Growth needs to encourage 600 words of composition (8 recommended)
never give up
2023-12-04 02:01:35
Junior 1

Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words (1)

At that moment, I smiled.

Standing on the high podium, I smiled. You came to me and put on a decoration belt and patted me on the shoulder: "Boy, you are great!" Suddenly, countless thoughts came to my mind. Yes, I grew up. Without you, how can I have my brilliance today?

At that moment, looking back, my eyes were red.

When I was still in primary school, I was just a small snail. I tried my best to climb, but I couldn't reach the end. At that time, I could only be an audience applauding for heroes.

Yes, my composition failed again. I couldn't help shouting, "How annoying!" Why can't I do it forever?

You came over, smoothed my hair and said: "It's not that your composition is bad, but that others are stronger than you. Don't be discouraged, Mom believes you. As long as you continue to work hard, you will see a beautiful rainbow one day." Just because of your encouragement, I regained confidence. Climb out of the mire again and walk forward again

Your encouragement is like the sunshine after the storm, melting the iceberg in front of me and bringing me light.

I still remember the long and short night when the parents' meeting was held. I walked around the house in fear, and the teacher would announce the results at the parents' meeting. I must have failed the exam. Undoubtedly, the composition has lowered the score. Mom will scold me when she comes back. What should I do? "Kaeras." A door opening sound led me back to reality. Yes, I am extremely nervous now.

You came over and touched my head, saying, "My child, your composition has made progress!" A smile rippled, "No matter when, you should believe in your own ability. If you dare to tell yourself, 'I can do it', you can. Mom believes in you, and one day, your composition will make a qualitative leap."

Therefore, your encouragement has been remembered by me. On my way of growing up, it guided me in the right direction.

I am growing with your encouragement. Now, I have done everything you said, and I have done it! Did you see that?

I cried. I felt the love you gave me. Thank God for sending an angel like you to accompany me for many unforgettable days and nights.

I smiled. I remember your encouragement. With these encouragement, I returned one honor after another. You, too, smiled.

I am growing and encouraging you. I am growing up with your encouragement

Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words (2)

In the process of growing up, we will experience many things, such as happy things, grievances, sad things... However, have you ever thought about this question, what does growth need? You may think that growth needs love, trust, courage... But I think growth needs encouragement.

Maybe many people say that encouragement is always there. Why does growth need encouragement. Indeed, it is undeniable that we are often encouraged by our teachers, classmates and parents, but have you ever thought that if the encouragement no longer exists.

I still remember that in the previous monthly exam, I didn't study hard, and my mental state was not very good at that time. In class, I was stunned when I listened to it. I didn't know what was going on. I always lost my mind unconsciously. Of course, the monthly exam was also extremely poor. When I got the test paper, I felt anxious: What should I do? How can I go back and tell my parents? When I saw the exam papers that should not have appeared, they were drawn on a big net because of me, and they were deeply meshed. So was my heart. It was like being stabbed into my heart by a sharp knife, ruthlessly, deeply and unreservedly. What's more, when I thought of the sadness on my parents' faces and hearts, there were waves in my heart, and my eyes were transparent, The sour liquid is slowly sliding down my face. I was a little afraid, afraid of the sad expression on my parents' face, afraid of their scolding me, but I was even more excited in class. Friday came, and I went home as usual. When I saw them, they asked me why I did so badly in the exam? I can't answer, I don't know how to answer. Is it the pressure of learning? Is the subject too difficult? I don't know, I don't know why I did so badly in the exam. In the face of my silence, they sighed and said, "You can do well in the exam next time. Come on, we believe you can believe it." This sentence surprised me. I think they will scold me when I return home, but the fact is not the case. Their encouragement is my motivation to move forward, which makes me confident again, Have confidence to stand on a higher stage. Just imagine, if the situation is just the opposite, when I return home and face their reprimand, I think that at that time, I lost confidence and hope in learning, and my grades would also be like downhill English, and I might be more introverted, unwilling to learn together with them, unwilling to talk with them, and my grades would plummet.

Growth needs encouragement, because it will be your step forward, your motivation, and the ladder to success.

Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words (3)

Life is a seven color board, life is colorful, life needs encouragement, life will be better!

