Composition of loving parents 600 (18 in total)
Talking about the past
2023-11-05 08:46:30

Composition of loving parents 600 (1)

Parents' love

Because of love, ice and snow can melt; Because of love, dead trees feel spring; Because of love, hope blooms; Because of love, life is complete. Yes, there are many big and small loves in the world, but I think the greatest love comes from them - my parents' love.

In the morning, I picked up my neatly folded clothes and put them on, feeling a little warm. As I put on my clothes, I felt the heat in my clothes. Soon, the heat was all around my body. I climbed out of bed and put on soft shoes, which were also hot. When I came to the bedroom door, a strong aroma came to my nose.

I was intoxicated by the aroma. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the table was full of Manchu and Han people, still hot and full of breath. I rushed to the table in a hurry, picked up my chopsticks, and began to wolf down. And there was a man standing beside me, my mother. She looked at my desperate appearance, and her kind face was full of smiles. I think my mother hasn't had breakfast yet.

At night, I bit my pen and kept drawing something on the paper. I have to say that this question is too difficult. Just as I was sobbing in a low voice because I couldn't solve the problem, a gentle tap came from my back, like comfort and encouragement. It was my father. He gently sat down in front of me and picked up a pen and paper... Maybe I was stupid. After repeated teaching, I still knew a little. But his father did not show any impatience, and he patiently taught him. Finally, an hour later, the problem was solved.

It's already midnight. Maybe I woke up because I drank too much water before going to bed. Press the button to press the light, and open the door, only to see a door opposite me emitting a little light. Well, how come Mom and Dad haven't slept so late? Curiosity enticed me to go and find out. I went to the door quietly and opened it a crack. It turned out to be my father, working in front of the computer. That earnest appearance makes me wonder, don't you usually work until ten o'clock? Why today

Fatherly love is like chrysanthemum, which is light and long. Only through the years can we taste the profound charm of fatherly love. Mother's love is wordless. On the long road of life, when the storm comes, hold up a warm umbrella above your head.

Parents' love

It was an early autumn afternoon. It was clear and cool in autumn. It was such a fine weather that I was in high spirits. I wanted to go to the gym with my parents to play table tennis. Both father and mother readily agreed.

We got to the gym and started fighting. It's really "rusty without sharpening the knife, and backward without learning". Maybe it's because I don't practice much at ordinary times, and I can't feel invincible and sweeping the army with my parents. Almost every round is "Confucius moves - all is lost". I am a bit angry and angry. So I took it all out on my parents. When I came home, my eyebrows were frowning. When my parents went this way, I went another way. When they called me back, I turned a deaf ear to them. I told them in this way that I was very angry!

I ran around in the street, and finally came home helpless. Stepping into the house, my mother asked anxiously, "Where did I go? Why did I go home at this time?" "I can go wherever I want, and you can't control it!" I said angrily. After I said that, I regretted it. But I didn't want to bow my head like this. Before my mother could answer, I threw her a sentence, "I want to be quiet?" So, I walked into my room without looking back and slammed the door. I think my mother must be stunned and open her mouth wide. But I can't manage so much. I lay in bed, thinking a lot.

Eight, half past eight. Mom suddenly pushed the door and entered, saying: "Don't be angry, come out to eat quickly!" "I'm tired of not eating your food. I'd rather buy fifty cents snacks." My words pierced my mother's enthusiastic heart like countless sharp knives. My father finally could not bear it and was about to hit me. My mother hurriedly stopped me, saying that everyone was unhappy sometimes, and I was still quiet. Who can blame me for blushing? It is my lack of practice that makes me inferior to others. In the end, I still take this anger on them. I am the most hateful son in the world. I went out of the bedroom with a red face to apologize to my mother. I took the food and ate it with a big mouth. Mother's face was full of smiles. After dinner, I washed the pots and bowls clean. Mother also said that it was the sun coming out in the west.

At night, I lay in bed, unable to sleep for a long time. Now I think how lucky I was. I had a kind mother who always tolerated and helped me endlessly. I also had a strict father who often pushed me. They are like the sails on my life boat, trying to push me forward. Mom and Dad, I love you!

Parents' love

Look, the love of parents is that one! It's the brightest one!

The spring wind is scattered, the summer wind is blowing, the autumn leaves are fluttering, and the winter snow is white. Throughout the year, it is "parents" who are caring for us. We are grass, parents are a ray of sunshine, and they are caring for me.

Once, after a day of classes, I was very tired. At night, I dragged a heavy step, hung a heavy heart, slowly came home, and went to bed. But I could hear the small ping-pong sound. I got up and looked around for the source of the sound.

One room, one room, and the last one is my mother's. I opened the door and saw my mother nailing the bench. She hit it with a hammer. Her hands were rough... I had never seen "father" since I was young. I only heard the kind "father" on the lips of my classmates. Maybe I don't have a father. Maybe I'm different. My mother did all the work at home. Now, when I grow up, I understand the so-called father. I don't want to hear the word father anymore. I have no father! I left tears. I asked my mother where my father was. She said that he was my father. Oh, funny. In fact, my mother is also a bit funny. He often jokes with me.

