Composition of Weaving Web (Selected 16)
Under the warm sun
2024-05-17 07:07:49

Composition of Weaving Web (1)

One day, a small spider was weaving a big web on a tree for winter. Just as he was about to finish weaving, a praying mantis swaggered up to the little spider and said, "Little thing, why do you spend so much effort and energy to weave a ragged and useless web?" The little spider ignored it and continued, "Ha ha, you may not be too stupid!" This sentence made the little spider angry, The spider said loudly, "You lazy guy, don't prepare food for the winter, but just play around here to see how you can spend the winter this year." The mantis also got angry, facing the web just woven by the little spider, "click click" is two knives, and this web was cut off by the hateful mantis. The little spider was sad and angry. He shouted angrily at the mantis and fought with it. After the fight, the mantis was exhausted. Knowing that he was wrong, he went away in frustration. The spider began to weave its web again.

Just as the net was almost finished, a swallow with a badly injured wing fell from the air and broke the net again. The little spider just wanted to go forward and say something about the swallow, but it thought that its wings were injured, plus its own scolding, wouldn't it be more painful? So, the little spider climbed over the tree, found the swallow, and helped it find herbs to wrap it up, so that it could heal at home. A few days later, the swallow thanked the little spider again and again before being hurt and flying high.

The little spider began to weave the web for the third time, but there were many small animals to disturb it. It was still patiently weaving, until finally, it was upset and thought of giving up, but also thought that it was going to winter, so it was busy again.

After that, no animals came to disturb her. Her net was woven fast and well. After a while, its net was finally woven. This net is warm and comfortable. Just when he was proud, two flies fell onto the Internet. He was very happy because he had a house and food for winter.

When it snowed heavily, the little spider began to enjoy its delicious food and comfortable nest.

I learned a kind of spirit from the little spider, that is, to do something with patience and perseverance, so as to do a good job.

Composition of Weaving Web (2)

The nature is a wonderful world, and all kinds of creatures have infinite magic power, which makes people marvel.

Spider is a model. Big, round belly, eight plush legs. Although it is small, it is very flexible.

When it weaves the first silk, it first feels the wind direction to see if it is downwind, and then it will determine the starting point and end point. This time it lay on a tree trunk, twisted its round body, and threw the thick silk to the opposite bank in the downwind. In the "journey", the silk fluttered with the wind and finally succeeded in sticking to the other side. See here, you must be full of praise for the intelligence of the spider, but this is only a small part of its skill.

Then, the spider spit out a large mass of white silk in the center of the first silk, forming the center of the web. It spits out some slender silk, weaves one longitudinal axis after another that diverges from the center of the circle to the periphery, and sticks them to each point. In this way, the support of the net is completed.

Suddenly, it was like a small airborne soldier falling from the center to the end of the circle, and began to circle around. In the middle, as long as it is not satisfied with any piece, it will become a strict instructor and immediately break the silk and start again. At this time, I can't help marveling at its excellence.

Even so, he was still dissatisfied. He felt that there would still be fish in the net, so he filled the gaps on both sides of the net.

Finally, the spider web is very tight, without any loopholes. If you look at it from the side, you can't find it because the net is transparent. This is why it can catch its prey.

Look! Small spiders contain such great magic. Spiders are just a small part of nature. It can be seen that nature must have more secrets waiting for us to explore.

Composition of Weaving Web (3)

Spider, everyone is familiar with it! Let me tell you a story about spiders weaving webs.

Spiders first find a cool, uncleaned corner to settle down, and then weave a web. It weaved a round frame. Just as it was about to weave the central point, a gust of wind blew through, breaking the net, and the spider fell down. When I thought it was going to settle down elsewhere, it stood up unsteadily and climbed up unsteadily. Then I weaved a net again. After a while, it looked like a football net. I was happy for it. Just listening to the sound of "Pa Pa", I saw that the water from the air conditioner upstairs dropped and broke the spider web. But the spider still calmly climbed up to weave a web.

We should learn from the perseverance of spiders. Those who give up when they encounter some difficulties will never achieve great things.

