door heavily. Then I heard the key sound of "ding ding", and I thought: she must be very worried and fast. Then the teacher made a series of sounds. There are melodious ringing tones and the sound of rummaging through the boxes and cabinets. Good time is over. I thought: Oh, I haven't figured out what happened yet? Yes... Oh, I think so. But don't laugh at me when I say it! What I think is that the teacher got a bad cold and was in a bad mood when he came home. He closed the door firmly and then, "ding ding" several times, left the key on the tea table. When the teacher in a bad mood was rummaging for medicine, her cell phone rang. She answered the phone impatiently, but no one answered. The teacher scolded: "What the hell!" This was a bad day for the teacher.

The next time is the free performance time of the students. I remember the performance of the two groups of students, which is really wonderful! Do you want to hear it?

The first group is the beginning of the story of "fierce dog catching thief" in our "Xiaoxiao Su" performance. At the beginning of the story, a thief sneaks into a person's home. However, the thief is a novice and accidentally knocks down a chair, making a noise that wakes up the owner. The owner shouted, "Stop the thief!" The family dog flew out and bit the thief. The thief kept saying, "Don't bite, I surrender, don't bite." (The above is just a personal imagination)

The second group is the story of "three dogs fighting" performed by our classmates, which left us a lot of imagination. If you heard three dogs barking like fighting, what would you think? I think it should be like this: a dog doesn't like learning very much. Once, he showed his parents a report card. They were very angry and shouted angrily, and carried out "mixed doubles" for the dog. The dog kept begging for mercy, but it still made its ass blossom.

Have you ever stood in the corner of nature, closed your eyes, listened with your ears, and listened with your heart? Go and try it. You will feel different. Let's go into the sound world and feel the different world.

Sound World 600 Word Composition Grade 6 (4)

Tick, tick, tick "Hey, the hour and minute hands of my small alarm clock are walking between the digital disks again. "Ding Ling, Ding Ling" God, the phone started to make a big noise at such a late night. It was not easy to settle the naughty alarm clock, and the annoying knock on the door quietly remembered

Listen, this voice is my favorite song. It rises and falls one after another in a horizontal and regular way, clear and gentle. Listening to this song, I felt as if I had entered the nature: thunder, wind and rain mixed together and became a symphony; Listen to "bark, chirp, moo, quack..." The animals are coming to the concert! Suddenly, there was an earthquake. The sound of the earthquake was like the roar of heaven, which scared the animals into a mess. After a long time, the earthquake subsided. The dew babies were playing with the green leaf slide. How happy they were! After a while, the sound disappeared, and I came back from nature. The fan cried, "Welcome home!"; The rice cooker urges me to eat quickly.

The next day, on the way to school, I heard the car horn shouting, "Get out of the way, get out of the way." People were whispering and laughing all the way. When we arrived at the school, the laughter and screams in the classroom rolled the teacher to the center like a tornado.

I would like to become the wind, bring people cool; I would like to become the sound of rain, moistening the earth; I would like to become the sound of dripping water, so that people in areas without water can drink cool water; I would like to be applauded to give praise to those who have made progress, so that they can reach a higher level; I would like to become

Chapter 2

Sound is the enjoyment of the beauty of the world. The sound of nature can make people intoxicated. I listen to the sound of nature with my heart to appreciate the wonderful sound of nature.

Boom, boom, the sound of thunder is like a drum band playing in the sky. When it rains, the wonderful sound of "tick, tick" always reminds people of good memories. In this world full of perfect rhymes, I am intoxicated.

Sitting under a big tree, the trees can always sing "rustling" when the fresh wind blows. Each leaf has its own unique voice, as if a large orchestra is singing for you alone. The sound will come to your mind. You just need to close your eyes and listen carefully, and you can unconsciously drive away the worries in your heart, and no longer feel insignificant.

The sound of the cooks when cooking is even more peculiar. "Dong Dong..." This is the prelude to the performance of the cooks, and the best cooperation between the pot and the shovel is no better than this. These sounds seem to be the ringing of the bell. When the food is cooked, the music will end.