When I asked my grandmother, she said, "Your father works in a distant place. You will see him next year!" I was overjoyed to hear that.

Once, when I heard my classmates scold me at school, I cried. I ran out of the classroom, running all the time, aimlessly. I ran to the door of my house, and the door was open, "In fact, we have to tell the truth to the child. The child has grown up. There is still crying inside. I went in, and my mother picked me up, and tightly... She pulled me into the room, crying, "My child, you don't have a father or a mother. That year, I went to the railway station and heard the crying of the child. I followed the voice to a corner. I found you there. I didn't want to find another burden, so I left. But I walked not far away. Your picture was reflected in my mind. I couldn't bear it. I ran back to adopt you. After that, I lived with you and didn't want to find you A companion. So

I -- tears -- burst into my eyes -- 'love of parents', that's all, even though it's not close

Composition of loving parents 600 (2)

"Life is not a short candle, but a torch we hold for the time being. They must burn it very brightly and then give it to the next generation of people. I seem to see a bright torch passing."

——Bernard Shaw

When you are learning to walk and speak slowly, who taught you to wash your face and comb your hair, read and write, and who taught you how to be a man. When the wind and frost whitened their temples, the years bent their spine; When their hands were covered with thick cocoons and their faces were wrinkled, they were slowly getting old.

The wings behind us are getting harder and harder, and we look at the sky flying farther and farther. At this time, please look behind us. Those who used to shelter you from the wind and rain, and who are not afraid of nothing, are slowly aging and can't keep up with you. Please stop, hold their hands tightly, and walk slowly with them.

When I was young, I was a headstrong child, but my parents never beat and scolded me, and some just followed the instructions. When I broke away from their shelter and got covered in mud and scars while indulging in the laughter games, they didn't scold or complain, but only gently washed away the mud and bandaged the wounds.

We stumble, eager to break away from various rules and constraints; We swore blood and alliance, and joined hands to resist all external forces; We were high spirited and yearned for freedom, but we were rejected. When our sadness and despair sink to the bottom, our parents accompany us, comfort us, and silently pave the way for us.

How can we ever repay our parents for doing so much for us? Even a simple "I love you" has never been said. Parents have paid us as much sweat and tears as rivers and seas. Have you ever sent a glass of water when they are tired; Send a box of medicine when they are sick; When they gave a blessing on their birthday, and whether they saw their gradually gray hair. Parents are the people we should be most grateful for, and gratitude needs your heart to understand and repay.

It's not difficult to be grateful. You don't need to remove all the obstacles for them, nor pay the price of your life. You just need to grow up, understand them, understand them, and love them forever, and feel every kindness in the years.

Composition of loving parents 600 (3)

Students are special children. Many people say that teachers and principals working in this school have a kind and beautiful heart.

My parents care about me very much, and they often accompany me. Accompany me in learning English, playing games, playing the piano

Since I was in kindergarten, my eyes have been found to have vision problems, including astigmatism and myopia. I have to go to the hospital for inspection every six months. Every time I go to the hospital, my vision always gets worse, so my parents are always worried. My father heard on the National Day last year that there was a hospital in Shanghai that could cure my eyes, so my parents hurriedly booked train tickets and took me to Shanghai to see a doctor. It was already evening in Shanghai. We went to a hotel near the hospital for the night.

The next morning, before dawn, my father got up to register for me. It was a rainy day. My father braved the downpour. When I woke up, I found my father had started. I was worried that my father would catch cold. Soon after, my father came back, and his clothes, pants and shoes were all wet by the rain. He said that there were a lot of people waiting in line, most of whom hung up experts for children in the rain.

After breakfast, we went out. Father was afraid that I would get my shoes wet, so he picked me up. Mother held an umbrella for us. After a while, my father was a little unable to support me, so I slipped down, and then my father gave me a hard lift, holding me more tightly. My father smiled and said to me, "My daughter is getting heavier and heavier as she grows up." So she went back and forth several times and finally arrived at the hospital. At this time, the shoes of father and mother were all wet, and the clothes and pants were also wet. Looking at my parents' embarrassment, I couldn't help being jealous.

After a long wait, the medical results came out. Alas! My eyes still haven't been cured, but the fact that my parents took me to see a doctor in the rain remains in my mind forever.

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. Mom and Dad, thank you for bringing me to this world, thank you for your love! Thank you!

Composition of loving parents 600 (4)

Open the camera of memory, the past is still vivid in my mind, and every big event and small matter reappears before my eyes. Every picture, every action, and every word is still fresh in my memory.