Composition of Weaving Web (4)

Today, the sun was shining brightly. I went to grandma's house with my parents.

When I came to my grandma's yard and stood by the yard, I saw a holly tree with a spider web. Once again, it immediately attracted me. It was not an ordinary spider web, but a colorful spider web. I was curious to observe this colorful spider web carefully. It was woven by thousands of spider threads. It was continuous and intricate, reflecting seven colors in the sun, red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple. The sun was shining and beautiful!

Seeing this, I called my father: "Dad, come and see, there is a colorful spider web". Looking at my excitement, my parents also came over. I took my father's hand and said, "Dad, do you think it's a colorful spider web?" My father smiled, patted my little head and said, "Then we should have a good look!" Just then a small black spider, the size of a green bean, quickly climbed to the center of the web, and then attentively waited for the arrival of "prey". I smiled and pointed at the spider and said, "It's black! You are so powerful, and you can also spit colorful silk. Well, if you eat here, I will go back to grandma's house to eat big ribs. Bye bye." Then I took my mother's hand and walked to grandma's house.

When I got to Grandma's house, I immediately gave her a riddle: "Little Zhuge Liang, sit alone in the army tent, form a gossip array, and catch the flying generals." Can you guess?

Composition of Weaving Web (5)

In the morning, when I was going downstairs to have breakfast, I found a spider at the stairway. It climbed up and down between the stairway and the door. I walked closer and saw, wow, what a big web! It is weaving a web!

At first, I watched with interest, but after a long time, I felt boring because my feet were numb. I was just about to leave when a strange idea suddenly flashed into my mind: If I broke the spider web, what would happen to this spider? So I found a stick and broke the spider web in a few times. The spider who was weaving the web immediately fell to the ground. I thought it would run away in a hurry, but the result was unexpected. The spider slowly got up and refocused on weaving the web.

At this time, my stomach sang "empty city plan", but I'm not in the mood to eat now. I went back to my room and got a chair, sat at the stairs and stared at the spider web blankly. At this time, my sister also got up, saw me sitting at the stairs in a daze, and said: "What's wrong today? Tell you, there are many mosquitoes here!" I ignored my sister's words, Continue to watch the spider weaving the web. Soon, the spider finished weaving the web, and I went down to have breakfast, although my legs had many red blisters.

The matter of spiders weaving webs reminds me that in fact, our life is like spiders weaving webs. We encounter difficulties. As long as we persevere, work hard, and try our best to overcome difficulties, we can become the ultimate winner. Just like the lyrics of the song "The sun always comes after the wind and rain..." Yes, how can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain?

Composition of Weaving Web (6)

Yesterday, a spider who kept weaving the web aroused my curiosity, so I patiently watched the spider weave the web completely.

It pulls several meridians first, then runs to the other end and repeats the same action. The warp threads are pulled evenly at both ends, so that the net threads are stretched more tightly and evenly. When all the warp threads are knitted, the spider will return to the axis to rest, and then work on the knitting of weft threads along the wheel axle pulled by the warp threads. With the axis as the midpoint, the spider weaves the horizontal thread slowly around the warp with the filaments that can hardly be seen by the naked eye. The spacing of each horizontal line is very precise. This area made of fine silk is called the "rest area". After the rest area is built, spiders begin to draw thick silk. This heavy thick silk is visible. It can adjust the thickness of the silk thread at will, and use the spiral weaving method to pull the distance between the thick weft threads.

Finally, the net was tied, and then it sat in the center of the net and grabbed food. From the spider weaving web, I think of the masses in daily life. Whether you have arranged your daily work and life like a spider weaving a web, whether you have persevered like a spider without caring about other people's destruction, and whether you believe that you can persist until the end and do your best. Faced with the spider web, I thought again: Why can some people with equal conditions achieve brilliant achievements, while others do nothing?

One's life may not be smooth. Some people can stand the hardships of life. Some people are like flowers in a greenhouse, unable to stand the sunshine. Don't you treat life and work as persistent and tenacious as a spider weaves a web?