When the calf is beside the cow, and the cow is teaching the calf to walk, the calf always falls down several times, and falls before it gets on its feet. The cow looked at it with painfully and kindly twinkling eyes. Those bright eyes seemed to tell it: "Come on, my child!" The calf stood up again under the light of these bright lights. This time, he was very firm and seemed to have a plan in mind. Finally, he stood up successfully! Then, he tried to step forward slowly

This is the same as when we were children. When we could not walk, who let us learn to walk? Who taught us to speak? Who is encouraging us?

Our dearest parents!

Life needs encouragement!

In my primary school, although my performance was not so bad, it was not so good. My goal was either full marks or first place. When I failed to reach my goal, I felt frustrated. My mother looked at me with her kind and kind eyes and encouraged me to say: "This time, I didn't do well in the exam. Next time, I will try my best to do well in the exam. Don't be sad. I have my mother to support you!"

After listening to my mother, I felt very reasonable.

When I get a good result, I always show off in front of my mother! She is as happy as a child! Then she said to me, "Don't be proud! Try harder!" My mother gave me another encouragement and reminded me that "modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people lag behind."

I didn't know how to think my mother was amazing. In a word, I had such motivation to struggle for learning and have motivation to learn!

Life really needs encouragement!

He once learned such an article, "Father and Son in the Earthquake". In Los Angeles, an earthquake occurred, and most of the children in a school died from the earthquake. However, a child and his classmates were under the equal pressure of the pillars dropped by the earthquake. The child firmly believed: "My father will come to save me, he said he will be beside me, and he will also save everyone! Don't be afraid!" Many parents came and went away disappointed and crying. A father came and remembered the words he said to his children. He went to look for his children, lifted them with his hands and dug them with his hands. An hour later, he found his own children. Because of the father's words, the child is encouraged to live strong!

Life must be encouraged!

And what would the world be like without encouragement

Growth needs to encourage composition 600 words (4)

Growth is like a seedling, which needs encouragement to grow into a towering tree; Growth is like a grain of sand in the clam shell, which needs encouragement to become a crystal clear pearl. We cannot grow without encouragement.

Mom's smile is encouragement

I was selected by the teacher to participate in the composition contest. When I was about to start writing, my heart was as nervous as a rabbit running up and down. Unexpectedly, I caught a glimpse of my mother in the corner. Her mouth was slightly raised, two dimples were embedded in her rosy face, and her eyes narrowed into a slit. The nervous feelings disappeared. The pen in my hand also accelerated, and thousands of clues were reflected in my mind. Unconsciously, the game was over, and I won the fourth place. Although I didn't stand on the podium, I made progress. Who can say that progress is not a success?

The teacher's eyes are encouraging

In Chinese class, the teacher asked a question. When the whole class was silent, my eyes "collided" with the teacher's eyes. Her eyes told me: "Ruyi, use your brain and try your best to solve this problem." Then my answer came out. I plucked up my courage and raised my hand. After answering the question, the teacher said that it was absolutely correct. Then the teacher looked at me again, and she told me: "Good luck, good luck." The teacher's eyes gave me courage.

White lilies are encouragement

This year, I represented my class to participate in the calligraphy competition. Before the competition, I studied hard and practiced hard whenever I was free. But God doesn't seem to care for me. The day before my game, I was ill. The next day, I dragged my sickly body into the field. Beans of sweat fell down like broken beads. When I finished writing, I looked at the words like earthworms, and could not help feeling that I could not comment on them.

A few days' notice confirmed my idea.

I came to the classroom with my schoolbag on my back. When I arrived at the door of the classroom, I wandered around for several times, but I didn't dare to go in. But I had no choice. I opened the classroom door and saw only a bunch of white lilies on the table. The blackboard said: "It doesn't matter if you don't succeed once, we support you." The ice in my heart slowly melted with encouragement.

Because of encouragement, I have efforts; Because of encouragement, I have courage; Because of encouragement, I have confidence. Encouragement is essential to growth.

Growth needs to encourage composition 600 words (5)

Encouragement is often what everyone needs. It is the power and confidence to succeed. A little encouragement can always make people have infinite motivation.

When the singing started slowly, my classmates and I were taken to the podium by the teacher, and the director handed out the certificate of award, "Are you Li?" "Yes" "Congratulations, continue to work hard next time!" I turned around, and the warm applause continued to rise and fall. I found my head teacher and other teachers in the vast crowd, and they all laughed, laughing very happily. The Chinese teacher's usually serious face showed a long smile, as if he was proud of our award-winning classmates and a little satisfied.