Cicada, a musician among insects, has no doubt about their performance, and the sound can be called first-class. In the scorching sun, musicians were "creaking, creaking" under the shade of trees, which made people itch and wanted to use musical instruments to play a song with insects.

Applause is the understanding, respect and encouragement that every city needs; Applause is a kind of voice that makes people feel balanced in their hearts, and it is always so popular. When someone is misunderstood, give her your heartfelt applause, which is the applause of understanding; When others are satirized and insulted, give them civilized applause, which is respectful applause; When others encounter setbacks, give her the warmest applause, which is encouraging applause.

Sound can purify people's hearts, and more beautiful music can remind people of good times. If the world loses sound, people's hearts cannot be enriched.

Sound World 600 Word Composition Grade 6 (5)

Sound World Grade 6 Composition 600 Words 1: Sound World

We all live in a colorful sound world. The voice is beautiful, beautiful, ugly, gentle, and irritable... It brings us joy, but it also brings us endless troubles

The singing of birds brings us joy. When I hear their clear and sweet voice, I feel that spring is not far away from me. The soft "cooing" sound in the cat's belly when sleeping also brings us joy. Listen to "Goo, goo, goo." This is not the sound of hunger. How lovely! What's your opinion? I like the gentle wind from the ear of the Buddha's voice, the faint "whoop" sound, feel good! It's like all the troubles have been blown away.

I hate the sound of those children upstairs: pushing boxes, stamping feet, running, fighting with brooms... I'm bored! The waiter of the promotional clothing store with a loud speaker and a loud voice is also annoying. Listen to "Come and buy! Come and see! The whole hall starts at 30 yuan! Don't miss it when passing by. It's a big sale in tears! There's no shop after passing this village!" It's really annoying, and I don't care about the feelings of the practitioners at all! I also hate thunder, because it always rings at night, which makes me unable to sleep, so I have to think about why it thunders: Is it true that the Weaver Maid stole the mortal world again, and the Jade Emperor was angry? Or is there a concert in the sky? Or, did Tianbaba hit Tianbaba again? Oh, it's raining! "The most annoying thing is the sound of the car horn. The driver is always honking his horn. The harsh sound of the horn has caused great harm to our ears. Whenever I hear the sound of the horn, I will feel an inexplicable anger in my heart. However, the driver who honks his horn indiscriminately thinks it is so smart!

I hope that there will be more beautiful sounds and less unpleasant sounds in this impressive world. Let the sound world become a real charming impression world.

Sound World Grade 6 Composition 600 Words 2: Walk into the Sound World

The sound is the enjoyment of the beauty of the world, and the sound of nature is even more intoxicating. I listen to the sound of nature attentively to appreciate the wonderful sound of heaven.

Listen, the sounds in nature are like a symphony, while the sounds of wind, thunder and rain are like jumping notes, up and down, playing beautiful and elegant songs one after another.

Da, da, da, da. Raindrop is a naughty child. After a while, he jumped behind Grandpa Dashu, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared again.

"Boom, boom, boom" Lei Gong is just beating with his big drum that never leaves him. Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Everyone was shocked by the momentum of Father Lei and hurried home. At this time, Duke Lei was excited and proud! The rain drops covered the sky and the earth, giving nature a soaking rain.

Sister Feng was puffing her cherry mouth. Soon, Mother Dashu put on her new clothes; Sister Feng also made a green hat for Xiao Cao's younger brother; The peach blossom also bloomed beautiful flowers. Everyone is very grateful to Sister Feng. Because of Sister Feng, nature has regained its former vitality again, and we have seen new faces. Sister Feng's footsteps have not stopped until now. She is still working in nature!

The sound world is so wonderful. I finally entered the sound world and found it so fascinating. I would like to become the wind, bring people cool; I would like to become the sound of rain, moistening the earth; I would like to become the sound of dripping water, so that people in areas without water can drink cool water.