Composition of Weaving Web (7)

Spider is a very ugly insect, but on the other side of the ugly, it has the spirit of persistence and not being defeated by fate. Even if its net is broken once, twice, or three times......, it will not bow to its fate. It is like a sea swallow in a storm, a tall and straight pine, a chrysanthemum that never bows. It also has its survival value in small and weak creatures.

This reminds me of a text that my Chinese teacher taught in grade two. A king was defeated, and he hid in a grass house to rest. Suddenly I saw a black thing. When I came closer, I saw a spider. A strong wind blew and the spider's web broke. The king thought the spider would give up halfway. But the spider continued to weave the web. The king saw, "Just like a spider, how could he fail?" This made him regain confidence, finally cheer up and defeat the enemy!

Ah! An ugly spider can make many people who lose confidence find courage. It is also called the spiritual mentor of nature.

Spiders can be seen everywhere in life. Recently, a spider appeared downstairs. Several friends and I used a stick to break the spider web. The little green spider is not afraid, and uses its six skillful hands to weave a web. We broke the web again, but the spider didn't give up. This made me think of myself, and I felt very ashamed at once - I met a difficult problem in doing math problems, and I didn't think of a solution. I handed it in casually, not like a spider.

Ah, from this I thought that even ugly people, as long as they have a heart that will never break, you are the most beautiful!

Composition of Weaving Web (8)

One morning, I sat on the balcony reading a book. At the beginning, the sunny sky made people feel comfortable. But in this weather, it still rained, ants were moving, and passers-by on the sidewalk were in a hurry, but they did not escape the downpour. They ran like crazy bulls.

A spider weaving a web in the corner of the wall attracted my attention. I saw that it was still a small spider, and it seemed that it had not yet woven a web. It shuttled back and forth, and soon half of the net was woven.

It weaves carefully, but it doesn't choose the right time. The heavy rain soon breaks the spider's carefully woven web. The spider is not discouraged, but uses its body to block the rain, weaves the remaining web again, and continues to weave the remaining web carefully. God probably aimed at it and broke the net again. This time, it broke not a little, but all! I thought this was the end of the spider's web weaving, but the spider was still not discouraged and continued to weave. Spiders are very powerful, and soon they weave most of the web. When I was about to secretly rejoice that the spider was going to weave a web, the wind was like its sworn enemy, blowing the web through again. This time, if I were a spider, I would have collapsed and had no confidence to weave. However, the spider would not give up, and finally made a strong web that could protect me from wind and rain.

I think this is not our own? If we persevere, don't give up, and don't get discouraged, is there anything we can't do? What else can't succeed? I want to learn from spiders and their perseverance. I believe that I will weave a web of knowledge that is stronger and stronger than the spider's web, so as to have a better tomorrow.

Composition of Weaving Web (9)

I have a silent friend who gave me inspiration and pointed out the way forward when I was most helpless. It is just an inconspicuous spider.

It happened on the day when my exam results came out. Seeing that dazzling report card, I was disappointed. When I was bored, I caught a glimpse of a spider weaving a web in the corner.

The ingenious "Weaver Girl" was carefully trying to hang a long piece of silk on the branch. It's a pity that the silk didn't win. It stuck on and fell off again and again. I shook my head and thought to myself: spiders are really stupid. If they can't stick to them, it's useless. Undaunted, the spider spit out a longer piece of silk and tried to hang it. However, the day failed to meet the "spider"'s wish, and the fragile silk could not withstand the wind, and it was broken after a few sways. I can't help feeling sorry for the spider: if it doesn't stick, why does a gust of wind come? It should give up this time.

Just when I wanted to turn around and leave, the spider spit out another thin silk and hung it on the branch as usual, once, twice... Finally, it succeeded. I'm so happy for the little spider. With successful experience, the spider weaves a beautiful big web, waiting for the arrival of prey.

Seeing this, I couldn't help thinking deeply: this insignificant spider has suffered so many difficulties but has persevered. And me? Just a little setback for the time being, I can't bear it. A temporary achievement only represents the past, not the future. Why should I be discouraged because of this little setback? Thinking of this, I suddenly knew what I should do

Thank you spider friend, taught me how to face setbacks.