Think of the past, I shouted to my mother at home. I waited at the door for a long time and scolded my mother again and again; The water is too hot. I always ask my mother to pour another cup; The cooking was too salty, so I asked my mother to cook again; My mother brought me fruit too slowly, so I refused to eat it; My pen ran out of water, so my mother went a long way to buy it

Until that afternoon, when school was over

That time, I was waiting for my mother at the door. I was complaining that my mother was late. I shouted: Why did my mother come so late? I was frozen to death and bored to death! At this time, I looked around and after seeing everyone, my eyes were fixed on a little girl. She seemed to be standing there expectantly, looking around.

Suddenly, her foot suddenly kicked and ran forward. I found the woman smiling in the crowd. The little girl threw herself into the woman's arms and cried happily, "Mom!"! The little girl's mother also answered: My dear daughter.

They walked forward hand in hand. Under the blue sky and in the vast sea of people, their shadows disappear

Head. Although they no longer appear, their illusions still come to my mind.

Every word and every action of them beat my heart again and again. I stood by the roadside, comparing my practice with hers. At the same time, I reflect on my mistakes one by one, regret what I did, and make a determination to repent.

In that scene, my mind has undergone earth shaking changes: whenever my mother is wrong, I will forgive; Whenever my mother forgives me, I will repay my mother with better performance.

That time, I learned to respect my parents. At that moment, I understood the meaning of filial piety. That change benefited me for life.

Composition of loving parents 600 (5)

If I were a bird, I would remember the nest where I was born. If I were a sapling, I could not forget the land that nourished me. If I were a river, the snow covered plateau would become a mark in my memory. If... no matter what I am, no matter how I am here, I can forget everything around me, or even abandon myself, But there is one thing that cannot be erased: reward.

Of course, first of all, I should repay my parents, because they raised me, but when I grew up, they only gave me material needs, which is why I went through a detour, so I want to repay my teachers, friends and classmates who saved me.

Why do I study? Because I want to repay. If I had not been encouraged by my teachers again and again, I would not be the same as I am today. If I had not been encouraged by my classmates again and again, I would not be the same as I am today. I represent you. I will do what you do. I watched my friends work hard and hard one by one. How can I not work hard? Only in this way can I be worthy of my heart and heaven and earth, because every drop of water will be repaid by the spring, and everything in the world will know how to repay. I am no exception. Even if I still fail after my efforts, I have no regrets, because my rebirth was given by you. If you didn't save me at that time, I would have been a person who lost the meaning of life. I can't imagine how boring it is to live in my original world, which is totally different from the present world.

Therefore, my brilliance is given by you, my path is pointed out by you, and my success is given by you. All my things are realized by you. I am like a creator, and you are the creator. So what I want to do is not only to thank, but also to repay.

I will not repay you with money or honor. Because you are a symbol of purity and sacred, I will repay you with actions and repay your expectations with my success.

It is a kind of responsibility to repay and sublimate it, and he requires people to help others in times of crisis and help others to turn the tide, which is the true meaning of reward!

Composition of loving parents 600 (6)

It was a dark evening, and the wind was blowing hard outside the window. After cleaning the classroom, I began to pack my schoolbag and prepare to go home. "Click --", a thunderclap suddenly sounded in the sky, followed by heavy rain. I thought it was bad. I threw my clothes on my head and rushed out. Just arriving at the school gate, two familiar figures flashed into my eyes - Dad and Mom, but they both had only one umbrella in their hands. Mom smiled and said to me, "Your father and I both came from the office directly. We didn't bring more umbrellas. Let's fight together.". "Dad and I will have a fight." Then I jumped under Dad's umbrella. Dad held the umbrella in one hand and tried to put his arm around my shoulder. Three people and two umbrellas were hidden in the mist. At that moment, I felt very happy.

Hazy, my brain suddenly flashed one picture after another: I remembered that I had forgotten to take my homework book because I was in a hurry to go to school. When my father found out, he ran to send me to the classroom; I remembered that I forgot the time to go home because I played basketball. My mother hurried around looking for me; I remembered that when I called my dad who was on business, he said in an eager voice: "The fuse is in the toolbox on the balcony. When installing the fuse, don't forget to pull the knife switch first"; I remembered my mother's exhortation before I left home every time I met an exam: "Don't panic, believe in yourself." Too many past events poured out in a flash, making me cry.

The love of parents is like the fragrance of lilies. It is moved and slowly gathers and no longer drifts away. I think maybe no one in the world will say that they don't love their parents, but can they say that they can fully repay their parents' love? Maybe far from it. In the eyes of my parents, love is to walk with you. No matter how far you go, I will never be tired. So I will never forget my father's ardent words when he took my draft composition: "Change it, change it again, and you can transcribe it." I will never forget my mother's early morning figure for me - life is too long, and now is happiness.