Sound World Grade 6 Composition 600 Words 3: Wonderful Sound World

We all live in a colorful sound world. The voice is beautiful, beautiful, ugly, gentle, and irritable... It brings us joy, but it also brings us endless troubles

As I lay in the field, I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of light rain "rustling" outside the window Grandpa Lei proudly played his big drum, and Grandma Lightning did not show any weakness. She worked harder to beat her own iron gong. "Boom boom" "wipe wipe" another burst of thunder and lightning. Big tree brother, little flower sister and little grass brother on the ground were obviously frightened by the thunder and lightning. I don't know why Grandpa Lei suddenly became angry. The sound of "boom" stopped like one; The wind also held its breath and suddenly became very quiet. After a while, the dark clouds gradually spread, and Rainbow sister was wearing new clothes and hanging in the air. This is why I heard Rainbow sister's laughter, and I heard again... Is the sound of nature beautiful.

I would like to become the wind, bring people cool; I would like to become the sound of rain, moistening the earth; I would like to become the sound of dripping water, so that people in areas without water can drink cool water; I would like to be applauded to give praise to those who have made progress, so that they can reach a higher level; I would like to become

Sound World Grade 6 Composition 600 Words 4: Walk into the Sound World

"Tick, tick, tick, tick" Gee, the hour and minute hands of my small alarm clock are walking between the digital disks again. "Ding Ling, Ding Ling" God, the phone started to make a big noise at such a late night. It was not easy to settle the naughty alarm clock, and the annoying knock on the door quietly remembered

Listen, this voice is my favorite song. It rises and falls one after another in a horizontal and regular way, clear and gentle. Listening to this song, I felt as if I had entered the nature: thunder, wind and rain mixed together and became a symphony; Listen to "bark, chirp, moo, quack..." The animals are coming to the concert! Suddenly, there was an earthquake. The sound of the earthquake was like the roar of heaven, which scared the animals into a mess. After a long time, the earthquake subsided. The dew babies were playing with the green leaf slide. How happy they were! After a while, the sound disappeared, and I came back from nature. The fan cried, "Welcome home!"; The rice cooker urges me to eat quickly.

The next day, on the way to school, I heard the car horn shouting, "Get out of the way, get out of the way." People were whispering and laughing all the way. When we arrived at the school, the laughter and screams in the classroom rolled the teacher to the center like a tornado.

I would like to become the wind, bring people cool; I would like to become the sound of rain, moistening the earth; I would like to become the sound of dripping water, so that people in areas without water can drink cool water; I would like to be applauded to give praise to those who have made progress, so that they can reach a higher level; I would like to become

Sound World 600 Word Composition Grade 6 (6)

Sound is the enjoyment of the beauty of the world. The sound of nature can make people intoxicated. I listen to the sound of nature with my heart to appreciate the wonderful sound of nature.

Boom, boom, the sound of thunder is like a drum band playing in the sky. When it rains, the wonderful sound of "tick, tick" always reminds people of good memories. In this world full of perfect rhymes, I am intoxicated.

Sitting under a big tree, the trees can always sing "rustling" when the fresh wind blows. Each leaf has its own unique voice, as if a large orchestra is singing for you alone. The sound will come to your mind. You just need to close your eyes and listen carefully, and you can unconsciously drive away the worries in your heart, and no longer feel insignificant.

The sound of the cooks when cooking is even more peculiar. "Dong Dong..." This is the prelude to the performance of the cooks, and the best cooperation between the pot and the shovel is no better than this. These sounds seem to be the ringing of the bell. When the food is cooked, the music will end.

Cicada, a musician among insects, has no doubt about their performance, and the sound can be called first-class. In the scorching sun, musicians were "creaking, creaking" under the shade of trees, which made people itch and wanted to use musical instruments to play a song with insects.

Applause is the understanding, respect and encouragement that every city needs; Applause is a kind of voice that makes people feel balanced in their hearts, and it is always so popular. When someone is misunderstood, give her your heartfelt applause, which is the applause of understanding; When others are satirized and insulted, give them civilized applause, which is respectful applause; When others encounter setbacks, give her the warmest applause, which is encouraging applause.

Sound can purify people's hearts, and more beautiful music can remind people of good times. If the world loses sound, people's hearts cannot be enriched.