Composition of Weaving Web (10)

One day, when the weather was fine, Spider Sister was busy weaving a web. Suddenly, a strong wind blew the newly woven net.

However, Spider Sister didn't give up, she continued to repair the broken web. After a while, when Spider Sister was about to repair the broken web, it rained cats and dogs and broke the web again. However, the brave Spider Sister was still not discouraged, and she continued to work hard to weave the web. She thought to herself that she must weave a big and strong net.

Finally, the kung fu pays off. Sister Spider weaves a big and strong web. In the following days, we can catch pests every day.

Composition of Weaving Web (11)

One day, Sister Spider weaved a web under the branches and leaves of Campanula. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, whining, whining, whining... and blew Sister Spider's web into two big holes.

Spider sister didn't give up, she started to mend the big hole again.

After a while, the sky was full of dark clouds, and big drops of rain fell from the sky, and put Spider Sister's web in two bigger holes.

Sister Spider still didn't give up. She mended and mended. Finally, her web was woven. The flower bud of Campanula has also blossomed, which looks very bright in the sun. Spider sister looked at her newly woven web and smiled happily! Although it was a bit hard, I succeeded!

Composition of Weaving Web (12)

Today, the weather was sunny and the sun was smiling. Sister Spider got up early in the morning to weave a web. Suddenly, a strong wind blew in, blowing a big hole in the web that Sister Spider had worked hard to weave.

Sister Spider thought that the wind was too strong, and it blew through my web, so I didn't believe that my web could not be woven well. Spider sister is not discouraged and starts weaving again.

Weaving and weaving, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it rained heavily. Spider sister was drenched like a drowned rat, and the woven web was made a big hole by the rain.

The weather turned sunny again, and the sun came out again. Spider sister smiled and began to weave the web again. Finally, Sister Spider weaves a big and strong web.

Composition of Weaving Web (13)

The Inspiration of Spider Weaving Web 300 Words Composition

I play in the yard. Suddenly I found a spider preparing to weave a web. I saw it stay on a big tree branch. First spit out thin silk and stick it firmly on the branches. Wrap the filament around the leg again. Swing to another branch like a swing. The silk also sticks to the branches. Make a single wooden bridge with thin wires. The spider stopped in the middle of the bridge for a moment. This is also the starting point. Ginger silk dragged onto the surrounding branches. This is a spider silk frame that can reach all directions steadily. After a short rest. For spiders. Repeating the same action meticulously. An unbreakable spider web has finally been woven. But the evening storm came. I don't know the spider web. what's happening? I was surprised when I ran to check the results with questions. Although it was late at night and was blown to pieces by the wind, the spider did not escape. Instead, they went back and forth to repair it in that night. A gust of wind blew. The spider was blown to the ground. How many times did it struggle to turn over but could not? Suddenly he had a hind leg. Then quickly climb up the broken net and tirelessly continue weaving?

Seeing this scene, I, a pig, had a new understanding and was immersed in meditation. In my study and life, I should also adhere to my beliefs and pursuit, work hard towards the goal and never give up.

Inspiration from spiders 600 words composition

Some people say: "Persistence is victory". Someone said: "As long as there is perseverance and perseverance, no matter how difficult it is, it will be solved!" Until now, I have understood the meaning of this sentence. There is one thing I will never forget.