Applause continued to ring, and my mind flashed scenes of encouragement and help from the teachers in school days: the problem that I would not do, racking my brains to think or not, when choosing to give up, the teacher would always encourage us and accompany us to think together.

When the stage performance fails, it always inspires us to make continuous efforts; Even severe Chinese teachers will inadvertently encourage us in the process of criticizing our classmates. Even if we are criticized, we will not be tired of moving forward, looking for goals and constantly breaking through.

Thank you very much for your help and encouragement to me. Because of you, I don't hate learning now, and I don't love pride and inferiority. Now I am not that arrogant person who exudes pride in the past.

When I looked back, the ceremony was coming to an end. When I took the photo, I smiled, not reluctantly, but happily, proudly! Off the stage, the teacher did not forget to pat us on the shoulder to encourage us.

Encouragement is growth and the power of action. A little encouragement can always have infinite power!

Growth needs to encourage composition 600 words (6)

【1】 Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words

We all need encouragement from our parents, classmates, friends and teachers. They encourage me. Maybe it was a bad exam, or it was a setback and loss of confidence. They let me out of disappointment, let me see the sun rising in the east again, and let me have a belief in myself: "I can do it".

I remember one time when I was still in primary school. At that time, I had excellent grades. However, in those days, I fell in love with basketball and never reviewed my lessons. In that exam, I did very poorly. I was a person with very strong self-esteem. When the teacher handed out the exam paper, I saw the bright red "X" on it, and I was very disappointed, It seemed that the fire was extinguished by a basin of cold water. When the teacher explained the test paper, I could not listen attentively. I am preparing myself for being criticized by my parents when I go home. I am very sad.

When I got home, my parents saw me dejected, and asked me what was wrong. I used my forced hand to take out the test paper. My mother looked at the test paper, looked at me again, and said in a gentle voice, "This time I failed in the exam, I must work hard next time." I promised my mother, but I was still not happy. I told my mother about my love of playing basketball, My mother said, "You should consider playing basketball as a hobby." I said to my mother, "But when you do your homework in the classroom, when you hear the sound of basketball, your body can't help but go with the sound." My mother said, "I believe you can do it.".

I remember my mother's words, "I believe you can do it", won the third prize in the half term exam, and I also controlled my playing basketball. Whenever I want to play basketball, I remember my mother's words.

This time, my mother gave me confidence. Now, I have perseverance in everything because "I can do it".

【2】 Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words

Growth requires a word of strength from parents, even a confident smile.

I remember that it was the first time I learned to ride a bike when I was young. One day, my father bought me a small bicycle with wheels on both sides. I liked it as soon as I met him. My friends all had such bicycles, but I dared not ride them. Because I once saw my cousin learn to ride a bike, because he didn't master his balance, he fell down and broke a lot of holes. My father encouraged me to say, "Try it, don't be afraid." I sat on the bike obediently, but I didn't dare to ride it. My mother also encouraged me not to be afraid, and let me sit on the bike. She helped me push it. The bike fell to one side at a time, and fell to the other side at a time. It was not a good feeling, which frightened me. But soon I had the courage to ride forward on my own. Just after riding for a while, I became addicted. All day long, I rode out of the house in the morning and came back late. Where it is difficult to ride, we can ride wherever we want. We even drifted with our friends. When we fell down, we didn't cry or make any noise. We got up immediately and continued to ride.

A few months later, one evening, my parents asked me to ride out on the bike, and then knocked on the bike. Soon, two small wheels were removed and became a real bike. My father asked me to try to ride. Although I was not afraid of falling, there was a kind of inexplicable fear that made me dare not go forward, My father comforted me and said, "Just think of it as riding the original bike. Don't be afraid, you can do it." I still hesitated, and didn't dare to go forward. My mother also encouraged me to say, "Try it." I sat on it nervously, and then pedaled. The bike staggered forward. I felt I was going to fall several times, but the bike was still moving forward and getting more and more stable, I stopped, but I was still very nervous. My father said, "Go on, don't be afraid, keep your balance." I pedaled again, and finally I was able to barely control the car. Although it was not easy, I learned to ride a real bike.