Composition of loving parents 600 (7)

I remember the first math test in grade five, I got 107 points. When my mother looked at the score of the test paper, she said excitedly, "Xiaoying, this is really your test paper? You did well in the test! Only 13 points were deducted, which was great." Her mother kept praising. I told her with a triumphant smile that this was the result of my serious examination. My mother clapped her hands happily and said that I would be rewarded with a big chicken wing for dinner today.

"Mom, when will Dad come back?" I asked in a low voice. Mom said, "Dad will come back soon."

As soon as my mother spoke, I heard my father open the door. I was so worried that I immediately picked up the test paper and handed it to my father with joy. I was secretly happy and thought: "My father's knowledge is higher than my mother's. Seeing my score, I will definitely give me material rewards."

"Hum, what kind of score is this? You see, how can this question be wrong? Copy this calculation question 50 times, and then write a review."

Suddenly, I seemed to fall into the ice cellar and cool from head to toe. The more I listened, the more sad I felt that I had done poorly in the exam. Tears filled my eyes as if I was going to burst into tears.

"Dad, what do you mean?" The mother said anxiously, "Now that the grade is high, it is not easy for the child to get a high score. Besides, this is just the beginning, and she needs encouragement!"

"Why?" Dad retorted, "Who said that high grades mean low scores?"

I really can't stand it. When I returned to my room, I had already accumulated many tears in my eyes. Hearing what the father said, I felt that there was a sharp knife on my heart, cutting and cutting, and the blood was flowing drop by drop.

Later, I took out the test paper and looked at it again and again, and found that what my father said was not unreasonable, just like this calculation problem. It was just a very easy simple calculation problem. No wonder my father punished me to copy it.

Now, I am in the sixth grade. I recall the exam score of the fifth grade and see that it keeps improving. Seeing this, I felt satisfied and felt that half of it was due to my parents. isn't it?

You said, if it were not for my mother's encouragement and my father's criticism, would I have made such achievements?

Composition of loving parents 600 (8)

The love in the world is like the stars all over the sky. There are countless: love that will last until death, passion that will not go away, friendship that has two threats... Among them, I think the selfless family relationship can make people cry most. There is no love in the world that can compare with family relationship. Even one day, I will never forget my parents' deep love for me.

At the moment when I was born, parents were burdened with huge expenses, such as medical expenses, examination fees and tuition fees, which brought a heavy burden to the already poor families. Since then, parents have earned money from wind and rain, suffered from food and tea, saved money from food and clothing, and worked from morning to night, from spring to winter. There are countless drops of sweat, tears and blood flowing through them. But they have no complaints. For my healthy growth, they are willing!

Now, I am growing up day by day, while my parents are getting older day by day, but they are still never old in my heart. They used their broad chest to contain me, and taught me to be a man of "the sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance is great"; they used their sweat like rain to nurture me, and taught me to live frugally, hard and plain; they used their frank personality to nourish me, and taught me to be loyal and honest to people, and despise hypocrisy. They poured their most sincere and selfless feelings on me, and drained their blood. They are totems of kinship and monuments of immortality!

Here, I once again sincerely thank my parents. They gave me the joy of "planting a millet in spring and harvesting thousands of seeds in autumn", the memory of "always remembering the sunset in the brook pavilion, and being intoxicated with no way to return", and the pursuit of "gradually broadening the belt and never regretting the end, making people haggard for Iraq disappear", so that I had a "travel in the clear sky, the wind crosses the sea, and add the song" a better life. Ah! Dad, Optimus Prime in my heart; Mother, the steward of my soul. In the future, I will study hard, repay the parents' kindness with the best results, and extend and carry forward their good qualities of hard work, frugality and caring for children. And they will stay in my heart forever, as a lamp in my heart, guiding me in the dark path of life. I love parents!

Composition of loving parents 600 (9)

Deep, lying in bed tossing and turning, parents have not come back, I have some fear, but also some angry. They never came back.

The only thing that makes me feel dissatisfied is my parents, who always get up so early to leave and come back so late every day. How I would like to have our family play in the park and go to the river for a breeze at the weekend, but God has not satisfied me with this little wish in my heart.

no way! We must wait until they come back today. I know they want to earn money, but I don't want them to be so tired. I want to live harder. After all, I have a long, long future.

Suddenly, a faint sound came from the stairs outside the door. It was so light and weak. The sound slowly approached the door and suddenly stopped.

After a long time, I heard a slight sound of metal collision, an object slowly inserted into the lock hole, and then turned gently again. The door opened quietly. Easy, the child is asleep. This is the mother's voice.

I could feel her walking slowly towards me on tiptoe. There is no sound, but I can feel that the gentle footsteps are warming my heart from the outside to the mainland.

Mother gently pulled the quilt, slowly moved onto me, and slowly left

From beginning to end, the lights at home did not light up, nor did they make too much noise. Only the tiptoe of my parents stepped on my heart step by step.

Pulling the quilt over my head, I tried to suppress the cry, and tears ran down my cheeks line by line. I don't know how long I cried that night. All I know is that the pillow is wet.