That time, the exam results came down, and for the first time in my life, the exam was so bad, so my nose was sour, and a few tears came out. At that time, I always seemed to have a voice in my heart saying to me: "You are a stupid boy, you can never surpass others to win!" My heart was depressed, as if the whole world were laughing at me, A strong sense of inferiority welled up in my heart. When my father walked gently beside me, he didn't scold me when he saw my achievements, but said faintly: "Children, go outside for a walk!" I dried my tears, left home, and walked aimlessly. Suddenly, a small spider on the window of a family attracted me because of curiosity, I went over and carefully observed it. It was a very small spider. It seemed that the wind could blow him to it with a gentle blow. If I didn't look carefully, I could not find him weaving the web. A few silver threads were floating around in the wind. It was bad. He was broken by the wind, and the spider went to weave again. When it was almost finished, the wind came again, and I could not help shrinking my shoulders, I can't help worrying about it. What if the net breaks again, will it be rewoven? It didn't give up, but it still repeated, and kept weaving. It broke again and again, and it broke again and again. I could not help sighing for the spider. I felt sorry for the spider. I was the spider, but what surprised me was that when I came back, the spider beside the window was lying on something shiny and silvery. Was it... I was surprised, I ran to it in a hurry. As expected, it succeeded. A small and inconspicuous spider succeeded. I suddenly understood that I lacked the spirit of spiders. When I met setbacks, I would only be discouraged. What was that? This spider made me completely awake. When I looked back, I found the sky was so blue, and my father was smiling at me from afar. When it was sunny, I became happy again.

I will thank my father for letting me know that when encountering setbacks, I should not give up easily. I should face him bravely. As the saying goes, difficulties are like springs. If you are weak, it will be strong. I understand that this matter will benefit me all my life!

Gao Yuhan, Junior One, Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

Inspiration from Spiders 1100 words of composition

In the long and dark journey of life, there will always be a few creatures that unintentionally serve as your guiding lights; In the vast and confused sea of life, there will always be a few creatures that have accidentally become boats to carry you to the other side of success; In the vast and silent desert of life, there will always be a few creatures that will change into drops of water that can let you walk out of the desert.

I remember one time in the final exam of physical education, the teacher told us that the content of the exam was the 400 meter long run, and if you want to get the best results, you must finish the whole journey in 1 minute and 30 seconds! When I heard this, I was dumbfounded: long-distance running is my worst skill, not to mention only 110 seconds! How can I reach the end in such a short time? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but hang my head and worry about this exam. After a while, someone shouted, "The number is from the 30th to the 40th students' exam!" When I heard my number, I was nervous and worried: all the students in the exam were standing on the runway to do preparations. They were all confident and energetic, but I didn't dare to stand on the runway. What should I do? Looking at their confidence, I could not help but frown, but the exam was about to start. I had no time to think more, so I had to bite the bullet. I reluctantly walked to the runway with heavy steps and hesitated. Thinking of this, I took a deep breath and told myself that I must strive for good results! So I pricked up my ears and waited for the teacher's starting command. "Take your positions -- get ready -- run!" As soon as I heard the command, I immediately ran. The speed was like an arrow leaving the string, for fear of falling behind others. At the beginning, when I saw myself running in the first few, I felt relieved, more confident in myself, and more struggling to move forward. Unconsciously, time passed by minute by second, and gradually, the end seemed to be only one step away from me! I was so excited that I hastened to speed up, but the speed was not as fast as when I started. At first, I didn't care, but after a while, I suddenly felt short of breath, and my feet were getting heavier and heavier, and the whole person seemed powerless. I tried to run as hard as I could, but my feet seemed to be filled with lead, and I couldn't run any more. I just feel dry mouth and sweat on my forehead. I really want to sit down and rest! I shook off the heavy lead, ran forward with all my strength, and tried to run to the end with the fastest speed! Close, closer, I ran across the finish line excitedly! When the teacher read: "1 minute 43 seconds." I was very sad! I am like a wounded swallow, losing confidence in flying.

After the exam, one day, a small spider on the window of a family attracted me. Because of curiosity, I went to it and carefully observed it. It was a very small spider. It seemed that the wind could blow it to him with a gentle blow. If you didn't look carefully, you would never find him weaving a web. A few silver threads were floating around in the wind. Bad, He was broken by the wind, and the spider went to reweave it. When it was almost finished, the wind blew again. I could not help shrinking my shoulders. I couldn't help worrying about it. What if the web broke again, would it still reweave? It didn't give up, but it still repeated, and kept weaving. It broke again and again, and it broke again and again. I could not help sighing for the spider. I felt sorry for the spider. I was the spider, but what surprised me was that when I came back, the spider beside the window was lying on something shiny and silvery. Was it... I was surprised, I ran to it in a hurry. As expected, it succeeded. A small and inconspicuous spider succeeded. I suddenly understood that I lacked the spirit of spiders. When I met setbacks, I would only be discouraged. What was that? This spider made me completely awake.