Parents' encouragement can generate and give children great strength, so that children can grow up in setbacks and failures again and again.

【3】 Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words

Life needs too many things. Help, care, love But I think encouragement is also indispensable in life.

I remember last month, I only got 65 points in Chinese. At that time, I felt as if I had fallen into an abyss. I thought I could no longer stand up, nor could I lift my head in front of my friends. I felt that I was going to collapse. I'm out of my wits all day. I don't even know what I'm doing.

As the mid-term exam approaches, the thought of that monthly exam makes me scared. Will you fail again this time? I was afraid, winced, and even thought of quitting. When I hesitated in this thought, it was the encouragement of my teacher that saved me. It was two days before the exam. When I was doing exercises, the teacher came to me and asked me kindly like my mother: "How is it going? Have you finished your Chinese review this time? I think you have learned Chinese well!" After that, I patted my shoulder, and I was shocked. This simple sentence and action shocked my heart at that time. I regret that I abandoned myself before. I made up my mind to do well in the mid-term exam! These two days, it is the tense stage. The teacher speaks a little faster in class, but there is always a need to ask the students to speak. When I was asked to say exactly, my teacher would always praise me: "Well said!" When I said incorrectly, the teacher would say: "Don't worry, think again." His encouragement is a great comfort to me, and it is my motivation and courage to continue to move forward. The night before the exam, I carefully thought about what my teacher said to me. Maybe these words were ordinary, but they were a great spiritual inspiration to me, giving me the power to overcome difficulties. Encouragement is a great fortune; Encouragement is a bridge between you and others; Encouragement is the street lamp on the road of life Encouragement is sometimes just a common word; Sometimes I just want to pat my shoulder; Sometimes it's just a look

With the encouragement of my teacher, I completed this midterm exam, which was 11 points higher than last time. Although this is still not ranked, but I worked hard, is encouraged by the teacher to work hard. Therefore, I firmly believe that life needs encouragement!

【4】 Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words

Suddenly melodious, like a trickle; Suddenly, it becomes fiery, like vast waves; Suddenly, it is quiet and slow, like a blue water; Suddenly, it rushes like a surging river and sea; Suddenly, it is light, like ding dong spring water. The pleasant sound of the piano is floating in my after-school life. With the passage of time, I have nearly got the Level 6 certificate. Now I occasionally think of my first grade examination, which is still fresh in my memory!

The sun is hot in August. Usually I am most afraid of heat, but today I don't seem to feel anything. Maybe it's because of nervousness. When my name was called on the radio, I really had the impulse to escape. But looking at my parents' eyes of hope, I only entered the hall with a worried heart. I sat on the sofa next to them and listened to those big brothers and sisters. When they finished playing the music, I became more frightened. I thought, I must not play as well as they do. What should I do? At this time, my mind suddenly turned 180 degrees. It occurred to me that I usually practice so hard. How could I be worse than them? So I took a deep breath, sat on the piano chair, looked around, reported my exam number to the teacher, and started playing. Unexpectedly, it was really good. Several songs played smoothly. I glanced at the teacher secretly, and they all smiled. I knew that I played well, and walked out of the examination room happily.

Looking back now, I think I would be nervous and make mistakes without the encouragement of my parents and teachers. After being recognized by others, people can have better self-confidence and strive for their own aspirations or ideals. Only self-confidence can make people maintain confidence in winning in difficult undertakings and can make people have the courage to firmly move towards the tower of ideals. Therefore, we should give her a casual word and a look in the eyes in real life, which may make her stronger, The stronger is stronger!

【5】 Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words

We should have enough confidence in everything, but where does confidence come from? It comes from encouragement. It can be said that when I was a child, I was spoiled by my teacher and never experienced a bit of wind, frost and rain. My teacher admired me in many aspects. She just thought I was good. So I live happily. At the same time, I think the greatest pleasure of going to school is to be recognized and loved by others.

"Ding Lingling..." The exam bell thought, and the students began to write questions one after another, fearing that they would be the last but one in the exam. Even Lu Jiawen, who had a mediocre performance at ordinary times, answered the question conscientiously.

Although I was very nervous, I also answered the question seriously. Besides, I usually get good grades! There's nothing to be afraid of! In my heart, I encouraged myself to write one question at a time.