How many years, how many days and nights, every night parents are like this, in a dark home slowly groping. What reason should I be angry with them?

Parents love, never forget this life, also dare not forget!

Composition of loving parents 600 (10)

I heard from my grandparents that I have been loved by my parents since I was young. I can walk, but they still don't let me touch the ground, either father or mother holds it, and they keep kissing and sucking on my face

When I can add and subtract within ten, my parents will take me to the market to buy things on holidays and return home to visit my grandparents in the countryside. In these processes, my parents always told me about this and that, and said a lot of things, but now I can't remember. But I think it is to teach me to understand early and feel life.

One day when I was in the first grade, my father brought an uncle to my house. While they were talking, I saw that my father gave my uncle a lot of money. Later, my mother told me that my parents insured me and used so much money to protect me from illness. Now I know that my parents' wages were not high at that time. How much they loved me!

I go to school only by car or by my mother. Too many times by car. My mother said it was safe to take the bus, and I would not suffer from wind and rain. But many times, I have sat in the car, and my mother still has a lot of attention, and said a lot of things to my driver uncle. Why?

Usually, my parents often cook delicious food for me. When I eat, I always teach me to respect my grandparents and teachers, unite with my classmates to observe discipline, study hard and love work. I remember my parents' words at school, especially listen to the teacher's words, study hard, and take the initiative to help students who are not good at learning. Teachers like me very much!

Now, I'm in the third grade. I am the monitor in my class and I study very well. When I think about my growth, I can't do without the care and love of my parents. My parents love me as much as I grow up! My parents are both teachers. On Teacher's Day this year, I made a card for them with many blessings written on it. Somehow, I lost it and couldn't find it. I cried sadly

September 28th is my birthday. In order to express my gratitude to my parents, I wrote the following words in my diary. When they wished me a happy birthday, they read to them and wished my parents happiness forever:

Dear parents, thank you for giving birth to Wang Han ten years ago! Thank you for bringing me to this world, and thank you for bringing me up for so many years. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Composition of loving parents 600 (11)

Life in a simple and monotonous way repeats itself day after day, year after year.

The soul is seeking in a kind of up and down flight, unable to get out of its own bondage, and the loneliness of repeated struggles.

The color and perception that life gives to everyone is different, completely similar, completely different and complicated.

In a distant and deep longing, I yearn for the flowers of love, the pervasion of love, the dense of love, and the immersion of love.

Love is the brightest sunshine of life, the most brilliant bloom of life, the most dazzling brightness of life, and the softest stretch of life. The soul often has a direction in the pursuit of love. With a home, with the dream of staying.

I am eager to love and be loved. Love is so holy and solemn in the deepest part of my heart. I would rather worship at the foot of love with all my piety. I look up to the height of love, its depth and breadth, its caution, its fear of touching, its haunting thoughts, and its deep attachment. Love often comes up with fascinating pictures in my thinking paintings, such as the misty and rainy river surface, the wet red skirt of a girl coming in the rain, the outline wet by the rain, the mountain top surrounded by clouds, the deep Chinese parasol trees in the courtyard, the unstoppable waves, the tidal current of the Qiantang River, the silence and restlessness of the rising and falling sea, The undercurrent in the deep sea surges. And the covered bridges under the setting sun, and the stars under the black night.

After all, I dare not touch it for fear of blaspheming it or playing with it. I will eventually let the spirit and soul be overwhelmed by a silent shock in front of love, or shrink back, or wait and see, or sacrifice into a unwilling. Although that unrest has been awakened again and again into a torture of contradiction, I can't easily see it, which is nearly and far away, Let me choose thinking and silence in a deep confusion and confusion.

The distant song, whether it is a love story, this life, I would like to watch for you

Composition of loving parents 600 (12)

Father's love is like a mountain, tall and thick; Motherly love is like the sea, endless. The love of parents is selfless. They always take care of us, care for us, and silently pay everything for us.

I remember when I was young, when I was about 5 years old. My home is a two-story building, and there is a small yard on the first floor. We have a very cute dog playing in the yard. I wanted to hold the dog, but as soon as it saw that I wanted to hold it, it ran away and I went after it. On the way from the first floor to the second floor, I fell on the ground because I was too eager to go upstairs. I made a big cut on my chin and bled a lot, which made me cry loudly.

My father heard my crying on the second floor and ran down quickly. Seeing that I had lost a lot of blood, he was immediately frightened and ran to the hospital with me in his arms. My father ran all the way without stopping until he put me on the bed. Because of the hot weather, I felt my father's sweat flowing. After my father informed my mother, he stayed with me all the time.

The doctor was afraid that I would see the stitches, so he put a white gauze over my eyes. When the doctor stitched up the wound, my father was there to comfort me and accompany me. After sewing the wound, my father asked my sister nurse to look after me and then went out. The sister nurse was very friendly and told me good stories.