Every day in life cannot be a sunny day. Every day in life is different, and life can only be inspired by setbacks and frustrations. Every little creature in life may bring you enlightenment that can change your life.

Guanyinshan Music School, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian

Inspiration of Spider Weaving Web 500 Words of Composition

One moonlit night, I went out for a walk and came to a small forest behind my yard. I accidentally found a spider eating its web. I suddenly became interested to see what it was doing

This is a black tarantula. Its body is as big as a broad bean, and its legs are long and thin. I saw it lying on the web, eating its own silk one mouthful at a time. The silk was eaten less and less by it, and the silk web was reduced circle by circle. At last, there was only one silk left. The spider hung on the silk and swung from side to side. The silk thread became shorter and shorter, and gradually disappeared. Then the spider crawled along several leaves. Watching the spider slowly crawl away, I have been thinking: Why do spiders eat their web at night? Without internet, what would it have for breakfast the next day?

I walked home while thinking about me, but I couldn't figure out why? The next morning, I came to the small forest last night again. When I found the place where spiders appeared yesterday, I was shocked. A new spider web immediately appeared in front of my eyes, and the web was big and round. I was wondering if it was my eye? Yesterday I clearly saw that spider ate the web, but how could it appear again today? When I looked carefully again, a dry silk was still hanging on a leaf. Ah! It suddenly dawned on me that I was not mistaken. Yesterday's spider web was indeed eaten by spiders. Today's web is newly woven. But why did the spider eat the web at night and reweave it in the morning? Is it not tired?

I immediately ran home. After checking the information about spiders on the Internet, I realized that the spider's web would become dry one day, and the dry web could not stick to any insects. If the spider doesn't eat the old web at night and doesn't weave a new web the next day, it won't eat an insect. Ah! I really admire the industrious spider!

The Inspiration of Spider Web 550 Word Composition

Now, when I see the spider web, I will think a lot.

Once, after the heavy rain, I was bored, so I wanted to have some fun. I looked up and saw that the spider had woven a big web. For a moment, I burst the whole web. I thought: What can you do? Do you still have the ability to weave another web? At this time, Little A asked me to play together, and we had a good time. I have forgotten about the spider web and wait for me to go home and have a look. The spider weaves a bigger web, and I can't help but feel a tremor in my heart. The whole person is very unpleasant. Think about my attitude towards learning. Alas! If only I had the spirit of perseverance like a spider.

Once, the teacher was handing out examination papers. Little B60, C100, D95... My heart pounded like a deer when listening to the teacher's announcement of these results. Until I heard my teacher read my score. The score of 59 depressed me. Walking alone on this long road, I can never get home. On the way, I was looking for the reason for my poor performance: carelessness. It is easy to be conceited and complacent, which are my fatal shortcomings in learning. I can't help thinking about the spider web I pierced. I think I should have the spirit of perseverance like a spider and never stop until I reach my goal.

From then on, when I came home from school, I always finished my homework in class first, and then read more extracurricular books whenever I was free. Even my favorite TV dramas and computer games were forgotten, and I focused on my study. Through constant efforts, my academic achievements gradually improved.

Until one time, when the teacher handed out the paper, he said, "This time, one of the students in the class made great progress. XX got 100 points in the exam. Keep going! " I silently thought in my heart: Teacher, I will not live up to your expectations, I will not be complacent, but will study harder.

The reason why I can make greater progress in learning is the inspiration from the spider's perseverance.

I want to thank the spider web that I pierced.

Inspiration from Spiders 300 words composition

Spider is a very weak animal, but it has existed in ancient times. Why does it still exist? Now, let me tell you a fairy tale about spiders.