The paper is finally finished! I was relieved that a stone finally fell to the ground.

Now that I have finished it, I also need to check it carefully, but I can't "move quickly, but the accuracy is very low" - this is what the teacher often says!

I thought to myself: didn't my mother encourage me to "Bingbing you are the best!" before the exam? I can't let my mother down!

So I buried my head and examined it carefully. I found a underlined question marked with "~~~~~~" in the reading question, and I drew a "- -" line. When I found out, I used an eraser and changed it to the correct answer.

I checked the whole paper 10 times, only the previous mistake.

I thought: I must take 100 points home! Look! 100 minutes is waving to me!

"Ding Lingling..." When the exam was over, the invigilator collected our papers one by one and handed them to the teaching office.

What a wish! After school, a senior student told me: "Wo Bingdi, the teacher just let me go to the teaching office, and I saw that you scored 100 points in the Chinese test! Congratulations!" I smiled happily and thanked the elder brother.

When I got home, I told my mother about my 100 points. My mother was very happy and gave me a thumbs up: "Bingbing, you are great!"

Hearing my mother praise me, my heart is sweeter than a bucket of honey!

Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words (7)

However, the more you want it, the less you can get it, because you have never made efforts and hardships. If you want to get it, unless you have made efforts and hardships, you can be encouraged and have confidence to go up to the next level.

But I never know what it is like to encourage, sweet, bitter, sour, even tasteless. I have never tried.

Because I have never tried and worked hard. For me, encouragement is a seed that is difficult to grow. Only with hard work and hard sweat, this seed that is difficult to grow will take root and sprout, and finally grow into a ginseng tree.

At last, I began to work hard, hard, I can't fall my life, I want this seed of encouragement to grow into a towering tree, but I found it seems too late, because this seed has dried up.

That day, until my mother came back from the parents' meeting at school and scolded me, I found that encouragement is actually bitter, not sweet at all. Why do students say encouragement is sweet? Originally, I found that they had been encouraged since childhood, and the seed in their heart had grown into a towering tree. Even if they were criticized, they just began to fall a leaf.

Since then, I have found that my hard to grow encouragement seed has grown, because I need not only the encouragement of my parents, but also the encouragement of my teachers. Although my parents do not encourage me, my teachers encourage me!

I will take good care of my hard to grow encouragement seed. It was not easy for it to grow. I cannot let it begin to fall, nor can it withstand setbacks. I will work harder and harder, and work hard to make that encouragement seed grow into a towering tree!

Growth needs encouragement. Without encouragement, there is no confidence. Without confidence, there is no further progress. Without progress, there is no way to step into society.

Therefore, growth needs encouragement!

Growth needs to be encouraged to write 600 words (8)

Father's encouragement, like Mars, ignited my inner hope.

A few months later, I still often itch by the window. Looking at the place where I feel confident, I often think of the past of learning to play badminton.

That summer vacation, the sun was very bright. My father and I were learning badminton downstairs, but I could not catch the ball anyway. I was very depressed. I threw the racket and walked aside to sulk. I shook my head and denied myself in my heart. I must be unable to learn! it's too hard! The flame in my heart is going out.

For a long time, a big hand gently placed on my shoulder was my father. He quietly comforted me: "It's just a badminton, nothing difficult, as long as you study hard, you can certainly learn!" His face was filled with a warm smile. "But I just can't learn!" I yelled, startling the birds around me.

"Trust me, will you? Come on, you can do it!"

I looked at my father doubtfully, his eyes full of encouragement. "Come on!" he smiled. I followed him to the playing field. The spark fell on the wood in my heart and ignited the fire. My father patiently taught me how to move my steps, how to use my hands, and how to pay attention to the way the ball came from... I was led by him to learn. The flames grew stronger and stronger.

After learning the movements, we began to play again. I'm a bit nervous, will I be like before? The flames swayed in the wind. "Come on, you can do it!" I took a breath and prepared to play. One time, two times, the trail of badminton crossed the sun, and also broke the clouds in my heart. The flame in my heart finally burst into flames! "Come on, you can do it!" Father encouraged me while fighting. I became more and more confident, and I succeeded!

My father smiled happily. The sun was shining like my happy heart. Father's encouragement, let me grow, grow.

"Come on, you can do it!" Father encouraged me in my heart