After a while, my mother pushed the door open and came in. She asked me how I was, whether I was better, and whether it still hurt. I shook my head and said it was no longer painful. My mother told me secretly that my father was crying quietly in the corridor of the hospital. Because I was still young, I didn't know why my father cried, so I asked my mother: "Why does my father cry?" My mother said: "My father blamed himself for not looking after you, so that you suffered so much." After listening to my mother's words, I nodded vaguely. After I was discharged from hospital, I was injured at home. My parents took care of me meticulously and tried their best to supplement my nutrition. My parents' love was like a mountain.

Now, when I entered junior high school, my mother was afraid that I would not adapt to junior high school life. She cooked my favorite meals at home, tutored me in my studies, and accompanied me in my homework. I understood my mother's hard work and realized the greatness of maternal love.

A drop of grace, when the spring returns, parents love as heavy as a mountain; My parents' great love for me is deep in my heart. I will repay my parents with practical actions, because my parents are in my heart!

Composition of loving parents 600 (13)

The love of parents is selfless and priceless. Every bit of life comes from the love of my parents. Every past event makes me very moved.

My mother said that my sleeping appearance at night is very ugly when I am under ten years old. It is often ten o'clock when most of my body is exposed outside the quilt. But what makes me strange is that every morning when I get up, my quilt is covered neatly, and my body is not exposed at all. What the hell is going on here? I was puzzled, so I planned to find out.

That night, I lay in bed with my eyes closed, trying to keep myself awake. But after more than an hour, nothing happened. I was very worried and wanted to sleep, so I closed my eyes vaguely. At this time, I vaguely felt that the door was pushed open, so I was suddenly awakened. I squinted. Oh, it was my father coming. Seeing him coming to me, I quickly pretended to sleep and squinted a little. I saw my father tuck in the quilt for me, and then put my exposed hands into the bed gently. Then he left quietly. Suddenly, there was silence all around. I see. The mystery in my heart has finally been solved. It turns out that my father comes to tuck me in every night. No wonder my quilt is so neat every morning. My heart suddenly filled with a warm current. It turns out that parents' love is reflected in every little thing! Parents' love is not only gentle love, but also strict love. My parents hope that I can lay a good foundation, so they have applied for many cram schools for me and have high expectations for me. Although sometimes I was scolded by my mother for dawdling, as the saying goes, "Beating is kiss, scolding is love." My mother is so strict with me, which also shows that she loves me. I understand that.

Although it's been a long time, I still can't forget it.

Grade 6, Yixing Experimental Primary School, Yixing, Wuxi, Jiangsu: Chen Jichao

Composition of loving parents 600 (14)

Everyone said that parents' love is great and selfless. Yes, after that incident, I know more about my parents' great love.

When I was young, I didn't know my parents, and always fought against them.

When I was 3 years old, I once had a quarrel with them because of a trivial matter. I felt very angry, so I shut myself in the bedroom to vent my anger.

About half an hour later, my parents calmed down and asked me to go out for dinner. I'm still angry. It can be seen that they are so sincere. They touched their hungry stomachs and decided to eat.

I was going to open the door and go out, but I couldn't open it. I fought and kicked hard, but I couldn't open the door. I had to cry loudly in the room.

My parents went to find the key to open the door, but I locked the door and the key could not open it.

My parents patiently taught me to open the door, but my stupid head just couldn't open the door.

About 15 minutes later, the parents could not bear it anymore. Mother was in a hurry.

Finally, my father came up with an idea. He said to his mother, "I climbed the window from the hut to the bedroom to open the door." His father was serious and determined when he spoke. "No." The mother stopped the father and said, "It's too dangerous for you to do this! This is the fourth floor, and falling down will kill people!".

My father began to turn the window, and my mother and I were both worried about our hearts.

Ah, my father has finally reached the bedroom safely. My mother and I finally fell down.

Now, I understand that parents' love is a kind of love regardless of life and death. At that time, there will be no fear.

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Who wants to take care of others? Who wants to help others? None of the children, only their parents thought about it.

Think about it: When you were ill, your parents sent you to the hospital regardless of the situation? When we finished eating, didn't Mom and Dad have to wash your bowl? On your birthday, aren't you the first one to be congratulated by your parents? Let me talk about love first.

First, my mother's love: I always wanted to learn zither when I was young, so my mother enrolled me in a zither lesson. At the beginning, I couldn't play the sound, and I didn't know how many times I cried in my dream. But one day, my mother seemed to see what was on my mind, and even accompanied me to practice again and again. But the more it is like this, the more I don't want to learn. Because the zither is too boring, I fell asleep playing. But my mother still patiently taught me. In this way, I played more and more skillfully. From it, I learned a truth - one minute on the stage, ten years off the stage. Therefore, I will practice seriously. One day, I will stand on a tall stage!