Once upon a time, a spider found a big tree with luxuriant branches in the forest. It slowly climbed up the trunk. When it found two branches suitable for weaving, it began to spit out silk. It retreated while spitting, retreating from the upper branch to the lower branch, and the silver white filaments swayed gently in the breeze, which was extremely beautiful. At this time, a little squirrel ran over and said, "It's so hard for you to vomit two pieces of silk for such a long time. Stop weaving and play with me." The spider looked at the little squirrel and said, "It's because of the slowness that I have to stick to it. I can't be lazy.".

Then the wind came. It seems that it deliberately wants to oppose the spider. With a "whoop", it blows off the two silk threads just spit out by the spider. The spider fell down at once. Fortunately, it was stuck by the filaments just spit out and hung in mid air. It paddled its eight thin legs and climbed up along the filaments. The little squirrel was so frightened that he hid in the tree hole and said, "Look, how dangerous it is. You'd better find a tree hole like me. How nice it is to stop weaving your own net". The spider shook his head and said, "No! I must rely on my own efforts to build a beautiful home.".

Inspiration from spiders 250 words composition

Spiders have a persistent spirit. Let's have a look!

One day, it rained. I sat at the corner of the window and watched the scene in the rain. Suddenly, I saw a spider web that had been broken by rain. I thought to myself: the spider who weaves this web will definitely give up this web, stop weaving! I wanted to see the result, so I took a chair and sat under the window corner, waiting for Mr. Spider's return.

About a few minutes later, Mr. Spider came back. I continued to look, but the result was unexpected! The spider did not give up the web, but rewoven it again. However, drizzle broke the spider web as if it were a prank. The spider had no choice but to weave again. In this way, the rain kept falling and the spiders kept weaving until the rain stopped.

Spider's perseverance is worth learning. Some people will stop doing half of a thing. What's the reason? It's tiring and brain wasting... But how did Edison invent the light bulb? How did Newton discover gravity? Don't they all depend on the spirit of perseverance! So we should persevere in everything we do. Don't give up halfway, because giving up halfway will make you unable to reach the end point of success.

Inspiration of Spider Weaving Web 300 words composition

That day, I walked on the path in the park forest, and found a spider weaving a web on a small grass. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, breaking the silk. The spider was also blown off the grass by the wind, and only the residual silk on the grass broke the web.

I picked up the grass and saw that the spider was struggling to climb up. When it climbed onto a piece of grass, it was tired and panting, but it didn't mean to rest! It gave me a thrilling acrobatic performance. He spit out a piece of silk and jumped off the grass, but that piece of silk stuck firmly to the grass. It swung on the swing a few times. There were several fragile silk threads between the two grass. The spider looked at it with satisfaction and continued to work, only to see it put up several "brackets" on those lines, The spider fixed those threads and then fixed the other threads one by one. The appearance of a web basically appeared. Just as the spider wanted to have a rest, another gust of wind blew up, and several good webs were broken again. The spider did not give up, weaving the web again and again, and the web was broken again and again.

The spider has strong willpower? Its firm perseverance reminds me of what my father once told me: "There is no impossibility in the world, just see whether you have perseverance, if there is, then you are indestructible"!

Composition of Weaving Web (14)

One of the most interesting things I did during the National Day holiday was to observe the spiders weaving their webs. The spiders' webs are thin, and they make people feel ethereal under the wind

One day, I accidentally found a spider weaving a web on the balcony. It left a thin silk thread where it passed. It found several support points first, then found the center, and pulled lines back and forth from the support point to the center point, thus forming a round web. Although the web has been woven firmly, the spider is not satisfied, It has to walk around the Internet again, starting from the outside to the inside, and finally stopping at the center. The mesh is woven regularly, and each circle of lattice is the same size, which looks like a perfect silk fabric.

The spider's web is woven by some white filaments, which are very thin and cannot be seen unless you look carefully. In the early morning, when the sun just rose, the Internet was full of dew. The dew slightly changed its color under the sunlight, emitting a dazzling light. If you don't take it seriously, you may think it is a string of shining colorful pearls.

The web is very important for spiders. With the web, spiders can hunt. Spiders only need to sit in the center of the web and wait for prey to throw themselves into the web. When prey reaches any silk on its web, spiders can immediately sense the vibration of the silk, and accurately judge which silk is, run to it immediately, catch the prey, and then eat the prey. Such a difficult judgment, I didn't miss it once

Nature is really magical, giving this hunter such superb skills.

Composition of Weaving Web (15)

The Secret of Spider Weaving Web (1)

When I go out for a walk at night, I can always see big and small spider webs and spiders in the bushes. When did they come out to work? Why can their nets be so beautiful? With these questions, I checked some information. It turned out that spiders began to weave their web about two hours before sunset.

One evening, I wanted to go out to observe spiders. So I went to the bushes outside my house and waited for the target to appear. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Some of them are here, some are there, and nobody bothers anyone. I carefully selected a large and strong spider for observation.

I saw that it was first blown from one tree to another, and then from that tree to this tree, so it went back and forth several times and built a silk frame with its solid net. Then it began to weave the strongest silk shelf in the middle, which looked like a flower. Then it began to weave a lot of radial silk lines from top to bottom, from left to right, and then it returned to the middle shelf and began to circle the spiral circle clockwise, and the outward circle was larger than the outward circle. Soon, it was completed. This spider just needs to wait quietly for the arrival of large and small insects.

At this time, I couldn't wait, so I had to catch a medium-sized cricket and throw it onto the web. When the web shook, the spider jumped to its prey like lightning and quickly wrapped it with silk. This cricket became a good meal for spiders.

After this observation, I have a question: Why can spiders do so perfectly without instruments?

The Secret of Spider Weaving Web (2)

This afternoon, I came home from school and saw a big spider weaving a web on the balcony. At this time, I was curious about the big spider shade and carefully observed it. The top of the silk was stuck to a hook on the balcony ceiling, and the spider was suspended in the air by a soft and long silk. As the eight feet move, the silk grows longer.

Look, look, it's raining, I look at the spider, the web has been woven. At this time, a huge question mark appeared in my mind. Why does it rain when the spider weaves the web?

I made a special observation of it with questions. I watched this guy for a long time. It was observed that every time before rain, spiders would weave webs.

I was puzzled and couldn't find the answer. At this time, I had a brainwave. I could go to "One Hundred Thousand Why" to find it. I opened the book and looked for the answer. It turns out that the silk spun by spiders is composed of certain microorganisms. This kind of microorganism can not be distributed in sunny days, but can quickly coagulate into silk in rainy days. So spiders weave webs after rain.

It suddenly dawned on me. It seems that spiders are experts in weather forecasting.

Composition of Weaving Web (16)

In the video, the spider carefully climbs onto a small leaf on a tree on the other side of the river, then aims at a suitable position on the opposite side and sprays spider silk from its tail. The spider silk is scattered along the wind like a fisherman's net, or a fairy with a white ribbon flying in the air. After a while, it finally stuck to the opposite side.

However, the spider silk just ejected is as open as the water ejected from the largest tap. Therefore, the spider slowly uses its eight slender legs to bind the spider silk into a bundle, which will become more tenacious, just like steel bars.

But at this time, an "uninvited guest" appeared. The other spider on the opposite side has been eyeing intently until it weaves this spider silk. Now, it is ready to take this spider silk as its own and get something for nothing: use this as the basis to catch prey. The spider on the opposite side thought that it would fight more or less, because even if it did, it would have a chance to win because it was a male spider and it was a female spider. But the wishful thinking did not start. As soon as the two spiders approached, the female spider cut off her own spider silk. The opposite spider saw that the plan was unsuccessful and swung back, leaving "uninteresting".

It was said that the female spider did not leave after cutting off the spider silk, but ate all the spider silk, and then spun, bundled and made traps again.

It is finally completed. A dragonfly flew over and plunged into the net

All of this makes me understand that persistence is victory. If you don't give up when faced with difficulties, you will gain if you face difficulties with an optimistic attitude.