Second, Dad's love: I remember when I was five years old, our family of four went to the desert. As we all know, the desert is deserted and there is no water anywhere. There are several camels walking slowly. It was the hot summer at that time. The sun was like a big ball of fire. I walked for less than half an hour and was exhausted. My father said, "Let me carry you."

Because my father carried me on his back and walked hard against the scorching sun, sweat trickled down. I felt very distressed after reading it. I wanted to come down several times, but my father forced me to stop. When I stopped to have a rest, my father was already sweating heavily. My mother took a picture with two words that could touch my heart, "Daddy".

You will surely ask: Why do parents love us? Because, they are responsible, kind, brave and hard. They are great because of their parents.

Parents must be a pair of heroes!

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When I was a child, I always felt that the days were very long. The sun is like a wandering old man, slowly walking forward. Little people want to grow up overnight, so as to stop what their parents often say: When you grow up, you will be like a cloud. Curiosity about the surroundings and the future make the small head firmly believe that those are parents' Tangsai

Finally, he grew up to be a teenager comparable to his parents. He was young, arrogant, ignorant and fearless. He thought that he could catch turtles in the world while he was in the sky. He is extremely ambitious, rushing from left to right and stumbling. Although he has not been beaten to death, he still finds life is very cold. Only then does he know that he can't catch up with the low flying swallow and can only fish in the stream. Looking up at my parents, I didn't listen to the old man, and I still felt the loss in front of me. I snuggled up to my parents' arms and listened to them tell me that in the past, bad luck and disaster were the enviable aura. Compared with their glory, all the self righteous and aimless things were ridiculous and unworthy of mention. Keep your mind in check and have a solid experience. Although you have no head to hang a beam, you still travel in the sea of books, vowing to live up to your parents' expectations and your own wishes.

I went to work with high spirit and thought that I could be the arm of my parents. I knew the pressure of work, the difficulty of life, and people were too busy to worry about themselves. Everywhere I was just dreaming... When I was tired, I had to lie in your arms. I never thought you were tired. What should I do? I always thought that you were the Great Wall of steel in my life, and such days would be long.

When I walked into the marriage hall happily, I calmed down and learned that the past happy, happy and comfortable times were all created by your hard work. Looking back, my father's sour soup noodles and my mother's pumpkin flowers have become peerless delicacies

As time goes by, I will eventually become you. When children grow up, I know that parents' love is a kind of advice or even a rebuke when they are lost; When traveling far away, everything is very important and detailed with an earnest exhortation; When you are lonely and helpless, your eyes follow your wandering figure, and your face is always a kind smile; When you are hungry, you can eat just the right meal... Parents' love is endless nagging in every ordinary day, because they are afraid that you will take a detour, because in this world, only they sincerely want you to be better than them

When I thought I was growing up, my heart was like a runaway wild horse. For the sake of the so-called freedom, I was young and ignorant and didn't understand the sadness of parting, pursued happiness, and never looked back... The hardships of life made me grow up, and the hardships of life also made my parents old. Looking at the wrinkles on my mother's face and the white hair on my father's temples, I couldn't help feeling distressed. After the pain, I treasured it more. I try to hold your hand tightly and accompany you on the final road. I always hope that happiness will surround you, happiness will embrace you, health will be with you, and I always hope I can do more for you... However, I have lost you, my beloved parents, I comfort myself, my mother is out of pain, my father is out of pain... I look up at the stars, It turned out that my parents never left me, they hid in my crazy eyes.

Parents' love is a long way. Wherever we go, good times and bad times are always with us, never giving up. The lingering concern, the earnest exhortation, guide us to get lost, and protect us all the way... Dear Mom and Dad, in the days when you leave and never return, I found myself on the road you once walked, as you wish, I want to go better and farther

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In such a modern society, education is also changing from feudal to modern. When I was young, a piece of sugar, a melon seed, a bag of Qiaokeli had great temptation to myself, so I would study hard for them, but always failed to achieve my goal. When he grew up, he began to covet novels and comics. In order to get them, he would become a Jinshi (myopic) by burning midnight oil. But once he got them, he would have a strong sense of satisfaction. From a child in kindergarten to a young girl in bloom, she has experienced many difficulties and learned to be strong through difficulties. In the process of learning to be strong, parents' love is essential. When walking in the mud, parents' love is a bridge, leading her to the right path; When walking in the rainstorm, parents' love is an umbrella to help them continue to walk; When walking on the rope, parents' love is a counterweight, so that they can reach the opposite side safely; When walking in the dark, parents' love is a lamp, guiding the true direction. The love of parents is the magic blue spring water and the magic lithograph, which depicts the eternal heaven and tells us how to find happiness. In the snow and ice, parents' love is like a thick cotton padded jacket; In the tropical rainforest, parents' love is like a glass of cool soda. Love is not a matter of words, but of heart and action. A piece of sugar or a bag of chocolate can't express four things. Real love is interlinked and doesn't need much sweet talk. True love, even if let go, will not go with the wind. The parents' love will gently wipe away the child's body injury, making the child never despair. Many parents always hope that their children can not lose at the starting line, so they spend a lot of money to get tutors to eat and drink well, thinking that this is love for their children, but their children's achievements can not be improved because they lack another kind of care - love for children's spirit. Without this kind of care, even if they eat well and dress well, It can not make up for the shortcomings of children's minds.

A child's heart, like the eye of a needle, is the only outlet that can accept his parents. If parents do not correct their misunderstanding of love in time, the white thread will not go through even though it is thin. Children will grow up one day and fly in the air like eagles. If parents always don't trust their children, then love will change from concern to restraint in the eyes of children, which is counterproductive. Father's love is like a mountain, no words, no warmth. No matter how ignorant you are, you still stand on the way of your life, watching for you day and night. Please cherish father's love; Maternal love is like water. It is so touching and warm. You can make trouble without knowing anything, but it still spreads its wings like an angel to guard you and give you eternal warmth. Please cherish your maternal love. Father is the bridge to cultivate our personality. He warns us to treat others with integrity, serious attitude and not carelessness. Mother is the bridge that leads us to life. She raises us and is satisfied to see us grow from a small tree to a towering tree.

Parents do not need to pay back their love. They just want to watch their children fly into the blue sky and become the pride of the new generation.

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There are some things that we cannot understand about our parents, and there are some things that our parents do not understand about us. Today, I learned what love is.

My mother told me her story: When I was a child, my mother lived very hard, so she seldom ate delicious food. My grandpa has guests at his home. I bought a lot of delicious food. Then, when the guests were full, they left. There is a can of fish left. Grandma said, "I will return the canned fish." Mom wanted to eat it. If Grandma didn't give it, Mother would cry all the time. Grandma said, "Canned fish is bad for human body." She was going to return the canned fish. But my mother still wanted to eat, and then my grandmother hit my mother. Mom would stop crying for food. Then Grandma returned the canned fish.

Mom also told a story: Mom should go to school, because the school is far away, so every day I have to pick up grandpa. My mother doesn't want to go to school, nor does my aunt. But they have to go to school. If they don't go to school, they leave their mothers in school. Mom and they began to cry. It's the same every day. Mom doesn't know why. Mom now knows why Grandpa did that to them. Mother is like grandpa when he is educating her. I felt a different kind of love.

I don't know my mother's love for me. But I know grandpa's love for his mother, and grandma's love for her mother. Mom, I love you, I like you.

Chapter 2

Everyone says that parents' love is the sea, and the love we return to parents is too shallow, just like a stream.

There are various kinds of parents' love, some are strict love, some are indulgent, some love makes people independent and confident, some love makes people relaxed and happy... I am lucky because the love my parents gave me makes me grow up healthily.

Let's start with my mother's love. My mother is strict with me, which is a kind of strict love. She kept exercising my independence, from the first time I was asked to buy yogurt with money to buy vegetables alone, from the kindergarten to let me walk home by myself to go home by car after school, from boiling water to preparing milk, from picking vegetables and washing vegetables to cutting vegetables and frying vegetables... It was my mother who let me try all kinds of things again and again, It was my mother who let me exercise in the attempt, and it was my mother who let me learn to be independent.

My mother not only exercises my independence, but also takes great care to protect my eyes. I remember one time, I was reluctant to put down the book to sleep because I saw the wonderful place when reading a book. I played flashlight on the bed and read the book with relish. Later, the door "clicked" and my mother came into my room. I quickly turned off the flashlight and "slept well". Although my mother had seen my "crime", she just said painfully, "You should protect your eyes. You are using your eyes all day long and don't pay attention to rest. Do you want to wear glasses?" Then she sat beside my bed and gently did eye exercises for me.

Dad's love makes me happy. My body and mind are relaxed when I am with my father. He played with me and did experiments with me. Even though he knew it was impossible to succeed, he not only didn't oppose me to do it, but also accompanied me to do it. But telling history and jokes seems to be my father's responsibility. He always makes me happy. My father will give me a lot of freedom. Sometimes my mother will take care of me, but my father will oppose me. He thinks that my mother will let me do things I don't want to do under the banner of "I am good for you, and you will thank me in the future". Dad always wants me to live happily every day.

My father and mother don't attach much importance to my academic achievements. If I do well in the exam, they won't praise me immediately; If I fail in the exam, they will not criticize me, but help me find the reason for my mistakes. I remember that in the final exam of last semester, my performance was not ideal, and my mother did not criticize me. She knew that I failed the exam and felt bad. She helped me analyze the wrong questions and encouraged me to change my learning "potential" into "strength". When I told my father about the results, my father was not a bit unhappy. Instead, he said to me humorously, "Congratulations, you have more room for improvement."

Sometimes, the love of my parents is just a word or an action. I feel the deep love of my parents in every little thing.